Well, to put it simply, I have a bigger chance of dying from my last week’s burger than an ant dying from eating cornmeal. It’s just food to them, plain and simple.
More on the matter, those lucky bastards don’t even have to worry about their cholesterol level, unlike me and my burgers.
Ants And Cornmeal
The legend says that ants will ingest cornmeal but can not physically digest it. Some even go as far as stating that the poor buggers will explode from the inside after a hefty cornmeal snack.
All of that is rubbish.
First and foremost, ants are omnivorous, meaning they can eat everything from meat to veggies to sweets just like humans. In fact, some of the things that eat ants are other ants. Their mandibles are not for show, you know.
Some of these tiny insects are capable of chomping through solid wood or even concrete. Corn can not and will not stop them in any way.
Secondly, worker ants – the ones that deliver the food to the colony, are only capable of eating liquid food, so if they decided to munch on some cornmeal, they’d use enough saliva to moisturize it into a liquid mess of nutrients. That’s how they eat their meats and veggies anyhow. Lastly, ants are naturally attracted to cornmeal. If it did anything to them, their population would either have been under threat of extinction by now, or the newer generations would have learned to avoid the dangerous product. Neither has occurred so far.
Still think using cornmeal to kill ants is a good idea?
Well, you should. It’s just that you shouldn’t use cornmeal alone.
Cornmeal Ant Killer?
Will cornmeal kill ants? Nope, it wouldn’t. It is capable of something else though – ants can’t resist the taste of the flour.
Yes, using cornmeal alone would be the same as feeding an entire ant colony with snacks (which is kinda cool when you think about it).
Combining it with actual ant poison, on the other hand, might do the trick.
Why is the cornmeal ant trap the perfect preventive strike against a spreading colony of ants?
Workers cannot eat hard food. They only drink notorious liquids. This means they will take every last flake of the flour into the nest where most of the food is given to larvae.
In return, the larvae will consume poisonous cornmeal and convert it into liquid so the workers can enjoy a nice meal after a heavy day’s work.
Boom, you’ve just eliminated an entire nest with nothing but “spiced” cornmeal. That’s what I call strategic thinking!
Why Use Cornmeal?
You must be thinking something along these lines to yourself: “Ok, but if I poison the nest, I win the war. It makes sense so far. Why do I have to use cornmeal though?”
You see, most poisons are sold in liquid form. Sure, you can use a bit of boric acid and will get rid of a couple of workers, but since your weapon is liquid, they’ll happily eat the treat before heading back home.
Making a paste that combines a deadly venom and the food most ants love so much – now that is a diabolical trick to play on the unsuspecting insects.
Why Does Cornmeal Kill Ants?
It doesn’t unless combined with actual ant poison. Otherwise, it is just food.
Will Cornmeal Kill Fire Ants?
Cornmeal alone will not kill any species of ants.
How to Kill Ants with Cornmeal?
You’ll need to mix it into a paste with ant poison and scatter the mixture around the house.
Words of Caution
If you are considering using cornmeal in combination with poison, please keep in mind that ants are not the only creatures living outside your house.
Your friends or neighbors might own pets that will be interested in the corn paste scattered around the yard. Little children may wish to explore the bate as well and so could many more curious bystanders, both human and insect in nature.
If you are looking for a word of advice from a seasoned extermination veteran, I’d always go for the sealed commercial solutions. Most of them are really thought through and sealed in a way that the ants are the only ones getting in and out.
The cornmeal myth is quite fun, though I am a bit sad that this 100% natural solution does not work in favor of the exterminator.
That being said, I have tried a couple of organic ant poisons in my life, and some of them showed promising results. For instance, you can combine corneal with vinegar or lemon acid for nice performance without any serious risks to creatures larger than an ant.
Have you, by any chance, heard any other peculiar insect-related stories you’d like me to fact-check or debunk? Feel free to share them with me. I am always on the lookout for more insights and experimentation.
Hi, I’m Nicholas Martin. I’ve been in the pest control industry for over 25 years. Customers often ask me what do bed bugs look like and how to identify them to prevent the next infestation on time. That’s why I decided to write this guide to answer all the important questions.
To make the guide more descriptive, I supply every paragraph with real bed bug pictures. Using my guide, you can prepare yourself for bed bug infestation that may potentially happen or spot the problem at any stage. Read on to learn more!
What Are Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are parasitic insects that adapted to survive in close proximity to humans and feed on blood. The name of this pest is due to its favorite habitat, the human bed! Despite the tiny size, the parasite can cause you tons of unforgettable troubles.
Adult Cimex lectularius the most common.
The first problem is the bed bug bites. The most common symptoms include rashes. Bed bug bites can lead to various health issues. Take a look at pictures of bed bug bites below to make sure that the bites on your body don’t belong to simple mosquitos or other pests.
Bed bug bites over the body. Pic 1
The bites can become evident during minutes or several days after the bite. Some people don’t react to bed bug bites at all. They can be easily confused with bites of fleas, ticks, and other domestic pests. The skin symptoms are also similar to common types of hives, fungal infections and some stages of eczema.
Bed bug bites over the body. Pic 2
The allergic reaction may cause fever or fatigue. In rare cases, tough complications, such as vasculitis or even necrosis. However, you won’t face such consequences if you are healthy and live in a clean house.
It’s also impossible to catch infections through a bedbug bite, so don’t worry too much if you’re facing the problem of bed bugs. However, you shouldn’t start treating the symptoms without seeing your doctor first.
Bed bugs are widely spread all over the world, and it’s usually rather difficult to get rid of them, as they can survive in unobvious places for up to a year without food. If you travel a lot, think about moving into an old house, or want to buy second-hand furniture, you should detect bed bug larvae and adult bugs before it’s too late.
What Do Bed Bugs Look Like
Unless you’re an entomologist, it’s quite easy to confuse bed bugs with other small brown bugs. As you can see on bed bug images above and below, an adult specimen has a tiny prolonged oval-shaped brown or reddish-brown body. The size can’t be bigger than an apple seed.
The actual size of a bed bug is from 1 to 7 mm. A bug is flat when it’s hungry and starts to look like a balloon after it is full. This feature is similar to ticks and fleas, so be vigilant. To distinguish them right, you should know what do bed bugs look like up close.
Macro photo of a bed bug nymph.
Identification Basics
How many legs do bed bugs have? Six. But fleas also have 3 pairs of legs, so you can be confused easily. Chiggers have 4 pairs of legs and more ball-shaped bodies, which makes them easier to identify. Looking for bed bugs in your house, you shouldn’t be focused only on finding adult bugs, though, as they never leave their covers during the day and usually keep hiding at night if there’s no food around.
Mattress bed bug nest images are not for the faint-hearted.
Look for other signs instead. True evidence of bed bug presence is rusty stains on your mattresses and sheets. Another sign is bed bug feces. They’re rather hard to see as they are small as a pencil point, but can tell you that a problem has started for sure. Bed bug fecal spots are also a sign of cockroach infestation, so double check your findings.
Bed bug fecal spots and shed skins.
Unfortunately, the only way to make sure that feces on your furniture are left by bed bugs is to touch them. Wear thin medical gloves and touch them. Cockroach feces are always granular because they eat hard food. Bed bugs eat only blood, which means that they defecate with dried liquid. As a result, their spots have a smooth feel when you touch them.
The next common question is, what does a baby bed bug look like. As you can see in the image below, baby bed bugs, which are also called nymphs, are almost identical to adult species. However, their bodies are more transparent, colored in light reddish-brown, and have visible black points on their backs.
If you find baby bed bugs, it means that there are several adults around for sure. If a nymph insect is hungry, it can even be of pale yellow or almost white color.
How big is a bed bug? 1-7 mm as it depends on its age.
The lifecycle of a bed bug includes 7 stages, such as:
Five stages of nymphs;
Adult insect.
When a bed bug reaches the final development stage, it can start to mate and lay eggs. A single female insect can lay up to 250 eggs during its life. The eggs hatch in 6-10 days.
Hatched and live eggs on the carpet behind the bed.
When parasites reach the first nymph stage, they need to find a source of blood to survive and keep progressing. Each nymph stage lasts 5-7 days if a bug can find a regular blood host. In fact, not all bugs reach the adult stage, but if they succeed, they can survive up to one year without food and keep replicating to let the population grow.
That’s one of the hatched bed bug egg pictures from my archive.
Where do Bed Bugs Hide
If the infestation doesn’t look like one of the pictures of bed bugs on mattress above, it can be quite difficult to find them if you don’t know their average shelters. Save the list of the most common hideaways and start the inspection. I recommend you to take a flashlight and a magnifying glass not to miss tiny eggs and larvae.
Adult bed bugs mating near their eggs.
Common bed bug covers include:
Pillows – check stitches, zippers, tags, and the padding;
Mattresses – you should pay extra attention to zippers, tags, stitches, and other parts that have folds;Bed bug larvae and adults in sofa stitches.
Upholstered cushions – soft and fuzzy upholstery is a very convenient hideaway for bed bugs on all development stages;
Suitcases & travel bags – every travel bag or suitcase has lots of stitches and folds inside, and pests love to travel along with you sitting there safe and sound;
Cracks in furniture – look for cracks and roughnesses on your bed frames. Parasites can hide within any tiny crack and stay there for months if it doesn’t feel safe to come out. You can find them even within the screw heads of your furniture;
Drawers – there are lots of joints in bedroom tables and other furniture around the house. These are not favorable, but rather common hideaways for insects;
Loose wallpapers – even if you don’t know about loose wallpaper areas in your bedroom, these tiny bloodsuckers will find them for sure;
Chipped paint – this one is similar to loose wallpapers;
Curtains – check out the bottoms, rods, and pleating of your bedroom curtains. There’s always a chance that parasites hide in folds and stitches of your curtains;
Bedroom carpets – in some cases, bed bugs can infest long-fiber carpets near your bed, so inspect them too;
Outlets – not a common cover, but I’ve seen them there too;
Under air conditioner base – this looks like a hard-to-reach area, but these pests are quite stubborn and can settle down under the ceiling as well. In addition, it’s a perfectly ventilated and cool place, which is great for lengthy surviving without food.
Behind baseboards – this is perhaps the most secure hideaway for insects, as you can’t see them without dismantling baseboards. Check baseboard heaters too, if you have them. Bugs can breed there when you don’t use heating.
Frames of vents – vents are similar to air conditioners as they create perfect cool and dry conditions for breeding and surviving.
All types of wooden framing – as you can see on some of bed bug infestation pictures that I provide, bed bugs love cracks in the wood and wooden framings. Check them no matter where they are.
Bed bugs within a wooden framing of a table.
How to Identify Bed Bug Infestation
Now let’s learn how to find bed bugs. Most of my customers say that they start suspecting a bed bug infestation when they see specific bites on their skin. So, If you go to bed feeling fine and see itching bites in the morning, it can be considered as a sign.
A bite with a blister reaction.
On the other hand, you should remember that bites can become feasible after several days. It means that a parasite could bite you during a trip, and your home isn’t infested. There’s also a chance that you were attacked by other insects. Besides, the common reason for itching bite-like spots all over the body is allergic hives.
Remember what you ate in the evening and make sure that you don’t have an allergy to one of the meal`s ingredients. Hives caused by tropical fruits, food chemicals, lactose, alcohol, and other products usually look very similar to bed bug bites. But if you see blisters and small bruises, know that you have typical parasite bites.
Empty shells can look like these too.
While bites don’t always mean that your home is infested, keep looking for other clues. The lifecycle of every bed bug implies shedding. These pests shed 5 times during their lives to reach the adult stage. As a result, they leave empty shells all-around their places. You can also find shed egg skins, but they’re extremely small and hard to notice.
Empty bed bug exoskeletons look like transparent shells.
When you’re on a trip, and you have to stay in a hotel or a rental apartment, you should inspect your mattress to make sure that there are no feces and larva.
Next, lift the mattress to check for eggs and adult species at the bottom. If you find them, hurry up to let the hotel staff know about it, ask for a new room, or book a room in another hotel if it’s possible.
Bed bug excrements on bedsheets.
It’s also essential to keep your bags and cases away from beds and couches to make it hard for insects to get in there. If you’re not sure whether can bed bugs fly or not, don’t worry. They do have wings, but they cannot use them. Their legs are also unable to jump.
These 2 factors don’t let the parasites spread around as rapidly as fleas do. Bed bugs can smell humans and animals. That’s why it’s important to keep your dirty clothes in plastic bags during the journey in order to make your suitcase and clothes unattractive to pests.
Infestation on a travel backpack.
The last and the most apparent proof of the infestation is bed bug aggregations. Look at bed bug nest images above and below to understand what they look like. A typical gathering includes adult insects, nymphs, larvae, eggs, shed skins, and multiple feces.
Insects usually hold together to simplify mating. If you find such a gathering in your house, you have to call a professional to start serious treatment.
Typical bed bug aggregation on a mattress.
Summering up the infestation signs, here is a checklist that you can save to use right away:
Itching bites over your body – low infestation probability;
Fecal stains – medium infestation probability;
Bed bug shed skins and nymphs – high probability;
Live and hatched eggs – obvious infestation;
Parasite aggregations – obvious infestation, call the professional
Horrific bed bug aggregation example.
Knowledge Is Power
Now that you know what do bed bugs look like, you can identify the infestation and start the treatment in time. You can come back to this guide to compare pics of bed bugs with what you see at home or hotel and estimate the size of the problem.
Remember, knowledge is the only way to fight these parasites effectively. Don’t panic and learn what not to do during the infestation, as this type of pests isn’t dangerous for your life. Start treatment in time, be patient, and you’ll get rid of them very soon.
If you have any questions left after reading, you’re welcome to ask me in the comments or look for answers in other PestControlHacks articles related to bed bugs. You can also add value to the article and share your own experience in the comments section.
Have you ever faced a bed bug infestation? Tell us more about it below. Do you have any exciting stories related to the topic? We’re all eyes!
Bed Bugs (Entomology at the University of Kentucky): https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef636
Introduction to Bed Bugs (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency): https://www.epa.gov/bedbugs/introduction-bed-bugs
How to Find Bed Bugs (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency): https://www.epa.gov/bedbugs/how-find-bed-bugs
How to Identify a Bed Bug Infestation (Dini M. Miller, Ph.D., Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech): https://ucanr.edu/sites/practice/files/269119.pdf
Hey there. Nicholas Martin (aka pest buster) here. Today, I’m going to talk about fruit flies. Oh yeah, those pesky uninvited guests are so tedious. Fruit flies invade your bedroom. They’re all over your kitchen. What’s most irritating is that they just love your food! You chase them down, Raid-ing them to death or whacking the heck out of them, but their buddies come back for more of your yummies… That’s just not fair!
Where do fruit flies come from all of a sudden? What exactly causes fruit flies? Are they dangerous? If these questions keep turning, churning, and burning inside you, you’ve come to the right place.
I’m a professional entomologist (read as fruit fly slayer). So in this post, I’m going to tell you all about your current buzzing enemies, arming you with all the details necessary for their elimination. This knowledge will help you eradicate your fruit fly infestation.
Fruit Fly Identification Guide: Spot the Foe
You’re probably aware that fruit flies adore hanging out where it’s warm and cozy. But why do they all of a sudden choose your house as their permanent place of residence? Do they just pop out of thin air?
Or do they come from fruit? What causes fruit flies? Where do fruit flies lay eggs? How long do fruit flies live? I’ll start answering all these questions from the very beginning.
Fruit flies (also referred to as vinegar, wine flies, or, in a more scientific language, ‘Drosophilae melanogaster’) look similar to house flies, but there are certain major distinctions.
Their color ranges from yellow to brown; they usually have reddish eyes (although there are dark-eyed fruit fly species), as well as thin, transparent wing covers. Adult drosophilae have noticeable antennae that look fluffy in an ugly way.
Fruit Flies vs. Fungus Gnats: Ok, What’s the Difference?
Wondering about the visual distinction between fruit flies and fungus gnats? They, indeed, look quite similar. Moreover, fruit flies and gnats even have similar behavior patterns. However, there are a few distinguishing features between these two tiny pests.
First and foremost, gnats usually have longer legs compared to drosophilae. Second, fruit flies have big, red eyes, while gnats’ eyes are so tiny that they are way too challenging to spot. Furthermore, gnats have longer bodies compared to fruit flies.
With regard to the differences in terms of their behavior, fungus gnats prefer using your garden soil (or the soil of your houseplants) as their nesting location. That’s why they’re alternatively referred to as soil gnats, by the way. As for fruit flies, they choose overripe fruit or drains as their breeding area.
If you’re wondering if drosophilae and fungus gnats are dangerous, well, they’re no good for your home for sure. Fruit flies, for instance, can spread a variety of bacteria and, i.e. cause health issues, while fungus gnats can damage your plants. So the faster you start getting rid of the problem, the faster you’ll deal with it.
How Fruit Flies Get in Your House
Fruit fly larvae are buttery-colored, thin, and rice grain-shaped. Pretty often, fruit flies lay their eggs in fermenting liquid (mainly inside your fruit or vegetables brought from the grocery store). As a matter of fact, spotting fruit fly eggs is barely possible.
Therefore, you can accidentally eat them (yuck!) each time you enjoy an apple or peach! So be sure to wash your fruit like a pro prior to munching on them…
You’ve probably already guessed that fruit flies don’t just pop out of nowhere, even though it seems like they do. They may enter your home through small cracks in your walls and even through tiny crevices around your windows.
Alternatively, you may bring their pre-laid eggs inside the fruit or veggies from your local grocery store. Hope that answers your ‘how do fruit flies get in the house’ question.
How Do Fruit Flies Reproduce? Impressively Rapid Transformation
Studying the life cycle of this nasty pest is useful for winning your fruit fly battle. Without this vital knowledge, you may end up failing to eradicate your drosophila problem. The whole life cycle of a fruit fly is quite short and takes only up to 1.5 months.
Their life span largely depends on the time of year, though. Fruit flies are the most lively and active during warmer months. ‘Lady’ fruit flies lay several clusters of eggs during that period, which allows the ‘community’ of these pests to multiply very speedily.
What’s astonishing about the life cycle of drosophilae is that their egg-to-adult fly metamorphosis takes no longer than 2 weeks. That’s astoundingly fast. Let’s track how exactly they do the trick of ‘flying’ from fetus into adulthood. I’ll describe the process and the stages below.
There are four distinct stages in the life cycle of a fruit fly. Here’s a brief outline of each of them:
egg stage: the ‘lady’ fly lays up to 20 eggs that transform into larvae within about 2 days; at this point, fruit fly eggs are so tiny that you will probably fail to notice them on your fruit or veggies; throughout its lifetime, a mom drosophila is capable of laying up to 500 eggs;
larva stage: at the larval stage (which lasts for up to 4 days), the egg has already transformed into maggots, also referred to as the larvae: short, small, food-loving worms. These worms stuff their fatty bodies with food until they are ready for the next stage of the fruit fly transformation;
pupa stage: this stage is crucial when it comes to the fruit fly transformation; once it’s over, the fly is all grown up and more than ready to invade your sweet home with its pesky friends;
adult drosophila stage: if all goes ‘as planned’ during the previous stage, at this point the egg-to-adult fly transformation is fully complete; that pretty much answers your ‘how are fruit flies born’ question; the adult fly is hungrier than ever, for the previous stage has drained of all of its resources.
If you’re wondering where all fruit flies go during the wintertime, they enter a state called diapause, which is the insect ‘sleep mode’. During this time, their growth and appetite are slowed down — right until the weather is warm, and they can munch on their favorite yummies again.
Why Do Fruit Flies Appear? More Answers to Your Questions Below
Drosophilae are toothless; therefore, liquids are their main food. Organic materials, including sugary ones, lure these bothersome creatures. Most frequently, these flies infest fruit, hence their ‘fruity’ name.
That’s mainly because fruit (especially when it rots) naturally gives off the sweet smell of honey and vinegar — something that fruit flies are totally hypnotized by.
If you go out of town and leave, say, ripe peaches on your kitchen table, a loud fruit fly party is definitely going to await you when you come back. Also, fruit flies can breed in rotting meat, trash cans, and soda/alcohol spills.
That’s why enjoying a glass of your favorite beer on a warm summer night is often impossible without being hunted by a swarm of the hovering uninvited guests.
Fruit Fly FAQ
1. Do fruit flies come from fruit?
Not exactly. Fruit flies don’t just suddenly materialize from inside the fruit. On the contrary, these stealthy guys attack the fruit in your kitchen from outside — right when it’s all overripe and juicy. In other words, fruit flies that come from the fruit is a (pretty ridiculous) myth.
2. Where do fruit flies come from in the bathroom?
Drosophilae enjoy spending time in warm, moist places. Most frequently, they lay their eggs on the surface of ripe fruit and veggies. However, fruit fly moms can easily opt for any other dark, moist areas (like your shower or sink drains) for laying their eggs. Yep, that’s how easily clouds of nasty fruit flies in your bathroom can be explained.
3. How fast do fruit flies breed?
Drosophilae reproduce at an incredible rate. On average, all the aforementioned stages of the life cycle of a fruit fly take up no longer than one week. That being said, when an infestation begins, it usually races out of control inexplicably fast.
4. Can fruit flies come from drain?
Yes. Fruit flies can breed in sewers, drains, trash cans, septic tanks, under your bathroom sink, under a loose floor tile, and in similar non-typical areas. These pesky insects thrive on moisture and organic debris; therefore, the aforementioned locations are pretty comfy for their short yet very noticeable lives.
5. Are fruit flies dangerous to your health?
Fruit flies are not as hazardous as, say, wasps, but they’re still not just a mere annoyance. In fact, plenty of germs can stick to the bodies of fruit flies. These germs (gut bacteria in particular) can get on your food and cause such a highly unpleasant health problem as diarrhea.
6. Do fruit flies bite?
No. Fruit flies cannot flaunt biting mouthparts. Besides, they don’t care about your blood. All they care about is rotten fruit, trashcans, and nice booze. So in this sense, fruit flies are the direct opposites of mosquitoes.
7. Can fruit flies go away on their own?
Fruit flies are extremely fertile. They breed nonstop, laying up to 500 eggs throughout their short lifespan. Once these tenacious pests make themselves at home in your house, they will not go away on their own. Luckily, you don’t have to put up with them and can get rid of them either under your own steam or with professional assistance.
Now that you’ve learned all there is to know about drosophilae and their major habits, you’re armed with logical prevention steps against these little troublemakers.
First, have proper sanitation, clean up, or get rid of all their potential breeding spots. Second, make sure that your garbage bins have tight lids.
On top of that, make sure that you keep your fruit and veggies in the fridge. Your almost-rotten fruit should be discarded immediately. If you’re experiencing a fruit fly infestation that’s out of control, you’re welcome to research on the best fruit fly traps in one of my previous posts — or get in touch with licensed pest control pros asap.
What about your experience of overcoming fruit fly infestations? How did you solve the problem? Or are you still in the process of battling fruit flies? Feel free to share your opinion with me and your fellow-readers in the comment section below. Any feedback from my readers is always highly appreciated.
Fruit Flies (Entomology at the University of Kentucky): https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef621
An Introduction to Drosophila melanogaster (University of Washington): https://depts.washington.edu/cberglab/wordpress/outreach/an-introduction-to-fruit-flies/
When you have a pet, dealing with parasite infestation, such as fleas, is a challenge you must be ready for. These insects are everywhere in the outdoors, and every time you go out for a walk or a day out with your dog, there is the possibility it will catch some fleas. But how can one deal with this problem?
Many pet owners consider purchasing flea collar vs drops. However, flea collars proved to be a more reliable solution, and in this article, I plan to use my experience as an entomologist to discuss flea collars.
It is a stress-free method of preventing and killing fleas. In this discussion, I will focus on answering how such items work and how to choose the right flea collar.
Flea Collar Buyer’s Guide
The effectiveness of flea collars is an issue that elicits mixed opinions from users. Some can attest to how effective their items worked while others have nothing positive to say about them.
The difference in experiences could simply be caused by the factors each of the parties considered when buying a flea collar.
How Does a Flea Collar Work?
Previously, flea collars could irritate the pet’s skin because of the harsh chemicals they contained. However, now it’s a thing of the past. The manufacturers of these collars took measures to modernize the models to minimize their negative impact on animals and humans alike. So, how do flea collars work?
The working model of such an item is mainly based on the type of collar you buy. In general, there are three basic types. They include:
Repelling collars
Repelling models release a gas that is poisonous to the fleas. Therefore, when wearing the collar, a dog will be protected from fleas that will not want to come into contact with it. Moreover, repelling products are also effective in killing the insects that have already got into the dog’s fur.
The gas the collar releases is enough to suffocate and kill these pests. However, its killing abilities are limited to the areas near where the collar is worn.
What I love about repelling collars is the fact that the gas it generates doesn’t stay in the fur. Therefore, no need to worry about being close to your pet when it is wearing the collar.
The only con, this type of collar lasts for a couple of months only. After this time, you will need to remove it and tie another one.
This type of collar is pretty common among pet owners. It works by killing the fleas on your dog, thanks to being soaked in a chemical solution. What you need to know is that it contains insecticides that will be sucked up in the dog’s body.
Once in the body, the product spreads evenly in the blood, killing and preventing further flea infestation on your dog effectively. While these collars are the most effective products, they can be harmful to both you and your dog.
Therefore, make sure to choose the item with a suitable dose for your pet. Also, don’t touch your dog for a day until the insecticide is soaked in its body.
High-frequency models represent the advanced form of flea collars. They work by releasing ultrasonic waves that are effective in repelling fleas from your dog. While the previous types contain chemicals or poisonous gas, such collars are not harmful to humans and animals at all.
Therefore, you won’t be allergic to such an item, and the dog should be comfortable wearing it. However, they work more as a preventive option and won’t help with a flea infestation.
Flea Collar Effectiveness
How effective are flea collars? Generally, they are quite reliable when used correctly, meaning that you have to adhere to the instructions given on their usage.
For example, when the guidelines say, do not expose a collar to water, follow this precaution. It means that the given collars are not water-resistant and will not be effective once they are wet.
Also, with time, fleas may develop resistance to chemicals used in making a specific collar. Therefore, I recommend changing protective models once in six months.
Flea Collar Variations
Besides the classification provided above, flea collars can be divided into natural or chemical-based. A natural collar is one that has been made using naturally-sourced ingredients. It mainly relies on raw materials you can receive from nature, for instance, oils and herbs. However, such items are not as powerful as chemical-based ones.
Chemical (repelling, absorption-based) collars are made using ingredients that are synthetically produced. Such collars may have some adverse side effects because the chemicals used may not be entirely safe for dogs or humans. However, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), manufacturers have agreed to end the sale of pet collars that have pesticides for the sake of children and pet protection, so you don’t have to worry about it.
Main Ingredients Used in Making Flea Collars
As I have mentioned above, chemical flea collars contain insecticides, that is, a mix of chemicals. Some of the chemical used include:
Deltamethrin. It is classified among the insecticides that are safe for animals and human beings. It is a synthetic form of natural Pyrethrin.
Propoxur. It works by poisoning the nervous system of fleas. The main downside to this ingredient is that significant exposures can be harmful to human beings. Therefore, avoid much contact with collars made using this chemical.
Amitraz. It is a common ingredient in collars made for preventing flea infestation. That is because it is primarily considered effective in controlling parasites.
Pyriproxifen. It is another ingredient used mainly in making insecticides for preventing parasites. It works effectively by targeting the eggs and larvae of fleas, sterilizes them, and controls their breeding.
Possible Side Effects
One thing you have to understand is that insecticides are meant to be poisonous to their targets. Therefore, in the process of performing their role, they may end up harming you and your pet, too, if not used carefully. According to a study by Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the following are some of the side effects that toxic chemicals on flea collars can have on humans and animals:
Damage to the nervous system, especially those with Tetrachlorvinphos (TCVP) as an ingredient;
Gastrointestinal complication on pets;
Irritation of the skin the collar is attached;
Chemical burns on pets.
Therefore, make sure to check for the precautions provided by the manufacturer. Alternatively, you can consult your vet to select the right option for taking care of your pet and preventing fleas. It is always better to think of the protection beforehand that struggle with fleas attacking your pet.
FAQ on How Do Flea and Tick Collars Work
Based on the mixed consumer reactions that these items elicit, users have many questions on their functionality and effectiveness. Here are answers to some of these questions.
How long does it take for a flea collar to work?
The period it takes for the product to start working depends on its type. Natural collars take longer than their chemical counterparts to begin working. In most cases, chemical collars may take as little as one day to start being emitted. Based on this timeline, their impact may be felt within three to four weeks.
How long do flea collars last?
A well-maintained collar should last for five to eight months. As a precaution, avoid exposing the collar to water. This way, you will allow the items to serve as per the manufacturer’s instructions. However, if you purchase a water-resistant model, there’s nothing to worry about.
How much is a flea collar for dogs?
The prices of flea collars vary, depending on the brand and type. Chemical models tend to cost higher but serve for longer than natural ones. However, the price doesn’t always reflect the quality, so be sure to check the ingredients and feedback on the web.
When can I put a flea collar on my puppy/kitten?
Flea collars can be harmful to puppies and kittens. Therefore, it is recommended that for puppies, one should not use such an item until the pet reaches the age of eight weeks. Kittens must reach fourteen weeks before they are introduced to a pet collar.
Getting rid of fleas and preventing them on your pet is an important care practice. While pets play outside, they can catch fleas, and it would be better to take preventive measures than dealing with flea infestation.
Using flea collars is one of the most effective preventive strategies. The advantage of this technique is that it can be used in conjunction with other preventive and treatment insecticides. On the bright side, I have discussed some of the concerns you may have, including the pressing one, do flea collars really work? Yes, they work, but one should choose the right model carefully.
Based on your experience, what is the best type of flea collar to obtain? Which type do you consider most effective? Have you ever dealt with fleas on your dog or cat? If yes, did a flea collar help you? Share your thoughts in the comments, and I’ll be happy to read and answer them.
Companies Agree to Stop Selling Pet Collars Containing Pesticide to Protect Children (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency): https://www.epa.gov/safepestcontrol/companies-agree-stop-selling-pet-collars-containing-pesticide-protect-children
Poison on Pets II (Miriam Rotkin-Ellman, MPH; Gina Solomon, MD, MPH): https://www.nrdc.org/sites/default/files/poisonsonpets.pdf
Today, I want to talk with you about cockroaches. It seems that these annoying insects are just everywhere, in your apartments and houses, on your porches. But did you know that only 30 species of cockroaches out of 4,600 existing are associated with human habitation? And the fact that they appeared about 320 million years ago makes them practically indestructible.
In this article, I will try to reveal the most pressing questions about cockroach slopes. Do they really bite? If so, does it depend on the geographical location or the region where you live? What do roach bites look like? And finally, is there a cure for cockroach slopes? If you are interested in these and more questions, then read on.
Let’s Talk About Roaches Bites!
When I was preparing the article, I re-read hundreds of similar ones, visited millions of forums to find out what questions people are really interested in. That is why I decided to write an article not as a monologue, but as a dialogue. By the way, all questions were asked by real users on various sites.
So, can cockroaches bite or not?
It is the most popular issue! Hence, I want to start with the answer to this question. Do roaches bite? Definitely, yes! Cockroaches are omnivores. Scientists have found that they can eat both plants and meat. Therefore, human flesh is also food for roaches. Basically, they bite some “ledges” or limbs, for example, the feet, fingers or eyelids.
Such an omnivorousness is understandable. As I wrote above, cockroaches are one of the most “enduring” species of insects that appeared billions of years ago. That is why in order for them to survive, nature had to make them omnivorous.
Why and when roaches bite?
There are three main types of cockroaches that we can meet in our living quarters: German, American, and Australian. Answering the questions: “Do American cockroaches bite?” or “Do German roaches bite?,” I found that the most harmless species are German cockroaches. It is they who least bite a person.
In truth, cockroaches, in general, rarely eat human flesh, only in cases of urgent need. For example, when their population has grown significantly and there is simply not enough food for everyone. Another possible cause may be the infection of insects. Since cockroaches are nocturnal, you should expect bites at this time of day.
How do roach bites look like (with pics)
So, you noticed some red spots on your body that clearly look like insect bites. Let’s find out now whether it’s a bite of a cockroach or the other insect. First, I want to describe how the roach bite looks like and then, I will show you some roach bites pictures. So, the signs of cockroach bites are:
red spots in places where the skin accumulates food supplies, for example, face, fingers or toes;
the size of such spots is about 1-4 millimeters;
they have a bright red color.
Below, you can see some examples of roach bites on humans.
How to treat cockroach bites?
First of all, if you notice a cockroach bite on your body, do not panic. Nothing terrible happened, it is absolutely not dangerous. In very rare cases, such bites can become a cause of something serious (for example, if you are allergic to a protein that is found in the saliva of a cockroach).
So, if you compared your bites with the cockroach bite pictures showed above, and it looks the same, you should:
wash the wound with soap and water to avoid possible infections and kill all germs;
apply a cold compress to remove swelling and itching;
and remember, in no case you may scratch the bite!
If you want, you can buy cockroach bite treatment at the pharmacy, but, as the practice shows, a cold compress and soap with water are enough.
How to prevent cockroach bites?
The best way to avoid being bitten by cockroaches is to avoid their appearance in your home. To do this, always try to follow very simple but effective methods:
follow the humidity level in your home;
pay particular attention to dark rooms. Cockroaches love darkness and humidity;
do regular cleaning;
do not leave food on the table.
Quick FAQ Section
There are so many different questions, so it was really hard to select the most important ones. Therefore, I decided to put four more questions in this section, and give very short answers to them.
Do roaches bite or sting?
There are insects that bite and sting. The cockroaches belong to the first group. As I mentioned before, their bites are a really uncommon thing that happens very rarely. Although cockroaches are omnivores, human flesh for them is still not as tasty as, for example, the remnants of food. Therefore, even if a cockroach bites you, do not worry, there’s no sting or poisonous substance.
Can you feel when a roach bites you?
Most likely, you will not feel how the cockroach will bite you. However, be sure, you will notice its consequences. Redness, burning, and itching are the main symptoms. Cockroaches do not bite as painfully as, for example, other insects (bees or mosquitoes). Moreover, do not forget that cockroaches are nocturnal animals. Therefore, most likely, when it bites you, you will sleep soundly.
Nothing scary. You’ll just have small red spots on your body. Do not worry, they will pass soon. And in order for this to happen even faster, wash the wound with soap and water or disinfect it. After that, apply a cold compress for a few minutes or put a piece of ice. However, if you feel weakness, low blood pressure and nausea, then consult a doctor immediately.
Can a cockroach live without a head?
You will not believe it, but yes. A headless cockroach can survive for several weeks. First of all, this is due to the fact that the head is not such an important organ for them. The absence of a venous and arterial system, the body’s ability to breathe without a head, and a lesser need for food are the main factors that give cockroaches such a unique and unusual ability. If you want to know more, I highly recommend you to read this article about the Cockroaches Myths.
Cockroaches Bites: Summary
In this article, I tried to simply and clearly answer the most popular and bothering questions about cockroach bites.
To summarize:
yes, cockroaches can bite a person, however, they do this very rarely, only in cases of urgent need;
a cockroach bite is not dangerous, only if you have an allergy to a protein, which an insect’s saliva contains (this is a very rare case);
basically, cockroaches bite at night, so most likely you just won’t feel it;
cockroach bites are very similar to bug bites: red dots from one to four millimeters in size;
as a rule, cockroach bites pass by themselves, but you can speed up this process: disinfect the wound and apply something cold;
and lastly, yes, cockroaches can live without heads, but when headless, they certainly won’t be able to bite you.
Perhaps you still have questions? If so, feel free to ask them in the comments. I will try to answer as quickly as possible.
Cockroaches (Mary Kay Malinoski, Principal Agent, University of Maryland Extension): https://extension.umd.edu/hgic/topics/cockroaches
Separating Fact from Fiction: Cockroach Myths and Misconceptions(National Institute of Environmetal Health Sciences): https://kids.niehs.nih.gov/topics/natural-world/wildlife/insects/cockroaches-facts/index.htm
Hey there. I’m Nicholas Martin, a professional entomologist aka pest buster. With over 10 years of pest control experience under my belt, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of how to identify and get rid of cockroaches, as well as other tenacious insects.
If you’re here, you’ve probably been Googling photos of bugs that look like cockroaches non-stop. Let me guess… You’ve seen a roach-resembling bug in your kitchen. And you desperately hope it’s something else. In any case, to effectively battle your nasty enemy, you need to identify it first.
There really are some cockroach look-alikes. In this post, I’m going to cover them in detail. So, are you ready to find out if your creepy crawler is a ‘cucaracha’ or just its devious copycat? Read on and get all the details you need to come up with the best roach-busting plan.
Roach Identification Guide: What They Look Like
Need to know what cockroaches look like? Well, that depends on the species. Yep, that may sound surprising, but there are four main species of indoor roaches that happily reside in the US. They all want to have breakfast with you, shower with you, have fun at your home parties, and sometimes even sleep in your bed (yikes!).
If this perspective seems far from appealing to you, then you need to primarily identify the type of roach that has dared to come and pay you a visit. That, in its turn, will greatly assist you in freeing your home or office from these nasty little buggers.
Now, let’s elaborate on each species’ characteristics:
German cockroach. When you think of any cockroach, you most likely imagine this highly typical yellowish-brown critter. These roaches vary in size from ½ in. to 5/8 of an inch long. You can recognize a German cockroach by the two parallel bands that go from the back of the little pest’s head down to its (not so) charming wings.
American cockroach. These buddies are glossy and large. In fact, they can grow up to two inches long. The color factor is paramount when it comes to identifying these roaches: they are red-brown with subtle amberish highlights. American roaches have wing covers, but they are more into munching on your yummies rather than flying.
Oriental cockroach. Due to its smooth and shiny dark brown body, this roach type is also known as ‘shad roach’ or ‘black beetle cockroach’. These roaches grow up to 1 ¼ in. in size. When it comes to their color (their major distinctive feature), Oriental roaches are almost black.
Brown banded cockroach. These home invaders are among the smallest roach types. They are light brown, winged, and tiny. Brown banded cockroaches are occasionally confused with German roaches. You can see two subtle irregular lines along the wings of the former, while the latter have two dark lines behind their heads.
Now that you’re armed with the information that allows you to identify the type of roach you might be dealing with, it’s time to elaborate on bugs that look like cockroaches but aren’t.
Cockroach or Beetle: That is The Question
I’ll start with the beetle as the most obvious cockroach impostor. There are thousands of beetle types out there. Some of them bear some resemblance to cockroaches in terms of their overall appearance. So, how to tell if that pesky pest waving at you from your kitchen counter is a random beetle or a nasty cockroach?
First and foremost, look at the critter’s legs. Long legs and ‘feelers’ (as well as parchment-like noticeable wings) are typical of cockroaches — as opposed to their beetle copycats. Black ground beetles resemble Oriental roaches, however, the latter have bigger heads and softer, leaner wings. Ground beetles, in their turn, have thick front wing covers.
June beetles are occasionally mistaken for the pesky roaches as well. They are rounder in shape compared to the roaches, and flaunt eyelash-like antennae. Unlike most ‘cucarachas’, June beetles are usually drawn to and mesmerized by light. Therefore, June beetles prefer the outside, while your cockroach guests want to hang around in your dark kitchen and bathroom forever.
Cricket vs. Cockroach: How to Tell the Difference
Crickets are among the most typical bugs that look like roaches as well. Just like cockroaches, crickets boast long ‘feelers’ and vary in terms of shades from dark yellow to almost black. However, unlike the mostly oval cockroaches, crickets’ bodies are more barrel-shaped.
Another distinction is crickets’ enlarged hind legs (they need them for jumping — something that roaches never do). As for cockroaches, their legs are identical in length. In addition to this, just like beetles, crickets tend to spend most of their time outside. While roaches invariably want to invade your sweet home…
Although this part may sound a bit confusing, I’m here to bring you some much-desired clarity on the water bug vs roach issue. If you still think that there’s no particular distinction between water bugs and Oriental roach beasts, you’re wrong. Water bugs reside in still waters (e.g. lakes), hence the name.
As for figuring out the visual distinction between the two similarly looking insects, water bugs are significantly larger than Oriental cockroaches. They usually grow up to four inches in length. Just like beetles, water bugs are immensely drawn to light. And unlike cockroaches, water bugs do not have ‘feelers.’
Palmetto Bug vs. Roach: Is There Any Difference At All?
Want to know how your unwanted roach guest and a palmetto bug differ? As a matter of fact, they don’t. Several cockroach variations broadly encountered in the Southeast United States are often dubbed ‘palmetto bugs’ — mostly because these honeys are very much into chilling under the palm (palmetto) leaves in that region.
Cutting to the Chase: from Identifying to Battling
Now that you’ve (hopefully) identified your enemy — or, perhaps, figured out that the random cricket visitor is not an enemy at all — you are ready to take thoughtful action. If, after reading this post, you’ve realized that you’re dealing with German cockroach invaders, here’s the good news: now you know the roach type you need to fight. And knowing is already half the battle. The rest is up to you.
Feel free to browse through my other posts to learn more about how to get rid of German cockroaches. Read reviews about foggers, sprays, and bait stations to choose the solution that will suit you the most. Have you ever had a cockroach disaster? How have you approached it? Feel free to share your experience with me and your fellow readers in the comment section below. Your two-cents are very important.
If you have been searching for creatures that are known to be voracious feeders, fleas fit that description. These insects are small in size, fast in their movement, and cause much trouble to pets like cats and dogs as well as humans.
You can encounter fleas anywhere you go, even in homes where hygiene is a priority. It is important to learn how to deal with them when there is an infestation within your living space.
Life cycle of the cat flea Illustration by: Scott Charlesworth, Purdue University
“What do fleas look like?” That is the question that most people ask. If you cannot answer it, you may find it hard to deal with these insects. Fortunately, I am here to help you.
Why Should You Know How to Identify Fleas?
A flea infestation can cause many problems within your household. You should know when there is an infestation early so that you can take measures and deal with fleas before the problem gets to a level where it is hard to control them.
The risk of infestation depends on where you live. For instance, those who live in cold places are at a lower risk of infestation because these insects prefer warm places as their area of breeding.
What Do Fleas Look Like to the Human Eye?
These creatures are small in size and are mostly found on animals such as dogs and rabbits. The adult fleas prefer humid, moist, and dark places outside and can crawl within your home as they deposit their eggs in favorable places.
These eggs grow into adults and look for safe places to live within your home. They feed on blood from mammals. Do fleas have wings? No, they lack functional wings and can’t fly.
Are fleas visible to the human eye? Yes. Even though these dark red or brownish insects are small, you can see the adults with your eyes. However, you have to look closely. So, what do fleas look like on humans? Below is a picture of a flea on a human body.
What Are the Physical Characteristics of Fleas?
How big are fleas? As mentioned before, fleas are small insects. Their sizes range from 1mm to 8mm. Do fleas have antennas? Yes, they need them for navigation. The antennae of male fleas are longer than those of female fleas. However, other sense organs are bigger in females than males.
When you look at the body of a flea, you notice that it is flat. That’s why they can easily move through their host’s hair. Their mouths are also shaped like a tube to enable them to suck blood.
Do fleas have eyes? The creatures are known to have two simple eyes that are located beneath the antennae. Below is a picture that shows what flea eyes look like.
A close look at the flea’s thorax shows that there are three pairs of legs attached to it. The legs end in strong claws that help them grasp the host. There are spines around flea’s head and mouth.
Fleas have flexible abdomens made of ten segments connected by membranes. Abdomens can expand to accommodate food and eggs. New tissues grow in this area to ensure that the abdomen can expand without affecting the stability of the exoskeleton.
What Do Flea Eggs Look Like?
When you want to control fleas effectively, you should start with eliminating their eggs, so you need to know what they look like. It’s not easy to spot a flea egg because it is very small.
However, a close look at the eggs shows that they are oval and have a whitish color. You may mistake them for dandruff. As time goes by, the appearance changes. In the beginning, they are usually translucent. However, they gradually become solid white.
Have you seen images of flea eggs? Here are some of them:
In this flea eggs picture, you see eggs as they look under a magnifying glass:
There are four stages in the life cycle of fleas. The development process can take from 14 days to several months. When there is adequate food (blood) source, an adult female flea can lay 35+ eggs in a day.
The egg-hatching period depends on temperature levels and humidity conditions. It takes 2 days or less in warm places with high humid content.
However, the process is slower in cold places. When the conditions are unfavorable, the egg can stay inactive for a long time without hatching while waiting for the right conditions.
The egg can reach the larval stage in as short as 48 hours when the temperatures of 30 degrees Celsius and 70% absolute humidity. Otherwise, the egg can stay for several weeks without hatching.
Flea eggs in the carpet – CC Image courtesy of Denni Schnapp
Where are you likely to see the flea eggs? These insects are found on the skin of pets, and that is where the adults get food and lay eggs. The eggs will stay there for some time and slide to other places, for example, your carpet. If it is warm in your house, the eggs can develop into adult insects and continue using your pests as hosts.
How can you control fleas to prevent them from laying eggs on your pets? You should regularly clean your pets with anti-flea shampoo. Moreover, it’s better to clean all bedding in your home and spray ant-flea products to prevent the eggs from developing to adulthood.
When the flea eggs hatch, they develop into baby fleas called larvae. What do baby fleas look like? They look like tiny whitish worms that are between 2mm and 5mm in length. They also have pale hair. The larvae feed on feces excreted by the adults. Here are some flea larvae images.
When the larvae get old, they darken, as seen in the picture below.
What Do Different Flea Types Look Like?
There are more than 2,000 types of fleas that feed on warm-blooded animals and even humans. But cat fleas and dog fleas cause the most problems. Here are some flea pictures that can help you distinguish one type from others:
What Do Cat Fleas Look Like?
The scientific name of these fleas is Ctenocephalides felis. They live on domestic cats and can be found on dogs. The other animals that host cat fleas are squirrels and rats. There are two developmental stages between an egg and an adult – larvae and pupa.
The adult cat fleas measure between 1mm and 3 mm. They have a reddish-brown color and do not have wings. Take a look at cat flea photos below.
Sand fleas are mostly found at marshes, beaches, and other coastal areas. They are not actually fleas but are a species of crustaceans. You are unlikely to take them home from a beach, but the females can lay their eggs in your clothing or hair. Here are sand flea images to help you differentiate this type of fleas from the others:
They camouflage perfectly with sand, so it’s not easy to notice them.
What Do Dog Fleas Look Like to the Human Eye?
Dog fleas are scientifically called Ctenocephalides canis. Although they can feed on human blood, they prefer dogs as their hosts. Just like other flea types, they have 4 stages of development with a cycle that takes between 2 to 3 weeks in a good environment.
Adult dog fleas are tiny reddish-brown insects of 1 mm in length. Their mouths are tube-like to help them suck blood. With spines in their legs, they hold onto their hosts tightly. Here is an image of this flea type:
What Does a Flea Bite Look Like? Here Are Details
When a flea bites you, it leaves a round red bump on your skin. There is a halo around the bitten area. The flea bites feel itchy, and some people are very sensitive to them. Rushes may appear if you are allergic to the bite.
Flea bites and mosquito bites may look similar, but flea bites are typically more often found on the lower legs and feet. You should look for signs of fleas around your home to be sure that the bite is not from any other insect within your environment. Here are pictures of flea bites.
Below is a picture that shows severe flea bites.
The Bottom Line
Fleas look different depending on their stage of development. For instance, the eggs look different from adult insects or larvae. Moreover, the various types of fleas differ in color and size.
If you want to control fleas within your living space, you should learn to identify dog and cat fleas. You do not want a situation where their bites cause discomfort to you or your pets. I hope that this article will help you learn more about different types of fleas and easily identify them.
Have you ever had a flea infestation in your home? Did it take you long to recognize their presence? What remedy did you use? Share your experience in the comment section.
Controlling Fleas and Ticks on Your Pet (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency): https://www.epa.gov/pets/controlling-fleas-and-ticks-your-pet
Illnesses from Mosquito, Tick, and Flea Bites Increasing in the US (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention): https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2018/p0501-vs-vector-borne.html
Rats and mice have been at the root of some of the worst plagues in human history. They infiltrate urban and rural areas with equal ferocity. Once a mouse infestation takes place, it may be quite difficult to stop it. Because mice and rats reproduce at an alarming rate, any efforts to curb an outbreak of rat or mouse carried diseases are usually futile.
As an exterminator, it is my job to understand how rats and mice cause and transfer diseases. In this article, I will elaborate on the dangers and diseases from mice and rats.
Currently, there are over 35 diseases mice carry. Based on this figure alone, we should all be worried. They run around in homes everywhere. The potential danger from these rodents is ridiculously overlooked.
How Rodents Transfer Infections
Rodents can spread diseases via a variety of ways. The potential transfer pathways are numerous, and their presence can lead to dangerous results.
Droppings and Urine
Various house mouse diseases and viruses take their roots from excrement. Infection occurs when you come in contact with the droppings. This can be via the consumption of contaminated food or by accidental physical contact. Dust can also contribute to the spreading of disease as it contains particles of droppings and urine.
Besides, rats and mice hide and crawl in very hot spaces. They can use spots near ventilation or hot water pipes. This can also result in picking up and spreading of droppings dust and urine vapor. The diseases from mouse droppings are common and are likely to happen even if you take care of your home environment on a regular basis.
Direct Contact with Rodents
Some diseases and viruses are spread to humans by direct contact with mice and rats. At home, this can happen accidentally at night. Also, you might be searching for something on your attic and touch a rat. You should be extremely careful while dealing with dead rats and mice – wear protective gear to handle this issue.
Contact with Saliva
You’re not kissing rodents, but they are eating your food. When you have a pest infestation, it is important to store your food away from mice. Handle any property that was damaged by rodents with increased caution.
Rodent Bites
Rodents’ bites are rare, but, at the same time, it is a real possibility. Rodent bites may open a direct way of getting viruses and diseases in your body. This may happen if you have an extreme pest infestation in your house.
Diseases Spread by Rats and Mice
There are numerous diseases spread by rats to humans. Some of them are not uniquely relative to mice and rats. Here is a list of common diseases these rodents may transfer to people.
Plague remains a problem for rural areas, even in present-day America. Whenever an infected rat dies, the fleas carry those bacteria to another host. The next host is often another rodent; however, it might be a human as well. The bacteria, Yersinia pestis, thrives in lymph nodes causing swelling. There are many types of plagues; Pneumonic, Bubonic, and Septicemic plague.
The symptoms include chills, fevers, shock, sore lymph nodes, as well as extreme fatigue. Despite the high fatality, the plague is treatable. Over-the-counter antibiotics can cure the disease effectively. It is one of the most common diseases caused by rat droppings.
The Hantavirus first appeared in 1993 in the western USA. This virus spreads via direct contact with remnant rodent saliva, urine, and directly – when one comes in contact with infected animals. Dust with trace amounts of feces and urine may be a medium too. The virus first manifests after three to four weeks of infection.
It is typically characterized by fever, mild fatigue, and aching thigh, back, and hip muscles. Early recognition of the disease allows for acute medical intervention to prevent a fatality. On the other hand, its progression leads to Hantavirus Pulmonary Virus spreading, which is fatal. At the moment, there is no cure or vaccine.
Hawaii remains the only place without an outbreak of Tularemia as the cases of this disease occur across the USA. The natural prevalence means all areas are in potential danger. The disease is caused by the bacteria Francisella tularensis.
On practice, it is transferred via direct skin contact, rodent and flea bites. Tularemia infections can be fatal if not treated in time. Luckily, regular antibiotics help in dealing with this disease. The big caveat is that you cannot predict the symptoms consistently. Tularemia symptoms vary depending on the point of entry of the infection.
However, there is one common symptom, which is extreme fevers of up to 104F. The most potent and fatal form of Tularemia is pneumonic infection. Its symptoms include coughing, severe chest pains, and difficulty in breathing.
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis
The chances of getting sick from mouse droppings are even higher for pet owners. The risk increases in winter as mice infiltrate homes in search of warmth. The average mouse is a natural vector for LCM. It is a viral infection caused by the LCM virus, LCMV. Pet mouse owners are prone to this infection when the rodents are handling nests. Direct saliva contact and skin contact are also avenues for infection.
This infection comes in two stages. The first step encompasses nonspecific symptoms like fatigue, fever, coughs, diminished appetites, aching muscles, and nausea episodes. The second step of disease is far more serious. It compiles meningitis, encephalitis, and meningoencephalitis.
What is even worse, LCM can be transferred from a mother to the fetus during pregnancy. It can be fatal if infection occurs in the first trimester. In adults, however, the worst outcome is often irreversible neurological effects if the symptoms are left untreated. LCM is one of the most common rat diseases in the USA.
Leptospirosis is caused by the bacteria Leptospira. It is common worldwide and limited to tropic regions. The bacteria are borne by rodents and farm animals alike. Bearing little or no symptoms, the detection is very difficult.
An infection is often caught when one becomes severely ill after a period of incubation of this bacteria. The pathogen is transferred by eating contaminated food and contact with infected animals. Also, trace amounts that get in mucous membranes may cause the disease to spread. These membranes include the nose and saliva glands in the mouth.
Frequently Asked Questions
What diseases do rats carry?
The diseases that are carried by most rodents are often transferred by rats as well. The reason for this is their close genetic heritage and shared habitats.
Do mice carry rabies?
On the contrary to the popular myth, rodents do not carry rabies. Up to date, there is little evidence suggesting the transfer of rabies to rodents. Therefore, they can`t be a source of this disease.
What diseases do mice carry?
Mice carry similar diseases to rats. There are some diseases that are only brought by mice, like Tularemia. However, rats and mice are often in the same habitat and still pose a significant risk of infection across species. Health problems caused by mice infestation are treatable if detected early.
Prevention Is Better Than Cure
The availability of powerful antibiotics is a relief in the fight against rodents. It is, however, not sufficient to treat the infection. Some of them are viral and cannot be treated. A lack of vaccines and the ability to detect infections increase potential risks. In this light, it is easier to prevent an infection than to manage it. Keeping your living spaces clean and rodent-free is the best defense against rat feces dangers and other risks posed by these creatures.
Diseases directly transmitted by rodents (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention): https://www.cdc.gov/rodents/diseases/direct.html
Tularemia (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention): https://www.cdc.gov/tularemia/index.html
Discovering animal feces without being able to identify the source of it can be distressing. However, rat droppings can be particularly problematic because these small rodents tend to defecate in the same location. As a result, once you become aware that you have a rodent infestation, you may also find a sizable accumulation of feces. This can require a significant amount of effort to clean up and repair the affected areas, even after you have addressed the underlying rodent problem.
It is very critical to take a couple of measures to handle the poop effectively. Besides, you also need to be cautious to prevent getting any diseases from dealing with the droppings. Still, do you know what rat poop looks like? How can you get rid of it completely? I have created this article to help you with this unpleasant issue.
What Do Rat Feces Look Like?
So, you’re wondering, “what does rat poop look like?” It’s quite easy to identify rat feces, especially if they have infested your property. You will see dark poop pellets scattered all over the place. They tend to appear in big groupings, are about an olive’s shape and size, and can mostly be found close to insulations. Still, you can always look up pictures of rat poop to see what they look like.
They are normally black; so, the blacker they are, the fresher they are. This should help to tell whether the infestation is old or new. Old poop tends to dry out, turning gray.
You might be curious about the size of rat feces. This can depend on the species of rat, as well as the age of the individual rodent. If you discover multiple droppings in a single location, which is probable, you should be able to distinguish between those left by younger and older rats. This will allow you to determine whether there are any rats present in your home or not. If the feces are smaller than a grain of rice, they were most likely left by a smaller creature such as a cockroach or a mouse.
If you look at pictures of rat feces, you’ll see that they tend to come in large quantities. In one day, a single rat can produce between 30 to 55 droppings. Even a large number of droppings can indicate the presence of rodents in your home. The quantity of droppings is particularly relevant because it allows experts to estimate how many rats are present on the property.
Most rat turds are sausage-shaped. Others tend to look like pills. You might notice a pinch at either end, with the turd looking somehow pointed.
New feces are usually moist and have a shiny appearance. You can check the freshness of feces by using a pen to press it. If the feces crumbles, it’s a sign that it’s old.
Rats are bigger in comparison to mice. So, rat poop is normally found in places that are large enough for them to fit. They include the attic spaces, below kitchen equipment, behind stored containers or storage shelves, or along a shed or garage’s wall.
Rat droppings size is different as compared to that of other animals. On the picture you can see rat droppings. For instance, the droppings of squirrels are normally smaller in comparison to those of rats. They are approximately ⅜ of an inch, while the poop size of an average rat is ¾ of an inch. Besides, squirrels have highly cylindrical-shaped turds, which are browner as well.
Bats, on the other hand, have slightly tinier droppings in comparison to rats, resembling a long black pellet of rice. Mice also have smaller turds in comparison to rats. Finally, roach droppings are also smaller being roughly ¼ of an inch, and black, which is why they are often mistaken for mice poop. However, cockroaches will get into spaces that even mice can’t access, so their poop will be found in several locations.
Is Rat Poop Dangerous? What Diseases May It Cause?
In the colder months, rats tend to look for a warm and safe place with food, often entering our homes through small openings. However, the problem with having rats inside our homes is that they can spread diseases and cause significant property damage. Rat droppings, for instance, can spread bacteria, trigger allergies, and contaminate food sources. When rat poop dries out, it can also be hazardous to inhale. Moreover, rat droppings can also carry viruses and diseases, such as:
This is a potentially lethal disease spread by rodents to human beings. You get it if you become exposed to or inhale infected rat dropping, saliva, or urine. Besides, the chances heighten when you are near a space where rats are actively residing. Early signs and symptoms of hantavirus include feeling dizzy or tired, headaches, a fever, abdominal pains, chills, as well as muscle aches.
Bubonic Plague
This plague is also referred to as the “Black Death.” It is significantly contagious, and popular for killing roughly 34% of the population in Europe during the Middle Ages. It is normally spread through being bitten by an infected rat and can lead to headaches, fever, or lymph nodes that are swollen and painful.
This is a kind of food poisoning. It is spread by rat poop through consuming contaminated food. Symptoms of this disease include abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea.
Rat-Bite Fever (RBF)
This is another potentially serious infectious disease caused by rats. It is spread by an infected rat or consuming food that has been contaminated by rats. Symptoms include pain in the muscles, a rash, headaches, puking, and fever.
How to Clean It Safely
Naturally, you may be seeking advice on how to clean up rat droppings. This can be a complicated process that requires great care. However, this passage will provide you with detailed instructions for cleaning up rat poop.
Start by opening your windows and doors. It’s crucial to ventilate the room you’ll be cleaning for at least half an hour before you begin.
Put on protective gear, such as rubber gloves to prevent direct contact with the feces. A face mask will prevent inhalation of dust, and protective goggles can keep contaminated dust out of your eyes.
Spray the droppings with a 10% chlorine bleach solution (720 ml of chlorine bleach in 10 liters of hot water). Do not use a vacuum or broom, as this could release pathogens into the air or trap them in your cleaning tools.
Use a paper towel to pick up the droppings, and dispose of them in a plastic bag that can be sealed. Dispose of the waste outside of your property.
Wipe all surfaces and floors with disinfectant, such as the previously mentioned solution. Once finished, dry the surfaces with a paper towel.
Finally, thoroughly clean your hands and scrub them with disinfectant and hot water.
Frequently Asked Questions on Rat Feces
Now you have an idea of what rat poop looks like. Besides, you know that it causes diseases. Still, I’d like to address some of the commonly asked questions.
You will notice an odor that is musky and pungent in your property. The urine, however, tends to have a more noticeable odor. If there’s rat poop, there is rat urine as well.
How Long Is Rat Poop Toxic?
There isn’t a particular time frame within which rat poop remains toxic. This is because, whether moist or dry, it can cause diseases. It can trigger allergies, contaminate sources of food, and spread bacteria, whether it is fresh or old.
What Disease Is Caused by Rat Poop?
Though I have already mentioned this aspect, I would like to collect all the negative impacts of rat feces that may cause harm to a human’s health in one list. So, these diseases are:
Rat poop can be quite stressful to clean out. It may leave your home with a pungent odor or looking unpleasant. Besides, you’ve seen that rat turds can also cause several diseases. Of course, you don’t want to take chances, that is why you need to clean it out as soon as you can.
With the details given above, it becomes easier not only to identify what rat poop looks like but also to clean it out. How do you deal with these rodents, and clean out their poop? I am looking forward to your questions and comments, which can be left in the comment section below.
Cleaning Up After Rodents (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention): https://www.cdc.gov/rodents/cleaning/index.html
Mice always leave evidence of their presence either by causing destruction or pooping in your house. This is the way you will know the areas where the mice are more active in your home. Most people have no idea how mouse poop looks like, and they may sweep it off, thinking it is normal dirt. It is important to know how the poop looks like since some may carry dangerous infectious diseases.
Many people often confuse mouse poop with rat poop, which can be challenging to identify and clean up. To help you identify mouse droppings and detect an infestation early on, I have created a comprehensive guide with detailed information. This will allow you to identify mouse poop and take appropriate action to deal with the issue before it gets worse.
What Do Mice Droppings Look Like? – A Quick Way to Recognize Them
To quickly recognize mouse poop, it is important to examine its size and color. Mouse droppings are thin, resembling tiny pellets that are typically 1/16 inches thick and 3/16 inches in length. They have pointed ends and a slightly swollen middle. Fresh mouse droppings are dark brown, but they will become lighter in color as they age.
Difference Between Mouse Poop and That of Other Pests
Distinguishing mouse poop from those of other pests such as rats and cockroaches helps you to be certain of what you’re dealing with. The mouse poop size is the key distinguishing factor. How big are mouse droppings? They are smaller and appear like dark rice grains and have a tapered look towards the end.
They are approximately a quarter of an inch as compared to the rat droppings, which are 1/2 of an inch wide and larger than those of the mice. When comparing mouse poop vs cockroach poop, it is important to note that the big cockroaches’ poops have ridges along with the droppings while the mouse droppings do not have these ridges. So, when you see pests poop in your house, but you are not sure if they are for mice, compare them with mouse droppings images to see if they match.
How to Know if the Mice Are Still There
A method to determine whether you have a current mouse infestation is by removing the poop carefully or asking for professional assistance to remove the poop. If you find new poop 24 hours after removing them, then that is an indication that there is a current infestation in your home.
You can also determine a current infestation by the hardness of the droppings. If you are wondering, are mouse droppings hard? Yes, they become hard after 24 hours of defecation, but this method may not be accurate since, in a damp area, they may soften.
Mice are nocturnal creatures; that is, they are active during the night. Therefore, spotting them is hard. Thus, if you have found mouse droppings but no mouse, it is still a clear sign of infestation. How often do mice poop? On average, mice can defecate 50-70 droppings every day.
Droppings do not have to be many to indicate a raid by the mice. If you have found one mouse dropping, it can still be a sign that they are present. The presence of one mouse is an indication that there are several other mice around; they rarely stay alone. Hence, it is important to check various places in your house for a possible raid by the mice.
Also, you can opt to seek for professional help to identify the extent of raiding by these rodents. It is best to check the places indicated below in your house in case you are suspecting an infestation.
Food preparation and storage places like the kitchen cabinets;
Any dark corners in the house;
Any air ventilation areas, holes in the house, or pipes;
Bathroom closets;
Any space that an animal can crawl in;
Clothes and shoe closet;
Near or behind appliances such as the fridge.
Is Mouse Poop Dangerous? Here’s What You Should Know
Hantavirus syndrome is a virus carried by most rodents, mice included. One can contract this disease by breathing in air that has been contaminated with this virus, which is present in the urine and droppings of the carrier rodents. Therefore, this answers the question, “what diseases do mice droppings carry?”
Since most people are ignorant about diseases caused by mouse poop, they may handle the poop carelessly or even ignore its presence altogether. The treatment of this virus is limited, and therefore, you should be careful during cleaning. Moreover, the symptoms of this virus present themselves as flu, which, if not treated, may be fatal.
How to Clean Mouse Poop Safely
To completely do away with mouse turds, the best thing to do is to get rid of all the mice by using the appropriate and less dangerous methods. You can do this yourself or seek professional services. If you decide to do it on your own, then it is advisable to avoid touching it with your bare hands since you can get infected.
To conduct proper cleaning, you should first ensure you wear the appropriate gears like face mask and gloves. Expose or air the areas you have found the pellets for 30 minutes before cleaning. Additionally, use disinfectant liquids or sprays on the area to make the droppings wet and kill the germs in the area.
Further, use a disposable rag or towels to wipe the area and dispose of them well after use. Can you vacuum mouse droppings? Many people debate whether this should be done. Ideally, it may look like a reasonable thing to do to avoid touching the mouse poop, but this is not the case since these droppings contain infectious germs that are airborne and may make you or even your family sick. Therefore, vacuuming should be done on the area after the poop has been removed.
Have you detected a few chewed-up yummies in your kitchen or a strange hole in your living room couch? It looks like mice have invaded your home. Naturally, if these furry troublemakers eat your food, they poop on your floors. Alas! You should take mouse feces seriously. Why? Because rodent infestation is a potential danger […]
Greetings, guys, my name is Nicholas and welcome to my pest control blog. Today I want to talk about mice, their habits, and what is more important, about the most effective way of mouse trapping. As you may know, mice can live almost everywhere: in homes, cafes, and shops all year round, but they become […]
Most times, people are oblivious of the dangers that can be caused by the droppings of these rodents. Therefore, they are not keen enough to clean them properly or even notice them. If this is a recurring problem in your house, you should seek professional help to assist you in identifying where the mice are hiding and get rid of them.
If you choose to handle the situation alone, ensure you follow instructions to the latter, especially if you find mouse droppings in the kitchen. This is because the germs may be transmitted to your food or even cutleries. Most importantly, it is important to have a mouse poop picture to use for confirming if the droppings you find in the house are for mice.
Have you ever encountered mouse poop in your house? What remedies did you use to get rid of the poop? Was the problem solved completely? Share your experiences by leaving a comment.
Most people usually scratch their heads, trying to figure out how to eliminate ants in shower rooms. Some try different methods such as manually killing ants whenever they spot them or even through common insecticides, but they keep coming back. As such, many people give up in despair.
However, you don’t need to endure the discomfort of having tiny ants in the bathroom. Over the years, I have been studying various methods of home pest control.
Therefore, I have gathered vast information on the common types of insects that are notorious for invading bathrooms and various methods of eradicating different species of ants. I believe that by sharing this information, you will be able to have an ant-free bathroom without having to undergo much stress.
Therefore, in this article, I will enlighten you on why ants normally invade bathrooms, the ant species notorious for this menace, and how to eradicate these insects.
[wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Get Rid of Ants in the Bathroom” style=”main”]
Caulk up any cracks in the bathroom.
Keep the house clean.
Ensure that there is no motionless water, and sinks are frequently wiped to eliminate condensed water.
Use insecticides, borax, essential oils, and a vinegar solution to remove colonies of tiny and large black ants.
Why Are There Ants in My Bathroom Walls and Drains?
Many types of ants usually find their way into our homes, including the washroom. They invade our dwelling places in search of shelter, water, and food using avenues such as crevices and cracks around windows or in the foundation walls. Another entry route is via air conditioning or heating ducts. What’s more, they can gain access to our homes through the vent openings within attics, or where shrubs, utility lines, or tree branches make contact with the house.
What are ants attracted to in the bathroom? The scents and odors emanating from sanitary drains usually attract many ant species. Typically, sanitary drains that have stayed for long periods without use will gather some motionless water that possibly contains rotting human hair.
Is there any other thing that can attract these insects to bathrooms? Yes. The shower room environment provides a conducive breeding environment and also offers food. Fermented hair offers nutrition to various ant species.
Ants That Invade Bathrooms
Even though there are hundreds of ant species that can be encountered in the washroom, the typical ones include sugar ants, carpenter ants, pharaoh ants, the Argentine ants, and fire ants. The key attractions are normally moisture and food. Nonetheless, not all of them might enter and nest or establish a colony.
All the same, you need to be highly concerned whenever you spot the moisture ants. They are characterized by yellowish workers approximately 4 to 4.5 mm long. This species derives its name from the fact that it prefers to nest in a variety of highly moist areas. Therefore, an infestation could be an indication that your wooden foundation or floor has some moisture damage. Bath traps are notorious for this occurrence.
As such, whenever you spot moisture ants in your washroom, it could be an indication of plumbing leaks in the drainage system or crawlspaces. In this case, you need to take prompt action before the problem spirals out of hand.
How to Eradicate an Ant Infestation in Bathroom
The majority of homeowners normally believe that ant infestations are common during summer. Though, it could signify something even worse. Warm, moist wood is always a big attraction, and the most likely place to find such an environment is in the washrooms.
Water that finds its way to the wood might come from the sink or areas around the bathtub. As such, you should seal off any cracks in the washroom, not forgetting those in the middle of tiles and nearby the tub rim.
The shower should be kept dry to avoid the accumulation of moisture. Also, during the application of caulk, make certain that you give it enough duration to cure. As such, do not use the washroom for a day or two. Frequently clean the shower with a brush and a cleanser, and do not forget to remove any hair that has accumulated in the stopper.
Keeping the Home Clean
Ants usually migrate in search of nutriment and water. Hence you must always maintain cleanliness in the washroom and other parts of your home. Food, dirt, and decaying hair that builds up in sinks are a rich source of food for these insects.
Ensure that you properly dispose of the garbage bins and regularly clean them. Any residue left is a potential attraction to these insects.
Pour half a cup of vinegar with an equal amount of soda in the sink to assist you in clearing the pipes of grease and food deposits. Let it stay inside the drain for around 10 minutes. After that, flush it down using hot water.
This simple remedy, in addition to regular cleansing, can assist in warding off ants from the home sanitation pipes for some time. Nevertheless, it is usually difficult to know of any leaks behind the walls and in foundations of your house in a timely manner.
Steps to Eradicate both Big and Tiny Black Ants in Bathroom Surfaces
Sometimes, you have to handle the ant infestation. In this case, prevention measures do not apply. Therefore, you should follow several steps to eradicate the menace effectively. The steps have been listed below:
Identify the Key Attractions
Ants, like any other insects, migrate from one place to another, seeking nourishment and water. As a result, the washroom and kitchen are typical problem areas.
The initial step in eradicating ants from the shower is cutting off their water source by stopping any leaks and drips. Ensure that there is no motionless water, and sinks are frequently wiped to eliminate condensed water.
Follow the Trails
Ants are renowned for their organization. They usually follow certain patterns, thus leaving trails. You can track such trails to discover the pathways used to access the washroom and where they come from.
Seal Cracks
It is very likely that they use cracks within walls and tiles to invade your bathroom. Ensure that all these are properly sealed and replace the old caulk. Likewise, outside your house should not provide pathways via which the ants can access the house and, subsequently, the bathroom.
Removing the Colony of both Tiny and Big Black Ants in Bathroom
Ants usually search for nourishment and water. Anything they get is always taken to the colony. Therefore, when you destroy the colony, you will lastingly do away with the ants from your washroom. The usage of borax and essential oils can be effective, but if you want to see the result fast, you better use specialized insecticides.
Insecticides have always been recognized as the best and easiest approach for eliminating ants. The manufacturers have researched and perfected how to make effective chemicals for removing ants. Currently, there exist several insecticides that work effectively when used with both manufacturers and professional advice.
A major advantage of using insecticides over natural methods is that they provide almost instant results. Also, they offer a long-lasting remedy compared to natural approaches.
This is a highly effective natural solution. However, before using it, it is imperative to take note that this chemical can be unsafe for both bets and humans. Formulate protein bait consisting of 25 percent borax and 75 percent peanut butter.
One more variant of the bait is a cup containing a blend of honey and borax. Apply the baits along the trails. This aids in killing these bugs in various phases of growth. This technique is highly effective, especially for eradicating sugar ants in bathroom surfaces.
Essential Oils
This is another effective method of eradicating ants from the washroom. Ants are hypersensitive to nearly all kinds of essential oils. Among the most potent in eradicating ants is a blend of peppermint and tea tree. Better yet, it is a cost-effective and 100 percent natural ant repellent that is easy to apply.
The application approach is to spray it on the ants, instantly killing them. Also, you can spray it on the outdoor areas around the house. Repeat the same procedure after several weeks for it to work effectively. This is the most commonly used method, especially for carpenter ants in bathroom surfaces.
Create a mixture consisting of 15 drops of tea tree oil and an equal amount of peppermint oil. After that, add 6 to 8 ounces of water and half teaspoon of cayenne powder.
Mix thoroughly until the cayenne powder dissolves. Lastly, place it at the source of the trail to effectively repel.
Vinegar Solution
Eliminating ants in the washroom does not need to be costly. The everyday supplies already found at home can get the job done. One of them is using vinegar. After identifying the main entry points of ants, spray those areas with a vinegar solution. Ants rely on scent for directions. Hence vinegar’s scent helps to block their form of communication.
Eliminating black and red ants in bathroom surfaces, or any other type of ants is not an easy task. However, if you do not take any action, they can result in major issues, predominantly in the home sanitation system. Ants usually search for water and food in sanitation areas. Therefore, whenever you experience any issue with your plumbing, you can try out the remedies mentioned above.
The methods mentioned above are non-toxic and easily available. For instance, using borax is a highly safe technique for eliminating ants. Apart from being a pest eradicator, many people have used it to clean outdoor furniture and can also be used as a dishwasher cleaner. So, it doesn’t cause harm to humans. The best method, however, is using insecticides. The chemicals provide instant and long-lasting results as compared to natural methods.
Have you ever encountered ants in the washroom? Which approach did you use to eliminate them? Was it effective? Share your experiences by leaving a comment.
How to Stop Ants from Coming Into Your Home (WikiNow by Kevin Carrillo): https://www.wikihow.com/Stop-Ants-from-Coming-Into-Your-Home
Do’s and Don’ts of Pest Control (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency): https://www.epa.gov/safepestcontrol/dos-and-donts-pest-control
Ever noticed piled-up soil in your yard? It is highly likely that there are unwanted guests in your compound. Most people give a blind eye to such signs and pass up on clearing these piles.
Ants are a nuisance and will give you a hard time with their painful stings when you will be trying to catch up on some fresh air in the backyard.
Ant mounds in yard are highly noticeable since they look like small hills. There are various ways of eradicating them; you just have to select which one you want according to the number or type of anthills in the compound.
I am an entomologist, and I have been in this field for too long. From my 25 years of experience, I have gained enough knowledge of both urban and agricultural pests and how you can smoothly control them.
Therefore, in this article, I will enlighten you on the most effective ant killer method to assist with the eradication of the hills completely and how to get rid of ant hills naturally.
[wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Get Rid of Ant Hills (Colonies) in Yard” style=”main”]
Use soapy water. Water drowns the ants, and soap makes their tracks sticky.
Use boiled water. The euphorbias cannot tolerate high temperatures.
Flatten the anthill.
Fill the anthill with fuel. The ants suffocate inside the hill.
Getting Rid of Ants Using Insecticides – Best Ant Hill Killer Method.
What Are Ant Hills?
They are described as piles of soil made up of rotting organic matter, sand, or clay. They are formed by worker ants that try to create a good place for the colony. The ants place vegetation together with clay on top of the hill so that it does not collapse.
This explains the shape or formation of these hills. However, different species construct differently. Some colonies gather materials to create some particular shapes and also connect the various networked chambers inside the mound.
Worker ants sometimes decide to combine mud with sand and small sticks for the pile to be strong so that in case of strong winds or rains, the colony will be safe.
In areas with a lot of trees or vegetation, the anthills may be covered with plants that were displaced during the construction or the ones they have carried. These plants also offer maximum protection to the hill.
They are not just mere piles of soil, as you may think. There is a whole lot of work and construction happening on the ant hill inside. The hill comprises many tunnels networked to form chambers that have been perfectly constructed by the worker ants. The different chambers have diverse functions.
There are specific chambers where food is stored; the ants rest in and egg storage compartment for the queen. During morning hours, the worker ants transfer the queen’s eggs from the storage place and placed in a compartment close to the earth’s surface to get warmth, and later take them back.
The hills develop just from a tiny formless shaped soil to a tall hill that goes to 3 feet high. There is a hole at the center of the structure to act as an entrance. Also, there are various exits.
What Ants Typically Create Hills in Yard?
The well-known type of ants that is likely to damage your yard by creating hills is the field ants. Field ants are a grouping of several species and vary in appearance, from brown to black. In terms of size, they are commonly a fourth of an inch long. Other ants that may form hills in your favorite lawn are fire ants.
Amongst farmers, pests rank high in terms of the challenges they have to deal with. They are expensive to eliminate and can cause huge losses if not dealt with. But, unfortunately, pests are also a threat to everyone and can invade your home. Fire ants are one of the most stubborn pests you will ever […]
Pests form an essential part of the ecosystem, but at times, they pose a significant threat to many people’s way of living. Fire ants are effective outside as they feed on other insects. They are essential when the pests they feed on are the harmful lots that work tirelessly to deny you a bountiful harvest. […]
If your yard has dry soil that drains properly, then it’s perfect for them since it is convenient in carrying out their construction. Besides, if you hold frequent barbecues or picnics in the yard, be sure to clean every last bit of food that has dropped on the ground since ants feed on such leftovers, and therefore, this may attract them.
If you have been wondering, “Why are there so many ant hills in my yard?” These two factors could be among the reasons why there is an ant infestation.
How Can You Find Ant Hills Outside?
More often, these hills may be hidden somewhere one cannot easily notice, especially if many trees are planted in the yard. There exist many seamless ways of locating the ant hills in a lawn.
For example, you can place a trap in sections where the presence of the ants has been noted. The trap is not to kill them, but to help guide you to where their home is.
Ants are definitely worth our attention. These insects are intelligent, they communicate using pheromones, and the population of their colonies is divided into castes. Moreover, ant is probably the only insect type spread around the whole planet Earth. Still, there’s nothing cool about ants when they appear in your kitchen. Speaking about indoor ant invasion, […]
For species that love sugary meals, you can trap them using tiny jelly pieces and a little peanut butter for ants with a protein preference. After picking the meal, keep an eye on the direction they go since they always take the meal to the hill.
You will know where the hill is situated, although it requires much patience. Not all ants crawl on the ground. Some crawl on the wall, and thus, this may make it a little difficult to follow them.
Additionally, ants use the same path followed by their fellow ants. Therefore, if you notice a trail of ants, follow them to find their mound. After locating where the colony stays, now you can come up with plans of eradicating them.
How to Get Rid of Ant Colonies in Yard – Workable Approaches
Ants live in colonies. Hence if you notice an ant mound in your lawn, then you need to eliminate it as soon as possible since the colony grows rapidly. There are various ways to get the job done.
They include using natural ways and chemical ways. So, if you’ve no idea how to get rid of ant hills in yard, then below are some methods to use.
Getting Rid of Ant Hills Naturally – Best Natural Methods to Use
If you have kids, then you may rethink using chemicals and opt for natural remedies since the chemicals may be harmful to the kids if they come to contact with them. However, these natural remedies are not that effective as compared to using insecticides. The natural ways include:
1. Using soapy water
You can choose to use any dishwashing soap by mixing it with water. It is important to boil the water first. Pour enough soapy water slowly into the ant hills in the yard via the entrance.
The water drowns the ants while the soap makes their routes sticky, and thus they will not be able to escape the hill due to the clogs of the soap.
2. Boiled water
Does boiling water kill ants? Yes! Using hot water is the simplest natural method. Ants cannot stand hot temperatures. Therefore this will kill them, and the water will also cause flooding in the anthill, which will, in turn, destroy it.
However, the ants at the bottom of the hill may escape before the hot water reaches them and can return to create another pile. As such, you need to do a follow-up eradication using a different method to ensure they are completely gone.
3. Flattening the anthill
Isn’t this an obvious method because it directly destroys the ants’ safe place? Flattening out the place sends a direct message to the ants that the place is not their safe home anymore. However, they might still switch locations in your yard.
Therefore, you can try to first kill them with hot water or soapy water before digging deep and flattening it completely since the ants build their chambers deep. If the anthill is tall, dig it right from the top. So, if you’ve been wondering how to get rid of large ant hills, then this is one way to do it.
4. Using fuel
Although this can be dangerous, it is very effective. Just ensure you do not light up the place. Fuel is harsh to ants. This approach causes them to suffocate inside the hill.
5. Getting Rid of Ants Using Insecticides – Best Ant Hill Killer Method
Using insecticides is the most effective approach to eradicating ants. When used properly, insecticides produce long-lasting results, unlike natural remedies, which only give short-term solutions. Besides, the chemicals act quickly to give instant results.
Regardless of where you live, you must have encountered ants. These are species that are found in all regions except the places that are too cold like Antarctica. They are mostly found in colonies, just like wasps. These creatures love living together so that they can work for the success of the whole colony. There […]
If you’re intending to prevent ants from attacking your home, get rid of anything that would tempt them to pay a visit in the first place. Seal and put away all your food sources, remove crumbs and juice spills from the shelves, wash all the dishes and clean out the sink on a regular basis. […]
As well, insecticides are weather-proof, and thus you don’t have to worry about wind, rain, or other meteorological interference. Moreover, manufacturers have researched and are now producing insecticides that are less harmful to humans and the environment.
A common insecticide used is boric acid. You can sprinkle the powder at the hole in the center of the anthill. Do the same around the anthill and in areas near it. This would help to kill any ant that will be crawling towards the pile.
Ants are a great example of workers, but if their work is to steal food from your house, hardly is it worth your admiration. Instead of awe, you may rather experience curiosity about how to get rid of ants with borax (if you have some or have heard about this method). Yes, indeed it’s possible, […]
This insecticide is very toxic to pests and will kill the ants if they come to direct contact with it. Additionally, to even make it more effective, make a concoction by mixing this boric acid with sugar and water.
The sugar is meant to mask the insecticide and attract the ants. Further, using water will ease the flow of this acid to the deepest compartments and also flood the anthill.
Closing Remarks
Eradicating ants from the yard is not as difficult as you earlier thought. As compared to other pests like bedbugs which hardly completely go away, ants will move faster to seek a safer place somewhere else.
Therefore, you can get creative with the above methods when trying to eliminate these insects, and you can go back to enjoying some splendid time in your backyard alone or with family.
These methods do not get old. You can use them as remedies for as long as you want to. However, using insecticides is the most effective approach. Insecticides act quickly and produce better results. When you use chemicals, the chances of ants coming back are very minimal. Hence it is a long-term remedy.
Have you ever experienced ant hills in your yard? Was it easy to eradicate them? Which technique did you use? Was it effective? Share your experiences by leaving a comment.
Cockroaches are possibly the most common indoor pests. The worst thing is that they are very hard to kill completely. This is partly because these pests preserve their eggs well. Even with insecticides, the cockroach eggs can easily survive.
In the USA, people are most familiar with the German cockroach as it is quite common. This particular species is attracted to environments that are warm and humid, and they will also reproduce quickly if they can access food. You should note that these insects are not just a nuisance in living spaces. They also spread several bacteria, meaning you might end up contracting some diseases if you don’t kill the pests.
I’m an entomologist, so people often ask me about how to get rid of cockroaches. It is crucial to note that any extermination effort must target the eggs, in addition to the live cockroaches. In case you are unable to eliminate them, the oothecae are going to restart the roach problem. This short guide will help you understand how to get rid of these annoying insects and how to kill cockroaches’ eggs. Also, I will give you a comprehensive answer to the question: What do cockroaches eggs look like?
Do Cockroaches Lay Eggs?
Yes, they do. The egg marks the first stage in their lifecycle, after which they will go through the nymph stage, then mature into adults. They don’t go through a roach larvae stage. The eggs are carried in capsules that get harder as they age. The hardened shell helps to protect the roach from predators and other elements.
How many babies do roaches have?
Cockroaches never lay single eggs. In a single setting, a female cockroach can lay 10 to 60 eggs, and these will be subjected to an incubation period of between 24 and 215 days. German cockroaches typically lay 30 to 40 eggs in single settings.
So, how many roaches in an egg? A roach egg will only contain a single cockroach, but this does not do much to ease the already dire situation. Even with a single cockroach egg sack, you can potentially have 60 new roaches to deal with. On average, males have shorter lifespans compared to female ones. Females can live for two years. If you locate the oothecae within your living space, you are likely to have a serious roach problem.
What Do Cockroaches Eggs Look Like?
There is a popular misconception that cockroach eggs cannot be seen with the naked eye. It cannot be further from the truth. Others have the wrong idea about the appearance of these sacks, and that can affect the efficiency of their extermination strategy.
The cockroach eggs size ranges from 5 to 13 mm, and they have a brown to dark color. German cockroach eggs are easy to differentiate from American cockroach eggs. The German ones are small, narrow, and less dark. American cockroach eggs are almost black. These characteristics refer to the cockroach egg case.
Oriental cockroach eggs have a red to brown color, and the oothecae look more inflated than those of other species. An ootheca of an oriental cockroach will usually carry about 16 eggs, and these are lined up vertically in the sack. The best way to learn the differences between these oothecae is by taking a look at some pictures of cockroach eggs.
With an average infestation, you will not be able to see the eggs since they are stored in corners and other locations of the house. If you spot a cockroach egg in an open area, you can be certain that you have a serious infestation.
How Long Does it Take for Roach Eggs to Hatch?
A female cockroach will typically lay a new set of eggs every six weeks. These eggs take about four weeks to hatch into baby cockroaches. I should mention that eggs of German roaches hatch faster than American and Oriental cockroach eggs. American eggs can take 8 weeks to hatch. A female American roach will lay more eggs in their lifetime, and they also tend to live longer than German roaches. In optimal conditions, an American cockroach can live for three to four years.
Where Do Cockroaches Lay Eggs?
You may spot a cockroach now and then in your house, but locating the eggs is usually difficult. That’s because they are deposited in dark and concealed spots like cracks and the back of pictures. Some common areas you should check include under the sink, near pipes, and underdrawers. The oothecae are usually camouflaged, so you have to look thoroughly. The eggs are attached to the surfaces they are deposited on. This is done with some sticky substance, and that means you cannot remove the eggs by just scratching the surface.
Female cockroaches also like to deposit their eggs near pieces of food since the baby cockroaches have to find their food when they hatch. You should also note that many roaches carry the oothecae till they hatch. Sometimes, the eggs will even hatch while being carried by the female roaches.
There are a few signs that can help you determine how close a deposit of cockroach eggs is. These include:
Shed skin. If you notice that a particular spot in your house has many shed skins, you can almost be sure that a cockroach egg is close by. It can also indicate where the roaches like to hide and will make it easier for you to exterminate them.
Roach feces.Droppings of roaches look like small black spots. If you notice that there is a concentration of roach droppings in a particular part of the house, you should scan the surroundings thoroughly. This is because the eggs may be close by.
A strong and musty smell. It is a well-known fact that cockroaches smell. Their eggs emit a musty smell, so you can look out for that as well.
Which is the Best Way to Kill Roaches and Eggs?
Cockroaches reproduce fast, and a few can easily create a big population with quick reproduction. A single ootheca that is ignored during the extermination process may hatch into 50 roaches, and that is more than enough to restart the problem. You need to get rid of every single roach and all the eggs in the house otherwise, your efforts will not have lasting results.
Fortunately, there are some ways of killing cockroaches along with their eggs. Make sure you apply these methods correctly as you don’t want to spend time and still end up where you started.
Many of the usual methods used to kill roaches do not affect the eggs. If a female roach dies while carrying the ootheca, the eggs can still hatch. It mostly happens if the eggs were close to hatching when the female roach died. The eggs will also survive if they are not crushed when the mother is killed.
1. I can recommend using roach baits. These are poisons developed to attract roaches. They kill them over time. The baits are carried to the hiding spots of the roaches and are shared with other members of the population. This way, every roach in the population will get poisoned and will die over time. If there are eggs in the place, the first meal the baby roaches will eat will be poison, so they won’t be much of a problem.
2. If you can locate them, you can crush the eggs with a shoe. It should be done with a lot of strength since there is a chance that the eggs can hatch outside the ootheca. This should also be the case when crushing pregnant cockroaches. Also, you should dispose of the crushed eggs and roaches properly. In case they still manage to hatch, they should be as far away from your house as possible. The one downside of this strategy is that it is hard to find a cockroach egg in the house.
3. Another effective method is using insect growth regulators. These are chemicals that cause the roaches to become sterile, and that can put an end to the cycle of reproduction. Insect growth regulators can be quite effective at killing roach eggs. With these chemicals, the only way roaches can grow their population in your home would be by inviting new roaches. If you make your house less conducive to roaches, the entire population will die out over time. For a better effect, you can also combine insect growth regulators with other methods that kill the roaches directly.
4. Sprays are highly inefficient when dealing with insect eggs. They are meant to kill roaches on contact, but they can only destroy one roach at a time. In many cases, a pregnant roach will still leave healthy offspring after they are killed by this method.
Cockroaches lay many eggs in a single setting, and they also lay eggs frequently. It means it can be a challenge to control their fast-growing populations. To ensure you get rid of all the roaches in your house or workplace, you will need to target the eggs, as well as the roaches already living in your space. Effective methods to achieve this include using insect growth regulators and baits.
To determine how serious your infestation is, you will need to identify roach eggs. Looking at some roach eggs images may help, but you should remember that the eggs of different types of cockroaches look different.
Do you have any experience dealing with roach eggs? Are there any mistakes you have made when exterminating roaches from your space? Let us know in the comments below.
When you see a cockroach crawling in your home does it suggest there is a cockroach invasion? No, when you spot a roach in your kitchen, it doesn’t necessarily mean there is an infestation, and neither it means your home is not tidy enough. You can accidentally introduce cockroaches to your home through cardboard boxes, shoes, or appliances if they came from an area infested with roaches.
One sure way to suggest roaches have invaded your house is in case there is cockroach poop. If you notice lots of cockroach feces around your house, then it is a sure sign these pests have infested your place.
But what does roach poop look like? And how can you distinguish it from other pests poop?
Well, I have specialized in both urban and agricultural pests, and I will use my expertise to help you handle these pests. So read on to learn more about cockroach droppings identification, where to find roach poop in your house, how to clean roach feces, as well as the effects of ingesting roach poop.
How Do Cockroach Feces Look Like?
Roach droppings have the same deep brown color regardless of their species. However, most of these feces differ in size based on the type and size of the pest.
Generally, smaller cockroaches leave behind feces that resemble ground coffee or pepper. In some cases, their feces may look like stains. The German cockroach is an example of small roaches that drop such feces.
Bigger roaches such as American cockroach, popularly known as the palmetto bug, produce bigger feces. Their poop resembles large solid crystals, almost the size of a grain of rice. Their feces also have rounded ends and ridges that run across the ends.
You can easily confuse feces of large cockroaches with rat’s droppings. As you may notice on cockroach poop pictures, roach’s feces have rounded ends while mice feces have sharp ends. Besides, the mice poop does not have ridges. You can use a magnifying glass to see these differences.
Difference Between Roach Poop and Other Pests
Below, I will describe in what way cockroach droppings differ from various pests poop. To take active measures against pests intrusion into your home, you must identify them. The best way to do that is by identifying their poop.
Roach Poop vs Mouse Poop
Cockroach poop looks similar to mouse feces. The difference is very minimal that you can’t easily tell them apart. So how do you differentiate roach poop vs mouse poop?
The major difference between the two is that roach droppings have ridges crossing from one end to the other while mouse feces have no ridges. Also, mouse droppings may have short hairs and are slightly larger. These differences can easily be visible on roach poop images.
Palmetto Bug Poop or Cockroach Poop
Palmetto Bug refers to large roach species and beetles. Mostly people use this term when referring to the American cockroach. So in this context, we will use the Palmetto Bug poop to mean feces from the large roach species.
Palmetto bug poop has a solid shape similar to a cylinder, and it is black or brown with ridges running across the sides. Smaller roaches, on the other hand, have smaller droppings in the form of coarse coffee grains that are black or brown.
If your house has been infested by roaches, identifying and cleaning up cockroach feces is important for your family’s health. Here are some steps you should follow when cleaning.
Wear Protective Gear
Since cockroach droppings are dangerous, you need to wear protective gear before you get down to work. You should have a respirator or wear a protective face mask to prevent exposure to airborne allergens. Make sure you also have a pair of gloves to prevent direct contact with the poop. This will prevent any infestation.
The first cleaning step is to vacuum the place. This will get rid of all the loose droppings. Ensure you vacuum all areas where you can find cockroaches. Some of these places include cabinets, kitchens, appliances, open containers, and refrigerators, among others.
Clean the Surfaces
Once you’re done vacuuming, you should clean all the surfaces next. Clean all places where you think the cockroaches might be by using water and soap solution. This solution should be enough to remove all allergens, but you can also use disinfectants to kill germs.
There are common household items you should clean to prevent disease that may result from roach feces. These items include mattresses, carpets, and clothing. These pests are more likely to poop on heavy jackets and other heavy clothes. Be sure to clean the stains earlier because old stains are very difficult to remove.
If you have carpets, especially heavy rugs, then you need to clean them thoroughly. It’s best to use a mixture of dishwashing soap and vinegar to thoroughly get rid of the stains.
When cleaning the mattress, you should focus on the folds and cracks. This is where poop can be found.
Where You Can Find Roach Poop
Do cockroaches leave droppings? Well, they do. Usually, roaches have no specific place to poop. Since some roaches fly, you are likely to find their feces anywhere in the house. However, to ensure your home is spotlessly clean, you must know areas where you are likely to find the most cockroach excrement.
Mostly, roach excrement can be found in areas near their nests and places where they can get food. This means that the kitchen is one of the areas you should expect to get most of the droppings. Other areas you are most likely to find their droppings include cabinets, shelves, drawers, underneath equipment like dryers, toilets, refrigerators, as well as near drain pipes.
It is advisable to identify roach feces in time because if the droppings are left to accumulate, they can attract more cockroaches into your home. The odor they produce attracts other roaches.
You can also place baits and pesticides near the droppings to get rid of roaches. This is because the feces attract other roaches, so there is a high likelihood that they will eat from the bait if you place it near their droppings.
How to Tell if You Have an Infestation
It is difficult to investigate if you have an infestation because you can rarely see roaches during the day. Being nocturnal, these pests only come out at night to look for food.
There are several ways to tell whether there is an infestation, with one of them being the presence of abundant roach feces. The presence of roach exoskeletons is another sign of infestation. You may see these exoskeletons in areas where they defecate or in places near food. The exoskeletons come about when the nymphs undergo transition when growing up. They shed the exoskeleton to accommodate the increasing body size.
Are They Dangerous?
Even in small amounts, roach feces can spread diseases. Cockroaches are very filthy insects that crawl inside toilets, garbage, and sewage. These pests do not produce poison, but they are acting as hosts to pathogens. They carry these disease-causing germs like salmonella in their digestive tract, and then they are passed out through their poop and transmitted to humans. When ingested, the poop can make you sick.
Also, studies have shown that roach droppings trigger asthma and allergy symptoms like coughing and wheezing. The feces contain allergens that are airborne and can easily get into someone’s respiratory tract and increase the severity of asthma.
When in large numbers, cockroaches produce an odor which, in addition to being unpleasant, contains chemicals that trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks. Further research shows that children who get exposed to cockroach droppings from an early age are more likely to develop asthma later.
What if You Accidentally Eat Roach Feces?
Cockroaches harbor diseases like salmonella in their digestive tract, which get carried through the feces. Since cockroaches do not have a specific area to defecate, they end up dropping their waste anywhere, including on the food we eat. If you have roaches in your home, there is a high chance of ingesting cockroach excrement.
If you accidentally eat roach feces, you may fall sick. Roaches spread various types of diseases. You can contract any disease being carried by the cockroach.
Prevent Cockroach Infestation with Early Roach Poop Identification
Cockroach feces is one of the signs of roach infestation. Proper cockroach droppings identification is, therefore, the best way to prevent an infestation from getting out of hand.
If left to increase, roach poop can cause several health problems for your family. Roach poor causes different types of diseases and is an allergen that can increase the severity of asthma. Roach feces identification also allows you to use the right cleaning techniques to keep your home tidy and safe.
After reading this article, identifying roach excrement should now be easier. Never confuse cockroach droppings with mouse feces. Be sure to get rid of these waste immediately you spot them to prevent bigger problems. Have you had any experience dealing with roach infestation? Also, if you have any questions on the topic, feel free to leave your thoughts and queries in the comment section below. I will gladly assist you in their enlightenment.
Cockroaches (Illinois Department of Public Health): http://www.dph.illinois.gov/topics-services/environmental-health-protection/structural-pest-control/cockroaches
Cockroaches (Victoria State Government): https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/HealthyLiving/cockroaches
It is an irritating sight to switch on your lights and see tiny roaches scamper across the floor, kitchen tops, and furniture to safety. Cockroach babies are a common and huge predicament to many households, as they multiply very fast under conducive conditions.
When it comes to baby cockroach size, different species look different. For example, the American baby roaches being the biggest of them all are around 0.8 centimeters in length, and they grow up to four centimeters long as adults.
To eliminate these pests, one needs to take into account various factors, including their lifecycle, ideal breeding conditions, and also eating habits. In this article, I want to cover these points and provide you with some pictures of baby cockroaches according to their species.
The Cockroach Lifecycle
Typically, cockroaches live for about six to eighteen months, depending on the species and environmental conditions, such as temperature. It is vital to understand the growth cycle of roaches to get rid of them before they reproduce and become an acute problem. Just as with some other pests, cockroaches have a three-phased life cycle.
The initial stage of a roach’s life is the egg one. Adult roaches lay approximately fifty eggs at once, and the number can decrease, depending on the temperature and humidity conditions of the environment. Isolated spots that are somewhat warm and suitable humid conditions are the ideal places where cockroaches may lay and hide their eggs. Some of such locations include:
Stores and basements
Furniture joints
Ceilings and walls
Inside electrical appliances
Bathrooms and under sinks
On average, the eggs take about two months, under the right climatic conditions, to hatch. The hatching period also depends on the species. In a conducive environment with high temperatures, the eggs tend to develop quickly and hatch within a shorter span. Most cockroaches have multiple laying phases in their lifetimes, and it explains the fast growth of infestations.
Hatching of the eggs marks the beginning of the nymph stage. It is the phase when roaches develop the adult features bit by bit with each molt. The newborn cockroach is often without fully developed external body parts. In this stage, the nymphs shed their skin several times, and, with each molt, they grow bigger.
It is during this stage that these pests are most vulnerable, especially right after each molting. It is because their new skin is sensitive after they shed off the old one. Also, it is in this phase that the nymphs undergo coloration, depending on the species.
Do baby cockroaches fly?
No, as mostly, baby roaches do not have fully-developed wings and, therefore, are not in a position to fly.
Their flying ability is realized as they mature into adulthood. Once the nymphs have developed into adults, their negative impact can’t be overlooked. These pests are notorious for not only causing physical damage on properties, but they may also pose a significant health risk by spreading bacteria. This phase typically spans for about one to three months.
Once the nymphs have developed into adults, they spend most of their time resting and breeding. They will only come out when it’s dark to look for food. Noteworthy, they can go for weeks without eating after having a good meal. Some species, such as the American roach, have wings that allow them to fly. Females can lay fertilized eggs all their lives after a single mating process.
Diverse Appearances of Different Baby Roaches
Like many others, you might be wondering, what do baby cockroaches look like? The physical appearance of the young roaches differs depending on the species so that some baby roaches are much bigger than others. Once an egg hatches and the nymph emerges, usually, it is white and undergoes coloration to a brown pigment.
As I have mentioned before, most baby roaches don’t have wings. Though there are over 2,500 cockroach species in the world, there are common ones that tend to live in residential areas. Here is a list of the species you may spot at home:
How small are baby cockroaches?
Once hatched, some nymphs, such as a baby German cockroach, are typically small, measuring about 0.3 centimeters in length. Unlike adults, baby roaches are not overly cautious. Therefore, you are likely to come across several of them in your kitchen during the day. Here’s an image of a German roach nymph:
As for the baby American cockroach, it is usually a little bigger than its German and Oriental counterparts, measuring about 0.8 centimeters. The picture below shows American baby roach images in various growth stages:
Conducive Conditions for Breeding of Roaches
Similar to any other living thing, cockroaches need a specific set of environmental conditions. The moment a few adult cockroaches enter your house and find the appropriate conditions will be the onset of breeding.
The first factor is conducive temperatures. Typically, these pests will do so well at standard room temperature with tolerance to temperatures slightly below that. Most species are found within the equatorial and tropical regions, and it evidences their temperature preferences. Too much heat or low freezing temperatures are not ideal for their breeding and growth.
Also, roaches require the right humidity conditions for them to thrive. Though they do not need their surroundings to be overly wet, these pests love damp surfaces. It explains why infestations occur in bathrooms, basements, kitchens, and other places, such as forest floors.
Although not a primary factor, roaches also do well in places not exposed to too much light. It is because they are somewhat conscious of the threat that stares at them when they are fully exposed.
When checking for roaches at your place, look in hard-to-reach areas, below sinks, along furniture joints, spaces in the walls, and similar places. Additionally, food is a vital factor for any living thing. Thus, cockroaches will go where there’s something to feed on. In households, these pests primarily feed on food scraps and, in the absence of these, decaying organic substances, such as smaller pests and books.
What Are Strategies for Eliminating Baby Roaches?
For many, baby roaches are disgusting and depict a huge problem that calls for immediate attention. The rapid rate at which they breed and multiply will see that cockroaches are all over your house if you don’t deal with the problem early enough. Many individuals do not know how to get rid of baby roaches and prevent further appearance. Here are several cockroach control strategies one can employ:
Use of gel baits;
Anti-pest sprays;
Cockroach traps;
Use of organic repellents.
The use of cockroach gels is one of the most effective elimination methods around. Gels are easy to apply, and their effectiveness averagely spans one week. They are suitable for use on surfaces, such as furniture, under sinks, and on the walls. You will need to apply several streaks on a targeted surface two to five centimeters apart.
There are also anti-pest cockroach sprays that are known for immediate effectiveness. They are great for eliminating young roaches. Moreover, such products are perfect for hard-to-reach areas, such as cracks on walls.
Cockroach traps are cubic or cuboid in shape with several openings. Most of these traps have poisonous substances inside. When using them, you need to place them strategically in the breeding zones of cockroaches to ensure effective results. It is because you want as many roaches as possible to enter the trap.
Finally, for individuals who are not for chemical products, other options involve the use of organic homemade repellents. Worth mentioning, such repellents are not very effective in killing roaches but come in handy in preventing other species from entering the house. Such solutions include vinegar repellent, catnip, and garlic.
Ways to Secure Your Home from Roaches
After getting rid of roaches from your home, how can one prevent another infestation from occurring? If you are seeing baby roaches after extermination, that means there are still conditions conducive for breeding cockroaches in your house. To get rid of them for good, you need to eliminate all the factors that fostered the first infestation.
The first things to take into consideration are water leakages, sanitary conditions, and lighting. Regular cleaning is essential to keep all types of pests away. Frequently check and clean your store, shelves, basement, closet, and garage. As for leakages, check all places for any dampness and identify where the water is coming from. Seeing baby roaches in the bathroom is an indicator of some leakages you are not aware of.
You can seal leakages by applying epoxy putty, using tightening joints, and making necessary replacements. Additionally, cracks should be sealed off as well, as there are not only breeding zones but also entry points of other roaches into the house. There are many products available that are handy in sealing cracks, including crack fillers and patches.
Introducing proper lighting is another strategy that will help in keeping roaches away. Also, you need to collect and dispose of all the food scraps right as you see them. Baby roaches in the kitchen indicate poor storage of foodstuffs or poor waste management. Accumulated kitchen waste is a major factor that attracts cockroaches and many other insects, such as flies. With these precaution measures, you can be sure of keeping roaches at bay.
Be Done with Roaches Forever
Roaches are a threat to human health, as they facilitate the spreading of bacteria. You can even get food poisoning if roaches invade your kitchen. After looking at the various factors that facilitate the infestation of cockroaches, you now know that it is vital to undertake regular cleaning and check for the presence of cracks on walls.
If you have many items, such as books and clothes, stored away, you might consider frequently checking them, as they are excellent breeding zones for roaches. Additionally, proper drainage is of the essence because these pests like damp surfaces. Finally, ensure there’s good lighting in your house to keep off roaches.
Have you spotted cockroaches in your house? If yes, what type of treatment are you going to apply? Or maybe, you have already used some? Share your stories in the comment section below.
Ants in a car can be a severe and annoying problem that some car owners might encounter. It’s a widespread issue, and it has to be solved fast and effectively. If you have faced this problem, then this article is definitely for you. My name is Nicholas Martin, and I specialize in entomology. I have extensive 25-year experience in this field.
Taking into consideration my expertise, I know everything about insects and pests, and I’m here to help you with this burdening problem.
Moreover, a few years ago, I found ants in my car as well. Keep reading to find out the main reasons for an ant infestation in a car and learn how to get ants out of a car in the most effective way.
So, if everything you’ve been wondering about was “how to get rid of ants in my car?”, then check this article out as you will find lots of useful info.
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Remove all debris from the vehicle. Make sure the glove compartment is also clean.
Vacuum the interior. Remove and clean the floor mats and vacuum the floor.
Wipe the entire interior with a damp cloth: seats, belts, glove compartment.
Use ant sprays and traps.
Keep your car clean.
What Is the Danger of Tiny Ants in Car?
If you have found ants in a car door frame, vent, or other places, it’s a red light for you. Your main task will be to solve this serious problem as fast as possible.
Even though these insects are so tiny, they are pretty dangerous for you and your car. Everyone knows that sugar ants in the car are no good. First of all, they will cause severe discomfort as insects tend to crawl all over your body.
Some of the species, such as fire and ponerine ants, are dangerous because they can bite and sting you. It can be very painful, and, in some cases, it can even cause an allergic reaction.
But the main danger is the number of ants. They usually live in a big colony, so they can easily nibble some electrical wires, which can cause severe damage to your car. Therefore, you have to be extra careful and kill ants in the car as fast as possible.
How and Why Do Ants Get in Cars?
Before you find out how to get rid of ants in a car, you should know how and why these pests get into your car. Generally, if you often don’t clean up food leftovers from your car, chances are pretty high the ants will appear in your car.
If you are thinking, ‘I have ants in my car but no food crumbs’; think about your parking place, you may park near the anthill, thus the ants will feel even the smallest crumb, and they will penetrate into your car as they have a developed sense of smell.
Ants are always in search of food, so if you have kids who eat snacks inside the car, chances are ants will settle down in your car very fast. In case your auto is parked near the anthill, they might simply crawl inside once you open the door, or through crawling on tires.
The invaders are a serious problem for you, so let’s find out how to get rid of ants in car naturally, as nobody wants to use too many chemicals in this battle.
How to Get Rid of Ants in Car?
The first step to a safe ant-free car is to clean it and make your car sparkle. Take out all trash and garbage. Food wrap, wipes, napkins, receipts, fliers have to be removed immediately.
Make sure the glove compartment is clean as well. The next step will be to vacuum the interior properly with the help of a powerful portable vacuum cleaner.
Run over the hard-to-access areas to remove debris, dust, and crumbs. Vacuum cleaning will also help to partially kill the ants by trapping them inside the device.
It’s mandatory to remove and clean floor mats and vacuum the floor thoroughly. After this, you have to use a damp cloth and wipe all the interior: seats, belts, glove compartment. Don`t forget to pay extra attention to windows and doors.
How to Kill Ants in Car?
You have to use various sprays and traps that will help you achieve the best results. Sprays are designated to avert more ants that crawl up the tires to get inside of your car. Choose a special spray with pesticides.
It has to be used only outside of your car. Spray the product over your tires several times to achieve better protection. It will be more than enough to repulse and stop ants from penetrating inside.
Ant traps are quite effective, and you can buy them in hardware stores or order them online. Choose odorless traps that contain poison. They will lure and kill pests immediately. At the same time, your car won’t smell bad.
Buy a few small traps and place them throughout your car. It will also repulse other ants from penetrating inside. In addition, you can spray the outside parts of your car, such as doors and car mirrors, as well.
It’s recommended to place traps on the floor under the seats of your car. In case there is a significant amount of ants, you can place a trap in a glove compartment to increase the effectiveness of the traps. It will be even more effective if you put several traps inside of your garage and other places to kill the ant colony around.
I recommend replacing traps once they are filled with ants to keep fighting against insects and maintain the effect of poison. Make sure to keep pets and kids away from the traps as they are poisonous and might cause damage to their health.
How to Prevent Black Ants in Car
If you have already eliminated all ants in your car or simply want them never to appear again, here are some rules that you have to follow at all costs. First of all, you have to keep all the food out of your car. Don’t eat snacks in order not to leave crumbs. If you have no other choice, try to wrap it properly and eat carefully.
Take out the trash from a car on a regular basis, to not attract new pests. It’s obligatory to clean the interior of your car every week. Use a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth to clean it up and remove all debris and possible food crumbs.
And the most important thing will be to check out the parking area for ant hills before you park your car there. By making sure that there are no ants close to your car, you prevent your car from repeated ants invasion.
Remember that if there are ants in your garage, chances are they will infest your car. That’s why you also need to get rid of ants in your garage or other areas where you park your car often. I’ve reviewed the best indoor and outdoor ant killers that will help you eliminate ants fast. Make sure to check it out.
After finding fire ants in my car, I was so frustrated and scared. The pests can be hazardous and can not only damage your car but also bite or sting people, causing severe health issues like an allergic reaction.
Therefore, killing ants in the car was my first priority. Luckily for me, it was not that hard. I know that ants are an issue for many car owners. That’s why I decided to share my own experience and tell you how to get rid of ants in car vents and door frames effectively and fast.
I hope that my tips will come in handy in this fight against ants in the car. I wish you good luck and hope that you will get rid of these annoying intruders easily. Now I would like to hear from you.
Tell me what are your ways to fight ant colony in a car? Do you consider them to be effective? Leave comments below, and let’s have a small talk.
Ants have an exceptionally high-def sense of smell (Vanderbilt University): https://news.vanderbilt.edu/2012/09/10/ants-have-an-exceptionally-high-def-sense-of-smell/