Category: Flea Guides

  • Where Do Fleas Hide?

    Where Do Fleas Hide?

    Fleas in the house are not uncommon. Not only owners of private houses and summer cottages, but also residents of high-rise buildings risk having them. If an infestation occurs, the parasites actively spread in a warm, humid place. They do not like sunlight, cleanliness and low temperatures. Where do fleas hide in the house? Let’s find out.

    All the Fleas’ Hiding Spots

    There are many blood-sucking insects, but fleas are the most well-known. Flea bites are not only painful and itchy, they are often dangerous. The pests are small, but can be seen with the naked eye, although it is difficult to look for them. While waiting for their prey, they skillfully hide and lay eggs in the most unexpected places, making them difficult to treat. However, there are places where fleas are likely to be found.

    • In a house parasites usually hide in hard-to-reach places;
    • The insects are easily noticeable on pets;
    • These parasites don’t live outside.

    Where do fleas like to hide?

    Many people mistakenly believe that they settle on their pets, such as a cat or a dog, but this is not true. Fleas are not gregarious and do not form nests, but as free hunters, they attack their prey to quench their bloodlust and then hide in hiding places.

    flea on crystals

    However, the appearance of just a few insects in the apartment is enough, and very soon its inhabitants will have to deal with the problem. These parasites multiply very quickly, and since they have no clearly defined nest, the insects disperse wherever they go. Due to their ability to jump quickly and far, the entire apartment becomes a home for these parasites.

    Where do fleas hide on cats?

    Where do fleas like to hide on cats? Cat fleas are easy to detect visually, because they are larger and can stay on the animal’s body for long. The sooner the owner manages to detect fleas in the cat, the sooner it will be possible to get rid of them.

    Symptoms of infestation are quite characteristic and clearly visible to any owner. When stroking, combing or bathing the cat, you can notice black insects, their eggs or their traces. The latter resemble grains of salt or black pepper. Fleas are especially noticeable on the pet’s head, neck and chin.

    Where do fleas like to hide on dogs?

    It’s easy to tell if your pet has fleas; if you look very closely, you’ll find white crumbs on the coat, which are flea eggs.

    If you brush your pet on a white sheet, you can see the insects on the cloth and on the comb. On dogs, the parasites mostly hide near the ears, where the body temperature is higher, as well as in the places where the hair is the longest ⁠— then it is easier for fleas to hide.

    Where do fleas hide in the house?

    Where can fleas live? Let’s figure it out:

    Upholstered furniture

    This is a suitable place for them to pupate. The larvae hide from light, penetrating into the smallest creases and crevices of upholstered furniture. There they stay until they turn into adults.

    On shelves and cabinets

    Cat owners know that sometimes their pets can easily jump up to the ceiling. Therefore, the presence of fleas on bookshelves, kitchen furniture and other high places should not be surprising.


    Female species lay eggs in animal fur, but when the pet moves, they fall off. Most often, flea eggs end up on the floor or in the fibers of carpeting. After a few days, a new generation of bloodsuckers will emerge from them.

    Where do fleas hide in bed?

    Parasites can live inside the bed. As I said before, parasite eggs from your pet’s fur can fall on your bed. Where does your pet spend most of its time? If your cat or dog sleeps on the bed, the risk of the bed being infested with fleas is very high.

    Where do fleas hide in bedroom?

    In the bedroom, fleas can hide almost anywhere:

    • floor and all adjacent surfaces up to 1.5 meters high;
    • behind baseboards, in cracks and crevices, behind wallpaper that comes off underneath;
    • bed and linens;
    • in cases where fleas have become abundant in the apartment ⁠— beds, sofas and bedding.

    Where do fleas hide outside?

    Parasites have nothing to do outside the house. They tend to find human and animal habitats. Typical flea habitat is an apartment.


    flea on the sand

    Here I present the list of the most common questions about fleas:

    Can fleas live in houseplants?

    Only cruciferous fleas can live in plants. They do not feed on blood, so they are only particularly dangerous to flowers and leaves.

    Can fleas live in wood?

    Some fleas hide in wood floors, baseboards, etc. They live there to hide from danger and to lay their eggs.

    Do fleas live in cat litter?

    Flea larvae can indeed feed on this specific type of food. Normal adult fleas are unlikely to choose such a habitat.

    Find All Parasites in Your House

    Now you know the main places where these small insects hide. When treating the room, be sure to pay attention to these spots.

    Share your thoughts about the topic in the comments below. Have you found flea eggs in places like this? What other flea refuges do you know?

    Also read:


    • Diseases from fleas (King County)
    • CatFlea (Entomology and Nematology Department)
    • Fleas on Dogs (Blue Cross)
  • What Attracts Fleas?

    What Attracts Fleas?

    Fleas are not just annoying insects. They are a real threat to your health and the health of your pets. These are active jumping parasitic creatures that feed on animal and human blood. If pests are found in an apartment or house, their presence will not go unnoticed. Let’s find out what attracts fleas to avoid taking them into your house.

    Fleas’ Favorite Smells

    bloody flea on dog

    The parasites are mainly attracted to blood and heat emitted by humans or animals.

    1. Smell of blood and heat are liked by fleas;
    2. Type of food doesn’t influence on parasite’s choice;
    3. Particular light or color doesn’t attract these insects;
    4. Strong odors, essential oils, alcohol may help you to repel fleas and other insects.

    What attracts fleas?

    The only thing they live for is a potential host. They are attracted by the smell of blood and heat. When the parasite smells you or your pet, it immediately starts attacking.

    What food attracts fleas?

    What food attracts fleas? Adult parasites feed on blood (stabbing-sucking mouthparts), develop in animal hair or bedding. Larvae feed on plant debris, feces, and dry blood. Therefore, the only food for adults is you and your pets. Are fleas attracted to water? Absolutely not. They die within seconds in water, so a parasite will never get into vessels with water on its own.

    What light attracts fleas?

    girl found a big flea on a dog

    Are fleas attracted to light? They are not attracted to the light itself, they are more interested in the heat that the light source can emit. Moreover, only cat fleas have an ability to see light sources. Therefore, a special light trap can be constructed at home from candles or a simple lamp. If you install a thing like that, parasites will fall into the trap and die there.

    What color attracts fleas?

    Since fleas can’t distinguish colors, your brightly colored clothes or the color of your cat or dog don’t affect their main target: your blood. The parasites respond only to heat.

    Yesterday’s hibernating pupae come to life when they barely smell the body heat, movement, and exhaled air of a potential host. If the adult parasite does not eat immediately, it will die.

    What Smell Attracts Fleas?

    What do fleas like? If heat has an odor, it is what attracts them. You or your pet are known to emit carbon dioxide when you breathe. You could say that the smell of this gas attracts dangerous parasites.


    fleas, ants and larvae on a twig

    We collected the most asked questions about the topic:

    Do fleas like certain blood types?

    No, it is a myth. Insects have not yet learned to distinguish between different types of blood. They have no special preferences — any blood will do, especially that of animal origin.

    Why do fleas bite me and no one else?

    Factors such as odors and body heat are worth considering. For example, a person with a fever will be bitten more often than a healthy pearson.

    What scent repels fleas on humans?

    The parasites don’t like smells of smoke, alcohol, essential oils and other strong odors. Also you may try to use some anti-mosquitoes remedy – it’s pretty effective for all insects.

    Favorite Things for Fleas

    If you want to avoid getting these small parasites in your house, you shouldn’t care about food, light level in your room, or the color of clothes you wear – nothing of these matters. In contrast, you need to maintain your house in purity and wash your pet regularly. Take care of yourself and your pets!

    Share your thoughts about the topic in the comments below. Have you ever had fleas bite you and not your relatives? What do you think this has to do with?

    Also Read:


    • Can fleas see? (FleaScience)
    • Blood groups (National Health Service),there%20are%208%20blood%20groups.
    • CatFlea (Entomology and Nematology Department)
  • How Long Can Fleas Live in an Empty House?

    How Long Can Fleas Live in an Empty House?

    Fleas are the most bothersome type of parasite that can harm not only your pets but you as well. Small parasites usually live in pet’s fur or in hair, but an abscenes of these living conditions is not a problem for them – their larvae are super-resistant and can live without a carrier for a long time. The insects can belong to one of many species, but the methods of fighting them are the same. How long can fleas live in an empty house? Let’s figure it out.

    Fleas Without a Host: Can They Survive?

    Fleas transmit dangerous diseases (tularemia, typhoid, plague, etc.)When they are found, you should take immediate action to eradicate the colony.

    1. Fleas can leave without food around 2-3 month;
    2. The parasites usually hide in hardy-accessible places;
    3. The insects are easily killed by disinfectants and from straight physical influence.

    How long do fleas live?

    How long can a flea live? The parasite can survive up to three months without a carrier, so you can’t just wait elsewhere without the insects — you should start fighting the parasites right away.

    Their bodies are adapted to living in unfavorable conditions and the absence of a food source. But they can’t go without food indefinitely, because they need fresh blood to reproduce and lay eggs.

    flea treatment for dogs

    How long will fleas live in a house without pets? In reality, they can live for about 2 months without animals or humans. They are highly resistant to negative external factors. If you notice fleas in your home, contact a sanitation service to get rid of the parasites quickly.

    Can fleas survive without a host?

    Once firmly attached to its host, the insect feeds for eight hours and can live for up to three months. Fortunately, most adult fleas are capable of living without a host for no more than 10 days. However, some species live for up to a year in conditions of high humidity and temperature.

    How do fleas survive in an empty house?

    There is a common misconception that these parasites are constantly hiding in the fur of pets and will quickly die if deprived of this opportunity. Flea without its carrier can live for about 2 months. They are highly resistant to negative external factors. What do fleas eat to stay alive? Fleas cannot feed on anything but digested animal or human blood, so without a host, they feed on nothing.

    flea prevention for dogs

    To make insect control as effective as possible and eliminate the problem quickly, it’s important to know which areas you need to pay more attention to. Fleas can move around the house, but they usually concentrate in the places where they are most comfortable. These are:

    • upholstered furniture, mattresses;
    • bed linens, towels;
    • carpets, mats (especially with natural pile), linoleum;
    • cracks in the floor, baseboards;
    • pet bedding;
    • household trash.

    Can fleas survive without a host?

    Let’s find out the lifespan of a flea without host. Life expectancy depends on the temperature, humidity, and habitat conditions of the adult, averaging 18 days to 3 months. During this time, the insect makes on average about one hundred bites on its victim.

    In a lifetime, under ideal conditions, the female can lay up to five hundred eggs. No matter how comfortable the living conditions are, they often die from infections they spread, animals’ teeth, human hands, or from disinfectant. If you leave for a month or two, the parasites will not die, but calmly wait for your return…


    old flea closeup

    The most popular questions about fleas with answers:

    Can dog fleas live on furniture?

    Fleas feed on the blood of the host, so if they mistakenly get on the furniture, they will not stay there for long. Under unfavorable conditions, fleas can lay eggs on furniture, but they will not live there.

    Can fleas die on their own?

    In the absence of a host, fleas will not live more than three months. However, some species live up to a year in conditions of high humidity and temperature.

    How long can flea eggs lay dormant?

    Fleas usually lay eggs on the host, with 25 to 40 eggs per day. They are not attached in any way, so they fall on the ground, floor, carpet, and larvae hatch from them on days 2-10. Carpets and upholstery in the house are an ideal environment for their development.

    Lifespan of Fleas

    The parasites are highly resistant to adverse conditions. Fleas can live for several months without a host, so you should not put off fighting them for long.

    Share your thoughts about the topic in the comments below. What species of fleas do you consider the most tenacious?

    Also Read:


    • Flea (Miriam Louisa Rothschild – Britannica)
    • 7 Places Fleas Hide (PAULA FITZSIMMONS – PetCoach)
  • Does Bleach Kill Fleas: Get Rid of Pests at Home

    Does Bleach Kill Fleas: Get Rid of Pests at Home

    Does bleach kill fleas? This is an important question for pet owners. Fleas are a nuisance that can damage your health. They are also difficult to control due to their small size and ability to hide in hard-to-reach places. Faced with the problem of pests at home, people resort to many measures to get rid of the insects. Some methods can be useless or even dangerous. It is important to find an effective but safe way so that not to harm the health of your pet and your own.

    Guide on Getting Rid of Fleas With Bleach

    1. Remove animals from the apartment.
    2. Do a thorough cleaning.
    3. Prepare a bleach solution.
    4. Spray all surfaces.
    5. Wash your clothes and the pets’ bedding.
    6. Ventilate the flat well after the treatment.
    7. Rinse all objects and surfaces in your house.

    How to Use Bleach Against Fleas

    Fleas seem to make your furry pet uncomfortable and itchy all the time, but these insects are also dangerous for both the pet and you. Foremost, fleas are carriers of diseases. Whether your dog gets flea-bitten or swallowed, both cases can cause illness. Fleas can also bite you. Their bites are very itchy. Scratching the bite area on your body can also provoke an infection.

    many small fleas under the microscope

    Fleas can bring a lot of problems into your home. If you find even one flea in your home or on your pet’s body, you should start preventive measures immediately. Flea control is a painstaking task. Even if you think you’ve killed the last flea in the house, there might still be one larva left somewhere that will become a problem for you again after a while.

    There are many methods of controlling fleas. But what if you have to act urgently? Will chlorine kill fleas? This is a simple remedy that everyone has at home.’

    Does flea bleach kill fleas?

    Bleach kills fleas as it is a strong disinfectant. It acts aggressively on all living organisms. If you stick to the rules of use, you can get rid of fleas without harming others. You can destroy the pests by drowning them in bleach. However, not all fleas are easily noticeable since they are located in different parts of your home. Also, you can’t use bleach on all surfaces.

    Bleach kills fleas almost instantly. The stronger the concentration, the faster a flea is killed. The pests get suffocated by inhaling the gas that bleach releases. Getting the substance on the insect’s body causes severe burns.

    You can’t poison the insects with the smell only. Bleach is most effective if you apply it directly to fleas at a short distance.

    Does bleach kill fleas on hard surfaces?

    Bleach is great for fighting fleas on any kind of surface, be it tiles, cement, or wood. It is important to remember that if the wood is varnished, bleach can damage it. It is essential to use the right concentration to avoid damaging your furnishings, floor, and walls.

    Using bleach for flea infestations and covered flea eggs

    Will bleach water kill fleas? — Yes. This is a handy way to apply bleach at home, but if you use a spray gun.

    If you are convinced that fleas live in your home, you should start exterminating them immediately. Before using flea bleach, you must remove all animals from your house. This applies not only to cats and dogs but also to fish, hamsters, turtles, etc. People also shouldn’t stay indoors after using bleach. This is especially related to small children. Therefore, it is best to move to another place for the next few days.

    Once you take your pets and children to a safe place, proceed to the next steps:

    1. Prepare a bleach solution, for example, 1 part bleach to 10 parts water. Ensure to wear clothing that covers your hands and feet and use gloves. Goggles will prevent chlorine from getting into your eyes. It would be great if you had a mask to completely cover your face.
    2. Before you start treating surfaces in your house with the solution, vacuum the floors and mats. Vacuuming will lift the lint on the carpets, so it will be easier for bleach to stick to the base of the carpet and poison fleas.
    3. Spray the solution on with a spray gun. Make sure you treat all areas where the pests might live or where they lay eggs. It is better to apply the solution with a syringe in hard-to-reach places such as under baseboards or in crevices.
    4. Wash pet’s clothes and bedding in hot water. You can add chlorine to them if they are not made of delicate fabrics.
    5. After you treat your home, the room should be well-ventilated. Cleaning the house is the final step in pest control. You need to thoroughly rinse the bleach off all surfaces.

    Remember that the main carrier of fleas in the house is your cat or dog. The animals should also be treated for fleas with special products from the veterinary pharmacy.

    Frequency of bleach use

    flea under the appliance

    Bleach should be used until you are sure there are no pests left in your home. However, it is not a good idea to treat your apartment daily. You can hurt yourself, your pet, and the furniture. Fleas have a breeding rate of about 30 days. If you poison all the pests but leave their eggs somewhere, new fleas will hatch in about a month. That’s why it’s a good idea to sprinkle flea bleach once a month.

    Safety precautions for use

    Using bleach incorrectly can be dangerous to your health. Be sure to follow the recommendations below:

    • Keep pets away from the house while using the solution;
    • After treatment, you should thoroughly wash all surfaces with water so that your pets do not have direct contact with the bleach;
    • To avoid getting burns to the skin and mucous membranes, you must wear gloves and a face mask. Wear goggles as well while treating the house with bleach;
    • Before you start spraying the bleach solution on furniture, floors, and other items, test the effect of the chemical on a small area of furniture. Make sure that the product does not leave white spots;
    • In an attempt to get rid of fleas once and for all, do not make an overly concentrated solution. Chlorine does not affect flea pupae anyway. They will continue their lifecycle, and in a couple of weeks, fleas will be hopping around your flat again. Therefore, it is better to repeat the treatment after a month without ruining things in your apartment.

    Will bleach kill fleas in the yard?

    If you thoroughly disinfect the house and your pet comes back from the yard scratching a lot, there will be fleas too. It’s much harder to control fleas outdoors than indoors. The backyard is full of stolen spots where the pests can live and breed comfortably. Before you get rid of fleas outside, you need to create an environment where they won’t want to stay:

    • Trim the bushes that are too tall;
    • Clean up your yard so that there is as little enclosed space where the vermin can live as possible;
    • If there are many trees in your yard, you need to cut long branches, especially those that are low to the ground. Fleas do not tolerate direct sunlight.

    Once you tidy up your yard, you can treat it with bleach. The solution can damage your lawn and other plants. Therefore, you should never make it too concentrated. To prevent plants from dying, you should not spray bleach on them more often than once every 1 to 1,5 months.

    FAQ About Using Bleach on Fleas

    flea drawing

    We’ve already found out that bleach is suitable to get rid of fleas at home. Answers to other popular questions should help you use the pest repellent correctly.

    Does bleach kill all stages of fleas?

    The flea stages are an egg, a larva, a pupa, and an adult flea. Mature fleas are killed immediately by direct contact with bleach. Eggs and larvae are also killed by bleach but the task is difficult because they are hidden in the most inaccessible places. This is the reason why it is necessary to re-treat after one month.

    How effective is bleach on fleas?

    Bleach is an effective flea killer. Aggressive to all living creatures on direct contact, it causes burns and dehydration. If you manage to apply it directly to the insect, it will instantly die. The effect also depends on concentration. Remember that an excessively concentrated solution can damage your furniture.

    Is bleach harmful to dogs?

    To avoid poisoning your pets during disinfection, you should remove them from the house. After treating the house with bleach, it should be thoroughly washed off all surfaces. As dogs lick their paws, don’t allow the pet to come into contact with the treated surfaces.

    Use Bleach to Solve the Flea Problem

    If you’ve been wondering: “Does bleach kill fleas and eggs?” — you know the answer now. Bleach is an effective treatment for exterminating fleas in the home. It is popular because it is cheap and easy to use. Bleach not only kills fleas and their eggs but is an excellent disinfectant. A mild bleach solution can be applied as a preventive measure against parasites.

    Tell us about your experience of getting rid of fleas. Did you use bleach? How quickly did you manage to solve the problem of fleas in your house?

    Also Read:


    • Fleas (University of Minnesota)
    • Flea diseases (Ehrlich)
    • Controlling Fleas and Ticks Around Your Home (US Environmental Protection Agency)
    • Cleaning and Sanitizing with Bleach after an Emergency (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
  • How to Get Rid of Cat Dandruff or Flea Eggs: Easy Control & Prevention Guide

    How to Get Rid of Cat Dandruff or Flea Eggs: Easy Control & Prevention Guide

    Cat dandruff or flea eggs often look similar to each other. As a result, pet owners might need to ask for a veterinarian’s help to determine the correct diagnosis. It is vital to start the proper treatment and make your cat fur clean and shiny as soon as possible.

    Also, comparing parasites vs. dandruff treatment, we will find out that the therapy might differ. As a result, the disease might spread, and your pet’s condition might worsen if you try to cure parasites like cat dandruff or vice versa.

    Getting Rid of Cat Dandruff or Parasites Eggs: General Guide

    At first, you need to know what different parasites look like on cats, as well as what cat dandruff looks like. Only when you are 100% sure about the exact kind of disease affecting your pet, you can choose a proper way to get rid of it.

    the cat itches

    How can you tell the difference between parasites eggs and dandruff on cats?

    If you ever asked yourself whether parasites look like dandruff on cats, we might give you a short answer which you won’t like. And the answer is: “It depends.” For example, different flea species might lay eggs that look more or less similar to dandruff.

    Modern science knows more than 2200 fleas species. Still, about 50% of those insect species can’t leave on domestic animals’ fur. So there are still 50% of flea types left. Also, sometimes there might be combined cases. It’s when cats simultaneously have parasites eggs and dandruff.

    flea treatment for a cat

    There are a few ways to understand what kind of disease your cat got. Most of those methods can be performed at home and don’t require additional help. One of the most easy-to-perform and effective ways to distinguish dandruff from parasite eggs is:

    • Putting a few specks into the water;
    • Observing a few tiny white pieces on a cat’s fur.

    You must know that parasite particles are heavier than water and not sticky. So, as a result, if specks are drowning in the water or falling off the pet’s fur after a few hours — these are flea eggs. Also, parasite eggs can’t survive in water for too long. You can gather all particles from your pet’s fur and let it drown to get rid of parasites. Likewise, if white pieces float on the water surface or stick to the cat’s hair — it’s dandruff. That’s pretty much the whole process.

    What do cat flea eggs look like?

    In general, there is not much to say about flea eggs. First, they are small (in general, about 0.0196 inches). Moreover, if you have ever wondered what color are flea eggs compared to dandruff, they are more milk and (or) pearl shaded. Still, it’s pretty common to misidentify when you check them with your eyes only.

    FAQ: Cat Dandruff or Parasites Eggs: How to Determine Properly?

    flea prevention for cats

    This small guide contains enough info to find out if your cat has dandruff or flea eggs. However, if you missed something, please, look at the additional information below. Also, you can think about your cat having dandruff in case it has obesity.

    What does a flea nest look like on a cat?

    Flea nests on cats look like round or oval-shaped bald patches on the skin, surrounded by weakened hair. You can always find at least a few fleas and lots of eggs not far away from the nest. Basically, that is all you need to know to understand what do flea eggs look like on cats.

    Why does my black cat have dandruff?

    Finding black cat dandruff or flea eggs source to cure might be pretty complicated due to the specific color of the fur. Black cats usually have dandruff more often than others because they don’t get enough ultraviolet light on their skin. Most often, their black hair doesn’t get sunlight in sufficient amounts.

    What color are parasites eggs on cats?

    Flea eggs are white with milky or pearl shades on cats, dogs, other pets, and even humans.

    Cat Dandruff or Flea Eggs Why It’s Important to Distinguish

    Both cat dandruff and parasite eggs are pretty common diseases that, in most cases, can be cured with a few specialized bathes and the use of drops or spray. Still, different shampoos and medications are widely available to cure those diseases.

    So, it would be better to learn how to distinguish parasite eggs and cat dandruff at home. Thus, you will use proper treatment from the very beginning and save money and time. Have you ever faced flea eggs, dandruff, or other similar problems with your pet? Please, let me know in the comment section!

    Also Read:


    • Fleas (MSU Pesticide Safety Education Program)
    • Fleas: A Source of Torment for your Cat (Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine)
  • Does Heat Kill Fleas: Pest Control at Home

    Does Heat Kill Fleas: Pest Control at Home

    The issue “does heat kill fleas” is relevant for pet owners – especially when the warm season comes. An animal’s body temperature is a perfect habitat for fleas. After returning from outside, pets can bring fleas on them. You may find the parasites in clothing, furniture, and carpets. Fleas begin to annoy not only your pet but also you. Their bites are unpleasant and dangerous for both pets and people.

    How To Get Rid of Fleas:

    1. Find out where fleas live in your house or in the yard.
    2. Learn what temperature kills fleas.
    3. Choose a suitable way of heat treatment of affected objects.
    4. Make sure to get rid both of fleas and their eggs.
    5. Take preventative measures to ensure that the pests do not reappear.

    Guide on How to Ger Rid of Fleas

    effects on a dog after fleas

    If you decide to get rid of fleas on your own or without the use of special chemicals, you should learn more about them. Do fleas die in heat? Where do they live? What conditions do they prefer? Let’s take a closer look at the topic.

    Can heat kill fleas?

    It is comfortable for fleas to live in the warmth. That’s why, hiding in the fur of your pet, pests enter the house and begin to produce actively. If you notice one flea in the house, chances are they have already invaded the whole house.

    They may be in your warm bed or on your clothes. Among the ways to kill pests, heat treatment for fleas with hot water or steam may be the most effective. However, it is important to observe the correct temperature conditions and humidity. This will help to get rid of the pests as soon as possible.

    What temperature kills fleas

    huge flea on dog

    Fleas live comfortably at temperatures up to 95℉. Temperatures higher than 95℉ kill them. So when it comes to heat treating things, they should be dried or washed at the highest possible temperature. Outdoors, pests die on their own if temperatures stay above 95 ℉ for two days.

    How to kill fleas with heat

    To kill fleas in the house, you need to treat all the places where they can live. Often these are clothes, carpets, furniture, and your pet’s sleeping place. Clothes should be washed in the washing machine, in hot water, and with plenty of laundry detergent. Then the clothes should be rinsed well. The combination of hot water, soapy water, and the vibrations of the washing machine will help the fleas to leave your clothes. In an effort to get rid of fleas, don’t forget the properties of your clothes.

    After washing, place the clothes in the dryer and dry them at the maximum temperature allowed. Drying will help finish off any fleas that may have survived the wash.
    Do the same with your pet’s bedding, bed linen, towels, etc. You can try gently steaming or ironing things that cannot be washed in a washing machine.


    fleas on dog face

    And in addition, a few more answers on the subject. This information will also help you get rid of the hated fleas.

    Does heat kill flea eggs?

    Temperatures above 95 degrees are destructive to flea eggs. Therefore, if fleas lay eggs in your clothes or furniture, heat treatment will help get rid of them.

    Does cold weather kill fleas?

    Fleas die if the air temperature drops below freezing for several days. However, their eggs or larvae simply hibernate at low temperatures and wake up when the air temperature rises.

    Do fleas like wet or dry conditions?

    Humidity plays an important role in the existence of fleas. Warm, humid places are the ideal environment for the pests to live and breed. In order for the fleas to die, the humidity must not reach 70%.

    To Sum It Up

    As you can see, if you have fleas in your house, it doesn’t always mean you need to treat the house with poisonous chemicals since the heat kills fleas and their eggs. But for effective control, you need to be well aware of the conditions in which fleas live and breed. Understand the potentially dangerous places where they may appear. And also take into account the climatic conditions of the region in which you live.

    If you take preventive measures, regularly check your pets for the presence of pests, and expose things to heat treatment, fleas will not bother you.

    Have you faced the problem of fleas in your home? Share your methods of getting rid of the pests.

    Also Read:


    • Fleas (Promoting and Protecting the City’s Health)
    • Fleas (Richard M. Houseman Urban Entomology State Specialist Division of Plant Sciences)
    • Controlling Fleas and Ticks Around Your Home (United States Environmental Protection Agency)
  • Does Baking Soda Kill Fleas? People Saying VS Scientific Evidence

    Does Baking Soda Kill Fleas? People Saying VS Scientific Evidence

    Discovering you have fleas at home is not the most pleasant news. After all, these tiny parasites bring discomfort and carry serious infections. You could use different methods to eliminate them, from disinfectants to home remedies.

    Among the latter, one of the most famous products to get rid of fleas on carpets is supposed to be baking soda. But does baking soda kill fleas indeed? We decided to find out if this powder has the superpowers which it is credited with.

    How to Get Rid of Fleas

    1. Inspect the surface at your home which is affected.
    2. Choose a method for treating which you trust.
    3. If you want to use baking soda or a mix of salt and baking soda for fleas, check whether the soda is active.
    4. Treat the affected areas, keeping pets and children out of the room.

    Guide On How to Get Rid of Fleas with Soda Only

    veterinarian combing a dog

    If you are seeking a natural way to get rid of fleas, you could pay attention to baking soda. Whether you trust this method or are skeptical about it, let’s go deeper and look at where the stories about the superpowers of this product come from.

    How does baking soda kill fleas?

    Soda is a cheap universal product used for various purposes, including eliminating parasites. You always find it in your kitchen or the nearest store. Besides, the usage of organics for household needs is extremely topical. Baking soda is said to be able to unwater and kill fleas. However, there is currently no scientific evidence for this assumption. If you’ve faced this problem and look for a natural way to get rid of fleas, you could experiment.

    Does baking soda kill fleas’ eggs?

    As in the case of fleas, for now, science does not know whether baking soda kills fleas’ eggs. However, baking soda is still widely used to combat flea eggs. An extra element in this fight against fleas is called salt. Salt is believed to damage the exoskeleton of fleas.

    How to get rid of fleas with baking soda?

    If you decide to kill fleas with baking soda, you should follow the next steps. First, sprinkle the affected area with the powder, rub it on the surface with a scrubbing brush, and leave it for 12 hours. After that, vacuum carefully and repeatedly the treated places. Next, seal a vacuum cleaner bag in a plastic bag and throw it in the trash. Repeating the procedure after a few days might be good to prevent eggs from hatching.

    How to mix baking soda and salt for fleas?

    As we said, some use baking soda and salt mixture for fleas. If you intend to get rid of fleas this way, you should combine these components in equal proportions and use the mix the same way as soda.

    How long does it take baking soda to kill fleas?

    Fighting fleas is not a simple task. It will take you some time to kill fleas with baking soda thoroughly. Repeating the procedure several times is recommended to increase the likelihood of the fleas dying or being unable to reproduce.

    Baking Soda Against Fleas: FAQ

    Vet Giving Cat Treatment To Flea Infestation

    Will baking soda hurt cats and dogs?

    Baking soda is used in many pet products, proving its safety for cats and dogs. In particular, it is part of toothpaste and cat litter. But you should be careful and ensure that they do not swallow a significant amount of the soda.

    Does baking soda kill fleas on the carpet?

    Cosy rags are one of the favourite place for settling fleas. In order to get rid of fleas in carpet baking soda might be used. For this, sprinkle the powder on every bit of the woolly surface in your house which is affected.

    What should I do after sprinkling baking soda for fleas?

    After sprinkling baking soda in the affected areas in your house, it is advised to leave the treatment for 12 hours. Next, you should hoover all the surfaces properly. Do not forget to vacuum soft toys and blankets as well.

    Can any baking soda be used?

    Before applying baking soda for fleas, you should ensure it is active. For this, drip a few drops of vinegar to the powder. If you see bubbling for a few minutes on the surface, it means your soda is active.

    Baking Soda and Fleas: Conclusion

    girl treating dog with flea spray

    Nobody is insured to detect fleas in our houses. Available, cheap, natural, and safe, baking soda is called a good helper in the fight against these pests. Therefore, this method attracts not only those who prefer the economy but also followers of zero waste practice. However, if you intend to apply proven methods, we have to admit that there is currently no scientific proof for approving the suggestion that baking soda kills fleas. In this way, you should decide whether you are ready to check this method or to seek professional assistance.

    Share your experience: have you tried to kill fleas with baking soda? Has your effort been successful? Tell us about your results!

    Also Read:


    • Controlling Fleas (Mike Merchant and James Robinson – Texas A&M AgriLife Extension)
    • How Fleas Spread Disease (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
  • Does Peroxide Kill Fleas: Guide to Remove These Pests

    Does Peroxide Kill Fleas: Guide to Remove These Pests

    If you are a happy cat or dog owner, you are definitely familiar with that type of problem which seems to be so daily. Fleas are one of the most difficult pests that are hard to remove. Fleas cause discomfort to animals: there is severe itching, skin irritation, and fur loss. Also, parasites such as tapeworms can be transmitted through fleas.

    Tapeworms may get inside fleas and can infect a pet. Fleas can result in major diseases over time. Many pet owners wonder: Does hydrogen peroxide kill fleas? Сommercial-grade 3% hydrogen peroxide is a disinfectant that comes to mind first.

    How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide Against Fleas on Pet

    1. Mix 3 tablespoons of shampoo, one cup of peroxide, and water. Spray your pet every alternate day. Bathe your pet after spraying.
    2. For a serious infestation, rinse the pet’s fur with water. Then, pour one bottle of peroxide on the body, let it work for one minute, and wash the pet.
    3. Will hydrogen peroxide kill fleas in your house? Yes, all you need to do is spray the furniture with a fifty-fifty solution of water and peroxide.

    Guide on How to Kill Fleas with Hydrogen Peroxide

    Woman applying flea treatment to cat

    In this article, we will tell about all the main nuances of removing fleas by using hydrogen peroxide. We will finally answer the main questions that disturb pet owners.

    Can Peroxide Kill Fleas?

    Peroxide may kill fleas by submerging them or damaging the outer shell, which protects the flea from dehydration. Using peroxide kills flea-borne viruses and bacteria. Killing their eggs on textile cuts the flea population. This is why it is important to remove fleas not only from the skin but also from items throughout the house.

    Is It Safe to Use Hydrogen Peroxide?

    Surely you are interested: Is it safe to use hydrogen peroxide on dogs and cats? Peroxide can kill fleas, but it can irritate pet skin and may damage a pet’s fur. An important thing to know is you shouldn’t pour it on any spot which is dry because that will cause irritation. It is also important not to pour peroxide on deep wounds, as this will slow down their healing.

    How Do I Use Hydrogen Peroxide to Kill Fleas?

    For insignificant infestations, fill up a spray bottle with water, one cup of peroxide, and three tablespoons of shampoo for pets. Spray your pet every alternate day to remove any fleas and kill the eggs. Then wash your pet.

    If the infestation has spread all over the body, put the dog in a bath. Rinse him with water. Then, pour one bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide on pet. Let the combination of water and peroxide work for a minute before rinsing your dog.

    Woman Getting Golden Retriever Fur

    You also have to remove flea eggs from your house. Spray a fifty-fifty solution of water and peroxide to prevent infestation. Mix one part peroxide with one part laundry detergent in a plastic dish. Use this concoction to wash your clothes.

    Does Peroxide Kill Fleas on Cats?

    This method is suitable for both dogs, and cats. The most common animal for fleas to latch on is a dog. The reason is that, unlike cats, dogs like to play in the yard regularly and may get fleas from the grass or dirt.

    Precautions for Using Hydrogen Peroxide:

    • Use 3% hydrogen peroxide.
    • Watch out if your pet doesn’t drink peroxide.
    • Avoid using peroxide on your pet’s wounds.
    • Don’t apply to dry skin.
    • Avoid contact with eyes.
    • Wash off the solution well after the procedures.
    • Always follow instructions, and don’t experiment.

    FAQ on Hydrogen Peroxide Fleas Removal

    Girl pouring liquid on a cat

    Will Peroxide Kill Flea Eggs?

    Yes, hydrogen peroxide destroys living cells, including cells of flea eggs (outer shell) by dehydration. You must follow all precautions while using 3% hydrogen peroxide.

    What Kills Fleas Instantly?

    The most effective way to stop the infestation is by disrupting their life cycles and bringing their populations to an inactive state. Many chemical-based products can harm your pets’ health. Using peroxide for killing fleas is a safer alternative.

    Can I Bathe My Dog with Hydrogen Peroxide?

    Yes, you can bathe your dog, but don’t leave peroxide on the skin for a long time, rinse your dog well with water. Peroxide is safe for dogs when used right.

    Is Hydrogen Peroxide Safe for Cats Skin?

    3% hydrogen peroxide is not dangerous to cats at low concentrations. Just as with dogs, rinse the peroxide well from the cat’s body, don’t leave it for a long time, and don’t treat deep wounds. Watch out if your cat doesn’t drink hydrogen peroxide or lick peroxide-treated fur.

    What About Fleas? Let’s Sum It Up

    You can get fleas off your pets and household items by using 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is a proven and safe method. A bottle of peroxide can be found in every supermarket and pharmacy. Many people have peroxide in their first aid kit. But remember to take precautions. Consult with your veterinarian. Prolonged exposure to peroxide on a pet’s skin may cause mild irritation.

    What is your experience with fleas? What methods do you use?

    Also Read:


    • Tapeworms in Dogs: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention (By AKC Staff – American Kennel Club)
    • Fleaborne Diseases of the United States (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
  • Does Lime Kill Fleas? Benefits, Types, and Safety Rules

    Does Lime Kill Fleas? Benefits, Types, and Safety Rules

    People have been using lime for decades to improve the soil, and it has shown excellent repelling properties. Lime is a material made of carbonate rocks. Depending on the type of rock, there are agricultural and hydrated variations of lime. Agricultural lime is a soil conditioner made from crushed or dolomitic limestone, it is less toxic and thus widely used for treating plants. Does lime kill fleas? The short answer is yes, and in this article, I will explain its main properties and basic rules of application.

    Guide on Using Lime in the Yard

    1. Clean the yard and remove all the debris where fleas can hide.
    2. Detect places with the highest concentration of fleas; pay attention to shady, wet corners.
    3. Pour the lime solution into the chosen areas. Repeat if necessary, but don’t overdo it: Too much lime damages plants.
    4. Cut your grass short to prevent fleas in the future.

    Does Lime Kill Fleas?

    Lime is widely used in agriculture; it is a proven remedy with a number of benefits. Lime is known for improving water penetration, the uptake of major plant nutrients on acidic soil types, and providing a source of calcium for plants.

    Lime is also used for repelling insects, for example, aphids, beetles, squash bugs, and fleas. There are several types of lime, but only one of them is recommended for use in the garden.

    dog at the vet

    It is agricultural or garden lime. It affects both adult fleas and eggs helping to prevent the recurrence of flea outbreaks.

    Unlike saltwater that spoils the ground and makes it too dry for plants to thrive, agricultural lime affects insects directly. It kills fleas by drying out the eggs and damaging adult fleas so that they die from dehydration. This principle is similar to the way diatomaceous earth works. However, agricultural lime can damage both pests and beneficial insects.

    What Kind of Lime Kills Fleas?

    There are two main types of limes: agricultural and hydrated lime. The most important characteristic is their toxicity, which defines the principle of application:

    Agricultural lime is gentler. It is designed for use in gardens, farms, and fields to improve the quality of the soil. It provides calcium and magnesium that boost plant growth. This type is an animal-friendly product, but I strongly recommend avoiding direct contact with the powder;

    dog looking for flea in fur

    Hydrated lime is used as a component of building materials such as cement, concrete, and mortar. However, it can kill insects too. Due to its high toxicity, hydrated lime is used on outlying lands to kill insects that can harm animals. Hydrated lime for fleas is even more dangerous than agricultural, yet it is much more likely to cause burns and poisoning, which means it is not safe for animals too. This type of lime is forbidden in some areas, so you have to check the local regulations before applying it.

    How to Use Lime to Kill Fleas?

    Agricultural lime is the safest option between the two; it is still relatively toxic and might cause health issues both for humans and animals. Too much lime powder for fleas or too long exposition might also damage plants in the yard. Here are the steps you should take to ensure its proper application:

    1. The first thing to know when using lime to kill fleas is safety rules. Don’t let the product contact your bare skin. Wear waterproof gloves, don’t neglect eye protection, and protect your respiratory tracts. I also recommend wearing long pants and a long-sleeved shirt.
    2. Keep children and pets away from the lime application area until the product is entirely absorbed.
    3. Avoid spraying lime in rainy weather so that the toxins do not penetrate deeply into the soil. Applying lime under intense sunlight can burn plants.
    4. Don’t treat the yard with lime too often. It raises the pH level of the soil, which can make it harder for the plants to absorb water and nutrients through the roots.

    You can find various other instructions on the Internet, but the first thing to read is the description for the particular product. Here is an example of a DIY recipe you can use to prepare a flea-repellent spray based on agricultural lime:

    1. Mix ½ cup of agricultural lime with a gallon of water.
    2. Add 3 tbsp. of biodegradable dish soap to thicken the remedy and prevent it from washing away during the rain.
    3. Wait until the remedy soaks into the soil, and don’t let your pet visit the treated area before.

    Does Lime Kill Fleas in the Yard?

    Lime is a caustic material, and it has been long used in agriculture to improve soil quality. Among numerous useful properties, lime is known for its capacity to repel insects, in particular, fleas. Using lime for fleas in the yard affects the insect directly and affects all the stages, from an egg to an adult flea. After they contact lime, insects die from dehydration.

    FAQ About Using Lime to Kill Fleas

    Dog are checking for fleas

    Lime is not a product you can find in any kitchen, so using it for the first time might confuse you. Though it is a relatively harmless product, you still need to stick to the safety rules.

    How long does it take for lime to kill fleas?

    Getting rid of fleas rarely takes one round. Whatever method you choose, a certain percentage of their population can survive and mate. If you decide to use lime to kill fleas, it usually takes from 6-8 weeks to 3-4 months.

    Can I use lime juice to kill fleas?

    No study has proven that natural remedies can kill insects; they only work as repellents. The same concerns lime: No matter how you apply it, such ingredients can’t kill fleas. Another popular question is “does lime sulphur dip kill fleas?” — the answer is “no, it doesn’t affect fleas at any stage.”

    Is lime harmful to dogs?

    Agricultural lime is allowed to be used around animals with some restrictions in min. Don’t let animals visit the treated area until the remedy is fully absorbed. Direct contact with the product can cause chemical burns and poisoning. Hydrated lime is more toxic and is never used around pets.

    Will Lime Kill Fleas In the End?

    Agricultural lime for fleas can replace insecticides and give the same results. This type is less effective than hydrated lime, but it is the safest option for plants and animals. There are some safety rules when it comes to treating a yard with lime such as covering the skin and protecting the mucus membrane. I also highly recommend that you don’t let pets attend the treated area until the solution is completely absorbed.

    Have you already tried to get rid of the fleas in the yard on your own? What kind of remedy do you trust the most? Share your thoughts in the comments.

    Also Read:


    • The benefits of using lime to maximise soil nutrient performance (Department of Agriculture, Environmental and Rural Affairs)
    • Draft Safety Language For NLA Publication (Lime)
  • Does Pine-Sol Kill Fleas? Household Chemistry Repellent

    Does Pine-Sol Kill Fleas? Household Chemistry Repellent

    Pine-Sol is a kind of household chemistry that is used to clean grease and heavy soil stains. Launched in the 1930s, it contained pine oil as the main ingredient. Nowadays, there are a lot of variations based on the original recipe.

    This product is famous for its versatility, and it can be used on various surfaces for cleaning, disinfecting, and deodorizing purposes. No doubt it eliminates germs, but does Pine-Sol kill fleas? Here, you will find the answer.

    Guide on Using Pine-Sol for Fleas

    1. Spray the product on the doorsteps and windowsills.
    2. Put 1/4 cup of it into the gallon of water.
    3. Wash hard floors, wardrobes, and cabinets.
    4. Rinse the floor with water.
    5. Shampoo the carpets, and add 1/8 cup of Pine-Sol to water when rinsing.

    Does Pine-Sol Kill Fleas?

    Pine-Sol was designed as a detergent; it is not a traditional insecticide. However, the combination of ingredients makes this product not only a multi-purpose cleaner but also a popular solution to repel insects. You can find a variety of recipes on how to use it to get rid of wasps, flies, cockroaches, etc. Fleas are no exception, and the combination of ingredients affects all the insects in the same way.

    How Does Pine-Sol Affect Fleas?

    Hands of a woman looking for cat fleas

    To be sure that Pine-Sol deters insects, let’s figure out how it works and what it consists of. This is a water-based remedy with pine or eucalyptus oil. Here is a list of additional components and their purposes:

    • C10-12 alcohol ethoxylates and sodium C14-17 secondary alkyl sulfonate act as the cleaning agents. They have grease-eliminating properties and can be also found in laundry detergents, for example;
    • Glycolic acid removes soap scum and scale deposits;
    • Dimethicone/silica/PEG stearate varieties are used mainly as defoamers;
    • Caramel paints the liquid, which allows you to control the amount of the product when preparing the solution.

    According to the research, pine and eucalyptus can only repel insects, but these oils are not able to kill them due to the low concentration of the active substances. In practice, deterring parasites means that you have to carefully treat every surface they might live on, including carpets, soft furniture, curtains, and other fabrics. Adult fleas also can be found on hard floors. However, you can’t cover all these surfaces with pure essential oil. The only way you can use it is to prepare a water spray that reduces its concentration to a minimum.

    Siphonaptera flea under light

    Unlike sprays based on water, Pine-Sol contains two types of alcohol. Except for its main grease-cutting functions, it is also able to kill insects. You can’t use pure alcohol around your house for obvious safety reasons. This combination was supposed to be good-smelling household chemistry, but it turned out to be an effective insecticide.

    Whichever way of killing and deterring fleas you choose, it always implies cleaning. Fleas pass four stages of development: an egg, a larva, a cocoon, and an adult flea. Eggs represent about half of the population, and unlike larvae and cocoons, they can’t cling to surfaces. Therefore, you should prioritize removing them. Given that, no wonder that Pine-Sol shows impeccable results when fighting fleas:

    • Alcohol kills fleas at any stage of development due to its destructive properties;
    • A clean house smells like pine or eucalyptus, which repels insects from coming back;
    • Pine-Sol is safe for treating various surfaces, including wood, cement, ceramic tiles, and carpets.

    How to Use Pine-Sol to Get Rid of Fleas

    Thorough cleaning with Pine-Sol is enough to get rid of fleas, but I always advise using two methods at one time to get the best result. Applying this remedy is the most effective solution along with regular vacuum cleaning:

    1. First, treat all the doorsteps and windowsills in your house to make sure you won’t bring fleas to your home again.
    2. Mop hard floors with Pine-Sol solution (1/4 cup of the product per gallon of water) and pay attention to the wardrobes and cabinets.
    3. Shampoo the carpets and rinse them with 1/8 cup of the mixture.

    This product fits almost all surfaces except for worn wood, aluminum, marble, and copper. You’d also better avoid using it on dishes or cars.

    Is Pine-Sol Safe?

    As with any household chemistry, Pine-Sol is relatively safe if you follow the instructions. To avoid poisoning, skin irritation, and chemical burns, you should prevent the product from directly contacting the skin and mucous membrane. However, it can be dangerous for pets. Both essential oils and alcohol can seriously hurt animals since they have no enzymes to process them. If a pet swallows this product, it can lead to difficulty in breathing, lethargy, weakness, vomiting, and even death.

    FAQ About Using Pine-Sol on Fleas

    Flea drops in blue packaging

    By now, you already know the answer to the question: “Will Pine-Sol kill fleas?” However, some issues might still bother your mind. Let’s address the most common concerns people usually have about using Pine-Sol to fight fleas.

    Can Pine-Sol kill dogs?

    Pine-Sol contains alcohol and pine essential oil, both of which are dangerous for pets. If the harm caused by alcohol is obvious, essential oils seem to be safe as a natural remedy. Is Pine-Sol pet safe? No, dogs and cats don’t have the enzymes needed to absorb them. Swallowing essential oils can provoke serious health issues, and combined with alcohol and other chemicals, the treatment can lead to death.

    Can you bathe in Pine-Sol?

    No, you can’t. Pine-Sol is household chemistry but not shampoo. It contains two types of alcohol and burns the mucous membrane in direct contact. This cleaner can irritate the skin and harm the airways if you use it beyond the instruction.

    How long does it take for Pine-Sol to kill fleas?

    In direct contact, Pine-Sol kills fleas in 10-15 minutes. Yet, any method can’t remove 100% of fleas at one time. You should treat your home at least twice to notice the result and keep it clean in the future to prevent these insects from appearing again.

    Can Pine-Sol Kill Fleas at Once?

    Pine-Sol is an effective remedy that repels almost all types of insects. It contains pine or eucalyptus essential oils, and this combination provides effective results. It seems to be safer than insecticides and more affordable. However, as with any chemical product, it has certain restrictions, especially if you have pets. This solution is dangerous for cats and dogs because they can’t absorb the components it contains. Swallowing Pine-Sol can lead to serious intoxication and even death.

    Have you already tried any alternative to the insecticides? Do you think the combination of cleaning and repelling properties is effective in a single product? Please, share your suggestions.

    Also Read:


    • What Are the Ingredients in Pine-Sol? (Staff Writer)
    • Repellency Effect of Essential Oils of some Native Plants and Synthetic Repellents against Human Flea, Pulex irritans (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae)
    • Essential Oil and Liquid Potpourri Poisoning in Dogs (Renee Schmid, DVM & Ahna Brutlag, DVM, MS, DABT, DABVT Pet Poison Helpline; Dr. Charlotte Flint, DVM)
  • Does Salt Kill Fleas? Myths and Truth

    Does Salt Kill Fleas? Myths and Truth

    Preferring natural remedies to synthetic ones makes sense: They seem to be safer, cheaper, and are usually found in any kitchen. Salt fits all these criteria, so many people try to use it for a variety of purposes, and getting rid of insects is one of them.

    Does salt kill fleas? The short answer is yes, but not in the way you need. In this article, I will explain popular myths about using salt as a repellent and take a look at other, more effective ways to get rid of these parasites both indoors and outdoors.

    Guide on Using Salt Against Fleas

    1. Add salt to the water or use sea or ocean water.
    2. Pour it over the area where fleas dwell. This method works only outdoors.
    3. Wait until the soil dries and repeat the procedure if needed. Note that you can kill not only fleas but beneficial insects and plants.

    Does Salt Kill Flea Eggs or Adult Fleas?

    Fleas pass four stages of their development. Every stage behaves differently and dwells in a different environment:

    • Eggs resemble grains of salt; they are no bigger than 0,5 mm white and round-shaped. The first eggs are laid on a host 1-2 days after the first blood feeding. Unlike adult fleas, eggs can’t hold on to the host; they fall off in a few hours. It takes 2-3 days for an egg to hatch; then it becomes a larva;
    • The larva is much more difficult to remove because it sticks to various surfaces. The same applies to the next stage, the cocoon, which gets tied to the carpet fibers;
    • An adult flea’s life lasts for a week. It lays 25-30 eggs in a day, which means one adult flea can lay about 200 eggs overall.

    However, not every egg survives and hatches. Some of them die because of the unfavorable conditions, and others are non-viable, so they serve as feed for the larva. Any remedy is supposed to kill eggs as they are the easiest to remove and represent about half of the whole infestation.

    Salt is widely used in houses, and you can easily find a number of recipes on how to clean, keep the item fresh, or prevent pests by using salt. It is a popular means since it is safe, unlike household chemicals, and always at hand.

    Dead flea on animal fur

    You can find advice on using salt for fleas among all the options, but will it work out? This method dates back to the 1900s, before the invention of modern insecticides, and was applied to outdoor areas. To get rid of fleas, you have to spray salty water or seawater on the ground. It dries the soil and makes the environment unfavorable not only for fleas but for any other insect or plant. The efficiency of treating indoor areas with salt has never been scientifically proven to remove fleas.

    Is It Safe to Use Salt to Control Fleas?

    Fleas can be found both at home and outdoors, and there are different ways of fighting them based on the environment. The safest option is vacuum cleaning. Let’s see all the alternatives at your disposal, with salt coming as the first one.

    Salt and other natural remedies

    You might want to find a natural recipe to remove fleas. Essential oils, apple vinegar, and citruses are the most common ingredients to repel fleas, even though they are unable to kill the pests at any stage. The same applies to using salt for fleas in a yard: It is safe for humans, useless for fleas, and spoils the ground.

    Vacuum cleaning

    Vacuum cleaners remove all the stages of fleas, their feed, and the debris they hide in:

    • Eggs are the easiest to pick up, so a vacuum cleaner can collect from 30 to 90% of them;
    • Larva and cocoons attach to the carpet they live on, so you can remove them by vacuuming up to 50% of larva and a little bit more than 60% of cocoons.

    The main advantage of vacuuming is that it implies no insecticides are used. It is completely safe for anyone, including kids, pets, people suffering from allergies, etc. However, it can be used only indoors.


    Another way to remove fleas is insecticides. The market offers numerous products with different working principles, which affect fleas in various ways, for example:

    • deal with adult fleas, affecting the nervous system and preventing normal transmission of nerve impulses;
    • provoke rapid twitching of voluntary muscles, which leads to paralysis;
    • restrain ovicidal activity, which means they can kill the pests at the egg stage.

    You can use insecticides both outdoors and indoors, but they are less safe than vacuuming. Single-use of pesticides can lead to such symptoms as headache, dizziness, muscular weakness, and nausea. Regular exposure can damage the liver, kidneys, endocrine, and nervous systems.

    How Does Salt Kill Fleas?

    Girl sprays a dog from a flea

    All natural recipes had been in use before modern insecticides appeared. All the methods to deal with these insects are divided into two groups: chemical and mechanical. Let’s discover the difference between them.

    Chemical methods

    Chemical ways imply using insecticides and natural remedies. Salty water refers to the second group:

    • The idea of using table salt for fleas is not new. Salty water or seawater was used outdoors to treat the ground. When the water dries, the salt, in turn, dries out the soil and makes it unsuitable for living;
    • Insecticides affect fleas in different ways, mostly damaging their nervous systems. Despite the variety of recipes based on plants, essential oils, and other everyday products, they are too weak to kill any stage of fleas. Such remedies can be used only for their repelling properties.

    Depending on the ingredients, insecticides can:

    • directly affect the nerve endings of the insect’s olfactory organs, preventing them from choosing you as a host;
      spoil the taste and smell in direct contact with the treated surface;
      disguise natural odors that attract them.

    Mechanical solutions

    “Mechanical” refers to different methods, but most often, they imply vacuum cleaning. Depending on the surface you treat, carpet density, and suction power of the cleaner, the device can pick up from 30 to 90% of fleas at different stages. Vacuum cleaners collect eggs and adult fleas and tear larvae and cocoons off the carpet fibers. Even if the vacuum cleaner can’t tear off the larva, the vibration disturbs it and prevents it from creating a cocoon. Pupa without a cocoon is much easier to pick up. Moreover, vacuuming makes your house less suitable for fleas to live in since it removes the debris that the pests hide in and feed on.

    How to Use Lime to Kill Fleas?

    The original recipe is harmful to the soil, but it has logic behind it. Here is the step-by-step instruction straight from the 1900s:

    1. Prepare a solution by mixing salt with water or use seawater instead.
    2. Pour it over the yard or any outdoor area where these insects live.
    3. Wait until the ground dries and repeat the procedure if needed.

    Over time, a lot of other recipes have been invented, but all of them lacked proof of efficiency. The effect of using salt on fleas is backed by user experience and expert observations.

    FAQ About Using Salt for Eliminating Fleas

    mongrel dog that scratches by flea

    People often prefer close-to-hand remedies before trying household chemistry, so there are a lot of folk recipes involving salt, vinegar, baking soda, and any other product you can think of. Here are some popular questions concerning using salt against fleas.

    How long does it take for salt to kill fleas?

    Salt doesn’t kill fleas. The idea of using salty water for getting rid of fleas appeared in the early 1900s and assumed outdoor application. Since salt absorbs water, spilling salty water on the ground makes it unsuitable for pests to live there after drying.

    Can I put salt on my dog to repel fleas?

    The only remedy you can apply to your dog is the one a vet advised you. Salt can cause skin irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, or muscle tremors when swallowed. Does salt kill fleas on dogs? No, because it doesn’t kill insects at all.

    Can I put salt on my cat to kill fleas?

    As with any other pet, I don’t recommend applying salt or salty water to cats. It is as harmful as for dogs and works the same way. Take care of your pet and choose less aggressive methods instead.

    Are fleas useful in nature?

    Fleas are parasites that live on hosts and feed on their blood. Their main function is to spread diseases such as murine typhus for humans, filarial worms for dogs, or myxomatosis for rabbits. It might sound useless, but it helps to control the population.

    Will Salt Water Kill Fleas? Let’s Sum It Up!

    Though you might want to avoid using insecticides in your garden, no natural or close-to-hand remedy can kill fleas. The best result such recipes show is repelling fleas, but salt is not one of them. Originally salty water was recommended for outdoor application, and the working principle was simple: It dries the soil and makes it unsuitable for pests to live there. It refers to any other insect or plant. If you want to get rid of fleas indoors, the safest way is vacuum cleaning.

    Is using natural remedies preferable for you and why? Please share your suggestions in the comments.

    Also Read:


    • Controlling Fleas (Mike Merchant and James Robinson)
    • Insecticides (United States Environmental Protection Agency)
    • Flea Control and Prevention (by Michael F. Potter, Extension Entomologist University of Kentucky College of Agriculture)
  • Does Lysol Kill Fleas: Eliminate Fleas With Household Chemicals

    Does Lysol Kill Fleas: Eliminate Fleas With Household Chemicals

    If you have a cat or a dog, you might have encountered fleas on your pets at least once in your life. Fleas are very annoying creatures. They suddenly appear and quickly multiply. The pests cause discomfort with their bites. They make the body itch and can carry various diseases.

    If fleas have caught you unawareв at home, don’t despair. These pests can often be eliminated with simple chemicals that are available in every house. Many homeowners have Lysol in their arsenal. Does Lysol kill fleas? Let’s observe its properties.

    Guide on Using Lysol for Fleas at Home

    1. Identify a flea infestation.
    2. Treat surfaces with Lysol.
    3. Vacuum and wash your entire apartment.
    4. Wash clothes and other items in hot water.
    5. Treat your pet with a special flea repellent.
    6. Continue applying Lysol to the surfaces until fleas are completely gone.

    What Lysol Is and How It Works on Fleas

    When fleas come into a house, the first thing we look at is the home remedies that we can use to poison them. Will Lysol kill fleas? I will tell you about this below.

    Сan Lysol kill fleas?

    What is Lysol? It is a disinfectant that is often used to clean a house or as a general antiseptic. Due to its properties, it kills 99,9% of bacteria. Lysol can also get rid of fleas, termites, and bed bugs. However, Lysol is less effective than specialized anti-flea products. If you are wondering: “will Lysol spray kill fleas?” — yes, you can safely use it. This comes in handy if you notice fleas and have nothing else at your disposal.

    How does Lysol affect fleas?

    Lysol contains an ingredient called ethanol. Fleas cannot tolerate its smell, and direct contact with Lysol kills these insects. If you apply Lysol directly to the species, it will die within a few minutes. Fleas also avoid being in places treated with Lysol. However, if a flea comes to the spot sprayed with Lysol, the solution will make it go away but won’t kill it. This is one reason why you need to repeat Lysol treatment several times until all the fleas are dead.

    flea prevention dogs

    Lysol is a good pest preventative measure. Fleas have a distinct sense of smell. The odor of the disinfectant prevents them from entering your home.

    Will Lysol get rid of flea eggs?

    The most important thing in flea control is to get rid of the eggs. If you don’t do this on time, you might never get rid of the pests in your home. It takes about a month for the insect to go through all the stages, from an egg to an adult flea. Every month, you risk coming back to this problem all over again.

    Does Lysol kill flea eggs? The smell of Lysol repels fleas but not their eggs. Studies have shown that the product does not affect flea eggs. Therefore, you need to add washing or heat treating your clothes to the antiseptic treatment. Some people mix Lysol with hot water and treat all surfaces in their flat with this solution. It is a popular method to kill fleas. However, the efficiency of this option has not been scientifically proven yet.

    Is Lysol safe for pets?

    Lysol is not a flea repellent. This disinfectant contains phenol, so it is dangerous for animals. It leaves behind fumes and traces of the chemicals that can harm your pet:

    • Dogs: If your dog licks an item treated with Lysol, it can cause poisoning or burns, especially on the tongue. Lysol ingestion can cause indigestion, vomiting, and other problems;
    • Cats have a stronger sense of smell, so the smell of Lysol is a potent irritant to them. Cats are even more susceptible to being poisoned by the chemical than dogs. If a cat comes in contact with Lysol, it can adversely affect its liver and stomach. If you notice that your pet has become weak, lost its appetite, or is vomiting, you should immediately contact a vet, as these are clear signs of poisoning.

    Since animals are smaller than humans, they are more susceptible to the substances we use on floors, skirting boards, etc. Therefore, you should keep animals away from the house while disinfecting with Lysol. Clean the flat thoroughly after the procedure. Rinse the places your pets visit most often with water.

    Depending on the manufacturer, Lysol can have a slightly different composition. Read the product description carefully before buying one to make sure there are no hazardous substances in it.

    How to use Lysol to kill fleas in your home

    Curing fleas with Lysol is not easy. You have to be patient and regularly disinfect your apartment. However, it is still possible. You should take the following steps:

    1. Identify the areas of your home that are most likely to be infested. There are even special test strips available for this purpose. Swipe one over any flea infestation and you’ll see if the color changes. If yes, you are sure you have found the right area to treat.
    2. Treat all firm surfaces with Lysol. It is particularly effective if sprayed directly on fleas.
    3. If you have carpets in your home, you might have a question: “Does Lysol kill fleas in a carpet?” The answer is “yes.” Clean all carpets with Lysol and a special brush. After this disinfection, thoroughly vacuum the house to collect fleas and egg debris.
    4. Also, clean your pet’s sleeping area. Carefully treat all the items that you use to care for your pet.
    5. Wash your clothing, towels, and bedding in hot water and thoroughly dry them.

    Remember that you cannot get rid of all the fleas with Lysol at once. You have to repeat the aforementioned steps periodically to obtain sustainable results.

    FAQ About Using Lysol to Kill Fleas

    close-up of a flea on a white background

    Flea control involves the use of chemicals, even if they are simple household remedies. That is why it is important to consider all the nuances of flea control. Here is some useful information to help you avoid mistakes and safely get rid of these vermins.

    Can I spray Lysol on the dog bed?

    Even if you have a not too toxic Lysol at your disposal, you should remember that this product is not specifically designed to fight fleas. You can treat your dog’s bed with it. After you do it, you need to wash it to completely get rid of fleas.

    Is Lysol safe for dogs?

    Lysol is not safe for animals. I’ve also read the questions on the Internet about spraying Lysol directly on the animal’s fur. I highly don’t recommend it. It can harm your pet’s skin and poison it.

    Does Lysol spray kill fleas on furniture?

    Fleas usually live on furniture, especially if it is a sofa or a bed where your pet sleeps. You can treat the furniture with Lysol, brush it thoroughly, and vacuum it. It is best not to use upholstered furniture for a couple of days, especially in the case of animals.

    Use Lysol Consciously

    monkeys breed fleas

    I hope now you know the answer to the question: “Will Lysol kill fleas?” You can use this simple home remedy to control the parasites. If you see the first fleas in your home and spray them with Lysol, you will get good results. Also, if you are worried about your pet bringing fleas into the house, you can use the treatment for prevention. It will repel the pests. If the situation is more advanced, only special flea killers can help you. Which pest control products have you used? Share them with us in the comments!

    Also Read:


    • Controlling Fleas (Mike Merchant and James Robinson)
    • Phenol poisoning in three dogs (T L Gieger, S S Correa, J Taboada, A M Grooters, A J Johnson)
    • Diseases from fleas (King County)
  • Does Vinegar Kill Fleas: How to Get Rid of Them Naturally

    Does Vinegar Kill Fleas: How to Get Rid of Them Naturally

    It is important to prevent your pet from flea infestation. If that has already happened – don’t worry, I have effective methods to get rid of them. The pesticide market has a lot of products but you can also try natural ones. Does vinegar kill fleas? Not really. Although, vinegar is one of the tools to bring your pet immediate relief.

    To solve the problem with fleas, I strongly recommend using a pharmaceutical flea treatment, such as oral flea control or topical flea control, after consulting a veterinarian. Though, as prevention or auxiliary method, you can use natural treatments that usually don’t cause side effects and are much cheaper.

    How to Make an Apple Cider Vinegar Flea Trap:

    • Put 8 oz. of apple cider vinegar and 4 oz. of water into a cup.
    • Put half a tablespoon of salt and half a tablespoon of baking soda in a spray bottle.
    • Mix the dry ingredients first.
    • Add liquid ingredients slowly into your spray bottle because it will cause a chemical reaction.
    • Spray it directly on your pet’s fur and massage it so it can reach the skin beneath.
    • Let it air dry.
    • Use it once a week or when your pet starts itching.
    • Vinegar for Fleas: Guide on How to Use It

    In order not to harm the animal with dangerous chemicals in pesticides, you can try a natural remedy. Vinegar can be found in almost every home, and the price is inexpensive. Fleas can’t stand the strong scent of it. You can use vinegar spray or add it to a pet bath.

    Vinegar is an organic solution to eliminating fleas with mild to moderate infestation. Antiparasitic products and veterinarian consultation is needed in case of a serious infestation. Using only vinegar is not effective against severe infestation and will not cause recovery.

    Can vinegar kill fleas?

    Vinegar is a natural flea killer. Statistically, a female flea can lay about 40 eggs per day on an animal’s skin, which makes it hard to get rid of them.

    man checking curly dog for fleas

    Vinegar could repel fleas because of its taste and smell, but it is not as effective as flea remedy products. The acid in the vinegar is not strong enough to get rid of flea eggs and larvae. It’s better to use vinegar as a prevention or auxiliary method.

    What kind of vinegar kills fleas?

    Vinegar is the best natural remedy. So does white vinegar kill fleas? Does apple cider kill them better? Not really. White or apple cider vinegar makes fleas jump off your pet after each treatment. You can use both types, but most pet owners prefer to use the apple one. It is important to make sure that you’re using raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized vinegar.

    What does vinegar do to fleas?

    large flea on human skin

    It can’t completely kill fleas as antiparasitic products, but it can help to repel them. Vinegar can act as prevention or as an emergency home remedy to help reduce the number of fleas. Each type of vinegar can scare away fleas due to its smell and taste. Fleas don’t tolerate pungent smells.

    How to kill fleas with vinegar: Methods reviews

    • Apple cider vinegar with water, salt, and baking soda. Put 8 oz. of apple cider vinegar and 4 oz. of water into a cup. Add half a tablespoon of salt and half a tablespoon of baking soda, and mix the dry ingredients. Transfer the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray it once a week or when your pet starts itching.
    • Vinegar and water. Fill a spray with water and white or apple cider vinegar in proportion 50/50. Use it on a pet between baths and in your home area to prevent reinfection by fleas.
    • White vinegar bath for fleas. Wash your pet with a flea shampoo if it’s recommended by your veterinarian. After rinsing the pet, add 1 quart of white vinegar to your pet’s bathing water and pour it all over the pet as a final rinse. Allow it to air dry naturally.
    • Apple cider vinegar rinsing after bath. Add half of a cup of apple cider vinegar to your pet`s final rinsing water after washing. Do not towel dry after using.

    It is important to not forget to rub the vinegar solution into your pet’s skin thoroughly – without this, it will not have an effect. Be careful and avoid the eyes, nose, and ears area while using vinegar solution.

    If you have a dog with thick hair, fleas will struggle to get out. It might need your help with a thick comb, designed specifically to combat parasitic insects.

    FAQ: What I Was Asked About Fleas

    checking your dog for fleas

    How long does it take vinegar to kill fleas?

    It takes about 20 minutes for the vinegar to get rid of fleas after applying to the affected parts. It is important to allow the solution to dry out for this time and not wash it off. After about 20 minutes, use a flea comb to brush off the fleas.

    What naturally kills fleas instantly?

    It is impossible to kill all fleas instantly through one treatment. Due to the lifecycle of the fleas, getting rid of them needs two or more follow-up treatments within 5-10 days after the first application.

    Сan you spray vinegar on dogs?

    No, you better not do it because concentrated vinegar is very acidic. Use vinegar mixed with water in equal proportion. This solution is not made for applying to damaged skin, so you need to check your pet for any types of injuries before using it.

    Сan vinegar hurt cats?

    In general, vinegar can’t hurt cats. In the case of the treatment of fleas, keep in mind that most cats can’t stand the smell and taste of vinegar. I recommend using other methods with cats.

    Final Thoughts: Is Vinegar Good for Fleas and Be the Only Treatment?

    Vinegar is a good organic alternative for fleas prevention and as an aid during treatment with antiparasitic products. This method can’t be the only treatment for infestation because it helps to repel fleas and not to kill them.

    Do you know of any other natural flea remedies with vinegar that worked for your pet? What do you think about using vinegar against fleas? Let us know in the comments below!

    Also Read:


    • Getting Rid of Fleas (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
    • Fleas (Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine)
  • Does the Dryer Kill Fleas? Step-by-Step Investigation

    Does the Dryer Kill Fleas? Step-by-Step Investigation

    Everyone knows that thorough cleaning of the whole house is a measure to control parasites. Every homeowner wants to get rid of fleas and their deposits quickly. Some people think that one wash in an ordinary washing machine is enough to get rid of fleas on clothes, bedding, etc. However, in most cases, simple washing can’t kill all parasites on your clothing, but the dryer can do it. So, does the dryer kill fleas? Let’s find the answer to this question in my post!

    Guide on Using Dryer Against Fleas

    1. Fleas and their larvae cannot resist high temperatures during drying.
    2. Wash and dry your clothes as long as possible to repel fleas.
    3. You can also use the dryer without starting laundry.
    4. Sort, wash, dry, and store your clothes correctly to remove parasites.

    Does the dryer kill fleas and flea eggs?

    To fight fleas, you should do general cleaning. By washing and vacuuming all rooms, you destroy the pest’s habitat. Drying clothes in a hot dryer will get rid of fleas. Pillows, blankets, and mattresses are common places where they accumulate.

    many fleas under the microscope

    You should periodically leave them in the sun, or, on the contrary, freeze them in cold temperatures outside. Here I offer a complete guide and various options on how to use the dryer to repel fleas and flea eggs:

    • Washing clothes and bedding is a simple and inexpensive way to kill fleas. It is an important part of both self-flea control and hiring a professional to do the insecticide treatment. Using a few simple, practical tricks, you can easily clean your clothes and keep them from becoming a flea hiding place while you try to get rid of them in your apartment;
    • While washing kills some of the bed bugs; drying at a high temperature will kill any remaining insects, including fleas. Do flea eggs die in the dryer? Flea eggs are very vulnerable to high temperatures, so they cannot survive in your washing machine. Drying is one of the easiest and most effective ways to completely repel flea eggs;
    • Also, you might try to boil your clothes, if you don’t have a powerful dryer — the result will be the same.

    How quickly does a dryer kill fleas?

    No one has timed the period needed to kill fleas in the washing machine yet. Just try to wash clothing as long as possible, while not spoiling it. Does heat from the dryer kill fleas? Yes, fleas and their eggs are intolerant to water and high temperatures, so they can’t live long in this environment.

    Do the clothes have to be washed first?

    It’s not necessary. Fleas tend to spread very quickly throughout the house. It is best to first move all your clothes to a place where fleas have no place to spread and infect the entire neighborhood. Then do general cleaning at home with all the necessary special products and wash your clothes using the dryer.

    Guide to using washer and dryer to remove fleas

    man checking dog for fleas

    There are three basic steps to consider when washing your clothes to kill fleas. These steps include sorting, washing, drying, and storing clean clothing.

    Step 1: Sorting clothes

    1. While in the infested area, sort your clothes as you would normally do before washing them. Place each sorted pile in a separate plastic bag. Pay attention to the laundry instructions. They can help you choose the maximum allowable temperature for washing and drying your clothes.
    2. Separate items that are not washable cannot be washed, but you can place them in the dryer.
    3. Close the bags tightly before you take the items to the wash. This will prevent fleas from spreading through your home or a self-service laundry room.

    Step 2: Washing and drying clothes

    1. Put the items from each bag into the washing machine (or into the dryer if the items are not washable).
    2. After emptying each bag, fold the open edge toward the center of the bag. Then wrap the rest of the bag around the open edge.
    3. Immediately put the empty bags in a separate clean bag, and close it tightly before throwing it away.
    4. Wash and dry your clothes at the maximum temperature allowed for the fabric.
    5. Place the items that are not washable but can be dried in the dryer with medium or high-temperature settings. Run the machine for at least 20 minutes. Then take clothes that cannot be washed to a professional dry cleaner for cleaning and ironing. Drying kills the fleas, but it doesn’t make the clothes clean.
    6. If your goal is only to get rid of fleas, and you don’t need to wash clothes, simply place the infested items in the dryer for 30 minutes at a high temperature. This will kill all fleas as well as bed bugs.

    Step 3: Storing clean clothes

    1. When you take your clothes out of the dryer, fold them immediately. If you wash clothes in a self-service laundromat or a communal laundromat, swiftly put them in a new plastic bag. Do not put things on the folding table without first checking the latter for fleas.
    2. Keep clean clothes in bags until you get home.
    3. If your house is already exterminated from fleas, take the washed clothes out of the bag and put them back.
    4. Otherwise, keep the washed clothes in a bag and remove them as needed. This will keep things from being reinfested.

    You might wonder: “How long to run a dryer to kill fleas?” As I have written above, fleas and eggs cannot stand high temperatures, so killing them is fast. However, to be sure, set the drying time to at least one hour.

    Dryer Against Fleas: Is It Effective?

    As soon as you see the first signs of fleas in your apartment, you must immediately take action. You always need helpers: a vacuum cleaner, water, a bucket, rags, special disinfectants and disinfectants, a steam generator, protective gloves, a mask, and a great desire to get rid of these parasites. A washing machine and a dryer will help you. A little patience is required, and you will not have a single parasite in your house soon!

    Share your thoughts on the topic with me and other readers in the comments below. How long do you dry your clothes? Is it possible to kill fleas without a dryer?

    Also Read:


    • At what temperature do fleas die? (FleaScience)
    • How Fleas Spread Disease (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services)
    • How to spot flea eggs on dogs? Signs and treatment options (Wamiz)
  • Does Coconut Oil Kill Fleas? Detailed Guide

    Does Coconut Oil Kill Fleas? Detailed Guide

    Everyone knows that essential oils help to get rid of gnats and other flying insects. Using rubbing alcohol and some kind of traps for getting rid of fleas is a more common solution, unlike coconut. The chemical compounds extracted from coconut repel blood-sucking insects better than the globally known repellent. But is it effective against these parasites and their eggs? Does coconut oil kill fleas? Let’s figure it out.

    Guide on Using Coconut Oil Against Fleas

    1. It repels fleas thanks to the aroma.
    2. All product types can help you to get rid of fleas.
    3. Using this remedy is also a cheap solution.
    4. You shouldn’t apply it to pets.
    5. Wipe all surfaces in the house with a watered sponge soaked in the substance to prevent fleas.

    Can coconut oil kill fleas?

    This essential oil is great for indoor flea control, but using it to deal with pet fleas can be very dangerous. Pets can lick the substance off their fur and get severe poisoning. Is it too dangerous to use coconut oil for fleas?

    We all know that coconut has a rather strong bright aroma, which in this case is the active ingredient that fights fleas. This aroma allows you to get rid not only of fleas but also other types of parasites.

    big flea close-up

    Fleas have a well-developed sense of smell. They clearly perceive and distinguish odors, so they are guided in their search for a victim. But there are certain smells that they perceive as a threat to their life such as the aroma of essential oils.

    The parasites try to leave the area as soon as possible, and fleas never lay their eggs where the scent is present. Does coconut oil repel fleas? Yes, but eggs laid by them will still remain.

    Do all types of coconut oil kill fleas?

    It comes in two varieties: cold-pressed and refined. Although they taste different, both options can repel fleas. Their effectiveness is about the same in the fight against parasites.

    Why use coconut oil instead of conventional flea remedies

    Coconut substance is cheaper than conventional flea remedies. Special sprays can be more effective, but they leave an unpleasant odor. There are no such problems with oils. Do fleas like coconut oil? Obviously, no, but if you run out of money to buy specialized products, then it is good for you.

    Is it safe to use coconut oil for pets?

    fleas on comb

    Remember that this remedy can be used directly for treating living spaces, and the application on animals is very dangerous! Also, a strong enough fragrance can irritate and affect the receptors of animals. As a result, your pet might cease to distinguish between smells. Therefore, only specialized products should be used on the infected animals, as well as for preventive measures.

    How to use coconut oil to kill fleas?

    If you don’t have enough money to buy specialized anti-flea products, you can use traditional methods. To get rid of the parasites:

    • Add 20 — 23 drops of oil to 4 liters of water.
    • Use a sponge to treat all surfaces where the insects can hide. There is no need to rewash the floor with clean water.
    • Cleaning with a fragrant composition should be carried out periodically. The more often you smell lavender or juniper in the apartment, the further the fleas will go.

    Preventing fleas with coconut oil

    The best way to prevent a flea infestation is to protect your pet from fleas with regular flea prevention. Be sure to research a wide range of products that will help protect your pet from fleas. Essential oils should not be used; they can do more harm than good. Regular cleaning is better. Is coconut oil good for fleas? Yes, but not for pets.

    Follow these recommendations to prevent fleas in the future:

    • Clear the house regularly;
    • Wash your pet at least two times per month;
    • Apply a special prophylactic anti-flea treatment for your pets.

    FAQ About Killing Fleas With Coconut Oil

    removing fleas from dogs

    Let’s consolidate the information and answer the most popular questions here. This part might be very useful for you.

    How long does it take coconut oil to kill fleas?

    A flea dies within seconds of direct contact with the substance. However, if you apply this treatment to flea eggs, they will survive.

    Does coconut oil kill flea eggs and larvae?

    No, it cannot kill the eggs, but the larvae are just as vulnerable to the oil as the adults. Use some other methods to kill flea eggs.

    Does coconut oil kill fleas and ticks?

    Yes, the smell can scare them off. Moreover, if exposed long enough (about 10 seconds), this remedy can also kill the pests on direct contact.

    How to make coconut oil spray for dogs?

    I highly don’t recommend that you do this. This solution is not intended for animals. If a dog or a cat licks off even a small portion of the substance, it might be fatal to them.

    Coconut Oil Against Fleas – Should I Use It?

    It can be your helper in the fight against these parasites if you notice fleas in your house. When used correctly against fleas in the apartment, essential oils clean the house, create comfort, and help to forget about the unpleasant invasion of bloodsuckers. However, you should not use them to prevent fleas on pets.

    Share your thoughts about the topic in the comments below. What other flea remedies do you know?

    Also Read:


    • Flea Pills for Dogs (Anna Burke)
    • Coconut Oil (Harvard University)
    • How to Stop Your Pet from Licking Lotions and Creams (Elisabeth Weiss)
  • Does Alcohol Kill Fleas? Detailed Guide

    Does Alcohol Kill Fleas? Detailed Guide

    Not all people have a problem with fleas at home. If you notice strange black spots on your clothes or your pets itch more, that’s a reason to think about combating fleas and their eggs. Remedies from the supermarket can be expensive and not effective enough, so more traditional methods are gaining popularity in the sphere. Does alcohol kill fleas? Let’s find that out.

    Guide on Killing Fleas at Home

    1. Isopropyl kills fleas.
    2. Alcohol is not that effective in killing flea eggs.
    3. Candles, light, honey, and other traps are used to repel fleas.
    4. Using alcohol on pets is dangerous.
    5. Maintain cleanliness in the house and do not forget to give your animals a regular prophylactic anti-flea treatment to prevent parasites in the future.

    Does alcohol kill fleas?

    There are not many ways to kill fleas at home, but let’s break down the simplest — alcohol and any pungent odors such as glue, paint, cement, and putty repel fleas. There is another, less disgusting, way to get rid of fleas — regular household rubbing alcohol.

    a flea crawls on a person's skin

    Its pungent odor can not only prevent the appearance of these nasty insects but also kill them quickly and painlessly. However, you should always take precautions; otherwise, you can harm not only your pets but yourself. Let’s figure it out.

    Which kind of alcohol kills fleas?

    An interested reader might ask: ” Will alcohol kill fleas?” It can kill fleas on your clothes or on your skin, but I don’t think you are eager to sacrifice your hair to kill pests. If you have fleas on your pet, rubbing alcohol is not a good idea. However, any kind of alcohol helps fight parasites. The main thing is that its concentration has to be more than 50 percent.

    Does isopropyl alcohol kill fleas?

    Isopropyl alcohol can help you, but getting rid of the consequences such as the terrible smell and harm to pets is difficult and not worth it. You should first go to a vet. If you can’t meet in person, consult a flea specialist online.

    Does 91 alcohol kill fleas? Acetone easily kills fleas, but it is highly irritating to mucous membranes: Prolonged inhalation of large concentrations of vapor leads to inflammation of mucous membranes, pulmonary edema, and toxic pneumonia. Prolonged exposure to 91 alcohol can be fatal not only for you but also for your pets.

    Does alcohol kill flea eggs?

    The greatest number of eggs are laid by the female flea during the last days of its life. Unlike the eggs of other parasites, flea eggs are not sticky and simply fall to the ground after laying. The process of turning an egg into a larva takes about 12 days, and most eggs hatch after a few days.

    Depending on the stage of development, flea eggs can be found in different places. Eggs are laid directly in the hair of animals, from where they fall on carpets, upholstery, furniture, and cracks in the floor and walls. They develop in these secluded places, from where they return again to the animals, having become adults.

    flea on human skin

    Can rubbing alcohol kill fleas? Alcohol vapor can hardly kill an ordinary flea. Therefore, it is not enough to kill the eggs. Eggs cannot withstand the adverse conditions caused only by direct contact, so they die. Don’t let fleas take over your home, but don’t harm everyone living there either.

    How to use alcohol against fleas?

    Fleas can die only after contact with alcohol, so first you should construct a flea trap, and then pour alcohol into it. The general mechanism of action of flea traps is to lure the insect into the device and eliminate it. It is impossible to catch fleas by analogy with other omnivorous parasitic insects on food bait. The flea is only attracted to fresh blood, which it gets by biting its victim.

    Anyone can make anti-flea traps. Let’s describe a few ways in which catching fleas will become a little easier.

    1. Use a romantic trap

    Candles! Basically, this is the whole trap. The more lit candles placed in the room, the more fleas you will catch. Insects are lured by the warm light; they jump to it and get stuck in the melted wax. Then you can take all the traps outside and leave them in a container of household alcohol.

    2. Apply a light trap

    This method of how to catch a flea in the room is also based on the love of fleas for light and heat. You need a container of water (it is better to dilute detergent, alcohol, or soap in it) and a beam of directional light from a lamp or nightlight. Jumping to the light, the bloodsuckers will get into the solution and drown in it.

    3. Prepare a honey trap

    To make such a sweet and sticky trap, you need a clean and dry surface such as a flat dish, a piece of cardboard, and glass. Smear it with a thick layer of honey and place it in the flea habitat. Insects will bind to the sticky surface as they move. Next, do the identical steps with alcohol as in the first point.

    4. Try a carpet trap

    Another method to get rid of a certain amount of flea infestation is applying a special mixture to the carpets in the house. I recommend that you carry out this procedure at night:

    1. First, thoroughly vacuum the carpet.
    2. Apply a dry mixture of laundry detergent or baking soda with boric acid to it (remember that boric acid corrodes the skin, so you must always do it with gloves on).
    3. Leave the liquid on the carpet for 10-16 hours. Collect it thoroughly with a vacuum cleaner. It is better to clean the surface several times, and get rid of the contents of the bag promptly.

    5. Purchase a ready flea trap

    It is the simplest solution. These devices allow you to catch some of the fleas that have settled in the house.

    However, only more serious measures such as extermination by an environmental company can kill parasites. Be careful: Some manufactured remedies can cause allergies.

    Сan you use isopropyl alcohol on dogs and cats?

    I strictly do not recommend it. Even small fumes can lead to complete intoxication of your pet’s body, not to mention washing the fur with alcohol. It is very dangerous to destroy fleas and eggs in this way. Does rubbing alcohol kill fleas on dogs and cats? Yes, it does, but it can also kill you and your pet. You should never use it in this way.

    Preventing fleas

    It is always easier to prevent the appearance of these parasites than to fight them later. To never wonder how to get rid of fleas in the house, follow certain rules:

    • Carry out general cleaning at least once a week;
    • Do not clutter up the house. Follow all sanitary and hygienic requirements;
    • Treat pets with insect repellents such as collars, pills, and shampoos;
    • Inspect your pets often, especially after a walk;
    • If you only think about getting a pet but fear that there might be parasites in the house, you should choose hypoallergenic dog breeds. Many of them have short or no fur, so the risk of bloodsuckers’ appearance is minimal;
    • Inspect your shoes after returning from the outdoors; rinse the soles, and clean all surfaces;
    • Frequently ventilate your apartment;
    • Dry out pillows, mattresses, and blankets;
    • Caulk all cracks and crevices in baseboards and walls.

    Always pay attention to your pets first. They need constant inspection and care. Knowing how fleas breed and how to get rid of them will keep you and your loved ones safe from the parasites and the damage they can cause.

    FAQ About Alcohol Against Fleas and Eggs

    big red dog

    Let’s consolidate the information and answer the most popular questions. This part might be very useful for you.

    Сan disinfectant spray kill fleas?

    It is effective enough to use in the house, i.e., for carpets, clothes, etc., but it is not intended for pets. Vapors from such a spray can lead to the intoxication of an animal, so it is prohibited to use such a substance.

    Does rubbing alcohol kill fleas on surfaces?

    Yes, it does. However, alcohol can’t kill their eggs laid down deep in fur or hair. So, even if all fleas die, new ones can appear after some time.

    Does rubbing alcohol kill fleas on humans?

    Yes, it does. But if you have fleas on your head, I don’t recommend washing your hair with household alcohol, even diluted. The substance dries out the skin very quickly, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

    Will alcohol kill fleas on carpet?

    Yes, it will. You only need to rinse the carpet thoroughly so that no unpleasant odor is left behind. You should dilute pure alcohol with water in the ratio of 1:2 and pour this substance over the entire carpet. Do not forget to take the carpet out of the house. Otherwise, you will not get rid of the smell.

    Effectiveness of Alcohol in Killing Fleas

    Alcohol is the sworn enemy of fleas and their eggs. What a shame that this substance can become an enemy for you, too, if used improperly. Don’t forget about the safety precautions. You should remember that you can’t use alcohol to fight fleas that are bothering your pets. If you need to get rid of fleas at home, then alcohol will be your faithful companion in the fight against them.

    Share your thoughts about the topic in the comments below. Have you ever used alcohol to kill fleas? Was it more effective than special products? What other ways do you know to combat parasites?

    Also Read:


    • Isopropyl alcohol (National Center for Biotechnology Information)
    • A DIY Flea Control Guide (Treating Separation Anxiety for Dogs)
    • Find A Pest Controls Company (The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene)
  • Bugs That Look Like Fleas: How to Identify Them

    Bugs That Look Like Fleas: How to Identify Them

    Most people think that fleas are the only insects that are so tiny, bouncy, and bitey. And it’s absolutely normal as it’s really hard to tell them from any other minute insect kinds only because of their size.

    The truth is that there are quite a lot of bugs that look like fleas, which can cause problems around your household. In this brief guide, I will help you to learn how to tell one super small bug from another.

    Why is this important? Well, it’s the only way to select the right remedy against a flea-like bug infestation.

    The Guide Into Bugs That Look Like Fleas

    Below are details about each flea-like insect and simple descriptions of the major differences and hazards.

    Fleas vs gnats

    Unlike fleas, gnats are winged insects that eat plants and fungi. At the same time, they can feed on blood too, if there’s no other food source around. That’s why they can get into your house if they find it easier to find fungi or blood inside. An infestation can be a signal of leakages and fungi in the basement or wall cavities.

    Wood Gnats

    Their size can be the same as that of fleas or up to 5 times larger. They also have complex eyes, which makes them totally different from fleas. Gnat bites are quite big, red, and itchy. You can easily confuse them with flea bites. Infected bites swell and may have a tiny yellowish core.

    Flea vs bed bug

    Bed bugs are small brownish insects with flattened bodies. Similar to fleas, they can bite you and your pets and cause awful itchiness. It’s very easy to confuse this one with a flea as the size and body type is very similar.

    Moreover, they feed only on blood and have wings! The most reliable way to tell one bug from another is to watch how they behave.

    Bed Bug on a white background

    Unlike fleas, bed bugs don’t jump or fly. Next, take a look at their eggs in the place of an infestation. Flea eggs are pearl white, while bed bug eggs are almost black.

    These are the two most effective ways to find bed bugs and identify them. You can also check out the bites. Bed bug bites look like flat red welts in clusters or random places, while flea bites are more like clustered mosquito bites. They can look totally the same too, though.

    Flea vs tick

    Unlike fleas, ticks are arachnids and can have up to 8 legs, but they’re also tiny, brown (dark-brown or grey), and feed exclusively on blood. You should remember that ticks are not likely to infest your house, but can spread around your garden and lawn during warm months.

    This doesn’t mean that they are not dangerous, though. Ticks spread serious diseases, including Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease.

    Tick at the hand

    Similar to fleas, they can suck on your skin, but they also “dig into” your skin with their heads and stay long until they suck enough blood. When a tick gets large, it’s impossible to confuse it with any other insect.

    Its body gets big like a small grain and gets easy to find on a human body. If you find one or more ticks on your pets or family members, remember about proper tick removal technique to avoid any leftovers under the skin.

    Flea vs lice

    Both fleas and lice are very small insects without wings that feed on animal and human skin. Similar to fleas, lice can chew skin and cause terrible itchiness, but they don’t suck blood. Everything they need is skin debris.

    Nevertheless, they can infect carriers with tapeworms, various bacteria, and cause significant hair loss. That’s why they are confused with fleas so often.

    Lice in hair

    The main difference that helps identify lice is that they cannot jump to travel from animal to animal. They need animals to contact directly to travel.

    That’s why lice infestations are very rare amongst pets that don’t contact random animals outside and very common for stray animals (especially young and old ones). You should check your pet as soon as possible when you notice that it suffers from itching and apply the continuous preventive treatment.

    Flea vs fruit fly

    Drosophila Melanogasters (fruit flies) can be confused with fleas because of their small size (⅛-inch) and 3 pairs of legs. The main visual clue is that flies have wings. Due to this they can fly around your property and swarm in the air near contaminated places.

    In most cases, you can see them on and around rotten fruits and vegetables. However, sometimes, they also start breeding in dirty bathrooms and other heavily contaminated sites where temperature varies from 53°F to 95°F.

    fruit fly

    Fruit flies don’t bite people and animals and spread diseases very rarely, so they are not considered very dangerous. However, the contaminated sites where they appear may be a real health hazard and a hotbed for salmonella, E. coli, and listeria. Flies can spread these germs all around the house and poison your food if it’s within reach.

    Springtails vs fleas

    Unlike fleas, springtails are non-aggressive nuisance insects that can’t bite anyone and anything. However, it’s a type of insect that jumps like fleas. Every springtail has a furcula, which is a spring-loaded tale that lets them jump high in the air.

    This aspect is simultaneously a reason to confuse them with fleas and a distinctive trait. If you manage to catch one, you will quickly notice the furcula and start looking for the right remedy.


    Fleas always get inside households on a human or animal carrier. Springtails usually appear in moist places, such as basements, spots under leaking pipes, where they eat fungi and mold. As you can see, these tiny bugs that jump are quite safe for anyone but can be a signal for you to inspect your house for leakages and mold. It can be quite dangerous, depending on the size and type, so don’t let it grow!

    Carpet beetle vs flea

    Young carpet beetles are quite small, but adults can be almost as big as ladybugs. They are usually covered in black, yellow, and white or black, blue, and white camouflage-type patterns, so it’s very easy to tell them from fleas.

    Carpet beetle on the Floor

    If you can’t see a bug yet, you can guess it by specific trace-like irritations over your body. These insects cannot bite us but can reach our bedding in search of food. As a result, they may accidentally crawl over you during the night and irritate your skin with tiny filaments. The rashes will usually look like paths and itch a bit.

    Unfortunately, if this happens, you can be sure that your home is already heavily infested. Carpet beetle dermatitis appears only when allergens build up on your skin. It means that a bug must crawl at you multiple times until the effect becomes tangible.

    [wpsm_box type=”green” float=”none” textalign=”left”] Related Post:


    FAQ on Bugs That Resemble Fleas

    Here is a couple of brief replies on some of the most common questions about flea-like bugs that I receive from other readers.

    Can bed bugs jump like fleas?

    Fortunately, bed bugs don’t fly or jump. However, they can crawl quite fast on any surfaces, including walls, ceilings, floors, furniture, cloth, etc. This makes it quite difficult to spray the insecticide directly onto the bugs and helps them survive longer.

    Do flea beetles bite?

    Actually, flea beetles have nothing in common with fleas. It’s an agricultural pest that won’t harm your pets or your family members. These pests affect a variety of fruit and vegetable plants, including broccoli, kale, strawberry, potato, eggplant, and a dozen more.

    Knowledge is Power

    Fortunately, telling one bug from another is much simpler than it may seem. Now you know about all the differences in their appearance and behavior, so picking up the right treatment won’t be a problem. By the way, there are quite a lot of guides on how to get rid of fleas and tiny flea-like bugs on my blog, so keep reading.

    Do you have any more questions on the topic? You’re welcome to ask me in the comments. If you know any other flea-like bugs, you’re welcome to tell about them below as well. Stay tuned for more useful pest-control information!


    • How to Find Bed Bugs (Stanford University Libraries):
    • Tick Removal (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention U.S. Department of Health & Human Services):
    • Mold and Health (United States Environmental Protection Agency Stanford University Libraries):
  • How Much Does Flea Exterminator Cost in [year]: Flea Removal Prices Explained

    How Much Does Flea Exterminator Cost in [year]: Flea Removal Prices Explained

    These insects not only cause noticeable discomfort but also directly threaten human health. To get rid of fleas quickly and effectively, it is better not to buy treatments for their destruction on your own but to hire a specialist.

    It is extremely difficult to do flea extermination yourself because they multiply quickly. Even if you bathe your pet, these insects can also live in floor coverings, bedding, upholstered furniture, baseboards, basements, etc.

    Comprehensive and effective treatment can be provided by a professional. So, let’s see how much a flea exterminator cost is in [year].

    Flea Exterminator Costs

    National Average Cost$550
    Minimum Cost$200
    Maximum Cost$1,280
    Average Range$330 to $815

    The prices for flea extermination services can vary from $200 to $815, depending on different factors.

    When Should You Call for a Flea Exterminator?

    Before calling a flea extermination specialist, you need to ask yourself: do I need an exterminator for fleas?
    Calling flea cleaning service is worth it in cases of a severe flea infestation.

    However, you can’t really estimate the level of infestation without hiring a professional. So, if you have spotted these insects on your pet or anywhere else, it is better to do everything and prevent the problem than to fight it later.

    Main Factors of Flea Exterminator Cost

    Usually, the exact flea control cost is determined depending on several factors:

    • The level of a flea infestation;
    • Type of fleas;
    • Location of treatment;
    • The method and products for processing;
    • Number of procedures;
    • Additional services.

    Flea Exterminator Price By Location

    Most flea control procedures are aimed at pets or houses, but your yard can be infested as well, and this also affects the price of the treatment.

    1. Yard – from $75

    Depends on the size of the yard;

    2. Outdoors – from $100

    This price works for standard outdoor territories;

    3. Bedroom – from $150

    Rooms are usually considered as a more complex area to treat, and the professionals charge for one bedroom starting from $150;

    4. Kitchen – from $175

    Treating fleas in the kitchen costs about $175 because pest control professionals must take additional steps before treating a room;

    5. Carpet – $50

    The price, in this case, depends on the product chosen for the procedure and the size of your carpet;

    6. Pet – $80

    The cost for pet flea treatment also depends on the product for treatment;

    7. Whole house – from $400

    Here, you pay for the time and the amount of work. This price usually works for a one-story house with two bedrooms.

    Flea Exterminator Price by Infestation Level

    Flea exterminator prices depend on how many insects are in the house. If you find a flea problem early, you may only need one treatment to kill the pests. Medium to severe flea infestations may require a certain number of specialist visits. Below, I have provided the average cost of flea extermination options in different situations.

    Low level

    Before the treatment, a professional will inspect the home to make sure the fleas have not spread. Flea removal cost for a low level of infestation is between $100 and $175. Low flea infestation level is easy to deal with, even on your own, but only if you have enough time to do it. Mostly, the low level of infestation is concentrated in one spot, so it requires a one-time treatment and cleaning procedure.

    Medium level

    A medium flea infestation level can be determined by cases when you find fleas on several locations, but still not the whole house. In this case, you will pay mostly for the area that has to be treated.

    Usually, the average cost of flea extermination is from $175 to $300. But in cases when you arrange a number of visits, the flea control cost of the first visit is not less than $100; for follow-up visits, it costs $75 or more.

    Serious infestation treatment cost

    If fleas infested a large open area, you would probably face a severe flea infestation problem. If you need to deal with more than an acre of open space, the price will increase respectively. Flea removal cost starts at $325 and is up to $550 in serious infestation cases.

    Flea prevention cost

    In fact, flea prevention can be free if you follow some common rules. If you have pets, you have to treat them regularly and make sure that your dog or cat doesn’t suffer from flea infestation on its skin. Another thing is that fleas like to settle in clean and neat grass, so if you have a lawn or a backyard, you should take care of it using special pesticides.

    However, most agencies also provide professional flea cleaning service to prevent infestation. You can call a pro one time or get regular visits monthly. This option costs from $135.

    Flea Treatment Cost by Treatment Type

    The cost of infestation treatment, in most cases, depends on the method used by the professionals. How much does it cost to flea bomb a house, or how much will you spend on spraying it? Below, you will find the most common home flea control methods and flea exterminator prices.

    Flea bombs cost

    Flea bombs or flea foggers provide the best effect when dealing with low infestation levels. This method includes an aerosol that releases the pesticide into the area. You will see the effect within a few hours.

    On average, flea bombs last from two to four hours, depending on the size of the area of treatment. The cost of eliminating flea pests with bombs ranges from $100 to $200 for application and cleaning.

    Fumigation cost

    Flea fumigation services mean using special dust or bombs in multiple rooms throughout your home. Sometimes, specialists mix several methods like bombs and spraying, to ensure the best effect. After fumigation, the dead insects should be cleaned out. Professional flea fumigation cost and flea cleaning are between $175 and $350.

    Spraying cost

    Usually, flea spraying price is between $150 and $300 for a pesticide treatment at home. However, this method is also very effective, and it takes up to six hours to get rid of insects completely.

    Natural Alternatives

    • Herbs. The most popular and effective herb for repelling fleas is eucalyptus.
    • Apple vinegar;
    • Essential oils. Fleas are afraid of any pungent odors, especially esters of citrus, conifers, eucalyptus, and tea tree.

    One time treatment cost and follow-up cost

    To keep fleas out of the house permanently, homeowners can ask for a pest control agreement on a monthly or quarterly basis. However, if you don’t want to sign the contract for annual or monthly service, you can discuss whether you need a follow-up visit of a specialist. Usually, any visit after the main treatment costs $75. One-time treatment procedure can cost up to $500 depending on many factors.

    Pet Flea Treatment

    Doing your pet’s flea control is important. Here are the steps you should take:

    1. Wash your pet’s bedding at high temperatures;

    Hot water will help remove any remaining eggs or larvae. Wash the bedding at least once a week for three to eight weeks. Dry them outdoors in direct sunlight. If your pet likes to sleep somewhere else, for example, in your bed, then it must also be washed.

    2. Clean floors, carpets, walkways, and sofas regularly and thoroughly;

    Remember to clean the vacuum cleaner and throw away the trash after each use to prevent eggs from hatching inside, which could lead to re-infestation of fleas in the future. Continue vacuuming regularly, at least every two days for three to eight weeks, and this will help in getting rid of fleas in your home quickly.

    3. Use a veterinarian-approved flea spray or flea spray throughout your home;

    Be sure to follow the directions and treat your pet carefully. Read the instructions to keep your animals safe from any potentially harmful chemicals while you handle your home.

    4. Remember to treat the most common flea hideouts;

    Remember to vacuum any fabric surfaces inside your car, and choose bedding for your pet that can be changed and washed regularly. Vacuum and treat the area behind and under the furniture with a flea repellent.

    5. Wash all your dog’s or cat’s plush toys.

    Even your dog’s favorite plush toy or your cat’s toy mouse can hide flea eggs and larvae within it.

    Health Risks and Types of Fleas

    Flea under the microscope

    There are over 2000 species of fleas in the world. They all differ in size, body structure, and other features. But one thing is invariable: fleas are blood-sucking insects that have learned to parasitize on different types of animals and even on humans.

    Therefore, several species of these insects live in our neighborhood. Let’s figure out what types of fleas can live in an apartment or house.

    Cat fleas

    Fleas of this species are able to feed on the blood of various animals: cats, dogs, people. But they got their name for the fact that they lay eggs only in feline fur. They are black and do not exceed 2 mm in length on average. A small number of fleas does not give a cat almost any discomfort.

    But this species is very fertile, and in a short time, the population can grow to serious sizes. The bites of these insects cause itching and irritation in the cat, resulting in an allergic reaction and leading to the development of infection.

    Dog fleas

    This flea species parasitizes exclusively on dogs. They are not able to live on the human body and feed on their blood. These are small brown insects capable of settling on a dog that is not in contact with other members of its species.

    They are able to move independently or on people’s clothes. The dog on which fleas have settled loses appetite and behaves restlessly. Also, fleas can cause the appearance of worms and provoke infection with various diseases.

    Rat fleas

    Outwardly, they resemble feline or dog species but prefer to live on rats, mice, and other rodents. These rodents can be carriers of dangerous infections that get into fleas with the blood. Thus, the main danger of rat fleas is the transfer of infectious diseases.

    Human fleas

    No species is capable of permanently living on humans. But many species of fleas that parasitize domestic animals have adapted to feed on human blood. Most often, the legs of a person are attacked by such parasites.

    DIY vs Hiring a Pro

    Doing DIY flea control can save you money. However, there are times when going the DIY route can backfire and end up costing you more money. Pest control is one of those home projects that can be risky to do on your own.

    If you are trying to decide whether you should hire a cheap flea exterminator or go to the store and buy a treatment product, think about the type of treatment, the effectiveness of the application, and the protection against future problems to help you make a decision.

    How to Hire a Professional

    Here’s a checklist to hire a good specialist:

    1. Get recommendations from neighbors, friends, or family about the pest control services they’ve used. Call at least three companies and review their methods as well as their customer service policies;
    2. Ask for the inspection of your site (it’s free in most cases);
    3. Discuss solutions;
    4. Ask for the contract.

    Don’t forget to ask for the proper certification and the license of an agency or a professional you hire.

    How to Pick a Pro

    Professional flea treatment cost also depends on the knowledge and experience of a person providing the services. Here’s a guide to find and hire a specialist who will guarantee a good quality of service:

    Hire a local pest control specialist

    The local exterminator will be familiar with the pests common in your area and know how and when to treat them.

    Look for a well-experienced professional

    Chemicals used for pest control can be hazardous and should only be used by an expert who knows how to handle and apply them properly. A professional exterminator can identify the source of your infestation to ensure that all the pests are gone and will not return.

    Ask for a guarantee

    This means that if you hire a pest control officer to rid your home of fleas, and after a month, you see these insects again, they will come and serve your home until the fleas are gone forever. Hiring someone who guarantees their results will give you the added peace of mind and confidence that you will get what you pay for.

    Hire the recommended fighter

    Online reviews can also be a good source of information about other customers’ experiences.

    Things to Discuss with Flea Exterminator

    Examine the checklist of issues to discuss with the person who offers flea cleaning service to know what are you paying for:

    1. Discuss whether the exterminator has enough experience in dealing with fleas and reviews from customers;
    2. Ask which treatment methods the specialist offers in your particular situation;
    3. Discuss the number of treatments needed and whether you have to sign a contract;
    4. Ask for a flea prevention routine guide.

    How to Prepare for Treatment

    To get the best effect from treatments and ease the job of an exterminator for a little, you have to do the following procedures before the visit of the specialist:

    1. Clean the room that will be processed;
    2. Wipe the dust and do the vacuum cleaning;
    3. Store the food in the containers and put them into the fridge;
    4. Make sure that you and your household will be outside until the disinfection ends;
    5. Don’t forget to give your pet a bath.

    Your Actions After Extermination

    Spring-cleaning of the apartment after the chemical process is a mandatory procedure. Start by cleaning the floors with a vacuum cleaner. After that, you have to do the wet cleaning of:

    • Floors in all rooms, after getting rid of dead insects;
    • Window sills, kitchen tables, shelves;
    • Trash bin storage box.

    A thorough cleaning should include the following processes:

    • Washing all dishes;
    • Changing and washing bed linen;
    • Processing of all handles indoors.

    A good solution is to call the specialists of the cleaning company to clean the apartment after the disinfestation in compliance with all sanitary rules and regulations.

    Also read:

    FAQ on Flea Exterminator Cost

    Are you still wondering whether you need to hire a professional exterminator? Here are some popular questions answered to help you make the final decision.

    Can exterminators get rid of fleas?

    Yes, a trained exterminator will get rid of fleas. Discuss the method and the area that should be processed and let them do their job.

    How long does it take to get rid of fleas after the exterminator?

    The average time to get rid of fleas completely can take up to three months, depending on the situation.

    How do I get rid of fleas in my house fast?

    Arrange a quality pest control service and follow the prevention methods. This will help to get rid of fleas quickly and effectively.

    How Much Does It Cost to Get Rid of Fleas: Short Summary

    You already know when to call an exterminator for fleas and what to discuss with them. So, let’s recollect what makes up the flea exterminator cost:

    1. Treatment method;
    2. Infestation level;
    3. Location & type of fleas.

    Don’t forget about the flea infestation prevention methods and ways to avoid the repeated flea appearance in your dwelling or on your pet. Always think about the possibility of doing pest control by yourself since there are many effective products on the market today.

    Also, do you prefer dealing with pests using natural products or chemicals? How do you choose what’s best for your case? Share your experience with other readers in the comments section to help!

  • Do Flea Collars Work? Answering the Worrying Questions

    Do Flea Collars Work? Answering the Worrying Questions

    When you have a pet, dealing with parasite infestation, such as fleas, is a challenge you must be ready for. These insects are everywhere in the outdoors, and every time you go out for a walk or a day out with your dog, there is the possibility it will catch some fleas. But how can one deal with this problem?

    Many pet owners consider purchasing flea collar vs drops. However, flea collars proved to be a more reliable solution, and in this article, I plan to use my experience as an entomologist to discuss flea collars.

    It is a stress-free method of preventing and killing fleas. In this discussion, I will focus on answering how such items work and how to choose the right flea collar.

    Flea Collar Buyer’s Guide

    dog in the pink collar

    The effectiveness of flea collars is an issue that elicits mixed opinions from users. Some can attest to how effective their items worked while others have nothing positive to say about them.

    The difference in experiences could simply be caused by the factors each of the parties considered when buying a flea collar.

    How Does a Flea Collar Work?

    Previously, flea collars could irritate the pet’s skin because of the harsh chemicals they contained. However, now it’s a thing of the past. The manufacturers of these collars took measures to modernize the models to minimize their negative impact on animals and humans alike. So, how do flea collars work?

    The working model of such an item is mainly based on the type of collar you buy. In general, there are three basic types. They include:

    Repelling collars

    Repelling models release a gas that is poisonous to the fleas. Therefore, when wearing the collar, a dog will be protected from fleas that will not want to come into contact with it. Moreover, repelling products are also effective in killing the insects that have already got into the dog’s fur.

    The gas the collar releases is enough to suffocate and kill these pests. However, its killing abilities are limited to the areas near where the collar is worn.

    What I love about repelling collars is the fact that the gas it generates doesn’t stay in the fur. Therefore, no need to worry about being close to your pet when it is wearing the collar.

    The only con, this type of collar lasts for a couple of months only. After this time, you will need to remove it and tie another one.

    Related Post: 7 Best Dog Flea Collars Reviewed

    Absorption-based collars

    This type of collar is pretty common among pet owners. It works by killing the fleas on your dog, thanks to being soaked in a chemical solution. What you need to know is that it contains insecticides that will be sucked up in the dog’s body.

    Once in the body, the product spreads evenly in the blood, killing and preventing further flea infestation on your dog effectively. While these collars are the most effective products, they can be harmful to both you and your dog.

    Therefore, make sure to choose the item with a suitable dose for your pet. Also, don’t touch your dog for a day until the insecticide is soaked in its body.

    Related Post: 7 Best Flea Collars for Cats Reviewed

    High-frequency collars

    High-frequency models represent the advanced form of flea collars. They work by releasing ultrasonic waves that are effective in repelling fleas from your dog. While the previous types contain chemicals or poisonous gas, such collars are not harmful to humans and animals at all.

    Therefore, you won’t be allergic to such an item, and the dog should be comfortable wearing it. However, they work more as a preventive option and won’t help with a flea infestation.

    Flea Collar Effectiveness


    How effective are flea collars? Generally, they are quite reliable when used correctly, meaning that you have to adhere to the instructions given on their usage.

    For example, when the guidelines say, do not expose a collar to water, follow this precaution. It means that the given collars are not water-resistant and will not be effective once they are wet.

    Also, with time, fleas may develop resistance to chemicals used in making a specific collar. Therefore, I recommend changing protective models once in six months.

    Flea Collar Variations

    Besides the classification provided above, flea collars can be divided into natural or chemical-based. A natural collar is one that has been made using naturally-sourced ingredients. It mainly relies on raw materials you can receive from nature, for instance, oils and herbs. However, such items are not as powerful as chemical-based ones.

    Chemical (repelling, absorption-based) collars are made using ingredients that are synthetically produced. Such collars may have some adverse side effects because the chemicals used may not be entirely safe for dogs or humans. However, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), manufacturers have agreed to end the sale of pet collars that have pesticides for the sake of children and pet protection, so you don’t have to worry about it.

    Main Ingredients Used in Making Flea Collars

    As I have mentioned above, chemical flea collars contain insecticides, that is, a mix of chemicals. Some of the chemical used include:

    • Deltamethrin. It is classified among the insecticides that are safe for animals and human beings. It is a synthetic form of natural Pyrethrin.
    • Propoxur. It works by poisoning the nervous system of fleas. The main downside to this ingredient is that significant exposures can be harmful to human beings. Therefore, avoid much contact with collars made using this chemical.
    • Amitraz. It is a common ingredient in collars made for preventing flea infestation. That is because it is primarily considered effective in controlling parasites.
    • Pyriproxifen. It is another ingredient used mainly in making insecticides for preventing parasites. It works effectively by targeting the eggs and larvae of fleas, sterilizes them, and controls their breeding.

    Possible Side Effects

    One thing you have to understand is that insecticides are meant to be poisonous to their targets. Therefore, in the process of performing their role, they may end up harming you and your pet, too, if not used carefully.
    According to a study by Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the following are some of the side effects that toxic chemicals on flea collars can have on humans and animals:

    • Damage to the nervous system, especially those with Tetrachlorvinphos (TCVP) as an ingredient;
    • Gastrointestinal complication on pets;
    • Irritation of the skin the collar is attached;
    • Chemical burns on pets.

    Therefore, make sure to check for the precautions provided by the manufacturer. Alternatively, you can consult your vet to select the right option for taking care of your pet and preventing fleas. It is always better to think of the protection beforehand that struggle with fleas attacking your pet.

    FAQ on How Do Flea and Tick Collars Work

    dog in the brown collar sleeps in the bed

    Based on the mixed consumer reactions that these items elicit, users have many questions on their functionality and effectiveness. Here are answers to some of these questions.

    How long does it take for a flea collar to work?

    The period it takes for the product to start working depends on its type. Natural collars take longer than their chemical counterparts to begin working. In most cases, chemical collars may take as little as one day to start being emitted. Based on this timeline, their impact may be felt within three to four weeks.

    How long do flea collars last?

    A well-maintained collar should last for five to eight months. As a precaution, avoid exposing the collar to water. This way, you will allow the items to serve as per the manufacturer’s instructions. However, if you purchase a water-resistant model, there’s nothing to worry about.

    How much is a flea collar for dogs?

    The prices of flea collars vary, depending on the brand and type. Chemical models tend to cost higher but serve for longer than natural ones. However, the price doesn’t always reflect the quality, so be sure to check the ingredients and feedback on the web.

    When can I put a flea collar on my puppy/kitten?

    Flea collars can be harmful to puppies and kittens. Therefore, it is recommended that for puppies, one should not use such an item until the pet reaches the age of eight weeks. Kittens must reach fourteen weeks before they are introduced to a pet collar.

    Also read:

    Getting High-Quality Flea Collars for Dogs

    Getting rid of fleas and preventing them on your pet is an important care practice. While pets play outside, they can catch fleas, and it would be better to take preventive measures than dealing with flea infestation.

    Using flea collars is one of the most effective preventive strategies. The advantage of this technique is that it can be used in conjunction with other preventive and treatment insecticides. On the bright side, I have discussed some of the concerns you may have, including the pressing one, do flea collars really work? Yes, they work, but one should choose the right model carefully.

    Based on your experience, what is the best type of flea collar to obtain? Which type do you consider most effective? Have you ever dealt with fleas on your dog or cat? If yes, did a flea collar help you? Share your thoughts in the comments, and I’ll be happy to read and answer them.


    • Companies Agree to Stop Selling Pet Collars Containing Pesticide to Protect Children (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency):
    • Poison on Pets II (Miriam Rotkin-Ellman, MPH; Gina Solomon, MD, MPH):
  • What Do Fleas Look Like? Detailed Guide With Pictures

    What Do Fleas Look Like? Detailed Guide With Pictures

    If you have been searching for creatures that are known to be voracious feeders, fleas fit that description. These insects are small in size, fast in their movement, and cause much trouble to pets like cats and dogs as well as humans.

    You can encounter fleas anywhere you go, even in homes where hygiene is a priority. It is important to learn how to deal with them when there is an infestation within your living space.

    flea life cycle

    Life cycle of the cat flea
    Illustration by: Scott Charlesworth, Purdue University

    “What do fleas look like?” That is the question that most people ask. If you cannot answer it, you may find it hard to deal with these insects. Fortunately, I am here to help you.

    Why Should You Know How to Identify Fleas?

    flea and flea eggs

    A flea infestation can cause many problems within your household. You should know when there is an infestation early so that you can take measures and deal with fleas before the problem gets to a level where it is hard to control them.

    The risk of infestation depends on where you live. For instance, those who live in cold places are at a lower risk of infestation because these insects prefer warm places as their area of breeding.

    What Do Fleas Look Like to the Human Eye?

    These creatures are small in size and are mostly found on animals such as dogs and rabbits. The adult fleas prefer humid, moist, and dark places outside and can crawl within your home as they deposit their eggs in favorable places.

    These eggs grow into adults and look for safe places to live within your home. They feed on blood from mammals. Do fleas have wings? No, they lack functional wings and can’t fly.

    flea on human skin

    Are fleas visible to the human eye? Yes. Even though these dark red or brownish insects are small, you can see the adults with your eyes. However, you have to look closely. So, what do fleas look like on humans? Below is a picture of a flea on a human body.

    flea on a human body

    What Are the Physical Characteristics of Fleas?

    How big are fleas? As mentioned before, fleas are small insects. Their sizes range from 1mm to 8mm. Do fleas have antennas? Yes, they need them for navigation. The antennae of male fleas are longer than those of female fleas. However, other sense organs are bigger in females than males.

    When you look at the body of a flea, you notice that it is flat. That’s why they can easily move through their host’s hair. Their mouths are also shaped like a tube to enable them to suck blood.

    Do fleas have eyes? The creatures are known to have two simple eyes that are located beneath the antennae. Below is a picture that shows what flea eyes look like.

    flea eyes and head

    A close look at the flea’s thorax shows that there are three pairs of legs attached to it. The legs end in strong claws that help them grasp the host. There are spines around flea’s head and mouth.

    flea body

    Fleas have flexible abdomens made of ten segments connected by membranes. Abdomens can expand to accommodate food and eggs. New tissues grow in this area to ensure that the abdomen can expand without affecting the stability of the exoskeleton.

    What Do Flea Eggs Look Like?

    When you want to control fleas effectively, you should start with eliminating their eggs, so you need to know what they look like. It’s not easy to spot a flea egg because it is very small.

    However, a close look at the eggs shows that they are oval and have a whitish color. You may mistake them for dandruff. As time goes by, the appearance changes. In the beginning, they are usually translucent. However, they gradually become solid white.

    Have you seen images of flea eggs? Here are some of them:

    flea eggs on a human finger

    In this flea eggs picture, you see eggs as they look under a magnifying glass:

    flea eggs under a magnifying glass

    There are four stages in the life cycle of fleas. The development process can take from 14 days to several months. When there is adequate food (blood) source, an adult female flea can lay 35+ eggs in a day.

    The egg-hatching period depends on temperature levels and humidity conditions. It takes 2 days or less in warm places with high humid content.

    However, the process is slower in cold places. When the conditions are unfavorable, the egg can stay inactive for a long time without hatching while waiting for the right conditions.

    The egg can reach the larval stage in as short as 48 hours when the temperatures of 30 degrees Celsius and 70% absolute humidity. Otherwise, the egg can stay for several weeks without hatching.

    flea eggs on carpet

    Flea eggs in the carpet – CC Image courtesy of Denni Schnapp

    Where are you likely to see the flea eggs? These insects are found on the skin of pets, and that is where the adults get food and lay eggs. The eggs will stay there for some time and slide to other places, for example, your carpet. If it is warm in your house, the eggs can develop into adult insects and continue using your pests as hosts.

    How can you control fleas to prevent them from laying eggs on your pets? You should regularly clean your pets with anti-flea shampoo. Moreover, it’s better to clean all bedding in your home and spray ant-flea products to prevent the eggs from developing to adulthood.

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    What Does Flea Larvae Look like?

    When the flea eggs hatch, they develop into baby fleas called larvae. What do baby fleas look like? They look like tiny whitish worms that are between 2mm and 5mm in length. They also have pale hair. The larvae feed on feces excreted by the adults. Here are some flea larvae images.

    baby flea larvae

    When the larvae get old, they darken, as seen in the picture below.

    flea larvae

    What Do Different Flea Types Look Like?

    There are more than 2,000 types of fleas that feed on warm-blooded animals and even humans. But cat fleas and dog fleas cause the most problems. Here are some flea pictures that can help you distinguish one type from others:

    What Do Cat Fleas Look Like?

    The scientific name of these fleas is Ctenocephalides felis. They live on domestic cats and can be found on dogs. The other animals that host cat fleas are squirrels and rats. There are two developmental stages between an egg and an adult – larvae and pupa.

    The adult cat fleas measure between 1mm and 3 mm. They have a reddish-brown color and do not have wings. Take a look at cat flea photos below.

    cat flea

    If your cat is infested with fleas, you are likely to see something similar to the picture below.

    flea infested cat

    What Do Sand Fleas Look Like?

    Sand fleas are mostly found at marshes, beaches, and other coastal areas. They are not actually fleas but are a species of crustaceans. You are unlikely to take them home from a beach, but the females can lay their eggs in your clothing or hair. Here are sand flea images to help you differentiate this type of fleas from the others:

    sand flea

    They camouflage perfectly with sand, so it’s not easy to notice them.

    What Do Dog Fleas Look Like to the Human Eye?

    Dog fleas are scientifically called Ctenocephalides canis. Although they can feed on human blood, they prefer dogs as their hosts. Just like other flea types, they have 4 stages of development with a cycle that takes between 2 to 3 weeks in a good environment.

    Adult dog fleas are tiny reddish-brown insects of 1 mm in length. Their mouths are tube-like to help them suck blood. With spines in their legs, they hold onto their hosts tightly. Here is an image of this flea type:

    dog flea

    What Does a Flea Bite Look Like? Here Are Details

    When a flea bites you, it leaves a round red bump on your skin. There is a halo around the bitten area. The flea bites feel itchy, and some people are very sensitive to them. Rushes may appear if you are allergic to the bite.

    Flea bites and mosquito bites may look similar, but flea bites are typically more often found on the lower legs and feet. You should look for signs of fleas around your home to be sure that the bite is not from any other insect within your environment. Here are pictures of flea bites.

    flea bites

    Below is a picture that shows severe flea bites.

    severe flea bites

    The Bottom Line

    Fleas look different depending on their stage of development. For instance, the eggs look different from adult insects or larvae. Moreover, the various types of fleas differ in color and size.

    If you want to control fleas within your living space, you should learn to identify dog and cat fleas. You do not want a situation where their bites cause discomfort to you or your pets. I hope that this article will help you learn more about different types of fleas and easily identify them.

    Have you ever had a flea infestation in your home? Did it take you long to recognize their presence? What remedy did you use? Share your experience in the comment section.

    Also read:


    • Controlling Fleas and Ticks on Your Pet (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency):
    • Illnesses from Mosquito, Tick, and Flea Bites Increasing in the US (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):