Category: Ant Guides

  • How Do Ants Get Into Your House: Everything Explained

    How Do Ants Get Into Your House: Everything Explained

    It is certainly not a fun experience to notice some roommates in your house, especially if they are insects. How do ants get into your house?

    This question may arise in the situation when those little creatures are already swarming the corners of your apartment. Fear not, as there are ways to show them who’s in charge.

    What Attracts Them in Your House?

    Why are ants in my house? This is probably your first thought when you notice black dots scurrying around the walls or floor. There are different reasons as to why you might have an ant infestation, but don’t worry because it sounds much scarier than it is actually is.

    Usually, it depends on weather conditions, your habits of throwing food away, and the season of the year.

    Insects are commonly active during warm periods like spring, summer, and early autumn. You might see a lot of them, especially in July and August. If ants are looking for water or a cool place to settle in, they can consider inspecting your house.

    But most of the time, food is their main attraction. If you let a lot of plates, boxes, and cups stay out in the air, ants will try to get into your apartment in search of provision.

    Their favorite parts are crumbs and sugar leftovers, so make sure to always wash your dishes. Of course, if you are living on the high floor, you might never encounter such a problem.

    Ants in house

    During rain seasons, their anthills might get flooded, so they take on an adventure to find a new place, and it might end up being your house. On the contrary, when there is high heat and drought, ants can be found in humid parts of the house, like the bathroom.

    They settle in dark corners where it would be hard to see them, and they can operate during the night to avoid predators. Any food leftovers can be picked up and brought to the colony, and more workers will come there again to find more crumbs.

    Ants are especially fond of sweet things, so please remember to properly store any sugar-containing products in your fridge or cupboards. If you have a pet, the nice thing would be to put their leftover food in the trash or outside.

    Ants are natural explorers, and they can go out of their way to find provisions for their colony or a new place to settle. These small creatures are known to travel long ways from their homes in search of food. The one thing you need to pay attention to is if there is a colony’s queen in your house.

    She is the center of the anthill, and if you find one in your building, it means that the whole swarm will come looking for her. She will produce pheromones, and if you don’t exterminate her fast enough, you might have to deal with the whole colony under your roof.

    But How Do They Get There?

    Unfortunately, there are quite some ways ants can get into your house. Where do ants come from? Well, to be honest, they might enter through anywhere, but don’t panic, because it is not so bad for you. Ants are nature’s cleaners that go out of their way to find the leftovers to feed their colony and leave for the next place.

    The most common areas where you can find ants are in the corners of the room or on the walls. Where are ants coming from? First of all, you should check the cracks in the walls and flooring, as they can squeeze through pretty small spaces.

    If your house is old and needs renovations, there might be gaps in the ways your floorboards are placed, or your walls have cracks in them due to deterioration. It is a good idea to inspect your apartment just to make sure that no ants can get in. You can put glue or filling foam where you suspect they might be coming from.

    If you are still bothered with the question: “Where are ants coming from?” there might be another way for them to invade your house. You will need to check your foundation for any gaps, as ants can fit even between tiny cracks in concrete, and from there, they will find a way to your kitchen.

    Make sure to always seal your food in plastic containers or keep it somewhere high so ants won’t have much access to there.

    Ants inside woods of house

    You are probably tired of asking: “How are ants getting in my house?” But patience is key because such infestation is actually pretty common. Remember that ants are not that harmful if you take the situation under control immediately.

    They are nature’s helpers when it comes to cleaning different spaces, the biggest problem would appear if they decide to start a colony in your house. In some cases, they can get into your building through doors and windows, especially in summer when it is hot, and a lot of people keep them open for air circulation.

    To prevent them from coming that way, you should put some strong chemicals on the brims, like bleach or vinegar, so ants will be opposed to entering the house that way. Of course, there is a chance of accidentally bringing them home from the streets on your coat or shoes. Don’t worry, as this way you’ve probably carried only one worker in, and when you take it outside, other ants won’t follow it.

    How Do I Find Where Ants Are Coming From?

    It is good to know how insects can get into the house, but where do ants come from? An easy method will help you investigate the trails they use to get into the building.

    For that, you need to get a little saucer and pour there some droplets of honey or sugar water. With time, you will see the ants coming to feed on the mixture, then you should get a flashlight and follow one of them back to the original place of the ant nesting.

    It might lead you outside, and that is actually good news because it means you won’t have to look through your floorboards and walls. Be sure not to lose the worker on its way, as ants are fairly small, and it might be hard to concentrate on it.

    Ants usually love tight hidden places like cracks in the walls or floor, where there is enough space to accommodate the whole colony. In nature, anthills are located either underground or in old wood, where they all feed on the dying tree.

    The most important part is to find the queen of the colony, as she is the key to getting rid of all of the ants. If you understand that the infestation is pretty huge, you should call pest control so the specialists handle your case.

    While you are dealing with the ant problem, a helpful thing would be to put some vinegar or bleach on the trails they usually go through to your house. It will dissolve the pheromones workers leave behind for others to follow, so the remaining marching line will get confused and lost.

    All in all, make sure to take the situation under control: if you see that ants don’t stop coming into your house, you should certainly contact your local pest service.

    Please remember that applying insecticides might harm your house’s ecosystem, and they actually can be dangerous for humans if you breathe too much of their fumes.

    Moreover, DIY methods while dealing with ants are not recommended, because you might ruin some parts of your home, and the problem just won’t go away that easily.


    a lot Ant infestation

    Will ants eventually go away?

    Ant problem in house is easily dealt with if you do every proper measure for them to lose interest in your building.

    Does one ant mean there are more?

    Since ants are social creatures, when one finds something interesting in your house, it will leave a trail for others to find the place.

    Does killing ants attract more?

    Yes, because the workers who go exploring will produce alarm pheromones that will give the other ants a sign to act and go find and help them.

    Ants in the House Are Not Your Friends

    How do ants get in your house? Now you know it and how to prevent such problems. There are a lot of ways to deal with them, but those little creatures won’t do you any harm if you understand how to properly get rid of them.

    Ants are the great cleaners of nature, so help them do their business elsewhere.

    How do you deal with ants in your house? What other insects have been a pain to handle? Please, share your opinion in the comments below.

    Also read:


    • A context-dependent alarm signal in the ant Temnothorax rugatulus(Journal of Experimental Biology)
    • Indoor Ant Control(Pesticide Research Institute)
    • Migration control: a distance compensation strategy in ants(National Library of Medicine)
  • How Do Ants Reproduce and What to Know About It

    How Do Ants Reproduce and What to Know About It

    You have definitely seen ants running around the street right under your feet, but have you ever asked yourself: “How do ants reproduce?”

    It seems like a pretty easy question, although it can be hard to understand all of the details and interesting parts of this natural process.

    What Is Their Secret? Ants Reproduction Guide

    How are ants born? Well, as with every living thing, their reproduction cycle starts from the egg. Ant eggs are really small, almost see-through, and a queen of the colony can lay thousands of them at a time.

    Usually, those eggs are fertilized by a sperm that the queen keeps in her special pouch after the first mating.

    An ant colony can survive for years, regularly multiplying at a great speed. Ant giving birth is a fascinating process, and it is something you cannot spectate often. But how do ants lay eggs?

    The queen uses the remaining sperms to inseminate her eggs, and after that, they come out of her ovipositor. The eggs are usually tended by the workers after they are laid.

    Winged ants on the ground

    When the egg fully develops, emerges the larva. It has no legs and eyes, and it is fully dependent on adults. The workers feed the larvae for it to multiply in size and then grow into the next form of the ant.

    The larva is cream-colored and sometimes can be much bigger than the workers that attend to it. After some time, it metamorphoses into a pupa. This is a resting phase, the pupa looks a lot like a full-grown ant, but its legs and antennae are folded against its body.

    At first, it has white color, but gradually it darkens to brownish or black. Depending on species, pupa and larvae can differ in size and behavior, but all of the stages mentioned above are a vital part of ant reproduction.

    In the end, pupae turn into newborn ants. The development into a mature ant takes some time, and after that, the ants can be assigned into three main casts:

    • workers;
    • queens;
    • males.

    Ant colony works like a clock, and each of its functions is always calculated to be productive for everyone in the anthill. The queen plays the main role in the colony, as she decides who each young ant develops into.

    The unfertilized eggs turn into males who have wings, and when they fully grow, males leave the colony to go find a new queen to mate with. The process is more complicated when it comes to workers. They are females from the beginning, but they cannot reproduce.

    Their reproductive system is affected by the hormones of the queen, so their ovaries are underdeveloped, and they cannot produce eggs. The workers are the main power of the colony. They look for food, protect the anthill, and tend to eggs and larvae.

    Red ant egg

    Sometimes newborn ants can develop into virgin queens. They have wings, and after they are fully grown, these queens fly off to start new colonies with the males from different populations.

    Only the queen decides when virgin queens can be born, usually, they develop only when the main colony is powerful enough. How do ants breed? When the virgin queen mates with a male, it loses her wings and starts to lay thousands of eggs to begin her own colony.

    How fast do ants reproduce?

    Establishing a healthy and big colony of more than a thousand ants takes around 6 to 12 months. It is largely affected by the weather conditions, ant species, and the environment. Ants can build huge ant hills that differ in sizes from several centimeters to two meters.

    Ant colonies are tended to by workers, who make up more than 90% of the population. If there are a lot of them, it means that the colony has enough food and is protected from natural predators, who can try to ruin the anthill.

    What is the lifespan of an ant?

    Once again, the lifespan of an ant depends on the species of the creature. Usually, they have pretty short lives ranging from 1 to 6 months. Moreover, the lifespan of an ant is determined by the cast it belongs to.

    The common workers live for several months when queens can thrive for decades if the conditions are right. Male ants though always have short lives because their main function is only to reproduce.

    After they fulfill their mission, they can survive for some days or weeks, and then they die in isolation.


    Ant Infestation

    How often do ants reproduce?

    Ant reproduction is controlled by a queen of the colony, as she allows the virgin females to appear and go on to create new colonies. It can be once a month or once a year. At the same time, thr queen constantly lays new eggs.

    Why can’t worker ants reproduce?

    Worker ants are females that have reduced ovaries and hormonal systems, their reproduction is determined by the queen of the colony, and if there is not enough working power, she will not allow workers to develop fully.

    Why do ants die after mating?

    Not all ants die after mating. Usually, the queen survives to build a new colony, and a male ant indeed goes to survive for several days and then dies because it is left without its primary function – reproduction.

    How do house ants reproduce?

    House ants have the same reproduction cycle as regular ants, the main difference is that they can feed on the wood of your building, and the colony usually lives inside the walls or under the floorboards of the house.

    Ants and Their Little Mysteries

    How are ants born? What happens to them during their life? Now you know the fascinating details of the ant reproduction cycle, and I am sure you will find a way to implement it into your research.

    Ants and their micro world is something worth exploring, and each time you can find out more interesting facts about them.

    Ant ant bear doll

    What do you think is the most interesting part of ant reproduction? What other insects would you like to know more about? Please, share your opinion in the comments below.

    Also read:


    • Ant Reproductive Strategies(Jiirgen HEINZE and Kazuki TSUJI l)
    • Stanford scientist uncovers the reproductive workings of a harvester ant dynasty(Stanford Report BY BJORN CAREY)
    • The Reproductive System of the Army-Ant Queen , Eciton ( Eciton ) Part 1 . General Anatomy ‘ BY(H. R. Hagan)
  • How to Get Rid of Ants in the Garden: The Safest and Easiest Methods

    How to Get Rid of Ants in the Garden: The Safest and Easiest Methods

    If you want to keep your garden insect-free, one of the first questions is how to get rid of ants in the garden safely. No matter if it’s a natural garden or a raised garden bed, ants are ubiquitous. There are methods to keep them at bay, though, both natural and industrial.

    How serious are you about eliminating them? Do you want to do it once and forever, or do you just want to minimize the trouble with these insects? Now, decide what you want, and let’s talk about methods.

    Guide on How to Get Rid of Ants in the Garden

    As you find out there are too many ants on your property causing too much trouble, you may want to drive them away. There are both natural ways to keep them out and industrial chemicals that efficiently extinguish the population.

    Both require knowledge and determination.

    2 ants at web

    Natural methods are not as final as industrial. Instead of getting completely rid of ants, they rather repel most of them, while some still make it to the area. Yet the negative effects (like finding these insects in your home or finding an anthill in your yard) are smoothened.

    In addition, they are harmless for the environment. This cannot be said about professional methods of killing ants in garden: though efficient, they are also dangerous for other living creatures, from bacteria and plants to unprotected humans.

    Now, let’s have a deeper insight into these methods.

    Natural Methods to Get Rid of Ants

    If you are determined to get rid of ants in a garden without insecticides, you need to search among living creatures that repel or eat away these little insects.

    Animals and other insects that eat ants make an inventive and spectacular method, but they are harder to control. So excuse me for focusing on plants and household chemicals instead of anteaters, bears, or even hedgehogs. And… where do you keep your shovel?


    Leafcutter Ants

    Just planting certain species of plants is a good way of getting rid of ants in the garden. The aroma of these plants can repel ants quite efficiently.

    In addition, this plan does not involve potentially harmful chemicals, so if you’re curious about how to get rid of ants in the garden without harming plants, you can just add more plants. Here are your potential protectors:

    • Lavender. Not only will it repel the ants, but it also will serve as an eye-candy.
    • Rosemary. That’s for remembrance; pray, love, remember. Even if you don’t always recite
    • Shakespeare at seeing it, neither do ants: they are too busy running away.
    • Catnip. This plant is quite common, but it gets the job done.
    • Thyme. For cooking, you better buy some in the store. But as an ant repellent, living thyme works.
    • Mint. Having some in your yard is always good: you may just like the smell. It’s because you aren’t an ant.
    • Tansy. Its smell is rather specific, but ants dislike it even more.

    You can also use plants like garlic. Not that the smell is pleasant (what did you expect from a natural ant repellent for a garden?), and it’s easier to buy some for cooking, but if you use your raised garden beds for, say, microgreens and want to protect them from ants, some microgarlic planted among others will get the job done. Nature has already shown you how to keep ants out of the garden, so you just need to follow.

    flowers with ant in the garden

    Products and household chemicals

    There are many household chemicals we use for cleaning or cooking. But for ants, they may work as mass destruction weapons.

    Here is the list of those I’d recommend using on ants if you prefer more radical solutions on how to get rid of ants in the garden.

    • Borax is great for garden ant removal. I have written an entire guide on using borax indoors and outdoors. It’s affordable, easy to handle, and its solution is great for poisoning the ant population.
    • Simple vinegar also does a great job. Mix it 50/50 with water and process the ant paths. You can also apply it to the borders of the ant-free area.
    • Lemon juice. It’s also available in any grocery store, and it doesn’t take much of it. You need to dissolve it in water, 50/50, and apply where the ants live. Soon they will find your tastes in fragrances disgusting and leave.
    • Peppermint essential oil will get the job done. And you’ll need just a few drops of it, given its intense aroma.
    • Ground cinnamon is a good repellent that will also fill your household with a pleasant aroma (in case you like it).

    How much of the repellent should you apply? Rely on your nose. If you can feel the smell, so do the ants. Just don’t do it with a runny nose: it’s too easy to overtry.

    In addition, remember that all the products you use, both natural and synthetic, soon wear out, so the procedures need to be repeated.

    Physical removal

    If you find an anthill on your property, you may think of simply destroying it. It makes sense: while occasional trespassers will not do much harm, an entire colony may harm your plants and trees.

    They are also known for their habit of growing aphids which are much more harmful to your trees and plants.

    So, having an anthill on your property may be a great impression for a kid, an adult may want to take a shovel and ruin it.

    ant egg

    Simply destroying it, though, won’t help. The ants will rebuild it quickly. In addition, they can get aggressive during your invasion and may bite you.

    Small as they are, they attack in numbers, and some species may be poisonous. If you do want to remove it, you better do it with a water hose. Not only will water ruin the visible part of it, but it also get to the underground levels that any anthill has.

    Also, you better move the anthill instead of simply ruining it. You will need several buckets to move the ants with. You will inevitably lose some of them on the way, but if you move the reproductive members of the colony, they will have to rebuild their home in the new location. So make sure you get them far enough from your property.

    Finally, you can just boil the ants alive. Boiling water kills them in large numbers. In addition, it can get where the queen dwells.

    Though the water may run a little colder when it finally makes it to the boss level, it will still be hot enough. If you kill the reproductive forces of the ant society, the rest will have to move elsewhere.

    Important! Before doing it, make sure this activity is not prohibited by your local laws (though I honestly tried to find whether anthill removal is prohibited and found quite a few mentions of it).

    Professional Methods to Get Rid of Ants

    All these methods using household liquids and stuff may work fine. Also, they may fail. Then, here come the professionals. Any pest control company has either a special anti-ant plan or general pest control plans that include ants.

    Use Professional Baits

    Professionals use special gel baits to extinguish ants. As ants eat them, they get slowly poisoned and bring the poison to the nest. There, the killing power of it remains.

    As ants die inside the nest (or bring their dead home like some species do), the concentration of poison grows. This eventually leads to the full extermination of the inhabitants.

    The problem is that you can’t just buy these baits at Walmart. Not only are they proprietary: their use is strictly regulated by authorities, and professionals using them need licenses.

    So, the chance you can get these baits and use them on your own is infinitesimal. In addition, ant baits are not enough: you need some expertise to leave them at the right place and at the right time.

    Call the Pros

    This is the most efficient way, though – logically – the most expensive. In addition, you will have to set the date and provide them with full access to the area. Also, you may need to leave your property for a while, though with ants, it’s not common.

    Maybe (though it depends on the method of garden ant removal), you will have to move away at least your children and pets. Last but not least: the procedures may need to be repeated, because even professionals don’t grant full extinction at once.

    FAQ on How to Kill Ants in the Garden

    a lot Red ants

    There are some situations I want to address directly. These questions are asked frequently enough for that.

    How to get rid of ants in the garden without harming plants?

    I would recommend using natural repellents only. One way is to use lemon juice, cinnamon, or other natural substances with a strong aroma that repels ants.

    This procedure has to be repeated from time to time. Another is to plant some plants that would repeal the ants constantly. Chemicals are way more dangerous for plants: it applies to both professional baits and household chemicals.

    What is the fastest way to get rid of ants outside?

    If you need them away from there as quickly as possible, you can apply household chemicals or mixtures of natural acids, like vinegar or lemon juices.

    If you dissolve enough of it with water and process your area where you don’t want ants, they will be gone within a day. If you detect the nest, though, you can just come there with a boiling teapot and apply some boiling water.

    Why is my garden full of ants?

    There is probably a nest nearby. And of all the places they have chosen your garden to visit because there is a lot to eat. No, you cannot just remove that food, even if you hermetically contain all your waste.

    They find it right on the soil. To repel them, you need something stronger than just cleaning up your property.

    How do I get rid of ants in my raised beds?

    There are some solutions that won’t do any harm to your plants but will keep the ants away.

    For example, you can mix the soil with coffee grounds (you won’t have enough of these for a real garden, but for a raised one, you may prepare enough with just one run of your coffee grinder). You can also use cinnamon grounds.

    Are ants good for your garden?

    To some extent, they are. Ants are a part of almost every ecosystem on Earth (except for Arctic and Antarctic zones). Ants utilize dead animals and insects. Ants keep the soil aerated.

    The matter is, it doesn’t take an entire colony: regular visitors will do it as well. If you discover a colony in your home, you better do away with it as soon as you can.

    No More Ants in the Plants!

    After reading this, you may have realized that the WMD you need against ants is right now on a shelf in your kitchen. It doesn’t mean, though, that you should start right now.

    First, explore your property, find the spots where you can’t tolerate ants and places where they may be fruitful and multiply. Then consider various plans you find applicable.

    After that, start doing what you do: planting plants, mixing vinegar with water, or calling the pros. And I’ll be grateful if you share your experience with me and with other readers in the comments!

    Also read:


    • Do ants bury their dead?(NewScientist)
    • All About Garlic Greens!(Hamama Blog)
    • Quote by William Shakespeare(GoodReads)“There’s%20rosemary%2C%20that’s%20for%20remembrance%3B%20pray%2C%20love%2C,herb%20of%20grace%20o’%20Sundays.
  • What Eats Ants: Natural Ant Predators

    What Eats Ants: Natural Ant Predators

    When you want to get rid of ants on your property, you may want to get curious about what eats ants. Searching for allies is reasonable. Here is the insight about natural predators of ants, both common and exotic.

    And while the list of potential ant consumers may even be longer than you imagined, it does not contain some of those you expected to be there. So, who can you rely on in your long stand against ants?

    Let’s check which cuisine relies on these tiny but numerous creatures the most.

    Anteater Guide

    Why would you want to know more about ant eating animals? For many of you, it’s just a bit of fun reading. But if there is some wildlife in your courtyard and you really feel the need to get rid of insolent ants, you may really find essential help from mother nature.

    Not that they can be relied on largely but still, having an ally is a great thing. Not all of them, though, can be equally great as your neighbors. But all of them are worth at least mentioning.

    It would take an encyclopedia to write about all the animals that eat ants, so I have chosen the most common ones you’re likely to meet or the most unexpected and curious ones.

    Animals & Bugs That Eat Ants

    So, who can you rely on in your incessant war against ants? The list will be long.

    There are many enemies that ants have in the wild simply because ants are edible. And we’re not speaking about large animals that ruin anthills and consume their eggs in numbers.

    For many an animal (and not only), even a single ant is a gourmet treat. As for the hill destroyers, hardly will you meet them around your house, so excuse me for not focusing on them.


    Ant at plants

    When you hear about predate plants, the first thing to cross your mind is predictable. Do Venus fly traps eat ants?

    The answer is yes, they do, and ants fall to this plant’s charms more often than you think. Still, these species are too rare to seriously rely on.

    Still, a look at a stray ant that has somehow gotten into that killing flower may be curious and (if they have been getting on your nerves) sort of satisfying.

    Other insects and Spiders

    Ant spider bite

    When I spoke about borax, I mentioned that ants consume liquids from their dead. But they don’t get confused that it’s a sort of cannibalism. And they don’t need any Fava beans and chianti to enjoy the remains of their remote fellows.

    What would you expect from others? Never do wasps eat ants, but they kill them and feed of their larvae. But, for example, often do centipedes eat ants, as well as many other species.

    Flies and butterflies also can eat ants. Spiders (though technically they are not insects) may be Friendly Neighborhood for you, but not for those little insects they eat with great pleasure.


    Ants at snails

    Snail may contradict your views of predators, but still, slow as they are, they do eat ants. Of course, they don’t pursue an ant like a mammal or an amphibian predator would.

    But they are always up for an ant breakfast if it gets stuck. On the other hand, it’s more common for ants to eat snails. So when a snail does its revenge, it’s satisfying in more than just a nutritional sense.


    Army of Ants carrying fish

    Ants are recommended as a nutritional additive for tank fish. In the wild, they mostly live in different environments.

    But if an ant suddenly gets into the water, it may fall prey to a fish easily. Flying ants, like all flying insects, can also be hunted by archerfish.

    These species, though, are mostly common in the Indian/Pacific region, from India and Southwest Asia to Australia. So mentioning them is rather a piece of trivia than a recommendation.


    frog on the window

    Do frogs eat ants? Give them more. If you have some of them in your grass, you better not touch them, even if their croaking sounds are disturbing. For you, their ribbiting doesn’t sound as terrible as it does for an ant.

    Yes, these little creatures can hear sounds (though scientists still don’t agree on how it happens). But hardly would a frog jumping in a pond inspire some ant poet to write something like Basho’s haiku; it would be rather something like “Croaker, Croaker, jumping might in the water of the night.”


    Dead Reptile Eaten By Ants

    Imagine an ant saying in disgust: “Why did it have to be snakes?” And it may be the last thing it says. Because many snakes are okay with a bunch of ants if they don’t find a tasty frog or a mouse.

    Do lizards eat ants? Lots of them. Indeed, many reptiles, especially smaller ones, gladly feed on ants. It will take too much of their attention to get rid of ants completely. But knowing that is fun.


    Mother Bird feeding flapper

    When do chickens eat ants? All the time except when they’re crossing the road. Birds are among the most famous predators eating ants. Why? Because ants can’t impose a no-fly zone. Not only do birds eat ants: they do it regularly.

    The list of species includes pigeons, sparrows, crows, and woodpeckers, as well as less common species to visit your property, like pheasants, grouse, wild turkeys, etc. And if never do hummingbirds eat ants in front of you, it’s because of a lack of hummingbirds, not that of ants.

    If you think it’s a good idea to feed the birds in your courtyard, relax: you already do, at the expense of ants. Just make sure you’re not feeding on your crops or flower seeds if there are any.


    giant ant eater walking

    Among mammals, you can name exotic species. Not only do anteaters eat ants as their name suggests: so do pangolins (don’t eat them!) or orangutans. Also do squirrels eat ants, so you know what to bring to the park the next time, instead of nuts.

    More common ones are your regular pets, like, say, your dog who is often up for an ant or two. Hedgehogs also do. Even those you don’t usually see, like moles, do eat ants.

    The most surprising species on the list are bats. So if there are some in your attic, maybe it’s them who keep your home ant-free. Prepare your Bat-Signal if you encounter too many ants.


    Well, why not? Not only are ants edible for animals: they are rich in proteins and carbohydrates. And if you have ever tasted formic acid from a real ant (like I did in my childhood), you know they have a specific taste, which can be done well. So yes, we the people eat ants too.

    Man eats

    And it’s not Chinese cuisine that makes use of ants, as you might think (the famous Ant Climbing a Tree doesn’t contain them). These insects are popular in Mexico: escamoles is made of ant eggs, and chicatanas (local flying ants) are used for making sauces.

    In Colombia, ants are used for desserts and salads. And there is an Indian dish named chaprah – essentially, a red ant chutney.

    As for me, I have only eaten them raw in my childhood, and though they seemed tasty back then, I wouldn’t engage myself in hunting and eating every one of them on my ground.

    Animals that don’t eat ants

    There are also popular delusions about animals that are supposed to eat ants, but indeed they don’t. For example, ants normally don’t consume their dead (though there are exceptions; for example, those poisoned by borax become quite attractive as food).

    For example, do grasshoppers eat ants? The answer is no, sorry for ruining your hopes. Neither do mice eat ants, unless very hungry and having nothing else around. When do roaches eat ants?

    Only when they run into a dead one, but they will never touch a living ant. And if the question is “do ladybugs eat ants,” the answer is “no real lady will.”


    Ant-eating is a thing that surely has kept many of us awake at night. And if you wonder in your bed about ants as a food, here are some answers.

    What happens if a dog eats ants?

    Nothing bad will happen if your dog eats a regular ant or two. With more dangerous species, like fire ants, though, it’s different, and you better keep your pet away until the problem is solved.

    Neither should you let your dog eat the food infested with crowds of them. The same applies to cats either, so you shouldn’t worry if your kitten gets too interested in ant hunting.

    Are ants predators or prey?

    It depends. Ants can even kill a human (not as fast and spectacularly as in that Indiana Jones movie, but there have been cases). They often attack wasps, flies, and other insects.

    But, as you see, they are also fed on massively. The ant food chain is a curious thing.

    What are ants’ worst enemies?

    It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the list is headed by other ants (though, of course, an ant civil war is among events you wouldn’t like to witness on your ground).

    Also, there are spiders, phorid flies, antlions, paussinae and oogpister beetles, as well as some types of caterpillars.

    Do spiders eat ants?

    Yes, as I’ve said, there are many a spider species that gladly consume ants. They include, for example, lynx spiders and your familiar garden, a.k.a. orb spiders.

    So, you better keep these eight-legged neighbors safe.

    Ant Diet for Everyone

    Hope you have found some natural allies. Not that their presence will completely eliminate the need for insecticides. But now that you know more about things that eat ants, you will think twice before booing them away from your property.

    But if you want to become one, I’d rather recommend the nearest Mexican or Indian restaurant. And then welcome to the comm-ants!

    Also read:


    • Red Ant Chutney(Atlas Obscura)
    • Escamol(Wikipedia)
    • Butterflies that trick ants with sound(Francesca Barbero and Luca Pietro Casacci)
    • Enemies of Terrestrial Snails(Martina Eleveld & Robert Nordsiec)
    • EATEN ALIVE BY ANTS(History Snoop)
  • How to Get Rid of Ants With Borax: The Old-School Insecticide

    How to Get Rid of Ants With Borax: The Old-School Insecticide

    Ants are a great example of workers, but if their work is to steal food from your house, hardly is it worth your admiration. Instead of awe, you may rather experience curiosity about how to get rid of ants with borax (if you have some or have heard about this method).

    Yes, indeed it’s possible, and borax is easily available. You will have to show some chef skills and take some security measures. Yet this method may be the most efficient of all you have tried. So, take that white powder (it sells legally) and protect your property with it!

    Borax and Ants Guide

    Will borax kill ants in your house? The answer is yes, but it requires some research, chemistry, and cooking skills from you. So, if you got some borax already, you can start making your plan of extermination of all those wall-eaters.

    Here is a little introduction on how to kill the ants with borax and minimize risks for yourself, your family, and your pets.

    What is borax?

    You have probably heard the word, even if you didn’t exactly know what it was. Indeed, Borax (also known under similar aliases) has been familiar to mankind for so long that even the Ancient Egyptians were using it for mummification.

    If the name sounds like a trademark, it’s partly because it was once, but the nearest to us origin of the word is the Latin boras, and in Europe, it was known as baurach, borrax, borrace, etc.

    Today it also has lots of names (such as sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or disodium tetraborate – all reflecting its formula Na2B4O7), but one is enough for most of us.

    Fire ants lined up

    This substance is incomparably simpler than most modern insecticides that contain a combination of various agents. So, killing ants with borax is widely practiced now as it has been for decades and even centuries. In the pre-industrial time, it was usually found at evaporate deposits of seasonal lakes.

    As for its effect, borax is both poisonous and corroding. It kills ants from both inside, as they eat it, and outside, as their chitinous covers. When exposed to borax, an ant dies within hours. It’s not necessary that all the population is exposed.

    Ants are inclined to cannibalize their dead, so when a group of ants consumes their dead fellow, they are doomed as well.

    Of course, it depends on dosing, so you may need to repeat the procedure (the alternative is counting all the ants around and calculating the dose, and I’d rather spend that effort on my tax return).

    Step by step guide on how to get rid of ants with borax

    If you want to know how to use borax to kill ants, this is quite similar to how to use most chemical insecticides. The main difference is, though, that you will have to do a little cooking.

    With borax and powdered sugar to kill ants is easier than with borax alone. So, the algorithm is the following:

    • track where ants dwell;
    • treat them with your mix;
    • wait until they are done;
    • repeat if they are not.

    Vertical macro of fire ants

    If there are few of them left, simply repeating this will do (but later new settlers may come to your property). If there are many, you’ll have to figure out a better location to lure them with your poisonous delicatessen.

    How to find ant traces

    It’s the easiest part of it. How do you know there are ants in your house? Probably you have seen them, and more than one random specimen. Their destination is usually where the food is, that is, your kitchen.

    As you see ants going in columns to your kitchen, you must know they leave their home to find the food and then march back. So watch them and try to track where they route. You won’t scare them away: you are too big for them to see.

    So, as you find your destination, trace them back to their nest. It may be an anthill near your house (though it’s less probable), and then you better just move it outside your property.

    But if they have settled inside your house, there must be a hole where they finally go. Near that hole there is the best place to lay a lure.

    What do you do with borax

    If you have some borax right now, just look at it. Would you just eat that white powder? Ants won’t either. To make them, you need to deceive them into eating it with something sweet (imagine you need ants to vote for you… that’s the right mindset).

    Borax and honey for ants will work too, but it’s a more common way to mix it with sugar and water because it’s simpler. Concentration is important because there is only so much an ant can eat.

    ant with cubes borax

    The easiest recipe of borax ant poison is the following:

    • Make a mix of borax, sugar, and water. Some may use borax just with honey, but it mostly turns out to be an excess: sugar attracts them just as well.
    • Prepare small cotton balls and soak them in the mix. They are necessary for the mixture to not dry out too soon.
    • Place these balls as close to the ants’ nest as possible, so they can smell it and reach it. Make sure there are no obstacles on their way (so don’t put these balls on trays or tables, better just leave them on the floor).
    • If you can’t see ants reaching the bait, place the balls closer to the hole.
    • Just let them consume it as long as they can. Some ants may die on the way. Don’t remove them: let them be consumed by other ants like they do.

    We must notice here that a simple powder mix of sugar and borax won’t do the job. Adult ants do not eat solid substances at all: they can only consume liquids (that’s why some use honey – it easily dissolves. If you are curious, it takes 1 tsp Borax, 5 tsp honey, and the water is still required).

    Solid foods are great for larvae; but, as adult ants will be dying in numbers right in the nest, they will have a lot to feast on. But to deliver them some charged gourmets, you need to provide enough liquid for adults.

    How long do you have to wait?

    Usually, it takes hours for the poison to kill an ant. But it’s not that simple. The process gets more complicated. While the first ants consume the concoction and gradually die, the others follow them. Not all ants will reach your bait.

    On the other hand, those who die on the way or in the nest will be consumed by others, and they will be poisoned too. The poison concentration will be lower but in many cases, quite sufficient.

    Fire ants feeding

    In practice, it means you need to recheck for ants on their paths after three days of massive application of your mixture. If they are still here in numbers, it doesn’t mean borax not working on ants, it means you have provided too little. So, mix, soak, place, repeat.

    Tips for those getting rid of ants in the garden

    If the ants you want to exterminate live not directly in your house but in your yard, garden, etc., the principle of extinguishing them is the same. The sweet bait is equally attractive indoors and outdoors. Yet there are some differences you must consider too.

    • Outdoors, you cannot simply track all the ant routes. So you better apply the mix all over the place where you see ants. The chemicals will do their work.
    • The best way to apply borax mixture outdoors is by sprinkling it. This way, you can cover larger areas easier and quicker. You will need to make it more concentrated.
    • You will definitely need more borax. Much more. And you will need to repeat the procedure more than once, and maybe more times.
    • Don’t be afraid of extinguishing other insects around. Those feeding on flowers will not be attracted.

    That’s how to use borax to kill ants. Simple, isn’t it? But don’t forget to follow the instruction as soon as you notice more than one ant where you don’t want them.


    Fire ant with head cocked

    Though borax ant control has a long history, there are still questions caused by both new technologies and new living conditions, as well as our eco awareness. Let’s address some of them here.

    Will sprinkling borax kill ants?

    Yes, if you provide the right concentration. But as in the wild they are not so predictable and can migrate in and out of your property, you may have to repeat the procedure multiple times.

    How do I calculate the quantity?

    The recommended ratio is: 100 g sugar, 1,5 tablespoons of borax, and 350 ml of warm water. Mix it all to get one dose of the agent. If you use it indoors, it must be enough to soak cotton balls and lay them along the ant paths.

    If you sprinkle them over your area outdoors, you may need to make more than one dose. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, without sugar-only parts.

    Is borax toxic to dogs?

    It’s toxic for animals, but not very much. To seriously damage or even kill a dog, you need to use a loooooot of it. For example, the median lethal dose of borax for rats is 2.66 g/kg (that is, about 1-2 g per rat).

    A dog, even a small one, needs much more. Though the risk is low, you better keep your animals away while applying borax. Especially if you apply it systematically (which we don’t recommend). Even in small doses, though, it may cause irritation.

    How long does borax stay in soil?

    A single application, according to research, can stay for up to three years. If you use it systematically, it builds up in the soil. So you better not abuse it.

    And I’d recommend you only (or at least mostly) use borax to kill ants indoors. But if you do it outdoors, you better put all the necessary effort to do the job so you don’t have to repeat it any time soon.

    Which borax should I buy?

    There isn’t much choice now. Though many tons of it are manufactured yearly, most of it is consumed by chemical industries. The closest thing to perfect is powder borax by 20 Mule Team, sold as a detergent booster and cleaner.

    Since both Europe and the US found borax potentially dangerous for reproduction (though moderately), since 2010 in the EU, it’s not sold as a generic product; analogs are mostly meant for laundry washing and cleaning.

    What if I combine borax and boric acid?

    This combination is even deadlier for the insects. But you need to place borax and acid ant baits apart from each other because there are always ants that prefer one and those fond of the other.

    Don’t Bore Us, Get to the Borax!

    I hope Berry Gordy Jr. (God bless him for founding Motown Records!) does not mind if I alter his famous motto a bit. Just as much I hope you can also relax and listen to some good music after getting rid of these ants.

    Have you already tried this method before reading this? Or are you revisiting this page after following the instruction? Anyway, if you have something to tell, to add, to share your own experience and impressions with borax and ants, welcome to the comments!

    Also read:


    • Borax(Online Etymology Dictionary)
    • BORATES Banned in the EU Without Exception(European Movement International)
    • Health Effects Support Document for Boron(United States Environmental Protection Agency)
    • Knowing the enemy: ant behavior and control in a pediatric hospital of Buenos Aires(National Library of Medicine)
    • Music Industry Research: Less Talk, More Drops(Dav’s Jolly Journal)
  • Bugs That Look Like Ants: Quick Identification Guide

    Bugs That Look Like Ants: Quick Identification Guide

    While there may not be many insects that resemble ants, several can cause significant problems around your home. Even small ants can become problematic when infestations become large and invade your home through cracks in walls or floors.

    Some of the insects mentioned in the following sections can bite and cause damage to your home. If you’re reading this, you’re probably concerned about ant-like bugs, so it’s essential to read carefully and choose the appropriate pest control methods before the insects take over your home.

    The Guide On Insects That Look Like Ants

    Here are the descriptions of the most common ant-looking bug species that you can meet in North America.

    Termite vs ant

    Reproductive termites are easily misidentified as they have wings, just like reproductive ants. However, the worker termites that actually damage your house are simpler to recognize as they have rectangular bodies and lack the thin waist that ants and carpenter ants have.

    In addition, they are a pale, transparent color and tend to hide from light unless they are disturbed. Soldier termites are brown or reddish and possess strong teeth for fighting off their adversaries.

    Termite vs ant at white background

    The best way to identify these monsters is to inspect your attic or basement for holes in the wood. Termites dig rough tunnels in the wood to build nests and transfer roots. This leads to serious damage if you don’t prevent the infestation in time.

    Flying ant vs termite

    Flying ant vs termite

    Unlike flying reproductive termites, average winged ants have pinched waists, elbowed antennae, and 2 pairs of wings of unequal length. Termites have thick waists and 4 wings of the same length.

    Both insects’ bodies are of the same length, but termite wings are almost 2 times longer. Now you will easily identify termites of any type, but I recommend you to undertake preventive measures against termites in advance.

    Furry ants vs ants

    furry ant

    Furry ants are a type of wasps that are not commonly found. The female species of these insects are wingless and have a pinched waist similar to ants, making them easily misidentified. These insects are solitary and do not form colonies or nests, making them immune to pest control. Additionally, they do not pose any danger to humans or homes, so there is no need for pest control measures against them.

    These insects are harmless and will not cause any harm to your home or property. If you notice an abundance of furry ants in your yard, it may indicate that the area is too dry, and additional watering may be needed for your lawn.

    Carpenter ant vs ant

    Carpenter ant

    Carpenter ants are so easy to misidentify as they can be almost identical to average black ants. All because they can be of any shape and size! Despite the similarity, you can easily tell them from average ants when you see major working species that are quite thick.

    Similar to termites, they carve galleries in the wood, but their tunnels are always straight and neat. They can also throw the leftovers out of the tunnels which helps you to identify them faster. If you found them, immediate management measures are necessary!

    Thief ant vs ant

    Thief ant vs ant

    The tiny black bugs that look like ants are most probably thief ants. They are usually confused with baby ants but are actually adult species. They usually have dark or reddish-brown bodies and 4 wings. If you see them, start baiting right away as they can be carriers of numerous diseases as they feed on dead rodents and other insects.

    Stonefly vs ant


    Stoneflies are insects that emerge from their eggs in the water and typically live near bodies of water to feed frogs and fish. They possess 4 long and 2 short legs, which are jointed, and long antennae, as well as 2 more antennae located under their wings.

    Although they can accidentally find their way into your home, they will likely leave on their own, as they have no purpose there.

    Also read:

    Ant Detective

    Insects that look like ants will never pass by your keen eye anymore. Of course, there’s no need to inspect the whole household with a flashlight if you haven’t seen at least a single bug. If you have, hurry up to find the nest and get rid of it, and take all the preventive measures against a re-infestation.

    Could you, please, share your infestation story in the comments if you have one? I can also help you with advice or a link to one of my “how to get rid of…” guides. Keep on being savvy!


    • Protecting your Home Against Termites (by Michael F. Potter, Extension Entomologist University of Kentucky College of Agriculture):
    • Carpenter Ant Management (Nebraska Extension):
    • Thief Ant (Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California):
  • How Much Does Ant Exterminator Cost in [year]: Ant Control Prices Explained

    How Much Does Ant Exterminator Cost in [year]: Ant Control Prices Explained

    The average cost of an ant exterminator’s work is $550. The price in your area may vary between $330 and $815. The first thing you need to learn before calling for professional help is the average ant exterminator cost. If there are too many ants to deal with on your own, it is better to call exterminators and ask for their help.

    There are numerous companies that provide such services. Some of them have lower prices; others are more expensive. This is why it is important to know how much does an ant exterminator cost. Check out the numbers before deciding which company to call and how much it will cost.

    Guide to Ant Exterminator Costs

    National Average Cost:$550
    Minimum Cost:$200
    Maximum Cost:$1,280
    Average Range:$330 to $815

    The average cost of standard extermination is $550. Some companies offer $200 as minimal cost and $1280 as maximal. Thus, the average range is $330 to $815. The ant exterminator prices vary depending on numerous factors.

    It also depends on the simplicity of actions. If you have a severe case of infestation, the price will change for sure. Check professional ant control prices of the company you are calling for help and calculate your particular case.

    Main Factors of Ant Removal Cost

    Brown and black ant on white surface

    Whether you will pay $200 or $815 depends on the problem you want to fix. Exterminators have price lists with the services they provide. Each company informs its clients of what does an exterminator do for ants. Normally, the price ranges based on those peculiarities:

    • Types of ants you want to get rid of;
    • Time spent on the treatment: whether it is one session or multiple;
    • The area that requires the treatment.

    Based on the size of the place that must be treated, exterminators calculate the amount of work, hours that will be spent, and the tools that will be used.

    If you are aware of how do exterminators get rid of ants, you may know that they can pick different sprays or powders to kill ants. It will be calculated, as well.

    Ant Exterminator Price by Infestation Level

    A simple, one-time treatment costs $200 – $250. Multiple treatments for severe infestation may cost up to $1280. It is only natural that the cost of extermination depends on the amount of work.

    The level of infestation rises with each day you don’t call the pest control. With the rise of the number of ants, the price rises as well.

    The basic methods may not work in hard cases, and exterminators will need to repeat their actions. Don’t waste your time by delaying the call. The prices vary between:

    • Small infestation – the minimal cost of $200;
    • Medium infestation;
    • Large infestation;
    • Severe infestation – the maximum cost of up to $1280.

    Serious ant infestation cost

    It varies from $800 up to $1280 and more. Serious infestation means that an exterminator has to work on a big infestation area or deal with multiple ants for several days or weeks. These cases do not happen so often. But when the ant’s colony is big, the ants live around the house, and exterminators need to use versatile weapons against them.

    Ant prevention cost

    Preventive measures may cost you $200 or even less, depending on the price list of the pest control in your area. To make sure that all the ants are destroyed, and new ones will not come back, many homeowners ask for fumigation.

    The average ant fumigation cost is close to $800 and more, which includes the total fumigation that leads to extermination and later to the prevention of new ants’ appearance.

    Ant Treatment Cost by Location

    big ant on a stick

    Based on the location of the infestation, the prices range from $200 to $1300. Hard-to-get places cost more. The most popular areas that are infested are the kitchen due to the food and smells that attract insects, the lawn, and even cars. Ants need food and water to drink. A bathroom with leaking taps can become an epicenter of the problem.


    Solo kitchen extermination may cause up to $500 in the most severe cases. On average, the price is $200 – $400. However, the kitchen with numerous sofas and cupboards that can’t be removed costs more than the one without the furniture.

    Provide availability to the professional worker, and the price may be decreased. Ants love the kitchen because of the food it provides. If you can cut the access to this food, you may save your money.

    The size of the room is also important. Exterminators take the minimal price for trapping and baiting kitchen ants, as they are easy to trap.


    Outdoor extermination price ranges from $200 to $400. Ants are looking for shelter in the grass or leaves and food. They may feed on pears and apples, plums, and any fruits or vegetables they find on the ground. Sometimes ants can help with pollination, but in big numbers, they cause the problem.

    They bring aphids to your garden and make mounds. Depending on the accessibility of ants for extermination, pest control service may change prices. You may lose more money replanting all the plants that were damaged during the extermination.


    The ants in car treatment price may vary from $200 to $700, on average, depending on the accessibility of ants. If you notice the ants in the car for the first time, call pest control.

    They would charge you less than if they had to remove all the seats, floor, roof, and search everywhere for the ants. These insects can hide incredibly well in the car, where almost all places are hard to reach.

    Ant Treatment Cost by Treatment Type

    ants on an apple

    Based on the treatment an exterminator suggests, you may pay either a minimal $200 or a maximum of $1300. The professionals usually offer the plan of extermination depending on the level of infestation.

    This way, ant control cost changes significantly. You may agree with the suggested methods or propose the most suitable option for you.


    Poisoned baits cause up to $300. This is one of the cheapest options. Exterminator simply leaves poisoned baits in the places that are visited by ants. Ants bring the bait to share with another family in the nest, and they are all dead.

    This method is not complicated, but it may take the whole week to see the results, depending on the poison, amount of nests, frequency of ants’ visits, and the number of alternative foods. You may need to repeat the procedure as a preventive measure.


    Using a fumigator varies somewhere between $200-400, depending on the quality of the product and the difficulty of work. Supposedly, all your ants will be killed in 6-8 weeks after the procedure, so it is a long shot.

    When the fogger is used, you also have to take your family out of the house for several hours, so it is very likely that you need to add the price of the hotel stay for one night.


    A work with repellents may cost you $300-500 plus the hotel, in case you have a severe infestation. Exterminators will spray pesticides that need to work for some time until you will be able to re-enter your house. During this time, ants will die or leave your house for good.

    Pest control may suggest repeating the procedure depending on your specific case. Besides, if you want an organic, eco-friendly remedy, you have to agree upon it with exterminators in advance.

    Ant Extermination Cost by Ant Type

    Ants on a pipe in autumn

    Depending on the species of ants, their extermination may cost either $200 or $1280. The most popular species are the easiest to deal with, as there are numerous treatments against them. The rare insects typically are the most expensive. People in the USA usually meet only several species of ants. Some of them are less harmless.

    Carpenter ant exterminator cost

    The carpenter ant treatment cost is one of the most expensive and varies from $400 up to $600. They are not rare but usually come back to the same territory. But carpenter ant removal cost can be lessened if the insects live in a limited area.

    Once you notice that your household is infested with carpenter ants, you have to call a professional as soon as possible. These ants are easy to recognize; they are usually black, dwell in rural and wooded areas across the US. Don’t worry; they don’t sting.

    Fire ant removal cost

    Fire ant extermination cost varies from $300 to $400 based on the number of insects and the accessibility of their nest. They also live around the USA but prefer southern parts. These ants are red with a darker shade on the abdomen. Sometimes they can be brown. Don’t touch them with your hands as they can sting.

    Other types of ants

    Other types of ants have their different price range as well, from $150 to $800 and more in less severe cases and up to $1300 in the most problematic ones. The most popular ants around the States:

    • Sugar ant control prices range not only depending on their quantity but on the season they appear. The most popular time to find these ants in your home is in the middle and the end of the summer. They are black and usually 1/16 inches in size;
    • Rover ants are more common to the south of the USA. They are equally small as sugar ants, but their colors vary from yellow to black;
    • Field ants are larger than black ones. They feed on caterpillars and other ants. Their extermination is one of the cheapest;
    • Acrobat ants live in soil and love well-moisturized places. They feed on sugar and all the products that contain it. They are more expensive than field ants to get rid of and may cost up to $250-300;
    • Citronella ants are big and yellow. They are simple to recognize. They cost as much as acrobat ants on average;
    • Argentine ants usually dwell in the southern states. They are black or brown in color and 1/3 inch in length. They have a strong odor if you crush them. The exterminator may ask for $300-500, depending on the case.

    Ant Damage Repair Cost

    The damage repair cost may reach thousands of dollars, while the most expensive price from any pest control around the US is $1300. Ants easily damage the wood, food, trees, and harvest. Carpenter ants can make tunnels in wooden frames. The longer you delay hiring exterminators, the bigger are numbers of the total sum in the end.

    DIY vs Hiring a Pro

    Many victims of ant intrusion consider the call to pest control as a sign of weakness. They postpone the request for help as much as possible. In some cases, especially if the infestation is mild, DIY actions work well, although not as fast as with the help of an exterminator.

    You can check DIY methods on how to kill ants once you notice them in your house. However, there is no weakness in asking for professional help, and you need to keep in mind that pest control will deal with any amount of ants. The price may vary, though.

    How to Hire a Professional

    Ants climb a tree

    The average cost to hire a professional is $250. It depends on the work they have to do. There are numerous ads you may find online with professionals from your area.

    Search for pest control at your location. You may also ask your friends and family whether they can recommend someone. Make sure that this company has a license from the national pest control organization.

    How to pick a pro

    There are detailed recommendations on the EPA website that share their tips for selecting a pest control service. One of the primeval things they recommend is to ask for their documents, check out the reviews left by previous clients.

    It is also important to know how many years they have been working in this business. Pay attention to the tools and pesticides they use.

    Things to discuss with ant exterminator

    Don’t forget to check the list of questions you have to discuss with the exterminator. If you have a poor memory, I advise you to make the notes:

    • Certificates for their qualification;
    • The area they plan to clear from ants;
    • Methods they want to use;
    • Chemicals that will be used, if any;
    • Inability to stay outside from home, for example;
    • Warn exterminators about the pets that live at home;
    • Discuss the price and possible side expenses.

    How to Prepare for Treatment

    The more furniture you remove from the area of work, the more effective the treatment will be. I also recommend covering everything you can with the fabric or polyethylene film. Put all your clothes in the bag.

    Your Actions After Extermination

    Follow these steps after extermination is over:

    • Clean everything with soap and other cleaning tools;
    • Open the windows to ventilate the entire house. Do the same with your car if you had ants there;
    • Pack all the food in containers. Do not leave any crumbs;
    • Make sure there are no leakages in the house.

    Most Common Questions on Ants Extermination

    a lot of ants on the watermelon

    Here is the list of questions I meet most often online. You may find the answers helpful.

    Is it worth getting an exterminator for ants?

    Not all types of ants can be treated with DIY methods. Most stores do not sell treatments from carpenter ants or fire ants. They can be used only by professionals.

    What does an exterminator do for ants?

    Exterminators tell you which type of ants you are dealing with, enlighten about the level of infestation, and offer the possible treatment. They may tell you about the cause of the problem. The pest control also suggests the treatment and uses it on your permission.

    How much is pest control for ants?

    The national average price for ants’ extermination is $550. The price varies depending on the severity of the infestation and the number of works. The minimum cost is $200.

    How long does it take for an exterminator to get rid of ants?

    It depends on the specific case. Sometimes, the process does not require more than one visit, and in 4-7 days, you receive the house free from ants. Sometimes, you need to repeat the procedure to double the effect and as a preventive measure.

    With a Little Help from Your Exterminator

    Let’s not underestimate the service you receive, paying a pretty affordable price. Spending $500 on average, you get crucial help from a professional. A good exterminator gives you a guarantee for the work, which you can’t receive trying to get rid of ants on your own.

    I believe that a medium or severe level of infestation requires an immediate call to pest control. And even the slightest infestation by carpenter and fire ants needs immediate attention of exterminators.

    If you have ever used these services, share your opinion in the comments below. Was the one helpful? How long have you been waiting to see the results? Which type of ants did you have in your household?

    Also read:

  • What Do Ants Eat: Ant Diet

    What Do Ants Eat: Ant Diet

    What do ants eat and drink? The super-simple answer is everything. Drop an ice-cream cone in the middle of the park or leave a slice of pastrami on your porch and you’ll see ants gathering around it within an hour or so.


    Don’t the tiny buggers care about their diet? Won’t they feel sick from the continuous mish-mash of flavors? And why do some ants eat hardwood while others prefer a sugar plum?

    The answer to these and other questions lies in the fascinating biology of an ant.

    All Mandibles, No Bite

    With more than 12 species of ants on the globe, I am quite confident that everyone has seen an ant in their life, so I won’t waste anyone’s time describing what they look like.

    You’ve seen they have a large head with a massive (relatively to their size) mouth, which is called a mandible. That’s probably how they chomp their meals, right?

    Nope. Your typical run in the mill ant will use its mandibles to carry stuff around or pick a fight. And to be honest with you, with that strong jawline, who wouldn’t?

    However, as intimidating as it may seem, an ant’s “mouth” is not well equipped for doing what a mouth does – biting and chewing. Most species of ants can’t consume hard food. They use their mandibles to break down the stuff they steal from others and then moisturize the bites with saliva until the snack is liquified enough to swallow. Not a simple process, I must tell you.

    That’s why a lot of ants are attracted to sugar and sweets – sucking a candy is just that much better of an experience than crushing breadcrumbs. That being said, an ant won’t hesitate to eat a dead bug, a leaf, or even it’s fallen comrade for dessert.

    What Do Ants Like to Eat Then?


    Given the plethora of ant species and the differences in their dietary preferences, most scientists have decided to divide the tiny soldiers into two primary categories. So, what do ants like to eat?

    • Sugar lovers: Most ants fall into this category. Why? Think about it. Sugar is plentiful. Locating a source of nutrition is easy;
    • Protein addicts: These bad boys are hunters as protein isn’t as easy to come across. It has to come either from a human-processed food or from another bug.

    Most sources of manmade food contain sugar. Everything from bread to cereal is sweetened. Add the fact that aphids produce honeydew naturally and that there are sweet fruits all over the world, and you’ll get why, despite the ever-growing population, ants will probably never starve to death.

    More on the matter, ants actually herd aphids to ensure a continuous stream of their sweet juice in the colony. Talk about an ant diet itch only honeydew can scratch!

    As for the proteins, most ants just gather random dead bugs from all over and eat them. This is, by the way, one of the most balanced forces of nature I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing in my years of studies. Though the balanced wheel of life and death is slightly tinted by the fact that sometimes an ant’s food source is another ant. Not cool, bros!

    How Do Ants Find Their Food?


    Ants love sugar, one of the few foods that do not have a scent or even a particularly appetizing shape all by itself. So what makes an ant tick and how do they spot sugar crystals?

    The answer is composed of two parts. One is more scientific and the other is, well, somewhat scientific in nature.

    For starters, most insects have the ability to sense various chemical substances in the environment. It is called Chemosense. This is how those pesky mosquitoes tend to find your sweet spot – they follow the sweat.

    Ants can do the same but with a much sweeter target.

    The other reason why ants can quickly find sugar is dumb luck. There are billions upon billions of ants out there, most of which are on a 24/7 quest to get food for the colony. Their numbers increase the odds of finding a treat. And the seemingly organized food extraction mission you see in cartoons or on Natural Geographic is always a result of one lucky worker finding something worthwhile and pointing his brethren in the right direction.

    Related Post: How to Get Rid of Sugar Ants for Good

    But What About the Wood?

    Ants are not termites. They do not consume wood. At least not in the traditional sense.

    Though this doesn’t stop them from nesting on a wooden floor or something. Moreover, certain species, such as the carpenter ants, are a terrific roommate for this reason. The longer they share your space, the bigger the odds the roof is going to collapse on you from their mining expedition to extend the colony even further.

    If you are looking to prevent carpenter ants from entering your home, follow these simple steps:

    • No standing water. Make sure that the sinks are always dry, for an ant can always find food, but locating water is much more problematic for them;
    • Don’t let loose tree branches connect to your house. Cut them if need be or they will become a bridge between your home and an invading army;
    • Seal all the cracks in the exterior of your home;
    • Don’t store your firewood or any additional wooden materials you don’t use often close to the house.

    Common Misconceptions About an Ant’s Diet


    Most ants you see carrying leaves do not intend to either eat nor share them with others. Instead, ants, such as the leafcutter, turn the greens into their personal fields of harvest.

    The ants will cut the leaves into small pieces, chew these pieces to a pulp, and then store the result with their feces. This ant-made farm will later produce a fungus the colony will actually eat.

    As I’ve mentioned above, carpenter ants don’t eat wood. They throw away the leftovers forming small piles of dust around their nets. Little do they know that these dusty piles are a telltale sign warning the homeowner about the unwanted guests.

    Thanks for the heads-up, carpenter ants… I guess.

    Ant Diet and Baiting

    Most pest exterminators take great advantage of an ant’s diet. The manufacturers produce long-lasting poisons that attract the little camps.

    These poison granules or gel resemble sugary ant food, so any happy worker ant coming across the bait will target it for HQ delivery. Perhaps the little guy will even be rewarded.

    Once the poison is in the colony’s nest, more ants will start both eating and spreading the toxin thus effectively eliminating their primary target – the queen, as well as every other ant in the colony.

    Controlled annihilation. How is the US army force not finding these traps yet?



    What is an Ant’s Favorite Food?

    Ants are not picky eaters. They do not have a favorite food, though they prefer proteins and food rich in sugar.

    Do Ants Eat Other Ants?

    What are the things that eat ants, you ask? Other ants! Yes, those tiny hunters can eat their brethren, but they typically search for food sources that don’t fight back with giant mandibles.

    Related Post: Best Ant Killers You Can Find on the Market Reviewed

    Do Ants Eat Meat?

    Yes, if they can come across a fresh slice.

    Do Ants Eat Leaves?

    Ants gather harvest leaves, but most of those are used in the construction of a colony, though a typical insect wouldn’t mind grabbing a bite. Ants also use the leaves they collect to feed their domesticated aphids, the tiny insects a colony cultivates to produce honeydew.

    Do Ants Eat Fruit?

    Yes, fruits are just the way ants like their food – soft and sweet.

    Do Ants Eat Bread?

    Yes, yes they do.

    How to Keep Your Home Safe From Things Ants Like to Eat?

    Alas, there is no feasible way of keeping your home safe from ant snacks. You’ll simply starve to death with no potential “ant food” in the vicinity. That being said, a daily dose of cleaning and a couple of ant baits scattered outside the house should do the trick just fine.
    Remember to always:

    • Seal your food;
    • Hide the leftovers;
    • Vacuum clean regularly;
    • Take care of the garden;
    • Keep moist areas (kitchen, bathroom) dry.

    This way, you won’t be feeding any uninvited guests any time soon.

    Also read:


    • Identifying household ants (Michael Merchant, Ph.D., Professor and Extension Urban Entomologist, Texas AgriLife Extension Service):
    • Carpenter ants (University of Minnesota Extension):
  • How to Get Rid of Crazy Ants: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

    How to Get Rid of Crazy Ants: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

    Hi, guys! This is Nicholas Martin back here! Today I want to tell you about one of the most dreaded types of insect intruders sprawling across the southeastern American states – Rasberry crazy ants. If you are not from Florida or Texas, there is a good chance you have never encountered one of those in your entire life. Well, consider yourself lucky.

    This post will be helpful for people who have to live side-by-side with these nasty little invaders and fight a daily battle for territory and dominance. Learn what crazy ant killer strategies exist and how to prevent these creepy-crawlies from taking over your home, car, and whatever possessions you have.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Get Rid of Crazy Ants” style=”main”]
    1. Place granular baits for ants.
    2. Spray ant sprays. These spays do not eradicate the nest; they are toxic and only effective short-term.
    3. Use gel ant traps that combine slow-acting poison with tempting food bait.
    4. Purchase diatomaceous earth powder. This is a 100% natural remedy against crazy indoor ants.

    A Quick Guide on Crazy Ants: Everything You Need to Know to Fight Them

    These insects are smart, agile, well-organized, and determined to survive and thrive no matter what. By the time you spot one, there are likely to be millions more spread around your property, so you have to act fast to eliminate ant infestation and kick the trespassers out.

    What Are Crazy Ants?


    Rasberry crazy ants, named so after the exterminator who discovered the species in 2002, are referred to as “crazy” for their chaotic movements. Adult members are around 3mm long and can vary in color from tawny pests in Texas to black crazy ants in Florida. Compared to other types of ants populating the southeastern regions of the USA, crazy ants have much longer legs and horns, dense-haired bodies, and no stinger. An average crazy ant has a lifespan of 76-84 days.

    The relatively new species is famous for its peculiar frantic behavior, the ability to reproduce at a head-spinning rate, and its odd fondness of electrical devices. The latter characteristic has made these pests especially unwelcome, as the estimated electrical damage caused by their activities across the US amounts to $146 million annually.

    When an electric shock kills a crazy ant, its body releases a specific pheromone, signaling to the rest of their colony that one of theirs has been attacked. And so, they rush for help just to end up being electrocuted themselves. The more of them die, the more come to rescue. At some point, a short circuit of the wiring seems inevitable.

    Where Do Crazy Ants Live?

    tawny crazy ant

    One of the reasons why these pests are tenacious of life is their fantastic adaptability. These little fellows are capable of adjusting to almost any habitat. On warm and sunny days, they are perfectly happy to stroll around the yard rubbish, tree cavities, mulch, dead leaves, rocky walls, and potted plants. However, as soon as the weather changes, the ants move into houses and garages where they have enough food to survive the cold.

    Crazy Ant Treatment and Removal Strategies

    Even though they are killed without much effort, total elimination is not as easy as with other pests. This is mainly because of the enormous size of their super-colonies, their erratic movement patterns, and the fact that they can live and prosper both inside your house and outside of it.

    How to Track Down Crazy Ants?

    Before choosing a proper treatment method, you will need to assess how big and far gone the problem is. Start by locating their nesting sites in the house and the entry points through which they get inside. Use maple syrup, peanut butter, or sugared water to bait the ants and trick them into forming a visible line.

    When you know where they live and how they get inside, you can begin to act. Remember to seal all the entry points that you can find to prevent new ants from accessing your house and another re-infestation from the outbreak after you have eradicated the ones living inside.

    How to Kill Crazy Ants?

    rasberry crazy ant

    The most successful rasberry ants extermination options include the use of granular ant baits, ant killer powders, gel traps, and insecticide sprays.

    Granular ant baits can be used indoors and outdoors and are best applied in late winter or early spring when the ants are active, but their number is yet low, and their usual food is scarce.

    Ant sprays can be used inside your house to kill the ants that you spot. Alternatively, sprays can be applied on the outside walls of the house and on the ground to stop the pests from getting inside. These spays do not eradicate the nest; they are toxic and only effective short-term.

    Ant gel traps that combine a slow-acting poison with some enticing food bait are perfect for indoors and outdoors. They are harmless for kids and pets and can eliminate the entire crazy ant problem eventually as these little pests gladly take the gel to the nest with them, poisoning the others.

    Related Post: Terro Liquid Ant Baits Review.

    The diatomaceous earth powder is a 100% natural treatment against crazy ants living indoors. It is eco-friendly and safe for children and house pets. Spread it by hand where you have seen the pests, or use it as a barrier at possible entry points. You can also try it outdoors, but do not forget to re-apply the powder, especially after it has rained hard.


    yellow crazy ants

    Do Crazy Ants Bite?

    These ants do not have a stinger, but they can bite in self-defense. Their bites can cause a little pain as there is formic acid being injected, but the sensation quickly disappears.

    How to Get Rid of Crazy Ants Naturally?

    • Do not leave any food and water sources in plain sight;
    • Try to locate and close off any entries to the house they may use;
    • Clear the yard of any debris that may shelter the ants;
    • Use a water-vinegar solution as a deterrent. Apply it on the floor, widow-sills, doorways, etc. The ants hate the smell of vinegar.

    How to Prevent Crazy Ants?

    Start by adopting a more meticulous housekeeping routine: clean the cooking surfaces with a water-vinegar mix, cleanse the dishes immediately after you have finished dining, swipe the floor a few times a day.

    Also, do not let garbage pile up in the yard. Remove any rotting dead leaves and fallen branches that the ants can use to build a house for themselves.

    How to Get Rid of Crazy Ants in My Car?

    Crazy ants in the car! Can it get any crazier? Clean the car from the inside and remove any food, then vacuum the surfaces to make sure there are no crumbs left for the ants to snack on.

    Treat the tires with a home-made deterrent or a commercial pesticide. Try not to park your car where there is likely to be a crazy ant nest around. Use non-chemical ant traps inside the cabin.

    Also read:

    Know When It Is Time to Get Professional Help

    While all of the above tips and methods are effective, there can be situations where you cannot handle the problem on your own. For the most neglected cases of ant infestation, it is advisable to seek the help of a professional exterminator. They will know what to do to keep you and your house safe and ant-free.

    Have you ever had to deal with crazy ants that occupied your yard or house? Which elimination strategies and products did you use? Were they helpful? Feel free to share your experience in the comments section!


    • Crazy Ants (The University of Texas at Austin):
    • Ants (University of Minnesota Extension):
  • Does Baking Soda Kill Ants: Popular Myths and DIY Recipes

    Does Baking Soda Kill Ants: Popular Myths and DIY Recipes

    Baking soda is a non-toxic way to get rid of ants. We put it in our pastry, which means that it is totally safe for our home, children, and pets. It is also one of the cheapest ways to kill insects.

    Baking soda costs less than any other baits. If you don’t have lots of ants at home and want to deal with them on your own, follow my advice.

    As an entomologist, I usually suggest using only trustworthy recipes. That is why here I gathered only those that I’ve tried. Let’s talk more about the baking soda ant killer.

    A Detailed Guide on Ants and Ways to Kill Them

    An ant on green leaf

    It is not appropriate to consider all ants as pests. There are 12 000 types of ants that we know, and only a few of them invade our homes and gardens. Common species that can infest our homes are:

    Ants are marvelous creatures, and we must admit it. They can carry the weight which is 50 times heavier than their entire body. They are hard-working creatures that do not stop.

    They dwell in a well-organized colony with specific roles for everyone. The social hierarchy of these insects looks rather advanced. However, they can easily destroy all your crops and occupy your house.

    Is Baking Soda Safe?

    Baking Soda

    Baking soda is considered to be an organic home remedy for ants. But what is baking soda? It is a mineral that has a salty taste and usually seen as a powder.

    The chemical name of this product is sodium hydrogen carbonate. It has a white color and no odor. In the bakery, this substance is widely used for creating air bubbles and pockets in the dough.

    You will see this ingredient in your favorite cakes, muffins, and bread. Also, this product can be used to clean stains, and even grime. Some people use baking soda to whiten their skin and teeth. Sometimes it is used as an alternative to pesticides.

    Warning! Don’t make the mistake, baking soda and baking powder are not the same. This is not ant killer baking soda. The powder is a mix of cornstarch, and acid mineral latter.

    Will Baking Soda Kill Ants?

    This question still troubles the minds of scientists. Many of you have heard that the mix of soda and sugar may kill these nasty intruders. Moreover, we all have friends, relatives, or neighbors who have tried powdered sugar and baking soda to kill ants.

    They all are telling that these two ingredients explode in the stomach of ants killing them immediately from inside.

    For now, it looks like one of the baking soda ants myths. Scientists have never witnessed something like this. This theory has never been proved. However, you may always follow the ants and record the process on your own. What we know, that baking soda can dry up the body of the insect.

    FAQ on Killing Ants with Baking Soda

    Baking soda and ants

    How Does Baking Soda Kill Ants?

    Baking soda acts like diatomaceous earth by drying ants from inside. It absorbs the water from exoskeletons of these creatures until nothing is left. Many ants have already learned to avoid this product. This is why people mix baking soda with other ingredients that attract insects, which have a great smell.

    Does Sugar Kill Ants?

    ants and sugar

    No, sugar does not kill ants or, otherwise, there wouldn’t be any problem with the insects. On the contrary, sugar attracts ants with its odor. Ants can smell it from afar.

    This is why I recommend you to clean your house carefully, paying attention to even the smallest stains on the floor. The preventive measures are better than having to get rid of ants in your kitchen.

    How Long Does Baking Soda Take to Kill Ants?

    Baking soda kills ants in several hours. This is enough for ants workers to bring the product to their colony and share the deadly ingredient with others. You may notice the effect the next day. So, if you are making a homemade ant trap with baking soda, don’t forget to repeat the procedure a few times to check out whether every insect is dead.

    How to Get Rid of Ants Using Natural Remedies?

    In this section, I would like to share a few recipes that I’ve promised:

    • Mix baking soda and sugar in equal proportions. It will attract ants. Depending on the type of ants, they may be more attracted to peanut butter, jam, or honey. Sprinkle this mix around the doors and windows;
    • Another natural ant killer with baking soda is boric acid. Be careful with it as it may cause skin irritation. Mix soda, acid, and sugar together. Remember that the mixture is toxic;
    • Diatomaceous earth and baking soda are deadly mixes. It is non-toxic, so you can put it around your house.

    Also read:

    Baking Soda as Natural Killer

    I hope I have answered the question of how does baking soda kill ants for you. You can share your own experience with baking soda in the comments below.

    Write your comments even if the experience was rather negative. Which remedy helped the most to get rid of ants? How did you use baking soda to kill them?


    • Gardening: Alternatives to Pesticides
  • How Long Do Ants Live and What You Can Do About It

    How Long Do Ants Live and What You Can Do About It

    There are numerous factors that define the longevity of ants’ life. I am going to tell you more about them. The first thing you need to understand is that you can’t simply rely on the shortness of these insects’ life, hoping that they will die on their own. If ants invaded your property, you will have to take measures, as they can live there for decades.

    My personal experience, as a professional entomologist and private consultant, shows that these small insects may be hard to get rid of without proper measures. But if you are willing to learn everything about this problem, I am eager to help you. Let’s talk about the ant lifespan.

    Manual into Ants’ Lifetime

    ants drinking water

    The average lifespan of an ant varies depending on numerous factors. This information is important in case your house or yard has been invaded by these insects. You may check out these factors:

    • The caste of ants’ colony;
    • Species of ants;
    • The area of habitat. Ants in cooler areas live longer, surviving winters in hibernation;
    • Quality of food and water;
    • The shelter that protects the whole colony.

    Providing access to your food, you automatically extend the life of ants. The whole colony may exist on your supplies from the kitchen. While ants are an important part of this world, and they have important roles in nature, it does not mean that they have to prosper in your apartment or house.

    The Role in the Caste System


    While some ants have a longer life, others live just a few months. One of the main factors that must be taken into consideration is the social role of the longest living ant in the colony. The types of ants:

    • Male ants are those who live during the smallest period of time. They have to mate with females, and after that, they die. Male ants live for a few days after reaching adulthood.
    • Worker ants support the life of the colony. They take care of others, being non reproducing females. Their lives are several years long, on average.
    • Queen ants can live for 30 years or so. They lay eggs and produce other members of the colony. They will not be able to survive without a worker and male ants.

    Here is the explanation of why some ants live longer than others. This is the reason why it is difficult to answer what is the lifespan of an ant. It depends on the place in the social hierarchy or caste that a particular ant belongs to. Anyway, the queen of ants lives longer than other members of the colony, but this insect is dependable of others.


    Ants are fighting

    Different species have different longevity of life. The most common fire ants’ workers live only five weeks in general. However, odorous house ants’ workers can survive inside your home for up to 3 years.

    The Life Cycle

    During their lives, ants experience numerous metamorphoses that change their bodies. They have three-stage of growing up before they will be adults. While the average life of this insect is not long, they all pass the complete ant’s life cycle:

    • Egg. The cycle of ant’s life begins with an egg. Fertilized eggs are females, while unfertilized ones are males;
    • Larva. Larva looks like a tiny worm. It does not even have eyes. Larva requires a lot of food, and workers are feeding them;
    • Pupa is another metamorphosis. They look like adults, but still with wings and antennae pressed close to their bodies. Some species of ants can spin cocoons around their bodies for protection on this stage of development;
    • Adult. This is the final stage of life. These ants are full-grown and ready to reproduce. The exoskeleton is already developed.

    ant lifecycle

    Depending on the specie and the region, this life cycle can vary by time. Usually, it takes up to several months to progress from an egg to an adult. Sometimes it takes only a few weeks.


    Red ant on green leaf

    What Is the Average Lifespan of an Ant?

    As I’ve told you before, the longevity of the life of these insects depends on many factors. Usually, males live just for a few weeks after reaching adulthood. They mate and die.

    Worker ant lifespan is a little bit longer. Workers that are the main feeders and protectors of the colony die after several months of adult life. Queens live up to twenty-thirty years, depending on the prosperity of the colony and inside/outside conditions.

    In a tropical climate, ants do not hibernate. They stay active for the whole year. In cooler areas, they hibernate in winter.

    How Fast Do Ants Reproduce?

    The adult age of ants separates them by castes. Only queen ants that live longer can lay eggs. However, they can’t do it without male ants which usually die after mating with queens. Queens do not stop laying eggs even for a day.

    They produce up to thousands of eggs per day. It does not mean that every egg survives. However, the population of ants rises extremely quickly. In a few years, the population of ants can grow to the million in a colony.

    How Long Do Queen Ants Live?

    Queen ants live longer than other members of the colony. Usually, they can survive for 30 years, in proper conditions, and depending on the hard work of other ants. They require feeding and protection of workers as well as mating with male ants.

    How Big Can Ants Get?

    On average, adult species reach 2 inches. The size varies from 0.03 to 2 inches. However, queens can grow bigger than 2 inches. The biggest ants noted by scientists reached 5.9 inches. But they have not survived till our days.

    How Long Can Ants Live Without Food?

    While the food gives ants energy, they can easily survive for a couple of weeks. Workers will do everything to save queens. However, without proper feeding, the colony will not be growing.

    Can’t We Just Wait Till They Die?

    In some rare cases, worker ants can live for several years, and queens may hold on for decades. It does not mean that they are going to live this long. However, as I have already mentioned, ants reproduce quickly and lay thousands of eggs almost every day.

    Without your actions, the colony will grow to feed on your food and drinking your water. It is important to realize that even after the first generation is dead, the colony still survives.

    If you had a deal with ants previously, share your experience in the comments below. How long did they live in your home?

    Also read:


    • Identifying Household Ants (Texas A&M):
    • Ant Life Cycle (Arizona State University):
  • Does Cornmeal Kill Ants, Like For Real?

    Does Cornmeal Kill Ants, Like For Real?

    Does cornmeal kill ants?

    Well, to put it simply, I have a bigger chance of dying from my last week’s burger than an ant dying from eating cornmeal. It’s just food to them, plain and simple.

    Cornmeal in the dish

    More on the matter, those lucky bastards don’t even have to worry about their cholesterol level, unlike me and my burgers.

    Ants And Cornmeal

    The legend says that ants will ingest cornmeal but can not physically digest it. Some even go as far as stating that the poor buggers will explode from the inside after a hefty cornmeal snack.

    All of that is rubbish.

    First and foremost, ants are omnivorous, meaning they can eat everything from meat to veggies to sweets just like humans. In fact, some of the things that eat ants are other ants. Their mandibles are not for show, you know.

    Some of these tiny insects are capable of chomping through solid wood or even concrete. Corn can not and will not stop them in any way.

    Secondly, worker ants – the ones that deliver the food to the colony, are only capable of eating liquid food, so if they decided to munch on some cornmeal, they’d use enough saliva to moisturize it into a liquid mess of nutrients. That’s how they eat their meats and veggies anyhow.

    Lastly, ants are naturally attracted to cornmeal. If it did anything to them, their population would either have been under threat of extinction by now, or the newer generations would have learned to avoid the dangerous product. Neither has occurred so far.

    Still think using cornmeal to kill ants is a good idea?

    Well, you should. It’s just that you shouldn’t use cornmeal alone.

    Cornmeal Ant Killer?

    Ants on the white foor

    Will cornmeal kill ants? Nope, it wouldn’t. It is capable of something else though – ants can’t resist the taste of the flour.

    Yes, using cornmeal alone would be the same as feeding an entire ant colony with snacks (which is kinda cool when you think about it).

    Combining it with actual ant poison, on the other hand, might do the trick.

    Why is the cornmeal ant trap the perfect preventive strike against a spreading colony of ants?

    • Workers cannot eat hard food. They only drink notorious liquids. This means they will take every last flake of the flour into the nest where most of the food is given to larvae.
    • In return, the larvae will consume poisonous cornmeal and convert it into liquid so the workers can enjoy a nice meal after a heavy day’s work.

    Boom, you’ve just eliminated an entire nest with nothing but “spiced” cornmeal. That’s what I call strategic thinking!

    Why Use Cornmeal?

    Ants on the branch

    You must be thinking something along these lines to yourself: “Ok, but if I poison the nest, I win the war. It makes sense so far. Why do I have to use cornmeal though?”

    You see, most poisons are sold in liquid form. Sure, you can use a bit of boric acid and will get rid of a couple of workers, but since your weapon is liquid, they’ll happily eat the treat before heading back home.

    Making a paste that combines a deadly venom and the food most ants love so much – now that is a diabolical trick to play on the unsuspecting insects.


    ants on the leaf

    Why Does Cornmeal Kill Ants?

    It doesn’t unless combined with actual ant poison. Otherwise, it is just food.

    Will Cornmeal Kill Fire Ants?

    Cornmeal alone will not kill any species of ants.

    How to Kill Ants with Cornmeal?

    You’ll need to mix it into a paste with ant poison and scatter the mixture around the house.

    Words of Caution

    two ants

    If you are considering using cornmeal in combination with poison, please keep in mind that ants are not the only creatures living outside your house.

    Your friends or neighbors might own pets that will be interested in the corn paste scattered around the yard. Little children may wish to explore the bate as well and so could many more curious bystanders, both human and insect in nature.

    If you are looking for a word of advice from a seasoned extermination veteran, I’d always go for the sealed commercial solutions. Most of them are really thought through and sealed in a way that the ants are the only ones getting in and out.


    The cornmeal myth is quite fun, though I am a bit sad that this 100% natural solution does not work in favor of the exterminator.

    That being said, I have tried a couple of organic ant poisons in my life, and some of them showed promising results. For instance, you can combine corneal with vinegar or lemon acid for nice performance without any serious risks to creatures larger than an ant.

    Have you, by any chance, heard any other peculiar insect-related stories you’d like me to fact-check or debunk? Feel free to share them with me. I am always on the lookout for more insights and experimentation.

    Also read:


    • What is an Omnivore? (Northwestern University):
    • Collecting Worker Ants (Arizona State University):
    • Boric Acid (National Pesticide Information Center, Oregon State University Extension Services):
  • How to Get Rid of Ants in the Bathroom: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

    How to Get Rid of Ants in the Bathroom: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

    Most people usually scratch their heads, trying to figure out how to eliminate ants in shower rooms. Some try different methods such as manually killing ants whenever they spot them or even through common insecticides, but they keep coming back. As such, many people give up in despair.

    However, you don’t need to endure the discomfort of having tiny ants in the bathroom. Over the years, I have been studying various methods of home pest control.

    Therefore, I have gathered vast information on the common types of insects that are notorious for invading bathrooms and various methods of eradicating different species of ants. I believe that by sharing this information, you will be able to have an ant-free bathroom without having to undergo much stress.

    Therefore, in this article, I will enlighten you on why ants normally invade bathrooms, the ant species notorious for this menace, and how to eradicate these insects.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Get Rid of Ants in the Bathroom” style=”main”]
    1. Caulk up any cracks in the bathroom.
    2. Keep the house clean.
    3. Ensure that there is no motionless water, and sinks are frequently wiped to eliminate condensed water.
    4. Use insecticides, borax, essential oils, and a vinegar solution to remove colonies of tiny and large black ants.

    Why Are There Ants in My Bathroom Walls and Drains?

    Many types of ants usually find their way into our homes, including the washroom. They invade our dwelling places in search of shelter, water, and food using avenues such as crevices and cracks around windows or in the foundation walls. Another entry route is via air conditioning or heating ducts. What’s more, they can gain access to our homes through the vent openings within attics, or where shrubs, utility lines, or tree branches make contact with the house.

    many ants in the bathroom

    What are ants attracted to in the bathroom? The scents and odors emanating from sanitary drains usually attract many ant species. Typically, sanitary drains that have stayed for long periods without use will gather some motionless water that possibly contains rotting human hair.

    Is there any other thing that can attract these insects to bathrooms? Yes. The shower room environment provides a conducive breeding environment and also offers food. Fermented hair offers nutrition to various ant species.

    Ants That Invade Bathrooms

    Even though there are hundreds of ant species that can be encountered in the washroom, the typical ones include sugar ants, carpenter ants, pharaoh ants, the Argentine ants, and fire ants. The key attractions are normally moisture and food. Nonetheless, not all of them might enter and nest or establish a colony.

    fire ants colony in toilet room

    All the same, you need to be highly concerned whenever you spot the moisture ants. They are characterized by yellowish workers approximately 4 to 4.5 mm long. This species derives its name from the fact that it prefers to nest in a variety of highly moist areas. Therefore, an infestation could be an indication that your wooden foundation or floor has some moisture damage. Bath traps are notorious for this occurrence.

    As such, whenever you spot moisture ants in your washroom, it could be an indication of plumbing leaks in the drainage system or crawlspaces. In this case, you need to take prompt action before the problem spirals out of hand.

    How to Eradicate an Ant Infestation in Bathroom

    The majority of homeowners normally believe that ant infestations are common during summer. Though, it could signify something even worse. Warm, moist wood is always a big attraction, and the most likely place to find such an environment is in the washrooms.

    Water that finds its way to the wood might come from the sink or areas around the bathtub. As such, you should seal off any cracks in the washroom, not forgetting those in the middle of tiles and nearby the tub rim.

    The shower should be kept dry to avoid the accumulation of moisture. Also, during the application of caulk, make certain that you give it enough duration to cure. As such, do not use the washroom for a day or two. Frequently clean the shower with a brush and a cleanser, and do not forget to remove any hair that has accumulated in the stopper.

    Keeping the Home Clean

    Ants usually migrate in search of nutriment and water. Hence you must always maintain cleanliness in the washroom and other parts of your home. Food, dirt, and decaying hair that builds up in sinks are a rich source of food for these insects.

    Ensure that you properly dispose of the garbage bins and regularly clean them. Any residue left is a potential attraction to these insects.

    bathroom cleaning

    Pour half a cup of vinegar with an equal amount of soda in the sink to assist you in clearing the pipes of grease and food deposits. Let it stay inside the drain for around 10 minutes. After that, flush it down using hot water.

    This simple remedy, in addition to regular cleansing, can assist in warding off ants from the home sanitation pipes for some time. Nevertheless, it is usually difficult to know of any leaks behind the walls and in foundations of your house in a timely manner.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Read more:” style=”main”] [/wpsm_titlebox]

    Steps to Eradicate both Big and Tiny Black Ants in Bathroom Surfaces

    Sometimes, you have to handle the ant infestation. In this case, prevention measures do not apply. Therefore, you should follow several steps to eradicate the menace effectively. The steps have been listed below:

    Identify the Key Attractions

    Ants, like any other insects, migrate from one place to another, seeking nourishment and water. As a result, the washroom and kitchen are typical problem areas.

    The initial step in eradicating ants from the shower is cutting off their water source by stopping any leaks and drips. Ensure that there is no motionless water, and sinks are frequently wiped to eliminate condensed water.

    Follow the Trails

    Ants are renowned for their organization. They usually follow certain patterns, thus leaving trails. You can track such trails to discover the pathways used to access the washroom and where they come from.

    ant colony in bathroom

    Seal Cracks

    It is very likely that they use cracks within walls and tiles to invade your bathroom. Ensure that all these are properly sealed and replace the old caulk. Likewise, outside your house should not provide pathways via which the ants can access the house and, subsequently, the bathroom.

    Removing the Colony of both Tiny and Big Black Ants in Bathroom

    Ants usually search for nourishment and water. Anything they get is always taken to the colony. Therefore, when you destroy the colony, you will lastingly do away with the ants from your washroom. The usage of borax and essential oils can be effective, but if you want to see the result fast, you better use specialized insecticides.

    Best Ant Killer Trap for Bath


    Insecticides have always been recognized as the best and easiest approach for eliminating ants. The manufacturers have researched and perfected how to make effective chemicals for removing ants. Currently, there exist several insecticides that work effectively when used with both manufacturers and professional advice.

    A major advantage of using insecticides over natural methods is that they provide almost instant results. Also, they offer a long-lasting remedy compared to natural approaches.

    Related Post: Best Ant Traps & Baits Reviewed.


    This is a highly effective natural solution. However, before using it, it is imperative to take note that this chemical can be unsafe for both bets and humans. Formulate protein bait consisting of 25 percent borax and 75 percent peanut butter.

    One more variant of the bait is a cup containing a blend of honey and borax. Apply the baits along the trails. This aids in killing these bugs in various phases of growth. This technique is highly effective, especially for eradicating sugar ants in bathroom surfaces.

    Essential Oils

    image of essential aroma oil

    This is another effective method of eradicating ants from the washroom. Ants are hypersensitive to nearly all kinds of essential oils. Among the most potent in eradicating ants is a blend of peppermint and tea tree. Better yet, it is a cost-effective and 100 percent natural ant repellent that is easy to apply.

    The application approach is to spray it on the ants, instantly killing them. Also, you can spray it on the outdoor areas around the house. Repeat the same procedure after several weeks for it to work effectively. This is the most commonly used method, especially for carpenter ants in bathroom surfaces.

    Create a mixture consisting of 15 drops of tea tree oil and an equal amount of peppermint oil. After that, add 6 to 8 ounces of water and half teaspoon of cayenne powder.

    Mix thoroughly until the cayenne powder dissolves. Lastly, place it at the source of the trail to effectively repel.

    Vinegar Solution

    Eliminating ants in the washroom does not need to be costly. The everyday supplies already found at home can get the job done. One of them is using vinegar. After identifying the main entry points of ants, spray those areas with a vinegar solution. Ants rely on scent for directions. Hence vinegar’s scent helps to block their form of communication.

    Also read:

    The Bottom Line

    Eliminating black and red ants in bathroom surfaces, or any other type of ants is not an easy task. However, if you do not take any action, they can result in major issues, predominantly in the home sanitation system. Ants usually search for water and food in sanitation areas. Therefore, whenever you experience any issue with your plumbing, you can try out the remedies mentioned above.

    The methods mentioned above are non-toxic and easily available. For instance, using borax is a highly safe technique for eliminating ants. Apart from being a pest eradicator, many people have used it to clean outdoor furniture and can also be used as a dishwasher cleaner. So, it doesn’t cause harm to humans. The best method, however, is using insecticides. The chemicals provide instant and long-lasting results as compared to natural methods.

    Have you ever encountered ants in the washroom? Which approach did you use to eliminate them? Was it effective? Share your experiences by leaving a comment.


    • How to Stop Ants from Coming Into Your Home (WikiNow by Kevin Carrillo):
    • Do’s and Don’ts of Pest Control (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency):
  • How to Get Rid of Ant Hills (Colonies) in Yard: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

    How to Get Rid of Ant Hills (Colonies) in Yard: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

    Ever noticed piled-up soil in your yard? It is highly likely that there are unwanted guests in your compound. Most people give a blind eye to such signs and pass up on clearing these piles.

    Ants are a nuisance and will give you a hard time with their painful stings when you will be trying to catch up on some fresh air in the backyard.

    Ant mounds in yard are highly noticeable since they look like small hills. There are various ways of eradicating them; you just have to select which one you want according to the number or type of anthills in the compound.

    I am an entomologist, and I have been in this field for too long. From my 25 years of experience, I have gained enough knowledge of both urban and agricultural pests and how you can smoothly control them.

    Therefore, in this article, I will enlighten you on the most effective ant killer method to assist with the eradication of the hills completely and how to get rid of ant hills naturally.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Get Rid of Ant Hills (Colonies) in Yard” style=”main”]
    1. Use soapy water. Water drowns the ants, and soap makes their tracks sticky.
    2. Use boiled water. The euphorbias cannot tolerate high temperatures.
    3. Flatten the anthill.
    4. Fill the anthill with fuel. The ants suffocate inside the hill.
    5. Getting Rid of Ants Using Insecticides – Best Ant Hill Killer Method.

    What Are Ant Hills?

    ant hill meadow

    They are described as piles of soil made up of rotting organic matter, sand, or clay. They are formed by worker ants that try to create a good place for the colony. The ants place vegetation together with clay on top of the hill so that it does not collapse.

    This explains the shape or formation of these hills. However, different species construct differently. Some colonies gather materials to create some particular shapes and also connect the various networked chambers inside the mound.

    Worker ants sometimes decide to combine mud with sand and small sticks for the pile to be strong so that in case of strong winds or rains, the colony will be safe.

    In areas with a lot of trees or vegetation, the anthills may be covered with plants that were displaced during the construction or the ones they have carried. These plants also offer maximum protection to the hill.

    They are not just mere piles of soil, as you may think. There is a whole lot of work and construction happening on the ant hill inside. The hill comprises many tunnels networked to form chambers that have been perfectly constructed by the worker ants. The different chambers have diverse functions.

    There are specific chambers where food is stored; the ants rest in and egg storage compartment for the queen. During morning hours, the worker ants transfer the queen’s eggs from the storage place and placed in a compartment close to the earth’s surface to get warmth, and later take them back.

    The hills develop just from a tiny formless shaped soil to a tall hill that goes to 3 feet high. There is a hole at the center of the structure to act as an entrance. Also, there are various exits.

    What Ants Typically Create Hills in Yard?

    The well-known type of ants that is likely to damage your yard by creating hills is the field ants. Field ants are a grouping of several species and vary in appearance, from brown to black. In terms of size, they are commonly a fourth of an inch long. Other ants that may form hills in your favorite lawn are fire ants.

    Why Are There So Many Ant Hills in My Yard?

    If your yard has dry soil that drains properly, then it’s perfect for them since it is convenient in carrying out their construction. Besides, if you hold frequent barbecues or picnics in the yard, be sure to clean every last bit of food that has dropped on the ground since ants feed on such leftovers, and therefore, this may attract them.

    If you have been wondering, “Why are there so many ant hills in my yard?” These two factors could be among the reasons why there is an ant infestation.

    How Can You Find Ant Hills Outside?

    More often, these hills may be hidden somewhere one cannot easily notice, especially if many trees are planted in the yard. There exist many seamless ways of locating the ant hills in a lawn.

    For example, you can place a trap in sections where the presence of the ants has been noted. The trap is not to kill them, but to help guide you to where their home is.

    For species that love sugary meals, you can trap them using tiny jelly pieces and a little peanut butter for ants with a protein preference. After picking the meal, keep an eye on the direction they go since they always take the meal to the hill.

    You will know where the hill is situated, although it requires much patience. Not all ants crawl on the ground. Some crawl on the wall, and thus, this may make it a little difficult to follow them.

    Additionally, ants use the same path followed by their fellow ants. Therefore, if you notice a trail of ants, follow them to find their mound. After locating where the colony stays, now you can come up with plans of eradicating them.

    How to Get Rid of Ant Colonies in Yard – Workable Approaches

    fire ant mount

    Ants live in colonies. Hence if you notice an ant mound in your lawn, then you need to eliminate it as soon as possible since the colony grows rapidly. There are various ways to get the job done.

    They include using natural ways and chemical ways. So, if you’ve no idea how to get rid of ant hills in yard, then below are some methods to use.

    Getting Rid of Ant Hills Naturally – Best Natural Methods to Use

    If you have kids, then you may rethink using chemicals and opt for natural remedies since the chemicals may be harmful to the kids if they come to contact with them. However, these natural remedies are not that effective as compared to using insecticides. The natural ways include:

    1. Using soapy water

    You can choose to use any dishwashing soap by mixing it with water. It is important to boil the water first. Pour enough soapy water slowly into the ant hills in the yard via the entrance.

    The water drowns the ants while the soap makes their routes sticky, and thus they will not be able to escape the hill due to the clogs of the soap.

    2. Boiled water

    Does boiling water kill ants? Yes! Using hot water is the simplest natural method. Ants cannot stand hot temperatures. Therefore this will kill them, and the water will also cause flooding in the anthill, which will, in turn, destroy it.

    However, the ants at the bottom of the hill may escape before the hot water reaches them and can return to create another pile. As such, you need to do a follow-up eradication using a different method to ensure they are completely gone.

    3. Flattening the anthill

    Isn’t this an obvious method because it directly destroys the ants’ safe place? Flattening out the place sends a direct message to the ants that the place is not their safe home anymore. However, they might still switch locations in your yard.

    Therefore, you can try to first kill them with hot water or soapy water before digging deep and flattening it completely since the ants build their chambers deep. If the anthill is tall, dig it right from the top. So, if you’ve been wondering how to get rid of large ant hills, then this is one way to do it.

    4. Using fuel

    Although this can be dangerous, it is very effective. Just ensure you do not light up the place. Fuel is harsh to ants. This approach causes them to suffocate inside the hill.

    5. Getting Rid of Ants Using Insecticides – Best Ant Hill Killer Method

    Using insecticides is the most effective approach to eradicating ants. When used properly, insecticides produce long-lasting results, unlike natural remedies, which only give short-term solutions. Besides, the chemicals act quickly to give instant results.

    As well, insecticides are weather-proof, and thus you don’t have to worry about wind, rain, or other meteorological interference. Moreover, manufacturers have researched and are now producing insecticides that are less harmful to humans and the environment.

    A common insecticide used is boric acid. You can sprinkle the powder at the hole in the center of the anthill. Do the same around the anthill and in areas near it. This would help to kill any ant that will be crawling towards the pile.

    Have fire ant hills all over your lawn? Check my review of the best fire ant killers.

    This insecticide is very toxic to pests and will kill the ants if they come to direct contact with it. Additionally, to even make it more effective, make a concoction by mixing this boric acid with sugar and water.

    The sugar is meant to mask the insecticide and attract the ants. Further, using water will ease the flow of this acid to the deepest compartments and also flood the anthill.

    Closing Remarks

    Eradicating ants from the yard is not as difficult as you earlier thought. As compared to other pests like bedbugs which hardly completely go away, ants will move faster to seek a safer place somewhere else.

    Therefore, you can get creative with the above methods when trying to eliminate these insects, and you can go back to enjoying some splendid time in your backyard alone or with family.

    These methods do not get old. You can use them as remedies for as long as you want to. However, using insecticides is the most effective approach. Insecticides act quickly and produce better results. When you use chemicals, the chances of ants coming back are very minimal. Hence it is a long-term remedy.

    Also read:

    Have you ever experienced ant hills in your yard? Was it easy to eradicate them? Which technique did you use? Was it effective? Share your experiences by leaving a comment.

  • How to Get Rid of Ants in a Car: Control & Prevention Guide

    How to Get Rid of Ants in a Car: Control & Prevention Guide

    Ants in a car can be a severe and annoying problem that some car owners might encounter. It’s a widespread issue, and it has to be solved fast and effectively. If you have faced this problem, then this article is definitely for you. My name is Nicholas Martin, and I specialize in entomology. I have extensive 25-year experience in this field.

    Taking into consideration my expertise, I know everything about insects and pests, and I’m here to help you with this burdening problem.

    Moreover, a few years ago, I found ants in my car as well. Keep reading to find out the main reasons for an ant infestation in a car and learn how to get ants out of a car in the most effective way.

    So, if everything you’ve been wondering about was “how to get rid of ants in my car?”, then check this article out as you will find lots of useful info.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Get Rid of Ants in a Car” style=”main”]
    1. Remove all debris from the vehicle. Make sure the glove compartment is also clean.
    2. Vacuum the interior. Remove and clean the floor mats and vacuum the floor.
    3. Wipe the entire interior with a damp cloth: seats, belts, glove compartment.
    4. Use ant sprays and traps.
    5. Keep your car clean.

    What Is the Danger of Tiny Ants in Car?

    ants on car seat

    If you have found ants in a car door frame, vent, or other places, it’s a red light for you. Your main task will be to solve this serious problem as fast as possible.

    Even though these insects are so tiny, they are pretty dangerous for you and your car. Everyone knows that sugar ants in the car are no good. First of all, they will cause severe discomfort as insects tend to crawl all over your body.

    Some of the species, such as fire and ponerine ants, are dangerous because they can bite and sting you. It can be very painful, and, in some cases, it can even cause an allergic reaction.

    But the main danger is the number of ants. They usually live in a big colony, so they can easily nibble some electrical wires, which can cause severe damage to your car. Therefore, you have to be extra careful and kill ants in the car as fast as possible.

    How and Why Do Ants Get in Cars?

    Before you find out how to get rid of ants in a car, you should know how and why these pests get into your car. Generally, if you often don’t clean up food leftovers from your car, chances are pretty high the ants will appear in your car.

    If you are thinking, ‘I have ants in my car but no food crumbs’; think about your parking place, you may park near the anthill, thus the ants will feel even the smallest crumb, and they will penetrate into your car as they have a developed sense of smell.

    Ants are always in search of food, so if you have kids who eat snacks inside the car, chances are ants will settle down in your car very fast. In case your auto is parked near the anthill, they might simply crawl inside once you open the door, or through crawling on tires.

    The invaders are a serious problem for you, so let’s find out how to get rid of ants in car naturally, as nobody wants to use too many chemicals in this battle.

    food leftovers in car

    How to Get Rid of Ants in Car?

    The first step to a safe ant-free car is to clean it and make your car sparkle. Take out all trash and garbage. Food wrap, wipes, napkins, receipts, fliers have to be removed immediately.

    Make sure the glove compartment is clean as well. The next step will be to vacuum the interior properly with the help of a powerful portable vacuum cleaner.

    Run over the hard-to-access areas to remove debris, dust, and crumbs. Vacuum cleaning will also help to partially kill the ants by trapping them inside the device.

    It’s mandatory to remove and clean floor mats and vacuum the floor thoroughly. After this, you have to use a damp cloth and wipe all the interior: seats, belts, glove compartment. Don`t forget to pay extra attention to windows and doors.

    How to Kill Ants in Car?

    You have to use various sprays and traps that will help you achieve the best results. Sprays are designated to avert more ants that crawl up the tires to get inside of your car. Choose a special spray with pesticides.

    It has to be used only outside of your car. Spray the product over your tires several times to achieve better protection. It will be more than enough to repulse and stop ants from penetrating inside.

    Ant traps are quite effective, and you can buy them in hardware stores or order them online. Choose odorless traps that contain poison. They will lure and kill pests immediately. At the same time, your car won’t smell bad.

    Buy a few small traps and place them throughout your car. It will also repulse other ants from penetrating inside. In addition, you can spray the outside parts of your car, such as doors and car mirrors, as well.

    Check out my Terro Ant Bait review. It’s a perfect option to treat ants in a car.

    It’s recommended to place traps on the floor under the seats of your car. In case there is a significant amount of ants, you can place a trap in a glove compartment to increase the effectiveness of the traps. It will be even more effective if you put several traps inside of your garage and other places to kill the ant colony around.

    I recommend replacing traps once they are filled with ants to keep fighting against insects and maintain the effect of poison. Make sure to keep pets and kids away from the traps as they are poisonous and might cause damage to their health.

    How to Prevent Black Ants in Car

    How to Prevent Black Ants in Car

    If you have already eliminated all ants in your car or simply want them never to appear again, here are some rules that you have to follow at all costs. First of all, you have to keep all the food out of your car. Don’t eat snacks in order not to leave crumbs. If you have no other choice, try to wrap it properly and eat carefully.

    Take out the trash from a car on a regular basis, to not attract new pests. It’s obligatory to clean the interior of your car every week. Use a vacuum cleaner and a damp cloth to clean it up and remove all debris and possible food crumbs.

    And the most important thing will be to check out the parking area for ant hills before you park your car there. By making sure that there are no ants close to your car, you prevent your car from repeated ants invasion.

    Remember that if there are ants in your garage, chances are they will infest your car. That’s why you also need to get rid of ants in your garage or other areas where you park your car often. I’ve reviewed the best indoor and outdoor ant killers that will help you eliminate ants fast. Make sure to check it out.

    Also read:

    Final Thoughts

    After finding fire ants in my car, I was so frustrated and scared. The pests can be hazardous and can not only damage your car but also bite or sting people, causing severe health issues like an allergic reaction.

    Therefore, killing ants in the car was my first priority. Luckily for me, it was not that hard. I know that ants are an issue for many car owners. That’s why I decided to share my own experience and tell you how to get rid of ants in car vents and door frames effectively and fast.

    I hope that my tips will come in handy in this fight against ants in the car. I wish you good luck and hope that you will get rid of these annoying intruders easily. Now I would like to hear from you.

    Tell me what are your ways to fight ant colony in a car? Do you consider them to be effective? Leave comments below, and let’s have a small talk.


    • Ants have an exceptionally high-def sense of smell (Vanderbilt University):