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How to Scare Mice Away With Noise: Guide for Everyone

If you don’t want to kill the rodents in your house, you have to learn how to scare mice away with noise. It is an effective way to deal with pests without poisoning them or using deadly traps. Mice will not only leave your house; they will never come back. However, you have to learn how to scare your enemy away in the best way possible. Since not all the rodents are similar, you need to make sure that you are not dealing with rats in the first place. Mice are vulnerable to specific noises. Once you buy the right rodent repellent, you will notice that they are gone for good.

Guide to Scaring Mice With Noise

The detailed guide includes the following measures:

  • The explanation of how pitch sounds affect mice and how to use them;
  • The list of the most popular ultrasonic devices;
  • The description of sonic devices and how to better use them;
  • The instruction on how to scare away mice with the high pitch noises only;
  • Alternatives you can use to get rid of mice.

Mice and High Noises

If you want to learn more about sounds that scare mice, you came to the right place. We will discuss the most popular options. Find out everything you need about the deadly effect of high sounds on mice.

Mouse on the ground

Do High Pitched Sounds Keep Mice Away?

Mice can easily get scared of any noises you produce. Yet, they can also get used to some of them. While there are no sounds that kill mice, you can scare them away. Mice can’t stand ultrasonic and sonic sounds. These sounds are built on the high-frequency waves that mice and other pests can hear, but not the humans.

Mice who hear these sounds prefer to leave as fast as possible. However, some studies claim that mice can get used to these waves. Once the rodents learn not to fear them, sound repellents will be useless. These sounds may have a limited area of action. For example, not all repellents can get through the walls. If mice hide in the nest behind the walls, you will not be able to reach them.

However, the sound does not have to be ultrasonic to scare mice. They are afraid of predators’ voices too. You can record cat sounds to scare mice. Yet, high-pitched sounds are easier to get if you don’t have cats or dogs there.

Mouse on the rock

Do Sonic or Ultrasonic Devices Work?

Sonic and ultrasonic mice repellents are in demand. Their sales have jumped up during the last years. While manufacturers continue to offer new features, scientists are skeptical. Researchers believe that once rodents get used to the sound, they will no longer be scared of them.

Such adapters release sounds that can be heard only by rodents. Some of them are made for specific types of rodents and will not be equally suitable for mice and rats, for example. These adapters are plugged into electric sockets, and mice begin to hear the noise.

Such adapters are not recommended for households with pets inside. For example, if you have a decorative mouse or Guinea pig, you can lose them. The animals will not be able to run away since they are in cages and will not be able to listen to the noise. They can have a stroke. Apart from that, some scientists believe that children can hear high-frequency waves too. It happens in the early stages when the child can’t explain to you what happens.

If you don’t have pets or children at your home, you can easily buy a similar device. It will help you to deal with the rodents. If you want to stop an infestation, using more products, such as repellents and traps, is better. Do it, especially in case you have a severe infestation. Get rid of all the holes and cracks in the walls so mice would not be able to hide from the sounds there.

You can’t use these devices in open spaces. Mice need to hear the sound. The bigger the house, the less impact one repellent will have. You need to buy several devices and make sure they are all effective against rodents.

How to Scare Mice Away With Noise – Methods

Mouse on the branch

There are four different noises that mice are not happy to listen to at all. We have already discussed ultrasonic and sonic devices that use high-frequency waves inside to scare away mice. Yet, this is not the only option in this battle. Here are the three more tools:

The Loud Noises

Mice are terrified of abrupt sounds no matter where they come from. They consider these sounds as signals to run away. Yet, they always come back when the noises are gone. If you want to find out the nest of the mice, you have to listen to the scratches inside the walls. However, once you become loud, these noises stop immediately. They will freeze until you go away.

I don’t recommend picking the loud noises as a weapon against mice. Why? Well, mainly because mice will come back. Another reason is that you will also hear these noises. How long can you listen to them until you lose your patience and mice get used to them?

Human Noises

So, are mice afraid of humans noise? Yes, they are. Yet, they can always come back when they see that the threat is gone. You can check out the theory and start talking near their nest. You will notice how quickly mice stop any moves inside. They will hear your voice and freeze or run away if they are close to you.

Meanwhile, mice will not hide if they know that you can’t reach them. If mice live with a human under the same roof for some time, they get used to your voice. They even understand that you can’t go upstairs to the attic and find their nest if they hear you on the ground floor. Once you approach closer, they can run away. Later they will always come back. It is better to make loud noises walking near their nest.


Rodents are scared of owls and cats, who are considered the natural enemies of mice. Both cats and owls feed on the mice. If you have the records of the cat’s voice or the alive cat nearby, they will not settle down. Mice are aware of the threat of meeting the cat in your house, so it is a real danger to them. But the effect will not last for long. If you don’t have a real cat in your house, mice will soon realize they can’t smell the cat.

Are mice scared of dogs noise? Technically they can be scared of dog noises if they are loud. Like the noises humans provide. However, mice still will be able to keep living in your house. All they have to do is to wait till the barking stops. You will also hardly handle constant barking.

I have already discussed ultrasonic and sonic traps that are the most helpful for such cases. Yet, please mind that mice can get used to it. If they realize that there is nothing scary in the sound, they can live in your house for years.

Scare Mice Away Using the Sound

It is highly unlikely that you will find mice in the house of a drummer. Yet, if you can’t keep up with the beat for many hours in a row, you have to come up with better ideas. One of them is to get yourself a cat. Cats are natural enemies of mice and will scare them away. Owls are a natural danger too, by the way. However, if you are not a cat or owl person, don’t worry. There is still a chance for you! You can try sonic and ultrasonic mice repellents that provide high-frequency waves which mice can’t tolerate. You can find more details in the article.

Also read:

Have you ever checked the sound traps for mice? Have you used ultrasonic repellents? Express your opinion about it in the comments.


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Nicholas Martin

Nicholas Martin

I am Nicholas Martin, and I am an entomologist. I combine the insect survey work with the consultation for private pest control agencies. My narrow specializations are both urban pests and agricultural pests. I studied their control over the previous 25 years. More about Nick

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