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Best Skunk Repellent in 2024: Expert Reviews

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Skunks pose a very unpleasant smelling threat, and therefore, it is not surprising that everyone is trying to avoid meeting these animals. Skunks are very cute and loving animals that live only in the USA. They release special fetid liquid only when they get very angry or something bothers them.

Even a small amount of it when contacting your eyes can cause temporary blindness. I decided that it is important for people to know fast and safe methods of how to repel skunks.

I selected TOP 5 best skunk repellents that will deter these pests from your household and prevent their reappearance for a long time.

TOP 5 Best Skunk Repellents

  1. Peppermint Essential Oil 4 oz.
  2. Natural Armor Animal & Rodent Repellent Spray
  3. BONIDE PRODUCTS INC BND2361 Animal Repellent Granules
  4. Clever sprouts Dog Cat Repellent, Ultrasonic Animal Repellent
  5. FAYINWBO: Motion Activated Pests Repeller

It is always better to give preference to the best repellents on the market. However, it’s not easy to choose from all of the wide range presented by different manufacturers. I selected TOP 5 skunk repellents to ease your decision-making process.

1. Peppermint Essential Oil: Best Natural Skunk Repellent


  • Liquid Volume: 4 Fluid Ounces
  • Enclosed: Long Glass Dropper, User’s Guide
  • Scent: Aromatherapy
  • Item Weight: 7 ounces
  • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 5 x 2 x 2 inches
     Peppermint Essential Oil 4 oz

Peppermint oil is a rescue in a fight with skunks. This is the best skunk repellent based on natural oil ingredients. It can be used indoors and outdoors due to its safe active ingredients for people and pets. You need to mix only a few drops with water in an open container and place it in your yard.

Skunks have a good sense of smell, therefore, they will notice the unpleasant odor of the peppermint oil and run away. Essential oil skunk repellent can be a long-run solution for getting rid of skunks.

  • eco-friendly;
  • will serve you for a long time;
  • easy to dispense;
  • great scent.
  • not 100% effective.

2. Natural Armor Animal & Rodent Repellent Spray: Eco-Friendly Spray with Peppermint


  • Scent: Peppermint
  • Item Volume: 128 Fluid Ounces
  • Item Form: Spray
  • Item Weight: 8.38 pounds
  • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 12.44 x 8.07 x 5.67 inches

This spray is a universal repellent for many pests like skunks, raccoons, rats, and chipmunks. It contains only natural ingredients and is perfect to use anywhere you want.

You can spray it in the kitchen, basement, or attics. As well as in your backyard, garage, around trash cans or furniture, and so on.

Since this is ready-made repellent, the only thing you need to do is to shake it and spray. The spraying course jet reaches up to 1000 ft. This is the maximum safe distance. This skunk deterrent has a residual action that will keep away all the annoying pests, including skunks, for a long time.

  • doesn’t kill your pets;
  • easy to use;
  • safe to use indoors and outdoors;
  • 30-day guarantee.
  • may not work if you spray a small amount.

3. Bonide: Pets-Friendly Granules Repellent for Skunks


  • Composed of: garlic, dried blood, whole egg solids, clove, fish oil, onion and wintergreen
  • Lasts: up to 2 months per application
  • Item Weight: 2.33 pounds
  • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 0.4 x 0.19 x 0.81 inches 
  • Pack of 1(pack may vary)

Bonide Repels-All Animal Repellent

This is one of the most effective repellents. Bonide is a strong smell repellent that consists of unique ingredients that makes skunk avoid the sprayed places.

Once the skunk smells this repellent, it will act as a strong trigger for the animal. The trigger activates the instincts to avoid the place where the repellent is located and anywhere near that.

Bonide affects not only skunks but many other animals, such as rats, raccoons, mice, rabbits, squirrels, etc. This is safe for your pets since it is biodegradable.

  • lasts for up to 2 months;
  • safe for pets;
  • easy to use;
  • works instantly.
  • may be harmful if not following instructions.

4. Clever: An Effective Ultrasonic Skunk Repellent for Yard

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This is easy and safe to use repellent with maximum effectiveness. It doesn’t contain any active chemical ingredients that may be harmful to people or pets. The infrared sensor emits a tone that people cannot hear, but the skunks can. It acts as a trigger for pests to run away scared.

This repellent is waterproof, so you can easily set it up outdoors. It works in any weather conditions. The Clever repellent is powered by solar energy, and you don’t have to bother about recharging it.

  • easy to use;
  • waterproof;
  • eco and pet friendly;
  • has a motion detection;
  • lightweight.
  • doesn’t work for all pests.

5. FAYINWBO: Motion Activated Pests Repeller

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FAYINWBO repeller is a solar-powered and motion-activated skunk repellent for the yard. It works very simply, and to install it, you have to hang it on the wall or insert it into the ground.

The ultrasonic repeller detects motion and activates 120 dB alarm sounds and flashes that immediately affect skunks’ hearing and sight.

The device doesn’t require any assistance when working because it has a multi-frequency mode. FAYINWBO returns to sleep mode when there’s no motion. You can arrange the sensitivity and use it in any mode you prefer.

  • easy to install;
  • multifrequency mode;
  • doesn’t kill;
  • eco and pets friendly;
  • mostly for outdoors use;

The Buyer’s Guide

The easiest way to catch this animal is to learn about skunks as much as possible. I answered the most frequently asked questions to help you eliminate skunks.

What Different Types of Repellents Exist?


When asking what will keep skunks away, I always think of various ways to catch and repel them from your household. The most common and effective repellents are mechanical ones, sprays, and granules. Let’s look at each of them and ease your choice.

Mechanical Traps

Conventional wire racks are not very suitable for skunk eliminating — there is always a risk of getting an odorous spray jet in response. So, scientists have come up with special plastic traps.

Their integral walls reliably protect a person from stinky secretions of an animal. But you can’t be too careful, so when transporting an animal in a trap, it is better to throw a blanket over it.

Related Post: 5 Best Skunk Traps Reviewed

Spray Repellents

Many states have laws prohibiting the killing of skunks, so the use of poisons is out of the question. There are humane ways to scare away these animals with sprays that have an unpleasant odor for skunks. These are the following:

  • sprays containing predator secretions;
  • pepper sprays;
  • rags moistened with ammonia;
  • peels of orange or lemon or sprays with a citrus odor.

Granules Repellents

Granules repellents are easy to use because you just have to spread small granules all over your yard. Most often, granules are not intended to use indoors. Natural skunk repellent has a special odor to scare away skunks. Whenever a pest wants to come to your territory, the scent of granules will scare them away.

How to Repel Skunks


You should pay attention to the smells near your home and farm buildings. If you start to smell musty odors, there may be skunks nearby. This is the first step when you begin repelling skunks.

Protect your buildings by setting a trap. First of all, remove attractants, natural or synthetic substances that attract living organisms that stimulate their nutrition.

If the skunk was trapped in a garage, then open the door at dusk and close it late in the evening. Since skunks are nocturnal animals, you can close the door behind one of them, and the animal will have to look for a new home.

Check your windows. Skunks sometimes get there and cannot get out. You can try to make a wooden and wire mesh and install it at an angle of 45 degrees in the window openings. A skunk should have enough power to go out on this grid on its own. If this does not work, you should immediately call a pest control service and tell them about skunk nuisance problems.

Find the skunk’s den. If you feel an incessant sour and musky smell near a hole in the ground under the porch or elsewhere, you have to determine if this is the skunk’s den. Fill the top of the den with leaves throughout the day, while the skunk is likely to sleep. Come back in the morning and see if the leaves have been broken.

Dip a piece of cloth in ammonia and place it inside the entrance to the skunk’s den. The smell of ammonia is also unpleasant for a skunk.

Using Electronic Skunk Deterrents vs Using Granular Repellent vs Spray Repellent

Various repellers may differ in efficiency, power, and duration of action. Many people prefer to use various ultrasonic electronic skunk repellent because the use of this type of device is one of the most effective and reliable skunk repellents that work. Ultrasonic devices are completely safe for the person that uses them, which is why they are so common today.

electronic skunk repellent

Almost all granules contain natural active ingredients. Many granules are based on natural ingredients that give off a strong repellent odor. This allows skunks to stay at a distance and even disappear forever from your home site.

When skunks become a problem, spray repellents are also very popular. Most often, they are sold ready for use, and all you need to do is spray at the right place.

On the market, you can find skunk repellent spray for indoor and outdoor use. They necessarily contain a smelling active substance that repels pests and rodents, such as skunks, badgers, raccoons, etc. for a long time.


These questions may interest when during the skunk elimination process. I want to pay your attention to every detail to prevent any occasions that may occur during the process.

Related Post: Best Skunk Odor Neutralizers

What Smells Do Skunks Hate?

Skunks have an excellent sense of smell, and therefore, they are scared of pronounced odors, such as citrus fruits or peppermint. Many gardeners make homemade skunk repellents using orange or peppermint oil. When an animal feels this smell, it will no longer want to appear in your yard.

Do Moth Balls Repel Skunks?

Certainly. To expel pests such as skunks from your garage or barn, you just need to put a few mothballs in the room, and pests will immediately start to bypass this place and look for other places to dwell. To prevent skunks from entering the territory, you need to place mothballs around, and the pests will never appear.

Do Skunks Like Light?

Skunks are nocturnal animals and avoid bright light. A courtyard illuminated at night will be much less attractive to skunks. However, you run the risk of attracting insects that love bright light, such as crickets and moths. Since the light will stay on all night, consider using solar or energy-efficient lighting to avoid getting high electricity bills.

What do Skunks Eat?


Skunks are omnivorous, meaning they gladly eat both plant and animal food. They also eat worms and adult insects, or their larvae.

They like to enjoy frogs, snakes, bird eggs, seeds, fruits, fish. Sound and smell sensitivity helps them find food since their vision is poorly developed.


Skunks are not the most pleasant animals, and therefore, it is important to know how to scare them away. This will save you from meeting this pest again, and you won’t have to rack your brains on how to remove the stinky smell of its secretion.

I have compiled TOP 5 skunk repellent reviews of the most effective and natural remedies that will help you quickly and safely solve this problem.

If you have already used one of the repellents, share in the comments! Also, if you know some other ways of how to keep skunks away, tell us about it.


  • Learn about skunks (Commonwealth of Massachusetts):
  • Skunk Nuisance Problems (Connecticut’s Official State Website):
  • Government of Prince Edward Island (Official Site):


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We know that pests are nasty neighbors, and it can take months to eliminate them without the right approach. Our experts use their own experience to compile articles and guides that are introductory and informative. Our authors’ opinions are independent and based on the results of practical testing of pest control tools. We do not notify manufacturers of testing of their products and do not receive payment from them for posting their items. Also, our texts are never submitted to company representatives for proofreading before placement. On the site, you will find exclusively objective ratings and reviews.

Nicholas Martin

Nicholas Martin

I am Nicholas Martin, and I am an entomologist. I combine the insect survey work with the consultation for private pest control agencies. My narrow specializations are both urban pests and agricultural pests. I studied their control over the previous 25 years. More about Nick

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