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Dog Got Sprayed by a Skunk: How to Act and What Remedies to Use

Skunks are a very unpleasant-smelling threat to humans and animals, and of course, people try to avoid meeting them. The secretion of skunks has an almost suffocating effect for everyone. Breathing next to a skunk is simply impossible, but if this liquid gets on your clothes, you should get rid of them immediately.

However, if your pets get sprayed by a skunk, it’s important to take them to the vet. For example, if the liquid gets into the eyes, this can cause real life-threatening problems. So, what to do if your dog got sprayed by skunk?

How to Save the Life of a Skunked Dog?

In fact, a skunk does not attack unless it feels the danger. But, imagine the situation: you are walking the dog, and then the animal begins to bark and growl at the sight of a skunk. Of course, the skunk will assess this as a threat to its life and try to defend itself. So, if your dog is in trouble, let’s figure out what to do with it and how to react.

Is skunk spray dangerous for my dog?

It’s no secret that nature has endowed skunks with special scent glands that protect them from the attacks of other animals. There are two glands, and both of them are located under the tail of the animal.

The most interesting thing is that they are able to aim at their enemy very accurately and release a terribly smelling jet at them, which can easily fly a distance of several inches. Skunks have the ability to regulate the amount of fluid sprayed. They can shoot both one or two glands at the same time. The number of “shots” is 5-7 on average.

The liquid has a disgusting smell, and if it gets on the skin, the poor animal will lose the ability to breathe. And if liquids get into the eyes of a pet, it may even go blind for a while.

How to Get Rid of Skunk Smell on a Dog: Complete Guide to Skunk Off a Dog

two autumn skunks

Be careful with your furry friend, and use this emergency plan to get rid of the smell quickly.

Step 1: Keep your dog outside

If your dog got sprayed by a skunk, you have to do everything to make it breathe easier. Remember that skunk’s scent has an awful odor, so your first action is to let your dog out if it lives inside the house. First of all, the pet gets the opportunity to breathe fresh air, and the second thing is that it won’t bring the smell in the house.

Step 2: Get a de-skunk shampoo or mix the homemade remedy

Luckily, the manufacturers of pet care products have managed to create special skunk smell removal remedies. You can purchase one (for example, from the list below) or make a DIY solution to get rid of the nasty smell. If you choose the second method, get all the needed ingredients:

  • 1 quart of 3-percent hydrogen peroxide,
  • 1/4 cup baking soda,
  • 1 teaspoon liquid dishwashing soap.

Mix it all together and wash your dog with this solution carefully. I’d recommend using special disposable gloves and masks to avoid the smell.

Step 3: Clean and rinse

After the skunk bath for the dog is done, make sure you rinse the pet and your hands scrupulously, so no smells and unpleasant odors stay on your and animal’s skin.

Step 4: Wash with a regular shampoo

Proceed by applying the regular dog shampoo you use to wash your pet. It’s important to clean all dishwashing and hydrogen peroxide remains from the fur and skin of the animal. By the way, I also bring some of my dog’s favorite toys to ease the long bathing process.

Step 5: Clean yourself

Of course, once you’re done with cleaning your skunked dog, you have to clean yourself. Wash your clothes and take a hot tub or a quick shower to get rid of any smell that may remain.

What if a dog got sprayed by a skunk in the face?

dog running with tennis ball

If your dog got skunked in face – don’t panic. Instead, take turns to deal with the smell of a dog sprayed by skunk.

  • Has it been bitten or scratched? Check for visible injuries on the pet.

If so, take your dog to the vet immediately, as skunks are dangerous, not only because of their smell.

These small pests can also carry dangerous diseases (e.g., rabies).

  • Be sure to check your dog’s eyes.

If your dog gets a direct spray of skunk secretion in the face, its eyes could be splattered and irritated. If this happens, flush the eyes of a pet well with cool water or use a special eye washing treatment made for dogs.

  • Leave it outside.

Be tough and resist the puppy eyes. The skunk’s spray is made of oils, so once the dog gets inside the house, you’ll get a lot of problems with getting rid of that smell.

Top 3 Best Skunk Odor Treatments for Dogs

The list includes three options to deskunk a dog. Check them all to find what you need.

1. (Top Pick) Nature’s Miracle Skunk Odor Remover – The Best Skunk Smell Removal


  • Safe To Use Around Children & Pets
  • Style: Original
  • Item Volume: 32 fl oz
  • Item Weight: 2.2 Pounds
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 3.38 x 3.38 x 9.19 inches

The Best Skunk Smell Removal

This remover is a real utilizer of sources of heavy and persistent organic odors. The composition of Miracle Skunk Remover includes natural and eco ingredients-enzymes and solvents that completely break down the sources of skunk odor.

It is extremely useful for getting rid of skunk smell not only on an animal, but it can also be used on different surfaces. By the way, it takes max 10 minutes to deskunk your dog. Apply the solution according to the instructions stated by the manufacturer, and wash the dog with its regular shampoo afterward.

  • made of natural components;
  • good for using on animals fur or surfaces;
  • acts quickly and safely.
  • not found.

2. The Best De-Skunk Spray for Dogs: Skunk-Off Liquid Soaker

No products found.


  • Safe To Use Around Children & Pets
  • Item Form: Spray
  • Item Volume: 32 fl oz
  • Item Weight: 2 Pounds
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 10.3 x 3.5 x 3.5 inches

Skunk-Off is a completely safe remedy for use directly on the animal and is specially formulated to remove skunk odor from animal skin. Shake the bottle well before use and apply the Skunk-Off solution as a spray or as a shampoo.

Paying particular attention to the areas that have come into contact with the source of the unpleasant odor, apply the product carefully to eyelids, around the mouth, and paws. Rinse the animal’s skin thoroughly and dry. If a bad odor stays on the pet, continue to use the remedy. You can also use the soaker inside the house and on the surfaces.

  • can be used as a spray or as a dog shampoo;
  • safe to apply on sensitive areas;
  • can be used inside the house.
  • the skunk odor may remain after the first applying.

3. Petpost Skunk Odor Shampoo for Dogs: Affordable and Efficient Skunk Cleaner for Dogs


  • Natural Safflower Oil Formula
  • Item Form: Shampoo
  • Item Volume: 16 Fluid Ounces
  • Item Weight: 1.17 Pounds
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 2.25 x 2.25 x 8 inches

Petpost Skunk Odor Shampoo for Dogs

The Petpost shampoo is created to help neutralize unpleasant odors and cleanse badly dirtied fur coats of dogs. The formula contains only natural ingredients that not only remove unpleasant odors but moisturize and nourish the skin of the animal.

After applying the shampoo, only a pleasant, barely noticeable smell of freshness remains. The shampoo washes away what many other dog detergents cannot do. It foams well and washes fur of any length. The skunk smell disappears after the second wash.

  • designed specifically for dogs;
  • natural ingredients;
  • fast odor eliminating.
  • may be irritating on sensitive skin.


skunk running in the grass

If there are still issues about what to do if your dog gets sprayed by a skunk, check this section out to find some of the most spread questions answered.

How long does skunk smell last on a dog?

Researchers claim that if you don’t treat your dog immediately, the skunk odor may remain for 14-21 days. But the smell isn’t the worst thing your pet may experience. Remember that the liquid of the animal can be infected with dangerous diseases.

Does de-skunk shampoo work?

Actually, most of the de-skunk products work pretty well. They were designed specifically to deal with this unpleasant odor and provided the best effect during a de skunk bath for a dog.

How long do I have to wait before washing out hydrogen peroxide mixture?

The solution that includes hydrogen peroxide should be left at least for 10 minutes. Of course, it is better to do if you apply it on a surface, but be careful when using it on a dog.

Skunk Smell Removal: Which Product Is the Best?

If a dog got skunked, you shouldn’t hesitate to manage getting rid of the nasty and dangerous smell. Use the guide on how to remove the skunk smell from a dog and choose the best remedy. I recommend using Nature’s Miracle skunk odor remover as the ultimate treatment to deskunk your dog. It consists of natural ingredients that won’t harm the animal’s sensitive skin and eyes.

skunk near the house

Also, don’t forget to inspect your dog first and check if the poor creature has any injuries. If so, head to the vet immediately. By the way, do you think it is better to use a DIY skunk cleaner for dogs or buy a ready-made one? Which one would you choose? Let me know.


  • Skunks (University of Arizona):
  • Removing Skunk Odor (University of Nebraska):


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Nicholas Martin

Nicholas Martin

I am Nicholas Martin, and I am an entomologist. I combine the insect survey work with the consultation for private pest control agencies. My narrow specializations are both urban pests and agricultural pests. I studied their control over the previous 25 years. More about Nick

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