Category: Bed Bug Guides

  • Does Lysol Kill Bed Bugs: Helpful Guide for Newcomers

    Does Lysol Kill Bed Bugs: Helpful Guide for Newcomers

    I have made this guide to help you find out “Does Lysol kill bed bugs?” and how effective this product is at dealing with them. You will also learn about its advantages and disadvantages.

    I will tell you about the best methods that you can use to kill bed bugs with Lysol and explain why I don’t recommend using it. If you are interested in various Lysol alternatives, keep on reading: I will discuss them too.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Deal With Bed Bugs?” style=”main”] If you are tired of bed bugs in your home, you might be glad to know that Lysol kills bed bugs. Although it helps to cope even with bedbug eggs, I don’t recommend using it because there are a lot of specs you have to be aware of to use it correctly. Otherwise, you risk material damage.

    Complete Guide on Lysol and Bed Bug Control

    Bed bugs are a fairly common problem in modern houses. They might appear if you visit a second-hand store, with many different items that you end up taking home. To cope with them, people often use Lysol. If you are interested in whether Lysol spray kills bed bugs, this is an effective solution to kill pests instantly.

    Bed Bug Control

    For best results, you have to spray it directly on insects. Besides, Lysol kills bed bug eggs, so it can help you to cope with all bugs to the last. Its effectiveness lies in the fact that you can use it on any hard surface, be it furniture or cracks where bed bugs can hide.

    What is Lysol and how does it work?

    Lysol is a parting and disinfecting agent that helps you neutralize 99.9% of bacteria. You can use it on any surface in your home, be it hard or soft. This cleaning agent has been used since the early 19th century. It was first introduced in Germany in 1889, but its structure contained harmful chemicals such as benzalkonium chloride, which is highly toxic to organisms. Its composition includes:

    There are also many other ingredients, but I decided to mention the most important ones so as not to confuse you with the terminology. Lysol is often used as a disinfectant for bed bugs: Due to its antibacterial properties, bed bugs won’t be able to survive, as well as their eggs. This is the encouraging answer to those who keep asking “Does disinfectant spray kill bed bugs?”

    Lysol and Bed Bug Control

    Lysol pros

    Lysol is an easy-to-use product that can help you deal with bugs anywhere. All you need to do is spray it where you find bed bugs. You can also use it on any surface, regardless of whether it is hard or soft.

    • In addition to killing bedbugs, you can eliminate 99.9% of bacteria, which means you can apply it as a disinfectant. It easily copes with fungus and mold: Lysol does not allow them to grow and prevents their appearance.
    • With it, you can even deal with unpleasant odors, as many different scents are available. It is up to you to choose which flavor to choose.


    Although it is an excellent and effective remedy for combating bed bugs and bacteria, at the same time, it can be harmful. When using it, you need to be especially careful and make sure your children and pets don’t contact the solution.

    • If the spray comes into contact with food, kid’s toys, or any food containers, you have to soak them in water before using them again. Otherwise, it can lead to severe poisoning.
    • For some users, its smell can be allergenic. If you are highly sensitive, it might be difficult for you to use it at home.
    • To get maximum efficiency from it, you have to do everything according to the instructions. Ensure that the surface on which you spray Lysol does not dry earlier than necessary, and use the exact amount stated in the guidelines.

    Safety of Lysol and its analogs

    Lysol can help you deal with most types of bacteria, and it is safe if you use it correctly. It has chemicals that can harm people and animals. However, if you wash your hands and clothes thoroughly after spraying this cleaning agent, you will not get any harm from it. After using it, ventilate the room. These measures will help you cope both with bed bugs and bacteria and protect yourself.

    You can also use various analogs that perform the same function, but take into account the reliability of Lysol. It is a well-known product that has earned popularity over the years. You can use other cleaning means such as hand soap or wipes with disinfectant properties. Tar soap is super effective at dealing with bed bugs. Though it has a pungent and rather unpleasant smell, it makes the pests die.

    FAQ About Using Lysol Spray on Bed Bugs

    I’ve already explained to you how to use Lysol and in which ways you can apply it. In the section below, I will also answer some questions people often ask about eliminating bed bugs with Lysol.

    Does Lysol spray keep bed bugs away?

    Lysol can help you deal with bed bugs, but I don’t recommend using it on bed linen as it quickly dries out. A dry spray can’t cope with bed bugs, so you will have to use it correctly for it to be effective against pets.

    What cleaner can kill bed bugs?

    You can use alternative products that contain sodium hypochlorite because this ingredient allows you to easily cope with bedbugs. It makes their immune system weak and causes their death. Insects get something like a fever, after which they won’t endure for long.

    Does Lysol kill bed bugs in the mattress?

    Yes, Lysol can cope with the bugs in the mattress, but you will require a large amount of spray to kill all the bugs. For Lysol to work effectively, you need to take care that the surface on which you spray it is constantly wet.

    Lysol as Effective Bed Bug Eliminator

    In the above guide, I have told you about the peculiarities of this cleaning agent and what kind of Lysol kills bed bugs. You have also learned about the pros you can take out of Lysol and the cons it has. Now you are aware of the danger it can cause to people and pets and can take preventive measures to avoid these pitfalls. I hope that this guide will help you get rid of bugs and eliminate a lot of bacteria in your home.

    Have you found this guide informative? What was the most useful tip you have learned from it? Tell us about your experience with Lysol in the comments.

    Also read:


    • Common Antiseptic Ingredients De-Energize Cells and Impair Hormone Response. Some Disinfectants Inhibit Cell Energy and Alter Reproduction:
    • Ethanol: What Is It?:
    • Infectious diseases. Types of Microbes. Bacteria:
  • How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Car: Effective Methods

    How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs in Car: Effective Methods

    Do bed bugs live in cars? These creatures are, by nature, travelers and can move from hotels, cinemas, and other homes, attaching themselves to a person’s clothing and then settling in their vehicle or bedroom. Although the likelihood of bed bugs in cars is low, it does exist.

    These insects do not transmit diseases, but their bites can lead to itching and allergic reactions, and the very fact of infestation is unpleasant. This article contains information on how to identify the infestation, what preventive measures are needed to avoid it, and how to get rid of bed bugs in a car.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Treating Car for Bed Bugs” style=”main”]
    1. Get rid of the garbage and unnecessary things in the cabin.
    2. Vacuum all seats, crevices, and floors.
    3. Wash the seat covers and floor mats. Then dry them in the sun.
    4. Use a steam cleaner to kill all adult insects and their eggs. Steam the interior 2–3 times.

    Signs of Bed Bugs in Car

    Can you get bed bugs in your car? Yes, you can. In order to confirm an infestation, a thorough inspection for the presence of these pests is necessary. Bed bugs in vehicles hide just like they do in your bedroom and finding the pest themselves can be tricky. But you can see clear signs of their activity.

    Unusual smell

    If an infestation is severe enough, you can smell a musty odor in your car. Pay attention to whether other items in the cabin can emit such a smell so as not to draw the wrong conclusions. However, this sign is always accompanied by others.

    Red and brown spots

    Red, brown, and even black spots and small dots in the car’s interior are signs that bed bugs live in it. Such traces can be insect feces, as well as the result of accidentally crushing a pest.


    These wingless insects molt, and you can spot their shells. They look the same as adult bed bugs: about 5 mm long, almond-shaped, and reddish brown. The only difference is that the shells are translucent.


    During a thorough inspection of your vehicle, you may find clusters of eggs from these pests. They are pearl white and about 1 mm long.

    Inspection tips

    Carefully inspect the seats, as well as any cracks where insects can hide and lay their eggs. Raise the floor mats. You can use double-sided sticky tape: stick a few pieces all over the car, and if your vehicle is infected, live individuals will fall into this trap.

    How Long Can Bed Bugs Live in Vehicles?

    These pests can live quite a long time in your car (10–11 months) at a comfortable temperature: between 46 and 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Although bed bugs can live for a long time without food, they will seek out a new home if you rarely use your car.

    Can bed bugs live in a car in winter? If your area has severe enough winters and temperatures drop below 46° F, these insects will not be able to live in the cabin for long. In general, they don’t like frequent and extreme temperature fluctuations and will seek a comfortable climate like your home or die from the heat or cold.

    How To Kill Bed Bugs in a Car: Step-by-Step Guide

    Getting rid of bed bugs in car seats and other parts of the cabin can be tricky. For best results, follow these step-by-step instructions.

    1. Decluttering

    Remove all unnecessary items from inside the car, including clothing, food wrappers, and bags. Clutter not only makes it harder to spot an infestation but also minimizes the effectiveness of the next steps to get rid of pests, as they have more places to hide. Before taking things into the house, carefully inspect and wash them at the maximum allowable temperature.

    2. Vacuum

    Use a sufficiently powerful vacuum cleaner to clean all surfaces and crevices in your car. Don’t forget to take out the floor mats and vacuum the hard-to-reach places. It is significant to note that this is a good method for a small infestation that kills a lot of pests.

    Dry Cleaning of Car Interior with Vacuum Cleaner

    3. Washing floor mats and seat covers

    Remove all mats and seat covers and wash them thoroughly. It is recommended that the water temperature be hot enough (as high as possible so as not to damage the material). After washing, leave the floor mats and covers in the sun. The covers can be dried using a tumble dryer on high heat.

    Cleaning leather car seats

    4. Killing bed bugs with heat in a car

    Leaving your car in the sun on a hot day for a long time may be a good idea to kill a lot of pests. But some of them can hide under the seats, where the temperature is not so high. Therefore, the best option would be to use a powerful steam cleaner.

    Treat the entire interior 2–3 times, not forgetting about cracks and crevices. 100% egg and adult mortality is achieved when exposed to 118° F (for 90 minutes), while steam is obtained at 212° F.

    5. Other methods

    Combine these methods with the ones above to get rid of pesky insects faster.

    • Buy glue traps and place them in your car. They will not get rid of all insects and their eggs, but they will help catch a lot of individuals.
    • Sprinkle diatomaceous earth or silica gel in the salon and leave for a few days. Then vacuum the cabin.
    • Call the professionals to treat the salon with pesticides. This is the best option for a serious infestation, but do not use pesticides on your own as they harm humans and animals.

    Preventing Bed Bugs in Your Car

    Here is a list of preventive measures against infestation with bed bugs:

    • Do not clutter up the interior of the car so as not to create comfortable conditions for pests;
    • Vacuum regularly and wash the mats and covers;
    • Always inspect used furniture that you want to put in the car;
    • Carry clothes in plastic bags;
    • Treat the cabin with diatomaceous earth from time to time.

    FAQ on Bed Bugs Control

    You need to develop a smart strategy to get rid of these pests, as they quickly infest new areas.

    Can bed bugs survive in a car?

    If the temperature is comfortable for them (between 46 and 113° F), and you use your car at least a few times a week, these insects will be able to live in the cabin for a long time. This period can be up to 11 months.

    How do you get rid of bed bugs in your car?

    It all depends on the level of bed bug infestation. You can thoroughly clean your interior by throwing out all the debris, vacuuming, and then steaming it several times. If the infestation is too extensive, you will need the help of professionals.

    Little Pests Can Be a Big Problem

    Despite popular belief, bed bugs are not just a problem in dirty and poor places. These small pests travel a lot and live wherever there are people, and even in their cars. They are small, multiply quickly and hide well.

    But knowing their weaknesses, you can now develop an effective plan for getting rid of insects. This can be challenging if the infestation is too severe. The methods described above are most effective if you use several of them at the same time.

    Do you deal with getting rid of pests yourself or immediately call the professionals?

    Also read:


    • Bed bugs and possible transmission of human pathogens: a systematic review: PMC5007277/#!po=10.5769
    • Bed bugs can survive freezing temperatures, but cold can still kill them: /131208133632.htm
    • Bed Bug Myths:
    • Diatomaceous Earth:
  • Does Bleach Kill Bed Bugs? Myths and Facts About a Cheap Remedy

    Does Bleach Kill Bed Bugs? Myths and Facts About a Cheap Remedy

    Getting rid of bed bugs is never easy. Regardless of the complexity of infestation, it takes your money, time, effort and leads to nervous exhaustion. Many people, when looking for ways to kill these pests, try to minimize stress by calling in professionals. Others cut costs by considering cheap DIY remedies.

    And then the question arises: ‘Does bleach kill bed bugs?’. This is a fairly popular method. It is effective in killing pesky bed bugs and their eggs. However, like other methods, in addition to advantages, it has disadvantages. Read more about this below.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Will Bleach Kill Bed Bugs and Their Eggs?” style=”main”]

    Yes, bleach kills bed bugs in all life stages through direct contact. To get rid of them, you need to treat them with a solution of water and bleach (1:1):

    • Noticeable accumulations of bedbugs and eggs;
    • Mattress;
    • Cracks and crevices;
    • Wash all textiles with the addition of Clorox.

    Does Bleach Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

    Bleach is an all-purpose disinfectant. It is also inexpensive and easy to buy at any store. The aggressive composition of the bleach can really kill these parasites at different stages of development quite quickly. However, it is worth noting that this popular method, although it guarantees the death of many insects, will in no way kill those not treated with a toxic product.

    Bleach, in its pure form, will kill pests much faster, but in order not to damage interior elements and not endanger your health by inhaling vapors, it must be diluted with hot water in a 1:1 ratio. On the contrary, too little concentration will give no results, or they will be minimal, which will not help you completely get rid of a serious bed bug infestation.

    Does Bleach Keep Bugs Away?

    Will Clorox bleach kill bed bugs? Many people know that it effectively destroys pests’ bodies on contact. However, this remedy alone will not cope with a large population since you will not be able to find all the bed bugs because they hide in hard-to-reach places. These insects hate the smell of bleach and can escape from one room and infect surrounding areas.

    Therefore, using a bleach solution is one of the best methods to prevent reinfection. Once you’ve eliminated unwanted guests from your home, treat all rooms with chlorine, and they won’t come back as they avoid the toxic chemical. For the prevention to have a lasting effect, you will need to thoroughly clean all rooms using this product from time to time.

    Bed bugs infestations

    How Does Bleach Kill Bed Bugs?

    Almost all bleaches on the market have the same composition:

    • Sodium hypochlorite;
    • Water;
    • Sodium carbonate;
    • Sodium chloride;
    • Sodium chlorate;
    • Sodium polyacrylate;
    • Sodium hydroxide.

    These components guarantee disinfection, bleach your linen, remove stains and prevent dirt from re-eating into the fabric during washing. The key active ingredient in this product is sodium hypochlorite. It helps to get rid of annoying bed bugs. Sodium hypochlorite destroys protein. The exoskeleton of an adult individual consists of proteins.

    The bodies of nymphs and eggs have a thin protective layer, which is even more easily destroyed. That is why after applying bleach to visible pests, they die. However, this does not happen instantly. When using a solution with water, the bugs die in about two days. Bleach in its pure form gives more impressive results but carries a greater risk to your health and can damage furniture.

    How To Kill Bed Bugs: Bleach Treatment

    If you still decide to use this method, take care of personal protective equipment. Wear a mask to protect your lungs from toxic fumes and gloves. Open all the windows. After treating the house, leave it for at least a few days.

    If children and animals live in your home, it is better to select other methods since contact with bleach, ingestion, and inhalation are very harmful to them. Be sure to incorporate other effective methods into your strategy, such as a steam cleaner treatment, as you won’t be able to treat all hard-to-reach areas with bleach.

    • Remove unnecessary garbage and hide all items in plastic bags;
    • Vacuum all rooms thoroughly and throw away the bag;
    • Gather all textiles, including blankets and bedding. Wash them at the maximum allowable temperature with the addition of detergent and bleach;
    • Mix in equal proportions any bleach and hot water. Pour into a spray bottle;
    • Treat the mattress and spring block with this compound (the mattress cannot be used for at least 2 weeks after treatment);
    • Spray visible individuals, eggs, cracks, and crevices;

    Treat the drawers of cabinets and bedside tables, window and door frames with a solution.

    Pros and Cons of Using This Method

    Before choosing this method, think about the possible results of the treatment and evaluate the risk to your health.


    • Cheap and readily available chemical;
    • Effectively kills bed bugs at all stages of development upon contact;
    • Pests cannot develop resistance to it;
    • Easy to use.


    • May be harmful to human and pets health;
    • Cannot be used on delicate surfaces and dyed fabrics;
    • Does not kill those bedbugs that have not come into direct contact with bleach.

    FAQ on Bed Bug Control With Bleach

    To successfully control insects, you need to know the nuances of the method you want to use.

    Can bed bug eggs survive bleach?

    This is impossible if they have been subjected to direct contact with a bleach solution. This chemical destroys the protective shell of adult pests, nymphs, and eggs.

    Does bleach or Clorox kill bed bugs?

    You can use any bleach product, and it will kill the pests on contact. Clorox is the most popular bleach on the market, with a proven track record.

    Does bleach instantly kill bed bugs?

    No, for bed bugs to die, you need to spray them with a bleach solution. After treatment, sodium hypochlorite gradually kills pests. This complex process takes at least 48 hours.

    Household Chemical Can Be a Powerful Insecticide

    Bleach is widely used for a variety of tasks, one of which is getting rid of bed bugs. It actually kills adults, nymphs, and eggs when you spray the solution directly on them. However, if you want to get rid of insects completely, you need to use 2–3 more effective methods to kill those bugs that hide in the crevices and inside the mattress.

    Do not use the treatment if you have lung disease or are prone to allergic reactions. Otherwise, bleach can help kill a lot of pesky critters.
    Did you know about this use of Clorox?

    Also read:


    • Parasites. Biology:
    • Unfolding Bleach’s Bug-Killing Secrets:
    • Bed bug aggregation on dirty laundry: a mechanism for passive dispersal:
    • How to Find Bed Bugs:
    • Bleach Toxicity:
  • How to Prepare House for Bed Bug Extermination: Professional Advice

    When you think of bed bugs, a dirty, cluttered house comes to mind. But these pests can infest any home, no matter how clean it is. If you think you have bed bugs, don’t be sad!
    These pests are hard to get rid of, but you can do it with a little work and persistence; it’s also possible with a professional exterminator. In the meantime, there’re some things you can do to prepare for this process. This guide will show you how to prepare a house for bed bug extermination.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Prepare for a Bed Bug Treatment” style=”main”]

    1. Thoroughly clean all infested areas. This includes vacuuming, mopping, and dusting. Pay attention to cracks and crevices, as these are prime hiding spots for bedbugs.
    2. Reduce the clutter in your home.
    3. Launder all infested bedding, clothing, and other fabric items in hot water.
    4. Seal off any cracks and crevices in your home.


    Bed Bugs Features

    Bed bugs are common pests in homes; it’s a serious problem. They live in the cracks and crevices in the bed frame and furniture and come out at night to feed on the blood of their victims. They can live for months without feeding and travel on skin or clothes. Bed bug extermination is difficult, but it is possible if taken slowly.

    Stages of Preparation for Bed Bug Extermination at Home

    It’s important to know if you have a bed bug infestation and what to do before an exterminator comes for bed bugs.

    The first action is to identify where the parasites are coming from. This can be tricky, as pests are often brought into the home on clothing or luggage without the homeowner realizing it.
    Next, if you have a bed, look for them in the mattress’ seams and headboard’s cracks. If you have a couch, look for them in the cushions and cracks of the frame. Once you have a general idea of where the bed bugs are congregating, you can begin to prepare that area for treatment.

    Start by decluttering the area as much as possible. This means removing any unnecessary items from the room, including clothes, shoes, books, and anything else that could be harboring insects. If possible, put these items into sealed plastic bags to prevent the bed bugs from spreading.

    Next, vacuum the area thoroughly, paying special attention to cracks and crevices where these parasites like to hide. This includes vacuuming all carpets, mopping all hard floors, and dusting all surfaces. You must remove as much clutter as possible so the exterminator can easily access all the areas that need to be treated.

    Finally, wash all sheets, blankets, and pillowcases in hot water and dry them on high heat. Any clothes or other fabric items that have been in contact with bed bugs should also be washed and dried on high heat. This will kill any parasites and help prevent them from spreading.

    Seal any cracks and crevices in your home. It will help prevent bed bugs from hiding and make it easier for the exterminator to find and treat all the parasites.

    Check all food is properly sealed and stored away. This will prevent insects from feeding on your food.

    Check all pets are removed from the home. It will protect them from being exposed to the pesticides used during treatment.

    After all that process, you may have a question, “Can I leave things on shelves before bedbug removal?” Of course, it’s better to “clean” the treated area as much as possible and take everything outdoors, if possible, in the yard, on the balcony. However, if you have no such possibility, you should inspect all the things on the shelves for the presence of insects, put them in airtight bags and remove them as far away as possible.

    With these preparations, you’re now ready to have your house treated for bed bugs. The exterminator will likely use a combination of insecticides and heat to kill the bugs and their eggs.

    What to Do After Bed Bug Extermination?

    After bed bug extermination, the home should be thoroughly dried. The residual bed bug pesticide may cause surfaces to become sticky, and your home should be vacuumed. The vacuum cleaner should be emptied and cleaned thoroughly with hot, soapy water. Check for eggs, droppings, and bugs. The area around the bed needs to be cleaned carefully. Any furniture in the room, including mattresses and springs, should be thoroughly washed with a soapy solution.

    Once the bed bugs have been exterminated, you should take steps to prevent them from returning. This includes regularly vacuuming your home and using dust mite covers on your bedding. You should also avoid bringing secondhand furniture or clothing into your home. Once these things are done, you can move on to the next step. You will want to purchase a mattress cover and a pillow cover. By taking these precautions, you can help to ensure that your home remains bed bug-free.

    Is Bed Bug Extermination Safe?

    Bed bug extermination is a process that can be completed safely. However, it’s always best to err on the side of caution. To get rid of bed bugs, use safe and effective products. This is especially important because the chemicals can be dangerous if they’re not used properly. When you’re deciding on bed bug extermination, it’s always best to hire a professional. There’re many bed bug extermination tips, but hiring a professional will ensure that the process will be done correctly and efficiently.

    Also, it’s important to use a product approved by the EPA. Bed bug extermination is actually safe and can be performed in a few hours.


    Do you have any other questions about bed bug extermination? Perhaps, you will find detailed answers in this section.

    How do you prepare for bed bug fumigation?

    Remove all items from the space that you want to fumigate. This includes clothing, furniture, and appliances. Be sure to put all items in sealed bags so that the bed bugs can’t escape. Once all items are removed, clean the space thoroughly.

    How long does it take to prep for bed bug treatment?

    If you’re thinking about treating your home for bed bugs, you might wonder how long the process will take. The truth is, it can vary depending on the severity of the infestation and the size of your home. However, most people can expect to spend several hours preparing their homes for treatment.

    Can I sleep in my bed after bed bug treatment?

    Yes, but there are a few things you need to do to make sure the treatment is effective, and you don’t end up with more bed bugs. First, make sure the treatment is effective against bed bugs. Some treatments, like diatomaceous earth, can take a few days to work. Next, vacuum your mattress and box spring thoroughly. Finally, wash all of your bedding in hot water. Once everything is clean and dry, you can sleep in your bed again.

    Get Ready for Bed Bug Prevention Properly

    Bed bugs are an epidemic in the United States. They’re a nightmare for people allergic to them and are a nuisance for everyone else. They’re difficult to eradicate on your own without experience.

    The best way to prevent bed bugs in your home is to keep it clean and uncluttered. Vacuum regularly and inspect secondhand furniture and clothing before bringing them into your home. If you think you have these parasites, contact a professional exterminator immediately.

    What do you think about it? Are all the recommendations for preparing for bed bugs preparation for treatment listed? If you have anything to add, I would appreciate your advice in the comments.

  • How to Treat Books for Bed Bugs: Complete Bed Bugs Control & Prevention Guide

    How to Treat Books for Bed Bugs: Complete Bed Bugs Control & Prevention Guide

    If you’re one of those people who love to curl up with a good book, you might want to think twice before snuggling up with your favorite novel. That’s because it’s becoming more and more common to bed bugs from library books and bookstores across the country.
    These parasites are most active at night and are experts at hiding in tiny cracks and crevices. This makes them difficult to spot and get rid of. If you suspect you have bed bugs in your collection, you’re wondering how to treat books for bed bugs.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Treat Books for Bed Bugs” style=”main”]

    The best way to treat books for bed bugs would be to place the book in a ziplock bag and then put the ziplock bag in the freezer. This will kill both the parasites and the eggs they have laid.
    But what if you have a lot of books infested with bedbugs? Read about that below.


    Signs of Bed Bugs in a Book

    Anyone who has dealt with bed bugs can tell you these pests are tough to spot. They’re small and flat and blend in easily with their surroundings, making them difficult to see with the naked eye. However, there are a few signs that you can look for that may indicate the presence of bed bugs in your book. And we all, of course, habitually imagine them in beds, but can bed bugs hide in books?

    One of the most obvious signs of bed bugs is the presence of small, dark spots on your book’s pages. These spots are actually the bed bugs’ feces and can be a tell-tale sign that these pests are present. Another sign to look for is small, reddish-brown stains on your book’s pages. These stains are bed bug blood and are usually left behind after the bugs have fed.

    Finding bed bugs in book

    How Do Bed Bugs Breed in Books?

    Bed bugs are small, elusive, and can breed rapidly. Unfortunately, they can also infest books.
    These insects are attracted to warmth and darkness. Books provide the perfect environment for bed bugs to hide and breed. The bed bugs paper pages of books offer many small nooks and crannies for them to hide. The darkness inside also provides bed bugs with the perfect environment to avoid detection.

    They are usually active at night and hide in cracks and crevices during the day. Bed bugs have been around for centuries, and their numbers have increased in recent years.

    Bed bugs breed by laying eggs. A female bed bug can lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime. The eggs are small and white and are often found in cracks and crevices. They can survive in a wide range of temperatures and can go without food for a long time.

    How Long Can They Live In Them?

    Books are often enticing to bed bugs because they provide ample hiding spots and are often located near where people sleep. Additionally, these parasites are attracted to the smell of human skin, which is often present in books that people have handled. This is especially true of library book bed bugs.

    They can live for several months without food but, eventually, die of starvation. However, they can live much longer if they have a regular food source.

    How to Treat Books for Bed Bugs: Easy Extermination Guide

    Bed bugs are experts at hiding, so they can be hard to spot. But if you look closely, you might see them in the creases of your book’s spine or the folds of its pages. There are many ways that a person can treat their books for bed bugs. There are even written on this topic about bed bugs books treatment. But this article will cover the effective ways to do so.

    Step 1. Carefully inspect

    Inspect your books carefully for signs of bed bugs. Look for small, dark spots on the pages or covers. These spots are bed bug droppings and can be a sign that you have an infestation.

    Step 2. Isolate the books

    If you notice an infestation in your home, the first step you should take is to isolate the books.

    You can do this by sealing them in a large plastic bag. This will prevent the parasites from spreading to the rest of your home.

    Step 3. Ventilate your books

    Take the affected books outside and place them in the sun for a few hours. The heat will kill the bed bugs.

    Step 4. Treat it with cold

    If you can’t take the books outside, you can place them in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer for a few days. This will also kill the parasites.

    Step 5. Vacuum the books

    Also, you can vacuum them to remove any bed bugs on the surface. Be sure to vacuum the inside and outside of the books, as well as the spine.

    Step 6. Treat the books to heat

    Use a steam cleaner on all infested areas, including furniture, floors, cracks, and crevices.

    Step 7. Treat the books with insecticides

    The final step in getting rid of bedbugs is to use a bedbug-specific insecticide. Follow the instructions on the bottle and apply the insecticide to all areas where you’ve seen bedbugs.

    Step 8. Vacuum again

    After treating the books with heat or insecticides, vacuum them again to remove any dead bugs. Next, vacuum your entire home, paying special attention to any cracks or crevices where parasites might hide.

    Step 9. Check for bed bugs regularly

    Even after you have treated the books, you should check for bed bugs regularly. This will help you catch any new infestations early.

    Step 10. Professional pest control

    If you have a severe infestation, it’s best to consult a professional pest control company to get rid of the bed bugs.

    How to Prevent Bedbugs in Books

    If you have these pests in your home, you may wonder can bed bugs get into books and how to prevent them from infesting your books. While bedbugs can be difficult to control, there are some things you can do to ward off them from your books.

    First, it’s important to keep your home clean and clutter-free. They are attracted to dirty environments and can easily hide in clutter. Vacuum regularly and declutter your home to reduce the risk of bedbugs.

    Second, inspect your books carefully before bringing them into your home, especially used books bed bugs. If you suspect that a book may be infested with bedbugs, do not bring it into your home. Scrutinize used literature before purchasing, and look for signs of parasites such as small brown spots or exoskeletons.

    Third, vacuum your bookshelves regularly. This will help to remove any bedbugs that may be hiding there.

    Finally, consider using insecticide dust or sprays on your books. This will kill any bedbugs that may be present and help prevent future infestations.


    If you are facing this problem for the first time, you may have some additional questions. Read on to discover more information!

    How common are bedbugs in books?

    Although bedbugs are most commonly associated with dirty mattresses and furniture, they can also be found in books. In fact, they are attracted to anything that provides them with a warm, dark place to hide, which is why they are often found in libraries and second-hand bookstores. While these insects are not dangerous, they can be extremely annoying, and their bites can be quite itchy. If you suspect that there may be bedbugs in a book that you are reading, it is best to inspect the book before taking it home.

    Can you get bedbugs from books?

    The simple answer is yes; you can get bedbugs from books. However, it is important to note that bedbugs are not limited to books and can be found in a variety of places, such as your bed, furniture, clothing, and other objects.

    How Long can bed bugs live in a book?

    Bed bugs can live for up to a year without feeding, but they will eventually die if they do not have a blood meal.

    Can you kill microwave books bedbugs?

    Microwaves can kill bed bugs if they’re exposed to the right intensity and duration of heat. Not all microwaves are created equal. Some models may not get hot enough to kill parasites, so do your research before using this method. Keep in mind that microwaving your infested items will only kill the insects that are exposed to the heat. If any bed bugs are hiding in cracks or crevices, they’ll survive and will need to be dealt with using another method.

    Deal With Bed Bugs Right Away

    If you love books, the thought of bed bugs infesting them is enough to make your skin crawl. Bedbugs are hitchhikers, and they’re very good at it. They can move from one person to another on clothing or luggage and move onto books, including bed bugs libraries. Once they’re in a new location, they start to feed. And while they don’t carry any diseases, their bites can be itchy and annoying. But don’t let the bed bugs bite – take steps to protect your books and your home from these pesky pests.

    Have you ever had bed bugs in your books? How did you cope with them? Share your experiences in the comments!

  • Can You Get Bed Bugs From Packages: Complete Bed Bugs Control & Prevention Guide

    Can You Get Bed Bugs From Packages: Complete Bed Bugs Control & Prevention Guide

    Most people think of bed bugs as something that you can only get from a dirty bed in a seedy motel. However, these pests are becoming increasingly common in homes and apartments across the country. One of the ways of the appearance of bed bugs in your home is through packages you receive from online retailers.

    When online shopping became popular, bed bug experts started to see an increase in the number of bed bug infestations that were linked to packages delivered to people’s homes. Once they arrive at their destination, they can quickly infest a home and start breeding.

    Is It True That Amazon Packages Can Have Bedbugs in Them?

    As the world becomes more and more digital, the way we shop for items is changing. More and more people are shopping online for items and having them delivered to their homes. This is especially true for items that are difficult to find in stores or that are cheaper online. Unfortunately, this convenience can come with a cost ― bedbugs.

    We’ve all heard horror stories about bedbugs infesting homes and businesses, but could these pesky critters also be hitching a ride in our Amazon packages? While it’s certainly possible, there is no evidence to suggest that bedbugs are purposefully being introduced into Amazon shipments. However, that doesn’t mean that your package can’t become infested with bedbugs at some point during its journey from the Amazon warehouse to your doorstep.

    These parasites can easily cling to clothing, furniture, and other items. So, if a package comes into contact with an infested item, there’s a chance that bedbugs could end up in the shipment. Once they’re in the package, they can survive for several days without food or water. But do bed bugs spread fast?

    There have been several reports in the news of people finding bedbugs in their Amazon packages. Amazon has strict policies to prevent this from happening, but unfortunately, it is still possible for bedbugs to hitch a ride in a package and end up in your home.
    Also, there have been recent reports of being found in bed bugs in shipping packages delivered by the postal service and other delivery companies.

    While bedbugs are not known to transmit disease, they can cause anxiety and discomfort. They are attracted to the warmth and carbon dioxide emitted by humans and animals, and they typically bite people while they are sleeping. Bedbug bites can cause itching and redness; in some cases, they can lead to secondary infections if the bites become infected.

    Of course, this isn’t the first time that bedbugs have been found in unlikely places. We’ve seen reports of bedbugs being found in movie theaters, on buses, and in other public places. So it’s not really surprising that they would turn up in packages at the post office.

    It is important to remember that bedbugs are not exclusive to Amazon packages ― they can be brought into your home in any number of ways. If you think you have these parasites, the best thing to do is to contact a professional pest control company to have them removed.

    How Do Bed Bugs Get Into Packages?

    It’s actually quite simple. They crawl into any small opening or crevice they can find and wait for the package to be delivered. Once the package arrives at its destination, the bed bugs are free to explore their new environment and start feeding on the unsuspecting occupants.

    How do bed bugs survive in parcels?

    These parasites can survive for long periods without a meal. Adults can live for up to a year without feeding, while nymphs (immature bed bugs) can survive for several months. This is because they enter into a state of dormancy when food is scarce. In this state, they do not move or feed, and their metabolism slows down significantly.

    When they are present in a home or business, they can quickly become a problem. They reproduce rapidly, and a single female can lay up to 500 eggs in her lifetime. These pests can travel long distances and spread quickly, infesting new areas in a short period of time.

    How quickly do bed bugs spread?

    Bedbugs are most active at night and are usually not seen during the day. They spread by crawling from one person or animal to another. They can also spread by crawling onto clothing, luggage, or other personal items and being carried to new locations.

    These insects can live for several months without feeding, so they can easily spread from one person to another or from one location to another. They are most likely to spread with a high population of them in one area.

    How do bed bugs spread from house to house?

    Bed bugs hide during the day and come out at night to feed on their unsuspecting hosts. Once they feed, they return to their hiding spot. Bed bugs prefer to stay close to their host and can travel to other locations inside a building, such as apartments or homes. They can also spread to neighboring buildings, traveling up to 200 feet. They typically spread from house to house through people’s clothes and luggage.

    Do bed bugs multiply?

    Bed bugs have a three-stage life cycle. Adults lay eggs, which hatch into nymphs, which turn into adults. The eggs hatch in about 10 days and the nymphs (young bed bugs) are white and translucent. They molt five times before reaching adulthood and start to feed on blood about 10 days after hatching.

    How to Keep Bed Bugs Out of Packages: Step-By-Step Instructions

    If you’re expecting a package to be delivered and don’t want to risk the chance of bed bugs crawling into your home, there are some steps you can take to protect yourself. Here’s how to keep out bed bugs in cardboard boxes.

    Step 1. Inspect the package before accepting it

    To prevent bed bugs from entering your home through packages, inspect all packages before bringing them inside. Look for signs of bed bugs, such as small, brownish stains or molted skin. If you see anything suspicious, do not bring the package into your home. If you don’t see any parasites but suspect they may be in the package, you can try placing it in a sealed plastic bag and putting it in the freezer for a few days. This will kill any bugs that may be inside.

    Step 2. Open it outdoors

    If possible, have the package delivered to a location where you can open it outdoors, such as a porch or garage. This will help contain any bed bugs that may be inside.

    Step 3. Open the package

    If you bring the package into your home, open it in a room that can be easily cleaned, such as a bathroom or laundry room. When you’re ready to open the package, do so over a hard surface like a table or counter. This way, if bed bugs are inside, they’ll fall onto the surface, not your floor or bed. Carefully open the package, being mindful of any parasites hiding inside.

    Step 4. Remove any items

    Immediately remove any items from the package harboring bed bugs, such as clothing or linens. These items should be laundered in hot water and dried on high heat.

    Step 5. Clean and vacuum the area

    Thoroughly clean and vacuum the area where the package was opened. If you think bed bugs may have gotten into other areas of your home, you can take steps to prevent them from spreading. Start by thoroughly cleaning your home, paying special attention to areas where parasites like to hide, such as cracks and crevices. You can also vacuum regularly and use special bed bug interceptors under your bed legs to trap any bugs trying to climb up.

    Step 6. Seek professional help

    Bed bugs are difficult to control and eliminate, and attempting to do so without professional help can worsen the problem. A pest control company will be able to properly identify the pests and develop a plan to safely and effectively eliminate them from your home or business.

    By following these steps, you can help prevent bed bugs from hitchhiking into your home on packages. If you have any concerns about a package you’re expecting, contact the sender and arrange transportation to a location where it can be opened safely.


    I hope that this guide was useful to you. However, if you still have questions about bed bugs, you may find the answers below.

    How long can bed bugs live in a package?

    In fact, they can live for several months without eating at all! So, if a bed bug finds itself in a package shipped somewhere, it can survive the journey without any problem.

    However, once the pest arrives at its destination, it will need to feed. If it can’t find a food source, it will die.

    How long do bed bugs live in a sealed bag?

    If the bag is airtight and the temperature is below freezing, bed bugs will die. However, if the bag is not airtight or the temperature is above freezing, bed bugs can survive for months.

    Can bed bugs crawl out of vacuums?

    The short answer is yes; they can. If you don’t empty the bag right away, the bed bugs can crawl back out and start infesting your home again.

    Leave Nothing to Chance

    Unfortunately, you have made sure how easy to spread bed bugs and how they’re good at it. These small, flat insects are excellent at hiding in small spaces. They can easily stow away in a box or envelope and travel to their next destination. But don’t despair! With these measures, you can reduce the likelihood of bed bugs entering your home through parcels.

    Do you have any experience with “delivering” bedbugs in parcels? Have you heard about such cases from your acquaintances? Share in the comments so that we can verify the validity of the information.

  • How to Get Bed Bugs Out of Electronics: Complete Bed Bugs Control & Prevention Guide

    How to Get Bed Bugs Out of Electronics: Complete Bed Bugs Control & Prevention Guide

    Most people think of bed bugs as creatures that only live in mattresses and bedding, but these pests can also infest other areas of your home, including electronics. While bed bugs in electronics are not as common as in other places, it is still possible for them to hide in devices such as computers, TVs, and stereos. If you think you might have these parasites in your electronics, you might want to know how to get bed bugs out of electronics. There are a few things you can do to get rid of them, and I will discuss them below.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Best Way How to Get Bed Bugs Out of Electronics” style=”main”]

    Once you find where bed bugs are hiding, you need to get rid of them. The best way to do this is to vacuum them up. But be careful! Bed bugs can also hide in the crevices of vacuum cleaners, so make sure to empty the bag or canister immediately after vacuuming.


    Signs of a Bedbug Infestation of Electronics

    Bed bugs can live for several months without feeding, and they are often found in mattresses, bed frames, headboards, bedding, furniture, and electronics.

    There are a few signs of the bed bugs’ electronics presence:

    • The first is finding them in or around your electronic devices. These pests are small, brown, and oval-shaped.
    • Another sign of bedbugs in your electronics is the presence of small, dark spots on your devices. These spots are their feces, which can be a sign that parasites use your electronics as a food source.
    • You start seeing small, brown bugs crawling around your electronic devices.
    • Your devices begin to act strangely like they’re overheating or the batteries are draining quickly.
    • You start getting bites on your body that you haven’t got before, and they seem to coincide with where your devices are placed when you’re using them.

    Can Bed Bugs Harm Electronics?

    These pesky little creatures love to bite and are notoriously difficult to get rid of, and it’s no more pleasant to find them in electronics. While these parasites don’t cause any serious harm to humans, they can wreak havoc on your electronic devices. These tiny insects are attracted to the warmth and darkness inside electronic devices, and they will happily settle and start breeding there.

    They can cause damage to the circuitry of your electronic devices, and they can also be a nuisance if they bite you while you’re using your device. If you have bedbugs in your electronics, don’t panic. There are ways to get rid of them, and you can protect your devices from further damage.

    Can Bed Bugs Get Into Cell Phones?

    If you’ve ever had the misfortune of dealing with bed bugs, you know how difficult they can be to get rid of. If you’re not careful, they can spread quickly to other areas of your home, including your cell phone. They are attracted to the warmth and smell of humans and will crawl into any nook and cranny to get close to their host.

    If you find signs of bed bugs, you might wonder how to get rid of bed bugs in cell phones.

    1. First, try to isolate the phone from other objects in your home. You can use a vacuum cleaner with a small attachment to suck up the bugs, or you can carefully disassemble your phone and clean it with alcohol. If you’re not sure how to clean your phone, you can always take it to a professional.
    2. Once you clean your phone of bed bugs, you have to take steps to prevent them from coming back. Start by decluttering your home and getting rid of anything that’s not essential. This includes items like clothes, newspapers, and magazines.
    3. Next, vacuum your home thoroughly, paying special attention to cracks and crevices. You should also wash all of your bedding in hot water to kill any bugs that might be lurking there.
    4. Finally, consider using a bed bug spray to help keep these pests at bay. Some sprays are designed to kill bed bugs on contact, while others create a barrier that prevents them from getting into your home in the first place.

    Can Bed Bugs Live in Computers?

    While you might not think your computer is a likely place for bed bugs to live, it still can happen. If you have these pests in your home, they might find their way into your computer.

    The reason you might see bed bugs in a laptop computer is that they can survive for long periods without food. They can go without feeding for up to a year. They can also withstand a wide range of temperatures, from freezing cold to hot and humid.

    They typically come out at night to feed. However, if you disturb them, they will bite during the day. Bed bug bites are usually painless but they can cause itching and swelling.

    If your computer is infested with bed bugs, you might wonder how they got there. They’re experts at hiding, so it might be difficult for you to spot them until it’s too late. If you traveled recently and stayed in a hotel, these pests could hitch a ride into your home on clothing or luggage. They could also penetrate your house with used furniture. Once they’re inside, they’ll start to breed and multiply quickly, spreading over your entire apartment and entering electronics as well.

    So how do you know if your computer has bed bugs? Look for small, brownish-red bugs crawling on the surface of your PC. They might also leave behind small, red stains. If you see any of these signs, it’s time to take action.

    How to Get Bed Bugs Out of Electronics: Easy Extermination Guide

    The first step is to identify: Do bed bugs hide in electronics? If you returned from a trip not so long ago, check your luggage and electronic devices for bed bugs. They often dwell in cracks and crevices, so be sure to check all the nooks and crannies of your gadgets.

    Step 1. Unplug electronic device

    Start by unplugging all of your electronic devices and taking them apart. This includes removing batteries, cords, or other adjustable parts. Once you dismantle all devices, inspect them for bed bugs. These insects are small, brown, and oval-shaped, so they can be hard to spot.

    Step 2. Use a vacuum cleaner

    Then vacuum all of the nooks and crannies of your electronics using a vacuum with a hose attachment. You can also use a stiff brush to remove bugs from your devices. Be sure to dispose of the vacuum bag or brush bristles in a sealed bag so that bed bugs can’t escape.

    Step 3. Use a steamer or hair dryer

    If the vacuum doesn’t seem to be doing the trick, you can try using a steamer hair dryer on your electronics. Be careful not to get the gadgets too wet, as this can damage them. Do not use too high-temperature settings.

    Step 4. Wipe your devices with alcohol

    After vacuuming, wipe down all of your electronics. Use a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol.

    Step 5. Use a pesticide

    If you’re still seeing bed bugs at this point, you might need to use a pesticide. Be careful when using pesticides, as they can be harmful to your health. Next, take the device you are cleaning outside and spray it with bed bug spray. Be sure to follow the instructions on the label. You might need to repeat this procedure several times to kill all bed bugs. Use pesticides only as a last resort and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions. This will kill any remaining parasites and eggs.

    Step 6. Seal any cracks

    Finally, seal any cracks and crevices in the device with tape or a sealant. This measure will help you prevent bed bugs from returning.

    Step 7. Get help from a professional exterminator

    If you have a severe bed bug infestation, you might need to consult with a professional pest control company to completely get rid of the pests. In most cases, though, following the steps above helps get rid of parasites from your device.

    Among the recommendations to remove these pests from electronics, I’d like to mention the cold. However, you need to be extremely careful, like when using heat. In both ways, you have to read the instructions for the device to understand which temperatures it can withstand.

    If you have bed bugs in your electronics, it’s necessary to act quickly. These pests can quickly spread to other parts of your home, so it’s important to get rid of them as soon as possible. With a little effort, you can eliminate bed bugs in your electronics and keep your home pest-free.

    How to Prevent Bed Bugs in Electronics

    Now you understand why bed bugs are a nuisance. They’re small, hard to see, and can cause a lot of damage to your electronics. Luckily, you can do some things to prevent them from infesting your devices:

    1. First, keep your electronics clean. Vacuum the devices regularly to remove any dust or debris that can provide a hiding place for bed bugs. Pay special attention to crevices and seams where pests like to hide.
    2. Next, avoid using second-hand electronics. If there is no other option, carefully inspect a gadget for bed bugs before bringing it into your home.
    3. When traveling, inspect your electronics for parasites before taking them back into your apartment.
    4. Store your devices in a cool, dry place. Bed bugs prefer warm, humid environments.

    By following these simple tips, you can help prevent bed bugs from infesting your electronic devices.

    FAQ About Bed Bugs in Electronics

    After reading the above guide, you still might have some questions about these pests. Browse my answers to some commonly asked questions on the Web for the information you need.

    How long can bed bugs live in electronics?

    Unfortunately, there is no definite answer as it depends on a number of factors, including the temperature of the device and the presence of food (human blood). Bed bugs can survive for several months without consuming blood but will eventually die off. Bedbugs in a computer can live for months without blood as this dark place is favorable for them. However, they will not survive there as long as in a warm, sunny place like the inside of a TV.

    Can bed bugs live in a laptop?

    It is one of the places where these insects like to hide, so you can notice bed bugs in the laptop. Laptops provide the perfect environment for them to thrive. The heat generated by the laptop’s components creates a warm, dark space for bed bugs to hide in. Additionally, since people frequently use laptops, bed bugs have easy access to their food source.

    How do you get rid of bugs in electronics?

    Remove all electronic devices from the infested area. Vacuum all surfaces of the devices with a potent vacuum. Use a cotton swab or a soft brush to clean all ports and openings on the gadgets. Apply a bedbug-killing insecticide to all surfaces. Place the devices in a sealed plastic bag or a container.

    People Evolve. So Do Bed Bugs

    As the world becomes more and more digital, it’s no surprise that bed bugs are finding their way into our electronic devices. While bed bugs have traditionally been associated with uncleanliness and poor hygiene, they are now appearing in even the cleanest of homes. Since they’re so small, they can easily live undetected for months, making them a real nightmare for homeowners.

    Dealing with bed bugs is never fun, but it’s important to remember that they’re not impossible to get rid of. With a little patience and perseverance, you will manage to get rid of them for good. Have you found insects in your PC or another device? What made you think they were bed bugs? Please, reply in the comments.

  • What Can I Put on My Body to Prevent Bed Bug Bites: List of Effective Remedies

    What Can I Put on My Body to Prevent Bed Bug Bites: List of Effective Remedies

    “What can I put on my body to prevent bed bug bites?” ― people ask when they find red spots on their bodies. Bed bugs are common household problems. The difficulty is that they do not appear during the day but attack at night when you sleep.

    It is difficult to confuse the consequences of a bedbug attack with anything else. The insect makes several bites, leaving trails of red dots on your body. Bite sites can itch, cause a lot of discomfort and lead to serious illness. So, you shouldn’t hesitate to deal with the issue of extermination.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Prevent the Spreading of Bed Bugs” style=”main”] There are many ways to control bed bugs that kill insects and disinfect the room. It is impossible to remove insects in one treatment. So you need to know how not to be bitten by bed bugs while exterminating them. The most effective method is to use a repellent.

    Skin remedies for bed bug bites

    How do bed bugs bites feel? The first thing that will bother you is the itching. The bite site will also become red and inflamed. Unlike mosquito bites, bug bites can be smaller and more clustered on the body.

    If insects bother you in bed or have caught you unawares in a hotel, some bed bugs deterrents will repel them.

    • Essential oils. Essential oils have properties that help in insect control. There is no guarantee that the pest will die, but at least it will be frightened by the smell and will not be able to bite you. You can use tea trees, lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint oils as natural repellents. Don’t apply them to the body in their pure form, but rather add a few drops of water and spray on your skin.
    • Coconut oil. Girls often use this product for various beauty procedures. If coconut oil happens to be in your cosmetic bag, it can fit as a repellent against bedbugs. But if you will use it for the first time, please note that coconut oil has a thick consistency, and it should be used with caution by people with problematic skin.
    • Medical alcohol. In direct contact with rubbing alcohol, insects die. But you can apply it to your skin to keep bed bugs away.
    • Vinegar. Bed bugs hate its pungent smell, so if you apply vinegar to your body, the insects will likely leave you. Mix the vinegar with water and apply it to the skin with a cotton pad or sprayer.
    • Bed bug spray repellent. You can buy these sprays at a store or drugstore. They contain chemical or natural insecticides. Repellent can also be in the form of an ointment.

    These products will help you protect your body from bites wherever you encounter them. You can also take them with you, for example, when you travel to avoid becoming a victim of hotel bed bugs.

    Bug bite sport on arm with hand itching

    How to protect yourself from bed bugs while sleeping

    Following a few simple safety rules will protect you from bed bug bites. Never sleep directly on a mattress, but make sure you use a mattress cover. The fact is that bed bugs can bite the skin but not the fabric. If you don’t have a mattress cover, use an extra sheet. Sleep in pajamas that completely cover your body. That creates an additional barrier to the insects.

    If you find a bed bug in your bed, wash all bedding at the highest possible temperature and dry it thoroughly. Also, vacuum the mattress regularly, paying exceptional attention to cracks. Since insects cannot tolerate high temperatures, you can use a steam cleaner to clean the bed.

    How to protect yourself from bed bugs

    Repellents natural vs. chemical

    The choice of a deterrent for bed bugs is a matter of personal preference. After all, some people strive to use only natural products and very rarely use chemicals. You also need to understand the extent of the problem of bed bugs in the house.

    Essential oils of peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus repel insects. But this product does not fit people with allergies and can be toxic to pets. Besides, if bed bugs are out of control, natural repellents may have a different effect. In this case, you can buy a product that contains insecticides and is safe for humans.

    Safety of repellents for the skin

    A wide range of repellents is available so you can choose the safest one. Manufacturers produce goods suitable for different categories of people: children, pregnant women, allergic people, and so on. But like many products, repellents should not be applied to damaged skin, such as open wounds.

    What can bed bugs do to you?

    The first problem that bothers people affected by bedbugs is the presence of red spots on the body and the face. In addition, bite marks are itchy and can ruin the quality of life. For example, itching can interfere with normal sleep. That causes a person to become irritable.

    But bed bugs can cause more severe damage to human health. People prone to allergies may feel a swollen throat and shortness of breath. Coughing, runny nose, and swelling of the face can also be an allergic reaction to an insect bite. A bedbug bite leaves a wound on the skin where dirt can enter and cause blood poisoning.

    If bed bugs bite you, you should first wash the bites well with soap and water. This way, you can prevent the spread of germs. As for bed bug bite treatment on the skin, you can go to the pharmacy for an ointment to speed up the healing. If severe itching bothers you, anoint the bite site with a menthol product.

    FAQ About Bed Bug Precaution

    I hope you found this article helpful and now know what to do if you find bed bugs in your bed. I also want to summarize all the information in answers to common questions.

    Is there a lotion that repels bed bugs?

    Since insects can’t stand the smell of essential oils, lotion containing tea tree oil, lavender, peppermint, and eucalyptus can serve as a natural repellent. Bed bugs won’t die from the smell, but they won’t want to bite you.

    What do bed bugs hate the most?

    Pests most dislike the pungent smells of the essential oils of lavender, tea tree, etc. That is why they are included in natural repellents. Also, pests do not like alcohol and die from direct contact with it.

    How do you keep bedbugs from biting you?

    You should use bed bug repellents to protect yourself from bed bug bites. A mattress cover or extra sheets will also make it difficult for bed bugs to move around. To prevent pests from multiplying, you should vacuum your bed regularly.

    You Can Get Rid of Bed Bugs

    I don’t hide that fighting bed bugs is a long and unpleasant process. Sometimes you may need the help of professionals. While disinfecting, treating, and cleaning your mattress, you need to protect yourself from more bites. Repellents or home remedies present in every home can help you with this.

    Have you ever had a bedbug bite? Share your experiences.

    Also read:


    • Bed bug bites: What you need to know:
    • Bed bug control techniques:
    • Bed Bugs: A Public Health Issue:
  • Does Alcohol Kill Bed Bugs: Get Rid of Bed Bugs and Not Harm Yourself

    Does Alcohol Kill Bed Bugs: Get Rid of Bed Bugs and Not Harm Yourself

    Bed bugs are a big problem for people. You may not suspect that you have insects during the day. In the morning, you wake up with bite marks and itching all over your body. Pests are hard to find because of their small size and ability to hide in hard-to-reach places.

    Wishing to solve the problem, people take ill-considered actions that do more harm than good. In this article, I will discuss the benefits and disadvantages of one of the most popular methods and answer the question: “Does alcohol kill bed bugs?”

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Does Alcohol Kill Bed Bugs?” style=”main”] Alcohol is widely used for household purposes and is a well-known bed bug repellent. But in practice, you can waste time, ruin your favorite things and harm your health. Read in this chapter why alcohol is not as effective as some people say and what ways are more effective.

    Is alcohol effective against bed bugs?

    To the question, “Does alcohol kill bed bugs’ eggs and insects themselves?” I would answer yes. But when people ask me, “Is alcohol effective in controlling insects?” I confidently answer no. Alcohol can kill the insect on direct contact. It eats away the bed bug’s outer shell, gets inside, and dries it out.

    But despite its properties, this product will only help get rid of some insects at a time because you will not be able to provide direct contact. Bed bugs hide in hard-to-reach places, so you can’t detect all the insects. Also, one female can lay several hundred eggs, so if you kill a hundred or two hundred insects in one treatment, you are still in the same place.

    Does 91 alcohol kill bed bugs?

    Pursuing the desire to get rid of insects as quickly as possible, people may buy the product with the highest concentration of alcohol. A solution with a concentration of 70% to 91% isopropyl works better on bed bugs. But as practice shows, even the most concentrated alcohol can’t destroy all insects on direct contact.

    The difference between alcohol and rubbing alcohol

    Both types of alcohol have strong antiseptic properties, so they are used in medicine. The main difference between medical alcohol and simple alcohol is the concentration. Alcohol contains no additives, so its concentration is 100%. Medical alcohol is a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water, so the concentration may vary.

    Rubbing alcohol is an ordinary medicine in the home medicine cabinet. It is used as an antiseptic, wound treatment, etc. Isopropyl alcohol is more dangerous for home use because of its chemical composition. However, it is used for technical purposes and is also added to fragrances, paints, cosmetics, and household chemicals.

    bedbug control

    Precautions for the use of alcohol

    Using alcohol to exterminate bed bugs can be dangerous for people and animals. The liquid evaporates quickly, and its fumes are toxic in large quantities. If you spray alcohol and it gets in your eyes, it can cause blindness. In addition, alcohol is a flammable agent, so a fire can occur.

    Concentrated alcohol can also damage your furniture and leave stains on your walls. Paint changes color from contact with isopropyl alcohol.

    Simply put, the alcohol does not stay on the surface of the mattress for very long but evaporates almost immediately. Thus, it does far more harm to your health than good in the fight against bed bugs.

    Other methods of bedbug control

    There are alternative methods that can help exterminate insects in a faster and safer way.

    • Vacuuming. It is necessary to vacuum not just the bed’s surface but all the crevices where insects can potentially hide.
    • Washing things at high temperatures. Bed bugs die at 110-120 °F. Wash bedding as well as blankets and pillows if possible. Some quilts and pillows cannot be washed in the washing machine but should be dry-cleaned.
    • Use a steam cleaner. It’s great if you have a steam cleaner in your house. You can use it before/after you vacuum for a lasting effect.
    • Professional products. You can buy insecticides. They have a better effect than using alcohol. But chemicals should be used with great caution because they can be toxic.
    • Turn to professionals. That will undoubtedly save you time, as professionals can rid your home of insects even in one visit.

    Make a good habit of using pillows and mattress covers. Even a simple mattress cover that attaches to the bed legs will suffice. These things have a dense fabric that will be a barrier to insects.

    FAQ About Alcohol and Bedbugs

    This section is for you if you don’t like to read much and need a quick answer.

    What instantly kills bed bugs?

    Insects instantly die in contact with insecticides contained in special sprays. The insects die at high temperatures, 110 °F or higher. That is why high-temperature washing or shampooing is considered an effective method of controlling insects.

    Does alcohol kill bed bugs instantly?

    Yes, it does. Alcohol kills the insect because it destroys the carapace and insides of the bedbug in contact with its body. But you can achieve this effect only with direct contact and a high concentration of alcohol.

    Does 91% of rubbing alcohol kill bed bugs?

    Yes, isopropyl alcohol 70 to 91% is more effective on insects than alcohol with a lower concentration. But you must use it with great caution because concentrated alcohol can ruin your belongings and harm your health and your pets.

    Proceed With Caution

    I understand the inconvenience of having bed bugs in your home. In desperation, you may be ready to use aggressive means to get rid of pests faster.

    I hope my article helped debunk the myths about this popular remedy, and now you know how to act so as not to harm yourself in the first place. Try to resort to more humane and effective means, such as steam cleaning and washing items. Or, you can always entrust this challenging matter to professionals.

    Have you ever used rubbing alcohol to get rid of insects? What do you think of it?

    Also read:


    • How to Find Bed Bugs:
    • Isopropyl alcohol:
    • Rubbing alcohol:
  • Are Bedbugs Asexual: How do Bed Bugs Reproduce?

    Are Bedbugs Asexual: How do Bed Bugs Reproduce?

    You may wake up in the morning and be horrified to find that bed bugs have bitten you. Naturally, you wonder where they could have come from in your house because this problem has never happened before.

    Then you start to get rid of them by yourself using the strongest remedy, but the insects not only do not disappear but also multiply with great speed. Understanding how pests reproduce will help you take control of the situation and get rid of the insects. Are bedbugs asexual, and how do insects breed? Find out from this article!

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Are Bed Bugs Asexual?” style=”main”] Indeed, many insects reproduce both sexually and asexually. For example, these include ants, wasps, and aphids. Fortunately for people, bed bugs are not part of this group of insects. The fact is that although insects are not asexual, the female does not need the presence of the male to lay eggs. Having one fertilized female in your home is enough to turn into a family of several dozen insects in a few weeks. But if bed bugs were asexual, they could reproduce much faster, and it would be much harder to get rid of them.

    Bed bugs have flat, vast bodies measuring 3 to 5 mm. When the insect eats, the body is round and has a red hue. To a person seeing insects for the first time, they appear to be the same. Indeed, the difference may not be clear to many people, but it is there. The male’s body is more elongated and smaller than the female’s.

    Bed bug breeding is not seasonal; it occurs year-round. The only essential condition for insects to reproduce is to eat enough food. That is why insects come to you almost every night to feed on your blood. That is how they get their strength to sustain life and hatch offspring.

    How Do Bed Bugs Reproduce: Fast Life Cycle

    Understanding the life cycle of the bed bug will help you take control of insect reproduction in your home. There are several stages to an insect’s emergence:

    1. The male inseminates the female by piercing her abdomen.
    2. After fertilization, the female bedbug tries to find a secluded, dark, and warm place to lay her eggs for the next 6–8 weeks.
    3. After one to two weeks, a nymph emerges from the egg.
    4. The nymph passes through five stages of maturation into an adult. Under favorable conditions, this process takes up to 5 weeks.
    5. The adult is ready to mate, and the cycle repeats.

    Now I want to elaborate on some processes.

    How do bed bugs have sex?

    I have already mentioned that the body of the male bed bug is more pointed because it has a sex organ at the very tip of its tail. The male pierces the female’s lower abdomen with it to fertilize her. This process is called traumatic insemination in bed bugs.

    two bed bugs lies on the arm

    How fast do bed bugs reproduce?

    Immediately after mating, the female attempts solitude to lay her eggs. She finds a dark, warm place for herself, where she will be sure that the eggs will be safe. This place can be on the bed, in a crevice on the floor, in the baseboard, and so on. She may lay three to five eggs daily.

    Each egg takes one to two weeks to mature before the nymph emerges. The nymph then goes through five stages of maturation. As the insect passes to the next stage, it sheds the old shell. Roughly 5–6 weeks later, the nymph transforms into an adult.

    Can bed bugs lay eggs without mating?

    There is a myth that a female can produce offspring without the male’s homesteading. But let me clarify this information. Before the female can lay eggs, the male must fertilize her. But during the following weeks, while the female insect is laying eggs, she may be alone. That means that if a pregnant insect enters your home, the spread of pests is unfortunately inevitable.

    FAQ on How Do Bed Bugs Mate?

    In this section, I have given brief answers to questions about insects, which I get most often.

    Can male bed bugs lay eggs?

    No, male insects do not lay eggs because they do not have the necessary organs to do so. The male has a sex organ called the aedeagus. It pierces the female’s abdomen to fertilize her.

    How many bed bugs does it take to reproduce?

    For a female to fertilize, she needs a male. However, the female lays eggs without the male being present. Therefore, an infestation of bed bugs in your home can occur after one individual has appeared.

    Can a single bed bug reproduce?

    Yes, as I’ve said before, it takes one pregnant female in the house for the insects to start reproducing. Since adult bed bugs can mate with their offspring, this process only gains momentum.

    Final Tips

    Understanding the fundamental processes of bed bugs will make it easier for you to fight them. Knowing these nuances will prevent you from acting like a blind kitten. Knowing how bed bugs mate and where they lay their eggs will help you proceed so that no insects are left in your home.

    Well, if you haven’t already encountered such a problem, at least you know how insects get into your home. Because being informed means being armed.

    Have you ever had to deal with bed bugs? Tell us about what it was like.

    Also read:


    • What Do Baby Bed Bugs Look Like:
  • Bed Bug Silica Gel for Effective Pest Control

    Bed Bug Silica Gel for Effective Pest Control

    There are many ways to get rid of pesky bed bugs. All of them have their pros and cons. By the way, these pests can quickly develop resistance to those agents that, until recently, killed them instantly, for example, pyrethroids. Therefore, people are looking for other effective options.

    One such product is bed bug silica gel. While it has been used by professionals and homeowners for over 60 years, many people don’t know about it. In this article, I will tell you why this powder is so good, its disadvantages, and how it kills annoying parasites.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Should I Use Silica Gel for Bed Bugs?” style=”main”]
    • Silica gel is a mammal-safe, relatively inexpensive, and effective treatment.
    • It quickly kills bed bugs and has a residual effect that works as a preventative.
    • Usually made of sand and kills insects by dehydrating their bodies.
    • The most effective form of this material is dry powder.

    What Is Silica Gel?

    The word ‘gel’ can be misleading, as it is actually a very fine, light, non-crystalline white powder. It is made from silicon dioxide but, unlike diatomaceous earth, is of synthetic origin. The most common material for making a powder is sand. If you apply this dust in its pure form, its particles will hang in the air, as they are very light.

    This greatly complicates the treatment of all areas infested with bed bugs. Therefore, many formulations have additives that solve this problem (for example, petroleum distillate). For ease of application, you can also purchase a liquid spray or dilute the powder with water to make a suspension.

    The material has many uses. Since this product is an effective desiccant, it is used in various forms (balls, granules, powder) to get rid of insects and put in boxes with new shoes, clothes, or electronics. It is also widely used in manufacturing cosmetics, medicines, and even foods.

    Desiccant silica gel

    Does Silica Gel Kill Bed Bugs?

    Silica gel bed bug killer is an effective remedy to control these wingless insects. Scientific studies have shown that it reduces bed bug populations faster than using diatomaceous earth. This powder kills even generations that have developed resistance to pesticides. It is also worth noting that silica gel does not kill pest eggs, so you should combine this method of getting rid of bed bugs with others.

    You can select the more convenient format for you to work with. However, dust in its pure form is much more effective. According to University of Kentucky researchers, if a suspension or spray is used, the bed bug population is reduced by an average of 35% after 1–2 weeks. Dry powder results in more bug mortality ― you can get rid of about 82% of bed bugs in a week.

    How Does Silica Gel Help Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

    While both diatomaceous earth and silica gel will eventually kill pests from dehydration, these products work differently. Diatomaceous earth, when in contact with the exoskeleton of a bed bug, abrades it, depriving the wax layer.

    Without this protective layer on the body’s surface, the insect slowly dies from moisture loss. In contrast, silica gel is a powerful desiccant and immediately absorbs moisture from the bug’s body when it comes into contact with dust. It also actively absorbs protective wax from the body of the pest.

    How to use silica gel for bed bugs

    I have a lot of experience getting rid of pests and recommend using dry powder if you want to kill bed bugs quickly. If you still prefer using it with water, the application rules are the same as for dust.

    1. Use a soft brush to apply the powder. It often comes with a product. You can use a duster to apply the product in hard-to-reach places, as well as in cracks and crevices.
    2. Silica gel is safe for pets and humans, but there is a risk of dust inhalation, which is not very useful. Therefore, before treating your home, put a mask on your face. Dust can also irritate the skin a little as it is a desiccant. Don’t forget to wear gloves.
    3. It is not necessary to use a lot of powder. Even a thin layer can kill an insect on contact. Apply desiccant for bed bugs evenly.
    4. Part of the bed bug population may simply move to another room if you treat one bedroom. Therefore, you should think about where to apply the powder throughout the house to intercept the movement of insects.
    5. The most suitable places that you need to treat are:
    • Flooring transitions and skirting boards;
    • Window and door frames;
    • Around the perimeter of your bed, at its headboard, under the bed;
    • On the floor under other furniture;
    • At the joints of furniture;
    • Internal drawers of cabinets and bedside tables;
    • Carpets;
    • The back surface of paintings and photos in frames;
    • Electrical sockets.

    silica gel in package

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Silica Gel Bed Bug Powder

    Using any method to get rid of bed bugs has pros and cons. That is why professionals recommend considering which options are more suitable for you and combining several of them.


    • Effectively and quickly kills pests;
    • It is non-toxic to mammals;
    • The powder can be applied into narrow crevices and cracks where bed bugs hide;
    • After treating your home, silica gel (depending on the humidity in the room) works as a preventative for a long time. The residual effect can last up to 12 months;
    • Compared to many other methods, this one is inexpensive;
    • These insects cannot develop resistance to the exposure of their bodies to silica.


    • The use of powder results in more bed bug mortality than the application of a suspension;
    • Does not kill eggs;
    • For the powder to kill an insect, it must come into contact with it;
    • Dust in the air can irritate your eyes. There is also a small risk of inhalation, so remember to wear a mask, goggles, and gloves before use.

    FAQ on Silica Gel Bed Bugs Control

    For those who first hear about this method of getting rid of bed bugs, there are many questions about the appropriateness of its use and effectiveness.

    Does silica gel get rid of bed bugs?

    Yes, this is an effective way to get rid of these pests. In addition, this product is safe for people and their pets. The use of silica gel guarantees high population mortality for several days after dusting. However, it does not kill eggs.

    How do you use silica gel for bed bugs?

    You can use a suspension or dry powder. The powder gives the best results. Simply apply the material in a thin layer throughout your home. Treat the floor under furniture, baseboards, sockets, drawers, and cabinets, cracks, and small gaps.

    Is silica gel the same as diatomaceous earth?

    These two products are made up of silicon dioxide. But diatomaceous earth is extracted from the fossilized remains of algae, and silica gel is synthesized from the sand. Diatomaceous earth traumatizes the bug’s exoskeleton when the silica gel works as an absorbent.

    Simple Solution to a Complex Problem

    Those who have ever dealt with bed bugs know that getting rid of them can be a costly and difficult process. Silica gel is a simple and easy method to kill these insects.

    However, not everyone knows about it. In any case, you should consider not only the obvious advantages of this method but also its disadvantages. To successfully get rid of the population of bed bugs in the house, I recommend a combination of several remedies.

    Do you use multiple methods when getting rid of pests in your home, or do you test them one at a time?

    Also read:


    • Bed bug resistance to insecticides is widespread:
    • Diatomaceous Earth:
    • Bed Bugs: Biology and Public Health Risk:
    • The toxicological mode of action and the safety of synthetic amorphous silica-a nanostructured material:
  • Does Ammonia Kill Fleets: Detailed Guide

    Does Ammonia Kill Fleets: Detailed Guide

    Fleas are those insects that will be very annoying and interfere in the house. A flea can give birth to about 40–50 eggs a day in one day. Some fleas can lay up to 500 eggs in a month! It’s just huge. Therefore, it is essential to know how to get rid of fleas. In this text, I will talk about how does ammonia kill fleas. This information will be helpful to everyone. At the end of the article, I will answer questions that might arise.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Does Ammonia Kill Fleas?” style=”main”] Ammonia kills fleas, so you can just use it. You can buy it at any pharmacy. Or you can find it at home. Its smell is peculiar and used to bring people to their senses.

    Ammonia contains carbon with nitrogen components, which allows you to kill insects quickly. You can also use ammonia to remove fleas from animals. But you must be very careful because some animals may be sick from the smell. Ammonia is also considered an excellent home remedy for fleas in the yard.

    You need to use the correct dosage and be careful. The solution is simple to make. Take 3-5 drops of ammonia and dissolve them in a small bottle of water. Rubbing alcohol kill fleas if it has a high concentration of alcohol. The method is not as effective as ammonia, but you can also try it out.

    Treatment of a Dog from Fleas

    How to Use Ammonia to Get Rid of Fleas

    You must use ammonia carefully because you can get sick from the high concentration of this substance. It is best to wear respirators and take all family members outside, including pets. Here are some steps you can use.

    • Pour ammonia into a spray bottle after filling it with water;
    • Wear a respirator;
    • Remove all people and animals from the premises;
    • Spray blog sites;
    • Do not enter the premises for 2–3 hours;
    • Ventilate the room;
    • Vacuum the splashed area (it is best to use a vacuum cleaner that cleans with water).

    If this method does not help, you could use special tools. Actions when spraying with alcohol are the same as with ammonia. They will alcohol kill ticks. This method is not as effective, but worth a try.

    If none of these methods fit, then you should try special tools. In their composition, they have substances that will kill fleas. If fleas still appear, then it is worth calling specialists. They will help to get rid of fleas forever.

    Find flea the dog

    How to Prevent Fleas

    Most often, fleas appear through your pet, so all recommendations will focus on this. If you cannot get rid of fleas and they attack your pet strongly, you should contact your veterinarian. Here are some recommendations:

    • Wash your pet after the street immediately;
    • Spray your pet with an extraordinary flea remedy before a walk;
    • After walking, bathe the pet bed;
    • If you can’t wash it, hang the item in direct sunlight.

    Such simple methods can help you control fleas. It is important to remember to clean often. This will allow you to notice fleas and quickly get rid of them.

    Cleaning should consist of dry and wet cleaning. If you clean with boiling water, you can quickly eliminate the larvae. Since the larva consists of protein, it denatures upon contact with hot water.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Ammonia

    There are some benefits to consider when choosing whether or not to use ammonia. First of all, I want to talk about the benefits. Then I will tell you about its shortcomings.


    • Easy to use;
    • Can be bought everywhere;
    • Relatively harmless;
    • Effective;
    • Cheap.


    • Can poison an animal or a person;
    • Caustic, you need to use a respirator;
    • You must follow safety rules.

    Although there are fewer shortcomings, they are significant. You must strictly adhere to the safety rules, and only after that will the use of ammonia be safe for you.

    Ammonia chemical bottle


    In this part of the text, I will answer questions that might arise while reading. If you still have questions, then ask them in the comments. I will try to answer them, or other users will tell you.

    What chemical kills fleas and their eggs?

    There are many ways to get rid of fleas at home. For example, you can use ammonia or products that contain permethrin, imidacloprid, or dinotefuran. They will be the most effective.

    What kills fleas instantly?

    Hot steam or water can instantly kill fleas. The larvae cocoon consists of protein; when interacting with hot water, the protein is destroyed, killing the larvae.

    Will vinegar kill fleas?

    Apple cider vinegar does not kill fleas, but it can repel them. Fleas do not like the smell and vinegar, which allows you to get rid of them. But there are more effective methods to get rid of fleas.

    Do Ammonia Kill Fleas?

    There are many ways to eliminate fleas. And I have told one of the simplest and most effective. Will ammonia kill fleas? Yes, and it will easily save you from suffering. It is essential to follow safety precautions when using it.

    Also, do not forget to ventilate the room after use. Ammonia may cause dizziness. You can also try to kill fleas with soap. Although the method is not as effective, it is also well-suited.

    How do you get rid of fleas? Share your experience in the comments.

    Also read:


    • Flea Control and Prevention:
  • Do Bed Bugs Jump: Common Myths Resolved

    Do Bed Bugs Jump: Common Myths Resolved

    Bed bugs are spread almost all over the world, so you can find them on any continent. They are unpretentious to the place of living and can survive various conditions. These insects are known for traveling in luggage and selecting cracks in the furniture to live in. This article focuses on the question of the ways they are spread: Do bed bugs jump or fly, and are bed bugs fast movers?

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Do Bed Bugs Hop? Quick Answer” style=”main”] No, these insects can only crawl, but they do it extremely fast, which might make people think they fly or jump. Due to their anatomy specific, they can pass vertical surfaces and even hold on to the ceiling despite their smooth body.

    Guide on Key Misconceptions About Bed Bugs

    Mixing up a bed bug with a flea or a mite is common for average homeowners. Thus many misconceptions exist about this species. The main myth relates to the way these pests move around and spread.

    Do bed bugs jump? Recognizing a pest

    Adult bed bugs resemble apple seeds: They have similar sizes and look alike because of their color. These insects are oval and brownish. Immature individuals are smaller; they are almost transparent with a light yellow shade. The way bed bugs move causes a lot of questions about them:

    • Do bed bugs crawl fast? Depending on the surface it crosses, an insect can move at a speed of up to four feet per minute.
    • How far can a bed bug jump? Though many people think these insects can jump, they have no other way to move except for running.

    Legs’ anatomy

    The main feature that ensures their spreading is the structure of their limbs. Bed bugs can hold onto any surface due to the small hooks they have on their legs. They allow clinging to the smoothest materials.

    type of bed bug

    Ways bed bugs move

    Because of their small and flat bodies, bed bugs can hide in various places. They can handle long periods without any food. Such a combination of features makes it possible for you to face them almost anywhere. Most often, you can meet these insects in temporary accommodations with low sanitary conditions like cheap hostels or dormitories.

    These spots pass a lot of people through, thus the possibility to let the pests indoors with someone’s luggage is higher after visiting such places. These insects are hard to find, but you can notice them before they bite you if you know the answers to these common questions and are aware of misconceptions.

    • Do bed bugs fall from the ceiling? They can crawl vertical surfaces regardless of their smooth body, so you can easily find some bugs passing the ceiling above your bed.
    • Do bed bugs jump on people? These insects can’t jump and don’t constantly live on human skin. Yet, they feed on blood, so you can find them in folds of clothes.
    • Can bed bugs jump from person to person? They can crawl from one person to another like any other insect in case of direct contact, but they never jump like fleas.

    Which harm do bed bugs bring?

    Bed bugs are so small that it is almost impossible to notice them on your skin until they bite you. These insects feed on human and animal blood and cause noticeable irritation. Those who are unlucky to get in an infected bed will be attacked by a nest of bugs and bitten all over the body. However, skin irritation and lack of sleep are the only harm these insects bring since they rarely spread any diseases.

    FAQ on Bed Bugs Movement

    There are many misconceptions about this kind of pest since they resemble a number of other insects. Here are widespread questions to learn if you suspect your place of harboring bedbugs.

    Do bed bugs jump when you touch them?

    Bed bugs might resemble fleas, but they only run fast and never jump. However, they feed on human and animal blood, thus any direct contact might finish in an itchy bite.

    How easily do bed bugs spread?

    These insects are hardy: They can withstand without feeding and hide in the smallest crack for a long time. These pests are usually spread over luggage, thus it is easy to bring them home after passing places with poor sanitary.

    Can bed bugs jump on you?

    Six short legs allow them to crawl but they never jump. These insects can cling to clothes and reach your skin in this way, provoking irritation with their bites.

    Can you feel bed bugs jump on you?

    It is as easy to feel a bedbug on your skin as to imagine this feeling. They are too small to recognize them by sensation, so you can easily mix a bug up with the hair of a fold of the fabric.

    Rely on True Facts About Bed Bugs

    A few misconceptions concern bed bugs. One of the most common ones is that they can jump or fly. The answer lies in how fast bedbugs are: They can cover up to four feet in a minute, creating an illusion that they can move in other ways than crawling if you don’t observe these insects intentionally.

    How do you inspect a room and luggage for bed bugs? Share your tips in the comments.

    Also read:


    • Some Bed Bugs Are Better Climbers Than Others:
    • Bed Bugs FAQs:
    • Bed Bugs: A Public Health Issue:
  • How to Check Furniture for Bed Bugs: Complete Bed Bug Control & Prevention Guide

    How to Check Furniture for Bed Bugs: Complete Bed Bug Control & Prevention Guide

    Harboring pests at home is a problem a conscious homeowner can hardly ignore. Bed bugs are one of the easiest insects to pick up and the hardest species to remove. This article answers the questions on how to check the furniture for bed bugs, what to do if you find their nest, and whether it is possible to prevent pest infestation.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Quick Inspection of Your Home” style=”main”]
    1. Check if you have skin irritation after sleeping in your bed.
    2. Look for alive or dead bugs in fabric folders and structural joints.
    3. Pay attention to the stains on the fabric and furniture.
    4. Notice if there are any shells, eggs, or nymphs.

    How to Check Furniture for Bed Bugs: Bed Bug Infestation 101

    Bed bugs have a specific feature: the ability to hide anywhere. Thus accurate inspection of the place you are going to sleep in and leave your clothes is extremely important. Whether it is your home or a hostel room, the guide below can be helpful in both cases.

    How to tell if a couch has bed bugs

    The first and most reliable signs of pest infestation are insect bites and skin irritation after you contact with damaged furniture. The next step is defining which kind of insects you are dealing with since bed bugs are sometimes mixed up with fleas, or rarer, with cockroaches and dust mites.

    1. Try to spot alive insects or search for the dead ones. Bed bugs resemble apple seeds: They are similar in size, shape, and color. Adult individuals have small, flat bodies of brown or dark red shades.
    2. It might be difficult to distinguish them from mites at first glance, thus consider the place where you have found an insect. Bed bugs never live on humans but only bite them. If you see an insect latched onto your skin, it is a mite, not a bed bug.
    3. Cockroaches can provoke the same skin irritation, but they are bigger and rarely hide for too long.

    How to check for bed bugs in furniture

    Apart from spotting bed bugs on the furniture, there are a number of other signs that can help you to find out if your place is a breeding ground for them. Any pest leaves traces of its activity: You can notice them with the naked eye if you know what you are looking for:

    1. These insects leave feces in any place where they have managed to settle. It is digested blood, yet it gives a strong odor when touched. Their feces are brown and thick spots that grow bigger as an infestation gets more serious.
    2. Passing different life stages, the pests change their shells and leave them in their nests. They have curved, transparent membranes, and offsprings are slightly smaller than adult individuals.
    3. Eggs and nymphs are harder to find, yet you can still notice them when inspecting your room. They are small, transparent balls with slight yellow shades.

    Suspect an infestation? Learn how fast it can grow

    Though bed bugs are primarily associated with poor sanitary and cluttered rooms, these pests are not whimsical. The main thing they need to survive is access to food – human or animal blood. Therefore, the first place where they colonize is a bed whichever clean the room is.

    • These insects are often brought home in luggage from temporary accommodations like hostels or dormitories. If sanitary in such places is lower than at home, there are risks of omitting pests before they settle and mate.
    • Bed bugs in used furniture are also a common issue. Due to the anatomy of their legs, they can cling to any surface, regardless of how smooth it is. This feature, small flat bodies, and the ability to withstand long periods without feeding make it possible for them to hide in the smallest cracks. Used furniture, especially wooden items, might also harbor these insects.

    Getting rid of bed bugs

    You have to learn how to eliminate these pests immediately when you find out that your furniture is infested. If the nest grows too big, pulling individuals from every crack might become impossible. Heavy layers of feces are a reliable sign of the infestation, so you should consider getting rid of furniture. However, if the damage is not that serious, here are some tips to solve this problem:

    • You can place traps around the infected area and leave bait there. It will distract their attention from you and lure insects to the adhesive surface they can’t leave.
    • Laundry is an actionable measure to kill them with hot water and remove them from your clothing. Wash it at the highest temperature the fabrics can survive.
    • Call for professional help if nothing else works for you.

    A heap of questions also concerns how to treat used furniture for bed bugs, yet the main one is if the risks are worth it. Bringing home a potentially infested piece of furniture might put other items at risk. Select second-hand furniture from trustworthy places and prefer smooth surfaces and constructions with minimum joints so that bugs have fewer cracks to hide.

    How to tell if a couch has bed bugs

    Prevention methods

    Compared to most insects, bed bugs have minimal requirements to settle and mate, thus they are easy to pick up, especially if you travel a lot. To prevent bringing these insects to your home from trips, try the tips below:

    • Always check your temporary accommodation for them and protect your luggage.
    • Wash the clothes you traveled with at the highest temperature.
    • Accurate vacuum cleaning can be helpful if you suspect an infestation. This tip concerns both soft and cabinet furniture.
    • Use a thick brush with long hair to reach more cracks in wooden furniture.

    FAQ on Bed Bugs at Your Home

    Seeing the insects’ nest in your bed might provoke panic, but knowing how to deal with it is half of the solution. Here are some practical questions on fighting and preventing an infestation.

    How do you find bed bugs on a couch?

    If you feel itchy bites and skin irritation, inspect your bed for alive or dead bugs that resemble apple seeds in color and size. You might also find stinky feces, transparent shells, eggs, or nymphs – these are all signs of the infestation.

    How do I make sure my furniture doesn’t have bed bugs?

    If searching for bugs and their traces of activity gave no results, but you still suspect the pest infestation, clean your furniture before you find clear evidence. Wash fabrics at the highest temperature and vacuum furniture regardless of whether it is soft or cabinet.

    Can bed bugs be in wood?

    They can crawl on any surface and reach the thinnest gaps, thus wood is a common living environment for them. Old wooden furniture with a lot of cracks might harbor these pests, as well as fabric.

    How to clean used furniture to prevent bed bugs?

    Cleaning furniture might help you to repel other insects but not bed bugs. They only need access to food and select beds no matter how clean they are. Infestation of other furniture signals this issue has got too serious.

    Checking Your Home for Safety

    Bed bugs don’t belong to pests that spread diseases. The main troubles you can face when contacting them are skin irritation, lack of sleep, and a strong odor if the infestation went too far. Removing them requires a lot of patience and might still be unsuccessful, thus it is crucial to find the nest in the early stages of its development.

    Which signs of infestation do you pay attention to? Please share your observations.

    Also read:


    • How to Find Bed Bugs:
    • Laundering Items to Kill Bed Bugs:
  • Does UV Light Kill Bed Bugs: Detection and Extermination

    Does UV Light Kill Bed Bugs: Detection and Extermination

    Does UV light kill bed bugs? It’s not a good idea to exterminate them with UV light. Although it’s not the best treatment option, utilizing a handheld bed bug spray is preferable to using UV. When there is any form of light nearby, they burrow back into their hiding places far too quickly.

    Keep on reading to find out how you can use UV light against these annoying insects. You will also find an instruction for detecting and killing bed bugs with UV light in this article.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”UV Light Usage for Bed Bugs” style=”main”] These creatures cannot be killed by UV light, but you can use it to both identify and deter them. Shine the light slowly along every surface and crevice to check for these insects. If you find any, either crush it with a paper towel or spray it with an insecticide designed to kill bed bugs.

    Does UV light kill bed bugs?

    While UV light is suitable for identifying and deterring bugs, you should remember that it won’t effectively kill them. You might be aware that they prefer the dark and will try to avoid being exposed to light at all costs, but there is no proof that exposure to light can kill them.

    The primary cause is a temperature rise. To create enough heat to kill bed bugs, you should use a UV lamp on them for quite some time. In addition, they are photosensitive, like many other bugs, so UV light can frighten them and make them flee in another direction.

    However, that doesn’t imply that employing a UV lamp would be wise. There are sufficient reasons against its use:

    • Bed bugs might react to UV light in the same way they do to ordinary light;
    • The pests cannot remain stationary and exposed to the elements for that long;
    • Long before the UV light had a chance to do its full damage, they would flee;
    • Some of them might hide during the entire procedure. They wouldn’t be affected in any way;
    • They might hide in places that you are unaware of. They might be residing in your furniture while you are preoccupied with your bedding.

    You can eliminate these insects by using a mixture of heat (at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit) and contact or residual insecticides (such as powders) to all furniture, cracks, and crevices. If you only start getting rid of them and want to make sure that the used methods work, regular inspections under a UV light will reveal even the most concealed bed bugs in any of their phases of development.

    Is it possible to detect bed bugs with ultraviolet light?

    Using UV light for bed bug detection is one of several technologies to identify the presence of these pests. It is possible because their outer layers fluoresce when it’s on. The effectiveness of the tool for detecting these insects depends on the effort put into thoroughly combing over every surface and every spot.

    When looking for them using a UV light, it’s important to carefully scan every surface to locate an active infestation. What do bed bugs look like under UV light? The adult species are visible to the naked eye. They are 6-7mm in length, oval-shaped, and flat.

    light bulb Ultraviolet destroy viruses

    How to detect and kill bedbugs with ultraviolet light: Step-by-step guide

    If utilized properly, UV light can still be a helpful addition to other methods of eliminating bed bugs. Therefore, I will demonstrate more in-depth procedures to assist you in getting rid of them. It’s a tough fight to rid your home of these insects, but I hope these tips will help.

    Step 1: Arrange the room

    Before you start looking, you should clean up your apartment. Clear up any clutter. If you store books, clothing, or boxes beneath mattresses or other hiding spots, you need to remove them and put them in plastic containers. Seal all possible escape routes.

    To successfully exterminate bed bugs, you must first prevent them from escaping in any way they can. The most crucial detail is located under the doors. Cover it up with some clothing. They can use any openings in the wall or sideboard as an exit route. Position the bed in the center of the room. Keeping the bed in a separate room from other pieces of furniture is the best way to stop its spread.

    Step 2: Detecting bed bugs with a UV light

    Not only should you look for actual bed bugs but also for their shed skins, eggs, droppings, and nests. Everything becomes fluorescent when exposed to ultraviolet light. Get rid of the linens and seal them in bags. You can also place them in a transparent plastic container for subsequent inspection of your bed linens.

    The bed itself, including the mattress and frame, is where you should spend most of your time detecting bed bugs with UV light. Inspect the underside, sides, and back of the mattress, as well as any zippers or buttons by flipping it over. Any crease in the mattress might serve as a covert hideout. Turn the bed over and look at the underside once you check the mattress.

    Places like joints, holes, and gaps require special attention: In these areas, they produce their offspring. Continue searching other pieces of furniture in the room for any hiding spots. The bedroom is an ideal place to get started before venturing out into the rest of your house.

    Step 3: Trap the bug infestation

    You have to capture bed bugs once you identify them to get rid of them. Using a vacuum cleaner to capture these insects is quick and simple. Run the vacuum over all flooring, baseboards, box springs, frames, and other furniture where bugs are likely to hide. Seal the vacuum bag and throw it away. After that, carefully clean the vacuum.

    Step 4: Kill bed bugs

    Chemical-free extermination of these creatures is also a reasonable step to consider. To clean bedding and clothing, run the washer using high-temperature settings for 30 to 40 minutes. Next, dry it for around 30 minutes using a dryer set to its maximum heat setting.

    Steam their hiding spots with a vapor steam cleaner. A vapor steam cleaner is another effective tool for eliminating them. This model of vacuum can produce steam at temperatures between 200 and 300 degrees Fahrenheit, which is hot enough to kill these bugs. Since it generates high temperatures with no moisture vapor, this device is excellent for disinfecting.

    Put these contaminated goods in sealed bags and abandon them in the sunshine. However, it might take 2–5 months to effectively eliminate bugs that have been locked in. Freeze these sacks with bugs at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Do not disturb them for at least four days.

    FAQ About Using UV Light on Bed Bugs

    Here are some common questions you might be wondering about. Ask me in the comments if you want me to answer anything else related to these creatures.

    How can I get rid of bed bugs fast and permanently?

    After vacuuming the affected areas, wash and dry the contaminated clothing, bedding, and other textiles in hot water and on a high heat setting in the dryer. If you need to get rid of bed bugs but can’t wash and dry an item, steam is your best bet.

    Can bed bugs be detected by black light?

    Yes, you can see bed bugs and their trail using a black light. The blood stains and fecal matter stains that they leave on your mattress and bed sheets shine bright under a black light. Many insects have phosphors on their shells that absorb ultraviolet light that makes them visible.

    Do bed bug eggs glow in black light?

    Yes. By shining a dark light, you can view their eggs. The bright light will reveal bed bugs at any stage of their development. Many insect exoskeletons include phosphors that glow fluorescently when exposed to UV light, making them easier to spot.

    Not an Effective Killer

    Does UV-C light kill bed bugs? While UV light is useful for spotting these pests, direct exposure to them will not kill them. Capturing, isolating them, and shining the light on them to heat them to the point where they die would be a significant amount of labor. UV-detecting lights are therefore ideal for monitoring pests but not for their eradication.

    Was this article helpful to you? Please comment below to let me know.

    Also read:


    • Bed Bugs:
    • Bed bugs manual:
    • Using Freezing Conditions to Kill Bed Bugs:
  • How Long Can a Bedbug Survive Without Food: Eating Behavior Explained

    How Long Can a Bedbug Survive Without Food: Eating Behavior Explained

    Bed bugs can survive for long periods without eating anything by lowering their metabolic rate and storing fat. How long can a bedbug survive without food? There are average numbers you will figure out below in the article. Their age, the environment in which bed bugs are located, and humidity affect their lifetime without feeding.

    When you consider how long these creatures can go without eating, it becomes clear that starving isn’t an option for getting rid of them. These little bugs will test your endurance to the limit! Read my detailed guide to know some interesting facts about their eating habits.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Bed Bugs Food Preferences” style=”main”] A common concern of average homeowners is how long bed bugs can survive without eating. They feed primarily on human blood. Because of this, many people think they can starve them out by not feeding them when a house or flat is empty. Starving bed bugs is tough and typically unsuccessful since they can survive for long periods without nourishment.

    How long can bed bugs live without food?

    How long can a bedbug survive without feeding? These insects can go without feeding anywhere from 20 days to 400 days on average. However, this significantly depends on the environmental settings in which they are located. The optimal temperature range for bed insect survival is between 59 and 91 degrees Fahrenheit. High humidity provides them with the moisture they require, increasing their lifespan.

    The bed bug’s age is the primary factor. The nymph stage is when a bed bug is still developing into an adult, but it cannot survive as long as a mature individual does without sustenance.

    These creatures consume less energy and can survive longer without feeding in colder environments, such as those provided by air conditioning or by nature. In its adult form, a bed bug can go without dying a full year between meals, which explains the essence of the bed bug life cycle without food.

    What do bed bugs eat?

    Bed bugs can only consume blood due to the design of their mouth. They lack both teeth and functional mandibles, making chewing impossible. Although other warm-blooded animal blood is okay for them, they still prefer humans.

    How long can bed bugs live without a human? When everything else fails, they resort to feasting on your dog, cat, or bird. When alternative food sources are scarce, these bugs sometimes adhere to rodents. Therefore, if they invade your home, you and your family members constitute their main food source.

    How often do they eat?

    The lifespan of a bed bug without food improves at each successive stage of its existence. Once they reach maturity, they can go a whole year without food. Even without feeding, adults of the bed bug species can survive for up to 18 months without food, according to research.

    A bed bug can swallow up blood exceeding its body weight up to six times during a single meal, which is rather remarkable. It takes approximately five minutes for nymphs to finish a meal, whereas, for adults, it takes roughly ten. To digest the blood it has just consumed, the pest withdraws to its hiding place.

    Adult bed bugs and nymphs both eat once every five to ten days. Since female bed bugs produce eggs once a day, adult females have a greater feeding requirement than males. It’s safe to assume that you have a significant bed bug population if you wake up itchy from bites caused by them every day.

    When still immature, these insects eat more regularly, sometimes even several times a day. However, their feeding frequency is subject to the accessibility of food sources. You should also consider the matter of ambient temperature. This is mostly because they can always go into a dormant-like state if environmental conditions become too harsh.

    Adult bed bugs

    Is it possible to starve bed bugs?

    It’s technically true that starvation can kill them. However, it’s not feasible as a method of bed bug extermination, as it won’t entirely eliminate insects. Why? Due to the following reasons:

    • It is not financially viable to leave an apartment uninhabited for long periods because of fears about these bugs. This is especially true when one considers how quickly and easily they can be eliminated by other measures such as steaming.
    • No amount of time, however lengthy, can guarantee that they will disappear. To get better food, bed bugs might go to neighboring structures if necessary.
    • It takes less time for some bug phases to die than for others since they don’t need food as much. The temperature at which they can continue to live is another factor in their survival. As a result, using it to combat a bed bug infestation is a risky and ineffective task.

    Scientists investigating the bed bug’s capacity to survive without nourishment found that the bug’s age was a major factor. How long does it take for bed bugs to starve themselves? Bed bugs that are in the earliest stages of development have a lower chance of survival. In their initial life stage, these insects first die from hunger.

    As a rule, they don’t make it through the first month without blood. Both the nymphs and adults are far more resistant to the effects of hunger and can survive without food for months.

    bed bug sits on the human body

    FAQ on How Long Can a Bedbug Survive Without Blood

    How long will bed bugs live without a host? If you are looking for an answer to this question or some other common queries, check it out below.

    How long does it take for bed bugs to die without a host?

    A young bed bug can die within a few weeks if they had no host to feed on their blood, but an adult bed bug can live for 4.5 months under ideal conditions of heat and humidity.

    How long can a bed bug live in an empty house?

    Even in a fully unoccupied home, bed bugs can live for up to 4.5 months. It is normal for them to abandon vacant homes in search of other hosts, usually rodents or birds. They will have little trouble living in a vacant house if they can move elsewhere.

    Do bed bugs die if they don’t feed on blood?

    Depending on the environment, a bed bug can spend up to 400 days without blood. Nymphs can go longer without meals in their latter stages of development than their younger counterparts, and adults endured living without nourishment in the lab for almost 400 days.

    These Little Bugs Will Test Your Endurance

    Knowing how long bed bugs can go without eating gives you a sense of how hardy and tenacious these little pests really are. They have a high pain tolerance rate, and they can endure extremes of temperature and hunger. They are fast and good at hiding, which makes them more difficult to control. Luckily, there are many different tools at your disposal to combat an infestation.

    What else would you like to know about these insects? Have you faced a bed bug infestation, or have you been looking for preventive measures against these pests? Let me know in the comments below.

    Also read:


    • How to Manage Pests of Homes, Structures, People, and Pets:
    • Bedbugs – pest control:
    • Survivorship During Starvation for Cimex lectularius L:
    • Survivorship During Starvation for Cimex lectularius L.:
  • Does Borax Kill Bed Bugs? How to Use It Effectively

    Does Borax Kill Bed Bugs? How to Use It Effectively

    Finding bed bugs in your home is an unfortunate event, and no one likes to discover them in their beds. Those who have been so unlucky are immediately looking for the easiest and safest way to eliminate these insects.

    One of the first solutions that come to mind is to use borax, but does borax kill bed bugs? Here you can learn more about this acid and whether it can give you the results you need.

    Boric Acid and Their Influence on Bed Bugs

    When you look for ways to eliminate pests, you will find an abundance of DIY methods. A lot of articles mention boric acid as a substance that can be used to get rid of bed bugs. But will boric acid kill bed bug?

    Borax and bed bugs

    Let’s take a look at borax and bed bugs. Borax or boric acid has been actively used for eliminating cockroaches for many years. Because it works so well on these insects, a lot of people assume that borax will also help get rid of bed bugs.

    However, this information is not accurate. According to research, cockroaches tend to accidentally consume boric acid while preening themselves.

    Bed bugs, on the other hand, don’t preen and are able to survive even when high concentrations of borax are used. As they don’t ingest boric acid and there is no influence of this substance on contact, using boric acid directly to get rid of bed bugs won’t bring the necessary results.

    4 large bed bugs

    At the same time, bed bugs tend to avoid different products and substances that they view as potentially dangerous for them. This may include some essential oils, herbs, alcohol, and more.

    In a similar way, they will try not to get into places covered with borax, so it may be used as a diversion method.

    Will boric acid kill bed bug eggs?

    Can borax kill bed bugs eggs? Some people get the idea of using borax for bed bugs and their eggs. For boric acid to eliminate insects, it is important for it to be ingested. As bed bug eggs cannot ingest anything, it means that borax is unlikely to kill them.

    There is a lot of misconception about the use of borax on bed bugs because people compare them to other insects. However, there is no proven information that boric acid destroys bed bug eggs.

    Even covering eggs completely in boric acid will not have the effect, as these insects can hatch and survive even in airtight containers for a long time.

    Is it effective against bed bugs in any other way?

    Based on the available research, borax can still be used as a method of deterring bed bugs. While the powder won’t kill them, it should be enough to make them avoid the place where there is boric acid.

    If you know that there have been bed bugs in your bed and you got rid of them using other methods, you can try preventing further infestation. To do this, you can cover different points of the bed where insects can get in – cracks, bed legs, and more.


    Another solution that you can use is diluted liquid borax that should be placed in a spray bottle. With the help of this solution, you can make your bed or another object less friendly for bed bugs.

    The scent of boric acid can also cover the smell of bed bugs, so they won’t be able to return to the same place where they have been hiding.

    Is boric acid safe to use?

    As opposed to many commercial pesticides, the benefit of boric acid is that it is a safe substance. Obviously, you should never try ingesting boric acid, but even consuming small quantities on accident won’t be fatal. The side effects may include headache, stomach pain, nausea, diarrhea, and some others.

    Luckily, the mentioned adverse reactions cannot be caused by inhaling boric acid. This means that you can use the spray and powder in rooms where you spend a lot of time without any negative influence. The only safety precaution you should follow is to wash your hands if you come in contact with boric acid and avoid rubbing your eyes with unwashed hands.

    Alternatives to borax for bed bugs

    bed bug crawling on the couch

    If you don’t want to call professional exterminators or use pesticides, there are other alternatives that you can resort to. One of the solutions that are more effective than borax powder for bed bugs while remaining safe is diatomaceous earth. It not just deters bed bugs but also has a negative influence on them.

    Diatomaceous Earth

    When it comes to diatomaceous earth, the way it achieves its effect is by helping bed bugs dry out. These insects don’t feed as regularly as mosquitos and others, so their shell has a wax layer designed to keep water in their bodies. When they come in contact with diatomaceous earth, this layer gets damaged by the rough particles.

    The only issue with this method is that the mortality rate is not too high, and bed bugs tend to avoid spots covered in this earth as they cannot walk through freely.

    Similar to boric acid, you can put diatomaceous earth on spots where there tend to be bed bugs and they will avoid such places.


    Pour the Borax solution

    Borax is a common household remedy that allows getting rid of bed bugs. Here are some of the things that you should know when handling borax in your house.

    Can you put borax on a mattress?

    Yes. If you want, you can apply the powder or liquid of boric acid on a mattress and then wash it out.

    Can you make a boric acid spray?

    Yes. You can create a DIY repellent by using boric acid and several simple ingredients. For this purpose, you should use a cup of water, 2 cups of sugar, and 2 tablespoons of powder. Also, you can dilute some liquid boric acid in water and add some sugar.

    Can I mix boric acid with bug spray?

    It is best to mix boric acid with sugar and water instead of a bed bug spray.

    Boric Acid as One of the Ways to Deter Bed Bugs

    Will borax kill bed bugs? Now you know the answer to this question. Boric acid is only effective in redirecting bed bugs and preventing their further infestation. The insects don’t like crawling through borax and diatomaceous earth, so these methods can be used as additional ones when fighting infestations in the house.

    Have you ever used boric acid for this purpose? What results have you got? Please, tell us about your experience in the comments below.

    Also read: 


    • Bed Bug Biology and Behavior (Dini M. Miller, Ph.D., Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech Andrea Polanco, Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech)
    • Cockroach Elimination Cockroach Elimination in Homes and Apartments (by Michael F. Potter, Extension Entomologist University of Kentucky)
    • Boric Acid (Oregon State University and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
  • Can Bed Bugs Live on Leather?

    Can Bed Bugs Live on Leather?

    Bed bug infestations can happen in any house or even in a car. These small insects can easily occupy different places and objects, such as your bed, clothes, furniture, and more.

    One of the questions remains – can bed bugs live on leather? This material is extensively used in the production of jackets, couches, and chairs, so a lot of people have leather things in their houses.

    In this article, you can find out whether bed bugs can hide and survive in this material.

    Dealing with bed bug infestations in leather

    Can leather couches have bed bugs? And what about leather clothes? These annoying insects are a common occurrence in houses, and you can encounter them in different materials, including leather.

    Depending on whether you have an infestation in furniture or clothes, there are different methods of getting rid of them. Here you can learn how to eliminate bed bugs from a leather jacket, a couch, or shoes.

    Do bed bugs like leather?

    To put it simply, bed bugs don’t seem to have a particular preference when it comes to materials. They can easily hide in items and furniture made out of different materials if there is enough space for them. These insects are called ‘bed bugs’ for a reason, as they like to be closer to people so they can feed off them while they sleep and don’t notice anything.

    Some people may think that a leather bed will be an uninhabitable place for bed bugs, but this is not true. There are always enough nooks and crannies in the bed construction for bugs to use as their hiding place. Also, if there are any small cracks and tears in leather, bed bugs can get right into the material.

    Can bed bugs climb on leather?

    Similar to other insects, bed bugs can climb on anything — human skin, fabric, plastic, and leather. When a certain material has a smooth texture without any tears, bed bugs can crawl, but they won’t be able to hide inside and live in it.

    It is impossible for bed bugs to hide inside leather if there are no flaws in it, but even the smallest hole can become a harbor for these insects. What is great about leather and other smooth materials is that you can immediately see bed bugs and get rid of them.

    Can bed bugs live inside leather furniture?

    As was mentioned before, materials don’t play such a big role in how likely bed bugs are to occupy certain items and locations. The construction of objects and any flaws in the material are the factors that influence this the most.

    Leather couches

    Leather couche

    Can bed bugs live in leather couches? If you have a leather couch at home, you should know that bed bugs can easily live in it if there is an infestation in your house.

    Couches are among the most beloved places for bed bugs because they like to feed on people who sleep or rest there. The majority of people don’t have reactions to the bites of bed bugs, so they can go unnoticed for a while.

    If you suspect that your leather couch may harbor bed bugs, you should check all the folds and corners.

    Leather jacket

    Leather jacket

    Compared to couches, clothes are less likely to become infested with bed bugs. However, if there is a heavy infestation in your home, this can still happen if you don’t wear certain clothes.

    If you haven’t worn your leather jacket for some time, and it has pockets, they can become a home to bed bugs. The insects can also hide on the inside right in the sleeves or other parts of the jacket.

    Leather sofas

    Leather sofas

    As was stated previously, bed bugs in leather couch are a common occurrence. When it comes to sofas, the infestation is more likely to happen if you sleep on the couch regularly.

    If your leather sofa is used for occasional sitting or is simply standing somewhere in your house, the chances of it being infested are reduced.

    Leather shoes

    Leather shoes

    Similar to other objects, shoes can be infested by bed bugs, but this is not their favorite hiding place. If you have shoes, whether made from leather or not, that you don’t wear frequently, you may notice bed bugs in them.

    Shoes that you keep closer to your bed where you have these bugs can become occupied by them. The most likely scenario is that bed bugs can hide in shoes temporarily, but not live there for a long time.

    Leather car seats

    Hand Cleaning the Leather Car Seat

    Most people associate bed bugs with houses, but they can actually live in cars. This can happen if a garage is attached to your house and there is an infestation in it.

    A car is a perfect location for bed bugs, as there are many hiding spots in it. Leather car seats are most likely to become targets, especially if you drive your car for several hours a day. At the same time, a large infestation of bed bugs in cars is a highly rare occurrence.

    Getting rid of bed bugs in leather

    Now that you know where you can encounter bed bugs, the next step is to learn how to get rid of them. Even though bed bugs are not carriers of infections, everyone will agree that having them around in your house is far from pleasant. Depending on where they decided to hide, you can choose an appropriate method of elimination.


    Having your leather jacket infested by bed bugs is a true nightmare. Luckily, getting rid of them is not as difficult as one can imagine. To get rid of bugs from other materials, it is enough to wash clothes and dry them at high settings.

    You cannot wash a leather jacket this way, so there is another option. To get rid of bed bugs, you should place a leather jacket in a plastic bag and put it in a freezer for some time. It is important to close a plastic bag tightly so that bed bugs cannot get out.


    If you have bed bugs on a leather couch, there are several things you should do. The first step is to take off all the bedding, wash it, and then dry it at a high setting. Next, it’s important to carefully check the entire couch and its frame for any cracks, tears, or holes.

    If you see any bed bugs, you can get rid of them manually and then apply patches to any cracks you find. The problem with this method is that you can miss some bed bugs and they will multiply after some time.

    The best solution in the case of leather couch infestation is to invite professional exterminators. They will be able to eliminate bed bugs in your house safely as they know which products to use.

    Another option is to purchase special insect repellents that have been approved for use by non-professionals in private homes. However, if you have never performed insect extermination, it’s easy to miss their hiding spots, so you will have to repeat this procedure.


    Similar to eliminating bed bugs from a leather jacket, you cannot put your leather shoes in a regular washing machine. Also, using a dryer is impossible, as there will be nothing left of your shoes. In this way, you should use the same method as with the leather jacket — place shoes in a plastic bag and in the freezer for a week or several days.


    bug in hand

    We are often asked whether bed bugs can live on leather and what would be the best ways of getting rid of them. Here are the most popular questions regarding this topic.

    Do bed bugs live in the leather car seats?

    Bed bugs can live in car seats, but they are most likely to just hide there for some time as opposed to infesting an entire car.

    Do bed bugs eat leather?

    No. Bed bugs don’t eat leather, as they feed on humans and animals.

    What surfaces can bed bugs not live on?

    Bed bugs can climb on any smooth surfaces, but they are unlikely to live on them unless there are some cracks to hide in.

    Bed Bugs Can Hide Anywhere

    Can bed bugs live on leather furniture? As you can see, bed bugs don’t care about materials, as the most important thing for them is to have a place to hide in. When looking for bed bugs in couches or other places, it’s important to do this carefully, as they can easily go unnoticed.

    Have you ever had a bed bug infestation in your house? What approaches have you used to get rid of them? Please, tell us about your experience in the comments below.

    Also read:


    • Top Ten Tips to Prevent or Control Bed Bugs (United States Environmental Protection Agency)
    • Bed Bugs (by Michael F. Potter, Extension Entomologist University of Kentucky College of Agriculture)
    • Biology, Habitat, and Management of Bed Bugs (PennState Extension)
  • Can Bed Bugs Live on Plastic and What to Do With Them

    Can Bed Bugs Live on Plastic and What to Do With Them

    Bed bugs are little creatures that you don’t want to have in your house. They are highly invasive and hard to find due to their small scale. A lot of people wonder: “Can bed bugs live on plastic?” The simple answer is yes, but there are actually quite a few details to it.

    What to Know About Bed Bugs and Plastic

    Do bed bugs live on plastic? What am I supposed to do with them? Once you have to deal with these small creatures, you will only have more and more questions.

    Bed bugs can survive on a lot of surfaces and materials, so getting rid of them can be hard. Don’t worry, because following all of the needed advice you will be able to solve the problem in no time.

    Do Bed Bugs Survive in Plastic?

    As we know, bed bugs usually tend to settle in places where they can easily access their main food source – humans. There are a lot of ways to get rid of them and capture them, and you probably have seen plenty of tips and life hacks about it.

    Of course, critical thinking is our main weapon, so you should consider everything before doing it. Do bed bugs like plastic? Not really. They can’t eat it, and that makes plastic their so-called enemy.

    Bed bugs also don’t have the strength to cut through it, so it is a perfect containment chamber for them.

    bed bugs on sofa leg

    Plastic bags can be your savers when it comes to capturing bed bugs. They can stay sealed for a long time, but it doesn’t guarantee you full protection from these parasites.

    You need to make sure that there are no ways of them getting out, as you will need to start over from scratch. Usually, adult bed bugs can survive in plastic for quite a long time, from four to six months. You cannot seal the bag completely, creating a vacuum, because to do that, you will need to have professional equipment.

    We figured that you cannot deny air getting into the bag, but having bed bugs in plastic is still helpful. Remember to clean everything after them and don’t throw them out into a regular bin because the bag can accidentally tear, letting all of the insects back in. Unfortunately, you can’t catch all of them, but slowly eliminating most of the colony, you can reduce the damage.

    How Does Plastic Help Kill Bed Bugs?

    Killing bed bugs with black plastic bags doesn’t seem like a problem, but there are some catches to it. Plastic bags won’t really help you kill them but can be the first step in solving the problem. If you put some of them into the bag, you can pour strong insecticides in there and then leave it in the sun for a couple of hours.

    Bed bugs don’t like high temperatures, that’s why a lot of professionals from pest control use steam machines against them. When combining heat with heavy chemicals, you should be careful not to harm yourself.

    Bed Bug on the upholstery of the sofa

    Plastic can be used as a surface that won’t let bed bugs spread around because they won’t find anything to eat. The main way to kill bed bugs is to either suffocate them or starve them. Having plastic bags around is a good practice in case you need to store the caught specimens somewhere.

    Bed bugs can live in plastic, and that can be a problem. For example, they infest microwaves, plastic toys, space behind drawers, plant pots. They will be looking for a cozy dark place where you can’t reach them. In this case, you should consider wiping your plastic equipment with bleach or strong chemicals to scare them off.

    Should I Use Plastic Against Bed Bugs?

    If you are looking for something to help you with bed bugs, plastic surely can be of help. First of all, plastic bags are the thing that will help you capture insects. Ziplocs guarantee that they won’t get out, and in plastic bins, they won’t be able to crawl out from the slippery inside.

    Plastic can withstand harsh treatment, such as water and cold, so this material won’t let you up when something terrible happens. Just make sure that the caught bed bugs don’t have any ways out, like small holes. Store your plastic containers in places where children or animals can’t reach them.

    On the contrary, plastic can be the container for your clean clothes that you don’t want to contaminate while dealing with bed bugs. Store them in a clean and dust-free place, so no insects will get in there.

    You can also put the suspected things with bed bugs in the bags, then you won’t have to worry about them spreading from the piece of clothing or plastic toy.

    bed bugs coming out from under the lid

    Unfortunately, because you can’t create a vacuum in the bag, it won’t help you kill bed bugs, but restricting them from their main food source, blood, will help you a great deal.

    They become sluggish and eventually fall into a state reminiscent of unconsciousness, remaining still until they sense the potential blood source nearby. The first thing you have to do is catch the adult specimens because they lay eggs in great amounts, and if they won’t be eliminated, you will have to deal with a lot more bed bugs.

    Then move on to nymphs, which grow from little white eggs. If you restrain them in the early stages from blood, they won’t fully develop and thus can’t reproduce more.

    Plastic Bed Covers Against Bed Bugs

    wooden bed with white mattress

    A great thing to have are plastic bed bug bed covers. They are usually made for mattresses from a special type of plastic that is not harmful to people. Such cases ensure that your mattress will stay clean and won’t let anything get into the carcass of the bed.

    If you have bed bugs in the mattress, these plastic covers, of course, complete their function and don’t allow them to get through the material to you. Bed bugs won’t even be able to crawl through zippers because they are made specifically to deny any ways of different parasites getting on the bed.

    Although, in case of bed bugs coming from the outside, such covers won’t help you much. You can be sure that bed bugs won’t get into the mattress, but they will still freely explore the covers of the bed while you sleep.

    Plastic covers are helpful for traveling because they don’t take up too much space, so if you are unsure about the safety of your bed in a hotel, you can simply bring them out.

    They will protect you from any potential parasites that might live in an old mattress. And we know that it is better to prevent the issue beforehand than to deal with it after.

    If you have children, plastic covers are a good choice for ensuring their health. Children are very curious and can bring almost anything on the bed, including different insects.

    Bed bugs are common at a young age, as children won’t even notice them getting on them. Kindergartens are usually the source of such infestations, so always check your child when they come back home. Plastic bed covers are easy to wash and don’t stain that badly, so you don’t have to worry about your children covering them in paint or food.


    dead bed bugs on the roof

    Various plastics are incredibly abundant in our surroundings, which is why many people have misconceptions about plastic and bed bugs. Here are the top questions we get asked.

    Will bed bugs lay eggs on plastic?

    Bed bugs tend to lay their eggs in tight places that are hard to access. It can be on plastic because they don’t care about which material the nymphs will hatch on, as long as they can get to a blood source.

    How long do bed bugs live in a plastic bag?

    Adult bed bugs can survive in sealed plastic bags for several months, so it is better not to forget to throw them out after you’ve successfully captured them.

    Can bed bugs live in plastic toys?

    Bed bugs prefer to live in dark small corners and things, and, unfortunately, they can be plastic toys. You should sanitize and regularly clean children’s toys to avoid getting bed bugs in the house.

    Can bed bugs eat through plastic?

    Bed bugs feed on blood because they are invasive parasites. They will not eat through the plastic but will wait for the moment you accidentally let them out.

    Help Bed Bugs Leave Your House

    Bed bugs are not the most welcome guests in our houses. It is better to prevent them from getting in beforehand. Plastic can help you contain and separate bed bugs from your other clothes and successfully get them out of your home.

    What other tips from bed bugs would you like to know? What do you usually use against them? Please, share your opinion with us in the comments below.

    Also read:


    • Bedbugs beware: New research may beat back bedbug epidemic (University Park, Pennsylvania)
    • A Case Study of Bedbug Infestation in the Student Dormitories of Iran-2018 (Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research)
    • Bed Bugs: Clinical Relevance and Control Options (Stephen L. Doggett,corresponding authora Dominic E. Dwyer, Pablo F. Peñas, and Richard C. Russelld)
  • What Scent Keeps Bed Bugs Away: Effective Natural Repellents

    What Scent Keeps Bed Bugs Away: Effective Natural Repellents

    There are several problems associated with bed bugs. They multiply rapidly, are incredibly tenacious, and have a keen sense of smell, thanks to which they find new victims without issues.

    Use the latter property to your advantage. To fight these pests, professional insecticides are used, but you can supplement them with natural remedies, the smell of which repels insects.

    So you won’t only get rid of unwanted neighbors but also prevent their reappearance. From my article, you will learn what scent keeps bed bugs away and how to apply them for the greatest effect.

    Guide on How to Repel Bed Bugs With Natural Scents

    Bed bugs have a very keen sense of smell for a creature of such a small size. The scent of the human body, things, and clothes attracts them.

    However, there are things bed bugs don’t like, such as rubbing alcohol, lavender, vinegar, neem oil, and so on. Many of these odors are quite acceptable to humans. Knowing what repels bed bugs, you can effectively deal with annoying pests.

    What smells do bed bugs hate?

    These insects, like many others, are intolerant of sharp scents. This property has been familiar to people since ancient times; therefore, in the Middle Ages, for example, it was recommended to rub yourself with perfume.

    I do not advise you to do it so as not to waste a product. There are cheaper ways to get rid of insects. So, what scents do bed bugs hate?

    Rubbing alcohol

    Disinfecting a table surface

    Isopropyl alcohol is considered one of the effective pest control means. However, it is not so much due to its strong smell but its chemical properties. It has a double effect on insects: it dissolves chitinous shells and dries out the bodies.

    True, to achieve these effects, a spray should fall on bugs. That is, it works with direct contact. Because alcohol evaporates quickly, you can’t put it on a surface and wait for pests to crawl over it.

    Besides, rubbing alcohol is a flammable substance, so it should be used with extreme caution.

    Tea tree oil

    Tea tree oil

    Tea tree oil has a strong enough aroma to mask the human smell of sweat and blood. You can use it both undiluted and diluted. Just remember that the less concentrated the solution, the weaker its effect.

    Its smell repels insects and has a devastating impact if it directly hits exoskeletons. You can spray not only pillows, mattresses, and furniture with tea tree spray but also wash bedspreads and bedding using this product. The smell will remain on a fabric for a while and will continue to repel pests.

    Lavender oil

    Lavender oil

    These beautiful flowers are known for their repellent properties. Why do bed bugs hate lavender? Like many other plants used to produce pest control products, it contains Linalool in its composition.

    Many insects are intolerant to it and try to leave the place where there is such a scent. And you can use both essential oil and plants. Plant lavender bushes in your yard, in a flowerpot, or arrange dried bouquets around the room. This strong smell will help you get rid of annoying pests.

    Blood orange oil

    Blood orange oil

    All citrus fruits repel a wide variety of pests well due to their persistent scent. But it was blood orange that proved its effectiveness in the fight against bed bugs. It is even confirmed by scientific studies.

    Just as with other essential oils, you should treat the contaminated area with a pure product or dilute it with water or, for example, alcohol. You can make a homemade spray, light an oil burner, use a diffuser, or dab oil on pillows, mattresses, furniture, window frames, and cracks in walls (if any).

    Diatomaceous earth

    Diatomaceous earth

    Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a fine white powder. It does not have a pronounced smell, unlike previous items, but it is highly effective in killing insects with chitinous shells and is absolutely safe for people and pets.

    The peculiarity of DE is not in the chemical but the mechanical effect on pests. Small particles easily cut through exoskeletons and quickly absorb inside liquids. Scatter the powder where you see insects. It is effective with direct contact, so try not to disturb it and avoid water ingress.


    Apple vinegar

    Few creatures can stand the acrid smell of vinegar. Bed bugs also quickly scatter from it, so this option seems to be an effective way to control pests.

    It suppresses the nervous system of insects and, if it comes into contact with bodies, corrodes them. However, not all people tolerate the smell of vinegar.

    Besides, if applied undiluted, it can damage wood surfaces and dyed fabrics. Therefore, always mix it with water in a ratio of 1 to three. Then the deterrent properties of the product will be preserved, and the likelihood of damage will be minimal.


    minced garlic

    The effectiveness of garlic in the fight against pests is also scientifically substantiated. The fact is that when the clove cells are destroyed (for example, when cut or grated), Allicin is produced.

    The substance is responsible for the characteristic smell and repels insects. It decomposes rather slowly at room temperature, so it retains its effect for some time. Of course, not everyone likes the garlic scent, but it really works.

    When combined with vinegar, it provides long-lasting protection against bugs, so you can make a spray based on them and treat infested areas.

    Powdered pepper

    Powdered pepper

    Have you noticed that you begin to sneeze when you inhale freshly ground pepper? Pepper irritates the mucous membrane, stimulates nerve cells, and causes a reflex.

    Bed bugs have different respiratory systems, but they get irritated by fine pepper dust like ours. So it’s a great alternative to garlic and vinegar for insect control.

    And unlike many other products, it is definitely in every home and quite inexpensive. Sprinkle crushed pepper in areas where pests are found and spray it on baseboards, crevices, joints, and other places where bed bugs crawl.



    As I wrote above, citrus fruits are excellent at repelling insects, and their smell is pleasant to most people. If with blood orange, I recommend using an essential oil; you can use lemon in its natural form.

    You need to squeeze the juice, mix it with a bit of water, and spray it on all surfaces in the house. It is desirable to prepare such a mixture right before use and not store it in a refrigerator.

    Thanks to its powerful smell and astringent properties, you can get rid of annoying neighbors. Please note that only natural lemon juice is suitable for it, not the one sold in cartons.



    Cinnamon combines such repellent scents as benzyl benzoate, eugenol, and cinnamaldehyde. They are literally in everything: dried flowers, sticks, and essential oils.

    You can sprinkle the powder on carpets, and bedding, near doors and windows and put sachets with sticks inside wardrobes and shelves with clothes. You can also soak cotton pads in cinnamon essential oil. While most of these methods simply repel pests, the oil kills insects on contact, as it is a strong irritant. Since the smell disappears over time, do not forget to repeat applications.


    A bottle of peppermint essential

    Do bed bugs like peppermint? No, because it contains menthol and terpenes. These substances are so powerful that they create a repulsive barrier for many insects. Like many other products described, they have an irritating effect on pests, so they prefer to bypass treated surfaces.

    There are different opinions, but it is believed that you can use both essential oil and fresh peppermint leaves. Oil should be mixed with water and sprayed on furniture and soft objects. And the leaves can be chopped to activate the release of repulsive substances and spread out near the infestation sites.

    Neem oil

    Neem oil

    Neem oil is a natural pesticide and insecticide that I regularly use to control various pests. It is made from a neem tree and is EPA approved because it is 100% organic.

    In the composition, you will find many useful elements, but the most effective of them is Azadirachtin. Neem oil not only repels pests with its smell but also interferes with the work of organisms upon contact. It inhibits nutrition and the hormonal system functioning, which disrupts the process of laying eggs and, accordingly, the development of a colony.

    Other scents

    What scents do bed bugs not like besides those described above? Here are other effective products:

    • tar;
    • rosemary;
    • thyme;
    • kerosene;
    • turpentine;
    • chlorine;
    • ammonia.

    The smells described repel insects but do not kill them, as diatomaceous earth and neem oil do. Therefore, using several methods as an integrated approach is the best solution.

    When working with strong and concentrated scents, remember they can cause headaches, nausea, allergic reactions, weakness, and dizziness. Also, pets react badly to pungent smells.

    FAQ on Bed Bug Repellent Scents

    If you encounter an infestation problem, find more information on this topic in the FAQ block.

    Do bed bugs have a smell?

    Yes, these insects release pheromones to communicate with other colony members, attract mating partners, and scare off enemies. That is why there is a specific sour smell in rooms with a lot of these pests.

    Why do bed bugs smell when you kill them?

    The pheromones that bed bugs secrete are needed for scaring away potential enemies. Smelly substances splash out in large quantities when you destroy chitinous shells. Even a dead insect still stinks for some time.

    What essential is oil good for bed bugs?

    In short, all essential oils that have a pungent smell repel bed bugs. These include tea tree, blood orange, peppermint, lavender, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and neem oils. The latter not only repels insects but also slows down their development, contributing to the colony’s death.

    Get Rid of Bed Bugs Effectively

    Given the speed of reproduction and the survivability of these pests, I consider an integrated approach to be the best control option. Now you know what scents bed bugs do not like, and you can use them in conjunction with other methods.

    While steaming, freezing, professional insecticides, and diatomaceous earth kill insects; essential oils will protect your home from re-invasion.

    Do you think it is effective to use natural products to repel pests? If you’ve had to get bed bugs out, please share your methods with the readers!

    Also read:


    • Controlling Bed Bugs Using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) (United States Enviromental Protection Agency)
    • Diatomaceous Earth (Oregon State University and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
    • Toxicities of Selected Essential Oils, Silicone Oils, and Paraffin Oil against the Common Bed Bug (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) (Chen Zha, Changlu Wang, Andrew Li)