Category: Cockroach Guides

  • How to Keep Cockroaches Away at Night: Your Bed Is Your Fortress

    How to Keep Cockroaches Away at Night: Your Bed Is Your Fortress

    Living with cockroaches is not much of a pleasure. We know you know about gel traps, chemicals, pest control, and stuff. But, first, it will take time for these measures to take effect. Second, it may not be your place where you have to spend a night or several with these creatures. There’s a more specific problem: how to keep cockroaches away at night.

    And there are some tricks that will prevent them from crawling on your skin. No matter if it’s your place where you’re free to act, or you’re renting it and thus have limited possibilities. Now, let’s take a closer look at distracting them from your bed and (as a maximum) getting rid of them completely.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Keep Cockroaches Away at Night?” style=”main”] You can keep cockroaches away at night by taking some simple precautions:

    • Most importantly, don’t leave food or water out overnight. Make sure that your food is properly sealed and stored away.
    • Keep your counters and floors clean.
    • Take out the trash regularly.

    roach in the dark

    Guide on the Nights Without Roaches

    The problem of how to prevent cockroaches in bedroom is a part of a larger problem, but if it’s the bedroom that you’re concerned with, there are two ways of solving the problem:

    • Exterminating the roaches that are already there;
    • Repelling those that may enter.

    There are methods for both stages, and while we assume the rest of the house remains infested, it impacts what we should do to let no cockroach on the bed wake you up.

    Why roaches come to your house?

    Usually, roaches are attracted by three things: food, water, and safety (the latter means darkness and places where humans rarely look). All three can be found mostly in kitchens and closets, but bedrooms also have a lot to offer. Did you know, for example, that cockroaches can consume dead skin cells that are abundant in bedrooms and in beds?

    As for safety, they can easily hide in linen piles and in wardrobes. Let alone cracks in the floor or in the walls.

    Chances are even higher if you have a habit of nighttime snacks. If it’s hot and you’re sweating, it’s the humidity roaches adore too. And if you (or the building owners) rarely vacuum your bedroom, the chances grow even higher. It also depends on the climate: in hot latitudes, roaches are likelier to find what they want in the bedroom.

    So, now we focus on the bedroom. We assume that it’s either your household that’s already getting the overall treatment (at least, it’s scheduled), or you’re renting it and have neither possibility nor intention to de-roach the entire property. Otherwise, the problem would cover the entire household, won’t it? But if now you only want a roach-free bedroom, let’s focus on it.

    Signs that you probably have a roach problem

    There are several signs that cockroaches are around. The most obvious are the following:

    • You see roaches. Or feel them if it happens in the dark of the night;
    • You feel the roach smell. Once you’ve felt it, you’ll never forget it;
    • You observe roach feces or smear marks;
    • You find roach oothecas – egg capsules. Once you see it, you know it;
    • You find shed roach skin.

    cockroach crawls into bed

    Any of these signs is enough to take the danger of roaches seriously. In your household, you probably spot these signs in your kitchen first, so you are prepared to meet them in other places, like a bedroom. But if it’s a rented place, it may really take you by surprise.

    How to sleep in a room with cockroaches

    So, the bedroom with roaches is now a given. Regardless of how you got there, it’s an immediate problem to solve. So, focus on getting roaches away from this room.

    • Find their nests in the room and remove them. Not only do cockroaches sleep in wardrobes and drawers: they can be under the bed or the wardrobe, in the cracks in walls, in window frames. Their traces will tell you where to search for the nearest colony. As you find it, use the most efficient way to kill it. Poisons, household products like borax and baking soda, or gel traps are great. But you can also physically kill as many of them as you reach.
    • Use gel traps or sugar with borax/soda, even after you’ve destroyed the nests. These traps, in addition, will distract them from a bed where your body might otherwise attract them. If you’re going to a place where the chance of meeting roaches is above zero, you may place a tube or two of specialized gel in your luggage.
    • Fix all the cracks in the floor and the walls. You may need permission from the host if it’s not your property.
    • Keep the doors and the windows shut tightly as you sleep. Of course, it’s not always possible, especially in hot, humid areas.
    • Remove food and water from your room. Even if you often enjoy a snack in the nighttime, you better leave your room and go to the kitchen or even outside for this ritual.
    • Use repelling scents. Again, if they are very aggressive, you better consult the host; otherwise, your tourist rating may suffer.

    cockroach on a biting pear

    When it comes to scents, it’s recommended to use those well-tried. For example, mint and citrus fruit scents are well-known for their ability to keep roaches away. The concentration, though, should not be too high for you to sleep normally.

    How to avoid cockroaches while sleeping

    You may want to add an extra protection layer to your bed. It makes sense because luring roaches away or poisoning them takes time, and you want some good sleep as soon as possible. For this, you may do the following:

    • Raise it as high above the floor as possible. Though roaches are capable of climbing up vertical surfaces, the legs of the bed are often too smooth for them.
    • Place traps under the legs of the bed. This is the point where they can enter, so catch them there.
    • Move the bed from the wall, so roaches cannot use the wall to climb up to you. Keep it at least one foot away from the nearest wall or further if possible. Again, if you’re not at home, you better ask for permission to do so. It’s also a good idea to set some traps between the bed and the nearest wall.
    • Sleep with lights on. It depends on how prepared you are for this. It won’t always help: roaches can get accustomed to it either. But it might be worth a shot.
    • Spray some strong smell around before you go to sleep. It may require a special carrier if you don’t want this scent to remain there after the roaches are exorcised (or after you check out). A wooden plank or a small log will do.
    • If you like it exotic, get yourself a gecko. I’m not serious, but nevertheless.

    With your bed protected like this, roaches won’t bother you in your sleep, even if they do crawl around on the floor all night long. Knowing how to keep roaches away from the bed will save you miles of nerves if you spend a night or two someplace where you’re not going to return and not going to bother about any permanent solution.

    roach on the bedroom floor

    Last but not least: don’t be too shy to complain. If you have found the property via Airbnb or Booking, or any other site, you have a legal right to write about these roaches in your review. Maybe when the owner reads this, it will motivate them to do this job for the next guests and save them some unpleasant moments.

    No matter how friendly they try to appear: no approach justifies a roach in the bedroom. If you’re lucky, you can even get a refund for this.


    All you need to know to react fast as you see even one roach. Or even assume there might be some.

    Will cockroaches crawl on me at night?

    Yes, a roach in bed can crawl on you. Some even have a disgusting habit of biting living humans. Most, though, just explore a big warm and potentially tasty object. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Especially if it ends up in your ear or mouth. That’s why you should prevent these interventions if you have a reason to think cucarachas are around.

    Will keeping lights on keep cockroaches away?

    With cockroaches’ nocturnal way of life, most of them are indeed afraid of light. But not all. When the place is overpopulated, some of them will necessarily venture out, like crusaders or conquistadors. So the light won’t stop them, like the light of Christianity didn’t save Constantinople from them.

    What causes the sudden appearance of cockroaches?

    It’s sudden only for us humans. In fact, it’s logical that roaches settle everywhere they find food, water, and safety. In our case, though, the reason why they appear suddenly is that nobody has mentioned them on Airbnb or Then you’ll have to be the first.

    A cockroach was caught in the bedroom

    If I see one cockroach, are there more?

    Yes, for each one you see, there are dozens or even thousands of those you don’t (unless it’s a single one, but let’s be realists). So take the most serious measures even if you only see one or two of them.

    Roach-a-Bye Baby!

    What I wish to you all is always sleep like a baby. No matter if roaches crawl to your property or you travel some places where they come as a free bonus to bed and breakfast. Knowing how to keep roaches away from your bed can be an easier and simpler solution if your problem is temporary.

    The same applies if you have already started getting rid of roaches in your household but don’t want to tolerate them in your bedroom in the meantime.

    What about your experience? Have you tried any of these methods, or maybe some other? How did they work? I’d like you to leave a comment down here and share what worked for you!

    Also read:


    • Ootheca (Wikipedia):
    • A gecko (Reptile Follower – Wayne):
    • Get a refund (By Brooke Rolfe for Daily Mail Australia):
  • How to Get Rid of Roaches in Car: No Passengers Allowed

    How to Get Rid of Roaches in Car: No Passengers Allowed

    If one’s home is said to be one’s fortress, then one’s car is even more of that. You may allow passengers, but hardly are these small, fast runners on the list. Not only because they are unpleasant: they are more dangerous than they seem. Let’s see how to get rid of roaches in the car. And because your home isn’t constantly moving and does not contain so many mechanical and electronical parts in it, the story will be a bit different from your kitchen wars.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Get Rid of Roaches in Car?” style=”main”] The best way to get rid of roaches in your car is to keep it clean. Vacuum regularly, and don’t forget to clean under the seats. You can also try roach traps, which can be placed under the seats or in other areas where roaches like to hide.

    Roaches in Car Trouble Guide

    As you see a cockroach in car, hardly do you think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Rather the beginning of a long campaign. Because it’s not enough to get rid of them once: you need to make sure they won’t come back tomorrow. And this requires not a single extinction campaign but a new app-roach.

    cockroach inside the car

    Why roaches in your car might be dangerous?

    I could have just pasted a fragment about damage roaches deal to your kitchen. They may make it to your food storage (though first they just explore the waste), they will leave their droppings and bode fragments, and they transmit various bacteria that can be dangerous on their own.

    You know that, but in your car, roaches can also damage any vital system – simply because they are hungry, and their bodies may cause short circuits.

    In addition, roaches are a sign that you do something wrong. They come as they smell some waste; they stay if they have somewhere to hide. Your car needs cleaning, and this habit of yours (even if it’s just a situation you’ve got into) can be dangerous too. They also usually come out at night, so if you spot one in the daylight, inside, it may be Joe’s Apartment sort of thing.

    Finally, there is an anecdotic yet real danger that if you happen to particularly dislike these insects, spotting one of them as you drive can make you lose control. Will it result in an accident? I’d rather not check.

    How to get rid of cockroaches in the car

    Here are some recommendations on how to get roaches out of your car. Assume there are always more of them: if you spot one in plain sight, there must be dozens. They prefer to settle under the seats because the remains of your food are most probably there.

    Gel Baits

    Poisoned gel baits are a well-checked method of getting rid of cockroaches. The poison in these baits kills the insects slowly enough for them to spread the substance across their colonies. The process takes 1-3 days for a single roach and probably up to a week.

    For humans and pets, it’s harmless. So if you need, you can keep using your car with gel baits working in the meantime.

    Usually, it takes 5-10 gel baits for the population. Here are the places where you should put these gel baits:

    • Under the seats. This is where the most food remains get.
    • Glove compartment. A great warm place where they like to be.
    • Places where you have seen cockroaches. If they dare to venture out while you’re around, they probably do even more in your absence.

    Other places where cockroaches are likely to have their nests are door frames and speakers. But hardly will you want to place these gel baits there.

    NB. If you have applied the baits and still observe roaches in your car, try a different brand. Breeds may be sensitive to certain agents and resist others.


    This is also an old versatile way of getting rid of various insects. You may use it with water and sugar or with honey because insects won’t eat the powder but will gladly consume a liquid that contains it. Yet you can just apply a lot of powder, so as the roach goes through it, the agent gets through their body cover slowly. The principles of using borax baits are the same as those for gel baits.

    If you prefer to treat them with sweet poison, here are some recipes:

    • Mix dry borax and sweet powder. Use it on roaches’ routes. Sweetness will attract them.
    • Mix borax and sugar and add some water to keep the bait thick yet liquid. Place drops of it where you usually place gel baits.
    • Add borax to egg yolks, peanut butter, or honey.

    You are already visualizing how you will clean your car after applying these sticky mixes. Relax: you will have to clean it anyway after the extinction. So these baits will not change the picture. Though, of course, you better drive less while.

    Roach bombs

    Also known as bug bombs, these foggers are not expensive and have proven quite efficient when it comes to insect elimination. You will have to leave your car alone for several days after using it, though, so choose the date carefully. On the other hand, are you ready to ride with roaches one more day? So, get your bomb and do the following:

    1. Find the moment when you won’t need your car for two or three days. It will take some time.
    2. Vacuum it thoroughly. In the process, you will deprive them roaches of their habitual food. Pay attention to child seats if you have any: there’s usually more debris. This is half the job, but not all of it.
    3. Find a distant ventilated area where to park your car for a while. No public parking, and probably not your garage. A place at the back of your backyard will do.
    4. Place a roach bomb (also known as a bug bomb) in the middle of your car. Then another one in the trunk.
    5. Cover the car with plastic so it stays hermetic. The poison will remain inside for long enough to kill the roaches.
    6. After the period of time specified in the bomb manual, wait for two or three hours. In fact, choose any time you prefer, but a bit later than specified.
    7. Ventilate the car. Open all the windows and doors and let the poison out. It will take several hours.
    8. Vacuum the car again. Not only are there dead roaches to remove, but the remains of the poison too. After vacuuming, clean the surfaces with sanitizer.

    roach in hand

    This experience is not among the most pleasant, so you’d rather not repeat it. So, here comes the next question: prevention.

    How to prevent roaches from entering your car

    A simple sign “Roaches not allowed” will not help. Roaches can’t read. What they can do is run fast and smell the food. They can also get to your car without noticing this – in clothes, home items, or boxes you transport. So, what should you do to avoid their presence?

    • Keep the car clean. Of course, when you’re focused on driving and traffic, you just won’t care about that small bastard. But they don’t get in on the move. They enter the car as it stands still, and you can take your measures not to assist them.
    • Avoid eating in the car. That’s where these small crumbs come from, and cockroach in car will find it good here. If Big Macs in the car are the necessary evil of your lifestyle, well, at least get its interior cleaned after that.
    • Keep away from garbage bins and drains. These are the traditional places for roaches to come to – and as well from.
    • Check everything you bring into your car. Clothes, linen, boxes, suitcases, everything that may have a cockroach getting in the car. You better do it away from your vehicle to make sure there isn’t one.


    If you want the most crucial questions answered briefly and then proceed to detailed instructions, here are the answers.

    What is the fastest way to get rid of roaches in a car?

    Chemical. Poison is the best way to get them all. You can use a bug bomb or traditional methods like borax or gel baits. It’s up to you to choose one.

    What kills roaches in a vehicle?

    There are many ways to kill roaches. The problem is not to kill but to extinguish them. Among all the methods, I’d recommend poisoning them. All the ways I mentioned in the previous answer imply using various types of poison.

    Why do I keep finding roaches in my car?

    Because they settled here. A single female might get there and lie eggs, and here’s a colony. To avoid their reintroduction, follow the rules and keep your car clean. In addition, prevent them from settling by checking everything you bring inside.

    cockroach caught by the paw

    Can I bomb my car for roaches?

    I hope you’re not speaking about just blowing your car to kingdom come along with unwanted guests. A roach bomb for car, though, is a good and well-checked method of extinguishing them. I described it in more detail in the relevant section.

    Move It, Roach!

    Knowing how to get roaches out of the car, there is one thing left to do: act. Though I doubt you really want to tolerate these small creatures in your car longer than necessary. Choose your weapon and destroy the enemies… before they deal significant damage to you and your car. Mankind has invented enough methods for you to apply to them. Probably we’ll never win this war on a global scale, but your personal mission is quite realistic.

    Have you already encountered these creatures as uninvited passengers? How did you get rid of them? What method proved the most efficient? Tell us about your stories in the comments if you wish!

    Also read:

  • How Much Does Roach Exterminator Cost [year]: Roach Removal Prices Explained

    How Much Does Roach Exterminator Cost [year]: Roach Removal Prices Explained

    Sometimes, using store roach exterminators doesn’t work the way you expect them to. The reasons are quite different: a low concentration of the active ingredient, a detrimental effect on insects, etc.

    That’s why more and more people manage to call professional exterminators who have enough experience to solve the problem. And therefore, it is important to understand what roach exterminator cost is made of.

    Exterminator prices for roaches are different due to many reasons. However, let’s take a closer look at how much does it cost to fumigate a house for roaches.

    Roach Exterminator Costs

    National Average Cost$550
    Minimum Cost$200
    Maximum Cost$1,280
    Average Range$330 – $815

    The average cost of an exterminator for roaches is usually calculated based on the total area of the premises, the number, and the complexity of the infestation in an office or private house.

    But before you go on Google to find a local extermination agency, let’s see if you really need to spend money on professional extermination.

    When Should You Call for a Roach Exterminator?


    Once a cockroach gets into your apartment, the pest can destroy anything that can be found on its way. Most often, its diet consists of different food leftovers and bread, but it can also feast on fabrics, leather goods, books, soap, leather shoes, and toilet paper.

    With all the richness of species diversity, all representatives of cockroaches are characterized by several features, the most striking of which is the need for water. Therefore, it is not difficult to find the traces of pests in the apartment:

    • The check-in takes place first from the kitchen and the bathroom. These are the places that you should inspect first;
    • The signs of the presence of cockroaches are traces of their vital activity: accumulations of black dots (excrement) in places where insects often stay, fragments of wings and shell discarded during molting;
    • When the light is suddenly turned on, insects scatter. Although all varieties of cockroaches are not afraid of lighting, they feel uncomfortable in the light;
    • If you have a severe infestation level, there’s a specific smell.

    So, if you have already tried to deal with one-two roaches and it didn’t work, it’s time to call the professional cockroach treatment crew.

    The disinfection and extermination service offers effective means for pest control and also guarantees a complete disappearance of insects. To eliminate pests, professionals use different ways of extermination. Most often, it’s a fumigation procedure containing glycerin used for disinfection.

    Main Factors of Roach Exterminator Cost

    There are three things that influence how much is pest control for roaches:

    • Insect extermination method;
    • The number of pests;
    • Room area that should be processed;
    • Number of treatments needed;
    • Additional services.

    Removal Cost by Types of Cockroaches

    There are different types of roaches, and this factor can also affect the exterminator prices for roaches.

    1. German cockroach

    This type of cockroach is most often found in city apartments. The body length of an adult (imago) is 10-17 mm; the color is from light red to dark brown. Individuals live 5-6 months, experiencing 6 molts before.

    One German roach female is capable of laying 200-300 eggs per life cycle, and for this, it needs to mate only once. They’re probably harmless for your health, but you won’t be pleased when spotting them in your kitchen.

    2. Brown banded cockroach

    These cockroaches get into the room with things and furniture brought home. Once inside, one finds dry, warm places (bookcases, sideboards, closets, electrical appliances) and settles down there. Brown-banded cockroaches tend to avoid water sources and are more common in the area of ceilings.

    These roaches carry and spread harmful bacteria and protozoa that cause gastroenteritis and diarrhea. Indoors, these insects sometimes cause asthma and allergies.

    3. Smoky brown cockroach

    The smoky brown cockroach is omnivorous and can feed on a wide range of organic (including decaying) substances. Like most cockroaches, it is a scavenger. It generally loses more moisture than its relatives and, therefore, requires water every 2-3 days.

    The smoky cockroach can enter the premises in search of food and even live there, but in general, however, in warm weather, it prefers to settle in the fresh air.

    4. American cockroach


    If we consider all types of cockroaches living next to humans, American roaches have the largest sizes (up to 50 mm) and the color from brownish red to chocolate brown. The main difference is that they can fly. These pests feed on organic residues, as well as paper, shoes, soap, book bindings, etc.

    5. Oriental cockroach

    Orientals are more adapted to life in a natural environment. As a rule, orientals are mostly found in private houses: under the floor, on the porch, in the voids of the walls. If these insects settle in cities, they live in storm drains, sewers, and basements, and when cold weather sets in, the pests hide in human dwellings.

    Roach Exterminator Price Depending on the Size of the House

    The owner of an apartment can pay from $200 to $1000 for professional cockroach treatment, depending on the size of the home to be treated. Usually, a one-time inspection and treatment will cost $150-200 for a one-two rooms house.

    One visit of a professional exterminator can also cost $500-700 if you want the whole house to be processed. So, if you’re trying to answer how much does pest control for roaches cost, you have to consider whether you want the whole residence to be processed at once or you need several visits from an exterminator. The roach treatment prices are quite different for every case.

    Roach Exterminator Price by Infestation Level

    Exterminator prices for roaches infestations can run up to $1200, but you will be 100% sure that you won’t see any insect in your kitchen after. How to define the level of the infestation you’re dealing with?

    You can try to do it yourself, but you have to remember that if you spotted one or two individuals, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have other roaches hiding in cracks and crevices.

    Let the professionals inspect and estimate the proper level of the infestation severeness. Usually, this procedure is done during the first visit of the exterminator, so they can calculate the roach exterminator cost specifically for your case, the number of visits and treatments, and choose the method for roach extermination that will work quickly and provide the best effect.

    Serious infestation cost

    Severe or serious infestation removal can cost you from $350 to $1500. It also depends on the type of cockroach and the area that should be processed.

    Roach prevention cost

    It’s easier to take time and do everything for roach prevention than to remove cockroaches and fight them for a long time. Preventive disinfection can be performed once or periodically, and it should include a complex of procedures to reach the best effect possible. That’s why the cost of roach prevention can also be different. Usually, it starts at $50.

    Roach Treatment Cost by Treatment Type


    As I have said before, different types of cockroaches also require different types of disposal. In addition, the size of your home and the number of cockroaches also affects the treatment you choose.

    Many pest controllers tend to use a combination of different treatments in your home for the best effect, and others can offer you a treatment price of roach bomb cost.

    The cost of treatment usually also includes the cost of labor or application service. Learn about how much does it cost to tent a house for roaches and how much does it cost to spray for roaches extermination below.

    Glue trap

    Glue roach traps are usually used for determining how many cockroaches you have in your house. It should be considered as a pre-treatment because a glue trap isn’t really a way to get rid of a cockroach infestation. Glue traps are often included in the inspection service, which can be $50-100.

    Gel bait

    Gel baits (like Advion) are the most common and effective method against almost all cockroach species. The only downside to this method is that it takes time to give the effect and the fact that pets and children should not be near where the bait is used, as it is toxic.

    Such baits are used to lure cockroaches and poison them. Also, gel baits have a time bomb effect. One individual can transmit poison to ten other parasites, thereby killing the whole infestation. The cost of this method ranges from $100 to $600.


    A spray is a faster method of extermination, and it’s safer for pets and children than other options. Spraying can be done monthly or quarterly as a preventative method. The cost of spraying cockroaches ranges from $40 to $100 per month. Also, spraying is usually used to treat open or hard-to-reach areas.


    Professionals can also use cockroach dust. This method involves scattering the dust around the house. Cockroaches can transfer dust on their shell to the nest and thus poison others as well. However, this method is not recommended for the most part since the dust contains boric acid, and it should not enter the body of people or pets. The cost is $100-600.


    The cockroach tent is a more extreme extermination method, also called fumigating cockroaches. The entire house is covered with a tent-like cloth, and the house is filled with gas to kill insects. This method is not used except in emergencies as the cost of a cockroach lodge tent is between $1,200 and $7,500, depending on the size of the house.

    Health Risks Associated with Infestation of Roaches

    Cockroaches are dangerous because these pests are carriers of many diseases: dysentery, gastroenteritis, a number of urogenital infections, salmonella infection, meningitis, pneumonia. Roaches tend to hide in different places, from the sewer, garbage chute, basement to the bedroom.

    In these places, insects collect a huge amount of various bacteria and viruses, which are practically harmless to the cockroaches themselves but are serious threats to people living in the house.

    Roaches collect pathogenic bacteria on their bodies, as well as spores of fungi and helminth eggs. Therefore, it can bring a lot of bacteria to your dwelling and cause serious health problems.

    DIY vs Hiring a Pro

    Let’s take a look at the tables of the pros and cons of both professional pest extermination and doing a DIY procedure.

    DIY Extermination

    • Costs less;
    • Takes less time;
    • You know exactly which areas to treat.
    • It doesn’t have a long-time effect;
    • Health risks because of chemical usage.

    Professional Extermination

    • Provides 100% effect;
    • You don’t have to spend your time;
    • Long-term investment.
    • A bit pricey.

    Yes, DIY pest control can be as efficient as professional, but it takes time and effort to deal with. However, there are cases when you can really do everything without calling a professional. Yet, if the level of infestation is severe, you probably won’t get the result you want quickly.

    How to Hire a Professional

    Hiring a specialist for professional cockroach treatment is easy. You can simply Google a nearby pest extermination agency or choose one by considering the feedback.

    You also have to describe your problem in all details so the professional can understand better how to help you in the best way. If you don’t really know where to start, here’s a checklist to hire a professional exterminator:

    • Make sure that the agency is a member of a national or local pest association;
    • Ask your neighbors or friends whether they have experience and if they could advise you of an agency they worked with;
    • Check the certifications and licenses of the agency;
    • Ask for a guarantee;
    • Determine if the agency can give you service on time.

    And also don’t rush to make a decision.

    How to Pick a Pro

    There are many things to consider when choosing a specialist, but the main factors are:

    • Certification & license;
    • Contract;
    • Knowledge & feedback;
    • References;
    • Price.

    Always make sure that the agency you’re hiring has a current license and certification of the local or national level. Don’t forget to discuss possible options for service and the contract. Knowledge of the professional can only be verified by appropriate licensing and references given by people who already worked with the agency.

    And of course, you should know the prices for services and determine whether your needs can be satisfied. Calling a cheap exterminator for roaches doesn’t always mean that the effect of the procedure will be poor.

    Things to Discuss with Roach Exterminator

    Many people don’t even consider things to discuss with the exterminator. However, it’s an important part of the process.

    1. Discuss whether the exterminator has positive reviews and references;
      It’s worth knowing how much experience the exterminator has.
    2. Which treatments are needed in my specific situation, and how did you decide this?
      Check if the agent can give you an explanation of their decision;
    3. Talk about whether you’ll need several visits from the professional;
    4. Discuss the options for the prevention of roach infestation.

    How to Prepare for Treatment

    1. Before the actual process of extermination, you have to remove small objects and move the cabinets away from the walls. This will help the specialist to do their work without hindrance and more thoroughly, and will increase the interaction zone of treatments for the entire space;
    2. Do the cleanings. In addition to visible dirt and debris, it is necessary to wipe the dust on horizontal surfaces, floors, window sills, baseboards. It will help the professional to process the surface in the best way and, thanks to its prolonged action, will destroy individuals moving in the most unexpected places and narrow cracks;
    3. Place the food in a hermetically sealed container and put it in the refrigerator;
    4. Make sure that the house is empty on the date of the extermination process.

    Your Actions After Extermination

    First, do not enter the apartment for three hours after the procedure. Plan your family’s leisure time in advance so that they do not have to return to the apartment before the agreed time.

    After the roach treatment, you must ventilate the room, wipe tables, chairs, and thoroughly wash the dishes. It is also better not to wash the floors for 2-3 days. After that, you can vacuum the apartment to remove dead insects and their eggs to speed up the process of extermination.

    Roach Exterminator Cost FAQ

    Roach on red background

    If you still have questions about roach extermination or prices, I think this section might help.

    What will an exterminator do for roaches?

    Professional roach exterminators usually apply various types of pesticides to kill the insects quickly and efficiently. These pesticides include baits (pellets, liquid, gel), aerosol cans, and dust-containing chemicals that are dangerous for insects and human health.

    Should I hire an exterminator for roaches?

    Consider the situation you’re in. If you determine that you don’t have a severe pest infestation, you can deal with the roaches by yourself.

    How do I get rid of roaches permanently?

    You can do it only by following the advice of the professional. Do the prevention cures regularly to make sure that the roaches don’t come back to your apartment.

    How do you get rid of a roach infestation?

    It depends on the level of infestation. You can use DIY methods or call a professional for better effect and a long-term guarantee of the treatment.

    How long does it take for an exterminator to get rid of roaches?

    A pest control exterminator can deal with the infestation in a week or two. More severe cases can take months to get rid of.

    Roach Treatment Prices: Final Thoughts

    So, how much does an exterminator for roaches cost? As you can see, it depends on many factors, including:

    • The level of infestation;
    • Treatments used by the specialist;
    • Number of visits;
    • Processed area.

    Roach fumigation costs can also be different because of the agency license level and whether you need several professionals to give you the service.

    So, before you call an agency, decide whether you need it or you can deal with the infestation yourself. Take time to do research if you want to call a professional. You have to make sure that the agency is valid to offer you services.

    Have you already experienced calling a professional pest exterminator? How did you choose the agency? Share your tips with others in the comments section!

    Also read:

  • Do Cockroaches Bite? Short Answers to The Popular Questions

    Do Cockroaches Bite? Short Answers to The Popular Questions

    Today, I want to talk with you about cockroaches. It seems that these annoying insects are just everywhere, in your apartments and houses, on your porches. But did you know that only 30 species of cockroaches out of 4,600 existing are associated with human habitation? And the fact that they appeared about 320 million years ago makes them practically indestructible.

    In this article, I will try to reveal the most pressing questions about cockroach slopes. Do they really bite? If so, does it depend on the geographical location or the region where you live? What do roach bites look like? And finally, is there a cure for cockroach slopes? If you are interested in these and more questions, then read on.

    Let’s Talk About Roaches Bites!


    When I was preparing the article, I re-read hundreds of similar ones, visited millions of forums to find out what questions people are really interested in. That is why I decided to write an article not as a monologue, but as a dialogue. By the way, all questions were asked by real users on various sites.

    So, can cockroaches bite or not?

    It is the most popular issue! Hence, I want to start with the answer to this question. Do roaches bite? Definitely, yes! Cockroaches are omnivores. Scientists have found that they can eat both plants and meat. Therefore, human flesh is also food for roaches. Basically, they bite some “ledges” or limbs, for example, the feet, fingers or eyelids.

    Such an omnivorousness is understandable. As I wrote above, cockroaches are one of the most “enduring” species of insects that appeared billions of years ago. That is why in order for them to survive, nature had to make them omnivorous.

    Why and when roaches bite?

    There are three main types of cockroaches that we can meet in our living quarters: German, American, and Australian. Answering the questions: “Do American cockroaches bite?” or
    “Do German roaches bite?,” I found that the most harmless species are German cockroaches. It is they who least bite a person.

    In truth, cockroaches, in general, rarely eat human flesh, only in cases of urgent need. For example, when their population has grown significantly and there is simply not enough food for everyone. Another possible cause may be the infection of insects. Since cockroaches are nocturnal, you should expect bites at this time of day.

    How do roach bites look like (with pics)

    So, you noticed some red spots on your body that clearly look like insect bites. Let’s find out now whether it’s a bite of a cockroach or the other insect. First, I want to describe how the roach bite looks like and then, I will show you some roach bites pictures. So, the signs of cockroach bites are:

    • red spots in places where the skin accumulates food supplies, for example, face, fingers or toes;
    • the size of such spots is about 1-4 millimeters;
    • they have a bright red color.

    Below, you can see some examples of roach bites on humans.

    examples of roach bites on humans 1 examples of roach bites on humans 2

    How to treat cockroach bites?

    First of all, if you notice a cockroach bite on your body, do not panic. Nothing terrible happened, it is absolutely not dangerous. In very rare cases, such bites can become a cause of something serious (for example, if you are allergic to a protein that is found in the saliva of a cockroach).

    So, if you compared your bites with the cockroach bite pictures showed above, and it looks the same, you should:

    • wash the wound with soap and water to avoid possible infections and kill all germs;
    • apply a cold compress to remove swelling and itching;
    • and remember, in no case you may scratch the bite!

    If you want, you can buy cockroach bite treatment at the pharmacy, but, as the practice shows, a cold compress and soap with water are enough.

    How to prevent cockroach bites?

    The best way to avoid being bitten by cockroaches is to avoid their appearance in your home. To do this, always try to follow very simple but effective methods:

    • follow the humidity level in your home;
    • pay particular attention to dark rooms. Cockroaches love darkness and humidity;
    • do regular cleaning;
    • do not leave food on the table.

    Quick FAQ Section


    There are so many different questions, so it was really hard to select the most important ones. Therefore, I decided to put four more questions in this section, and give very short answers to them.

    Do roaches bite or sting?

    There are insects that bite and sting. The cockroaches belong to the first group. As I mentioned before, their bites are a really uncommon thing that happens very rarely. Although cockroaches are omnivores, human flesh for them is still not as tasty as, for example, the remnants of food. Therefore, even if a cockroach bites you, do not worry, there’s no sting or poisonous substance.

    Can you feel when a roach bites you?

    Most likely, you will not feel how the cockroach will bite you. However, be sure, you will notice its consequences. Redness, burning, and itching are the main symptoms. Cockroaches do not bite as painfully as, for example, other insects (bees or mosquitoes). Moreover, do not forget that cockroaches are nocturnal animals. Therefore, most likely, when it bites you, you will sleep soundly.

    Related Post: 7 Things to Repel Roaches

    What happens if a cockroach bites you?

    Nothing scary. You’ll just have small red spots on your body. Do not worry, they will pass soon. And in order for this to happen even faster, wash the wound with soap and water or disinfect it. After that, apply a cold compress for a few minutes or put a piece of ice. However, if you feel weakness, low blood pressure and nausea, then consult a doctor immediately.

    Can a cockroach live without a head?

    You will not believe it, but yes. A headless cockroach can survive for several weeks. First of all, this is due to the fact that the head is not such an important organ for them. The absence of a venous and arterial system, the body’s ability to breathe without a head, and a lesser need for food are the main factors that give cockroaches such a unique and unusual ability. If you want to know more, I highly recommend you to read this article about the Cockroaches Myths.

    Cockroaches Bites: Summary

    In this article, I tried to simply and clearly answer the most popular and bothering questions about cockroach bites.

    To summarize:

    • yes, cockroaches can bite a person, however, they do this very rarely, only in cases of urgent need;
    • a cockroach bite is not dangerous, only if you have an allergy to a protein, which an insect’s saliva contains (this is a very rare case);
    • basically, cockroaches bite at night, so most likely you just won’t feel it;
    • cockroach bites are very similar to bug bites: red dots from one to four millimeters in size;
    • as a rule, cockroach bites pass by themselves, but you can speed up this process: disinfect the wound and apply something cold;
    • and lastly, yes, cockroaches can live without heads, but when headless, they certainly won’t be able to bite you.

    Perhaps you still have questions? If so, feel free to ask them in the comments. I will try to answer as quickly as possible.

    Also read:


    • Cockroaches (Mary Kay Malinoski, Principal Agent, University of Maryland Extension):
    • Separating Fact from Fiction: Cockroach Myths and Misconceptions(National Institute of Environmetal Health Sciences):
  • Bugs That Look Like Cockroaches But Aren’t: Spot The Difference

    Bugs That Look Like Cockroaches But Aren’t: Spot The Difference

    Hey there. I’m Nicholas Martin, a professional entomologist aka pest buster. With over 10 years of pest control experience under my belt, I have gained a comprehensive understanding of how to identify and get rid of cockroaches, as well as other tenacious insects.

    If you’re here, you’ve probably been Googling photos of bugs that look like cockroaches non-stop. Let me guess… You’ve seen a roach-resembling bug in your kitchen. And you desperately hope it’s something else. In any case, to effectively battle your nasty enemy, you need to identify it first.

    There really are some cockroach look-alikes. In this post, I’m going to cover them in detail. So, are you ready to find out if your creepy crawler is a ‘cucaracha’ or just its devious copycat? Read on and get all the details you need to come up with the best roach-busting plan.

    Roach Identification Guide: What They Look Like

    Need to know what cockroaches look like? Well, that depends on the species. Yep, that may sound surprising, but there are four main species of indoor roaches that happily reside in the US. They all want to have breakfast with you, shower with you, have fun at your home parties, and sometimes even sleep in your bed (yikes!).

    If this perspective seems far from appealing to you, then you need to primarily identify the type of roach that has dared to come and pay you a visit. That, in its turn, will greatly assist you in freeing your home or office from these nasty little buggers.

    Now, let’s elaborate on each species’ characteristics:

    • German cockroach. When you think of any cockroach, you most likely imagine this highly typical yellowish-brown critter. These roaches vary in size from ½ in. to 5/8 of an inch long. You can recognize a German cockroach by the two parallel bands that go from the back of the little pest’s head down to its (not so) charming wings.german cockroach
    • American cockroach. These buddies are glossy and large. In fact, they can grow up to two inches long. The color factor is paramount when it comes to identifying these roaches: they are red-brown with subtle amberish highlights. American roaches have wing covers, but they are more into munching on your yummies rather than flying.

    American cockroach

    • Oriental cockroach. Due to its smooth and shiny dark brown body, this roach type is also known as ‘shad roach’ or ‘black beetle cockroach’. These roaches grow up to 1 ¼ in. in size. When it comes to their color (their major distinctive feature), Oriental roaches are almost black.

    oriental cocroach

    • Brown banded cockroach. These home invaders are among the smallest roach types. They are light brown, winged, and tiny. Brown banded cockroaches are occasionally confused with German roaches. You can see two subtle irregular lines along the wings of the former, while the latter have two dark lines behind their heads.

    Brown banded cockroach

    Now that you’re armed with the information that allows you to identify the type of roach you might be dealing with, it’s time to elaborate on bugs that look like cockroaches but aren’t.

    Cockroach or Beetle: That is The Question


    I’ll start with the beetle as the most obvious cockroach impostor. There are thousands of beetle types out there. Some of them bear some resemblance to cockroaches in terms of their overall appearance. So, how to tell if that pesky pest waving at you from your kitchen counter is a random beetle or a nasty cockroach?

    First and foremost, look at the critter’s legs. Long legs and ‘feelers’ (as well as parchment-like noticeable wings) are typical of cockroaches — as opposed to their beetle copycats. Black ground beetles resemble Oriental roaches, however, the latter have bigger heads and softer, leaner wings. Ground beetles, in their turn, have thick front wing covers.

    Related Post: 7 Best Roach Sprays That Kill

    June beetles are occasionally mistaken for the pesky roaches as well. They are rounder in shape compared to the roaches, and flaunt eyelash-like antennae. Unlike most ‘cucarachas’, June beetles are usually drawn to and mesmerized by light. Therefore, June beetles prefer the outside, while your cockroach guests want to hang around in your dark kitchen and bathroom forever.

    Cricket vs. Cockroach: How to Tell the Difference


    Crickets are among the most typical bugs that look like roaches as well. Just like cockroaches, crickets boast long ‘feelers’ and vary in terms of shades from dark yellow to almost black. However, unlike the mostly oval cockroaches, crickets’ bodies are more barrel-shaped.

    Another distinction is crickets’ enlarged hind legs (they need them for jumping — something that roaches never do). As for cockroaches, their legs are identical in length. In addition to this, just like beetles, crickets tend to spend most of their time outside. While roaches invariably want to invade your sweet home…

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    Water Bug vs. Roach: Focusing on the Distinction

    water bug

    Although this part may sound a bit confusing, I’m here to bring you some much-desired clarity on the water bug vs roach issue. If you still think that there’s no particular distinction between water bugs and Oriental roach beasts, you’re wrong. Water bugs reside in still waters (e.g. lakes), hence the name.

    As for figuring out the visual distinction between the two similarly looking insects, water bugs are significantly larger than Oriental cockroaches. They usually grow up to four inches in length. Just like beetles, water bugs are immensely drawn to light. And unlike cockroaches, water bugs do not have ‘feelers.’

    Palmetto Bug vs. Roach: Is There Any Difference At All?

    palmetto bug

    Want to know how your unwanted roach guest and a palmetto bug differ? As a matter of fact, they don’t. Several cockroach variations broadly encountered in the Southeast United States are often dubbed ‘palmetto bugs’ — mostly because these honeys are very much into chilling under the palm (palmetto) leaves in that region.

    Cutting to the Chase: from Identifying to Battling

    Now that you’ve (hopefully) identified your enemy — or, perhaps, figured out that the random cricket visitor is not an enemy at all — you are ready to take thoughtful action. If, after reading this post, you’ve realized that you’re dealing with German cockroach invaders, here’s the good news: now you know the roach type you need to fight. And knowing is already half the battle. The rest is up to you.

    Feel free to browse through my other posts to learn more about how to get rid of German cockroaches. Read reviews about foggers, sprays, and bait stations to choose the solution that will suit you the most. Have you ever had a cockroach disaster? How have you approached it? Feel free to share your experience with me and your fellow readers in the comment section below. Your two-cents are very important.

    Also read:


    • Oriental Cockroach (Kim McCanless, University of Florida):
    • Wood-Boring Beetles (University of Missouri):
  • Cockroach Eggs 101: What They Look Like & How to Get Rid of Them

    Cockroach Eggs 101: What They Look Like & How to Get Rid of Them

    Cockroaches are possibly the most common indoor pests. The worst thing is that they are very hard to kill completely. This is partly because these pests preserve their eggs well. Even with insecticides, the cockroach eggs can easily survive.

    In the USA, people are most familiar with the German cockroach as it is quite common. This particular species is attracted to environments that are warm and humid, and they will also reproduce quickly if they can access food. You should note that these insects are not just a nuisance in living spaces. They also spread several bacteria, meaning you might end up contracting some diseases if you don’t kill the pests.

    roach laying eggs

    I’m an entomologist, so people often ask me about how to get rid of cockroaches. It is crucial to note that any extermination effort must target the eggs, in addition to the live cockroaches. In case you are unable to eliminate them, the oothecae are going to restart the roach problem. This short guide will help you understand how to get rid of these annoying insects and how to kill cockroaches’ eggs. Also, I will give you a comprehensive answer to the question: What do cockroaches eggs look like?

    Do Cockroaches Lay Eggs?

    german roach laying an egg

    Yes, they do. The egg marks the first stage in their lifecycle, after which they will go through the nymph stage, then mature into adults. They don’t go through a roach larvae stage. The eggs are carried in capsules that get harder as they age. The hardened shell helps to protect the roach from predators and other elements.

    How many babies do roaches have?

    Cockroaches never lay single eggs. In a single setting, a female cockroach can lay 10 to 60 eggs, and these will be subjected to an incubation period of between 24 and 215 days. German cockroaches typically lay 30 to 40 eggs in single settings.

    So, how many roaches in an egg? A roach egg will only contain a single cockroach, but this does not do much to ease the already dire situation. Even with a single cockroach egg sack, you can potentially have 60 new roaches to deal with. On average, males have shorter lifespans compared to female ones. Females can live for two years. If you locate the oothecae within your living space, you are likely to have a serious roach problem.

    What Do Cockroaches Eggs Look Like?

    There is a popular misconception that cockroach eggs cannot be seen with the naked eye. It cannot be further from the truth. Others have the wrong idea about the appearance of these sacks, and that can affect the efficiency of their extermination strategy.

    different roach eggs

    The cockroach eggs size ranges from 5 to 13 mm, and they have a brown to dark color. German cockroach eggs are easy to differentiate from American cockroach eggs. The German ones are small, narrow, and less dark. American cockroach eggs are almost black. These characteristics refer to the cockroach egg case.

    Oriental cockroach eggs have a red to brown color, and the oothecae look more inflated than those of other species. An ootheca of an oriental cockroach will usually carry about 16 eggs, and these are lined up vertically in the sack. The best way to learn the differences between these oothecae is by taking a look at some pictures of cockroach eggs.

    With an average infestation, you will not be able to see the eggs since they are stored in corners and other locations of the house. If you spot a cockroach egg in an open area, you can be certain that you have a serious infestation.

    How Long Does it Take for Roach Eggs to Hatch?

    A female cockroach will typically lay a new set of eggs every six weeks. These eggs take about four weeks to hatch into baby cockroaches. I should mention that eggs of German roaches hatch faster than American and Oriental cockroach eggs. American eggs can take 8 weeks to hatch. A female American roach will lay more eggs in their lifetime, and they also tend to live longer than German roaches. In optimal conditions, an American cockroach can live for three to four years.

    Where Do Cockroaches Lay Eggs?

    You may spot a cockroach now and then in your house, but locating the eggs is usually difficult. That’s because they are deposited in dark and concealed spots like cracks and the back of pictures. Some common areas you should check include under the sink, near pipes, and underdrawers. The oothecae are usually camouflaged, so you have to look thoroughly. The eggs are attached to the surfaces they are deposited on. This is done with some sticky substance, and that means you cannot remove the eggs by just scratching the surface.

    Female cockroaches also like to deposit their eggs near pieces of food since the baby cockroaches have to find their food when they hatch. You should also note that many roaches carry the oothecae till they hatch. Sometimes, the eggs will even hatch while being carried by the female roaches.

    There are a few signs that can help you determine how close a deposit of cockroach eggs is. These include:

    • Shed skin. If you notice that a particular spot in your house has many shed skins, you can almost be sure that a cockroach egg is close by. It can also indicate where the roaches like to hide and will make it easier for you to exterminate them.
    • Roach feces. Droppings of roaches look like small black spots. If you notice that there is a concentration of roach droppings in a particular part of the house, you should scan the surroundings thoroughly. This is because the eggs may be close by.
    • A strong and musty smell. It is a well-known fact that cockroaches smell. Their eggs emit a musty smell, so you can look out for that as well.

    Which is the Best Way to Kill Roaches and Eggs?

    Cockroaches reproduce fast, and a few can easily create a big population with quick reproduction. A single ootheca that is ignored during the extermination process may hatch into 50 roaches, and that is more than enough to restart the problem. You need to get rid of every single roach and all the eggs in the house otherwise, your efforts will not have lasting results.

    Fortunately, there are some ways of killing cockroaches along with their eggs. Make sure you apply these methods correctly as you don’t want to spend time and still end up where you started.

    Many of the usual methods used to kill roaches do not affect the eggs. If a female roach dies while carrying the ootheca, the eggs can still hatch. It mostly happens if the eggs were close to hatching when the female roach died. The eggs will also survive if they are not crushed when the mother is killed.

    1. I can recommend using roach baits. These are poisons developed to attract roaches. They kill them over time. The baits are carried to the hiding spots of the roaches and are shared with other members of the population. This way, every roach in the population will get poisoned and will die over time. If there are eggs in the place, the first meal the baby roaches will eat will be poison, so they won’t be much of a problem.

    2. If you can locate them, you can crush the eggs with a shoe. It should be done with a lot of strength since there is a chance that the eggs can hatch outside the ootheca. This should also be the case when crushing pregnant cockroaches. Also, you should dispose of the crushed eggs and roaches properly. In case they still manage to hatch, they should be as far away from your house as possible. The one downside of this strategy is that it is hard to find a cockroach egg in the house.

    3. Another effective method is using insect growth regulators. These are chemicals that cause the roaches to become sterile, and that can put an end to the cycle of reproduction. Insect growth regulators can be quite effective at killing roach eggs. With these chemicals, the only way roaches can grow their population in your home would be by inviting new roaches. If you make your house less conducive to roaches, the entire population will die out over time. For a better effect, you can also combine insect growth regulators with other methods that kill the roaches directly.

    insect growth regulators

    4. Sprays are highly inefficient when dealing with insect eggs. They are meant to kill roaches on contact, but they can only destroy one roach at a time. In many cases, a pregnant roach will still leave healthy offspring after they are killed by this method.


    Cockroaches lay many eggs in a single setting, and they also lay eggs frequently. It means it can be a challenge to control their fast-growing populations. To ensure you get rid of all the roaches in your house or workplace, you will need to target the eggs, as well as the roaches already living in your space. Effective methods to achieve this include using insect growth regulators and baits.

    To determine how serious your infestation is, you will need to identify roach eggs. Looking at some roach eggs images may help, but you should remember that the eggs of different types of cockroaches look different.

    Do you have any experience dealing with roach eggs? Are there any mistakes you have made when exterminating roaches from your space? Let us know in the comments below.

    Also read:


    • Cockroaches (University of Minnesota Extension):
  • Cockroach Poop: How It Looks Like and How to Get Rid of It

    Cockroach Poop: How It Looks Like and How to Get Rid of It

    When you see a cockroach crawling in your home does it suggest there is a cockroach invasion? No, when you spot a roach in your kitchen, it doesn’t necessarily mean there is an infestation, and neither it means your home is not tidy enough. You can accidentally introduce cockroaches to your home through cardboard boxes, shoes, or appliances if they came from an area infested with roaches.

    One sure way to suggest roaches have invaded your house is in case there is cockroach poop. If you notice lots of cockroach feces around your house, then it is a sure sign these pests have infested your place.

    lots of roach poop

    But what does roach poop look like? And how can you distinguish it from other pests poop?

    Well, I have specialized in both urban and agricultural pests, and I will use my expertise to help you handle these pests. So read on to learn more about cockroach droppings identification, where to find roach poop in your house, how to clean roach feces, as well as the effects of ingesting roach poop.

    How Do Cockroach Feces Look Like?

    Roach droppings have the same deep brown color regardless of their species. However, most of these feces differ in size based on the type and size of the pest.

    Generally, smaller cockroaches leave behind feces that resemble ground coffee or pepper. In some cases, their feces may look like stains. The German cockroach is an example of small roaches that drop such feces.

    Bigger roaches such as American cockroach, popularly known as the palmetto bug, produce bigger feces. Their poop resembles large solid crystals, almost the size of a grain of rice. Their feces also have rounded ends and ridges that run across the ends.

    german roach droppings

    You can easily confuse feces of large cockroaches with rat’s droppings. As you may notice on cockroach poop pictures, roach’s feces have rounded ends while mice feces have sharp ends. Besides, the mice poop does not have ridges. You can use a magnifying glass to see these differences.

    Difference Between Roach Poop and Other Pests

    Below, I will describe in what way cockroach droppings differ from various pests poop. To take active measures against pests intrusion into your home, you must identify them. The best way to do that is by identifying their poop.

    Roach Poop vs Mouse Poop

    Cockroach poop looks similar to mouse feces. The difference is very minimal that you can’t easily tell them apart. So how do you differentiate roach poop vs mouse poop?

    The major difference between the two is that roach droppings have ridges crossing from one end to the other while mouse feces have no ridges. Also, mouse droppings may have short hairs and are slightly larger. These differences can easily be visible on roach poop images.

    mouse poop compared to others

    Palmetto Bug Poop or Cockroach Poop

    Palmetto Bug refers to large roach species and beetles. Mostly people use this term when referring to the American cockroach. So in this context, we will use the Palmetto Bug poop to mean feces from the large roach species.

    Palmetto bug poop has a solid shape similar to a cylinder, and it is black or brown with ridges running across the sides. Smaller roaches, on the other hand, have smaller droppings in the form of coarse coffee grains that are black or brown.

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    How to Clean Roach Droppings

    If your house has been infested by roaches, identifying and cleaning up cockroach feces is important for your family’s health. Here are some steps you should follow when cleaning.

    roaches and their poop

    Wear Protective Gear

    Since cockroach droppings are dangerous, you need to wear protective gear before you get down to work. You should have a respirator or wear a protective face mask to prevent exposure to airborne allergens. Make sure you also have a pair of gloves to prevent direct contact with the poop. This will prevent any infestation.


    The first cleaning step is to vacuum the place. This will get rid of all the loose droppings. Ensure you vacuum all areas where you can find cockroaches. Some of these places include cabinets, kitchens, appliances, open containers, and refrigerators, among others.

    Clean the Surfaces

    Once you’re done vacuuming, you should clean all the surfaces next. Clean all places where you think the cockroaches might be by using water and soap solution. This solution should be enough to remove all allergens, but you can also use disinfectants to kill germs.

    There are common household items you should clean to prevent disease that may result from roach feces. These items include mattresses, carpets, and clothing. These pests are more likely to poop on heavy jackets and other heavy clothes. Be sure to clean the stains earlier because old stains are very difficult to remove.

    If you have carpets, especially heavy rugs, then you need to clean them thoroughly. It’s best to use a mixture of dishwashing soap and vinegar to thoroughly get rid of the stains.

    When cleaning the mattress, you should focus on the folds and cracks. This is where poop can be found.

    Where You Can Find Roach Poop

    Do cockroaches leave droppings? Well, they do. Usually, roaches have no specific place to poop. Since some roaches fly, you are likely to find their feces anywhere in the house. However, to ensure your home is spotlessly clean, you must know areas where you are likely to find the most cockroach excrement.

    Mostly, roach excrement can be found in areas near their nests and places where they can get food. This means that the kitchen is one of the areas you should expect to get most of the droppings. Other areas you are most likely to find their droppings include cabinets, shelves, drawers, underneath equipment like dryers, toilets, refrigerators, as well as near drain pipes.

    It is advisable to identify roach feces in time because if the droppings are left to accumulate, they can attract more cockroaches into your home. The odor they produce attracts other roaches.

    You can also place baits and pesticides near the droppings to get rid of roaches. This is because the feces attract other roaches, so there is a high likelihood that they will eat from the bait if you place it near their droppings.

    How to Tell if You Have an Infestation

    It is difficult to investigate if you have an infestation because you can rarely see roaches during the day. Being nocturnal, these pests only come out at night to look for food.

    There are several ways to tell whether there is an infestation, with one of them being the presence of abundant roach feces. The presence of roach exoskeletons is another sign of infestation. You may see these exoskeletons in areas where they defecate or in places near food. The exoskeletons come about when the nymphs undergo transition when growing up. They shed the exoskeleton to accommodate the increasing body size.

    roach exoskeleton

    Are They Dangerous?

    Even in small amounts, roach feces can spread diseases. Cockroaches are very filthy insects that crawl inside toilets, garbage, and sewage. These pests do not produce poison, but they are acting as hosts to pathogens. They carry these disease-causing germs like salmonella in their digestive tract, and then they are passed out through their poop and transmitted to humans. When ingested, the poop can make you sick.

    Also, studies have shown that roach droppings trigger asthma and allergy symptoms like coughing and wheezing. The feces contain allergens that are airborne and can easily get into someone’s respiratory tract and increase the severity of asthma.

    Related Post: Best Roach Repellents That Work

    When in large numbers, cockroaches produce an odor which, in addition to being unpleasant, contains chemicals that trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks. Further research shows that children who get exposed to cockroach droppings from an early age are more likely to develop asthma later.

    What if You Accidentally Eat Roach Feces?

    Cockroaches harbor diseases like salmonella in their digestive tract, which get carried through the feces. Since cockroaches do not have a specific area to defecate, they end up dropping their waste anywhere, including on the food we eat. If you have roaches in your home, there is a high chance of ingesting cockroach excrement.

    If you accidentally eat roach feces, you may fall sick. Roaches spread various types of diseases. You can contract any disease being carried by the cockroach.

    Prevent Cockroach Infestation with Early Roach Poop Identification

    Cockroach feces is one of the signs of roach infestation. Proper cockroach droppings identification is, therefore, the best way to prevent an infestation from getting out of hand.

    If left to increase, roach poop can cause several health problems for your family. Roach poor causes different types of diseases and is an allergen that can increase the severity of asthma. Roach feces identification also allows you to use the right cleaning techniques to keep your home tidy and safe.

    After reading this article, identifying roach excrement should now be easier. Never confuse cockroach droppings with mouse feces. Be sure to get rid of these waste immediately you spot them to prevent bigger problems. Have you had any experience dealing with roach infestation? Also, if you have any questions on the topic, feel free to leave your thoughts and queries in the comment section below. I will gladly assist you in their enlightenment.

    Also read:


    • Cockroaches (Illinois Department of Public Health):
    • Cockroaches (Victoria State Government):
  • Baby Roaches: Expert Tips on How to Identify and Get Rid of Them

    Baby Roaches: Expert Tips on How to Identify and Get Rid of Them

    It is an irritating sight to switch on your lights and see tiny roaches scamper across the floor, kitchen tops, and furniture to safety. Cockroach babies are a common and huge predicament to many households, as they multiply very fast under conducive conditions.

    When it comes to baby cockroach size, different species look different. For example, the American baby roaches being the biggest of them all are around 0.8 centimeters in length, and they grow up to four centimeters long as adults.

    To eliminate these pests, one needs to take into account various factors, including their lifecycle, ideal breeding conditions, and also eating habits. In this article, I want to cover these points and provide you with some pictures of baby cockroaches according to their species.

    The Cockroach Lifecycle

    Typically, cockroaches live for about six to eighteen months, depending on the species and environmental conditions, such as temperature. It is vital to understand the growth cycle of roaches to get rid of them before they reproduce and become an acute problem. Just as with some other pests, cockroaches have a three-phased life cycle.

    cockroach lifecycle



    The initial stage of a roach’s life is the egg one. Adult roaches lay approximately fifty eggs at once, and the number can decrease, depending on the temperature and humidity conditions of the environment. Isolated spots that are somewhat warm and suitable humid conditions are the ideal places where cockroaches may lay and hide their eggs. Some of such locations include:

    • Stores and basements
    • Furniture joints
    • Ceilings and walls
    • Inside electrical appliances
    • Bathrooms and under sinks

    On average, the eggs take about two months, under the right climatic conditions, to hatch. The hatching period also depends on the species. In a conducive environment with high temperatures, the eggs tend to develop quickly and hatch within a shorter span. Most cockroaches have multiple laying phases in their lifetimes, and it explains the fast growth of infestations.


    Hatching of the eggs marks the beginning of the nymph stage. It is the phase when roaches develop the adult features bit by bit with each molt. The newborn cockroach is often without fully developed external body parts. In this stage, the nymphs shed their skin several times, and, with each molt, they grow bigger.

    It is during this stage that these pests are most vulnerable, especially right after each molting. It is because their new skin is sensitive after they shed off the old one. Also, it is in this phase that the nymphs undergo coloration, depending on the species.

    german roach babies

    Do baby cockroaches fly?

    No, as mostly, baby roaches do not have fully-developed wings and, therefore, are not in a position to fly.

    Their flying ability is realized as they mature into adulthood. Once the nymphs have developed into adults, their negative impact can’t be overlooked. These pests are notorious for not only causing physical damage on properties, but they may also pose a significant health risk by spreading bacteria. This phase typically spans for about one to three months.


    Once the nymphs have developed into adults, they spend most of their time resting and breeding. They will only come out when it’s dark to look for food. Noteworthy, they can go for weeks without eating after having a good meal. Some species, such as the American roach, have wings that allow them to fly. Females can lay fertilized eggs all their lives after a single mating process.

    Diverse Appearances of Different Baby Roaches

    Like many others, you might be wondering, what do baby cockroaches look like? The physical appearance of the young roaches differs depending on the species so that some baby roaches are much bigger than others. Once an egg hatches and the nymph emerges, usually, it is white and undergoes coloration to a brown pigment.

    different roach eggs


    As I have mentioned before, most baby roaches don’t have wings. Though there are over 2,500 cockroach species in the world, there are common ones that tend to live in residential areas. Here is a list of the species you may spot at home:

    • American
    • Brown-banded
    • German
    • Oriental
    • Dusky
    • Lesser

    How small are baby cockroaches?

    Once hatched, some nymphs, such as a baby German cockroach, are typically small, measuring about 0.3 centimeters in length. Unlike adults, baby roaches are not overly cautious. Therefore, you are likely to come across several of them in your kitchen during the day. Here’s an image of a German roach nymph:

    german roach nymph

    As for the baby American cockroach, it is usually a little bigger than its German and Oriental counterparts, measuring about 0.8 centimeters. The picture below shows American baby roach images in various growth stages:


    american baby roach

    Conducive Conditions for Breeding of Roaches

    Similar to any other living thing, cockroaches need a specific set of environmental conditions. The moment a few adult cockroaches enter your house and find the appropriate conditions will be the onset of breeding.

    The first factor is conducive temperatures. Typically, these pests will do so well at standard room temperature with tolerance to temperatures slightly below that. Most species are found within the equatorial and tropical regions, and it evidences their temperature preferences. Too much heat or low freezing temperatures are not ideal for their breeding and growth.

    Also, roaches require the right humidity conditions for them to thrive. Though they do not need their surroundings to be overly wet, these pests love damp surfaces. It explains why infestations occur in bathrooms, basements, kitchens, and other places, such as forest floors.

    roach laying eggs


    Although not a primary factor, roaches also do well in places not exposed to too much light. It is because they are somewhat conscious of the threat that stares at them when they are fully exposed.

    When checking for roaches at your place, look in hard-to-reach areas, below sinks, along furniture joints, spaces in the walls, and similar places. Additionally, food is a vital factor for any living thing. Thus, cockroaches will go where there’s something to feed on. In households, these pests primarily feed on food scraps and, in the absence of these, decaying organic substances, such as smaller pests and books.

    What Are Strategies for Eliminating Baby Roaches?

    For many, baby roaches are disgusting and depict a huge problem that calls for immediate attention. The rapid rate at which they breed and multiply will see that cockroaches are all over your house if you don’t deal with the problem early enough. Many individuals do not know how to get rid of baby roaches and prevent further appearance. Here are several cockroach control strategies one can employ:

    • Use of gel baits;
    • Anti-pest sprays;
    • Cockroach traps;
    • Use of organic repellents.

    The use of cockroach gels is one of the most effective elimination methods around. Gels are easy to apply, and their effectiveness averagely spans one week. They are suitable for use on surfaces, such as furniture, under sinks, and on the walls. You will need to apply several streaks on a targeted surface two to five centimeters apart.

    There are also anti-pest cockroach sprays that are known for immediate effectiveness. They are great for eliminating young roaches. Moreover, such products are perfect for hard-to-reach areas, such as cracks on walls.

    roaches cought on a sticky trap

    Cockroach traps are cubic or cuboid in shape with several openings. Most of these traps have poisonous substances inside. When using them, you need to place them strategically in the breeding zones of cockroaches to ensure effective results. It is because you want as many roaches as possible to enter the trap.

    Finally, for individuals who are not for chemical products, other options involve the use of organic homemade repellents. Worth mentioning, such repellents are not very effective in killing roaches but come in handy in preventing other species from entering the house. Such solutions include vinegar repellent, catnip, and garlic.

    Ways to Secure Your Home from Roaches

    After getting rid of roaches from your home, how can one prevent another infestation from occurring? If you are seeing baby roaches after extermination, that means there are still conditions conducive for breeding cockroaches in your house. To get rid of them for good, you need to eliminate all the factors that fostered the first infestation.

    The first things to take into consideration are water leakages, sanitary conditions, and lighting. Regular cleaning is essential to keep all types of pests away. Frequently check and clean your store, shelves, basement, closet, and garage. As for leakages, check all places for any dampness and identify where the water is coming from. Seeing baby roaches in the bathroom is an indicator of some leakages you are not aware of.

    You can seal leakages by applying epoxy putty, using tightening joints, and making necessary replacements. Additionally, cracks should be sealed off as well, as there are not only breeding zones but also entry points of other roaches into the house. There are many products available that are handy in sealing cracks, including crack fillers and patches.

    Introducing proper lighting is another strategy that will help in keeping roaches away. Also, you need to collect and dispose of all the food scraps right as you see them. Baby roaches in the kitchen indicate poor storage of foodstuffs or poor waste management. Accumulated kitchen waste is a major factor that attracts cockroaches and many other insects, such as flies. With these precaution measures, you can be sure of keeping roaches at bay.

    Be Done with Roaches Forever

    Roaches are a threat to human health, as they facilitate the spreading of bacteria. You can even get food poisoning if roaches invade your kitchen. After looking at the various factors that facilitate the infestation of cockroaches, you now know that it is vital to undertake regular cleaning and check for the presence of cracks on walls.

    If you have many items, such as books and clothes, stored away, you might consider frequently checking them, as they are excellent breeding zones for roaches. Additionally, proper drainage is of the essence because these pests like damp surfaces. Finally, ensure there’s good lighting in your house to keep off roaches.

    Have you spotted cockroaches in your house? If yes, what type of treatment are you going to apply? Or maybe, you have already used some? Share your stories in the comment section below.

    Also read: 


    • American cockroach (Kathryn A. Barbara, University of Florida):
    • Cockroaches (University of Minnesota Extension):
    • Cockroaches (Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln):