Category: Stink bugs

  • How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

    How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

    Everyone has met with stink bugs at least once in their life, and everyone knows why they bear this name. They emit the aroma that is similar to the smell of socks, cilantro, and rotting fruits. And although besides the strong smell, they do not harm humans directly, they can cause severe damage to trees and flowers in your area.

    So that you can protect your home and backyard from these pests, I wrote an article on how to get rid of stink bugs, which detailed the most effective methods of dealing with them both outdoors and indoors.

    Stink Bug Infestation 101

    Stink bugs are a serious threat to any crop. It is a known fact that they can reduce the economic value of fruits by almost 90% if they live in a garden or field. Farmers simply have to send their crops for processing, incurring losses.

    To understand how to properly control these pests, you need to study a little deeper the features of this group of insects and realize what causes stink bugs on your site.

    stink bug close look

    Quick stink bug identification

    A distinctive feature of these pests is a strong and persistent smell. Special glands on their bodies produce an odorous liquid if an insect feels in danger. In fact, even larvae use this mechanism to protect themselves from birth.

    If everything is clear with these insects’ smell, then their appearance is slightly different depending on a specific group. Most of them have a bright color, which allows them to disguise themselves as the environment easily.

    Harris Stink Bug Killer Liquid Spray

    As a rule, adults have flattened bodies that resemble shields. They are not very large in length and can reach only 0.8 inches. Under a shell is a pair of wings that insects use to move from branch to branch. They do not fly very much due to their small wingspan. Stink bugs have two pairs of antennae, three pairs of legs, and a long proboscis.

    Common stink bug species

    At the moment, scientists know about 220 species of stink bugs, which belong to the family Pentatomidae, living in North America. There are about 4800 species in the world. Among the most common species are Green, Brown, and Southern Green stink bugs. They are very similar to each other in shape but differ only in some details of color.

    Also recently, the so-called Brown marmorated stink bug has been especially active in the United States. It is known that this species was introduced to America from Asia in the late 90s. They quickly spread throughout its territory. At the moment, individuals of this species are found in almost all states. Agriculture on the east coast has suffered especially badly because of these bugs since there are the most favorable weather conditions for their reproduction.

    What attracts stink bugs

    These insects are considered to be “universal” pests. Most of them are herbivorous (with rare exceptions), but they are attracted by more than one particular plant. These insects can feed on all kinds of fruits, legumes, and vegetables. If you don’t find stink bugs in the house in time, they will begin to feed on decorative plants in flower beds and houseplants.

    Besides, with the cold weather approaches, insects begin to seek refuge and hide under fallen leaves, in the bark of trees, in cracks in the walls of residential buildings and foundations. It is there that they fall into suspended animation to wait out the winter and wait for the spring warming.

    stink bug on a tree

    Stink bug dangers

    Fortunately, these insects do not bite, do not carry diseases, and do not destroy buildings. In some cases, the liquid and odor they give off can cause an allergic reaction. That is why I recommend washing your hands with soapy water immediately.

    Although they do not cause direct harm to humans, they seriously affect agriculture and represent a serious threat to farmers. The period of their activity falls on March-September. During this time, they can infect and destroy many edible crops. Stink bugs are not picky about food, so they eat almost any fruit and vegetable. To extract juice from them, they inject saliva under their skin.

    This way of feeding reduces the effectiveness of conventional pesticides. Also, since these insects have wings, they are quite mobile. Homeowners should always be on the lookout: getting rid of one population does not guarantee that another will not come.

    Stink bug infestation signs

    It is worth noting that these pests are not trying to hide from humans anywhere. The main sign of the territory infestation is their presence in large numbers. Thanks to the shell’s characteristic shape and the smell, it will not be difficult to determine what they are.

    Often they can be seen basking on house walls, which is exposed to the sun. It mainly occurs closer to autumn, when stink beetles crawl in search of a place for wintering.

    Another telltale sign is damaged fruits and vegetables. You can see the characteristic scars and holes on the surface of a fruit: the places through which insects suck the juice. The bite site usually turns black from the injected enzyme. As a result, the pulp of vegetables and fruits acquires a mealy texture, and the insides rot.

    The leaves are covered with spots, the development of young shoots stops, the inflorescence is not formed, which means that the fruits do not appear. All this leads to the complete death of a plant.

    These creatures can also eat field crops such as corn and soybeans. They usually inhabit the edge of a field, creating an infestation swath up to 40 feet wide. It is characteristic that damaged plants remain green for a long time, while healthy ones die naturally. It is one of the indicators that stink bugs live in a field.

    How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs: Easy Extermination Guide

    Kensizer 30-Pack Dual-Sided Yellow Sticky

    As in the fight against any other pest, stink bug extermination requires an integrated approach. You should restrict food and water sources, seal all insect routes into your home, and use insecticides and other remedies to kill them both outside and inside. I’ll go into more detail about each step, as well as ways to get rid of stink bugs below.

    Step 1: Seal all entry points

    First of all, you should take care to prevent stink bugs from getting inside your house (if they haven’t already). Chances are, when you start treating your yard with insecticides, they will try to take refuge in the house. Also, remember that they are looking for a place to winter in the fall, and warm living space is an excellent option.

    Having found a suitable hole, they attract other individuals with special smell. It is enough for one insect to appear so that there will be a bunch of them in a couple of days.

    old wall with cracks in it

    To protect your home, you should carefully examine the foundation, walls, windows, doors, and attic and identify any cracks and holes that pests can crawl through.

    Most often, homeowners overlook chimneys, pipes, and vents. Seal all possible entry points, ensure that screens on windows and doors are intact and free of holes, and install protective screens for ventilation.

    If insects nevertheless enter the house or settle in the voids of walls for the winter, most likely you will not see them, since they will go into suspended animation. So it will be almost impossible to get rid of them. However, in the spring, with the arrival of warmth, they will begin to crawl out of their shelters. That is why it is important to stop stink bugs from coming in.

    Step 2: Eliminate food and water sources

    Like any living thing, these insects need water and food for normal life and reproduction. The key to successfully combating them is to block access to these resources completely. First of all, check the pipes in your area and get rid of even the smallest leaks, if any.

    leaking water

    Then make sure there are no accumulations of water in your garden or yard. To do this, clear the drainage system from blockages and take air conditioner tubes as far as possible from the house walls. It applies not only to the yard. If the interior also suffers from high moisture levels, it will have to be drained as well. You can improve your basement, attic, and garage insulation, or use air conditioners and dehumidifiers.

    Of course, if there are fruits or vegetables in your garden, it will be quite difficult for you to block access to them completely. However, you can minimize it. Do not leave leftover food on a table in the open; store it in sealed containers.

    Check that trash cans are tightly closed and clean them regularly. Remember to wipe down the table and any other surfaces after eating to remove debris and crumbs that might attract bugs.

    Step 3: Treat stink bugs outside

    BUGGSLAYER Insecticide Concentrate 16-oz

    When all preventive measures have been taken, you can proceed to stink bugs removal. It is better to start doing it outdoors because most likely, it is where they live most. For whichever method you choose to work most effectively, clear your garden or yard of any potential hiding places, that is, collect grass clippings, fallen leaves, tree bark, logs, and firewood.


    Using insecticides is the fastest and most effective way to stink bug control. However, when choosing the right product, it is important to remember that it can harm beneficial insects. They should be used with even greater caution if you have pets, children, and if you plan to eat processed fruits and vegetables.


    Since bodies of stink bugs are covered with rather dense shells, they are resistant to most common insecticides. That is what makes it difficult to fight them. At the moment, it has been scientifically proven that pyrethroid insecticides, which are most often used to kill insects, are the least effective.

    I recommend looking for products that contain Oxamyl, Moribund, Rotenone, Deltamethrin, and Cypermethrin. Treat the entire yard with these liquids to eliminate creatures that live in grass. Some insecticides can be applied to house walls and roofs to eradicate any species that may have crawled into cracks.

    Other outdoor remedies

    If you regularly wonder how to repel stink bugs, then you can follow the recommendations of some gardeners who advise you to plant plants on the site that attract insects with their smell, such as amaranth, okra, and mustard. Pests scattered throughout your area will flock to the scent in one place and can be easily picked and destroyed.

    Wet towels are also considered to be effective. Wet some towels and put them around your yard overnight (for example, on a railing or sun loungers). By morning, you will see a huge variety of stink bugs sitting on them. Just roll up the towels gently and kill the insects.

    Diatomaceous earth (or kieselgur) has also proven to be powerful against many pests. Diatomite is crushed to a powder state, but microscopic sharp parts still remain in it, which causes mechanical harm to insects if they crawl around them. As a result of this damage, all the pests die. Unlike many chemical analogs, this product is absolutely safe for humans and pets.

    Step 4: Treat inside

    When the entire area around your house is processed correctly, you can move on to the interior. Remember that stink bugs move to warm rooms for the winter through cracks in the foundation, walls, and in the attic. Although they do not lay eggs and are not active during the cold season, their appearance in the spring can be an unpleasant surprise for you.

    person holding spray bottle spraying liquid photo


    Especially for dealing with stink bugs in residential premises, manufacturers produce special stink bug sprays that are safe for pets and people, odorless, and do not leave marks. They mainly kill insects by direct contact, so they should be applied to all places where pests can potentially crawl.

    I recommend using insecticides carefully inside your home. These insects continue to emit a disgusting odor even after death, so it is important to remove dead creatures from the rooms in time.

    If you don’t want to use store-bought insecticides, you can make a safe spray against them yourself. Mix equal proportions of dish soap and vinegar (for example, one glass each), add warm water (two glasses), pour the mixture into a spray bottle, and apply the resulting product directly to pests. It will weaken or even kill insects, which you can then easily collect.


    Sticky pest traps are also an effective way to deal with stink bugs. Their only drawback is that a sticky surface can become dusty or clogged and stop working as it should. Otherwise, they are an excellent option for indoors, as they are quite easy to use, inexpensive, safe for pets and people, and perfectly catch not only stink bugs, but also any other crawling and flying pests.

    Yellow Sticky Traps for Flying Plant

    Some stink bug traps use light instead of scented glue as bait. Such a trap is easy to make yourself. Just take a plastic bottle, cut off its top, and place a LED lamp or candle on the bottom. Insert the cut piece back with the neck inward and secure it with duct tape.

    Place these traps in dark places (like a garage or basement) and check them periodically to collect insects. Another affordable homemade stink bug trap option is to put the LED candle in a container filled with soapy water. Pests will flock to the light and simply drown.


    If your home (and your yard as well) has large concentrations of stink bugs, you can quickly collect them with a small vacuum cleaner. This way, you will be less in contact with them and breathe in less of a nasty smell. These insects do not crawl and fly very quickly, so it is not difficult to catch them. But do not forget to empty the vacuum cleaner immediately after use, as these pests may well get out.

    Instead of collecting them in the main container, I recommend pulling a stocking over a tube of your vacuum cleaner. It will prevent bugs from getting stuck inside, and it will be easier for you to get rid of them. You can place insects in an airtight container or bottle to suffocate them. Or you can drown them in water with some dish soap and vinegar.

    Top 3 Best Stink Bug Treatments

    Based on my professional experience, I have picked three of the most effective tools to help you eliminate stink bugs effectively.

    1. Best Stink Bug Trap: Kensizer 30-Pack Dual-Sided Yellow Sticky Traps


    • Material: Paper
    • Number of Pieces: 30
    • Item Dimensions: 8 x 6 x 0.4 inches
    • Item Weight: 15.8 ounces
    • Target Species: Fly, Thrip, Mosquito, White Fly, Gnat

    Kensizer 30-Pack Fruit Fly Trap

    Bright yellow sticky sheets of this trap are designed to combat most small flying insects, including stink bugs. The used glue is non-toxic, safe for people and pets, so this product can be used both in your garden and yard and in any living space.

    Each sheet is 8×6 inches; there are 30 pieces in a package. Each trap is coated with glue on both sides, is waterproof, and does not fade in the sun. It retains its effectiveness for two to three months. It is better to start using these traps as soon as you spot the first stink bug (roughly March-April).

    This way, you can catch the adults and prevent them from breeding. If you missed this point, place the sheets in the places of their greatest accumulation, next to fruit trees, plantings of vegetables, and near the house walls on the sunny side of your site.

    • easy to use;
    • can be used indoors and outdoors;
    • double-sided;
    • fasteners are included.
    • lightweight, can be blown away by the wind.

    2. Best Stink Bug Indoor Killer Spray: Harris Stink Bug Killer


    • Active Ingredient: Deltamethrin
    • Scent: Unscented 
    • Item Form: Liquid, Spray
    • Item Dimensions: 7.1 x 4.3 x 11.7 inches
    • Item Weight: ‎9 pounds
    • Target Species: Stink Bug

    As I wrote earlier, sprays and insecticides are the most effective way to control pests. Of all the indoor remedies for stink bugs, the Harris Stink Bug Killer was the most effective. The product comes in a 1-gallon bottle, which is sufficient for a wide range of applications. It depends on the area that you plan to process. Remember that it should be sprayed no more than once a week.

    You should treat places where pests enter your house, as well as hard-to-reach points where they can hide (ventilation holes, space under a sink, behind a refrigerator). You can also apply it directly on a group of stink bugs. It can be used both at home and the yard. It is odorless and does not leave stubborn stains. The kit includes a spray nozzle.

    • ready to use;
    • does not stain;
    • large volume;
    • spray nozzle included.
    • also affects beneficial insects.

    3. Best Stink Bug Insecticide: BUGGSLAYER Insecticide Concentrate


    • Item Form: Liquid, Spray
    • Item Volume: 16 Fl. Oz.
    • Item Dimensions: 1.8 x 3.8 x 7.4 inches
    • Item Weight: ‎9 ounces
    • Target Species: Box Elder Bugs, Stink Bugs, Multi-Colored Asian Lady Beetles & over 50 other insects

    BUGGSLAYER Insecticide Concentrate

    BUGGSLAYER Insecticide Concentrate is extremely powerful with a high Deltamethrin concentration, so it can only be used outdoors. It kills insects when they crawl over the treated surface. Thus, by spraying the product around your home, you create a protective barrier that lasts for weeks. Since it does not leave marks, you can use it on the exterior walls of your house, foundations, and patios to make sure insects don’t crawl into cracks.

    The bottle volume is 16 ounces. Since it is a concentrate, it should be diluted in water at a ratio of 4 ounces of product to 1 gallon of water. The manufacturer recommends treating the area twice a year (in spring and autumn) to get rid of pest populations completely.

    This product is very effective against not only stink bugs but also more than 50 species of other pests. Unfortunately, if used carelessly, it can lead to the disappearance of beneficial insects.

    • creates a protective barrier;
    • does not wash off with water;
    • does not stain.
    • need to be mixed with water;
    • can kill beneficial insects.

    How to Prevent Stink Bugs

    Now that you know all the most effective ways to kill insects, I’ll tell you how to keep stink bugs away. One of the simple but essential ingredients for successfully dealing with them is keeping your site clean and tidy. Remove mowed grass and fallen leaves from the lawn in time, close new cracks in walls and nets on windows, do not leave food and debris in free access.

    In general, I recommend not killing insects, since they are part of the food chain, but making your site and house unattractive for them. So, for example, you can treat the surfaces in your yard with kaolin clay. This natural remedy will make trees and shrubs unsuitable for laying eggs as they simply cannot be fixed to trunks.

    Attracting birds, beneficial insects, and other creatures to your area is another excellent way to deal with the stink bug problem. It is known that praying mantis, spiders, and toads are their natural enemies, so these insects will avoid the territories where they live.

    Also, stink bugs, like many other pests, do not tolerate the aroma of many plants and essential oils from them. Combine peppermint, lavender, cedarwood, garlic, or onion oils with water and regularly spray all surfaces in your garden. You can also plant these plants around the perimeter of your yard to repel stink bugs.

    In addition to smells, these insects react to light; to be more precise, it attracts them. Therefore, I recommend turning off the lights that you have outside at night. Otherwise, in the morning, you run the risk of discovering that the lantern above the entrance is completely covered with stink bugs.

    Besides, Brown marmorated stink bugs were brought to America from Asia by accident because they got into boxes with some goods. So it never hurts to carefully check packages and products for signs of insects, especially if they come from overseas.

    FAQ on DIY Stink Bug Extermination

    In this part, I have collected the answers to the popular questions from homeowners who want to get rid of stink beetles on their own.

    What do stink bugs eat?

    The vast majority of stink bug species are herbivorous. They feed on plants, fruit, vegetable, and legume juices. For this, they have a long nose, with which they pierce a peel to get the nutritious liquid. Most often, this leads to fruit damage or even the death of a plant.

    When do stink bugs come out?

    The period of their activity is in spring, summer, and early autumn. Usually, they come out of hibernation in March, and already in September, they look for a refuge for wintering. However, sometimes during winter months, the ambient temperature rises above normal, then stink bugs wake up ahead of time.

    Why are there so many stink bugs?

    They were probably attracted to your territory by the abundance of vegetables, fruits, fresh herbs, and access to water. But the reason for their appearance in your house may be the approach of cold weather. These insects enter a state of diapause in winter and wait for it in a shelter, usually in residential buildings.

    What are natural stink bugs repellents?

    You can plant lavender, garlic, peppermint, and onions in your area as natural remedies for these pests, or use their essential oils mixed with water as a stink bug repellent spray. You can also put diatomaceous earth where they accumulate.

    Does soapy water attract stink bugs?

    No, soapy water doesn’t attract stink bugs. The only stink bug attraction in your house is light. However, the soapy water solution is often used for killing stink bugs. The recipe is simple: mix one part liquid dish soap to five parts water in a jar or any other uncovered container, stir it.

    Put the jar by the wall the bugs sit on, take a chopstick, and quickly flick them off so that they fall straight into the water.  Swiftness is crucial for this kind of operation: disoriented bugs are unable to release their terrible odor. The soap is needed for blocking stink bugs’ pores, in twenty minutes or so they stop breathing and drown.

    After you eliminated stink bug invaders with a soapy jar bath, you can make a spray solution and sprinkle it in all the places the bugs may come from. This way every new bug in your house will slowly dehydrate and die.

    Do stink bugs carry diseases?

    Your usual home invader is a brown marmorated stink bug, it is absolutely of no harm to you. They don’t carry diseases and don’t even bite, but their odor and traces can provoke allergic reactions. If a skin irritation from contact with the bug occurs, contact your doctor.

    Does a stink bug stink when you kill it?

    Yes, it does. Stink bugs use their smell to signal their fellow bugs, they need smell to avoid predators and attract other stink bugs. If you kill a stink bug, you act like a predator to them — it will smell and signal other bugs to go away. Squashing bugs can be a method of getting rid of them for good.

    It’s quite an effective way if you kill a couple of bugs in your yard to keep others from coming to the house, but it’s not a proper way if you have bugs inside your house — the smell will cause more damage to your home than any alive stink bug.

    Don’t forget that stink bugs don’t have to die to send attractive smells to their comrades. If they like your house, they can recommend it to others by an intense smell. It’s very unattractive for people, so try not to make your home likable to these pests.

    Keep Stink Bugs Under Your Control

    When dealing with pests, it is important to take preventive measures to stop them. However, if they are already on your site, and you see stink bugs everywhere, do not despair. Use my step-by-step guide to tackle the problem: remove food and water from free access, close up all entry points and treat the house and yard with Harris Stink Bug Killer and BUGGSLAYER Insecticide Concentrate. Put Kensizer Yellow Sticky Traps in several places as an extra measure.

    Share your pest control experience in the comments section. Have you encountered an invasion of stink bugs? How did you fight them?

  • Best Stink Bug Repellents in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Best Stink Bug Repellents in [year]: Expert Reviews

    When fall arrives, you get all cozy inside and start bundling up in warm layers of sweaters, the most annoying visitors may show up: stink bugs! These pesky indoor invaders can turn your blissful hygge haven into stinky hell. Although stink bugs don’t bite or carry dangerous diseases, they are a nasty nuisance.

    Smash this little bugger, and it will release a disgusting smell you will hardly be able to stand. Stink bugs are known for this ‘stinky’ defense mechanism that activates whenever they are threatened. In other words, yuck! Here, I will be covering several best stink bug repellent solutions and shedding new light on stink bug invasion.

    Top 5 Best Stink Bug Repellents: Keep These Pests at Bay

    1. Sawyer Products Premium Permethrin Insect Repellent for Clothing
    2. Mighty Mint – 16oz Insect and Pest Control Peppermint Oil
    3. BRISON Ultrasonic Pest Repeller
    4. Harris Stink Bug Killer
    5. Wondercide Natural Products – Indoor Pest Control

    Sawyer Products Premium Permethrin

    Are you on the prowl for the most powerful stink bug solutions to utilize in various environments? I’m here to let you in on this issue — and finally, help you find the answer to your seemingly ever-lingering (just like that awful odor!) ‘what repels stink bugs’ question. Stay tuned, and you will learn how to repel stink bugs in less than two minutes.

    1. Sawyer Permethrin: Best Stink Bug Repellent Spray


    • Scent: Unscented
    • Item Form: Spray
    • Item Volume: 24 Fluid Ounces
    • Item Dimensions: 10.3 x 3.8 x 11.02 inches
    • Item Weight: ‎1.1 Pounds
    • Target Species: More Than 55 Kinds Of Insects — From Disease-Spreading Ticks (Lyme disease) And Mosquitoes (West Nile and Zika viruses) To Chiggers, Spiders, Mites, And More

    Sawyer Products Premium Permethrin Insect Repellent

    If you need an excellent spray to keep stink bugs away, Sawyer Permethrin might be your best bet. Aside from stink bugs, it also works against mosquitoes, mites, ticks, and over 50 types of other irritating pests. This magic spray is odorless once it dries, and it won’t damage or stain your clothes, bedsheets, tents, backpacks, or any other surfaces.

    So are you ready to start enjoying your home and nature again? With this amazing stink bug repellent spray, you will no longer be afraid to open your windows or turn on porch lights — such a liberating feeling. And you can spray the thing directly on your dog’s coat, yep!

    Just make sure you approach the protection issue wisely and follow the instructions from the manufacturer prior to using the product.

    • awesome, very effective stuff (when used correctly);
    • doesn’t damage or stain the surfaces you apply it on;
    • can be applied even to dogs;
    • odorless when dry.
      • if you’re looking for a natural repellent for stink bugs, you might want to go a different route.

    2. Mighty Mint: Best Natural Repellent for Stink Bugs


    • Scent: Peppermint
    • Item Form: Spray
    • Item Volume: 16 fl. oz.
    • Package Dimensions: 10.71 x 4.29 x 2.87 inches
    • Item Weight: ‎1 pounds
    • Target Species: Spiders, Ants, and More

    Mighty Mint 16oz Insect and Pest Control Peppermint Oil

    This product is effective and straightforward in usage. Just spray it where you’ve seen bugs and repeat the process every two days for a better effect. And you won’t feel that harsh chemical smell when you use Mighty Mint. The stuff smells nice, but perhaps a little too strong to use in your bedroom.

    Use this peppermint spray on your problem areas every 2-4 days, and you won’t have a stink bug issue in the near future. This 100% natural repellent for stink bugs is pet- and kid-friendly — such a nice perk. It will help you repel (and kill) stink bugs, spiders, ants, ticks, roaches, and even mice. And the price is nice. Overall, the best bang for your buck.

    • excellent stink bug deterrent.
    • natural ingredients only.
    • smells really nice.
    • safe to use around your family and domestic animals.
    • aside from stink bugs, it also repels spiders, mice, ants, ticks, etc.
    • if you’re super sensitive to smells, you may find the product’s peppermint scent way too potent.

    3. BRISON: Best Ultrasonic Repellent for Stink Bugs


    • Color: White
    • Number of Pieces: 2
    • Item Dimensions: 3.94 x 2.99 x 2.83 inches
    • Item Weight: 4.6 ounces
    • Target Species: Cockroach, Mouse, Rat, Mosquito, Spider, Birds, Hamster

    This awesome bug deterrent uses ultrasonic and electromagnetic waves to keep all kinds of critters away from your sweet home. Using this thing is a walk in the park. It’s a set-it-and-forget-it device. No need to keep up with stink bug sprays (and their smells); just plug it into the electrical outlet, and it will work.

    BRISON makes repelling stink bugs super easy, eco-friendly, and ethical. The gizmo is small and nice-looking, so it won’t spoil your interior or bother your pets for sure. It comes with a little night light, which does come in handy. Aside from the pesky stink bugs, this baby will also save you from flies, roaches, spiders, crickets, and other annoying insects.

    • nice, sleek design.
    • quiet and a breeze to use.
    • ethical and non-chemical.
    • is great for both indoor and outdoor use.
    • may take longer to work, but it does reduce the number of pests significantly.

    4. Harris Stink Bug Killer: Works Like a Charm


    • Active Ingredient: Deltamethrin
    • Scent: Unscented 
    • Item Form: Liquid, Spray
    • Item Dimensions: 7.1 x 4.3 x 11.7 inches
    • Item Weight: ‎9 pounds
    • Target Species: Stink Bug

    With this repellent, you will see a significant decline in these pests literally with one application. Even if you spray your plants with the stuff, it won’t damage or stain them. A great choice if you’re looking to kill these pesky critters silently and invisibly.

    No more having to find these pesky invaders inside your home, chasing, smashing them, and then disposing of them for you! This product is a real game-changer! Just make sure you follow the instructions that come with the spray — if you want it to work like a charm, that is.

    • highly effective, particularly for targeting stink bugs.
    • smell-free and non-staining solution.
    • is great for both indoor and outdoor use.
    • reasonably priced.
    • doesn’t kill pests on contact; starts working after it dries.

    5. Wondercide Indoor Spray: Among the Best Natural Remedies for Stink Bugs


    • Scent: Peppermint
    • Item Form: Spray
    • Item Volume: 32 Fl. Oz.
    • Package Dimensions: 12 x 4 x 3.3 inches
    • Package Weight: ‎2.35 Pounds
    • Target Species: Flying, Crawling, Biting And Stinging Pests

    Looking for an effective treatment for your stink bug, ant, roach, spider, or fruit fly problem? Opt for the exceptionally effective and versatile Wondercide spray. The stuff is ridiculously easy to use. Just read the instructions that come with it, and you’re all set.

    So, you want to know how to ward off stink bugs without using pesticides in your house or yard? This solution might fit the bill like nothing else for you. It’s a lot better than toxic chemicals for sure! Absolutely worth a try if you’re dealing with a severe infestation of creepy little bugs.

    • potent and effective.
    • application is a cakewalk.
    • safe to use around pets.
    • versatile and all-natural.
    • kills bugs on site.
    • does have a strong smell of mint.

    How to Choose the Best Stink Bug Repellent

    Stink Bug at leaf

    Stink bugs are annoying. So the fact that you want them gone is nothing but natural. You’re probably aware that there’s a wide variety of repellent types. Therefore, in order to choose the best product, you should read about those repellent types in detail. I’ve listed them below with handy explanations:

    • classic liquid sprays: typically, they’re very effective, but contain pesticides;
    • digital ultrasonic solutions: effective, chemical- and problem-free solution. Ideal if you’re planning to enjoy a warm night out on the porch;
    • rubber bracelet repellents: these bracelets contain essential oils that deter stink bugs for as long as 300 hours.

    Wondering which repellent would suit your particular needs best? Well, that depends on the environment where you’re planning to use the stuff. If you have access to wall sockets, feel free to opt for a cutting-edge ultrasonic gadget.

    It’s effective, non-chemical, as well as kid- and animal-friendly. Need a stink bug deterrent for the great outdoors? A good spray solution is a way to go.

    Sawyer Products Premium Permethrin Insect Repellent

    Alternatively, you can use both a solid liquid spray repellent and a portable ultrasonic product when aiming at keeping the pesky bugs away from your yard.

    That way, you will protect yourself from the stinky insects, as well as other bugs that carry hazardous diseases. Needless to say that you should take the price tag issue into consideration when purchasing the best repellent.

    Answering Your FAQ About Stink Bugs

    big Stink Bug

    Have questions about stink bugs left? You already know what deters stink bugs. It’s time to get to know them on a more intimate level. No, you don’t have to smell them to accomplish this mission successfully — all thanks to me. Jokes apart, below, I’ve answered some of our readers’ most frequently asked questions about these nasty little pests.

    Do electronic stink bug repellents work?

    Yes. Moreover, they are very effective and easy to use. They flaunt an amazing plug-and-play design, and they’re absolutely hassle-free. They won’t damage your pets’ or your kids’ health. And they’re 100% natural.

    How long does stink bug smell last?

    You already know that when a stink bug is threatened, it releases an awful smell from small holes in its abdomen to prevent predators from munching on them. The disgusting odor lasts for up to one hour.

    So instead of smashing these annoying visitors, you might want to consider vacuuming them up or throwing them away. If your problem is ongoing, then choose the best deterrent for you from the selection above.

    Does stink bug smell attract other stink bugs?

    Stink bugs don’t damage homes. Neither do they transmit dangerous diseases or bite. They do release foul-smelling chemicals when they’re frightened. And yes, these chemicals usually attract other stink bugs to the ‘crime scene’ (read as your home). You may not notice this process in its initial stages, but over time, the stink bug issue may turn into a full-on infestation.

    What’s interesting is that stink bugs seem to use their own chemical communication, the recently discovered and studied insights into which will allow people to create new, eco-friendly insecticides and, thus, save farmers millions of dollars.

    When is stink bug season?

    Stink bugs love warm temperatures; therefore, you may see them frequently from March to September. The peak stink bug activity season is during fall months. However, if the winter is warm, these critters may decide to stay and hang out a little longer doing their best to make themselves at home in your home.

    What scents do stink bugs hate?

    While stink bugs are known for the disgusting odor of their own, there are scents these stinkers hate, too. For instance, they dislike strong smelling essential oils, such as lemon, lavender, eucalyptus, and mint. Also, they are averse to the smell of garlic.

    Therefore, no wonder so many people are on the hunt for essential oils for stink bugs. They do work wonders when it comes to deterring these pesky pests!

    Cutting to the Chase: Stink Bugs Be Gone

    Sawyer Products Premium Permethrin Insect

    Dealing with stink bugs in your house can, well, stink. Nobody wants to have them as visitors, let alone permanent residents. The silver lining is that the right products can help you get rid of the pesky invaders with little to no fuss — and without you having to expose yourself to the disgusting odor that gives these bugs their name.

    So, what about you? Have you experienced the stink bug situation? How did you get rid of the annoying stinkers? What are your go-to solutions when it comes to stopping the invasive brown marmorated stink bugs? Feel free to let me (and your fellow-readers) in on your experience in the comment section below. I appreciate your feedback greatly.


    • Shedding New Light on Stink Bug Invasion (U.S. Department of Agriculture):
    • Virginia Tech researchers discover insights into chemical communication of stink bugs (Virginia Tech Daily):
  • Best Stink Bug Spray in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Best Stink Bug Spray in [year]: Expert Reviews

    The awful smell that remains on your hand and clothes… If you know what I’m talking about, you are probably aware of what it is like to squish a stink bug. When summer comes, and the plants are growing, these insects are getting ready to raid your garden.

    To be prepared for their invasion, you should find the best stink bug spray. Apart from the smell, these insects annually cause serious damage, eating commercially produced and domestic fruit. I studied the available solutions for this problem and prepared reviews for 5 products and some recommendations for fighting those pests.

    Organic Stink Bug Killer
    Neem Bliss (16 Fl Oz) - Pure Neem Oil Concentrate - 100% Cold Pressed Neem Oil - All-Natural Neem...
    Works indoors and outdoors.
    My Review
    Organic Stink Bug Killer
    Neem Bliss (16 Fl Oz) - Pure Neem Oil Concentrate - 100% Cold Pressed Neem Oil - All-Natural Neem...
    Works indoors and outdoors.
    My Review

    Top 5 Best Stink Bug Spray

    1. Talstar P Professional Insecticide – Best Stink Bug Killer
    2. Magma Home Pest Control Spray
    3. Platonix Neem Bliss Oil
    4. Bifen XTS
    5. Harris Stink Bug Killer

    I’ll try to help you in choosing the solution for your stink bug problem. Below you can read reviews of the top 5 insecticides according to my experience. Check their description and my recommendations to make your choice.

    1. Talstar P Professional Insecticide – Best Stink Bug Killer

    No products found.

    This product is called a professional one for a reason. Talstar P is a water-based treatment against stink bugs. It has the widest spectrum and can kill up to 75 types of pests. Its active component is Bifenthrin (7.9%). With this spray, you might not need any other solution. Talstar is a well-known brand that made a name producing the best insecticide for stink bugs.

    Talstar comes in a concentrate, and out of one bottle, you will get 32 gallons of spray. This mixture is not harmful to humans, pets, and plants as it contains no solvents that can cause this reaction. Also, the spray does not have any smell or residue.

    Among other advantages, it can be used in-house as well as outdoors. However, it is not recommended to use it on or near fruits, vegetables, or herbs.

    • safe for pets when dry;
    • effective against 75 types of pests;
    • a trusted brand;
    • allowed for indoor usage.
    • cannot be used near edible plants.

    2. Magma Home Pest Control Spray – Plant-Based Solution

    No products found.

    MDXconcepts, the producer of this solution, has as a goal to replace synthetic pesticides and eliminate the damage caused by them. Magma Home Pest Control Spray is fully natural and does not contain any synthetic or toxic components.

    Its main components are oils of peppermint, spearmint, and rosemary – natural stink bug repellents. This spray has fast action and a long-lasting effect. At the same time, it does not leave any stains. It comes ready for use, and you just have to shake it before applying.

    This is the best spray for stink bugs for those who are looking for a safe method fighting pests at home. It can be applied in the food storage areas, inside the closets, in the garden, or for cracks and holes disinfestation. Keep in mind that the spray has the odor that can be irritating for allergic people.

    • plant-based;
    • safe for pets and humans;
    • non-toxic ready-to-use formula;
    • long-lasting effect.
    • strong smell.

    3. Platonix Neem Bliss Oil – Natural Stink Bug Control


    • Active ingredient: Azadirachtin
    • Item Form: Oil 
    • Item Weight: 1 Pounds
    • Product Dimensions: 5.91 x 4.13 x 1.85 inches
    • Target pests: Stink Bugs

    Organic Neem Bliss 100% Pure Cold Pressed Neem Seed Oil

    This product by Platonix is an organic stink bug killer that has only one ingredient – 100% neem oil. The main active component of this natural insecticide is Azadirachtin, which is an effective stink bug fighter approved by EPA.

    Thanks to its biodegradability, it is not harmful to the environment and can be a good alternative to synthetic chemicals. The manufacturer recommends applying Neem Bliss Oil regularly to protect your plants during the entire growing period.

    One of the drawbacks of this treatment method is that you have to dilute this oil with water before use. You will require a container with a spray nozzle for this. Also, it is claimed to be safe for kids and pets. However, it is better to keep the mixture away from the skin and eyes.

    But the main advantage is that this is an organic stink bug spray, so this product is suitable for you if you want to maintain the yard and home pest-free without harming the environment.

    • 100% Neem Oil;
    • Works indoors and outdoors;
    • Environmentally friendly.
    • garlicky odor;
    • has to be diluted before use.

    4. Bifen XTS – Good Spray to Kill Stink Bugs

    No products found.

    Bifen is a manufacturer that offers working solutions for pest treatment and is cheaper compared to other similar options. Their XTS Bifenthrin concentrate has 25.1% of this active component. This proportion allows fighting stink bugs colonies and disrupting their life cycle. It is also effective against more than 50 other types of insects that can disturb the garden.

    To apply the spray, you need to mix the concentrate with water. This might be less convenient as you will need a spraying nozzle and a bottle for a prepared mixture. But, when diluted, the spray does not have any smell and leaves no stains on leaves and soil.

    The treated area is safe for pets and humans as soon as the spray is completely dry. Remember that this is a pesticide, and it cannot be sprayed around the edible plants or in the areas from which the rain can bring the product to them. Also, Bifen XTS is designed for outdoors use only. This is an affordable and effective stink bug treatment.

    • high Bifenthrin concentration;;
    • effective against 50+ types of pests;
    • has no smell or residue.
    • comes without sprayer;
    • cannot be used indoors.

    5. Harris Stink Bug Killer – Ready-to-Use Solution


    • Scent: Unscented
    • Item Form: Liquid, Spray
    • Item Weight: 9 pounds
    • Product Dimensions: 7.1 x 4.3 x 11.7 inches
    • Target pests: Stink Bugs

    Harris Stink Bug Killer

    Stink Bug Killer by Harris is created for a garden, yard, and home treatment. It is working against stink bugs, but also other household insects like mosquitoes or flies. The killing action continues long after applying this treatment. This spray can be used right away, which is handy. People admit the absence of its smell and stains, but you have to test this before using it on the disclosed surfaces. Also, this spray is approved by EPA.

    There are some complaints that the spray nozzle is of poor quality and can break down, so consider the alternative solution if you want to use this spray to kill stink bugs in your house.

    • covers large areas;
    • long-lasting effect;
    • no smell or stains;
    • ready-to-use formula.
    • not safe for pets;
    • spray nozzle breaks.

    Stink Bug Spray Common Active Ingredients

    Fighting stink bugs is a challenge as they are tolerant of numerous insecticides. Moreover, they often migrate from the neighboring territories, which levels up the danger of the reinfestation, even if your yard is previously treated. However, we have a list of chemicals used for pesticide control against stink bugs:

    • Acetamiprid – can be applied on ornamental trees and bushes, and even vegetables;
    • ß-cyfluthrin and Deltamethrin – suitable for treating exteriors and garden non-edible plants;
    • Bifenthrin, A-cyhalothrin, and Cyfluthrin – they work for outdoor pest control and safe for trees and bushes, but before applying around vegetables, read the instruction;
    • Dinotefuran – not recommended for exterior use, but safe for ornamental trees, bushes and selected vegetables;
    • Fenpropathrin – cannot be used around garden trees, bushes, edible crops, and is not recommended to be used for treating exteriors, but can be applied in other areas.

    Most of the insecticides, excepting Pyrethrin, cannot be used for killing stink bugs in house because of their toxic nature. Moreover, dead bugs can attract other pests. It is better to use pesticides outside the building creating a chemical barrier for all insects.

    Also, you can make a DIY solution from natural plant-based ingredients like garlic, neem oil, or essential oil. Just mix one of these components with water and apply this mixture around the required areas. This approach will fit people who do not want to use chemical solutions due to environmental issues.

    Choosing the Best Stink Bug Spray

    Choosing the Best Stink Bug Spray

    If you decide to use spray against stink bugs, you have to know their types. As I said, some products have synthetic chemicals as active components, but there are also organic sprays with natural ingredients.

    Chemical solutions. Such pesticides like Bifenthrin, Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin, and other mentioned ingredients of the bug sprays are very common in professional insect control for treating commercial crops. They have a wide spectrum and can work against numerous pests.

    Such treatment is safe only if you take some precautions. These chemicals can be toxic to some animals and fish. Also, they can provoke an allergy and cannot be sprayed around pregnant women or children. The treated area is considered safe for kids and pets only when the pesticide has dried on.

    Organic solutions. If you want to find the best stink bug killer, without toxic properties or a harmful effect on the environment, you can look for plant-based sprays. Even without harsh chemicals, you can treat your yard and house and get rid of bugs.

    Organic sprays have proven their effectiveness against a wide range of pests. Their active components are essential oils or natural ingredients like citronella, neem, cedar, peppermint, rosemary, or garlic. They break down faster and are safe for kids and pests.


    Applying Stink Bug Control

    In case you face an outdoor pest invasion, you should protect the perimeter of the house and not let them in as it is more problematic to manage stink bugs in homes. You have to be on guard during the spring-summer season when bugs search for food and during autumn when they hide for winter.

    The house perimeter has to be protected with stink bug spray or another form of pesticide. As you see from this article, there is a wide selection of solutions, even the professional ones, that can be applied for domestic use. Spray the insecticide every 30 days during the warm seasons. Pay special attention to doors, windows, and other areas that can lead inside. When using chemicals, make sure your kids and animals are away until the treatment is dry.

    Protecting your yard and garden, choose products that are allowed to use near ornamental trees and bushes and edible plants.

    In case you noticed bugs inside your house, use natural sprays or ones that are allowed for indoor use. In this case, you have to check your house regularly for dead bugs, as their smell can “invite” other insects. Also, throw away the ripe fruit or vegetables. Vacuum the house every day until you are sure there are no bugs left, and the infestation is terminated.

    stink bug


    Does Neem Oil Work to Kill Stink Bugs?

    Neem oil, like other repellent oils, has a strong smell that forces back stink bugs. But it also interferes with their life cycle and works as a natural stink bug control. It prevents the maturing of the insects as well as changes their feeding habits. Some ingredients of this solution block the pests’ airways and cut their air supply.

    What Attracts Stink Bugs?

    Stink bugs eat fruit vegetables, and they are often attracted by the ripe ones. They also can eat garden trees, bushes, and herbs. While these bugs are mostly active in day hours, at night, they can be attracted by the lights. However, this feature is used to trap them, as well.

    What Chemical Kills Stink Bugs?

    Synthetic chemicals used in sprays for killing stink bugs are ß-cyfluthrin, Deltamethrin, Bifenthrin, A-cyhalothrin, Cyfluthrin, Dinotefuran, Fenpropathrin, and Pyrethrin. They are toxic and can be used only when following the instructions. Among plant-based and organic chemicals are citronella, garlic, neem oil, peppermint, cedar, rosemary, and others. They are safe for nature, humans, and pets.

    When to Apply Stink Bugs Spray?

    If you noticed just a few bugs in your yard, there is no need for harsh insect control. It is enough to cut out and throw away the spoiled fruit or other parts of plants. But if the scale of the infestation is large, you have to combine chemical and mechanical methods to protect your crops. The activity of bugs increases in spring and autumn.

    Protect Your House and Garden

    I hope that my recommendations will help you in finding suitable bug treatment. Use the given information to keep bugs away from your home and yard from these pests. However, there are also other methods for insect treatment besides spray for stink bugs. What approaches do you use to keep them away? Share them in comments!


    • Neem Oil (National Pesticide Information Center, Oregon State University Extension Services):
    • Managing brown marmorated stink bugs in homes (Michigan State University Extension):
    • Pesticide Control for the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station):
    • Azadirachtin (National Center for Biotechnology Information):
  • Best Stink Bug Traps in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Best Stink Bug Traps in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Even the smallest representative of the arthropods causes disgust and a desire to get rid of it. There are a lot of different insects who can colonize our houses. Some of them are more dangerous, like cockroaches or sugar ants, and some are just looking disgusting. But these ‘guests’ can revenge for their death with a gas attack. Stink bugs or Pentatomidae usually look small and harmless, but their specific smell is actually their most dangerous weapon.

    In the late 1990s, stink bugs were accidentally brought from Asia to the USA. By now, their population has grown into alarming numbers, so their appearance in residential buildings is quite an expectable thing.

    Despite the fact that stink bugs are an outdoor bug type, they often colonize human residences. They’re more likely to appear in apartments, flats, and private houses. Why is this happening? Stink bugs become more active in spring while it’s their breeding season. Usually, they just fly into open windows of private residences spontaneously.

    So, you are probably curious how do I know about these bugs so much? For those who ran into my blog for the first time, I’d like to introduce myself. I am Nicholas Martin, a long-time pest agency consultant. You can find more info about me in the sidebar of the site. In this article, we’ll review the most effective stink bug traps and other ways to get rid of these minor troublemakers.

    What Are Stink Bug Trap Types

    There are several ways to get rid of these minor pests if you have a stink bug infestation in your residence or backyard. Since we already know that pesticides are not the best choice to make, let’s consider stink bug traps and stink bug trap baits.

    One thing you need to know is that stink bug isn’t native to most American states. In fact, there are probably no targeted stink bug traps, so we will take a look at the most effective insect traps.

    These traps can be classified in the following categories:

    Basic glue traps

    These kinds of traps can be ineffective when you fight with domestic pests, but for stink bugs, they can become the best solution.

    • How they work: These traps are basically equipped with special sticky tapes and contain active poison ingredients. Once the bug got to the trap, it will die within seconds.

    Insect bait traps

    Bait traps are the most popular insect treatments today. People usually use them to get rid of cockroaches or other gross insects. They also work well for stink bugs.

    • How they work: The components of the bait produce a distinctive smell that attracts the insects to try it. After stink bugs feed on the toxic yum, they become walking time-bombs. One individual can infect up to 3 other bugs, so you will get a mass killing effect soon. There are also vacuum and electricity-based insect traps.

    Aerosol pest traps

    Spray or aerosol traps aren’t the regular traps you used to apply. These are simple containers that include poisonous liquid.

    • How they work: These traps work best in cracks and crevices or other hard to reach places of your house. Some of them are also useful if you’re dealing with bed bugs infestations.

    Aerosols and sprays are the best choices for those who fight with outdoor stink bug invasion. They can be applied to plants and crops. Many of them contain plant-friendly ingredients.

    To choose the most suitable treatment for stink bugs, use this small buyer’s guide that includes 15 best stink bug traps.

    Top Picks Against Stink Bugs

    1. RESCUE! Non-Toxic Disposable Fly Trap


    • Color: Green
    • Material: Plastic
    • Item Weight: 1.63 pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 39.2 x 38.6 x 56.4 inches
    • Target Species: Fly

    Outdoor Disposable Hanging Fly Trap - 8 Traps

    I’ve been working with RESCUE! products for a very long time and I can’t remember any case where these traps weren’t effective. RESCUE! is a great American company that produces various kinds of traps and baits for probably all types of pests.

    Get a powerful poison-free insect trap that will provide an immediate effect once you install it. You can use the trap as a prophylactic method in spring to prevent the stink bug invasion or as a strong treatment. If you only surmise that the stink bugs have colonized your house or backyard, take a look at the RESCUE product. I recommend placing 2 packs inside or outside the house every week to get rid of the insects soon.

    • How to use: This is actually a fly trap, but it also works well as a stink bug trap. The trap turns into a powerful attractant when you add water. Its design makes the insects get trapped as soon as they enter the pack. It can be applied both indoors and outdoors.
    • non-toxic treatment;
    • easy to use;
    • works fast;
    • safe for kids/pets.
    • no long-lasting effect.

    2. Original Indoor Insect Trap: Bug, Fruit Fly, Gnat, Mosquito Killer by Katchy


    • Style: Automatic
    • Material: Plastic
    • Item Weight: 1.39 pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 5 x 5.5 x 9.1 inches
    • Target Species: Fly, Mosquito, Gnat

    Katchy Indoor Insect Trap - Catcher & Killer for Mosquito, Gnat, Moth, Fruit Flies

    UV light traps are one of the most effective stink bug traps. These are completely non-toxic, strong light-based traps that don’t bother you with unpleasant smell or nasty look of dead insects. Original Indoor Insect Trap by Katchy looks like a solid smart-device for your house, so you won’t be ashamed to invite friends for dinner.

    Remember that the choice of traps depends on the amount of bug invasion you’re dealing with. If the situation is critical, it is better to try a more effective, poisonous repellent. Anyway, Katchy Insect Trap is a rather useful and safe tool that will also surprise you with its quite affordable price.

    • How to use: The Katchy Original Indoor Insect Trap is an electric insect trap. It produces UV light which attracts stink bugs and other pests. Once the insect gets close to the device, a fan activates to absorb the pest. It also includes a glue stick board which prevents the bugs from getting away. Use one device for each room of the house.
    • works both indoors and outdoors;
    • one device covers an area of about 350 sq meters;
    • can be charged using a wall outlet or a USB port;
    • easy to clean.
    • works better in a closed space.

    3. Catchmaster 904 Bug & Fly Clear Window Fly Traps


    • Disposable, Non-Toxic and Chemical-Free
    • Material: Paper
    • Item Weight: 0.01 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 8 x 0.01 x 8.2 inches
    • Target Species: Fly, Bug

    Catchmaster Bug & Fly Clear Window Fly Traps

    Among all of the prophylaxis treatments, this one is probably the best outdoor stink bug trap. It’s easy to install and easy to remove. You can also see the result because of the transparent sticky strip. By the way, the Catchmaster trap is rather economical. A pack includes 12 strips and costs about $7.

    Try the Catchmaster trap if you’re fighting an outdoor bug invasion. Moreover, the Catchmaster is a multi-purpose trap that works for most spread pest types. With the help of this trap, you will easily remove stink bugs in the shortest time and also spot other insects trying to get into your house.

    • How to use: Catchmaster 904 is a classic glue trap. Stick these traps on the outdoor sides of your windows and replace them when they’re full of insects. Catchmaster is easy in usage and quite an effective treatment. Use 1-2 strips on every window of the house. Apply carefully, try to avoid contact with the sticky surface of the trap.
    • non-toxic trap;
    • safe for people, animals, and the environment;
    • affordable price;
    • weatherproof.
    • seems like it’s one of the best stink bugs glue traps.

    4. Trapper Monitor/Insect Trap TM2600


    • Material: Cardboard
    • Number of Pieces: 90
    • Item Weight: 0.48 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 9.15 x 8.4 x 0.6 inches
    • Target Species: Bed Bug, Spider, Cockroach

    Trapper Insect Trap

    Trapper Monitor is a professional tool that works both as a trap for stink bugs and as a detecting device. A pack consists of 30 paper boards (90 traps). You can monitor and determine the amount of pest infestation by tracking the location and data on the special space on the side of each trap.

    I recommend placing 1 trap near any crack, crevice or any other suspicious hole in your residential building. You can also combine two products for a better effect. For example, I often suggest using a basic sticky trap with a non-poisonous attractant. Stink bugs will be affected by the bait and caught on the glue surface. Remember that in the stink bugs battle any food lure wouldn’t be helpful.

    • How to use: The Trapper Monitor (also known as Insect Trap TM2600) is a basic glue trap that captures and monitors different kinds of insects. It is used by professional pest control agencies quite often. It also helps to define the location, species, and the level of insect infestations. The traps have a sticky backing which allows them to be placed probably on any surface.
    • helps to define and track the pest infestation level;
    • extremely effective for indoor usage;
    • used by pest control agencies;
    • non-poisonous formula.
    • Has no long-lasting effect.

    5. BUGGSLAYER Insecticide Concentrate


    • Item Form: Liquid
    • Item Volume: 16 Fluid Ounces
    • Item Weight: 9 ounces
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 1.8 x 3.8 x 7.4 inches
    • Target Species: lder Bugs, Stink Bugs, Asian Lady Beetles, Ants, Spiders and many other common insect pests

    A powerful outdoor treatment. Includes a special formula that doesn’t wash away or dry. Apply Buggslayer around your house for a week and don’t let stink bugs enter your residence. Use it as a preventing method at the beginning of spring, it’s the season when stink bugs are the most active. Buggslayer is really economical. Some drops are enough to work for several weeks and up to a week.

    If you decide to use the Buggslayer product inside your house, don’t hesitate to put it on fabrics. For example, on the bed cover to get rid of bed stink bugs. The stainless formula works invisibly yet quite effective.

    Be attentive when using it outdoors. The active ingredient is quite poisonous and can be harmful to plants and flowers. Don’t apply in the backyard or on your lawn.

    • How to use: This insecticide is a long-lasting, multipurpose insect killer and works best when applied outdoors. BUGGSLAYER is a contact killer stink bug trap that includes poisonous ingredients, so be careful when using it near greenery.
    • creates a protective barrier for your residential;
    • a rather effective prophylactic method;
    • water-based and non-staining formula;
    • weather resistant and doesn’t wash away for several weeks.
    • can’t be applied to plants and flowers.

    6. Victor M380 Fly Magnet Reusable Trap With Bait


    • Number of Pieces: 3
    • Formulation: Powder
    • Item Weight: 9.6 ounces
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 11.73 x 9.25 x 4.13 inches
    • Target Species: Fly

    Victor M380 Fly Magnet 1-Quart Reusable Trap With Bait

    Victor M380 Trap has several advantages compared to similar products. First, it’s a non-poisonous trap that acts as an immediate stink bug killer, and second, the bottle is reusable. So you pay $9 for a great stink bug trap that will serve you for a long time. Victor stink bug trap is a great choice for apartments and backyard invasions. Everything about the Victor Fly Magnet is designed to bait more stink bugs. Above all else is the goad, which adequately plays on flies’ inclinations to draw them into the snare. Victor Fly Magnet trap lure has a long-time effect that provides you with a total stink bug control.

    • How to use: It’s a specially-formulated fly bait, but also works with various insects including stink bugs. Victor M380 Fly Magnet Reusable Trap is a non-toxic effective stink bug treatment and acts the best when placed outside. This trap is also an excellent stink bug invasion preventing method. Place several traps outside your house or a balcony and monitor the presence of stinkers easily.
    • safe for children and pets;
    • a re-usable treatment. Once a trap is filled with bugs, re-bait it, add water and it is ready for use again.
    • long-lasting bait effect.
    • works only for open space areas.

    7. Flowtron BK-80D 80-Watt Electronic Insect Killer


    • Coverage Area: of up to 1-1/2 acres
    • Color: Black
    • Material: Metal
    • Item Weight: 8 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 11 x 11 x 18.5 inches

    Flowtron BK-80D 80-Watt Electronic Insect Killer

    Have you ever thought that a stink bug trap can become a beautiful decoration for your garden or a backyard? Flowtron device is a 2-in-1 mechanism that looks like a lantern but actually is an essential light stink bugs trap.

    Free your open-air living zones of flying creepy crawly bugs. The bug doesn’t get affected by pesticides, instead, it just falls to the ground to be normally reabsorbed into the biological system.
    The Flowtron 80-watt electronic bug killer is exactly what you need to provide comfort outdoors. The unit connects to a standard electrical attachment and works for just pennies daily. It uses a high-force dark light and is intended to cover up a zone of up to 1-1/2 acres of land.

    • How to use: A light attractant can become a nice decorative hanging lamp to your garden or terrace. Flowtron is an electronic device that looks like an outdoor lamp but actually is a powerful stink bug trap. It attracts different kinds of flying insects and kills them as soon as they get close to the light.
    • covers large areas;
    • looks nice as a garden decoration;
    • weatherproof;
    • efficient tool.
    • a rather expensive treatment;
    • requires electricity.

    8. Spectracide Bag-A-Bug Japanese Beetle Trap


    • Contains: 1 lure, 1 set of interlocking vanes, 2 bags and a hang tie
    • Coverage Area: 5,000 square foot area
    • Item Weight: 0.13 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 1.31 x 6.31 x 5.75 inches
    • Target Species: Beetle

    Spectracide HG-56901 Bag-A-Bug Japanese Beetle Trap2

    Spectracide Trap’s working principle may sound unusual to you. Basically, it’s a pheromone trap for stink bugs and especially for Japanese beetles. It works as an active attractant bait that can help you to get rid of pests quickly. Spectracide Japanese Beetle Trap helps to protect your greenery from destroying. The treatment is also quite cheap, so don’t hesitate to give it a try.

    Each bag can keep up to 4000 bugs. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Despite the fact that bag-a-bug traps aren’t popular among users, Spectracide trap is one of the most rated bug traps. Both online and offline clients of mine couldn’t believe that these traps work until they tried it. So, go on and get rid of stink bugs quickly.

    • How to use: Japanese beetle traps produce both a special sex pheromone and a sweet scent that attract adult beetles and bugs. They fly into the trap and crawl or fall into the paper bag. Use the trap outdoors. Stick several traps on the walls, especially near trees or other greenery near the house.
    • traps stink bugs over a 5,000 sq ft area;
    • works the entire bug season;
    • dual bait system.
    • effective only for outdoor areas.

    9. BugZooka WB100 Bug Catcher


    • Assembled 1 Product Weight: 3 lb
    • Color: Black
    • Material: Plastic, Metal
    • Item Weight: 6.39 pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 17.8 x 15.5 x 5.5 inches

    BugZooka WB100 Bug Catcher Vacuum (Fоur Расk)

    This appliance will help you to kill stink bugs both in your backyard and inside your apartment quickly and easily. BugZooka is one of the perfect ways to trap stink bugs easily without using chemicals or other insecticides. This device also requires no electricity or battery power.

    Simply swamp the beetles inside the bug catcher. Remember, you can’t kill a stink bug cause it will produce an unpleasant smell, that is quite hard to clean up. That’s also the first reason to give BugZooka a try. The second is that this powerful and simple tool costs only $22.

    • How to use: BugZooka WB100 Bug Catcher is a lightweight, 38-inch long and easy to use the device. It’s a small stink bug vacuum cleaner that helps you to get rid of minor pests in several minutes. After you’re done with cleaning, the bugs can be removed from the tube.
    • kids and pets friendly;
    • can be used to remove different kinds of bugs;
    • ideal for apartment, cottage, boat, patio, and gardens.
    • can’t be applied to numerous stink bug infestations;
    • works well only with minor pests.

    10. BRISON Ultrasonic Pest Repeller Portable Plug-in


    • Is Electric: Yes
    • Number of Pieces: 2
    • Item Weight: 4.8 ounces
    • Package Dimensions LxWxH: 6.7 x 2.7 x 2.1 inches
    • Target Species: Cockroach, Mouse, Rat, Mosquito, Lizard, Cat, Spider

    Another indoor stink bug-killing option that works with electricity. Unlike most of its analogs, Brison Ultrasonic produces electromagnetic vibes that drive out different big and minor pests including stink bugs. Set several devices around your house considering that one device is efficient only for one room.

    This stink bug repeller is a safe device for your family and pets. The electromagnetic vibes make bugs simply go away from your house, so you won’t even find any insect dead body. Use to get rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies, stink bugs or other pests. If something goes wrong, you can always contact the seller for warranty options.

    • How to use: This exclusive ultrasonic pest repellent will quickly get rid of various pests including mosquitoes, bed bugs and stink bugs. One of the major features that differs this ultrasonic pest repeller from others is its large capacity. It is also extremely easy in usage: you only need to plug it into the wall socket and press the button to activate the repeller.
    •  1100 sq. ft. coverage capacity;
    • flame retardant and ultrasound control;
    • biocare stink bug trap.
    • flashes blue light that might be distracting at night.

    11. Wondercide Natural Indoor Pest Control Home and Patio Spray


    • Scent: Lemongrass
    • Item Form: Spray
    • Item Volume: 32 Fluid Ounces
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 13.07 x 4.8 x 4.65 inches
    • Target Species: 2.31 Pounds

    Wondercide Natural Products - Indoor Pest Control Spray for Home and Kitchen

    Looking for a natural stink bug trap? Take a look at the Wondercide Spray. It’s a rather cheap organic stink bug treatment that provides maximum efficiency of natural ingredients. Kills stink bugs, spiders, cockroaches, fruit flies, silverfish, mosquitoes, wasps and even scorpions.

    Wondercide Pest Control Spray is one of the most effective natural treatments I’ve ever tried. I use this thing in my apartment too, cause I don’t like messing with poisons and pesticides. I usually apply the product on the backside of the sofa, armchairs and my bed. After using it for 2 years, I’ve had swept away many insect corpses out of my house. Due to the natural formula of Wondercide spray, it doesn’t leave stains or spots. It is also a completely safe, organic product that has a nice smell.

    • How to use: Spray around the perimeter of your residence. Process surfaces around doors, apply on the carpet, furniture, sofas, and beds. Spray patio area or balcony. This spray uses organic oils of cedar and peppermint. For the best effect, I also recommend using it only after room aeration.
    • human and animal safe;
    • works fast with natural ingredients;
    • can be applied to fabrics.
    • has a rather severe smell;
    • unsafe for allergic people.

    12. Bonide Captain Jack’s Dead Bug Brew (Aerosol)


    • Active Ingredient: Spinosad 0.5%
    • Item Form: Liquid
    • Item Weight: 1.21 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 6.75 x 4.65 x 2.25 inches
    • Target Species: Codling Moth, Leafminers, Leafrollers, Oriental fruit moth, Tufted apple budmoth, Asparagus beetles, Armyworms, Fireworms, Fruitfly, Fruitworms, Loopers, Thrips, Katydids, Caterpillar Worms, Cabbage Looper, Diamondback moth, Imported cabbage worm, Colorado potato beetle, Berry moth worms, Borers, Fruit flies, Earworm, Husk Fly, Navel orangeworms, Peach twig borer, Shuckworms, Webworms, Corn borers, Sod webworm, Cat fleas suppression, Emerald ash borer, Gall midges, Leaf feeding beetles, Sawfly larvae, Spider Mites, Gypsy moth, Tent Caterpillars, Bagworms, Fire ants


    Bonide stink bug trap is a multipurpose insecticide. It includes natural bacteria called Spinosad that is a biocare pesticide. Bonide trap is a high-rated product that works both indoors and outdoors.

    Like the previous one, Bonide trap also uses a natural ingredient for killing pests. What’s so good about natural products? They’re completely safe and have numerous advantages including that they can be applied for plants. And as long as we know that stink bugs are most intended to destroy them, this makes organic sprays and repellents the great choice for exterminating the bugs. Also, a pack of concentrate will cost you only $29. One pack can be used for several years.

    • How to use: Bug Brew has several strong advantages. First, it works great on a big amount of different pests including stink bugs, bagworms, borers, beetles, caterpillars, spiders and so on. Second, it is plant-safe and can be applied to domestic plants as well as garden greenery.
    • controls a wide range of insects;
    • plants/animals and kids safe;
    • suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
    • no international shipping.

    13. Harris Asian Lady Beetle & Box Elder Killer, Liquid Spray with Odorless and Non-Staining Extended Residual Kill Formula (Gallon)


    • Material: Plastic
    • Number of Pieces: 1
    • Item Weight:1.8 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 8 x 4 x 13 inches
    • Power by 120V outlet

    Harris Spray is a unique effective stink bug trap. It has an original formula that works even when it dries. Apply the liquid spray once a week and get the best results soon.

    Harris Liquid Spray is approved and registered by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). This one is really great and super efficient for indoor use. The active ingredient of the treatment is Deltamethrin, but it really consists of water for 99%. Harris stink bug trap is a rather powerful tool for exterminating stink bugs, lady beetles and other minor pests. It provides a non-staining formula, which makes the treatment available to use on fabrics, and it’s also economical. Once you’ve processed the area of invasion, you can see the spray work for several weeks.

    • How to use: The Harris product is also effective for most spread pest types and a rather strong stink bugs treatment. The product is often used by professional pest agencies.
    • rather economical;
    • odorless formula allows to apply the spray on fabrics;
    • low price.
    • recommended mostly for home use;
    • not eligible for international shipping.

    14. TERRO T3500 Stink Bug Spray

    No products found.

    TERRO company always provides the best treatments for all kinds of pests. As long as I’m working with pest control agencies, most of them confess that they use TERRO products for residential and outdoor exterminations of ants, cockroaches, and other insects. TERRO Stink Bug Spray isn’t an exception as well.

    As most TERRO products, this spray is designed for multipurpose usage, but it’s also the only targeted stink bug spray I know. The completely odorless formula of the TERRO spray works invisibly yet quite effective. Use as the coarse spray or apply directly to holes and crevices to get rid of stink bugs quickly.

    • How to use: This stink bug spray works in two ways: you can apply it as a wide spray or directly into crevices, cracks and holes. Terro T3500 Spray does not stain and doesn’t have a specific smell. It works immediately and kills up to 50 individuals at a time. Its effect lasts for about a month so you will not have to apply it too often.
    • effective immediate killing spray;
    • target stink bug treatment;
    • one can of aerosol can be used for a whole year;
    • can be also applied to Asian lady beetles, boxelder bugs and many other insects.
    • poisonous active ingredient;
    • can’t be applied onto plants.

    15. Trapper Max Glue Traps


    • Material: Paper
    • Number of Pieces: 72
    • Item Weight: 3.8 pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 8 x 2 x 5 inches
    • Target Species: Mouse

    Trapper Max Mouse & Insect Glue Boards-72 Boards FBA TRTAV2012 Clear Box

    Trapper Max works like Trap Monitor but costs a bit cheaper. Put traps near the crevices and suspicious holes to catch a maximum of stink bugs before they infest the whole house.

    Trapper Max Glue Trap is a basic sticky-based trap like the ones we usually use. It’s a long-time tested and effective tool for all kinds of pests. Yet, in fact, peanut butter scented boards will work best for ants or cockroaches (or other yum-addicted pests), as long as stink bugs are attracted mostly by plants or special human scents (if you’re dealing with bed stink bugs). That’s why I recommend using this type of insect traps with more efficient repellents that are targeted especially to exterminate stinkers.

    • How to use: The non-poisonous Trapper Max glue traps are used for mice and big insects. The trap contains a large, glue-covered surface that produces a special sweet scent to attract pests. Put one trap near any crack or crevice and don’t forget to change as soon as the trap gets full of dead bodies.

    If you don’t like messing with poisonous traps and baits, you can always call a professional pests exterminator or consider making a DIY stink bug trap.

    DIY traps are perfect for people who don’t like using any kind of poison in their homes. I often recommend using homemade traps for different rodent kinds.

    Usually, safety is the main advantage of such devices. Other important pros are affordability and cost savings. All ingredients for homemade traps are mostly available in your local shops.

    • great non-toxic way of catching insects and other pests;
    • easy-to-remove release paper;
    • available at quite an affordable price.
    • dangerous for kids because of dead insects content.

    How to Make Homemade Stink Bug Traps (a step-by-step DIY guide)

    Sometimes the DIY stink bug traps aren’t worse than professional products. Moreover, if you’re not dealing with a huge stink bug infestation, you can easily get rid of several pests with a homemade stink bug trap.

    Thanks to the Internet, you can make any insect trap including an electronic one. Also, working with pest exterminators and pest control agencies I’ve learned a little about how to make a stink bug trap by your own and created my own recipe. I hope you’ll like it.

    In fact, making stink bug traps following a DIY-guide is quite easy process. Just make sure you have all the needed ingredients and make a trap by yourself.

    • Step 1: Find yourself an empty plastic bottle and get a craft knife. Cut the top of the bottle and proceed to the next step. Don’t forget to keep the part you cut off, you’ll need it soon.
    • Step 2: Grab some sandpaper or double-sided tape. If you take the tape, make sure you only peal the one side off it and stick that side directly onto the bottle.
    • Step 3: Find a battery-powered light source and put it at the bottom of the bottle. When I prepared this trap for the first time, I used a small flashlight which I found in the nearest shop. These flashlights are usually pretty cheap, so you can get several and create more traps if needed.
    • Step 4: Now, take the piece of the bottle that you cut off earlier. Invert it and stick or glue it onto the bottle. Make sure that there are no gaps between the edges, so insects couldn’t escape. The only entrance should be through the hole in the middle of the bottle. You can also grease the inside of the bottle with soap or wax to make sure the stink bugs will stay inside the trap.
    • Step 5: Put the diy stink bug traps in required rooms at night. Don’t forget to turn off all the lights. Like any other bugs, stink bugs also come out at night, so they’ll be attracted by the light source from the trap. Check the trap in the morning and empty it to use it again.

    Warning! Lights usually attract different types of insects, so get ready to find an unpleasant surprise among the collected stink bugs. People usually find spiders or cockroaches inside such traps. Well, the positive thing is that you’ll learn which insects you should get rid of too.

    Are Stink Bugs Dangerous?

    Are Stink Bugs Dangerous?

    Let’s learn a little more about your enemies. In the scientific world, these bugs are called Pentatomidae or Heteroptera and belong to Hemiptera order. A brown marmorated stink bug has a size of 12-17 millimeters.

    It was first noticed in 1998 in Pennsylvania. According to different data, today the stink bug has spread to more than 40 US states. These species have organs that secern stinky liquid or gas. This secretion is mostly dangerous for other insects and plants. The redolent secret also works as a pheromone to attract the partner or to scare the enemies. In the cold season, the stink buries itself in the fallen leaves and falls into hibernation.

    Since the essence of various plants serves as the main food for stinkers, they are dangerous for agriculture and gardening. There are numerous claims of farmers taking out whole buckets of bugs from the fields in Wisconsin and Texas states.

    The specific mechanism of the beetle’s mouth apparatus allows it to pierce the leaves and suck the juice out of them. Once the bug feeds on their liquid, the plant stops to grow, loses its ability to maturate and reproduce, and dies eventually. By acting in this way, a small bug can destroy entire fields or private gardens, causing considerable damage to farmers, agricultural enterprises and nature lovers.

    In summer, when the leaves of the plants are juicy green, the bugs get their camouflage on and acquire the same green color. When autumn comes, the color of the leaves changes, and therefore the color of the stink bugs also changes. At this time of year, black, brown and even yellow spots appear on the green body of the insect. These bugs are all the same, but they can be divided into 3 groups based on their food preferences:

    1. There are stink bugs that feed on grass, leaves, juice of berries and flowers. These stinkers normally live outside human residences.
    2. Stink bugs can also feed on caterpillars and even suck out the liquid from small animals. Such species are usually referred to as predators (I’d rather call them vampires). They usually have a bright-colored cover on their backs.
      If the main food sources are absent, these insects do not disdain the remains of other insects. Yes, they are stink-bugs-cannibals.
    3. The last but not least. There are stink bugs that feed on human blood and live in human dwellings. People usually call them bed bugs.

    There are various pesticides available on the market to fight the stinker beetle, but the insects quickly become adapted to them, so that this type of cure loses its effectiveness. This circumstance usually drives people to look for new and more useful stink bugs treatments. So, that’s why you’re here, searching for the best way to fight these bugs.

    Overall Summary

    Despite the fact that there is probably no direct stink bug traps, most of the insect traps are powerful and helpful treatments when you deal with a stink bug invasion. The market is huge, thanks to manufacturers, so you will definitely find a needed trap to get rid of the minor pests in the shortest period of time.

    Another thing is that searching for a quality product is a quite long process. That’s why I wrote this article and I hope that with my guides and reviews, you will quickly discover which traps will work best for you. So, if you are dealing with indoor or outdoor stink bug isectication, head to the buyer guide above and get the effective weapon to end this stink bug war quickly.

    Many people ask me: “Do indoor stink bug traps work?” Yes, they definitely do. In fact, it is even easier to catch stinkers inside the house. Because it’s a closed space, so bugs can’t escape. Outdoor stink bugs treatments are also effective if you won’t misuse them.

    No matter which product you choose, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions attentively and make sure you get the best result in the shortest possible time.

    This stink bugs trap review is aimed to guide you through different trap types and help you to choose the most suitable one. Let me know if you already tried any of them or feel free to ask questions in the comments section below. I’ll try to give you the answer as soon as possible!


    • Stink Bugs (National Pesticide Information Center):
    • Stink Bugs – Vegetables (University of Maryland Extension):
    • Getting rid of stinkbugs (University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension):