Category: Mouse & Rat Guides

  • How to Get Rid of Rat Urine Smell

    How to Get Rid of Rat Urine Smell

    Rats pee nonstop for the purpose of marking the safest areas or the paths to places with the yummiest food. Rodent urine and droppings are no bed of roses to do away with. That is particularly the case if you don’t take instant and consistent action once you notice that your home has been invaded by the sneaky long-tailed poopers and pee’ers.

    The intoxicating odor of rodent pee is pungent and impossible to disregard. And it’s a challenge to eliminate, too. Fortunately, there’s a wide variety of natural and chemical-based ways to remove rodent urine odor almost effortlessly. So, how to get rid of the rat urine smell? In this piece, I’m going to delve deeper into this not-so-charming yet very educational topic. Stay tuned.

    In brief, removing rodent piss is more unpleasant than challenging. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

    1. Put on protective gear.
    2. Identify rat piss and its sources.
    3. Dispose of the smell by following the steps described below.
    4. Allow air to circulate in the room.
    5. Mask lingering odor.
    6. Turn to professionals for the purpose of controlling rats.

    How to Identify Rat Urine

    Interested in rat pee identification specifics? Great. I know a thing or two about that. You can detect this disgusting substance via its potent, musky, ammonia-like odor. The thing is, rat pee contains tons of nitrogen which form smelly ammonia in combination with oxygen. That pretty much answers your ‘What does rat urine smell like?’ question.

    In fact, the stuff smells so sickeningly bad that you won’t be able to leave it unnoticed. Yuck! Does your nose itch or get hot when sensing this pungent odor? Then that’s probably IT! Important note: if this disgusting smell is intense, then you’re probably dealing with more than a random rodent guest in your home. You’re most likely facing moderate to a severe rat infestation.

    Aside from the olfactory markers, there are also certain visual indicators of rat piss. It’s not as easy to spot as rat droppings, but I’ll provide some tips to make identification a cakewalk. If you’re noticing tiny, thin, asymmetric, chalk-ish wet trail marks on your carpet or bags, then you’re probably dealing with your uninvited long-tailed guests’ piss.

    It’s interesting to note that rat piss is easily identifiable via UV light. Oh yes, it practically shines bright like a diamond under UV light, which makes it fairly easy to detect. Make the most of this knowledge in case you’re on the prowl for places where your rodent home invaders tend to be most active.

    Some people actually say that rat urine smells like rubber gloves… So, if you can sense the distinctive ammonia-ish smell in your home, turn to professional help for rodent infestation confirmation. In addition to this, you’ll need to sanitize the surfaces your rodent occupants have peed on. It’s a must-do, for rat piss is known to cause respiratory issues and transmit diseases you want to stay away from.

    White rat in sawdust

    Ways to Remove Rat Urine Smell

    There are two common sources of rat piss:

    • the surface where the ‘bomb’ was ‘dropped’;
    • the air in that room.

    If you want to eradicate the odor completely, you need to address both these sources with maximum attention. Find the steps you need to take to cope with this below:

    1. Wear protective clothing. Rat Bite Fever, Salmonella, Hantavirus, Tularemia… These and many more hazardous diseases are easily transmittable from rodents to humans. Some of them don’t even have effective cures as of today. So, if you don’t want to catch those diseases, ensure you wear your protective clothing, along with rubber gloves and a mask prior to even getting close to the stuff.

    2. Neutralize IT! While waiting for the arrival of rodent control specialists, you can actually neutralize the smell of rat urine under your own steam. Here’s a quick step-by-step outline of the process:

    • find the source;
    • allow fresh air into the room;
    • utilize a disinfectant spray/enzyme cleaner to eradicate the odor;
    • clean every nook and cranny of your room;
    • let professionals help you solve your infestation issue.

    3. Purify the air from the intense odor. If you don’t do it, rat urine ammonia molecules will keep on spreading inside your house. Open all your windows and position bowls of smell-soaking baking soda, vinegar, or coffee grinds across your house. Replace the stuff in bowls on a regular basis until the smell dissipates.

    4. Clean or throw away contaminated household objects. Carpets, rugs, books… Clean all your household objects contaminated by rodent urine. While the former will need a thorough cleaning, your peed-on books and paper files should be placed in the sun for about two days. This will eliminate the nasty smell and kill disease-causing viruses rodent urine brims with.

    Prevent Rodent Infestations With Midway Pest Management

    If you’re looking for a top-notch pest control company in Kansas, Midway Pest Management might be your best bet. Their specialists will inspect your home, identify rodent invasion, and offer professional help in terms of solving your problem. Aside from rats, they’ll help you get rid of raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, bats, and other annoying critters. No need to waste your precious time smelling rodent piss. Just make a quick phone call and these pros will make the stuff go away in mere moments.

    How long does mouse urine smell? Naturally, that depends on how fast you’ll take action and how effective the methods you’ll utilize will be. Generally speaking, the stuff can bother you for up to three weeks if you don’t take immediate action.

    Two rats in the room


    Have questions left on the topic of rodent pee? You’re welcome to take a browse through my answers to this blog’s readers’ most frequently asked questions.

    Why Should You Get Rid of Rat Urine?

    First, rat urine stinks. The odor is intense and awfully overwhelming. You won’t be able to live with it. Second, rat urine contains viruses of dangerous diseases e.g. hantavirus, that float in the air as the stuff dries. If you inhale it, you’ll run the risk of catching the dangerous disease. Furthermore, contacting rodent urine is bad for your skin.

    Rat in garage

    What Are the First Symptoms of Hantavirus?

    Some of the earliest indicators are muscle strain, out-of-the-blue fever, and extreme tiredness. Later on, you may feel dizzy and sick in the stomach. In short, this disease is easily mistaken for common flu.

    Can You Survive Hantavirus Without Treatment?

    This disease doesn’t have a specific treatment or cure. However, the patient should still be brought into intensive care and given oxygen therapy as fast as possible. In case this doesn’t happen, the patient will most likely face long-lasting complications.

    Bottom Line: Your Health Comes First

    It is in your best interest to clean rat droppings and piss, as well as religiously follow the tips provided in this post. Because your well-being should be your utmost priority. If you don’t have enough spare time to fight your rodent invasion, turning to a professional rat exterminator like Midway Pest Management is your best option. Don’t give up and good luck eradicating the nasty odor!

    Also read:

    So, what about you? Have you ever dealt with rodent pee? Feel free to share your experience with your fellow readers and let it all out in the comments below. Your opinion is very much appreciated here.

  • How to Get Rid of Rat Holes in Yard

    How to Get Rid of Rat Holes in Yard

    Rats typically invade private and corporate properties. However, their presence in gardens is also common. If your garden is warm and cozy enough — and if there are lots of yummies there — chances are these long-tailed violators have already dug up a few holes there. In this piece, I’ll let you in on rat holes, their characteristic features, and appearance, as well as what to do with them when you find them next to your house. Because these critters are known for their shrewdness and top-level survival potential, you’ll need deeper knowledge to figure out how to get rid of rat holes in your yard.

    In brief, it’s not too hard. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

    1. Flash out the holes with water.
    2. Utilize non-toxic repellents.
    3. Seal the holes like a pro (see below for details).
    4. Say bye-bye to the long-tailed occupants.

    Rat Nests Explained

    Do rats dig tunnels? Absolutely! Rat nests, also referred to as holes or burrows, are underground rodent homes with lots of pathways these cunning creatures dig in order to store their yummies and keep themselves under the human radar. Some rodent homes have several entries and exits. This ‘construction specificity’ makes it easier for rodent diggers to get away from your prying eyes. When your uninvited critter guests decide to ‘date, mate, and multiply’, the burrow expands with more interlinked tunnels and ‘rooms’.

    So, do rats live underground? Basically, yes. But that is largely dependent on the species, too. Norway rats are heavy diggers, while brown rats are more fond of occupying your cozy house or basement. There are so many yummies in your kitchen for them!

    Rat nest from wooden branches

    What Does a Rat Nest Look Like?

    This may surprise you, but rats are relentless chewers and have agile paws, which adds up to their impeccable digging possibilities. Capable of munching through wood, plastic, and even metal, these smart critters make holes in the most unbelievable of places. Noticing smallish two- or three-inch holes in the ground in your garden? That may be an early indication of rodent occupation of a large section of your private property.

    So, what do rat holes look like? They’re small, you already know that. But they’re bigger than those of the insects. They have smooth walls and are about 20 inches deep. Outside the hole, you’ll probably notice some loose dirt. That’s because these long-tailed diggers tend to kick out all of the soil when rummaging through it.

    Wondering about other signs of rodent holes in your yard? They are regular droppings, grease marks, unpleasant pungent smell, and paw prints. Also, if you’re noticing spoiled vegetables or wires near your house, chances are you’ll find rodent ‘apartments’ there too — if you try and look for them.

    Because rodents are most active during nighttime, you can see them jumping in and out of their burrows mostly at night. So, if you’re seriously up for identifying whether the hole you’ve found in your garden belongs to those furry poopers or not, you’re going to have to spend a few sleepless nights watching the critters hanging around their newly dug sweet home.

    Rat holes in the ground

    Getting Rid of Rat Holes Step by Step

    Keeping these long-tailed critters at bay is always a better option than just slaying them all in a cruel and inhumane way. Follow these fairly easy steps to do away with those burrows without wasting too much of your precious time:

    1. Flush ‘em out. Rats love comfort. If you arm yourself with your garden hose and try to free the hole using a fast-moving stream of water, the critters will most likely get totally shocked and escape their home forever.
    2. Use non-toxic repellents. Because poisonous substances may do a lot of harm to your pets or kids, it’s best to opt for such chemical-free solutions as white vinegar, garlic, mint, lavender, herbs, or powdered pepper. Rats hate the smell of these deterrents and will most likely abandon their nests once you use them properly.
    3. Seal the holes. This will disrupt the little invader’s routine. They hate change, so they’ll most likely hate your place, too, and choose to leave your property as a protest.

    How to Block off a Rat Hole

    Start with rat hole identification. Did you notice rat paw prints, runways, and droppings around? Maybe you’ve seen rats themselves jumping in and out of their burrows in your yard? It’s time to switch to the next step of the block-a-hole operation.

    Upon identifying rat ‘apartments’ in your yard, the fastest and most time-saving solution would be to call your local pest control company. Based on how severe your infestation is, professional rodent control technicians will effectively assist you in creating a plan of elimination. You’ll most likely choose between baits or traps to exterminate the nasty rodents.

    Once the long-tailed diggers are gone, you are free to seal the holes. Closing a mouse hole when the ‘residents’ are gone is vital, for it will prevent other critters from making themselves at home in those burrows. Nature abhors a vacuum, they say.

    To succeed in sealing the burrows, fill them up with soil, sand, or concrete. Alternatively, use hardware mesh, chicken wire, or steel wool for this purpose. If your long-gone rodent invaders’ relatives decide to deblock the nests, they won’t be able to chew through this stuff. Avoid killing rats in their burrows and always ensure they are gone before sealing it all with concrete. Because if you block the critters inside, you’ll have to endure a truly unbearable odor in the long run.

    Rat Burrow Prevention Tips

    Naturally, these rodents will refuse to leave your garden if there’s plenty of their favorite yummies there. Therefore, you’re going to need to make certain changes in order to keep the nasty occupants away:

    • ensure there’s no food or water left for rats where you reside;
    • pick your crops on a regular basis;
    • mow your lawn, trim your bushes, remove piles of wood and anything that will attract rats’ attention: remember that these little critters can’t stand open spaces;
    • enhance your home drainage system to prevent standing water;
    • use fencing to protect what you’ve grown.

    Rodent ‘apartments’ in your yard are definitely a bad sign. Prior to working on rodent elimination, you’ll need to ensure that the holes you’re noticing are in fact rat holes. Now that you’ve explored the main identifiers, I’m sure you’ll succeed in this respect.

    Rat on the blanket


    In this section of my today’s post, you’ll find my answers to your most frequently asked questions. Ask me anything in the comments at the bottom of this post whenever you feel like doing it. I’ll get back to you with my expert opinion as soon as possible.

    Can Rats Go Back to the Holes or Burrows?

    If you don’t seal the holes properly or fail to work on prevention methods (see above), then yes, they can come back to your yard and start the invasion of your property all over again. Would you really like that to happen? No? Then act accordingly.

    Should I Block Up a Rat Hole?

    Yes, definitely. But first and foremost, ensure that it’s not occupied. By blocking the rat hole entrances, you change the rodents’ daily habits (something your furry garden occupants really hate) and make them want to leave your property for good.

    How to Prevent Rats from Appearing in the Yard?

    Make your yard or garden as rat-proof as possible. Make it totally unappealing food-, shelter-, and comfort-wise for the long-tailed poopers. Tidy it all up, sanitize, pick up the veggies regularly, protect the plants, use non-toxic repellents, and improve your drainage.

    Bottom Line: Know Your Home Invader

    In summary, knowing your rodent invader inside out is sure to aid you in effectively eliminating its signs on your property. Bear in mind that humane and non-toxic pest management strategies require time and regularity to bring excellent results. With that said, transform working on making your garden rat-proof into a daily habit if you want to succeed in this endeavor. To achieve the best result, get in touch with a licensed rodent control specialist to help you solve the issue in the most hassle-free way possible.

    Have anything to add on the topic? You’re welcome to add comments to the post below. I value your opinion greatly. Don’t forget to add my blog to your favorites for more updates on the topic.

    Also read:

  • Vinegar Rat Repellent

    Vinegar Rat Repellent

    Rodent invasion at home can be annoying at best and dangerous at worst. Utilizing poisonous solutions to kill rats is a potential health hazard while turning to traps is inhumane. As a golden rule alternative, you can give some natural control options a go. Vinegar rat repellent is among them. In this piece, I’ll dwell upon the effectiveness of this rat eradication method, the best solutions you can utilize, as well as answer the most typical questions on the topic.

    How to get rid of rats with vinegar? Briefly speaking, you can utilize vinegar-drenched cotton balls, spray the solution onto the places where the rodent invaders are most active in your home, add vinegar to your cleaning products, or pour it straight onto the rodents’ nests.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Homemade Vinegar Rat Repellent” style=”main”] Mix one part water and one part vinegar in a spray bottle. Then, add a few drops of lemon, peppermint, or eucalyptus oil to the mixture. Spray this mixture around the areas of your home where you’ve seen rats or where you think they might enter.

    Using Vinegar as a Rat Repellent — Does It Work?

    Do rats hate vinegar? Yes. So, absolutely, vinegar is a quite effective rat deterrent for home use. It flaunts a nasty smell that is sure to make your rodent invaders sick. And it will make them flee, too. Ensure that the odor of your vinegar repellent is potent enough for the rats to truly feel that their new home has turned into a hostile environment.

    When you find super smelly vinegar, utilize it in limited areas of your home. Because soaking all your house in strong vinegar is sure to result in deterring your pets and loved ones, too. Bear in mind that once the smell starts fading, the effectiveness of this method becomes weaker, too. With that said, despite certain drawbacks, vinegar does make a difference when it comes to kicking out the arrogant rat occupants from your home.

    Ways You Can Use Vinegar as a Rat Repellent

    Are you on the prowl for a tried and true natural way of driving rats out of your dwelling? Opting for vinegar is right up your street. Below, I’ve rounded up several vinegar-based rat-repelling methods that grant you a fair dose of freedom of choice in this respect:

    1. Vinegar-drenched cotton balls. Just soak them in white vinegar and put them where your rodent invaders love hanging out the most.
    2. Put a cup full of white vinegar where your uninvited rodent guests like to party. This will definitely make your dwelling less favorable ‘in their eyes.’
    3. Combine white vinegar, water, and salt. Spray the mixture where your rodent invaders are most active in your dwelling.
    4. Pour white vinegar into your cleaning products. Naturally, this will weaken the smell of the repellent along with its efficiency, but this method is sure to work fine in combination with other rat-deterrent options.
    5. Drizzle white vinegar onto a rodent nest, then let it sink in. Noticing rodent nests in your house? That’s exactly what you might want to do. Yes, this method is the least merciful out of the five I’ve mentioned, but clearly, it’s the most powerful, too.

    Vinegar at the table

    Wondering about the ways to humanely kill a rodent? You can opt for killing rats with baking soda and vinegar. When mixed, these two solutions produce the gas carbon dioxide. This poisonous gas will asphyxiate your rodent occupants in the most pain-free way imaginable. Just like with any poison, this deadly combo should be applied with maximum attention and safety. If you choose to stick with this method, make the solution unreachable to your pets, kids, and other family members.

    Remember one important fact: rats are capable of outsmarting anyone on their way. Therefore, if you decide to prepare, say, a bait, make sure you disguise it as something that looks and tastes yummy e.g., cheese or peanut butter.

    Additional Ways to Prevent Rodent Invasion

    What smell do rats hate aside from white vinegar? They can’t stand the way garlic, onion, black pepper, and bleach smell. You are free to prepare homemade rodent repellents using these solutions. As an alternative (or additional way to deter rats), identify their entry points into your house and close them permanently. Here are some more details in this respect:

    • identify cracks and breakage in the walls;
    • ensure the vents are closed with metal screening;
    • check if there are any gaps or holes in the roof;
    • clean your chimney and install rat-proof chimney caps;
    • close off the gutters properly.

    So, if you have poor-fitted doors or any of the aforementioned potential rats’ entry points in your dwelling, it’s time to seal ‘em all in the most professional and proper way possible. If you don’t have enough time or patience for waging this long-term war against rodents, just turn to your local pest management company. Excellent specialists will guarantee you a beautiful, rodent-free home..

    Rat on the branches

    Bottom Line: Prevention Is Key

    Now that you’re aware of five vinegar-based solutions aimed at eliminating your rodent occupants, delve deeper into the topic and learn how to use them correctly. Don’t forget about such a vital step as prevention. Look for potential rat entry points and close them permanently. If these pesky rodents don’t find ways to squeeze into your house, you won’t have to end up losing your head over searching for the best home remedies to kill rats.

    Also read:

    Have anything to add on the topic? You’re welcome to speak up and share your experience in the comment box below. I value your two cents greatly.

  • How to Scare Mice Away With Noise: Guide for Everyone

    How to Scare Mice Away With Noise: Guide for Everyone

    If you don’t want to kill the rodents in your house, you have to learn how to scare mice away with noise. It is an effective way to deal with pests without poisoning them or using deadly traps. Mice will not only leave your house; they will never come back. However, you have to learn how to scare your enemy away in the best way possible. Since not all the rodents are similar, you need to make sure that you are not dealing with rats in the first place. Mice are vulnerable to specific noises. Once you buy the right rodent repellent, you will notice that they are gone for good.

    Guide to Scaring Mice With Noise

    The detailed guide includes the following measures:

    • The explanation of how pitch sounds affect mice and how to use them;
    • The list of the most popular ultrasonic devices;
    • The description of sonic devices and how to better use them;
    • The instruction on how to scare away mice with the high pitch noises only;
    • Alternatives you can use to get rid of mice.

    Mice and High Noises

    If you want to learn more about sounds that scare mice, you came to the right place. We will discuss the most popular options. Find out everything you need about the deadly effect of high sounds on mice.

    Mouse on the ground

    Do High Pitched Sounds Keep Mice Away?

    Mice can easily get scared of any noises you produce. Yet, they can also get used to some of them. While there are no sounds that kill mice, you can scare them away. Mice can’t stand ultrasonic and sonic sounds. These sounds are built on the high-frequency waves that mice and other pests can hear, but not the humans.

    Mice who hear these sounds prefer to leave as fast as possible. However, some studies claim that mice can get used to these waves. Once the rodents learn not to fear them, sound repellents will be useless. These sounds may have a limited area of action. For example, not all repellents can get through the walls. If mice hide in the nest behind the walls, you will not be able to reach them.

    However, the sound does not have to be ultrasonic to scare mice. They are afraid of predators’ voices too. You can record cat sounds to scare mice. Yet, high-pitched sounds are easier to get if you don’t have cats or dogs there.

    Mouse on the rock

    Do Sonic or Ultrasonic Devices Work?

    Sonic and ultrasonic mice repellents are in demand. Their sales have jumped up during the last years. While manufacturers continue to offer new features, scientists are skeptical. Researchers believe that once rodents get used to the sound, they will no longer be scared of them.

    Such adapters release sounds that can be heard only by rodents. Some of them are made for specific types of rodents and will not be equally suitable for mice and rats, for example. These adapters are plugged into electric sockets, and mice begin to hear the noise.

    Such adapters are not recommended for households with pets inside. For example, if you have a decorative mouse or Guinea pig, you can lose them. The animals will not be able to run away since they are in cages and will not be able to listen to the noise. They can have a stroke. Apart from that, some scientists believe that children can hear high-frequency waves too. It happens in the early stages when the child can’t explain to you what happens.

    If you don’t have pets or children at your home, you can easily buy a similar device. It will help you to deal with the rodents. If you want to stop an infestation, using more products, such as repellents and traps, is better. Do it, especially in case you have a severe infestation. Get rid of all the holes and cracks in the walls so mice would not be able to hide from the sounds there.

    You can’t use these devices in open spaces. Mice need to hear the sound. The bigger the house, the less impact one repellent will have. You need to buy several devices and make sure they are all effective against rodents.

    How to Scare Mice Away With Noise – Methods

    Mouse on the branch

    There are four different noises that mice are not happy to listen to at all. We have already discussed ultrasonic and sonic devices that use high-frequency waves inside to scare away mice. Yet, this is not the only option in this battle. Here are the three more tools:

    The Loud Noises

    Mice are terrified of abrupt sounds no matter where they come from. They consider these sounds as signals to run away. Yet, they always come back when the noises are gone. If you want to find out the nest of the mice, you have to listen to the scratches inside the walls. However, once you become loud, these noises stop immediately. They will freeze until you go away.

    I don’t recommend picking the loud noises as a weapon against mice. Why? Well, mainly because mice will come back. Another reason is that you will also hear these noises. How long can you listen to them until you lose your patience and mice get used to them?

    Human Noises

    So, are mice afraid of humans noise? Yes, they are. Yet, they can always come back when they see that the threat is gone. You can check out the theory and start talking near their nest. You will notice how quickly mice stop any moves inside. They will hear your voice and freeze or run away if they are close to you.

    Meanwhile, mice will not hide if they know that you can’t reach them. If mice live with a human under the same roof for some time, they get used to your voice. They even understand that you can’t go upstairs to the attic and find their nest if they hear you on the ground floor. Once you approach closer, they can run away. Later they will always come back. It is better to make loud noises walking near their nest.


    Rodents are scared of owls and cats, who are considered the natural enemies of mice. Both cats and owls feed on the mice. If you have the records of the cat’s voice or the alive cat nearby, they will not settle down. Mice are aware of the threat of meeting the cat in your house, so it is a real danger to them. But the effect will not last for long. If you don’t have a real cat in your house, mice will soon realize they can’t smell the cat.

    Are mice scared of dogs noise? Technically they can be scared of dog noises if they are loud. Like the noises humans provide. However, mice still will be able to keep living in your house. All they have to do is to wait till the barking stops. You will also hardly handle constant barking.

    I have already discussed ultrasonic and sonic traps that are the most helpful for such cases. Yet, please mind that mice can get used to it. If they realize that there is nothing scary in the sound, they can live in your house for years.

    Scare Mice Away Using the Sound

    It is highly unlikely that you will find mice in the house of a drummer. Yet, if you can’t keep up with the beat for many hours in a row, you have to come up with better ideas. One of them is to get yourself a cat. Cats are natural enemies of mice and will scare them away. Owls are a natural danger too, by the way. However, if you are not a cat or owl person, don’t worry. There is still a chance for you! You can try sonic and ultrasonic mice repellents that provide high-frequency waves which mice can’t tolerate. You can find more details in the article.

    Also read:

    Have you ever checked the sound traps for mice? Have you used ultrasonic repellents? Express your opinion about it in the comments.

  • How to Keep Mice Away from Your Bed

    How to Keep Mice Away from Your Bed

    You need to learn fast how to keep mice away from your bed if you have noticed them near your room. These rodents carry numerous diseases and can bite you. While they look like cartoonish Jerry character, there is nothing cute about them. Unlike several decorative species that are bred specifically to live in the cage in your house, mice are wild, unpredictable, hard to catch, and dangerous. Even if they don’t touch you, they can leave their droppings and urine everywhere in your house. You start asking yourself: “Will mice come near me while I sleep”? If that’s the case, you have to act before you can check out this theory.

    Guide to Keeping Mice Far From Your Bed

    Here is how you can keep annoying pests away from your bed:

    • Put the mouse traps everywhere in your house;
    • Seal all the holes in the walls;
    • Keep all your rooms clean. Don’t forget to wash and clean cupboards;
    • Take your cat to sleep in your room;
    • Remove your bed to a place mice will not reach you.

    Mouse near bed

    Helpful Recommendations to Keep Your Bed Clean From Mice

    If you stumble upon droppings near your bed, you may witness a mice infestation. You have to act immediately in this case. Normally, mice would avoid human beings at any cost. If you see the signs of infestation, the rodents have a nearby nest. You may suffer from mice bite while sleeping, which is highly dangerous for your health.

    Why Mice Invade Homes

    Let’s start with the simple question. We used to think that mice prefer to live outside, making nests in the pile of old leaves. It is not entirely true. If mice can make a nest in your house, they would prefer this safe space over staying outside during cold autumns and winters. They don’t necessarily have to go close to your bedroom. Mice can dwell without being noticed in the attic, garage, or workshop. That’s what attracts them:

    • The garbage you leave. Think about the trash you have in the house. Mice think about it too, considering it as their free food: the crumbs you leaver, the opened cans, and garbage bins. Mice are not picky at all;
    • Water. Mice need to drink. Check all the possible ways to get access to the water: leaking pipes or puddles nearby;
    • Cracks that already exist in the walls. After you have gathered all the crumbs and stopped the leakage, don’t forget to fix all the holes and cracks in the walls. They are perfect for building nests inside.

    Ways to Keep Mice Off the Bed

    Can mice climb beds? Yes, they sure do. They can crawl on your bed, sofa, or inside the cupboard if their goal is water or food. These rodents may also consider your bed an obstacle on their way to the nest. It happens rarely, but still, they can just run around to get from one place to another.

    Move Your Bed

    You may start by moving your bed to a different place so that you can fight mice better. There will be no obstacles in front of you, and you may start using traps and repellents there. Some homeowners also try to put the bed higher, so mice would not get into it. Yet, I am not sure about this idea since mice are quite good at this sport.

    Don’t get me wrong. Once you move the bed, you can’t relax; it’s just the beginning. While it may take some time, sleeping far from the mouse’s nest is safer.

    Use Fresh Cab

    After you move the bed, use the repellent like Fresh Cab. It is simple and reliable. Moreover, you don’t need a pest control specialist to waste your money on. You have to be careful with it, though. Make sure there are no people sleeping in the room. Wear protective goggles and gloves to avoid getting poisoned by repellent. You have to wait for some time before coming inside the room.

    I recommend repellent mainly because it acts fast. If you have allergies to ingredients, you can still try natural sprays, like:

    • Camphor mix;
    • Ammonia, which you have to mix with two spoons of detergent, and a quarter of water. You will need 2 cups of ammonia for it;
    • Peppermint oil will scare away mice since they don’t like the aroma;
    • Pepper.

    Use Safe Mouse Traps

    Traps can be handy as well: they will let you find out if you have mice and help you get rid of them. The main advantage of the trap is that it is not toxic. The disadvantage is that you have to deal with the corps by yourself. It also takes longer to eliminate all the mice in your house using the traps. It is faster to poison them or scare them away from your home using specific tools like electronic repellents.

    Mouse in trap


    It is always better to take the situation under control and prevent mice intrusion than to fight them when they are already there. If you worry about such a possibility, it means you have your reasons for it. Maybe your neighbors suffer from mice infestation, or perhaps you have seen these rodents in your garden. Here is what you can do about it.

    Close Gaps and Holes

    This is the first thing you have to do to secure your house. Why? Mice are vulnerable to cold temperatures. Each cold season they search for a place in the house. Do mice like cold rooms? Not really, but they still prefer to live in the cold room or behind the wall, surrounding themselves with any garbage they find instead of freezing outside. You have to be extremely careful every autumn-winter season.

    Examine your house for small tiny holes and cracks. They can be on the walls, behind the cupboards, fridge, attic, or basement. Check out everything. Take some time to make a thorough inspection. Watch and listen for their noises.

    Wet Waste Management

    Initiate the wet waste management of your garbage if you have not done it yet. While dry wastes can attract mice, wet wastes lying and decaying in the bin attract rodents even more. It is better to get rid of them as soon as possible. Put the moist leftovers outside and keep them there. Any organic food waste must be separated and put in a separate bin.

    Maintain Cleanliness

    Clean the mess in your house, including the clothing thrown everywhere. Do mice eat clothes? Yes, they do. They don’t have specific preferences for staying alive and feeding their numerous descendants. That is why it is essential to keep your house clean. If they can’t find the food, they will leave the place.

    Checking Your Ceiling

    If you wonder whether mice can crawl on the ceiling, they probably can’t. However, they can crawl through the walls and settle down in the holes and cracks in the ceiling corners. If there is a wooden beam, mice can easily crawl on it and settle down in the ceiling’s spot if you have one. They can dwell on it if there is a way to get out. You have to scrutinize everything, not only the walls.

    FAQ on Miceless Bed

    If you want to live peacefully, you have to learn from your enemy and destroy it. I have collected the most popular questions you may want to ask on the Internet. If you have more to add to my comments, you can do it below.

    Will Sleeping with Lights on Keep Mice Away?

    Perhaps the first time, mice will be scared. Yet, after some time, they will quickly understand that nothing happens even if the lights are on. Apart from the fact that it is not practical, you’ll spend a fortune on electricity bills. There are more effective ways to keep mice away of your bed.

    Mouse on the bad

    Does Bleach Keep Mice Away from Your Bed?

    I should say, it can keep anyone far from the bed. Bleach is not a great solution which does not repel mice. Instead, it may poison the person who sleeps in bed. Bleach may kill mice only if the rodent eats it a lot.

    Where Do Mice Hide During the Day?

    During the day, you will not find mice running around. They will be sleeping, safely hidden in their nests. They accumulate enough power to wake up at night and bother your family and you. Mice prefer to sleep somewhere warm, so they build their nest from soft and pleasant materials like cotton or cardboard.

    Healthy Sleep Without Mice

    If you are tired of the constant tension, thinking that mice might attack you while you sleep, you need to make sure that it will not happen. Follow my recommendations on mice extermination and prevention. Scrutinize your house carefully and make sure you deal with mice, not other pests and rodents specifically.

    Also read:

    Have you ever had mice in your house before? How have you gotten rid of them? You can share your ideas in the comments below.

  • How Do You Know When All the Mice Are Gone: Top Recommendations

    How Do You Know When All the Mice Are Gone: Top Recommendations

    When you attack these annoying pests in your house, you have to make sure it is successful. How do you know when all the mice are gone? There are several signs you should consider. This article will help you make sure that you did not miss anything. If you find mice droppings or any other marks of the rodent mentioned here, take urgent measures. You shouldn’t relax even if you believe there is only one mouse left. You would hate to see its children running around, causing the damage to your beloved house.

    Guide to Signs That Mice Are Gone

    Here’s the evidence we will discuss here:

    • Mice keep showing up in front of you. What time do mice come out? Try to define it and trace their hiding spots;
    • They damage your chairs, wires, or pillows;
    • You occasionally find droppings belonging to these pests;
    • Noises that mice can produce;
    • Smell that mice can make from their hiding places.

    Grey mouse on the ground

    Checking Out the House

    Sometimes mice can leave with no extra effort from you. However, check out your house right after taking the first measures to get rid of mice. No matter if you did something or not, check if they are still there. How to know when mice are gone? Read this detailed guide.

    Signs to Look for When Checking if the Mice are Gone

    Keep an eye on details. Mice are not that simple to find because they are fast and hide in unexpected places, far from human eyes. Yet, they are not invincible or invisible. You need to check some signs of infestation to ensure no rodents are left.

    No Showing Up of Mice

    It is a good sign if you don’t see mice running around you. Even one mouse can be dangerous. Seeing it indicates more somewhere close and confirms that your previous measures were useless. When do mice come out? It is important to know that nocturnal rodents lead an active lifestyle at night. You will not see them during the day.

    Mice do not have to show up in front of humans to get food. They can patiently wait till everyone gets asleep or leave the house for work. While they are not as smart as Tom & Jerry’s, they may feel the presence of human beings. Eventually, you will see one of them during the daylight if the home is infested. In such a case, rodents feel more comfortable coming out from their hiding spots.

    No New Damage

    Will mice return to disturbed nest? It depends on how badly the nest is damaged. If you have destroyed the nest but left the mice, they will probably start looking for a new one. The best way to get the new one is to make a new hole. You will notice them if you search for some time.

    Forget about the arches you have seen in cartoons. The holes can be ways smaller and less neat. The mice need to squeeze inside and stay unnoticed. Search for the newly appeared holes in the walls. Apart from that, mice have to chew something. You can check out the electric wires, damaged wooden furniture, and fabric. If they have nothing to eat, they can damage the carpets in the room.

    No Droppings

    If you don’t see mice feces, it may signify that rodents have left the place, and your measures were successful. Droppings are the first sign of the mice’s presence that people usually find. It is easier to find them than rodents. What do you need to look for? Pay attention to black or brown small oval-shaped feces that look like rice grains. They can usually be found in the cupboards, beneath the table’s legs, any kitchen units, and even the grills or toasters. If the droppings you have seen are bigger than rice, you probably have rats in your house.

    No More Scratching Sound in the Walls

    If you don’t see any mice around, it does not mean you are safe. Keep listening to the noises in your house. Scratching sounds may be almost impossible to hear. Turn off any music, TV, or air conditioning. The faint sounds from behind the walls would mean 100 percent bad news for you.

    If you want to discern any sounds, try to stay noiseless. Once rodents hear you, they stop everything. Squeaking sounds may be more active during the nighttime.

    No More Stinking Smell

    If you don’t see or hear mice, there’s one more sign of their presence! They are stinky creatures, with their urine smelling quite strong. Since mice don’t quite control where they urinate, you may feel the smell almost everywhere where they run. It is a perfect way to find their traces. The smelliest place is near their nest. If you feel a strong odor, the infestation is severe, and you need to act.

    It is recommended to clean all the territory and remove any suspicious odor. After that, you have to wait. If you notice that a new stinky smell appears, it means that mice did not leave your house. The scent is the simplest way to find out about house infestation. Yet, remember that this smell may belong to rats.

    No Sign of Recent Activity

    Will mice leave if no food? They can survive on the wood inside the walls for some time. You may not notice them for years until you can finally catch them. It would mean that their population has extended significantly, and now they need to chew your furniture and food you leave in the kitchen.

    They may also leave the dirt on your floor. Mice are not the cleanest creatures, so you may notice their marks once in a while. Check out the floor and tables every day to ensure that there are no signs of recent activities there.

    There are bags of food that mice can target. Check out your packages of cereal, flour, and rice. Make sure that they are whole and not damaged. If you have the food stored in the basement or the attic, you need to check it too. This food is the first thing mice find at your house. Small creatures like mice can easily steal food for many months or years without even being noticed.

    Brown mouse in the grass

    Wrong Season

    The time of the year is significant for mice. They are searching for a safe haven in winter. They can leave your house in the summer. Usually, they leave in May if there are no proper conditions in your house. Do mice come back every year to the place they consider the perfect shelter? The answer is yes. They can even settle down in the old nest if it is not ruined. You have to watch closely for the new signs of mice. Late autumn and winter are the most dangerous times when mice search for protection from severe weather and extreme cold. If there are no leaves in your garden where they can hide, they will damage your walls, getting inside.


    I have collected the most frequently asked questions about mice and their presence in your house. I hope my answers will help you better understand how to search for signs of these rodents. Check them out.

    Do Mice Return to the Same Place?

    Yes, mice can quickly return to the place where they received food and had shelter. If there is no alternative, they will come back no matter how bad you treat them. That is why it is crucial to throw away the corpses and everything left from the mice infestation as far as possible from your house.

    Mouse on the desk

    Should I Rid of Mouse Urine Odor After Mice Left My House?

    Yes, you have to eliminate the mouse urine odor as fast as possible. It can attract other mice who think of your house as a trustable shelter. Make sure that there is no urine left.

    Is It Worth Treating the House from Rodents Periodically?

    Check periodically for any signs of rodent infestation. If you live in an area where mice and other rodents usually attack, you can treat the house from them once in a while. You can buy traps and set them from time to time to make sure there are no mice in your house.

    House Without Mice Signs

    While it may sound like a hard job to do, especially if your house is constantly under threat, you can secure yourself from mice. Once you have dealt with the nest, check for the signs of their absence. Make sure you got rid of them for good. Keep in mind that mice can come back to your place even after you kill some of them. Search for the marks of infestations using this helpful guide.

    Also read:

    Please tell us your stories about mice infestation. How did you find out that you have mice in the house? Share your lifehacks in the comments below.

  • How to Get Mice Out of Car: Guide on Finding Them

    How to Get Mice Out of Car: Guide on Finding Them

    Mice are pretty nasty rodents that can infest many places. You need to know how to get mice out of the car to be sure they don’t cause too much damage to your vehicle. They won’t just gnaw through some cables but can create a serious infectious environment. If the mice infestation in your car is not taken care of in time, you run the risk of not only burning through your budget trying to fix your car but also getting a serious infection.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Get Mice Out of Car?” style=”main”] If you have a mouse in your car, there are a few things you can do to get it out. You can try to catch it yourself, use a trap, or call an exterminator.

    How to Prevent Mice From Inhabiting Your Car?

    There are some easy steps on how to get mice out of car vents and engines:

    • Clean up all of the leftover trash and disinfect the vehicle;
    • Vacuum clean it and make sure to set traps or use rodent repellent;
    • Remove any dead animals and wash your car thoroughly.

    Rodents Around Us

    Even though many people find mice cute and helpless, they are really good survivors. They are considered one of the most dangerous rodents after rats, and that means a lot. Mice can live in almost any space, as long as there is enough food and water.

    You need to always remember that mice transmit diseases like salmonella, leptospirosis, hantavirus, and many others. In Medieval times, they started many tragedies that resulted in countless victims. Some people can have allergies to rodents, and exposure to high amounts of their leftovers can cause allergic reactions.

    How Do Mice Get in Cars?

    The easiest way for mice to get inside your vehicle is simply through open doors. If you leave the vehicle outside for the night, mice might feel invited into the car. These little creatures don’t require much space, so small openings will be enough for them to get in.

    You should not leave your car open for too long and always need to make sure to fully close all windows. Sometimes, drivers can find a mouse nest in a car engine. This might be one of the biggest problems for many car owners. After getting inside your car salon, they will slowly find their way inside the structure of the car, leaving behind a big mess and making it extremely hard to get rid of them.

    Mouse in the car

    Why Would They Seek Shelter?

    Mice are attracted to warmth and moisture, and it’s hard to come by during the winter. Leaving your vehicle outside during cold weather might cause an unexpected mice infestation. They will cozy up near the engine because it is the main source of heat in your vehicle.

    They will also roam freely around in any part of your car. Common places where you can find mice are vents, dashboards, and trunks. They need a hidden place to build their nest and raise their offspring. Beware that one mouse can give birth to up to six babies, and they are able to produce their litter almost once a month. This means that if you notice that there are mice in your care, you should immediately take care of this problem before it gets worse.

    These rodents have gotten used to living alongside humans. For many of them, we are the main sources of food. They are attracted to potential places with leftovers, and since they are pretty small, mice can squeeze through air vents and conditioners to hide away while you are looking for them.

    How to Prevent Mice Infestation in Your Car

    It is extremely important to keep rodents from getting inside your vehicle. Since mice are not easy to get rid of, it is better to prevent them from getting into your car in the first place.

    1. First and foremost, make sure that you don’t have any food leftovers in your car, especially little crumbs or seeds. Mice primarily feed on crops and vegetables, but when hungry, they won’t be picky about what they eat.
    2. The best way to prevent mice from getting in your car is to park it inside your house or in a closed parking lot. Letting the vehicle stay outside can be risky, but if you take all of the preventive steps, you won’t need to deal with mice infestation. Close all the doors and windows so that mice don’t have any easy ways of getting in.
    3. You should also check if your area had any problems with mice infestation in the past since mice never appear out of nowhere. It is better to buy a rodent repellent for cars so that you can quickly use it when the time comes. Commonly, a good repellent for mice is mint, especially peppermint oil. Mice simply don’t like its smell, and the plant has properties that irritate their nasal glands.
    4. Using peppermint is not a surefire solution, so doing regular cleaning and check-ups is also important. That way, you will immediately know rodents have found their way inside your vehicle. You can go to a professional mechanic and ask them to inspect all of the car parts or take a closer look at your car by yourself.

    Red mouse on the wooden floor

    What to Check for Rodent Damage?

    If there are mice in your car, you will probably notice them only after your car sustains severe damage. The most common problem is the car not starting or the engine making strange sounds. In these cases, rodents have already gotten pretty deep into the vehicle, and you might need to seek professional help.

    Mice can chew on the wiring, seats, inside lining, and practically anything else. They can use materials from the car to build their nests and slowly destroy everything in sight. One of the main signs of having mice in your car is small feces that look like raisins at the first sight. Rodents can leave their remains under the carpets, on the dashboard, or near the seats.

    After a long time, you will start to notice the smell. The smell of mice is very distinct and can range from mild to severe. Worst case scenario, some of the rodents can die inside your car, which usually happens in the vents. If this happens, you will immediately find out that you have a rodent infestation inside your vehicle and should immediately turn to professional pest exterminators.

    How to Get Them Out of the Car

    If you are already dealing with mice infestation, there are some steps you need to do to get them out of the vehicle. These rodents can be persistent but with enough effort, you can deal with the problem by yourself.

    1. Inspect Your Vehicle

    Firstly, you need to inspect your car for any damage and locate where the mice have settled. Clean out the trash that has been left in the car and make sure not to leave anything behind. It is better to vacuum the salon and get everything out from the dashboard. Make sure to disinfect everything so that you don’t risk getting any infections that mice can transmit. Usually, mice can look for food or nest materials in the dashboard, and your best option is to keep that place tightly closed at all times.

    2. Use Mice Traps

    The next step would be setting mice traps. You can find plenty of options online or in your local pet shops:

    • There are simple metallic traps with pre-set bait in them, but you need to know that they can potentially harm or kill the animal. It is important to regularly check on them, so you don’t have a dead animal in your vehicle;
    • Chemical and electric traps are also a way to deal with mice infestation. Chemical traps can be dangerous for humans, so make sure to work in a well-ventilated area and use a mask to prevent yourself from breathing in the dangerous fumes;
    • There are also non-lethal traps that lure mice in and close when the mechanism is triggered. This way, you can simply take the animal out of the car and let it out in a park.

    Mouse in a trap

    3. Disassemble the Vents

    If mice got into the vents, you need to disassemble the whole system to make sure there are no animals there. Mice often die in the ventilation, so you need to have a pair of gloves on to prevent yourself from catching any diseases that they can spread. Make sure to thoroughly disinfect the place and leave rodent repellent in there.

    4. Examine the Engine

    It is important to check your engine for any mice nests in there. Don’t forget to turn off the battery before you get in there because, otherwise, you risk getting electrocuted. If you see a nest, it is better to carefully spray it with mice repellent and then slowly get it out of the engine. Be careful while handling it in your hands so that these rodents don’t jump out on you.

    5. Ask for Help if That Doesn’t Work

    If you understand that the problem is too large for you to handle, it is better to call pest control. Professionals will take good care of your vehicle, and you won’t have to worry about doing anything wrong.

    FAQ About Mice in the Car

    There might be questions that bother you concerning this problem. I will answer the most common ones here.

    How to Keep Mice Out of Your Car Engine?

    First of all, you need to keep the hood of the car tightly closed. It is also important to regularly check it at the mechanic service. One thing that can help prevent mice from nesting beside your engine is spraying a rodent repellent there.

    Is There a Mouse in Your Car Vent or Air Conditioner?

    Mice can get in vents or air conditioners: If it’s alive, you can hear rustling and notice food leftovers. It can happen that a mouse died there, and you can smell a distinctive scent coming from the conditioning system.

    How to Get a Mouse Out of Your Dashboard?

    It is important to always wear gloves. You need to clean out all of the stuff on your way and put a mouse trap inside the dashboard. After some time, it will get caught in the mechanism, and you can safely get rid of it further.

    Be Careful With Mice

    Mice can be dangerous pests if you let them live inside your car. It is better to prevent them from coming anywhere near your vehicle, so you won’t have to go through the trouble of getting them out of there. Make sure to clean your car regularly, which will prevent you from missing the first signs of their presence.

    Also read:

    Have you ever had to deal with mice in your car? Which repellent do you find the most effective? Please, let us know your opinion in the comments below.

  • Does Bleach Keep Rats Away: Quick Guide

    Does Bleach Keep Rats Away: Quick Guide

    Rats are one of the most common pests in the world. They are known to carry diseases and contaminate food sources, which is why it’s important to get rid of them as soon as possible. But how can you get rid of rats?

    One way to get rid of rats is by using bleach. Rats hate the smell of sodium hypochlorite and will stay away from areas that are sprayed with it.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Does Bleach Keep Rats Away?” style=”main”] This is a common question, and unfortunately, there is no easy answer. Some people claim that bleach can be used as a rat repellent, while others insist that rats are not deterred by the strong smell of bleach. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. while bleach may not completely keep rats away, it can help to discourage them from entering your home.

    Scaring Away Rats Using Bleach Is Simple

    Here is what you have to do if you wish to use bleach to fight a rat infestation:

    • Make a rat-repelling spray by mixing 1 part of sodium hypochlorite with 10 parts of water.
    • Spray this mixture around areas where you’ve seen rats or where you think they might be hiding.

    Beleach, lime and towels on the table

    Will Bleach Kill Rats or Scare Them Away?

    If you plan to use sodium hypochlorite to fight your rodent infestation, keep in mind that it doesn’t kill rats, it simply scares them away. Almost everyone has this product in their cleaning cabinet, making it the perfect method if you are unable to call professionals to help you with this problem.

    Be careful when using bleach as it can be harmful to humans and animals if used incorrectly. If you have pets, make sure they are not in the area when you use the spray.

    Why Do Rats Hate Bleach?

    Rats hate bleach because of its strong smell. The strong smell of sodium hypochlorite can be too much for rats and they will avoid areas where it is present. You can make a homemade rat-repelling spray by mixing one part of sodium hypochlorite with ten parts of water. This solution can be sprayed around areas where rats are seen or where they are known to nest.

    But why do rats hate the smell of bleach? The answer is fairly simple. Rats have a strong sense of smell, and they can detect even the slightest whiff of bleach. To them, its smell is a sign of danger, and they will do everything they can to avoid it.

    White rat on the black background

    How to Make Homemade Bleach Spray?

    There are two ways to use sodium hypochlorite to deter rats: You can either make a homemade spray or use bleach-soaked rags.

    • For the homemade spray, mix one-part sodium hypochlorite with ten parts of water and put it in a spray bottle. Then, simply spray any areas where you think rats might enter your home. Be sure to reapply the spray every few days to keep the rats away.
    • If you opt for using bleach-soaked rags, simply soak some old rags in a mixture of sodium hypochlorite and water. Then, place them in any areas where rats are likely to enter your home. The rats will smell it and stay away.

    Tips on How to Use Bleach to Get Rid of Rats

    If you have a rat problem and want to get rid of them for good, then using sodium hypochlorite is one of the most effective methods. Here’s how you can do it:

    1. First, you need to find out where the rats are coming from and block all possible entry points into your home. This could include sealing up the holes in your walls, fixing broken screens, and filling the gaps around doors and windows.
    2. Once you block off all possible entry points, it’s time to start setting traps. You can use traditional snap traps or live traps but be sure to bait them with something that rats love such as peanut butter or cheese.
    3. Once you’ve caught a few rats, it’s time to dispose of them properly. The best way to do this is by drowning them in a bucket of bleach water. This will kill them instantly and also help disinfect their bodies so that they can’t spread diseases.

    Rat in natural environment

    Safety Precautions to Follow When Using Bleach

    If you are looking for a way to kill rats without using any kind of poison, then you might want to try using bleach. This is a very effective and easy way to get rid of these pests. Nevertheless, sodium hypochlorite is a very dangerous substance, so there are several safety precautions you should take when using this product:

    • First of all, it is important to make sure that the area where you will be treating is well-ventilated. The fumes from the sodium hypochlorite can be harmful to your health if you inhale them for too long;
    • Secondly, you need to be careful when handling this chemical. Make sure that you wear gloves and eye protection when using it. Also, be sure not to splash it onto your skin or clothes as it can cause irritation;
    • If you do splash some bleach onto your skin, you should immediately wash it off using a lot of water. Getting sodium hypochlorite into your eyes is particularly dangerous, so be very careful when handling this product.

    Use Bleach to Effectively Deal With Rats

    Does bleach repel rats? Yes, it does! Does bleach kill rats? It can if you pour it straight into a rat hole or trick rats into consuming it. The last is not easy since they have a very keen sense of smell.

    Despite the facts listed above, sodium hypochlorite will not help you with a serious rat infestation. Rats usually build nests in hard-to-reach places, which means only professionals will be able to help you to get rid of rats for good.

    Also read:

    Have you ever dealt with a rat infestation? Did you use household products such as bleach or specialized rat poisons? Tell us about your experience.

  • What Can Rats Chew Through? Learn & Deal With Them

    What Can Rats Chew Through? Learn & Deal With Them

    Rats are one of the most widespread rodents that have been living with us throughout all time. At this point, we know the answer to the “what can rats chew through?” question, and this list is rather long. These pests can cause a lot of damage wherever they go, which doesn’t only mean holes in your floor or walls.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”What can rats chew through?” style=”main”] Rats can chew through a variety of materials, including wood, insulation, drywall, and concrete.

    Rats can gnaw through pretty much any material, which means that you don’t want them to live inside your house. Anything from hardwood floors to electrical wires can easily be destroyed by a colony of rats.

    Why Do Rats Chew Through Virtually Anything?

    If you are wondering: “Can rats chew through the wood?”, the answer is yes. They can do that because:

    • Rats have one of the most powerful bites among all other rodents;
    • Their teeth grow extremely fast, so they gnaw on things to file them down.

    Rat bites on the trainers

    Rats in Our Spaces

    Many people are scared of rats, and that is very rational. These rodents are known transmitters of dangerous diseases, and they can bite when threatened. Since they live in small places, they like to explore the environment around them and then gradually chew on anything they can get to.

    Why Are Rats So Good at Gnawing?

    Since rats belong to the family of rodents, they have a specific characteristic known only to them – their teeth can grow 1.4 mm a day. These teeth are called incisors, and for a rat to stay healthy, they need to constantly gnaw on something to reduce the length of their teeth. If a rodent can’t regulate their metabolism, their teeth can grow way too long, causing pain to the animal and sometimes even death. Rat bites can cause an allergic reaction or even infect you with a disease that they might carry. One interesting fact is that their bite is the strongest among almost all other rodents, and that is all you need to know to avoid their teeth at all costs.

    Rats are very intelligent creatures, and scientists use them for experiments on monitoring brain activity. These rodents can solve mazes and build their own to avoid predators or people. Rats have a distinctive sense of smell, so they can easily navigate through complete darkness just to find their favorite food.

    What Can They Chew Through?

    It would be easier to say what they can’t destroy. Rats are an unstoppable force once they get into your house, so you need to always monitor what happens around you.

    Wires of the car

    Can Rats Chew Through Canned Food?

    Yes, and they would gladly do that. Their teeth give them astonishing power, so they can gnaw through a large number of very hard materials.

    All in all, rats are a menace if they manage to enter your house. They can gnaw through wood, glass, plastic, or any type of wiring. These rodents can damage the base of your house while looking for food, weakening its structural integrity.

    Can Rats Chew Through Brick?

    Yes, they can. Their primary way of moving around is chewing through things to make sure they have a shortcut to their nests, and bricks won’t stop them from doing that.

    Can Rats Chew Through Aluminum Foil?

    Usually, rats get into our house for two reasons: looking for food or shelter. When they do that, rats won’t be too careful or play nice. Naturally, since they can handle bricks, the pests can easily shred aluminum foil.

    Can Rats Chew Through Glass?

    They can, but they won’t purposefully do it. It is better to seal all of the cracks in your windows, walls, and floors so that rats don’t have any way of getting into your house.

    Can Rats Chew Through Concrete?

    As you can see, these pests are almost impossible to stop, but if the material is too hard even they will have trouble gnawing through it. Rats can’t gnaw through solid concrete or stone, so it makes a good foundation for your house. The same goes for hard metals, so you can be certain that rats won’t be able to penetrate the walls of your underground bunker.

    Can Rats Chew Through Metal?

    If it’s a hard metal, then no. It is a good coating for your wires and fridge. Moreover, making a foundation out of solid concrete can help you avoid these pests.

    What Can I Do to Avoid Them?

    Rat on the bed

    Dealing with rats is hard, and the best way to solve this problem is to prevent them from getting into your house. Despite being small, rats can be easily noticed, so you can get rid of them as soon as you spot one. The biggest thing that attracts rats to our spaces is food. They can smell the leftovers in your trashcan or just some crumbs lying on your carpet. Rats don’t have any specific food preferences, so they will eat anything you might’ve accidentally dropped.

    Here are some steps you should take to avoid rats:

    • Regular cleaning can save you the trouble of dealing with rats in your house;
    • Don’t give them a reason to look for food in your space, and you won’t have to find ways to expel them;
    • You can try to make your house rat-proof, which is a good thought.

    They live in nests, so if you have a rat infestation, you won’t have a solitary rat living in your house but a whole colony of them. A good thing is to have rat traps around your house at all times.

    Rats can get through small places, and since their sense of smell is good, these rodents can find ways into your house easily. You need to make sure that the foundation of your house is solid and that there is no chance for them to get through clumsy plumbing.

    FAQ About Things Rats Can Chew Through

    It is okay to have questions, especially when it comes to such pests as rats. I am always happy to answer any questions that you might have.

    Can a Rat Leave the House if It Has Nothing to Chew Through?

    No, they don’t come into our houses just to chew on things but to find food and shelter. If you clean everything out and use traps, you can get rid of the rat problem in your house.

    What Can Rats not Chew Through?

    Rats can’t gnaw through solid concrete, hard metal, and stone. Even though their teeth are hard, these materials are rat-proof.

    What Is the Hardest Thing a Rat Can Chew Through?

    It is weak concrete in some houses’ foundations. Rats can destroy anything that is not harder than their teeth.

    Can Rats Chew Through Steel Wool?

    They can, but it will be extremely uncomfortable and harmful to them. Thus rats avoid this material when they encounter it.

    Can Rats Chew Through Plastic?

    Rats can easily destroy plastic, and it doesn’t matter how thick the coating is. Plastic will not stop the rats if it stands between them and their path to food.

    Be Aware of Who You Live With

    Rats are not the best neighbors to have in your house. Have you ever wondered: Can rats chew through chicken wire? It seems impossible, but it is one of the many materials they can get through. These rodents are dangerous to have in your house, so it is always better to prevent them from getting in.

    Also read:

    What do you use to prevent rats from getting in? Do you think rats are dangerous to have as pets? Please, share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

  • How Long Does Rat Poison Take to Work: Use It Effectively

    How Long Does Rat Poison Take to Work: Use It Effectively

    Almost every homeowner wonders “how long does rat poison take to work?” sooner or later. That is not surprising, since household pests are a very common problem in even the cleanest and most well-kept homes. Several aspects affect the time it takes to kill the rats. It depends both on the type of poison and on how well you place it. It is worth understanding both of these factors to deal with rats once and for all.

    All You Need to Know About Rat Poisons

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How long does it take for rat poison to work?” style=”main”] That depends on the following factors:

    • the generation of the treatment that you use;
    • whether the rats in your house have resistance to it;
    • whether they are hungry;
    • whether the bait is used correctly.

    Types of Rat Poison

    Rat poisons are very diverse, and listing all the names would be a very long and completely useless task. Therefore, it is wiser to organize them based on how they work, which coincides with the classification of rat poisons.

    All types of rat poison have one thing in common: They are also very appealing to rats. If the rat poison is not tasty, the rats will simply refuse to eat it. Rats love sweets, so every rat poison is sweet, and the more pronounced the sweetness, the better. The three main ingredients most commonly found in rat poison are:

    These substances affect the blood coagulation in rats, which leads to their death within a few days. There are three main categories of rat baits that allow you to place the poison so that a rat can eat it, isolating it from people as much as possible:

    • bait blocks;
    • grain bait;
    • rat killer bait.

    Regardless of the type of poison chosen, it is worth placing it in special rat bait boxes, which further isolate your household from it. Also, you should remember the expiration date. “Does the rat poison expire?” is a question that many people seem to ask, and for good reason. The expired product reduces its effectiveness, regardless of the type of substance.

    Rat poison

    Factors That Affect the Effectiveness of Rat Poison

    The effectiveness of rat poisons is determined by several factors which I will describe below.

    Generation of Rodenticide

    First of all, the effectiveness of the rodenticide is determined by its generation. Currently, there are two generations of rat poisons:

    • The first-generation rodenticide kills the rat rather slowly and might require multiple uses. Good examples of such a poison are Diphacinone and Warfarin;
    • The poison of the second generation handles the task much faster, most likely preventing you from using it a second time. These drugs include Brodifacoum.

    Rat’s Resistance

    Secondly, it matters a lot whether the rats in your house have resistance to the substance you want to poison them with. First-generation rodenticides have been around for a long time, which means they have more chances to show less effectiveness.


    Another important aspect is the rodent’s desire to eat the bait. If rats have plenty of sources to feed on, they’re less likely to crave the “special treat.” Also, rats get used to feeding points and might be afraid to try something from a new place.


    Last but not least, the correct use of the bait is essential. Only full compliance with the instructions allows the bait to work as it should and avoid unwanted contact of the inhabitants of the house with the poison. So, if your rats are eating poison but not dying, then most likely, you did something wrong.

    How to Calculate a Dose of Poison per Rat

    The answer to this question primarily depends on the type of poison that you choose. The dosage can also vary from brand to brand. As a rule, the package contains detailed instructions on how many rat poison traps you need and how to use them.

    Acute LD50 is the amount of poison that has been statistically proven to cause death in 50% of the test animals after giving them a single dose. If you want to know how much rat poison is needed to kill a rat for the most popular rodenticides:

    • LD50 for warfarin is 50 to 500 mg per kg for a single dose or 1 mg per kg for repeated doses after 6 to 8 days;
    • LD50 for flocoumafen is 1 mg per kg;
    • LD50 for bromadiolone is 1.125 mg per kg.

    Most people would like to find what poison kills rats instantly, but there is no right answer here. With the right dosage, any poison acts quickly. However, it is important to understand that not everything can be accounted for, so it is not worth chasing a magical remedy. It is better to choose those rodenticides that have shown themselves to be reliable according to the results of statistical studies.

    Safety Measures When Using Rat Poison

    To minimize the risks, strictly follow the instructions on the label and reduce your contact with the poison to a bare minimum. Store and use rodenticides only in places where they cannot be reached by animals and children. Keep in mind that rat poison’s special flavoring agents make rat poison extremely appealing to other animals as well.

    If you are concerned about the health of your family members or pets, you can always choose drugs that are relatively safe. It should also be remembered that rodenticide is also dangerous for wild animals and even if they come into indirect contact with it. For example, after an animal eats a poisoned rat, it can cause it to die as well. Therefore, when placing baits outside your house, you should be extremely careful. A rat that dies of poison is not deadly to other rats. Although the question “Do rats take the poison back to the nest?” is a common one, the answer to it is not comforting, since a poisoned rat does not pose a threat to the rest.

    To reduce the risks for both the inhabitants of your home and wild animals, be sure to remove the dead rats so that no one comes into contact with them. In addition to using poisons, there are safer and more gentle methods of rodent control, which are also quite effective and not so violent.

    Grey rat in the container

    FAQ About Rat Poisons

    Rodent control is a topic riddled with myths, which is why people often ask us questions about how to get rid of rat infestation. Here are the most common questions:

    What if the Poison Didn’t Affect the Rats?

    If the poison didn’t work, don’t despair. Try choosing a different poison, preferably of the second generation, or even a combination of several types.

    Why not Use the Fastest-Acting Poison?

    The rate of death of a rat is not an indicator of the effectiveness of the remedy. Do not seek a quick solution, but opt for the reliable one.

    How Do Poisoned Rats Behave?

    The poisoned rats do not behave differently. You can understand that the poison has worked by simply finding dead rats around your house.

    Grey rat in sawdust

    Get Rid of Rats in Your House

    Knowledge is power. Learn about the different kinds of poisons and their effectiveness, and carefully follow the instructions on the package. The process of rat extermination cannot be instantaneous, but if everything is done correctly, rodents will forever disappear from your home.

    Have you ever had to deal with a rat infestation? How did you manage to get rid of it? What types of rodenticides did you use? Tell us about it in the comment section below.

    Also read:

  • Does Baking Soda Kill Rats: Detailed Instructions

    Does Baking Soda Kill Rats: Detailed Instructions

    If you are looking for the answer to the question “does baking soda kill rats?” — you might already have a severe infestation in your house. This article will help you to find the best way to use bicarbonate of soda to get rid of the pests in your house. Almost everyone has baking soda in the kitchen. This is an affordable instrument without any toxicity. Although it is widely used in bakeries, this product has a huge impact on rodents. If you are trying to figure out what kills rats instantly, you come to the right place. Use the information to get rid of rodents in your home for good.

    Using Baking Soda Against Rats

    Bicarbonate of soda kills rats only when they ingest it. It can’t kill the rodent by its smell. Moreover, rats can hardly recognize the smell. Instead, they consume the poison with their favorite food. The stomach produces large amounts of gas, which kills rats from inside.

    Black and white rat on the grass

    Guide to Baking Soda Effect on Rats

    If you are looking for DIY rat poison, pay attention to baking soda or sodium bicarbonate. This remedy has been used by homeowners against pests for ages. The lack of toxic chemicals makes it family-friendly. To kill rats with sodium bicarbonate, you have to find out the most suitable way for you.

    How Baking Soda Works

    Baking soda in the spoon

    Baking soda is something we usually associate with pastry, not with a powerful weapon against rats. This is why using baking soda as a poison might confuse lots of us. Yet, bicarbonate is a tool you can’t miss in your fight against rodents. While it is totally harmless for people, it is deadly dangerous for rats.

    Before you learn all about the baking soda rat killer and how to use it, you need to understand that it is not the easiest way to eliminate rats. The powder gets inside the intestines, causing the blockage. It reacts with the acids inside the stomach and creates carbon dioxide gas. Rat can’t pass the newly created gas and explodes from inside.

    Natural Immunity

    Pay attention to the fact that there are rare cases of rats resistant to baking soda. Some rats have a strong immune system and the ability to adapt to any conditions. If rats were feeding on bicarbonate of soda in small amounts for some time, they might have immunity to it. It works similarly to any other poison rats eat. The pests can easily get accustomed to them if they try the poison in small portions in the first place. It complicates your task.

    Amount Matters

    You will not be able to kill rats with just a few drops of baking soda. You need to make sure that the rat ate 0.7 or 0.10 ounces of the poison. Apart from that, it must be consumed in a short period of time. Nothing will happen if the rat eats it piece by piece. On the contrary, small amounts of baking soda can help rats to produce immunity to it. Don’t give the pest enough time to recover.

    While the plan sounds simple, it is not quite right. Why will rats eat sodium bicarbonate? This substance does not attract pests and does not have a pleasant smell so rats can’t resist it. Moreover, rats have a natural feeling of poison and prefer to stay away from it. Unlike bleach, baking soda does not have an extreme odor to scare rodents far from the house. So, all you can do is try to feed the powder to the pest. The best plan is to find food that no rat can resist. You have to mix the soda inside and see whether the rodent eats it or not.

    Slow Death

    Prepare yourself to witness painful and slow rat death. It does not happen in a minute. How long does it take a mouse to die from baking soda? The creature can stay alive for weeks. During the whole time, you will see rats running around the house, trying to survive. Before it dies, the rat hides. Once the rat is dead, you have to find the corpse and get rid of it. If the corpse starts to decay, you will have numerous problems with the smell inside the house. If you miss the time, you will lose the track of the rat, and it will hide in a place you will not find. Some rats prefer to live inside the walls, so it will be challenging to get the corpse out.

    Don’t expect to see all your problems gone in a moment. Once a rat dies, there are other relatives present there. Baking soda can’t be transmitted from one rodent to another. You need to make all the rats in your house eat the poison. If you stuff it into rats’ favorite food, you can expect that some of them will eat it but not all. After this case, they will be more careful and avoid making the same mistake. You will have to change the strategy.

    Once some of the rats die, don’t relax: Others can return. There are still traces of rats, including feces and urine that smell luring to other members of the rats’ family. They will come back to their favorite house and even to the same nest if you don’t do anything about it. Your goal is to make sure that they will not return since they will not be able to find any traces of other rodents.

    Rat Poison Recipes With Baking Soda

    If you still want to use this method to kill rodents, you need to learn how to do it. Find out how to create a homemade mouse poison with baking soda, and you will succeed. The most popular recipes are:

    • Poison mix. Combine 1 cup of baking soda with 1 cup of flour and 1 cup of sugar. Mix everything and sprinkle the solution in the areas of rats’ common attendance;
    • Peanut butter mix. Use 1 cup of peanut butter and 1 cup of baking soda. The smell of peanut butter will attract rats, and they will eat the bait. Put it close to the rat’s nest or on their usual route;
    • Chocolate mix. Take 1 cup of chocolate mix and 1 cup of cornmeal. Add 1 cup of sodium bicarbonate. Mix everything. Put it into a container and leave it close to the nest.

    The more bait the rat eats, the better for you. You can continue to make the very same recipe or switch between them every night until you see that the droppings disappear. Follow the rodents to see whether they are not dying in the hidden spot. If you are worried about not being able to find this place, use simple oil. Pour it on the floor, near the container with poison. The rat will step into the puddle, and you will easily notice the traces of the nest. You can use other markers, just choose those you can wash away later. Once all rodents are dead, get rid of their bodies and clean your house carefully. There must be no traces left.

    FAQ on Baking Soda and Rats

    I bet you have some questions left. Here are the most popular of them I have found online. Hopefully, my answers will help you to become a professional rat exterminator.

    How Long Does It Take for Baking Soda to Kill Rats?

    It depends on the amount of powder the rat ate, its general immune system, and even weight. There are numerous factors that can change the calculations. Yet, the most common theory is that one rat starts dying right after it eats baking soda. The process can take several days or weeks. During that time, the rat stays active.

    Rat on the carpet

    What if the Baking Soda Didn’t Affect Rats?

    This situation can rarely happen. Rats are pests that are dangerous to humans. They carry numerous diseases. It is only natural that people have been trying to kill them for many centuries. Since then, rats have become resistant to a wide range of poisons. Baking soda might be one of them. If the rat has immunity to it, you will have to find another poison to kill the pest. There are lots of specific products on the market. You might not even kill but scare rats away with ultrasound or unpleasant smell.

    When Shouldn’t You Use Baking Soda to Get Rid of Rats?

    If you are not sure how to find the rat nest, you can’t use this poison to keep rats under control. Once the pest dies, you will never find the corpse. If you have decorative rodents who live in the house and can potentially eat the poison, search for another way to get rid of rats. If you need to kill rats instantly, baking soda is not your option either.

    Do You Need Baking Soda as Rat Poison?

    Since sodium bicarbonate causes painful and slow death to rats, many homeowners prefer to keep this powder as an extra option, just in case nothing else works. Yet, it is completely eco-friendly and safe for humans. It does not cost much too, and you probably have all the instruments you need in the kitchen. Follow these recommendations if you need a working recipe against rats.

    Also read:

    Have you already used baking soda as a poison? Was it effective? Express your thoughts in the comments below.

  • If You See One Mouse, How Many Do You Have? Beginners Manual

    If You See One Mouse, How Many Do You Have? Beginners Manual

    Once you notice even one mouse at home, you need to check out the nest. If you see one mouse, how many do you have? The number is crucial for you and the pest control you will call if the infestation is severe. If you have only one mouse or two, you can deal with them using specific tools. However, if your place became the shelter for the entire mice family and their neighbors, you might want to call professionals. Mice are nocturnal creatures that prefer to hide from people as much as possible, so you can co-exist with them for quite some time without even noticing it.

    How Many Mice Do You Have in the House?

    • Check for the prime signs of infestation;
    • Listen to the noises that come from behind the walls;
    • Check out all the food, especially on cardboard;
    • Find out if there are a lot of droppings;
    • Search for the places where mice can create a nest;
    • Get rid of mice for good.

    Mouse on the hand

    Mice Infestation: Do You Have a Severe Case?

    What are the odds of only having one mouse? If you see a mouse running around your house, not hiding, there is a high chance that this mouse is not the only one there. Even if you don’t see it but hear it during the night behind the walls, you can’t risk the safety of your house doing nothing. Yet, there are different approaches to only one mouse that lives in the house and dozens of them. It is important to understand how many enemies you have to deal with before you start the battle.

    Why Do Mice Live in Our Homes?

    White mouse with food

    Mice prefer not to live close to people who are a threat to them. On the other hand, they want to stay warm during the cold autumn, winter, and spring. If they find the third option that implies staying warm and fed but not interacting with people in the house too much, they will infest your house. If you start seeing mice during the day, it means that they feel too comfortable in your house to hide from anyone. It happens rarely since they prefer to sleep until the night like any nocturnal animals.

    Mice look for a safe space not only in cold temperatures outside or the lack of crops, but they also get inside the house to build a nest and raise their offspring. If there are cracks in the walls, they will quickly get in them. It is hard to notice a mouse until there is a whole family of them. You might not even have food in your kitchen to attract mice. They can feed on walls, chewing the wood, rubber, and aluminum.

    Where Do Mice Hide?

    Mice can hide almost anywhere around the house if it is far away from you. They can build a nest on the ceiling. The place must still be warm and easy to access, so a mouse can go outside to get the food and safely come back. Are you wondering: ”Do mice travel in packs around the house?” The answer depends on their intentions and quantity. Usually, a mouse can travel in search of food. Yet, you can see several of them if they need to feed the family. Pay attention to the following spots where mice can hide:

    • Drawers and behind them;
    • Kitchen cabinets;
    • Bathroom cabinets;
    • Every wall in the house has empty spaces inside;
    • Washing machine and any corner of the kitchen unreachable for humans;
    • Furniture. Mice prefer wooden furniture;
    • Attic, garage, or basement, if there is warm enough for them;
    • Cardboard boxes you keep in the house.

    If you have a shed in your yard, you can start the check-up procedure from there. This is a perfect hiding place for mice. They can also build nests in the woodpiles and shrubberies.

    Determining the Scope of Your Mouse Problem

    Trying to figure out does one mouse mean an infestation? Usually, it does. One mouse is a rare case. Normally, they prefer to live in packs. Yet, there is no totally accurate way to calculate the number of mice that are dwelling in your house. You can notice that there is more than one mouse based on the sounds you hear, droppings you see, or even urine you smell. Pay attention to the following signs:

    • Set of tracks left from mice. You can calculate the number of paws you see. To do this, the traces must be visible;
    • Droppings on the floor. While mice defecate wherever they want and leave not one but numerous droppings, you can calculate the piles to understand how many mice were there;
    • The sounds you hear. Listen to the walls during the night. Do you hear lots of noise? One mouse would be quieter.

    If you want to find out the number of mice for sure, you can set up motion-activated cameras. They also have to be night sensitive and of a high resolution. You will receive the warning right after one of the cameras notices the movement. Still, you might have a problem with distinguishing one mouse from another. Unless they all line up and stare into the camera, your calculations will not be 100 percent accurate.

    How many mice live together on average? Usually, it is a family of mice. It can consist of 5-8 mice in the nest. Mice are really productive creatures and have numerous children.

    Identifying the Pest Control Problem in Your Home

    You don’t need to wait to see a mouse running close to you to understand that there is a mouse infestation in your house. There can be several generations of mice and prosperous mice colonies till you finally see one mouse. The droppings are too small to notice if you are not looking for them specifically. Moreover, many people wonder: “Do mice come back to the same house?” mainly when they suspect that new species will come back. The problem is still there. Mice can choose your house randomly and do everything to avoid direct contact with you.

    The feces you find is the sign that you have a mouse infestation. The more of them you see, the more mice you have. You can look for them near any source of food. They prefer rice, cereals, and anything they can get. Usually, mice defecate and urinate where they eat, so you can start your search with the cabinets and around the kitchen. If you leave crumbs on the table, someday you might notice black “raisins” instead of them. Don’t touch them since urine or feces can transmit diseases. If you see them, you have to quickly get rid of them and clean the room.

    If you don’t see anything suspicious, take a look at the legs of the furniture. Mice can leave tooth marks on them. The more mice you have, the more damage they create running around at night.

    To avoid mice infestation, you have to make sure that there are no cracks or gaps inside the walls. Once you notice the hole, react immediately. Don’t wait till it gets worse. If you prefer to postpone the mending till the mice disappear themselves, this will never happen. Instead, you will have a severe infestation that not every pest control can handle, which will cost you a fortune. Even if you have one mouse at home, you have to get rid of it immediately. Put the traps, use specific products to kill mice, and buy an ultrasound trap that will scare away the pest.

    FAQ About Mice Inhabiting Your Home

    Here are some frequently asked questions from online users. Read my answers to find out more information on mice infestation. If you have more recommendations to add, you can do it in the comments.

    Is It Possible to Just Have One Mouse?

    It rarely happens but you can be a unique homeowner with one mouse. If the weather was cold, one lonely mouse could crawl into your house after having lost its family. Even with a single mouse, you are not safe and need to control the situation. Mice provide the smell of welcoming other mice. If you had one mouse, it does not mean that another one or several would not join it soon.

    Mouse with red eyes on the hand

    How Do You Know When All Mice Are Gone?

    For starters, you don’t see mice in your house. You don’t hear the squeaking or scratching sounds inside the walls. You don’t see any traces as well, including droppings or urine. You will also feel that the air becomes cleaner once the mice are gone. Check out the cardboards and food. If everything stays untouched and clean, mice are gone.

    How Many Mice Are Usually in a House?

    If you have a family of mice living in the house, you can calculate up to 20 mice. It depends on the age and space they chose to live in. The more empty space they found, the more mice will appear in the future. Rarely do they live as a couple or solo. To raise their children, mice require a nest which they can build only in places totally secure from people.

    How to Count Mice at Home?

    You don’t need to be a fortune teller to understand that there is a mice infestation in your house. Another question is how many creatures live there right now. Start by searching for their traces and make sure you have checked the entire house. Don’t forget to check the walls for cracks and holes. This article will help you to find out the possible amount of mice. Learn where to search and how to calculate them.

    Also read:

    Do you have a mice infestation in your house? How do you get rid of them? Express your opinion and recommendations if you have some in the comments below.

  • What Scent Will Keep Mice Away: Recommendations for Everyone

    What Scent Will Keep Mice Away: Recommendations for Everyone

    Rodents are terrible neighbors when they build a nest in your house. Do you want to know what scent will keep mice away? There are lots of cheap and still working solutions. You don’t have to call a pest control service if you want to prevent the mice infestation or get rid of one or two creatures. However, if you have a severe infestation, you have to call professionals. This article offers you recommendations mainly for prevention. Since mice have a strong sense of smell, you can start by surrounding your space with aromas that mice can’t tolerate. You can repel those mice that are already inside the house.

    How to Scare Away Mice With Scents

    • Use natural oils;
    • Try chili powder;
    • Mothballs usually contain scents that mice can’t stand;
    • Ammonia smell can even lead to their death;
    • Teabags in different corners of your house prevent mice from entering it;
    • Peppermint oil is a common mice repellent;
    • The smell of vinegar can make them dizzy and quickly leave the nest.

    Guide to Using Scents to Get Rid of Mice

    Do you want to answer the “what smells do mice hate?” question? This knowledge will help you to protect your house and prevent further mice infestation. Unfortunately, mice are a common problem around the country. Although they prefer to live far from humans, feeding on crops, once the winter comes, they start searching for a safe and warm place to live. Your house is the ideal place for them since they can not only prosper in warm conditions but get access to the free food from your kitchen, and sometimes, from the furniture and walls made of wood. If you don’t want to co-exist with them, you have to act. The best way to start is by putting smelly oils around their nest.

    Mouse with cookie in the room

    How Can You Tell if You Have Mice?

    Before we start delving into the “what natural scent do mice hate?” issue, let’s understand how to find out whether a mouse lives inside your house. There are numerous signs that we usually ignore until we see this tiny creature with beady eyes and numerous infections on its legs. Mice prefer to hide from humans for as long as possible. They are also nocturnal, being active only during the night, which makes it harder for us to catch them. You have to pay attention to the next signs:

    • You hear scratching sounds. You might notice that scratching comes from the ceiling or the walls. Mice prefer to live inside the walls, making a hole inside the wall as the entrance;
    • Small droppings of black color in the places where mice dwell. Mice are not clean animals. They leave their feces everywhere they want. Sometimes, you can find them near the food they chewed. There will be lots of droppings since one mouse can defecate 80 times per night. Look at the window sills and kitchen counters in the first place;
    • Urine. Mice don’t have control over their bladder. They leave urine pillars wherever they go. These mounds are stinky and can be a sign that mice live in this house for some time;
    • Smell. You will be able to feel the smell of mice urine from afar. They have a strong scent that feels like ammonia. Many people notice that there are mice in the house only when they smell them. Pay attention that the odor is stronger in severely infested houses;
    • Prints on the floor and walls. If you clean your house frequently, there will be no problem noticing dark track prints left by mice. You can look behind the dishwasher and cupboards to find the traces;
    • Damaged furniture and foodstuffs. Mice can get to your cupboards searching for food. They will easily dig through the pack of cereal or even rice. They can chew the plastic container. If they don’t find the food in the kitchen, they will chew everything wooden. You might notice the signs on your chairs.

    What Scents Do Mice Hate?

    Once you realize you have mice in your house, learn the smells that mice hate to scare them away. Some scents can even kill them in rare cases. Mice are vulnerable to scents around them. You can use this information to get rid of them.


    Peppermint smells nice for many human beings but not for rodents. It scares not only mice but rats as well. This oil is one of the closest alternatives to the pesticide. It means that peppermint belongs to the scents that deter mice. You have to spread the oil inside the house. If mice live outdoors, apply the oil close to the nest.

    Keep in mind that the scent can easily evaporate, and you have to keep refreshing it. The best solution here is to mix the water and up to 15 drops of oil and use it as a spray. Use the oil until you notice that the mice are gone.

    Peppermint and scissors on the table


    Eucalyptus is safe to use around the house. It does not cause any skin or eye irritation in big amounts. Instead, it belongs to the smells that repel mice. You can save the oil for longer by making a spray from it. Use:

    • 2 teaspoons of oil;
    • 1 cup of water;
    • 2-4 drops of liquid detergent.

    When your spray is ready, use it around the house. Pay attention to the places where you have noticed mice. Use the spray more around holes in floorboards, walls, cracks, and drains. You can repeat this procedure once a week for as long as the results don’t become visible.

    The branches of eucalyptus


    Cedarwood oil is toxic for all types of rodents in different ways. Since mice are smaller than rodents, you don’t have to waste the entire bottle of oil. Several drops will be enough. To save the oil for a long time, you can mix it with water. Shake it and create the spray you can use near the nests. While mice like to chew the wood and everything that is made of it, they weirdly can’t stand the scent of wood.

    The bottle of cedarwood

    Chili pepper

    Chili pepper can be used as oil or as a powder. It will cause huge irritation when mice ingest it or inhale it. It can deter mice if it is inhaled in big amounts. While the oil might not be the best solution to get rid of all mice, you can repeat the procedure of applying it everywhere in your house several times.

    Chili contains capsaicin inside, which causes irritation. It acts similarly to the eucalyptus. Apply the oil or powder to all the corners where mice can hide. Repeat the same moves for several weeks until you notice results.

    Chili peppers in the hand


    Cinnamon has a spicy strong aroma that we usually associate with the delicious bakery. Yet, mice really hate this smell. Like any other spices, cinnamon irritates mice’s smell. You can use the powder to get rid of mice. The amount of the powder depends on the level of infestation in your place.

    If you have cinnamon sticks, that’s ok too. You can put them into the kitchen cabinets, closets with food, underneath dishwashers, chairs, armchairs, sofa, and even bed if you have noticed mice there. This is a win-win situation since you receive a pleasant tasty aroma without buying luxurious candles while mice are quickly moving out. If you want to increase the effectiveness of cinnamon, you can use the oil or mix it with peppermint.

    Cinnamon in powder and tubes


    Do mice hate the smell of vinegar? The scent of vinegar is considered to be the most hateful for mice. Why? It is the strongest among other natural remedies and it turns them nuts. You will need an undiluted product to repel the mice. Numerous creatures hate the smell of vinegar, and mice are no exception. Its aroma is sour and strong.

    If you cover the entire house with this scent, mice wouldn’t be able to live there for sure. Neither do you. You don’t need all your home to smell like the can jar with pickles. Instead, you can create a mixture, adding the water to the vinegar. Put it into the bottle and mix it. You can mist the spray only near mice nests. Try to apply it near the closets, doors, and everywhere you noticed mice before.

    Apple vinegar and the basket with apples

    Mint toothpaste

    You will not scare away mice with strawberry toothpaste. On the contrary, if you are looking for the “what smells do mice like?” solution, you have found your answer. They are attracted to the smell of fruits and food in general. So, you have to use a very specific type of toothpaste, the one that they hate the most, the peppermint or mint toothpaste.

    This scent is one of the most popular among toothpaste and is affordable too. You might already have this toothpaste in your bathroom. So, if you don’t have any cinnamon, vinegar, or peppermint oil in your arsenal, you can always use your toothpaste. It saves your money and protects you from mice. However, keep in mind that it leaves traces.

    Take the paste and rub it near the nest. If you don’t know where it is, just spread it near the holes, doorways, cupboards, and furniture. Mice will not appreciate this. The same method can also be used outdoors. If you know where the mice live in your yard, use the mint toothpaste near this place. Yet, you need to understand that you will have to clean the house with extra effort once the mice are gone.

    Toothpast and mint on the table


    We don’t usually like to talk about this method since it not only affects mice’s scents but also humans who live nearby. Yet, the urine of the predator that eats mice will scare them away. Mice will immediately leave the area if they feel the ammonia smell that belongs to a cat, fox, or owl. Rodents will not come inside the house if they decide that predators are already there.

    When the scent that scares mice away starts fading, you have to reapply it again. After some time, if mice don’t leave the house, you need to come up with another plant. It looks like these creatures have learned that there is no one hunting them, and they can co-exist with the animal. You can buy this remedy in the store.

    Amonia in the white bottle

    FAQ About Scents That Keep Mice Away

    Hopefully, you’ve learned how to scare mice away with the basic natural scents. If you have more questions, you might find answers to them here. I have gathered the most popular questions asked online by users around the world.

    What Are the Risks of Natural Mice Repellents?

    Sometimes, you can receive eye or skin irritation while applying natural repellents against mice. If you rub your eyes with cayenne or chili pepper, you will feel the pain. Apart from that, you might need to go somewhere else for at least several hours if the scent you apply is too strong. Besides, not all remedies have pleasant smells. While urine of predators is a popular and working remedy, not every person can handle it for too long as well.

    How Long Is It Before the Smell Takes Effect on Rats?

    The effect might appear immediately. Rats don’t like the scent of predators as well, so they will be gone once they feel it. Still, many rats prefer to dwell outside and come to the house just occasionally. You will have to wait to make sure that the repellent works. On average, you will need to repeat the procedure for several weeks.

    What if These Methods Didn’t Work on Rats?

    Rats are more dangerous than mice, and they are harder to get rid of. You will need to extend your arsenal of weapons. If you have a rat infestation, you need to call pest control. They are hard to kill with natural scents. You will not be able even to prevent the infestation with such scents.

    Scents That Work Against Mice

    Mice are tiny creatures that cause numerous troubles. If you don’t want to share your house with them, you have to force them to leave. Natural scents are the first remedies you can try. They are not expensive, not complicated, and you can usually tolerate them. If you use cinnamon sticks, you will feel the house with the pleasant aromas from the candle stores or bakeries. Mice will not tolerate numerous scents which you can use to your advantage. Read the article and pick your weapon.

    If you have more recommendations, you can share them in the comments below. Tell me about your experience with mice. Were your efforts successful?

    Also read:

  • Does Bleach Repel Mice: Guide With Answers

    Does Bleach Repel Mice: Guide With Answers

    Do you want to find out, “does bleach repel mice?” If you have a mice infestation, you need to get rid of these creatures immediately. Unlike their cute house pets’ versions, these pests are messy, house-damaging problems that reproduce too quickly. You will not appreciate life with mice side by side. Apart from that, mice carry diseases and cause thousands of deaths due to plague in the Middle Ages. In brief, you don’t want to live side by side with them. Once you see a mouse, you have to repel it. Here you will find how to get rid of mice with bleach.

    Can We Get Rid of Mice Using Bleach?

    Bleach is a top cleaning product that can be used against mice. These creatures hate the smell and try to avoid a place that has such a scent. Due to the increased sensitivity, they will instantly disappear from any place that smells like bleach. If mice consume the bleach, it will kill them from inside.

    A lot of bottles of bleach

    Guide to Repelling Mice With Bleach

    Mice are incredibly dependent on their unique sense of smell. They can feel food for miles as well as smell the danger. Rodents without this ability can get caught and eaten by predators. Bleach is the chemical product that makes them lose this sense of smell, concentrating on their own aroma. Mice can’t stand the chemical for too long.

    Although in small amounts bleach is not deadly for mice, it still keeps them away. Apart from that, you can always make a homemade mouse poison with bleach or just spray it around to force these pests to leave your house for good.

    Bleach and Mice: Do Mice Like or Hate Bleach?

    This might sound weird but some people think that bleach attracts mice. In reality, there is an opposite effect. There is a whole study about the influence of different odors on mice and their behavior. It describes why and how mice can’t stand any strong smells. In brief, strong smells suffocate rodents, cutting their ability to feel predators, food, or anything except for one strong smell.

    Meanwhile, bleach is one of the chemicals with the strongest aromas. If you want to get rid of mice in your house, all you need to do is to pour bleach down the rat hole and everywhere near their usual routes. However, you need to keep in mind that, like any other smell, this one evaporates after some time. This is also not the most pleasant smell people nearby can handle for a long time. It can cause eye irritation and headache.

    2 mice in the hands

    Do they hate it?

    Yes, they do. There are reasons for that:

    • Bleach’s smell is too strong to handle for mice. They lose orientation in space, becoming easy prey for any predators around;
    • Bleach can kill mice from inside. If these pests consume the chemical in large amounts, they will die.

    If you use bleach often during your cleaning routine, mice will stay away from your house. There is no guarantee that mice will eat the poison, feeling the strong aroma coming from the bleach. Yet, if they consume it, you will solve the problem of mice infestation for good.

    Does Bleach Keep Mice Away?

    Bleach is one of the most widespread repellents you can find at your house. The hatred that every mouse experiences towards its smell makes it a perfect weapon. You don’t even have to feed the chemical to them to make mice disappear. You can create a mouse poison spray with bleach to apply around the house. This way, they will run away to find a better shelter.

    Start with the areas that mice attend more often. If you have a severe infestation and want to get rid of pests for good, you need to consider the possibility of spraying the bleach around your house. This might be problematic if you have small children or a big family. You will not be able to tolerate the strong bleach smell by yourself as well. Consider the possibility to pour the bleach around and leave the house for a day or at least for several hours. Rodents will disappear till you come back home.

    Can mice die from ingesting bleach? Potentially, they can do it. Yet, they have to consume a large amount of bleach. The formula of this cleaner contains numerous harmful substances including:

    • Calcium hypochlorite;
    • Sodium hypochlorite;
    • Sodium hydroxide.

    If bleach can easily evaporate the natural color of your hair, erasing it in several minutes, you can imagine what it can do with the intestines of mice. These ingredients can start hypernatremia and hyperchloremia. Yet, mice usually smell the bleach from afar and run away from it. It is highly unlikely they will consume anything that smells like bleach.

    How to Use Bleach Spray to Keep Mice Away?

    There are several options on how to get rid of mice with bleach. Let’s start from the very beginning. The first thing you have to do is to buy the bleach before you can use any of the methods. Don’t worry, this way to keep mice away usually costs cheap and is affordable for any budget.

    Spray Bleach Nearby Mice Traces

    If you don’t want to smell bleach anywhere by yourself, you can apply it only in the places where you’ve noticed mice. These areas are usually far from people. These are the usual routes mice prefer while searching for food. Your steps are:

    1. Mix the bleach with the water to avoid a highly toxic odor.
    2. Spray the mix on the corners and pathways.
    3. If you know the hiding spot of mice, spray the bleach there. You can also place the cotton wool soaked with bleach near their hiding spots.
    4. Repeat the procedure.

    Stuff Food with Bleach

    If you want to kill mice, you have to act carefully. Pick their favorite food and pour the bleach on it. Use peanut butter to partly hide the smell. Follow the next steps:

    1. Mix the bleach with one tablespoon of peanut butter. Don’t overuse bleach. It does not have to smell like a chemical.
    2. Place the bait somewhere close to the mice hiding spot.

    Spray Bleach on Any Exit Points

    Bleach not only scares mice away but disinfects the area. You can consider it a great way to both kill the pests and clean the territory. Once you get rid of mice, you have to make sure that they will not come back. Usually, rodents go back to their old places. This is why you need to mix water and bleach and spray this solution around the house. Make sure you cover all the entries, including the doors and windows. Apart from preventing mice from coming, you will disinfect the house.

    You can repeat the procedure several times. Mice will not want to come in. Don’t forget to clean the house after they leave it. Wash all the fabric that can have traces of mice infestation as well. You can use specific products that contain bleach and help you to clean the house. You will find them in the store.

    White mouse with black spots

    Create a Miceless Environment

    The problem with mice infestation is that you need to identify it as soon as possible and act immediately. Not every person can easily notice mice running around the house mainly because they prefer to stay active only during the night and avoid contact with humans. Bleach is considered to be a reliable remedy against these creatures. You have to mix it with water and follow the instructions above to get rid of mice.

    Also read:

    Have you tried to poison mice with bleach? Do you find this method working? If you have more recommendations, you can share them in the comments.

  • How to Clean Mouse Droppings: The Right Way

    How to Clean Mouse Droppings: The Right Way

    Have you detected a few chewed-up yummies in your kitchen or a strange hole in your living room couch? It looks like mice have invaded your home. Naturally, if these furry troublemakers eat your food, they poop on your floors. Alas! You should take mouse feces seriously. Why? Because rodent infestation is a potential danger to you. In this piece, you’ll learn how to clean mice droppings the smartest way possible and find answers to most of your questions related to the topic. What do mice stools look like? How big is mouse poop? Is mouse poop dangerous? How to eliminate it in the safest way possible? Keep reading for answers.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Clean Mouse Droppings?” style=”main”]
    1. Put on protective clothing.
    2. Apply disinfectant onto mouse waste.
    3. Pick up the stuff with a paper towel.
    4. Put it inside a plastic bag and then throw it into the trash bin.
    5. Shampoo the affected surfaces.
    6. Throw out your defensive gear.
    7. Wash yourself properly when you finish.
    8. Organize proper room ventilation.

    The Complete Guide to Cleaning Mouse Poop

    While finding rat or mouse waste where you and your kids live is not a life-threatening event, it can still become health-threatening. Did you know that rodents transmit an array of diseases to people? Yep, that’s a long-proven fact. Leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, and salmonellosis are among them. With that said, always wear specific gloves when handling rodents or their waste. Remove your hands from your face or ears after dealing with mouse waste. And don’t neglect washing your hands when you’re done.

    What Do Mouse Droppings Look Like?

    Are there tiny, grain-of-rice-like pellets with pointed edges along the edges of your kitchen counter or in the corner of your garage? Mouse poop measures up to ½ an inch in length and is spindle-shaped. It’s either blackish brown or grayish, depending on what ‘your’ rodent invaders eat and — yuck! — whether you’re dealing with fresh or old mouse poop.

    What looks like mouse poop but isn’t mouse poop? Rat waste! Are you wondering about the main distinction between these two rodents’ feces? The former rodent’s feces is significantly larger than the latter one’s. There’s a distinction in terms of texture, as well. Mice body waste is crunchy, while rat poop has a shiny and soft disposition. Charming, isn’t it? So, let’s say you have identified mouse feces where you live or work. Now, what to do when you find mice droppings? Stay tuned to get more details.

    Mouse poop in the white background

    What to Do If You Find Mouse Droppings

    Mouse waste is something you don’t want to find anywhere near you unless you’re planning to get a pet rat, of course. However, these things happen, and being prepared is a must. You may have discovered mouse or rat excrement in your dwelling before. If you did, feel free to let us know about your course of action in the comments below. If you merely swept them away or vacuumed them, you made the wrong choice.

    The thing is, mice are disease transmitters. Therefore, if you breathe in the dust with particles of mice waste or urine, your chances of poisoning or catching a hazardous disease increase significantly. Below, we’ll dwell upon what you should and shouldn’t do when it comes to removing mouse waste from your home.

    Mouse poops on the table

    What to Do:

    • contact your local rodent control company;
    • put on protective clothes and find a multi-purpose household disinfectant;
    • apply it where mouse waste is;
    • shampoo the affected surfaces and areas;
    • wash anything that has been affected by mouse waste;
    • wash your shielding apparel;
    • wash your ungloved hands extremely thoroughly;
    • have proper room ventilation: this will aid you in eliminating potentially contaminated particles in the air.

    What NOT to Do:

    • touch mouse waste with your bare hands: did that even occur to you?
    • vacuum or sweep up mouse feces: this may push the disease that ‘your’ mice transmit into the air that you and your loved ones breathe;
    • store the apparel utilized to dispose of mouse waste: throw it all away instead;
    • ignore the symptoms of rodent-spread diseases such as hantavirus: high temperature, headache, nausea, and coughing.

    Vacuuming Mouse Droppings: A Definite NO

    We’ve already mentioned that you are free to engage in cleaning and disinfecting the spaces that have been contaminated by mouse waste. However, sweeping and vacuuming is something you should avoid doing at all costs. Instead, gently pick up the feces you’ve disinfected using a paper towel and throw them out after previously placing them in a plastic bag. Keep on spraying and wiping down the affected spots.

    How to Clean Mouse Droppings From Carpet

    The answer depends on the amount of waste you come across. If you need to eradicate several droppings:

    1. Use an adhesive cardboard pad and paper towels to remove them.
    2. When you’re done, don’t forget to dispose of those touch-the-poop items and the droppings themselves.
    3. At the final stages of your carpet cleaning endeavor, shampoo the surfaces with a reliable, carpet-friendly disinfectant.

    How to Clean Rodent Droppings from Hardwood Floors

    In this case, the procedure requires similar items: a sticky pad or a wet paper towel. Before utilizing a disinfectant, make sure that the label says it’s wood-friendly. If you need to remove mouse urine from wooden surfaces, opt for either an enzymatic cleaner or white vinegar. Apply either of the solutions to the affected spots of the wooden floors. Then scrub them into the surface with a good scrub brush.

    How to Clean Mouse Droppings From Clothing

    Eradicate mouse waste from your clothing with sticky pads or paper towels. Then throw them away into several plastic bags. Wash the affected clothes in hot water. Take off your protective apparel, dispose of it, and wash yourself properly. That’s how you remove rodent urine from clothing, as well.

    How to Clean Mouse Droppings From Bedding

    In case you’ve detected mouse poop on your bedding or even your kiddo’s favorite Teddy Bear toy, wash the affected item in hot water using your preferred laundry detergent. Wear your sturdy anti-germ gloves when approaching the issue, and program your dryer to a minimum temperature of 113°F to kill the hantaviruses.

    How to Clean Mouse Waste From Books or Paper Docs

    As for contaminated books or essential paper files, wipe the feces off using a cloth and disinfectant. After that, leave the previously contaminated paper items in direct sunlight for a day. You’ve probably already guessed why you must do the latter: prevent hantaviruses from remaining active on the affected surface.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Do you have questions left on handling rodent waste? You’re welcome to explore our answers to your most frequently asked questions below. You’ll likely find everything you’re interested in there.

    What Do You Do if You Find Mouse Droppings?

    You have two options. First, turn to professional help. Second, remove the stuff on your own. If you opt for the latter option, make sure you follow the steps above to make sure you’re doing everything in the smartest way possible.

    Mouse and mushroom

    Does Hantavirus Live in Old Droppings?

    Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, often shortened to HPS, is another hazardous disease spread by mice to people. The virus dies relatively fast when outside of its host: in about seven days outdoors and a few hours in the sun. So basically, no, hantavirus doesn’t live in old rodent waste.

    What Happens if You Breathe in Mouse Poop?

    Piles of mouse poop spread bacteria, poison your pet’s food sources, and cause allergies in people. When the feces dries, it can become potentially poisonous to people who breathe it in. So, getting rid of this filthy stuff should be among your utmost priorities.

    Conclusion: Target the Poopers

    When it comes to eradicating the mouse waste problem, your best bet is to target the source. The logic is simple: no mice means no poop. With all that said, if you’re on the prowl for the most hassle-free and time-saving way to eliminate rodent waste, order professional rodent control company services. It will solve your problem in the fastest and most effective way possible.

    So, do you have anything to add to the topic of this post? Have your say in the comment section below and get the discussion started. We appreciate your feedback immensely.

    Also read:

  • Squirrel Poop vs. Rat Poop

    Squirrel Poop vs. Rat Poop

    Squirrels and rats are uninvited guests who will gladly invade your dwelling, munch on your food, and destroy your possessions. These furry troublemakers won’t be too careful or clean when hanging out in your house. On the contrary, they’ll eagerly pee and leave their scat wherever they feel like it. Before trying to exterminate the rodent invaders, conducting the comparison of squirrel poop vs. rat poop is vital. Keep reading this piece for more details on fast and effective rodent poop identification.

    The Complete Guide to Rodent Poop Identification

    Rat in the container

    What do rat droppings look like? If you’re asking this question, you’re on the right way to determining the type of pest invasion you’re facing and thus, exterminating the pests sooner rather than later. Other factors to rely upon are:

    • what shade is prevalent;
    • dimensions & configuration;
    • edge specificities;
    • the amount detected;
    • placement specificities.

    The Key Differences Between Squirrel Poop vs. Rat Poop

    Oh yeah. Now you’ve seen it with your own eyes. Tiny, darkish, and not exactly chocolate sprinkles… Once you force down your nausea, you will have to pinpoint where exactly the stinky stools came from. Gross, as it may be, determining the kind of feces you’ve found is essential, for it will help you effectively get rid of the little furry invaders of your property. Below, you’ll find some vital identification criteria. This information will help you with effective rat and squirrel management.

    Squirrel vs rat poops

    50 Shades of Poop: Haunt Them Down

    At first glance, there’s no particular distinction between squirrel and rat’s scat. However, if you compare the shades, you’ll easily figure out the type of pest that has gotten inside your dwelling without you even knowing it. In most cases, if you’re noticing brownish, pale-ish red, or even greenish droppings in your house, then you’re facing squirrel invasion. As for the rat feces, it’s noticeably darker and almost black. So, yes, the issue of shades matters a lot here.

    Shape & Size: Learning to Differentiate

    Shape distinctions are also important. Squirrel excrement is usually coffee bean-shaped and tends to be slightly bigger compared to those of rats. As for the texture, the surface of squirrel feces is generally level and even. Rat poop is, on the contrary, of elliptical and often somewhat rectangular shape. How big is squirrel poop? Well, the answer to this question lies in the fact that both pests’ feces is frequently compared to raisins in terms of their overall appearance.

    Edges: Identifying Devil in Details

    Rat stools are commonly raisin-shaped, thickish at the center, and with pointy sides. At the same time, squirrel stools are usually softer and curved on the sides.

    Placement: the ‘Hows’ Matter

    In comparison with rats, squirrels seem to be tidier poopers when it comes to the distribution of their droppings. Are you wondering what it means? We have all the details ahead. The thing is, unlike squirrel stools, which are usually left in the same spots, rats feel the freedom to scatter their poop all over your place randomly. There’s one similarity between the two rodents related to the number of feces. Both these troublemakers poop very often. That’s because they enjoy munching on your yummies.

    Amount: Heavy & Moderate Poopers

    Squirrels are neater yet heavier poopers as opposed to rats. When defecating, squirrels spread out up to a dozen pellets in a pile. Because they leave their scat in the same spots, large piles of feces can eventually accumulate in their favorite pooping spots.

    Rats are, on the contrary, random poopers whose excrement is scattered moderately anywhere the trash-loving, filthy troublemakers currently choose. It may seem to the inexpert eye that you’re facing a severe rat infestation. However, you should bear in mind that two rats can leave a huge mess, considering these pests’ habit of scattering their excrement all over the place.

    Overall Appearance: Shine Bright Like…

    It’s interesting to note that both squirrel and rat stools are shiny. Not exactly like diamonds, but you know what we mean. The only distinction is that squirrel feces tends to dry and alter its glistening texture over time. In comparison, rat droppings retain their ‘shiny and new’ disposition, obviously for the purpose of stimulating your gag reflex even more. We hope that answers your ‘What does squirrels poop look like?’ question.

    With these essential details at your disposal, differentiating between rodent excrement is a cakewalk. Remember that its form, shade, and amount are the most telltale criteria. By getting to grips with these nuances, you are sure to succeed in pinpointing which animal has invaded your residence and is defecating in all the wrong places. From that point forward, your get-rid-of-rats endeavor will only be a matter of time.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Have more questions on the topic of this article? You’re free to delve deeper into our answers to your most frequently asked questions below. Chances are you’ll find the answer to your questions there, too.

    Do Squirrels Poop a Lot?

    Yes, squirrels happen to be aggressive poopers. Rat excrement is about the size of a seed. They won’t defecate all over your place, unlike random-defecating rats, though.

    Grey squirrel on the ground

    Is Squirrel or Rat Poop Toxic to Pets?

    Yes, these rodents’ feces can be poisonous to your cats and dogs. That is particularly true about rats which carry tons of hazardous diseases. Therefore, germs and diseases that live in rat body waste can easily poison pet food and water sources.

    What if I Vacuum Rat Droppings?

    If you sweep or vacuum rat poop, you can contribute to inhaling its germs and virus particles and eventually get infected. Follow these steps for proper rat poop cleaning:

    • put on rubber gloves and protective glasses;
    • mix bleach and water in a bottle or use a multi-functional disinfectant;
    • spray the substance on the poop until it’s all wet;
    • let it all soak for several minutes;
    • wipe up the droppings using a paper towel and throw it all out into a plastic bag. Yuck! Don’t forget to wash your gloves and then your ungloved hands after that. Finish it up by cleaning the area where the nasty poopers left their shiny ‘gifts’ for you. That’s about it.

    To Sum Up: Share Your Rodent Poop Expertise

    The parameters you’re going to need to keep a laser-like focus on are the shape, shade, placement, and amount of stools left by your rodent invaders behind. Squirrel droppings are shorter and thinner than rat stools. However, both are similar in size; therefore, they may seem identical at first glance. Both these rodents’ feces are brown. The distinction is that squirrel excrement is commonly lighter brownish and sometimes comes in many other shades, such as pale red and greenish.

    Also read:

    So, what are your thoughts on the topic? Do you know how to differentiate squirrel stools from rat droppings? Share your pest control experience with your fellow readers in the comment box below. We value your feedback greatly.

  • How to Tell How Many Rats Are in Your House

    How to Tell How Many Rats Are in Your House

    Locating a potential rodent problem in your home or office is alarming. Rats and mice bring lots of destruction and carry over 30 diseases to people. You may not even know these tiny dirty beasts have made themselves at home in your house until you notice a few distinct signs of their presence. In this post, we’ll cover this topic, and help you figure out the level of rodent infestation in your house. So, how to tell how many rats are in your house? Keep reading for more details.

    How Do I Know How Many Rats Are in My House?

    1. Keep tabs on their activity: both visible and audible.
    2. Identify their rub marks.
    3. Monitor the volume of their droppings.
    4. Look for their nests.
    5. Take action fast.

    Two black and white rats

    The Complete Guide to Tell-Tale Signs of Rats in House

    Wondering if you have rats? Such signs as rat poop, rub marks, and nighttime squeaking are a fine indicator of their long-tailed presence. Do you want to know how many rats reside (and poop) in your house? We’ve got you covered. The hacks below will help you detect the intensity of rat infestation in your case.

    Where Rats Come From

    If you want to know where the pesky long-tailed rodents originate, there’s a theory that some species came from Asia. Sometime later, ships took rats to Europe, where they made themselves at home. Soon after that, the furry dirt and disease-spreaders reached North and South America where they seemed to like it as well.

    If you’re curious where rats come from in your sweet home, there are several answers to this. Find them below:

    • they’re cold and on the hunt for yummies, and they seriously don’t understand why you’re not so happy to see them;
    • they want all of your food: no, these stinky furry invaders are not picky at all. They’ll even eat your and your pets’ digested food — yuck!
    • they’ve discovered your leaking pipes: stinky babies need their water, too. They want all the comfort you can offer;
    • they like hospitality. Get their favorite wall cracks and holes ready, and they’ll happily squeeze themselves through them to munch on your trash and other yummies;
    • they want your fruit plants and nut trees: the more food, the better.

    Black rat on the wooden branches

    How Many Rats Can Live Together

    Rats are prone to sticking together in groups, also referred to as packs (or mischiefs). Each mischief can contain up to a dozen pests or more. How many rats live inside a nest depends on several criteria: the species in question and how severe the issue is. Up to ten rats can live in one nest in your dwelling. However, it should be noted that the number of nests that you can detect in your house is not at all limited to one.

    Here are the signs of a rat invasion in your residence:

    • tiny rat droppings;
    • rat pee marks and musky odor;
    • scratching and squeaking sounds;
    • rub smudges;
    • nests and burrows;
    • agitated pets.

    Ways to Detect the Number of Rats in Your House

    If you learn to identify rat droppings, you’ll learn how to pinpoint the approximate number of rats in your dwelling. In case of tiny droppings, you’re most likely dealing with a mild mouse infestation. Are you finding ½-in. or larger droppings in your home? Then it’s most likely been invaded by adult rats. Are you noticing both large and tiny droppings? You’ve been visited by rats of all ages in a highly uninvited manner. Lots of tiny droppings are a huge red flag meaning your stinky long-tailed invaders are breeding. The more droppings you find, the more rats munch on your yummies during nighttime.

    Below, you’ll find other ways to determine the level of rat invasion in your home:

    • figure out where your rats like to party and where their nests are. Usually, these filthy tiny bastards hide in the least visited and difficult-to-access places in your house, such as basements, attics, crawl spaces, etc.;
    • if you’ve seen only rat rub marks and droppings but haven’t seen the actual rats, it means your rat problem is easily solvable with baits and traps;
    • professional inspection: to figure out exactly how many rats live in a nest in your house, apply to professional rodent control help and receive an extermination quote.

    Grey rat an the white background

    How Long Does It Take to Get Rid of Rats?

    The answer to this question is determined by how high the level of infestation is. In case of a mild infestation, eradicating the pesky rodents will take up to six weeks. If you’re facing a severe rodent challenge, solving it may take up to three months.

    Here’s what you can do if you want to stave off and exterminate rats on your own:

    • seal the cracks in your house through which rats enter;
    • eliminate food and water sources;
    • spray peppermint oil where your furry invaders like to hang out to repel them;
    • make use of baits and traps;
    • do consider hiring a professional rodent slayer team because you don’t want to experience rat-bite fever first-hand.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Have more questions on tracking down rats in your house? You’re free to delve deeper into our answers to your most frequently asked questions below. You may find everything you need to know there.

    How Do You Know if Rats Are Gone?

    There are several indicators determining whether your rats are gone. First, you will no longer hear their nocturnal activity — no more squeaking or loudly chewing on your household yummies. The second indicator requires some action on your side. Leave flour or cornstarch on the floor where you suspect rodent presence. If they are gone, they won’t leave their tail and paw traces on the powdered surface. You will no longer notice fresh rat grease marks or droppings if your filthy little enemies retreat.

    What if You Get an Even Worse Case of Infestation After Trying to Get Rid of Rodents?

    If nothing helps, and the number of rats gets bigger, turn to professional assistance. Trained experts know how to use droppings to nail down the kind of pest attack you’re facing. They will locate and eliminate rodent populations easily and fast.

    Will Rats Return to the Same Place?

    Yes, absolutely. Rats will head anywhere where there’s warmth, yummies, and water. Follow the practical prevention tips listed above to prevent the tenacious rodents from coming back to your house.

    How Far Do Rats Travel from Their Nest?

    These foul nocturnal creatures can travel up to 300 ft. on the hunt for yummies. To compare, house mice usually travel up to 50 ft. away from their nests in search of delectables.

    To Wrap up: Seek Professional Help

    Now that you know how to determine the approximate level of rat invasion in your dwelling and have explored some vital rat management guidelines, it’s time to get the action going. Naturally, trapping and exterminating the nasty rodents on your own may leave you stressed and exhausted. By allowing professional pest fighters to get your rodent issue under control, you free yourself from potential failures and thus save heaps of your precious time.

    Also read:

    What are your thoughts on the topic? Any tips on fighting the nasty long-tailed home invaders? You’re welcome to have your say in the comments below. We value your feedback greatly.

  • Rat Grease Marks: Spot the Signs of Rodent Infestation

    Rat Grease Marks: Spot the Signs of Rodent Infestation

    Waking up at night from suspicious scratching sounds inside or noticing tiny, dark droppings on your walls? Then your sweet home could potentially be invaded by rats. Don’t panic, though. We’ll provide some tips on how to spot rat grease marks and how to tell if you have rats or mice. The thing is, rats are nocturnal creatures, which means spotting their signs is easier than spotting the actual furry invader. Keep reading this piece for more details on identifying rat smear marks (also referred to as rub marks). Also, find some advice on taking firm and quick steps to repel the nasty dirt-lovers, nighttime squeakers, and disease carriers.

    The Complete Guide to Identifying Rat Smear Marks

    If you’ve seen smudges and blackish marks on your bathroom floor or in the attic, then it looks like the pesky rodents have chosen your home’s objects and surfaces to rub against. Read on for more about rats and mice and figure out what it all means.

    Why Rats Leave Grease Marks

    Rat marks on the wood

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Why Rats Leave Grease Marks?” style=”main”] Outdoors, rats hang out in the dirtiest nooks and crannies imaginable. From trash cans to the murkiest, dampest, and filthiest holes under buildings, getting dirty is the natural thing of these pesky rodents. As a result, they ‘rock’ the disgusting and oily grease left on their bodies and limbs. In addition to this, rats’ eyesight is awful. As compensation, they tend to brush themselves up against walls to pave their way. When moving, rats leave behind dab-like smudges and dark marks that stain your home surfaces. These streaks are very dark when fresh and tend to get lighter over time.

    Next to the smear marks, you may additionally find rodents’ paw imprints and tail drag traces. Over time, all this filth is sure to stain your walls. Aside from the blackish grease marks, you’ll also probably notice droppings and trails of urine wherever these filthy creatures navigate. Rats’ urine gets yellow when stale and is somewhat blue when fresh. The dirty troublemakers love making themselves at home, staying where they are, defecating and urinating there randomly. Yuck!

    Here are some more strong indicators of rodent invasion:

    • burrows: rats are active diggers, that’s a fact;
    • nests: you may find rat nests in areas of your dwelling where you don’t regularly go, e.g., crawl spaces or attics;
    • scratches and squeaks at night: rats are sneaky, but they are definitely not quiet, especially during nighttime;
    • hyperactive behavior patterns in pets: if your pet is suddenly agitated and hunting for something, then chances are your cat or pup has sniffed out a filthy furry creature somewhere near.

    Where Rats Leave Smear Marks In Your Home

    Rodents can leave their presence marks in various places, both open and covert. If you think you’ve seen fresh rat poop in your home and suspect that you have stinky and furry uninvited guests, make sure you check your walls, moldings near the floor, and the behind-furniture areas for rat grease smudges. You can also discover those dirt dabs around your basement, storage room, or attic. In other words, these nasty rodents leave smear stains anywhere dark, filthy, wet, and cluttered.

    Rat with red eyes

    What To Do If You Find Rat Grease Marks And Rat Feces In Your Home

    Are you seeing nasty stains and tiny ugly droppings in your home? Then rats have definitely found your residence exciting and decided to share it with you without you knowing. Frankly speaking, making rats leave is a difficult task, so hiring a rodent control specialist would be your best bet. However, you may take some must-take steps to prevent the filthy rodents from finding their way to such essential areas in your home as your kitchen or bedroom. With that said, here’s a quick guide on how to do it:

    1. Seal small cracks and crevices in your house through which the furry and filthy uninvited guests may actively get inside.
    2. Empty your trash bins, and don’t forget to cover them when not in use.
    3. Use flour or cornstarch in places where your rat invaders may hang out to detect their paw marks.
    4. Apply peppermint oil where dirt lovers may hide. They won’t like it, but make sure you or your family members are not allergic to it.
    5. Learn how to set rat snap traps and take action (that’s only if you prefer dealing with the rodents under your own steam).
    6. Contact a professional rodent control service.

    Rat with wood and purple fabric

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Have questions left on the topic? You’re welcome to delve deeper into our answers to your most frequently asked questions. Chances are you’ll find everything you need to know there.

    When Іs It Wrong to Use Rat Grease Marks Disinfectant in a House?

    Use it only when you’re 100% sure you have a rat problem. Also, avoid using it if you or your family members are allergic to its components. A few words about baits: you should remember that rat baits are usually flavored to attract rodents. It means your pets or even children can accidentally eat the thing and get poisoned. With that said, using disinfectants or baits in a house is good only if you’re entirely sure it won’t harm you or your loved ones.

    What Precautions Should a Person Take When Using Rat Grease Marks Disinfectant?

    When using a rat grease marks disinfectant, make sure you put on such protective gear as a mask and a pair of rubber gloves. It will prevent you from inhaling the dust and the distinct smell when working on getting rid of the nasty rodents.

    How Do I Clean My House After a Rat Infestation?

    The best way to clean your house once you figure out how to identify rodent droppings is by using a professional disinfectant. Spray it on the affected surface and leave it for up to fifteen minutes before wiping it all off with a cloth. Declutter the areas in your house where your rodent invaders may be hiding.

    Bottom Line: Take Prompt Action

    Rodent rub stains inside your home are a loud and clear indicator of a rat attack. If you notice them in your home, getting rid of rodents should become your utmost priority. Why? Because rats spread salmonellosis and more than 30 other diseases to people. You don’t want to take that big of a risk, do you?

    To sum up, spotting a rat or mice problem at home is fairly easy. Now that we’ve answered your ‘What do mice grease marks look like?’ question, it’s time for you to take action and turn to a reliable rodent control company. Professionals will help you solve the problem in a fast and effective way. Do you have anything to add on the topic? Speak up in the comment section below. We value your two cents greatly.

    Also read:

  • How Much Does a Rat Exterminator Cost in [year]: Rat Removal Prices Explained

    How Much Does a Rat Exterminator Cost in [year]: Rat Removal Prices Explained

    What’s the most hated animal in the world? Rats have a granted Top 5 position, and for a reason. The average rat extermination cost is between $200 and $500, reaching $1.200 at its heaviest.

    And the history tells us it’s much less than the damage they can cause, up to the Black Death whose beer any other pandemic still holds. A rat in your yard is always a bit of disorder and dirt. One in your house is more of that and closer to you. Rat teeth in your food are dangerous and disgusting (though not as much as these in your finger).

    So, if there’s something scratching in your household, who are you gonna call?

    Guide on Rat Exterminator Costs

    Rat in the pit

    We’re not here to rat around, are we? So let’s address the most crucial question right away.


    National Average Cost$350
    Minimum Cost$100
    Maximum Cost$1,200
    Average Range$200 to $500

    As you see, costs differ seriously, so any particular case requires examination – by a pro, again.

    When Should You Call for a Rat Exterminator?

    If you see one rat in your yard, it may mean nothing at all. Just pay double attention to your waste the next week, and go out in the dark once in a while to spot one venturing outside.

    If there are no more rats to be seen and no more traces they leave (holes in your walls or under your fence, chewed edges of anything nearly edible, pawprints in the dirt, scratching sound, or specific smell you recognize), you may relax. If any of the listed above is present, it’s time to call for an exterminator.

    Only after the specialist arrives they can estimate the infestation level, explore the environment, and calculate the rat removal cost for your situation. It takes professional skill and professional equipment to detect the rats. And even after you’re sure the pests are there, there are many unknowns to learn and consider.

    Main Factors of Rat Exterminator Cost

    As you have seen, professional rat exterminator prices lie in a very wide range. What is causing these differences? The factors include:

    • The number of rats in your house. Stealthy as they are, rats are rarely seen “in person”. Usually, one first notices the holes they made, the droppings they don’t bother to remove, or human or animal food obviously bitten by small sharp teeth. The pros use their techniques to detect if there are rats in your house at all and, if yes, about how many.
    • The damage they make. Not that there are “good” and “bad” rats: all of them are equally destructive (even your cute pet one if you’re not careful). If the population is large, it may cause damage that you can’t even see with a naked eye (like destroying your walls from within). The more of them are there, the more work it takes to remove them.
    • The place the rats have chosen for their nest. If they live somewhere outside your home (in an old doghouse or garage), it’s simpler. If their home is under your floor or inside a wall, it will take more effort to get to it. The same would be if they chose your basement or attic.
    • Your location and local laws. They affect both the availability of rat exterminators and the rules they should follow. For example, in the District of Columbia, the exterminators are obliged to relocate rodents instead of exterminating unless these rodents are living right in your house. Most other states take it less seriously, giving the exterminators more freedom to choose their methods.

    Rat Exterminator Price by Infestation Level

    Many rats together

    It’s obvious that the more rats are around, the more work it takes to get rid of them. If there are only one or two rats viewing their future hunting grounds you call home, it may take just a visit or two. If so, the price to pay will be $300 or less.

    Mostly, though, it’s not the case: if you had seen one rat, there should have been others around. So, let’s assume your house is seriously infested.

    Serious infestation cost

    What do you call a serious infestation? It’s not a single rat who found the roof over its head in your dwelling. No, these rodents are sure this land is given to them to be fruitful and increase in number. Stopping this blasphemy will take some job.

    If the rats are that multiple, they can live in your basement, outside the house at all, but the likeliest place for them to choose is inside walls. It can be said by the holes they make in them, as well as by where they leave the most droppings and cause the most damage.

    Depending on all this, the number of traps to set, poison to use, and holes to fix may grow. Probably you will also have to pay for partly destroying and then rebuilding the wall to reach the nest. The price then starts at $450 and up to infinity.

    Still, paying for this is a better option than wait until one of the rats dies inside the wall and then suffer from its smell, so one day, you will still pay a larger amount. Let alone your life quality with a pleasant rat pack having no Sinatra among them but still doing it their way.

    Rat prevention cost

    That’s a reasonable way of thinking, sure. If you have seen one rat not far away from your household, you may conclude it’s better to keep them away now than to get busy fighting them after that.

    Rat treatment cost by treatment type

    What types of treatment does it take to drive the rats away from your home? The most popular ways are baits and traps: they let you hunt these rodents without having to get to their wall. Among all, these methods assure you there are rats at all (if successful).

    Usually, baits and traps are already included in the rat removal cost (if not, the company has to emphasize it before you sign a deal). The pros take their own equipment and expendables, so you do not have to.


    The easiest bait types are made of what rats like to eat. That is, you can use meat, cereals, vegetables, or fruits. There are no specific preferences, as rats are omnivorous.

    If you have an idea that rodents should like cheese above all, there’ll be some disappointment. Not that they ignore cheese, but a piece of bread or potato will attract them just as much, and peanut butter is the real-life champion.

    Of course, all these tasty things should turn out lethal for rats. It can be achieved in two ways. First: you can add poison to it, so a rat consumes it and dies. Companies like Terminix use this way, but very carefully, with a lot of precautions.

    Second – and here is another section – is to put the bait into a trap.


    Rat traps (as well as mouse traps) have been around for centuries. Given that all of them are meant to extinguish the rodents, it’s hard to expect humanity from its inventors.

    Still, there are different sorts. Mechanical traps left the rodent to suffer from a broken backbone or just caught to die of hunger and pain. Cages did not harm the animal; still, it was doomed as soon as the owner found it.

    Modern rat traps are lethal as well. But, being electrical, they are designed for instant kills, not leaving the animal to suffer. In addition, there are no chances the rat gets away (unlike mechanical ones that leave a slight possibility).

    A professional way to use traps considers rat psychology. It takes time for a rat to accept something new in its environment. So for the first days, the trap should stay unset. Let the rats get used to it. When it gets familiar, the rat is more likely to approach it. Especially when there’s something tasty inside.


    In fact, they are poisons developed particularly to kill rodents. Not only rats and mice, though, but rabbits, squirrels, hamsters as well. So if you have any of these as pets, you better keep them away while your home is processed with them.


    Fogging someone out is a long time tradition, used to smoke out both humans and animals. It’s highly efficient but very dangerous and sophisticated. Unlike trap and bait politics that can be conducted by yourself (at least, in theory), fogging requires a pro approach.

    So, the fumigation cost for rats may be higher, but it will be more efficient. After the procedure, the room should be ventilated, and only after that it will become livable again.

    It’s hard to tell the price of any of these methods beforehand. And it should not worry you, in fact. The companies charge you for the result, not for the methods to use. If some methods are unacceptable to you (because of little kids, pets, allergic persons, or whatever), the pros can select another that may take more time and money but save the bigger harm.

    Cost of Extermination of Rats by Location

    Well, if you happily have the rats indoors (happily, I said?), you will get rid of them for the smallest cost at all. The average cost of rat removal within the house is $200-350 if they live in your kitchen, corridors, or near the doors.

    Little rat runs

    Outdoor rats are harder to extinguish. As mentioned before, in some states, they simply cannot be extinguished: the exterminators, despite their name, have to relocate them elsewhere.

    But even if not, there is still more work to do, harder to attract, catch, and find them at all. So outdoor rat removal is about to be $200-450, depending on your yard area, infestation level, and some other factors to be seen right there.

    As for rats in attic removal cost, it will be slightly higher than that in your living area. The attic has to be reached, and operating there is harder. In addition, rats can get down to your kitchen from there, and this has to be prevented. So, Operation Attic will cost you $300-500. The roof rat extermination cost, logically, is going to be still higher.

    As for exterminating rats within walls, it’s the most expensive sort of operation. Its average cost is about $450-600. You already know that this operation includes partly destroying the wall and restoring it after that.

    Of course, these prices may vary, depending on the company you choose, the population of rats, the location of your home, and many other factors. So stay with us, and we will keep you updated on all the news about rat removal.

    Pets and Kids-Friendly Rat Control Cost

    As mentioned above, rat poisons, efficient as they are, may cause extra problems if someone unintendedly consumes them. It can be your pets or kids unaware of the dangers a tasty bit conceals.

    Rat Damage Repair Cost

    rat with fish

    It’s hard to predict how insatiable your guests appear. The average damage they can cause by making holes in your walls, gnawing wires and fabric, spoiling your food, etc., is between $700 and $2000. If you neglect the threat for long, the damage can exceed that.

    Pay the most attention to your garage: if they get to your car, it may cost you thousands. Cases are reported when rats cost the car owner up to $11.5K ($15K Canadian).

    DIY vs Hiring a Pro

    Unless you really enjoy killing rats and feeling like an exterminator, you’d rather call one than be one. The reason is simple: it takes special skills and special equipment to chase rats away from your house.

    Mastering these skills will probably take too much time, and getting all the traps, baits, and other equipment (including poisons) will take too much money – way more than the average cost for rat extermination.

    If it all turns out fine, in the end, you will have your skill (that fades without practice) and traps (with no more rats to set them for). So, unless you want to become a rat exterminator, you better call a pro.

    How to Hire a Professional

    Rat on a plastic chest of drawers

    As the problem is frequent, there are companies specializing in removing pests, including rodents, insects, and so on. If you want your result guaranteed, you better select a helping service.

    How to pick a pro

    There are factors you need to consider while selecting a pro or a company among available offers.

    • Is the company well reputed? Reputation takes time to shape. The pros may be nice and look competent, use the most advanced equipment, and show you many rats taken dead or alive. But it takes weeks or even months to really estimate the work quality (unless it’s an emergency case). If rats don’t appear for some considerable time, the job is done properly.
    • How much does a rat exterminator cost in your case? Some companies may offer overpriced services. Some may insist on more expensive measures than the situation really takes. Estimations always require some expertise, but you can just contact multiple pros and compare.
    • Are its services comfortable for you? Of course, rats are a discomforting factor by themselves, but there are other factors. When can they arrive? What methods will they use? Will it require you to leave? Does it fit your plans?
    • Will they do the checking for free? Of course, it will affect the overall price if you agree, but it’s nice to have this option.

    With all this in mind, contact several companies and choose the one whose offers you like the most. If you prefer to call an independent professional rather than a big company, you must make sure they have all the required licenses and certificates.

    Things to discuss with rat exterminator

    When you make your choice, there are things you must discuss with the manager (or with the exterminator themselves) about the procedure and more.

    • Guarantees. Do they guarantee there will be no more pests after the treatment?
    • Costs. The entire sum should be confirmed before the treatment, with no extras appearing after.
    • Safety. Will you have to evacuate your family and pets during the treatment? If not, what is to be avoided?
    • Insurance. If something goes wrong, you are the side to get recompensed for this. If there is no insurance, there is no actual responsibility for the results.
    • Extras. Will the exterminator also take care of mice or insects, if any detected? If yes, what’s the price?

    When it’s all spoken and put down, you can sign.

    How to Prepare for Treatment

    If you want your house to be deratized properly, with no harmful consequences, you should make some preparations. They include the following:

    • Hide everything edible in the fridge or in hermetic containers. Plastic bags, alas, are not rodent-proof.
    • Repair all the holes in the walls you detect.
    • Remove everything from underneath your sink or from the top of your fridge.
    • Take some time for general cleaning. Provide access to all the walls – first of all, in the kitchen.
    • If you decided on calling the pro, do not use any pesticides prior to that.
    • If your family and pets can go elsewhere during the procedure, it’s better (and often necessary) to do so.

    Your Actions After Extermination

    Preventing rat infestation is easy if you follow some simple rules. And if you unluckily experienced this disaster, it would keep you motivated not to let it happen again. So, what should you do to make sure rats don’t return?

    • Keep the floors and the ground clean. It’s the waste that attracts the rats the most. If there’s no waste to taste, they will just ignore your area.
    • Keep the lid closed on your trash cans. Thus it will not prevent rats, as well as raccoons, stray dogs, and other animals you don’t welcome.
    • Feed your pets indoors. Not only will it make your cats and dogs more disciplined. This way, you will make it harder for rats to detect there’s something edible near.
    • Ventilate the house frequently. If the air is fresh, rats will recognize this place as not friendly for them.
    • Inspect your walls and doors on a regular basis to check if there are holes in them. These holes don’t have to be made by rats and mice, but they can be used by these rodents. If there are any, fix them as soon as possible.
    • Brush the grass in your yard, so it doesn’t get high enough for rodents to hide.
    • Install a special door sweep that prevents trespassing through.

    The basic information is usually provided by manufacturers of pesticides and traps. If you are not very experienced, the best thing you can do is follow the instructions thoroughly. You better not take risks if not sure exactly what they are.

    There are even methods like Integrated Pest Management for those ready to invest their own time and effort, knowledge, and inventiveness. It will take more time than calling pros, so you better explore it only if you are genuinely interested, and the process is sort of fun for you.

    You can also trust professionals with rat prevention. The yearly rat control cost is still lower than calls for urgent rat removal. So finally, it pays.

    Rat Extermination FAQ

    The rat comes out of the pit

    Some questions arise so frequently that they deserve a special section to be answered.

    How much does Terminix charge to get rid of rats?

    The rates we mentioned throughout this article are mostly based on Terminix rates. Other companies may offer something similar. The difference will not be dramatic.

    Do you need an exterminator for rats?

    If you want the job done, you better either have enough expertise in rat exterminating or call the pros. Not necessarily Terminix: there are other companies as well. Terminix, though, is one of the most famous and reliable companies to provide rat removal. It can help you fight mice, termites, and other pests as well.

    What to do if a rat died in your wall?

    The wall has to be decomposed, so the remains can be extracted. To detect the location of the dead rat, you can trust your nose or, again, call the professionals.

    For them, it’s quite a typical procedure, so they know how to decompose and then restore your wall as quickly as possible, with minimum waste and maximum result. We would recommend this, especially if time is money for you, and the dead rat removal cost is less than your losses otherwise.

    What method of rat removal is the safest?

    The safest for humans and pets, or for the rats themselves? We know what you mean. Traps (especially electronic) and non-poisonous baits are the safest for you. For other methods, including fumigation and using poisonous baits, you may have to remove your family from the house temporarily.

    So, Rat-Man to the Rescue!

    So, unless you are very experienced, calling an exterminator for rats and mice is a cheaper and more reasonable option. We wish you never suffer this in your house, but if it happens – you know what to do. It’s not the rats you should care about in this situation; it’s finding the right protection.

    If you have something to add from your experience, feel free to drop a comment. Maybe I have missed something, or you have a recommendation based on your own experience. Good stories are also welcomed; let’s have a talk! Drop a comment to share it; share the article, not to drop it.

  • How Much Is an Exterminator for Mice: Mice Removal Cost Guide ([year] Updated)

    How Much Is an Exterminator for Mice: Mice Removal Cost Guide ([year] Updated)

    If you suddenly see this little rodent in your backyard (or worse – in your house), one of the first things on your mind may be the mouse exterminator cost. The average price is between $170 and $500, while the hardest cases will cost you over $1K.

    You may adore mice depicted in stories from Disney to Spiegelman, but these anthropomorphic creatures have nothing in common with those little invaders biting bread on your table and leaving droppings insultingly on the floor.

    It’s time to call an exterminator. Let’s dig into how it’s done – at least, in order not to overpay.

    Guide on Mouse Exterminator Costs

    white mouse in the basket

    It’s the numbers you’re here for. So the average cost is between $170 and $500 (unless your case is indeed heavy). An average infestation is way cheaper to fix than to let go of and then deal with consequences.

    Mice Exterminator Cost Summary

    National Average Cost:$335
    Minimum Cost:$150
    Maximum Cost:$1,200
    Average Range:$170-500

    When Should You Call for a Mouse Exterminator?

    You might think that one mouse in your house isn’t much of a problem. It’s only correct, though, if it’s a toy or a computer mouse. If you see one rodent running in your kitchen or at your garbage box, it must mean there are more of them. And they are hungry enough to venture out where they can be noticed.

    So, one spotted mouse is already a sign that you host too many of them unwillingly. All the diseases they spread and the harm they do to the environment are included.

    There are other signs that indicate mouse infestation. You can see little holes in the walls or the floor, droppings in your kitchen or other room, your food eaten by small teeth, bags bitten through, and other traces of their presence. You may be unsure whether these are mice or other rodents, but it’s yet another reason to call an exterminator.

    Main Factors of Mouse Exterminator Cost

    As you have noticed, the average cost of an exterminator for mice is given as a range, not as a precise sum. Prices may go well beyond that range; in serious situations, rodent removal may cost way more. Here are the factors that impact the final cost for you:

    • The size of your property. The larger the area, the more it will cost to exterminate the rodents there.
    • Infestation severity. The more these little critters are in here already, the more work (and your money) it takes to extinguish them.
    • Location of the infestation. The methods will regard the place where they nest. It makes a difference whether they dwell in your kitchen, in the attic, in the basement, or outdoors.
    • Methods selected. They require different sorts of equipment and expendables (like baits and fog), so the price will also differ.

    To bring any certainty on the latter three factors, though, an exterminator should visit and explore your place. The first visit may be free or paid – so both companies and freelance contractors say. But the visit is usually not charged, only if it results in a signed deal.

    Mouse Exterminator Price by Infestation Level

    the mouse sits on a branch in the forest

    While the size of your property is an already known value (and it does not have to be fully infested), the infestation level is probably the most important thing that defines the work to do, the volume, and the methods of it.

    If the infestation is defined as “not serious”, it means that there is no mouse population around. There might be one or two mice that started nesting somewhere on your property, but they have not grown in numbers yet. Removing these settlers is the only work to do. Maybe it will take two visits.

    Serious mouse infestation cost

    To know that the infestation is serious, you must watch for the following symptoms:

    • Mouse droppings along the walls, under the sink or the bath, and especially in the kitchen. They are a rice grain size, usually brown. Even if you see a few of these, it’s a reason to take care.
    • Holes detected in your walls. It might be outer walls or those of your kitchen. Living rooms and corridors are too noisy for mice, and they offer no food. But if you see a mouse hole in one of these, it means the infestation is even more serious.
    • Urine and defecation smell. They are very recognizable – and unpleasant enough to get you wondering. How much is an exterminator for mice? More affordable than tolerating this.
    • Damaged food. These rodents can chew and gnaw the food you leave unhidden or uncovered, eating surprisingly much. They cannot be stopped with plastic bags, chewing them through. Of course, what they leave is inedible at all.
    • Direct presence. You may see them (it’s more probable at night, but if you see one in the daylight, it means these nocturnal creatures are not afraid of you at all). You may hear the noises they make – again, mostly at night.

    If you detect any of these, you need to realize that rodent infestation cleanup cost is still much less than the damage a mouse population can do.

    Mouse prevention cost

    It’s always cheaper to prevent a problem than to deal with its consequences. Mouse prevention (in the perfect world) consists of two major components:

    • Your own actions to prevent the infestation. You need to make your place the most livable for humans and pets yet the least livable for mice. It includes regular ventilation, keeping the property in order (both the house and the yard), leaving no food exposed to pests – it deserves a separate instruction, though.
    • Inspections by a professional pest exterminator. They may notice and detect the clues you do not notice and report you about been-there-done-that rodents.

    Mouse treatment cost by treatment type

    the mouse is standing over the leaf

    One of the most influential factors that shape the overall price for mouse exterminator service is the type of treatment they use. Some of them are quite exotic; others are typical, but way more efficient when applied by a professional.

    When the crime scene is explored, you will decide together on the method; but you must be prepared that prices also will depend on it.


    Baits are the most common and one of the most efficient methods. It implies that mice are treated with delicious bits (not necessarily cheese or what they like in cartoons), spiced up with special rodent poison. A mouse that eats this bit is doomed.

    Yet, it takes some time to extinguish all of them this way. There are also non-poisonous mouse baits, but their efficiency has been proven low.

    If you prefer non-violent methods, you can use baits along with cage traps. They let you take your mouse as a prisoner and then relocate it elsewhere. But how do you know it will not return?


    Fogging (also known as fumigation) is no doubt the most efficient and the most expensive way of getting rid of mice. It may cost fantastically more than the average cost of rodent removal – from $1000 to the incredible $6000 and even more.

    The price includes more than just using the fog. Applying it requires special expertise. Not only does it deliver granted extinction upon the mice, but it also kills other pests (rats, termites, whatever hasn’t been evacuated).

    During the fogging, the human inhabitants of the property should be away from it, and so should their pets. On returning, they must be especially careful, as it takes time to ventilate all the fog away.

    This method is efficient in a limited number of situations and completely useless against outdoor pests. But if they have multiplied indoors, and you cannot detect their exact location, fogging is the way.


    It’s also one of the most popular ways to extinguish mice. Traps are installed in their ways; it takes time for the mouse to get used to the trap and to approach it when attracted by a tasty smell. Then it depends on the type of the trap.

    Electronic ones kill mice instantly with electricity. Old type options (so-called jaw mouse traps) either catch it alive or kill it mechanically; these ones, though, are almost out of use now.

    This method can be among the cheapest if your infestation case is a minor one. Live mouse trap treatment starts with $250-300. On the other hand, electronic traps are far from cheap thrills (despite they’re thrilling): treatment with these will cost you about $550-750.


    This is quite an expensive way to get rid of mice as well, though not as sophisticated and dangerous as fogging them down. Rodenticides are a special sort of pesticides that are most dangerous to rodents – hence the name.

    But don’t be fooled by it: rodents are mammals, and so are you (and most of your pets, probably). So, being efficient against mice and rats, rodenticides can be dangerous to the family, including pets. If you decide on rodenticides, you better move away for the extermination time.

    The professional mice extermination cost may include special rodenticides. They are, in fact, baits adjusted to rodents’ preferences. This special treatment is rather costly too: the treatment will cost from $750 up to $1000 and maybe more.

    Cost of Extermination of Mice by Location

    mouse on its hind legs

    In fact, mice do not care where to dwell as long as there are food and darkness. That’s not to be said about humans solving the problem.

    So, calling an exterminator for mice in the walls of your kitchen or bedroom means that the wall will have to be destroyed and then restored. That’s the only way to get to the nest. It can reach $600 while exterminating the mice that live somewhere else in the living area is just under $400.

    It’s easier (and cheaper) if they nest in your basement without damaging the walls, say, in a pile of old laundry.

    As for mice in attic removal cost, it’s a bit more expensive and can reach up to $500 and above. The attic procedures imply sealing the attic so the mice cannot escape down from there and then applying the same measures while keeping the living area as safe as possible. On the other hand, it doesn’t take the safety measures necessary for acting in the living area.

    It’s the most expensive to exterminate mice in buildings away from the house. While removing mice from your house is up to $500 and from the walls is up to $600, cleaning your garage or barn can be up to $1000.

    It’s harder because these objects are more mice-friendly. Rarely visited, rarely seen, not protected so well, they store many edible things humans do not consider as such (like wire coating).

    Pets and Kids-Friendly Mouse Control Cost

    If you cannot or do not want to remove your family and pets during the deratization process, you must insist on pets- and kids-friendly methods, utilizing only ingredients non-toxic for humans and pets.

    Mouse Damage Repair Cost

    Despite seemingly less harmful than rats or termites, mice can do enormous harm. The diseases they spread may be terrible. And even if your health doesn’t get affected, your house certainly will. Mice can get to your walls and your food, your car and your wires, your computer hardware (and it will not be the mouse you use for navigation), and your clothes.

    DIY vs Hiring a Pro

    Doing it yourself is the way our ancestors did, and this way still has some pros. First of all, you know your property as no hired pro does. Second, the experience you achieve can be helpful in case of reinfestation.

    Third, even if you have been a stranger to this profession, you will upgrade your mouse exterminator skill. Fourth (last but not least), it may be way cheaper. Given that we live in the YouTube era, instructions on rodent extermination are in excess.

    On the other hand, if you are suffering from the mice attack, you probably don’t care at all about all these benefits. All you want is to get rid of them as soon as possible.

    That’s when the pro comes in. Professional mice exterminator cost may be higher (but not so much, given that the DIY approach also requires investments), but the result is granted and insured.

    How to Hire a Professional

    There are large companies on the market, as well as freelance contractors. Their offers may differ in everything – pricing, methods, urgency, and stuff.

    How to pick a pro

    There are two most popular ways to hire a pro. You can either contact some major company (Terminix, Orkin, Aptive) or search for an independent contractor on Craigslist, Yahoo! Groups, Nextdoor, other social networks.

    Both ways have their pros and cons. Come on, ask them: how much does a mouse exterminator cost? The answer will probably be given after the quote in both situations, but the price of indie will probably be more affordable than that of a big company.

    On the other hand, reputation is easier to maintain for a corporation than for a freelancer. So if you opt for the latter, listen to recommendations from the friends or neighbors you trust.

    Things to discuss with mouse exterminator

    • Licenses. This sort of business is subject to licensing according to your state’s laws. You better check the licenses even before you request a quote to plan further activity. It should be legit in your area and not expired.
    • Estimations. How many mice are probably there in your house? Where do they nest? What methods will be the most efficient?
    • How quickly can an exterminator get rid of mice? How many visits are necessary?
    • Do you have to remove humans and pets during the procedures?
    • What safety measures should you take after the extermination, and how long should you continue?
    • How to prevent the infestation in the future? To answer this, you should learn about the measures to take to prevent further infestations, safety recommendations, as well as monthly or yearly mice control cost.

    All these factors define the mice exterminator prices, but not only. If you follow the recommendations, the chances of reinfestation are reducing significantly.

    How to Prepare for Treatment

    In fact, preparations for treatment are similar to measures to take for preventing the infestation. But it makes sense to emphasize.

    • Clean your house as perfectly as possible. There should be no places mice can hide in. All the old droppings and damaged items should also be removed.
    • Hide all the food, including animal food. It should be either in the fridge or in sealed boxes. It concerns anything, including flour, grains, and all the things humans consider half-stuff, but mice see as edible.
    • Keep the doors to all potentially infested areas open or provide the keys.
    • Find somewhere to keep the pets during the treatment. If there are baits accessible to your pets, they may be attracted and eat it – with no good consequences.

    There may be other instructions, depending on the method the exterminator selects. You should take it as seriously as possible. Remember: mice are mammals just like we are. What is dangerous for them may be dangerous for us as well.

    Your Actions After Extermination

    We have already mentioned that you can take some simple actions to prevent mice from appearing again. Even if your property is mouse-free so far, keep up this work to never learn the rodent removal cost at all.

    • Ventilate your house frequently. It should smell well and tasty, so any unpleasant smell will feel alien. It will keep the mice away as there will be no familiar smells. And if some of them are brave enough to settle there, they will be easier to detect.
    • Sweep and wash the floors daily. The less waste remains on the floor – the fewer mice will like it here. Keep track of your clothes and stuff: piles of garbage are perfect places for mice to nest in. Old-time philosophers even considered that mice could be spontaneously generated in piles of dirty laundry. Luckily or not, in fact, they cannot – but they like to live there.
    • Keep your garbage bins and trash cans closed most of the time. The reasons are obvious.
      Install a smart home system with cameras, lights, and motion sensors. If a mouse is detected, a camera can record it or show it in real-time. A night-vision camera will be even more useful, as mice are nocturnal creatures. Your home security will anyway benefit from it.
    • Fix all the holes mice can get in through. Go around your home and look for holes and cracks.
    • A cat can deter mice by its presence alone. Scientists say it’s the smell of the cat that mice are genetically avoiding. Still, you will need to keep your cat and its place clean.

    Mouse Extermination FAQ

    mouse eating nuts

    Both large companies and independent contractors tell a lot about their job on their pages. Still, many questions are left to answer.

    What does an exterminator do to get rid of mice?

    If you mean whether the mice are killed or just removed, the answer will not be too green or humane. Rodent extermination methods are usually lethal (except for trap cages that, in theory, allow for letting the mouse out somewhere else).

    So the methods include poisonous baits, electronic and mechanical traps, and even fogging. That’s why humans and pets are often asked to leave the property during the procedure.

    Should I get an exterminator for mice?

    If there are signs of infestation, you should either call an exterminator or handle the job yourself. The former is usually more affordable and more efficient.

    How much does the average exterminator cost?

    As we have said, the prices are shaped by various factors. The exact price for you can be calculated after a quote. Still, the average price range is between $170-500. The fewer mice there are, the simpler and the cheaper the treatment is. That’s why you should not wait too long before calling an exterminator.

    What if my neighbors don’t follow the recommendations and attract rodents?

    Make sure it’s they who let the situation out of control, not you (or your landlord if you live in an apartment). You are an interested party, so don’t feel shy to step up first. Check the reasons why they cannot exterminate the mice.

    If they cannot afford the exterminator, maybe they should try DIY methods of prevention and extermination. Apartment dwellers may contact the landlord to intervene.

    A suburban property owners association can play the same role if the pests are coming from your neighbor’s yard. There are many methods to affect them before using them (though it may come to this).

    Your House Is Not a Mouse Shelter!

    Unless you are a Disney top manager, your house should not be a mouse house. So as soon as you see one, consider calling an exterminator. Opting for DIY methods makes sense only if it fits your plans and inclinations. Professionals cost some money, sometimes considerable, but will save you from greater losses.

    Have you ever had a rodent infestation on your property? How did you fight it? Any funny or not-funny-at-all situations? Any stories or notes will be welcomed, and every experience matters. So feel free to drop comments or share this post with someone interested.