Does Vinegar Repel Mosquitos? Get Rid of Them!

apple vinegar on table

The entire population of the world suffers from mosquitos during the spring and summer weekdays. The itch from their bites is very irritating, and repellents rarely help. Does vinegar repel mosquitoes? Let’s see if a well-known kitchen remedy, such as simple vinegar, can help in a tough battle with mosquitoes.
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  1. You may try several popular methods of mosquito control including baking soda, garlic and even toothpaste.
  2. Vinegar may also repel mosquitoes if you learn how to make anti-mosquito solutions or sprays.
  3. You may also use vinegar as a pesticide to repel not only mosquitoes but other insects.

You’ve probably heard about the most popular method of mosquito control. This is obviously baking soda and lemon. However, there are other ways to fight these nasty insects, such as mint, garlic and even toothpaste. Well, toothpaste is not always able to help effectively, and mint and garlic are quite rare products in the apartment of the average person. Let’s check for some easier stuff.

two mosquitoes on leaf

Does Vinegar Repel Mosquitoes?

Vinegar repels mosquitos, and this is an undebatable answer. However, there are some nuances. It affects humans and animals too, so be careful. You must read the instructions on how to make an anti-mosquito solution – a vinegar bug spray.

Danger of Vinegar to Humans and Animals

It seems like vinegar is an excellent thing to keep mosquitoes away and treat plants, isn’t it? However, this folk remedy has significant disadvantages. First of all, the smell. Although it repels mosquitoes, it will not be a great incense for people either. It’s fine to use vinegar when hiking alone in the mountains, but if you exude the smell in the park or on a walk, people will feel uncomfortable with you.

In addition, if used improperly, vinegar can get into the nose, eyes and other sensitive organs. The solution really irritates the mucous. Do not forget that vinegar evaporates quickly in the air, and when using apple cider vinegar, the effect is not so noticeable. You shouldn’t be lazy – buy a good insect repellent if you are going on a serious adventure.

Also, don’t forget about allergies that you may have.

human and dog on a walk

How to Use Vinegar to Repel Mosquitoes?

Every housewife has this remedy – vinegar. Let’s see how to use it to repel mosquitoes. Use vinegar in combination with dried herbs that have pungent odors. To prepare the infusion you will require:

  • lavender;
  • sage;
  • rosemary;
  • thyme;
  • apple cider vinegar 1 liter.

Apple cider vinegar will act as an invisible barrier against mosquitoes. White vinegar smells even stronger, so it attracts bugs even more, but the high concentration of acetic acid in its solution can be dangerous.

Take a glass container of suitable volume, put herbs in it, then garlic, and pour everything with apple cider vinegar. Close the container with a lid, and put away for 2 weeks. At the end of the period filter the ready mixture, and place it in the refrigerator for storage. Before use, dilute it with clean water 1:1. Apply to exposed areas of the skin if necessary.

Thus, vinegar is not only able to repel mosquitoes by its smell, but also to relieve irritation after the bite of an annoying insect. Do mosquitoes like vinegar? Obviously, no. That is the reason why they can’t smell your blood when you’re out on a picnic with your family.

If you like fishing or hunting, you may drink the vinegar instead of rubbing it on yourself.Not any kind, but apple cider vinegar. You should not take vinegar often, but if you take it for a short time, it won’t harm your health and the mosquitoes won’t bother you.

If you do get bitten, you can apply a cotton swab soaked in vinegar to the bite to get rid of the itching and crushing. It is better to use apple or grape vinegar to avoid a pungent smell.

Also Read: Does Lavender Repel Mosquitoes?

Vinegar in The Garden

Using vinegar as pesticide is a pretty effective solution. It repels not only mosquitos, but also other insects, such as flies, with its smell. Vinegar can also be used to acidify the soil and to treat plants with aphids. Vinegar can reduce the activity of some fungal pathogens.

You can also put this solution in a sprayer to make vinegar bug spray. It is used not only for covering the bite from the wound, but also surfaces that mosquitoes are better off not touching.

vinegar and vegetables


Let’s consolidate the information and answer the most popular questions:

What smell do mosquitoes hate the most?

Mosquitoes are very picky about scents. They can’t stand the smell of cloves, eucalyptus, cinnamon, basil, anise, and, of course, vinegar. Also, they fall dead when getting into smoke.

Does white vinegar attract bugs?

No, it doesn’t. Even more, it has a destructive effect on all insects. The concentration of acid in white vinegar is very high so the smell repels not only mosquitoes but also other insects and bugs.

Also Read: How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Is vinegar harmful to cats?

Yes, it harms not only cats but dogs too. The fumes of such a substance are very dangerous for the sensitive cat’s nose and are fraught with allergic reactions and considerable mucosal irritation. High nasal sensitivity to acrid odors can critically affect your pet’s health, so be careful.

Also Read: Best Flea Shampoo for Cats

So, Does Vinegar Keep Mosquitoes Away?

I hope you learned more about how to repel mosquitoes at home. Indeed, common household vinegar can be a serious adversary in the fight against pests, but it can be dangerous if used incorrectly.

Share your thoughts about the topic in the comments below. What mosquito repellent do you use? Are you satisfied with it?

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