Best Mosquito Dunks in 2025: Expert Reviews

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Hey there! Fighting mosquitoes is today’s widespread issue because these insects are common in many areas.  There are several types of products that will ensure your protection from mosquitoes, among them are dunks, tablets and pellets. The danger of mosquitoes biting you is much greater than these tiny insects.

Who would think, but they may carry serious diseases, like malaria, dengue, yellow fever, etc. You can’t always be sure what mosquito bite is harmless, therefore, the protection is so important. In this post, I would like to make a mosquito dunks review and describe what are mosquito dunks.

Top 5 Best Mosquito Dunks

  1. Summit Mosquito Dunks
  2. Summit Responsible Solutions Mosquito Bits – Quick Kill
  3. Clarke – Natular DT Mosquito Larvicide – Bi-Layer Tablet
  4. Summit Chemical Co. Mosquito Dunks
  5. Bonide BND549 – Mosquito Beater WSP Larvicide

1. Summit Mosquito Dunks – Top Pick of Mosquito Dunks

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  • Active Ingredients: Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis Strain BMP 144 solids, spores and insecticidal toxins 10.31%
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 13.25 x 11.5 x 0.75 inches
  • Item Weight: 11.5 ounces
  • Yield: 1 briquet treats up to 100 sq ft of water
  • Target Species: Mosquitoes and Psychodid Flies, and their larvae

Summit Mosquito Dunks

The manufacturer Summit Chemical Company specializes in providing professional mosquito and pest control products. The company has been on the market for more than 50 years, and it is considered as the leader in the production of the organic mosquito dunks.

Safety and environmental health is the company’s priority, but the quality and proper function of the products is also significant. Summit staff believes that they can satisfy even the most skeptical buyers.

Summit Mosquito Dunk is one of the mosquito repellent discs that looks like a small donut and is very easy in application. Considering that mosquitoes live near the water, the dunks are manufactured to float on the standing water and release the toxin, which affects all the types of mosquito larvae.

The active ingredient is deadly only to the mosquitoes, so you should not worry about other inhabitants of the water body. The toxin stays in the water for a long time and kills the mosquitoes that are growing there in the eggs. Such a technique is effective because the mosquitoes do not grow and, as a result, do not carry the diseases to humans.

  • long-lasting action for 30 days or even more;
  • work on all mosquito species;
  • eco-friendly;
  • could be used in any standing water;
  • covers up to 100 Square feet of water.
  • the onset of action is slow.

2. Summit Responsible Solutions Mosquito Bits – Fast-Acting Mosquito Killer


  • Active Ingredients: Bacillus Thuringiensis Subspecies Israelensis Solids , Spores And Insecticidal Toxins 10.31 Pct
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 12 x 12 x 9 inches
  • Item Weight: 1.87 pounds
  • Coverage Area: Up to 2000 sq. ft.
  • Target Species: Mosquito

Summit Responsible Solutions Mosquito Bits

Mosquito Bits are the Corn cob granules that contain the same toxin as mosquito dunks. This mosquito pellet for standing water affects the mosquito larvae and clears the water body from the future insect’s adults. It works very quickly; in a few minutes, the toxin releases in the water.

The time of action is not long, so you should repeat the procedure not once or twice. It is better to apply bits with other Summit products for long-lasting and effective action. Mosquito bits are approved for the use in pest control in organic farming operations. You can use this product in any standing water.

  • quick action;
  • organic mosquito bits;
  • kills mosquitoes before they can bite.
  • not long-lasting effect;
  • better to use in combination with other products.

3. Clarke – Natular DT Mosquito Larvicide – Bi-Layer Tablet – Best Mosquito Tablet


  • Active Ingredient: Spinosad
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH:  9 x 5 x 0.25 inches
  • Item Weight: 1.65 Ounces
  • Number Of Pieces: 12
  • Target Species: Mosquito

Clarke is a global public provider of health products and mosquito solutions. The core value of the company is caring for the planet and people; while the kredo is to do the right thing, even if it is hard. It means that Clarke works conscientiously to create the best products that protect both: humans and the environment.

Natular DT Mosquito Larvicide is a two-layer tablet that controls the population of mosquitoes. The product kills the mosquito larvae in the water pools. It is manufactured specifically for container-breeding mosquitoes. This product is great to use in the outdoor work areas – any business with the outdoor territory, farms, construction sites.

You can dry the tablet and use it repeatedly. The active ingredient is obtained from natural bacteria. Mosquito tablets are used by many public health officials around the world.

  • starts working in 24 hours;
  • stays active for more than 60 days;
  • not dangerous for plants and fish;
  • natural active ingredient.
  • designed only for container-breeding mosquitoes.

4. Summit Chemical Co. Mosquito Dunks – Great Solution of Mosquito Treatment for Ponds


  • Active Ingredients: Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis Strain BMP 144 solids, spores and insecticidal toxins 10.31%
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 3 x 3 x 3 inches
  • Item Weight: 11.2 ounces
  • Coverage Area: 1 ring treats up to 100 square feet
  • Target Species: Mosquito

Mosquito Dunks Set of 20

Chemical Co. Mosquito Dunks is a product that could be stored for more than two years in a dry, cool place. Each mosquito ring can control the 100 square feet of water surface. It does not matter how deep the water body is, the chemical spreads evenly.

The dunk slowly releases in the water and protects it from mosquito larvae for thirty days. This product, as well as other Summit products, can be used in any standing water and does not affect other living species.

  • big action area;
  • long-lasting effect;
  • can be stored for 2 years;
  • kills all the mosquito larvae;
  • eco-friendly.
  • the onset of action is slow.

5. Bonide (BND549) – Mosquito Beater WSP Larvicide – Mosquito Larvae Killer

Bonide is a family-owned business that was founded almost one hundred years ago. By this t


  • Contains: 24 Ready To Use, Water Soluble Pouches
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 5 x 2.5 x 11.5 inches
  • Item Weight: 3.2 ounces
  • Coverage Area: 1 Pouch Is Capable Of Treating Up To 50 Square Feet
  • Target Species: Mosquito

ime, the company has significantly improved the quality of their production. Nowadays, they are the leading manufacturers of lawn and garden products. All the items released by Bonide are natural. They specialize in combating diverse insects, especially popular are the mosquito control products.

Mosquito Beater WSP Larvicide consists of the mosquito pellets for ponds that are provided in a punch. This punch is treated directly in the standing water and releases toxins in the minutes. The active ingredient is the same as in most mosquito dunks.

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The mode of action is also similar, the larvicide kills the lavers of insects. The product works for two weeks, after that, you can repeat the procedure. It is advised to use Mosquito Beater in the ponds, livestock watering tanks, lawns, and other standing water.

  • has 24 active punches;
  • could be used in different water bodies’;
  • fast-acting;
  • naturally produced.
  • not long-lasting;
  • covers only 50 square feet of water surface.

Buyer’s Guide

What Are Mosquito Dunks Made of

What Are Mosquito Dunks Made of?

All the mosquito control products kill only mosquitoes and are not deadly to other living species in the water. That’s because the dunks or tablets contain the active ingredient such as Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies israelensis or spinosad. Such toxins affect the nervous system of the mosquitoes, which leads to paralysis and death.

How Do Mosquito Dunks Work?

Mosquito rings are used in water as they kill the insect’s lavers. The female mosquitoes lay their eggs in the water. If the dunk is released in the standing water, the laver will start to eat it when growing. Then the toxin will work and stop the formation of the biting mosquitoes that potentially could carry diseases.

How to Use Mosquito Dunks?

I have described several types of mosquito products, however, they are very similar in application. If you are using dunks, you should just place them in the water body, and you will see them floating and releasing the toxin during some time. No more effort is required from you, except for repeating the procedure after the action time passes, which is specific for every product.

How to Use Mosquito Dunks

The tablets work in the same way. The special feature of products of this type is that you can put the tablet in the water and then take it away to dry. After that, you can use it again. This is great for small water bodies, such as garden ponds, birdbaths, fish ponds, etc.

The mosquito bits and pouches are usually punches that have the same application and action as others, but, due to their form, they dissolve very fast.

Related Post: Best Mosquito Foggers for Home & Professional Use.

Using Dunks vs Using Tablets vs Pouches

As the products have the same mode of action, you should choose the substance which is best for you. When choosing the product, consider the type of water body you want to clean from the mosquitoes and the time of action.

If you want to release the toxin into a big water body, it is better to use mosquito dunks. This type is also good if you want a long-lasting effect. Keep in mind that dunks are not effective in the swamp waters, in this case, choose the bits.

Related Post: Most Effective Mosquito Killers Reviewed.

If you are searching for the product that is fast-acting, you should consider pouches as an option. If you are looking for the mosquito control product for the small water area, the best variant for you is a tablet. It acts very fast, and you can use the same tablet several times, which is pretty awesome!

These are my recommendations – don’t hurry up to choose, read the information I have given you above and decide what is the best mosquito dunk for you.



How Long do Mosquito Dunks Last?

The dunks usually last for 30 days, after that, you should replace the dunk. Such products as pouches are not long-lasting, only for 2 weeks. The tablets can last up to 60 days.

When to Use Mosquito Dunks?

These products are used in case you want to get rid of mosquitoes near your house or work. The use is effective only if you apply it in the standing water – it could be ponds, lawns, birdbaths, tree holes, elevator shafts. Also, before using, make sure that mosquitoes lay their eggs in this water body.

Related Post: Best Mosquito Misting Systems For Your Yard.

How Often to Use Mosquito Dunks?

Mosquito protection products should be used due to their type. The mosquito dunks usually last for one or two months – then you need to change them. The tablets are effective for more than 60 days. Such products as pouches are not long-lasting, you should use them every two weeks.

A small tip: If you need to get rid of mosquitoes around the water body that tends to splash around, you can attach the mosquito ring to something like a strake or stick. This would guarantee that the dunk keeps the form and works appropriately.

Final Words

Many people still consider mosquitoes as harmless insects. After all the information about mosquitoes carrying disease around, I believe that it is better to be protected from insects’ bites. As you can never be sure where the danger may appear, right?

The best mosquito dunks provide effective protection with a little effort. Remember that with the application of the dunks, tablets, or pouches, you take away the possibility for mosquitoes to grow into disease-carrying adults. There are optimal variants with a fast-acting and long-lasting effect for both small and big water areas, you just need to choose the one you like.

What other mosquitoes protection do you use? Would you recommend it? Share your thoughts in the comments!


  • Functional integration of the circulatory, immune, and respiratory systems in mosquito larvae: pathogen killing in the hemocyte-rich tracheal tufts (Garrett P. League and Julián F. Hillyer US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health):
  • Mosquito control practices and perceptions: An analysis of economic stakeholders during the Zika epidemic in Belize, Central America (National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine):
  • Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis and Its Dipteran-Specific Toxins (Eitan Ben-Dov US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health):


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Nicholas Martin

Nicholas Martin

I am Nicholas Martin, and I am an entomologist. I combine the insect survey work with the consultation for private pest control agencies. My narrow specializations are both urban pests and agricultural pests. I studied their control over the previous 25 years. More about Nick

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