How to Kill a Mosquito in Your Room: Methods That Work

mosquito on the net

It is possible for anyone to unexpectedly hear the sound of a mosquito buzzing near them, either during the day or at night, and it can be challenging to know how to effectively eliminate them. If you aspire to be like famous vampire hunters such as Van Helsing, Buffy, or Abraham Lincoln, the initial step is to eliminate these small creatures that emit ultrasound and pose a threat to your well-being. There exist various techniques that can assist you in effortlessly eliminating mosquitoes in a room or finding and eradicating a lone mosquito.

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  1. Install a permanent repellent that works 24/7. It may be electric or chemical, natural citronella candles, or synthetic coils – whatever that repels them and does not annoy you.
  2. You can also use plant extracts. Lemon eucalyptus oil is considered the best for this.

Step-by-Step Guide on Getting Mosquito Out of Your Room

The mosquito sucks blood

Here are the instructions crafted by the experience of millions. They might have been found accidentally, then retried, checked, and found worthy.

We recommend these methods to catch a mosquito in your room or to drive them away from your house. But all of these will require some actions from you.

How to find a mosquito buzzing at night

It’s one of the most annoying sounds that don’t let you sleep at night when a mosquito buzzes in your ear. (And some people do record it and listen!) It’s too little to hit at once, so you can miss it a lot of times, and it will keep buzzing until it lands on your unprotected skin to suck some of your blood.

Sometimes I wish they were visible like, say, fireflies. But as far as they’re not, you’ll need to turn on some light in your room. The best source is your phone if it’s at your side at the moment.

Don’t hurry up to turn it on, though. Get up with your phone (or whatever light source) in your hand and walk around until you hear the buzz more clearly.

Stand still until the mosquito lands on a nearby wall close to the light source. Then hold your flashlight close up to the wall and turn it on. The mosquito will cast a disproportionately large shadow on the wall, so it will be easier for you to smash it at once. But hurry up before it sets off.

There is another way to see it: have a white blanket stretched between your knees you put up and keep your phone or tablet with its screen on while lying in the bed. As you hear the mosquito, wait until it’s attracted closer by your breath and the light. Then it will be easily seen thanks to the white blanket and easy to kill.

Well, these methods are great against a single mosquito, but they will be useless if they keep entering your room. Make sure you have a mosquito net and keep your windows closed tightly during the night.

How to lure a mosquito

On occasion, rather than searching for a mosquito that may be difficult to find and kill, it can be more practical to entice it out of hiding. There are various methods that can be employed to coax the mosquito out of its hiding spot and lure it close enough to be eliminated.

One approach is to use body heat. Mosquitoes can detect the body heat of their prey and will eventually come closer. Once the mosquito is within range, one can use the techniques mentioned above to eliminate it.

Another strategy is to use light, although it is important to note that mosquitoes are smarter than insects such as moths and will not be drawn to a flame. Instead, using a light source such as a smartphone or tablet can help to lure them out.

Finally, certain aromas can also be used to attract mosquitoes. These include the natural scent of the human body as well as the smell of yeast and beer, which mosquitoes are known to prefer.

How to get mosquitoes out of your room

The most extreme approach to avoiding anxiety at night is to prevent insects, such as mosquitoes, from entering your room or house altogether. This can be challenging if you open your windows for fresh air occasionally. Instead of wondering where mosquitoes might hide within your home, focus on covering up areas where they can enter to prevent them from being able to stay inside.

Mosquito sucks blood from a finger

To get mosquitoes out of your house, you need to install a permanent repellent that functions 24/7. It may be electric or chemical, natural citronella candles, or synthetic coils – whatever that repels them and does not annoy you. It will be especially necessary if your house is next to a forest or a swamp area where mosquitoes are always in excess.

The types of devices you can use for that are the following:

  • Electronic repellents. You can select from a variety of top picks offered by independent reviewers. But even the best of them cannot grant 100% repelling.
  • Chemical repellents. Need to be used with a certain precaution (EPA issued an instruction about that).
  • Plant repellents. Mosquitoes for some strange reason cannot appreciate the fragrance of some flowers and plants, like lavender, basil, peppermint, geraniums, lemongrass, calendula, and others. Have them planted at your windows, so the invaders can smell them from afar and turn away.
  • Plant extracts. Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus is considered the best for that and even recommended by some state health departments, though you can find others.

If you regularly apply these (or just plant the plants where they are the most effective), the problem of how to get a mosquito out of your room will bother you much less. So you will not have to get up at night and hold your phone to the wall as often as before.

Also read: Best Mosquito Fogging Machines Reviewed

Air Defense Ready!

Now you know the ways to easily detect a mosquito in a dark room and kill it. It will take some effort, but it will pay with some good sleep you’d otherwise be deprived of. Repellents are too big a topic to discuss here, they deserve a separate exploration.

If you’re suffering from mosquito attacks, you better save yourself some blood by bookmarking this. Share it on your Facebook or Twitter, and you’ll surely be thanked by some friends who have been under the same attack. And if you know a method we missed, or have anything to add, drop a comment here.

Also read:


  • Acoustical Society of America(Richard H. Campbell Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Worcester Polytechnic Institute ):
  • Using Insect Repellents Safely and Effectively (United States Environmental Protection Agency):
  • Mosquito Repellents: Types and Recommendations (Mississippi State Department of Health):,957,93.html


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