How to Get Rid of Spiders: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

My name is Nicholas Martin, and I am an entomologist. My vast experience in pest control allows me to provide helpful advice on how to get rid of spiders in the yard or house. Luckily enough, there are many affordable and effective ways of getting rid of spiders around.

First of all, a consistent and thorough cleaning will work like a charm in exterminating spiders at home. The reason is that many insects are in search of isolated areas that provide ideal hideouts for protection against enemies. Cracks and small holes act perfectly for this purpose, as spiders stay secure there, and you may not be able to reach such places during cleaning.

Therefore, if you want to get rid of spiders at home completely, you will have to get even more observant while cleaning or sealing the gaps on walls.

As you know, a bright lamp at the entry draws bugs at night. However, it is what attracts spiders to your house as well because they search for prey.

In case you find your house infested with pests, you need to use effective pest dust, sprays, traps, or catchers for getting rid of them. In this article, I will be happy to share some expert tips on getting spiders out of the house and review the top ten products for successful spider control.

Tips on How to Get Rid of Spiders Effectively

Spider in a web

Besides regular and thorough cleaning, you need to use some solutions to treat spiders at home. Are you wondering what home remedies can kill the spider? The following methods are the best ways to remove spiders so that you will reach even far-hiding pests effortlessly.

But before that, I want to answer probably the most popular question, does killing a spider attract other spiders? Well, as it is the case with most insects, they can note a sign of danger, and most pests avoid dead mates. Spiders are no exception, so killing a spider won’t attract other pests.

  • How do I get rid of solitary spiders?

If you are wondering, how do you kill solitary spiders, I can say that vacuum cleaning is an ideal way to protect yourself from pests in your house and basement. I recommend doing frequent vacuum cleaning of the most isolated and dusty places such as garages, stores, and basements, and that is the simplest answer to “how do you get rid of spiders?”.

Vacuum cleaning not only helps in dusting the place but also works as an effective way to kill spiders. Even the spider eggs will be destroyed, meaning the problem of how to get rid of spiders in your house will be fully solved.

  • How to get rid of house spiders by covering them with a container?

Well, covering a spider or using a catcher will be a good idea. Some species can bite upon disturbance, and some spiders look too scary to catch. Covering such pests with a lid and disposing of elsewhere will reduce the risk of getting bitten as the insect won’t be irritated. Most catchers do not kill spiders, and I will share more about these tools in the paragraph below.

  • How to kill spiders in your home by ensuring the openings on the walls are sealed?

Some insects can crawl into a house through tiny gaps in walls or cracks on the window panes. If you want to prevent spiders from entering your home, you can place sticky traps in these places to find out if spiders tend to get into the house in those ways.

  • How to get rid of spiders in the garage by creating a pest barrier around the house?

So, the next question is how to eradicate spiders outside? If you wonder how to prevent spiders in the basement for sure, this is the most effective option. It involves the use of pesticides that can keep pests off.

The only challenge is the fact that synthetic insecticides should be applied regularly. The introduction of slow-working formulations, however, is helpful as these products have a long-lasting effect. Spiders can survive on a treated surface for a couple of hours only. It is, thus, an effective way to get rid of basement spiders.

  • What is the best spray to kill spiders?

It is also useful to know that high-quality sprays, repellents, and home remedies are effective against spiders. Also, dust and sprays are the most effective solution for killing spiders hiding in wall cracks.

Repellents aren’t completely reliable as spiders have a weak sense of smell. However, a rosemary-scented spray for spiders, for example, is the solution that works on insects greatly. To ensure the effectiveness of a spider killing spray, I recommend locating additional pest control products on the places spiders are likely to settle.

Now that we have taken a look at the most working ways of eradicating spiders in the house and outdoors, let’s move to the most effective products that can help you to deal with these pests.

Top 10 Spider Control Products to Consider

Below, you can see a comprehensive review of products that I find useful in getting rid of spiders. All the items are classified as dust, sprays, traps, and catchers. These solutions differ in cost, way of use, and effectiveness. So, read the information below and pick the best item that matches your needs.

How to Kill Spiders Using Dust

Dust is one of the best products to treat spiders in your house. The amount of dust in any package will last you for a long, meaning that you will need only a handful of the product to spread on places. Also, you will have to treat surfaces with dustless frequently compared to similar solutions for spider removal. This makes the dust an affordable and highly effective mean.

When applying dust, ensure to wear protective gear. You need to spread the powder in easily noticeable areas to prevent washing-off, which will make the mean ineffective. Also, make sure to keep dust away from food as it is poisonous.

1. Delta Dust Insecticide Dust – The Best Insecticide for Spiders


  • Active Ingredient: Deltamethrin 0.05%
  • Coverage Area: 1 lb. Covers 1,000 sq. ft.
  • Item Weight: 1 pounds
  • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 3.8 x 1.9 x 9.63 inches
  • Target Species: Ants, Bed Bugs, Boxelder Bugs, Cockroaches, Crickets, Fleas, Firebrats, Silverfish, Termites, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Centipedes, Ground Bettles, Millipedes, Scorpions, Spiders, Sowbugs, Wasps, Bees, Webbing, Clothes Moths, Carpet Beetles, Pantry Pest, Plant Pest, Slugs, and Ticks

Delta Dust Insecticide

This versatile and highly effective pest control dust is at the top of my list. This is the best pesticide for spiders as it contains deltamethrin as its active constituent. This product is suitable for application on over 2000 sq. ft.

Delta Dust is a time-proven solution to use if you want to get rid of spiders and other pests. It is what kills a spider instantly and comes at an affordable price. Besides that, Delta insecticide is waterproof, so you can leave it even on wet surfaces. It is ratified for use in retail food stores. This dust is also great for use in drains and sewer lines to drive away cockroaches and other small insects. This makes the item ideal for outdoor use, too.

The product is reliable as the effect can last over eight months, so it can solve all your spider killing needs. The dust insecticide is odorless and, therefore, suits indoor use as well.

To spread the insecticide, you need to purchase a hand duster separately. This duster will help you to access hard-to-reach areas for reaching the maximum effect. When using this product at home, ensure all food containers are covered, and dishware are thoroughly cleaned after the application.

It is crucial to pay extra attention to cracks and holes in walls when applying the dust. That way, you will be in a position to reach the pests in all areas. Ensure you shake the dust container slightly before every application for even spreading.

A lot of customers noted that they have already experienced a great effect upon using this insecticide. With this dust spider killer, the results are guaranteed.

The item below is the best option for an even and efficient dust spreading. You need this powder duster when using the Delta Dust spider’s insecticide mentioned above.

  • suitable for indoor and outdoor use;
  • highly effective;
  • waterproof;
  • the effect lasts for eight months;
  • it works not only on spiders but other pests as well.
  • You will need to purchase a hand duster separately.

2. Harris Diatomaceous Earth Powder Duster – For Killing Spiders in Home


  • Material: Plastic
  • Great for Tight Spaces
  • Item Weight: 0.18 Pounds
  • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 3.5 x 3.5 x 4.2 inches
  • Fine Tip Nozzle 6″ Extension Included For Precise Application

Harris Diatomaceous Earth Powder Duster with 6 Inch Extension Nozzle

Since there’s a need to purchase a duster when using the Delta insecticide dust, here is the right item so that you won’t have to search for it on your own. The cost of this tool is favorable, and it is easy to use. However, I want to warn you that it is important to turn the duster upside down before applying the powder to prevent clogging. With this item, spiders get rid of in house effortlessly.

The product helps with even and efficient dust spreading, so you can finally get rid of spiders in the house. The nozzle is six inches long so that you can spread the powder even to hard-to-reach areas. You can easily use this tool indoors and outdoors. I highly recommend buying this item and get the best value of the Delta Dust insecticide.

  • it can be used indoors and outdoors;
  • water-resistant;
  • it keeps spiders away for eight months;
  • it protects from other pests as well.
  • it is not a separate solution and should be used for applying the Delta dust.

3. Drione Insecticide Dust – Get Rid Of Spiders Eggs

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  • Active Ingredients: Piperonyl butoxide 10%, Pyrethrins 1%, Silica gel 40%
  • Item Form: Dust
  • Item Weight: 1.58 pounds
  • Package Dimensions LxWxH: 13.03 x 7.8 x 5.83 inches
  • Target Species: Ants, Bees, Bedbugs, Boxelder bugs, Cadelles, Centipedes, Cheese mites, Cigarette beetles, Cockroaches, spiders, drywood termites, fleas, beetles, lice, pillbugs, scorpions, ticks, wasps, and others

Drione Insecticide Dust

A long-lasting effect and ease of application make this dust product among the best insecticides to purchase. In terms of effectiveness, dust spider sprays are miles ahead compared to liquid sprays. Although the item costs a bit higher compared to the previous product, its effect will not just last for six months after a single application. This solution will kill even spider eggs, so you are assured of total spider extermination.

This Drione spider insecticide contains pyrethrin, piperonyl butoxide, and silica gel. It is sold in a 1-pound duster bottle, so you won’t spend extra costs on buying spreading devices. The product is versatile as it isn’t limited to killing spiders only.

I advise using this dust product far from food to avoid contamination. A challenge arises when using this product on wet surfaces since it can be easily washed off. I also discourage you from spreading the dust around vents.

It is one of the most effective spider killing solutions as it works fast and protects you from pests for a long time. Although the slightly high cost makes people look for other options, I can profoundly recommend this Drione insecticide dust if you want a guaranteed result.

  • effective;
  • conveyed in a duster bottle;
  • the effect lasts for six months;
  • it kills even spider eggs.
  • expensive;
  • not waterproof.

Using Liquids and Sprays for Getting Rid of Spiders

Spraying for spiders acts like a charm. Using in-home spider spray allows you to access hard-to-reach areas with ease. If you are wondering what spray kills spiders instantly, below are the three most effective options on the market.

Despite a spider spray killer works instantly, its effect lasts only for hours. Such products, thus, do not suit outdoor applications, but most of these items are retailed at affordable prices. Regular application of the anti-spider spray will deliver optimal results.

Related Post: Best Spider Bombs & Foggers Reviewed

4. Terro T2302 Spider Killer Spray – Best Spider Spray For Indoors

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The Terro spider trap item comes as an exceptional solution to consider. Unlike a basic spider spray for homes, this aerosol delivers a long-lasting effect, making it effective for a long time. It’s the best spider killer spray for indoors that works like a charm when directly sprayed on a pest.

This is the biggest advantage of the spider sprays over dust items, as sprays help to kill spiders that avoided the treated surface. However, the pitfall is that you need to apply this spray directly on the insect to affect it.

Besides that, you can use this item as an outside spider spray on cracks in walls and other pests’ favorite places. If you are wondering what kills spiders instantly, here lies a perfect solution for your problem. Terro T2302 also suits for use as a brown recluse repellent to keep pests off your home. It is an ideal spider spray outdoor and indoor-oriented use with the effect that can last for more than a month.

Make sure to apply this spider spray once a week in the event of re-infestation. This spider killing spray is easy to use, but you should always keep the nozzle away from your face. Cover the container before and after application and use it on the relevant surfaces only, as it is the fastest way of killing spiders directly. I highly recommend purchasing Terro spider killer.

  • it suits outdoor and indoor use;
  • it kills spiders instantly;
  • affordable.
  • it requires direct spraying.

5. Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer – Another Great Spider Repellent for Indoors


  • Item Form: Spray
  • Item Weight: 11.7 ounces
  • Batteries: 2 AA batteries required
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 8.95 x 12 x 4.88 inches
  • Target Species: Ants, Cockroaches, Spiders, Fleas, Ticks

This versatile spider repellent indoor spray is what you need to keep spiders out of your house, garage, basement, kitchen, or bathroom. The strong smell of the product is what gets rid of spiders. The item’s repellency effect lasts for more than three months, and its residual effect will last for one year.

It is hard to find a highly effective spray that will keep them away selling at such an affordable price. The item’s only con is the way it keeps pests off the house but doesn’t kill them. Many users might have gone ahead to give a below-average rating on the product as they bought it in the hope that it would kill spiders in their infested houses.

To their surprise, this spider repellent indoor spray couldn’t get beyond killing only a few pests. Thus, I want to warn you that the item kills sprayed pests only. Also, a wrong item application might sway you to think it is not effective.

I find this product is perfect for indoor and outdoor applications. It is odorless and can be used in the interior without any problem. It doesn’t stain a treated surface as it quickly dries upon use, so I consider this item among the best spider repellents. The wand of this Ortho Home Defense spray is made for a comfortable application, and it is reusable.

If you need the best spider repellent spray, there are hardly better options. Purchase this item and make the right use of this exceptional spider outdoor spray.

  • versatile because it works on over 130 pest species;
  • effective in repelling pests;
  • it comes with a comfy and reusable wand for easier product application.
  • not much effective as it only repels spiders without killing them.

6. Talstar 3/4 Gallon Pest Control Insecticide – An Effective Spider Killing Spray

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This is the best bug spray for spiders with bifenthrin as the active ingredient. This spray is safe for indoor and outdoor use, and it is effective. Talstar Pest Control Insecticide is what kills spiders fast. Besides that, the Talstar spray works on a variety of pests to ensure you do not end up buying different products for a similar purpose.

I find this solution among the best professional spider pesticides, as it is conveyed in a 7-pound package. I want to note that you will need to mix it in appropriate proportions for achieving optimal results. You can check the instructions for finding out the required mixing ratio.

This spray spider killer is popular for use in commercial and non-commercial residences, including schools, hostels, etc. The only con is that you need to purchase a spraying pump separately to use the solution.

Remember, mixing the item in wrong proportions will not work out because an over-diluted spider spray repellent is infective, while a concentrated one is wasteful. If used appropriately, this product will deliver the right results.

With the Talstar spray, you are assured of getting rid of pests even if you live in a highly infested area. If you are wondering how to get rid of spiders outside, purchase this item and solve your problem shortly.

  • economical;
  • effective;
  • it can be applied indoors and outdoors.
  • you need to mix the solution in the exact proportions for achieving results;
  • you need to purchase a spray pump additionally.

How to Kill Spider by Using Traps

If you wonder about other ways to fight spiders, I recommend taking a look at sticky traps. These items can be placed on pest pathways to catch them as insects make their way into or around the house. Most traps are scented to attract pests and make sure they cross the line and get caught.

With the spray-type spider killer, you only need to know the most used pest pathways. A challenge with traps occurs with their catch limitations. They can only capture a few spiders at a time. Nevertheless, traps are effective if you have noticed only a few spiders around your home. Below, you can find the most popular traps among customers.

7. Catchmaster 72MAX Pest Trap


  • Style: Pest Trap
  • Item Weight: 11.2 Ounces
  • Number of Pieces: 4
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 8.5 x 5.25 x 0.05 inches
  • Target Species: Mice, Snakes, Crickets, Bats, Fleas, Ticks, Mites, Lice, Roaches, Brown Recluse Spiders and other potentially disease transmitting insects

Catchmaster 72 Pest Trap

This is a peanut butter-scented indoor spider killer trap. The sticky glued surface is what kills spiders when they attempt to pass on it. I advise using this trap if you can’t apply pesticides, for example, in commercial stores. However, make sure to put the Catchmaster spider traps in places where children and pets can’t reach them occasionally.

With a 4 out of 5 ratings based on over 1800 reviews, this product is among recommended solutions for catching spiders. I want to note that the manufacturer also produces bigger traps for mice and rats. Such treating for spiders won’t be effective against numbers of spiders, but it will work well against a few insects around your home.

Such traps can be, therefore, combined with other protective means such as sprays for the most effective outcome. A challenge arises as the trap may end up catching geckos or other insects instead of spiders. On the bright side, this shows the effectiveness and versatility of the item.

Setting the Catchmaster 72MAX pest trap in place is easy and can be done within seconds. It measures 5 by 8 inches, and the cost is affordable. This adds to the many reasons I consider this item the best spider trap.

  • effective;
  • easy to set in place;
  • it suits indoor and outdoor use.
  • you will need to combine other means for optimal results;
  • suitable for getting rid of a few spiders only.

8. Trapper Insect Trap – If You Wonder How to Kill a Spider Effortlessly


  • Color: White
  • Material: Cardboard
  • Number of Pieces: 90
  • Item Weight: 0.48 Pounds
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 9.15 x 8.4 x 0.6 inches
  • Target Species: Bed Bugs, Spiders, Cockroaches 

By purchasing this Trapper product, you will get a sturdy 7 x 3 inches’ trap, which allows the best way to get rid of spiders. That’s just a tip as the item has exceptional features that will make you highly consider purchasing it. The strong material making the trap is hard to destroy, so the tool is effective in killing spiders. The backside of the trap is made the way it can easily clamp on any surface placed.

Depending on the size of the trap you want, you may easily split the item into three smaller traps as the cutting line has been perforated. Spider traps are non-poisonous, and the only consideration you need to make is placing them far from pets’ and children’s reach as they are highly sticky.

If you want to maximize your chances of catching spiders and getting rid of them from home, there are trapper insect tablets sold separately that will easily attract pests to the tool. This boosts the trap’s effectiveness but comes at an extra cost.

However, I recommend buying the tablets to ensure you get the very best of this item and try the best way to kill a spider. A single product package contains 90 traps, so you will get enough items to place and replace all over the house.

  • it contains 90 traps;
  • a sticky back surface allows fixing the trap on any surface;
  • sturdy.
  • tablets that attract spiders to the trap are sold separately.

Getting Rid of Spiders with Catchers

If you have noticed a small number of insects in your house, catchers can become the right solution to your problem. Also, you can use catchers if you do not support killing spiders inside the house. These tools are highly efficient in catching spiders, and using such a solution is the most humane way of insect capturing. Check out some of the best spider catchers available on the market below.

9. Vacuum Catcher – A Great Alternative to a Spider Killer for Home

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This lightweight spider catcher is extremely easy to use. It is an efficient, safe, and natural way to get rid of spiders at home. However, you won’t find this tool the best solution for catching pests outdoors as it is only suitable for a small number of easily visible insects.

There’s a button on the item that you need to press to get a spider sucked inside it. The captured spiders fall inside a transparent tube, which you can later open at a safe place and dispose of the caught pests. The distance from the nozzle to your grip is considerably long to protect you from contact with spiders. The sucker opening is shallow even for large spiders in KY.

This Vacuum Catcher is USB-powered, and a single charge will last for a couple of weeks for sure. It is easy to use so that you can give the tool even to children. The grip is comfy, and the item is eco-friendly.

  • easy to use;
  • effective;
  • it doesn’t kill spiders but captures them safely.
  • it can be hard to catch fast-moving spiders.

10. My Critter Catcher


  • Color: White/Green
  • Material: Plastic
  • Item Weight: 6.1 ounces
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 27 x 5 x 2 inches
  • Target Species: Cockroach, Cricket, Fly, Moth, Bee, Scorpion, Spider, Millipede, Wasp

My Critter Catcher

This tool also provides an eco-friendly way to capture insects if you have been asking yourself how to get rid of spiders inside. It is easy to use by anyone, and the 26 inches long handle keeps you on a safe distance from pests. The end of the catcher has a brush that widens up upon handle squeezing and closes when you release the grip to capture the insect. Once trapped, you can dispose of the spiders elsewhere.

The capturing process won’t do any harm to spiders. It is suitable for multiple applications, and you won’t have to spend a fortune on expensive batteries. It suits perfectly for catching slow-moving insects. For fast-moving pests, you might need to consider other options.

The cost of My Critter Catcher model is favorable, and there’s a wide variety of colors to buy. I recommend you to purchase the item as it serves the purpose just right. Consider going for this tool if the number of pests in your house is considerably low. When the infestation level is high, I advise you to use dust or sprays instead.

  • eco-friendly;
  • it doesn’t harm pests;
  • easy to use.
  • only suitable for a low number of spiders around.

Closing Remarks

As I wrap up this article on how to get rid of spiders and what helpful products to use, I hope that now you got all the needed information to purchase the right product. My recommendations on how to rid of spiders and the best items for it were based on each item’s cost, effectiveness, and application.

If you want to kill a spider in the house, I recommend choosing highly efficient dust or spray products. Dust is more reliable as its residual effect remains for a long period. Also, it is easy to apply a powder on all surfaces, and the Delta Dust Pesticide is the best choice overall. It is the only waterproof dust available on the market nowadays. I find it the most effective as it kills pests instantly. However, if you don’t want to kill spiders but get rid of them, in this article, you can find the right products for it.

Getting rid of spiders at home can be challenging, but after reading about these effective solutions, you can choose the best one for your situation shortly. How do you prefer to get rid of spiders at home? Have you applied any of the products reviewed above? Share your experience with me in the comment section below.


  • Spiders (University of Florida IFAS Extension):
  • Eliminating Spiders Around Homes and Buildings (College of Agriculture, Food and Environment):


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2 responses to “How to Get Rid of Spiders: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide”

  1. Alex Tipton Avatar
    Alex Tipton

    Me and my family are thankful to you for the recommendations on the best spider killers. For us it was Drione Pest Insecticide. We sprayed it all over the place, and all the spiders f* off to Australia. You know, this stuff can actually kill other insects, like bedbugs and carpenters bees. It is not cheap, but it works really well.

  2. KiraDale Avatar

    Hello! Thank the author for this extremely useful and informative piece. It’s just right for me. I hate spiders. I hope it shouldn’t be a secret. I have used a spider control spray for years, but it helped only on contact, so I had to see them anyway and face my fear. I read about Delta Dust and thought of buying it. According to the description, it’s my must-have. Wish me good luck!

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