Does Lysol Kill Fleas: Eliminate Fleas With Household Chemicals

If you have a cat or a dog, you might have encountered fleas on your pets at least once in your life. Fleas are very annoying creatures. They suddenly appear and quickly multiply. The pests cause discomfort with their bites. They make the body itch and can carry various diseases.

If fleas have caught you unawareв at home, don’t despair. These pests can often be eliminated with simple chemicals that are available in every house. Many homeowners have Lysol in their arsenal. Does Lysol kill fleas? Let’s observe its properties.

Guide on Using Lysol for Fleas at Home

  1. Identify a flea infestation.
  2. Treat surfaces with Lysol.
  3. Vacuum and wash your entire apartment.
  4. Wash clothes and other items in hot water.
  5. Treat your pet with a special flea repellent.
  6. Continue applying Lysol to the surfaces until fleas are completely gone.

What Lysol Is and How It Works on Fleas

When fleas come into a house, the first thing we look at is the home remedies that we can use to poison them. Will Lysol kill fleas? I will tell you about this below.

Сan Lysol kill fleas?

What is Lysol? It is a disinfectant that is often used to clean a house or as a general antiseptic. Due to its properties, it kills 99,9% of bacteria. Lysol can also get rid of fleas, termites, and bed bugs. However, Lysol is less effective than specialized anti-flea products. If you are wondering: “will Lysol spray kill fleas?” — yes, you can safely use it. This comes in handy if you notice fleas and have nothing else at your disposal.

How does Lysol affect fleas?

Lysol contains an ingredient called ethanol. Fleas cannot tolerate its smell, and direct contact with Lysol kills these insects. If you apply Lysol directly to the species, it will die within a few minutes. Fleas also avoid being in places treated with Lysol. However, if a flea comes to the spot sprayed with Lysol, the solution will make it go away but won’t kill it. This is one reason why you need to repeat Lysol treatment several times until all the fleas are dead.

flea prevention dogs

Lysol is a good pest preventative measure. Fleas have a distinct sense of smell. The odor of the disinfectant prevents them from entering your home.

Will Lysol get rid of flea eggs?

The most important thing in flea control is to get rid of the eggs. If you don’t do this on time, you might never get rid of the pests in your home. It takes about a month for the insect to go through all the stages, from an egg to an adult flea. Every month, you risk coming back to this problem all over again.

Does Lysol kill flea eggs? The smell of Lysol repels fleas but not their eggs. Studies have shown that the product does not affect flea eggs. Therefore, you need to add washing or heat treating your clothes to the antiseptic treatment. Some people mix Lysol with hot water and treat all surfaces in their flat with this solution. It is a popular method to kill fleas. However, the efficiency of this option has not been scientifically proven yet.

Is Lysol safe for pets?

Lysol is not a flea repellent. This disinfectant contains phenol, so it is dangerous for animals. It leaves behind fumes and traces of the chemicals that can harm your pet:

  • Dogs: If your dog licks an item treated with Lysol, it can cause poisoning or burns, especially on the tongue. Lysol ingestion can cause indigestion, vomiting, and other problems;
  • Cats have a stronger sense of smell, so the smell of Lysol is a potent irritant to them. Cats are even more susceptible to being poisoned by the chemical than dogs. If a cat comes in contact with Lysol, it can adversely affect its liver and stomach. If you notice that your pet has become weak, lost its appetite, or is vomiting, you should immediately contact a vet, as these are clear signs of poisoning.

Since animals are smaller than humans, they are more susceptible to the substances we use on floors, skirting boards, etc. Therefore, you should keep animals away from the house while disinfecting with Lysol. Clean the flat thoroughly after the procedure. Rinse the places your pets visit most often with water.

Depending on the manufacturer, Lysol can have a slightly different composition. Read the product description carefully before buying one to make sure there are no hazardous substances in it.

How to use Lysol to kill fleas in your home

Curing fleas with Lysol is not easy. You have to be patient and regularly disinfect your apartment. However, it is still possible. You should take the following steps:

  1. Identify the areas of your home that are most likely to be infested. There are even special test strips available for this purpose. Swipe one over any flea infestation and you’ll see if the color changes. If yes, you are sure you have found the right area to treat.
  2. Treat all firm surfaces with Lysol. It is particularly effective if sprayed directly on fleas.
  3. If you have carpets in your home, you might have a question: “Does Lysol kill fleas in a carpet?” The answer is “yes.” Clean all carpets with Lysol and a special brush. After this disinfection, thoroughly vacuum the house to collect fleas and egg debris.
  4. Also, clean your pet’s sleeping area. Carefully treat all the items that you use to care for your pet.
  5. Wash your clothing, towels, and bedding in hot water and thoroughly dry them.

Remember that you cannot get rid of all the fleas with Lysol at once. You have to repeat the aforementioned steps periodically to obtain sustainable results.

FAQ About Using Lysol to Kill Fleas

close-up of a flea on a white background

Flea control involves the use of chemicals, even if they are simple household remedies. That is why it is important to consider all the nuances of flea control. Here is some useful information to help you avoid mistakes and safely get rid of these vermins.

Can I spray Lysol on the dog bed?

Even if you have a not too toxic Lysol at your disposal, you should remember that this product is not specifically designed to fight fleas. You can treat your dog’s bed with it. After you do it, you need to wash it to completely get rid of fleas.

Is Lysol safe for dogs?

Lysol is not safe for animals. I’ve also read the questions on the Internet about spraying Lysol directly on the animal’s fur. I highly don’t recommend it. It can harm your pet’s skin and poison it.

Does Lysol spray kill fleas on furniture?

Fleas usually live on furniture, especially if it is a sofa or a bed where your pet sleeps. You can treat the furniture with Lysol, brush it thoroughly, and vacuum it. It is best not to use upholstered furniture for a couple of days, especially in the case of animals.

Use Lysol Consciously

monkeys breed fleas

I hope now you know the answer to the question: “Will Lysol kill fleas?” You can use this simple home remedy to control the parasites. If you see the first fleas in your home and spray them with Lysol, you will get good results. Also, if you are worried about your pet bringing fleas into the house, you can use the treatment for prevention. It will repel the pests. If the situation is more advanced, only special flea killers can help you. Which pest control products have you used? Share them with us in the comments!

Also Read:


  • Controlling Fleas (Mike Merchant and James Robinson)
  • Phenol poisoning in three dogs (T L Gieger, S S Correa, J Taboada, A M Grooters, A J Johnson)
  • Diseases from fleas (King County)


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Nicholas Martin

Nicholas Martin

I am Nicholas Martin, and I am an entomologist. I combine the insect survey work with the consultation for private pest control agencies. My narrow specializations are both urban pests and agricultural pests. I studied their control over the previous 25 years. More about Nick

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