Category: Birds

  • How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers: Most Effective Control Methods

    How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers: Most Effective Control Methods

    Woodpeckers are one of the wood trees saviors, cleaning the tree trunks from insects, but this bird can be a real disaster for homeowners. Once a woodpecker settles in a wooden rooftop, attics, fence, or a pole, homeowners will struggle from extreme noise and potholes that are quite hard to fix.

    There are various ways of effective woodpecker removal that are useful and humane, as killing species is not only banned but also is inhumane. Thus, let’s study these birds, their habitat, signs of their infestation, and how to get rid of woodpeckers invading your garden and housing.

    How to Identify Woodpecker Infestation

    To effectively deter woodpeckers from house and yard, let’s observe the most common species, their habits, feeding, and nesting preferences. Thus, it is possible to effectively identify an infestation, their nests, feeding sources, and effectively solve the woodpecker problem.

    Common species

    As a bright representative of the Picidae family, woodpeckers are found in all parts of the world. The only exception is Australia, New Zealand, Madagascar, New Guinea, and polar territories. There are about 17 woodpecker species in North America, with over 200 species spread globally. Let’s study the most common species.

    Downy woodpecker

    The downy woodpecker is one of the smallest Northern American species. It reaches only 6-7 inches height and has white and black feathers with a long white vertical stripe in the middle of their back. Males can be recognized by a red nape patch. They prefer to live in parks, orchards, or open woodlands, feeding on seeds, berries, and small insects that cannot be reached by their bigger relatives.

    downy woodpecker eating and sitting on a fence

    Red-headed woodpecker

    The red-headed woodpecker population has seriously decreased over the last decades. Adult representatives of this species have a crimson head, wide white wings and belly, and black back. Growing about 7-9 inches, they live in woodlands, near pine plantations, swamps, and river bottoms. They feed on wood-boring insects and nuts, collected in the autumn.

    red-headed woodpecker sitting on a tree

    Hairy woodpecker

    Hairy woodpeckers look similar to Downy woodpeckers, but are slightly bigger – they grow about 8-10 inches and have a longer bill. These birds live in orchards, parks, and mature forests, eating berries, buts, and wood-boring insects.

    hairy woodpecker sitting on a tree

    Yellow-bellied woodpecker

    Yellow-bellied woodpecker or sapsucker is widespread in Eastern forests and is the only migratory woodpecker species in North America. These birds have a black and white body with a white patch on their wings, with red crown and throat for males and white throat for females.

    They prefer to eat sap, as well as berries and insects. There are also red-naped, red-breasted, and Williamson’s sapsuckers spread all over the US.

    yellow-bellied woodpecker making holes in a tree

    What attracts woodpecker to your home

    To find out the most effective ways of repelling woodpeckers, it is essential to understand why do woodpeckers like to hammer on houses at first sight. There are several main reasons why woodpeckers hammer on houses:

    • Nesting

    A lot of woodpeckers start to build their nests in the house sidings, poles, or rooftops at the start of the breeding season: from late April till the end of May. They will create one big round hole. Thus, in case you want to eliminate woodpeckers from your house, do it prior to or after this season.

    • Attracting partners

    Hammering on houses creates a loud noise, satisfying these birds and even helping them to attract their future mates. In case a woodpecker started hammering your house, poles, or trees in the garden in late winter-early spring, they are most likely to stop as soon as the weather gets warmer. Woodpeckers don’t drum during the food searching season.

    • Feeding

    The most usual reason for these birds to attack your territory is looking for food: woodpeckers feed on insects that might leave in your siding, leaving small irregular holes. In this case, you have to get rid of the insects that woodpeckers are coming for.

    • Cache food

    Woodpeckers are collecting nuts and acorns during the summer-autumn season and store them for later feeding inside the trees, but they might also choose to keep them in your siding. In this case, you will find multiple small holes, each filled with acorns.

    woodpecker-holes in a house wall

    To quickly suspect the first signs of woodpecker infestation, it is essential to know the external characteristics of houses prone to woodpecker damage and how this can be solved for each type of house.

    Woodpecker dangers

    While not presenting direct harm to the trees, woodpecker infestation is connected with the series of potential dangers for your house and garden. The holes they make in the trees create wounds liable to diseases and insects. In extreme cases with numerous holes in the tree, the tree trunk area above the girdled bark might die.

    Seeking for edible insects, woodpeckers might also attack your home, damaging siding, decks, and insulation that creates holes in the surface. The holes have to be fixed to protect your house from winds and precipitation, which is a hard and pricey job. These holes can also create a way for more insects to invade your house or make cracks in the boards, damaging the whole construction.

    house with woodpecker holes

    Signs of woodpecker infestation

    The most evident sign of woodpecker invasion is an apparent quick tapping sound close to your house, yard, or garden. However, there are other signs that you might regard even if you don’t hear the typical woodpecker drumming.

    • Feeding holes – small deep holes, that for a straight horizontal or vertical line that can be up to 4 inches long. Woodpeckers create these holes looking for edible insects
    • Nesting holes – excavation holes might take from 3 to 5 cm in diameter, found near the rooftop close to the chimney or just in warmer and more isolated areas. Woodpeckers use warm and easy to drum house siding for nests, creating their upside-down L-shaped dens.
    • Pairing holes – these are small drumming holes, or bigger cone-shaped depressions usually found near the windows or on the corners of external cladding. Woodpeckers can also drum on metallic surfaces (chimneys, antennas, aluminum siding) to attract potential partners during the pairing season.

    woodpecker making a hole in a house

    In case you have mentioned at least one of these signs of woodpecker infestation, or suspect the invasion for other reasons, check the areas they prefer most to prevent woodpecker damage to your house and garden:

    • House siding;
    • Roof eaves;
    • Roof tiles;
    • Rain gutters;
    • Drain poles.

    How to Get Rid of Woodpeckers: Easy Extermination Guide

    Identifying the infestation of these birds is followed by the question: “How to keep woodpeckers away?” The process of woodpecker elimination is complicated as one woodpecker will attract more representatives of this species with the noise.

    To solve this problem once and forever, let’s observe what to use to keep woodpeckers away, reviewing each stage of the step by step process of woodpecker removal.

    Step 1: Examine your property for signs of insect infestation

    If you suspect woodpeckers to invade your house or garden, start with a thorough inspection of your property. First, try to find holes that were probably made by these birds on the siding, the rooftop of your house, insect gutters, and eaves.

    There, you might find the typical feeding, pairing, or nesting holes. Woodpecker nests can be found higher on the house siding or close to the chimney. In case you find the lines of small holes – woodpeckers are trying to catch insects that live inside. These holes will be found on wooden surfaces.

    woodpecker nests

    In case you have seen the signs of woodpecker infestation in your garden, start with inspecting the poles and fences that might be a perfect place for numerous drumming holes woodpeckers make to attract their partners with the loud noise.

    Another great source of food is trees in your garden or nearby, which can also be used for nesting. Try to inspect all trees’ crowns that represent a quiet and isolated place, perfect for building nests. Attentively insect the tree trunks for food storage holes filled with acorns, which is a sign of prolonged woodpecker infestation.

    Step 2: Remove or replace the food source (describe insecticides and bird feeders)

    It is important to inspect your house for insects like ants, bees, and termites. In case woodpeckers have invaded your house in search of food, getting rid of their feeding source will make your house unattractive for these birds and they will leave your territory in search of other feeding sources. Removing all insects that woodpeckers feed on is a great method of preventing their appearance in your territory.

    termites on a wooden surface

    Together with cleaning your house from insects, it is important to take care of your garden. It is a complicated issue to use pesticides for your trees, but cleaning the lawn near your house will reduce the number of pests that will invade your house and trees from the ground.

    Try to clean your garden and use insect repellents to keep your territory clean and, therefore, unattractive for other pests that look for the meal sources.

    Step 3: Repair holes in your house

    When woodpeckers start making holes in cedar siding of your housing, the loud noise might attract their partners, resulting in a more serious invasion. These holes also provide a better way for insects to invade your house that will give woodpeckers a source for feeding.

    Moreover, the bigger nesting holes will eventually transform into real woodpecker nests that can attract more and more birds each year. Thus, it is important to find and repair holes made by woodpeckers quickly.

    a lot of woodpecker holes in a building

    Holes repair has to be done immediately when the woodpeckers are gone. Depending on the holes’ size, you can use wood, caul, or special expandable foam to completely cover them in a short period of time. After fixing the hole, cover it with a professional woodpecker deterrent paint.

    You can also use simple paints made with polyurethane that
    will also prevent insects from invading your house and minimizing risks of a new woodpecker’s arrival.

    Step 4: Get rid of woodpeckers

    So how to deal with woodpeckers when you hear the constant drilling sound and find the signs of their infestation on your territory? There is a series of woodpecker deterrents you can apply to keep your property free from these birds.

    The most simple and effective method of woodpecker elimination is scaring them away with visual deterrents. The cheapest visual bird deterrents are made of Aluminum foil that keeps the birds away. These deterrents can be stationary and moving, and the moving type is more effective because it changes its position and woodpeckers do not get used to it.

    eagle-like bird deterrent

    To eliminate woodpeckers from your property, it is also possible to use sound deterrents that produce special warning sounds and scare birds.

    The most effective sound deterrent is an ultrasonic and electronic distress call system that produces woodpeckers’ distress call that is followed by the call of their predator to effectively scare the birds. Using this deterrent, you can be sure that the birds in the neighborhood will stay away from your house.

    Tactile deterrents are affecting birds physically and thus keep them away from the place of contact. This repellent type includes sticky tapes and coating sprays. These products contain special scents that scare woodpeckers away. Using tactile, visual, and sound deterrents altogether are the most effective method of quick elimination of these birds.

    In cases when woodpeckers become used to various deterrents, the most effective way to scare away woodpeckers are using bird nets around the areas you want to protect from their attacks. Bird netting prevents not only woodpeckers but all other birds from reaching the wooden areas of your property and make them look for another place to nest and feed. Properly used netting can also protect your house from similarly-sized pests attracted to this source of food.

    How to prevent woodpeckers in future

    woodpeckers in a nest

    Getting rid of woodpeckers can be complicated and may take a significant amount of time, followed by repair works, fighting with insects, testing various bird repellents, etc. It is much easier to prevent these birds from coming to your property in the future.

    First, you have to eliminate insects that are the source of their feeding and the major reason these birds get attracted to people’s houses. In case you have ants, bees, or termites, try to get rid of these pests as soon as possible as they are the most common insects to attract woodpeckers.

    One of the best woodpecker prevention techniques for the nesting season is putting a woodpecker house near the are of their drumming to provide birds with a better alternative and stop the constant pecking of your house siding.

    Preventing woodpecker damage to trees in your garden, remove large trees or branches that are close to your house to make birds feel unprotected and uncomfortable in this area. You can also provide them with better alternatives, leaving a hollow tree or stump that can be used for drumming, nesting, and making noise in the area where they won’t disturb anyone.

    Support this with putting foam or muffle over the previously attacked area so the sound will be quieter and make birds move to a better drumming location.

    Top 6 Woodpecker Treatments

    1. Bird X Standard Bird Netting: Best Bird Proof Netting


    • Durable, Weatherproof
    • Material: Mesh
    • Item Weight: 5 Pounds
    • Package Dimensions: ‎1200 x 168 x 0.1 inches
    • Target Species: All Pest Birds And Other Small Animals

    Standard BirdNet 3 4

    Bird-X is an experienced manufacturer of humane pest and bird control products. This US-based company was founded in 1964. Today it offers a wide range of pest control solutions that are 100% humane and environmentally friendly.

    Standard bird netting is the most popular Bird-X product that creates a physical barrier for woodpeckers and other birds, keeping them away. This netting is also good protection from small-sized animals that might invade your house. It is resistant to active sunlight and moisture.

    The netting is made of lightweight, pliable mesh netting that is extremely durable – you receive a 1-year warranty for any defects.

    • One-time installation product;
    • 1-year warranty;
    • Protects from various pests;
    • Humane pest control;
    • No maintenance after installation is required.
    • Complicated installation.

    2. Birds Choice 2-Cake Pileated Suet Feeder: Best Woodpecker Feeder


    • Color: Green
    • Mounting Type: Hanging Mount
    • Material: Poly Lumber
    • Item Weight: 2 pounds
    • Package Dimensions: ‎8 x 3 x 23 inches
    • Target Species: Finch

    Recycled Double Cake Pileated Suet Feeder

    Birds Choice is a part of the Backyard Nature Products brand; it is one of the most experienced US-based manufacturers of humane bird control solutions focused on the production of various birds’ care products. Their bird’s feeders and houses are used in yards, big gardens, and even in the urban environment.

    Using the 2-Cake pileated suet feeder is a great way to prevent woodpeckers damage in your property. This feeder provides woodpeckers with a better source of feeding that can as well be used for drumming. Using 2 suet cakes provides you with a longer time period between the refills, and you can also fill them with different types of meals to appeal to different birds with their preferences.

    This feeder has a long tail prop to keep the feeder well-balanced, allowing bigger birds to comfortably feed. It is easy to locate the feeder, and the hanging cable is included in the set. The feeder is made of recycled poly fiber, which is very durable and resistant to cracks, splits and fading.

    • Attracts woodpeckers and other birds;
    • Possible to use 2 types of meals;
    • Well-balanced thanks to longer tail prop.
    • Has to be refilled.

    3. Bird-X Scare-Eye Bird Repellent: Best Woodpecker Deterrent for Garden


    • Each Balloon Covers Up To 6,000 sq. ft.
    • 3 Balloons Included Per Package (1 yellow, 1 white, 1 black)
    • Item Weight: 4.96 ounces
    • Package Dimensions: ‎ 16 x 16 x 16 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

    Bird-X Scare-Eye

    Bird-X produces a wide range of various humane solutions for bird control that are environmentally friendly. As mentioned above, this brand has been providing clients with high-quality products for 50 years, and each model is tested by experts and constantly improved with new technologies.

    Eye-Scare bird repellent has a round shape, made with holographic materials in a share of predator’s eye. It is made in bright colors and can scare woodpeckers away from a significant distance – up to 6,000 square feet per balloon.

    This set of 3 balloons can be used on your house siding, the rooftop, in the garden/yard, on windows, or even on the travel van or a yacht. The eyes are made of waterproof vinyl material; they are easily inflatable and resistant to the majority of possible damages.

    • Easy to use repellent;
    • 3-pieces set;
    • Each balloon protects up to 6,000 square feet area;
    • Cost-effective repellent.
    • Has to be inflated to maintain the effect.

    4. Homescape Creations Owl Decoy Bird Repellent: Effective Protection Against Woodpecker Damage


    • Color: Silver
    • Material: Plastic, Vinyl 
    • Item Weight: 3.98 ounces
    • Package Dimensions: ‎15.9 x 7.8 x 0.7 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

    Homescape Creations produces an effective solution for birds invasion for garden lovers and homeowners since 2016. This bard is focused on manufacturing effective products that will help you save time and effort on birds’ control.

    With Owl Decoy Bird Repellent, you can effectively protect your property, using a combination of visual and sound repellent. This product produces refracting light, scaring sound, and unpredictable motion. It is easy to hang it; it is resistant to sunlight and made of eco-friendly materials.

    This vinyl repellent won’t harm birds and can even prevent the window strikes. In case you are not fully satisfied with the product, manufacturers will make a full refund.

    • Made of eco-friendly material;
    • Combines visual and sound repellent;
    • Birds don’t get used to it;
    • Prevents window strikes.
    • Lasts for several months only.

    5. Taurus SC 20 Termiticide Generic Termidor: Best Termiticide to Keep Woodpeckers Away

    No products found.

    As one of the reputable brands in pest control, Taurus constantly develops new effective products that help you stop an infestation of various insects that invade your territory. Their products are mostly used by licensed professional pest fighters, but some of them are available for well-thought private use.

    SC 20 termiticide will help you destroy the key woodpecker meal source – pests. This non-repellent insecticide is made for effective termite treatment. It also treats ants, Asian lady beetles, ants, spiders, house crickets, cluster flies, box-elder bugs, cockroaches, paper wasps, and other pests effectively.

    Destroying the key reason for woodpecker invasion, you will force them to get away from your property once and forever. This product can eliminate termite colonies in 3 months, and it takes a few weeks for it to eliminate ants colonies. This termiticide is an excellent territory treatment for outdoor use.

    • Destroys woodpecker’s feeding source;
    • Easy to apply;
    • Covers all the territory.
    • Has to be kept away from pets and children.

    6. Bird B Gone Woodpecker Deterrent Kit: Best Woodpecker Deterrent for House and Garden Use

    Bird B Gone is the leading manufacturer of pro-level bird control products, recognized by both private clients and professional pest control workers in all regions of the world. Their extensive life of various bird deterrents helps in solving bird problems for commercial, industrial, and residential settings, providing clients with the right product and effective advice on its installation.

    Woodpecker deterrent kit has visual deterrents that help you get rid of these pests in a humane way. The kit includes a Predator Eye Balloon, a roll of Flash Tape, and two brackets for easy installation. They are made with non-chemical materials that won’t harm a feather. It appeals to the bird’s sense of danger, making them avoid the dangerous area.

    If you don’t know how to stop woodpeckers attacking your house – blow up and assemble the deterrent balloon. After that attach it to the long balloon bracket, take two smaller flesh tape brackets and attach it to the balloon sides, tying the tape stripes to them. The ballon and tape will move on the wind, scaring woodpeckers away.

    • Combines two visual deterrents;
    • Keeps woodpeckers away on a significant area;
    • Easy to use and handle.
    • Requires additional screws or nails to install the brackets.

    The Most Commonly Asked Questions About Effective Woodpecker Removal

    To scare away woodpeckers from your property, it is important to study their feeding and nesting habits, where they prefer to nest, what locations they avoid, and what are their natural predators. Here are the key questions that will provide you with more information about these pests.

    woodpecker flying

    Do woodpeckers eat termites?

    Wood-boring insects are woodpeckers’ favorite food, so these birds do eat termites. Apart from termites, woodpeckers also feed on bees, ants, and grabs.

    Are woodpeckers afraid of owls?

    Owls are one of the woodpeckers’ natural predators. Thus, they are afraid of owls and try to avoid territories of their possible habitat or hunting.

    Does woodpecker feed on house mean termites?

    Although woodpeckers might get attracted to your property because of thermites that live inside the wooden siding of your house, this is not the only reason these birds get attracted to it. They might be hunting for other insects, such as ants or bees; they might also build their nest on the house or try to attract partners using the wooden siding.

    Do windchimes scare woodpeckers?

    Windchimes produce dulcet sounds that can irritate woodpeckers and other birds. Windchimes can be used to scare woodpeckers away from your property, as they fool woodpeckers into thinking a predator is around.

    What do woodpeckers hate?

    Woodpeckers hate bright light, so shiny objects can scare them away. They also try to avoid their natural predators, such as owls and eagles, so imitating predators’ shouting or setting up a pretend predator is a good way to get rid of woodpeckers.

    Choosing the Best Method to Deter Woodpeckers from House

    Keeping your house free from woodpeckers damage is not an easy task. You will have to pay extra attention to these birds, find out the reasons for their invasion, and learn more about suitable methods that will help you scare them away once and forever.

    There is a series of humane, eco-friendly, and effective ways to deter woodpeckers from house and garden. For example, visual, sound, and tactile deterrents, but my favorite method is using a special netting that can effectively protect your property from all types of birds.

    What is your perfect way to solve a woodpecker problem? Please, share your experience in the comments.


    • Why Do Woodpeckers Like To Hammer On Houses? And What Can I Do About It? (All About Birds):
    • External characteristics of houses prone to woodpecker damage(University of Nebraska):
    • Preventing Woodpecker Damage (Colorado State University):
    • Woodpeckers Making Holes in Cedar Siding (PennState Extension):
    • Preventing Woodpecker Damage to Trees(Cororado State University):
  • Best Woodpecker Deterrent in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Best Woodpecker Deterrent in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Hi, everyone – I think it’s time to get rid of woodpeckers. These pests have a large population, so most people have faced them at least once in their life. You can easily detect them. If you hear that something is trying to make a hole in your tree, it’s a woodpecker.

    On the first side, they don’t look dangerous. However, these birds make wounds inside the trees, and different insects and diseases may enter. This can kill your tree, and the insects may get to your garden or house, so I’m sure it’s better to stop woodpeckers on cedar siding if there is such an opportunity.

    Top 5 Best Woodpecker Deterrents

    1. Bird B Gone Woodpecker Deterrent Kit
    2. JT Eaton 666N 4 The Birds Bird Repellent Gel
    3. Control Solutions Permethrin SFR Termiticide/Insecticide
    4. CLEANRTH Advanced Sonic/Ultrasonic Bird Repeller
    5. Bird-X Standard Bird Netting Ideal for Gardens and Lightweight Applications

    When woodpeckers get close, you need to act fast. So, here you will find the top choice repellents on the market.

    1. Bird B Gone Woodpecker Deterrent Kit – Best Woodpecker Repellent Kit

    There are two types of repellents: those that can harm you and birds, and non-chemical ones. Bird B Gone deterrent contains no harmful ingredients. This product has two essential parts – a balloon and flash tape. Their combination works more effectively than one of these repellents solely.

    Talking about the items that don’t include pesticides, they scary woodpeckers away in different ways. Bird B Gone scared balloon has a form and colors that are not pleasant for birds. It just looks too bright, large, and dangerous. Flash tape reflects the light when a woodpecker gets too close, so it usually just flies away.

    To apply this bird deterrent, you should hang it on the branch. Luckily, the manufacturer offers easy-to-use mounting brackets. You should install one long balloon bracket to the area where woodpeckers like to appear. Then you need to blow up a balloon.

    It easily attaches to the bracket. When you install two small brackets on both sides of the balloon, and the last step is to tie flash tape streams. If the woodpecker attacks stopped, you could hide the repellent for the next time.

    • Safe for you and birds;
    • Easy-to-install;
    • A kit contains two products that work perfectly together.
    • Birds may appear again.

    2. JT Eaton the Bird Repellent Gel – Best Natural Woodpecker Repellent


    • Active Ingredient: Polybutene 93%
    • Item Volume: 10 fluid_ounces
    • Item Weight: 11.28 Ounces
    • Item Dimensions: ‎2 x 11.2 x 2 inches
    • Target Species: All Pest Birds

    JT Eaton the Bird Repellent Gel

    JT Eaton manufacturer has a mission – they want to help people get rid of pests. They believe this can make the world healthier and safer. High quality is the key to provide safety from woodpeckers successfully. JT Eaton works for more than ninety years and always tries something new to improve their products.

    If woodpeckers don’t find a place where they can nest, they won’t come again to that tree. JT Eaton gel is what can scare them away. It has an active ingredient called polybutene. Completely safe for the birds, it’s not a chemical that can harm or kill woodpeckers or be dangerous for humans.

    The product has clammy consistency and is not comfortable for birds. They can’t make a nest if there is polybutene. Those small branches that woodpeckers will bring to create a home won’t keep a shape, so in some time, the birds will fly away. Making a nest is essential for this pest – it won’t come back if it can’t settle there.

    • Stop birds from nesting;
    • You need a little of the product to provide high-level protection;
    • Doesn’t contain chemicals.
    • Expensive.

    3. Control Solutions Permethrin SFR Termiticide/Insecticide – Best Chemical Repellent to Kill Woodpeckers

    No products found.

    One of the largest chemical manufacturers is a company called Control Solutions. It has a wide range of products and offers new ones all the time. They’re popular because they contain diverse, active ingredients. This feature makes the repellent much more sufficient.

    Sometimes, there are many woodpeckers in the area, and they have already built a nest, so non-chemical repellents won’t work properly in this case. Control Solutions’ insecticide will be a satisfying choice. You can use it wherever you need to: around the home, on trees, lawns, etc. It kills all insects and pests that try to attack your garden or house.

    The repellent works fast and for a long time. After the first usage, you can be calm that woodpeckers won’t come for more than three months. You may repeat the application when this time has passed to prevent pests’ appearance. Or, you may use insecticide only when woodpeckers try to get to your garden again. Be careful and keep the repellent in a safe place from children.

    • Works fast;
    • Long-lasting;
    • Can be used to kill other pests.
    • Contains chemicals.

    4. CLEANRTH Advanced Sonic/Ultrasonic Bird Repeller – Best Ultrasonic Woodpecker Repeller


    • Material: Plastic
    • Is Electric: Yes
    • Item Weight:14.2 Ounces
    • Package Dimensions: ‎3.25 x 4 x 6.25 inches
    • Target Species: All Pest Birds

    CLEANRTH Advanced Sonic Ultrasonic Bird Repeller

    The best way for woodpecker control is to scare them when they are far away from your home and garden. Cleanrth repellent works using ultrasonic sound. It can detect warm bodies up to 82 ft away from the device – the deterrent uses three separate viewing points for the better effect.

    Manufacturers use ultrasonic sound while providing the woodpecker repellents because birds react fast on it. When a pest hears this sound, it understands that it is dangerous in this area. In most cases, woodpeckers won’t try to return to your house ever again.

    The electronic woodpecker repeller has three modes. The first one is when it’s completely off and can’t detect birds – you may turn it on when there is no danger. If you choose a detection mode, the device will emit a sound when woodpeckers are near it.

    And the last mode allows the repellent to be always on. I recommend you to use this one when many woodpeckers attack your garden or when they have already made a nest. Besides, you can place it on a tree with no worries – the device is waterproof.

    • Safe for humans and doesn’t kill birds;
    • Covers big area;
    • Has three modes;
    • Waterproof.
    • Can be noisy.

    5. Bird-X Standard Bird Netting – Best Woodpecker Netting Repeller


    • Durable, Weatherproof
    • Material: Mesh
    • Item Weight: 5 Pounds
    • Package Dimensions: ‎1200 x 168 x 0.1 inches
    • Target Species: All Pest Birds And Other Small Animals

    Standard bird mesh netting

    Bird-X produces unique products to control pests such as woodpeckers. They’re tested by the experts several times, so the ready item has a 100% guarantee it will work. All the deterrents are safe for birds and humans. Every year this company provides new solutions using the last high-grade technologies.

    The manufacturer offers a standard but effective and durable solution – netting. It works only when the material is high-quality. This net is lightweight and weatherproof, so it suits perfectly to protect your area from woodpeckers and care for trees. Also, it is UV-stabilized that prevents deterioration. The netting will save your food or garden from other pests. It works on pigeons, ducks, geese, crows, blackbirds, etc.

    Birds can’t damage the netting to get inside. Don’t worry – they won’t be stuck or get hurt because of this repellent; it would rather scare them away. But this will happen if you install the netting properly. The best way is to use mounting clips or other methods like nails, cable, and screws.

    • Protects your area in a humane way;
    • Durable and long-lasting;
    • Weatherproof;
    • Works on many birds’ types.
    • Doesn’t cover large areas.

    How to Stop Woodpeckers from Destroying Your House?

    There are several types of woodpecker deterrents. I can’t say that some methods are better than others. They just need to be applied to certain conditions. If you haven’t met woodpeckers in your garden, but want to make sure they won’t come, you should use the ultrasonic repellent. It contains no chemicals and also effectively scares other pests.

    Bird-X Standard Bird Netting Ideal

    In case the woodpeckers appear in your garden frequently, it’s better to use netting, gel deterrent, or scared balloon with flash tape. All of these methods are safe.

    However, when the woodpeckers have made a nest near your house, you may apply chemical repeller. It works fast and for long. But remember – it can harm the environment, and you should use it carefully.

    How to repel woodpeckers?

    With the best woodpecker deterrents, it takes a little effort to scare away these pests. The one thing I can advise you is to apply different repellent types at the same time. You can install the netting and set a woodpecker sound deterrent. Or, you may use a woodpecker deterrent paint together with the scared balloon.

    Of course, the products are effective separately, but together they will protect your garden for sure. I think it’s better to apply many deterrents than kill birds and harm the environment using anti woodpecker spray with chemicals.

    Woodpecker Attack Preventing: Some Tips

    Two woodpeckers on a tree

    Here you will find some tips to keep your garden free from woodpeckers in a proper way.

    Why do woodpeckers peck metal?

    The woodpeckers don’t peck metal because they think it’s a tree. These pests are not that stupid. When a male woodpecker wants to show its strength, it finds the loudest thing to peck. With time, the birds have understood that metal makes a loud sound. Male woodpecker also calls for the mate in such a way.

    What do woodpeckers hate?

    Due to the woodpecker biology, they have sensitive smelling, so they don’t like strong odors. In some woodpecker deterrent sprays, manufacturers use smells that repel woodpeckers to keep them out. Also, woodpeckers don’t like gel repellent that doesn’t allow them to make a nest. Ultrasonic sound will also scare them away. We don’t hear it, but for birds, it’s an unpleasant noise.

    Are the woodpecker deterrents safe?

    Not all woodpecker deterrents are safe. Such products as netting, ultrasonic repellents, non-chemical gels cause no damage. They don’t kill birds but just force them to fly away. Some items contain chemicals and may be dangerous not only for woodpeckers but also for you and your pets. So, I recommend using such deterrents only when you need to get rid of birds fast.

    Live Without Woodpeckers

    woodpecker with children on the tree

    Sometimes, people can’t imagine whether it is possible to live without pests or insects in their houses and gardens. I think it makes your life much easier—especially today when there are affordable repellents that work perfectly. I hope you will find the best woodpecker deterrent among those I have described.

    They are high-quality products and will serve you for long. Don’t forget to use my tips when you install the repeller. Have you ever faced a woodpecker problem? What did you do, and what methods did you use? It would be nice if you shared your experience in the comments below.


    • Woodpeckers (PennState Extension):
    • Woodpeckers and tree care (Harvard University Digital Accessibility Policy):
    • Woodpecker Biology and Behavior (Cornell Lab of Ornithology):
  • How to Get Rid of Geese In Your Yard and Pond

    How to Get Rid of Geese In Your Yard and Pond

    If you live in a suburban area, you probably face the need to drive geese from your site. The absence of natural predators and proximity to food sources contribute to an increase in their numbers. They can damage your plants and residential property and pose a severe threat to you and your pet’s safety and health.

    In this article, I will tell you about the humane and legal geese control methods. It is important to know what has attracted them to your territory and use several ways at once. Also, in this guide, I’ve included an overview of products that will help you keep geese out of your yard and prevent them from reappearing.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Get Rid of Geese In Your Yard and Pond” style=”main”]
    1. Find ways for birds to get into your area.
    2. Eliminate the food source.
    3. Keep your grass long.
    4. Install fences, nets, and walls.
    5. Install stuffed animals and dummies in the form of birds of prey and raptors.
    6. Buy sonic repellents.
    7. Treat your yard with natural repellents.

    Learn What You Are Dealing With: Geese Identification

    goose with goslings in the pond

    There are many different species of geese living in the United States and North America in general. The following three main groups of these birds are the most common near human habitation:

    • Canada geese. They have shiny black necks and heads with white cheeks; chests and wings are brown, lower parts of their bellies are white, bills and legs are black. Some individuals can grow up to 15 lbs and up to 43 inches long.
    • Snow geese. These birds are white with black wingtips. Their legs and bills are pink. These geese are small, about 30 inches long, and weighing about 9 lbs.
    • Ross’s geese. They are similar in many ways to snow geese but much smaller in size. These birds are white with black wingtips, have red bills and legs. Their weight does not exceed 3.5 lbs, and the body length is not more than 25 inches.

    All types of geese have certain benefits and negative impacts on different areas of human society.

    Geese lifecycle

    Many characteristics vary from species to species, but most geese reach sexual maturity by the age of two and begin looking for a mate. The breeding season usually falls in late spring-early summer. Geese often build nests near bodies of water and a food source.

    It takes a gosling from one to two months to get stronger and start flying. However, even after that, they can be under the care of their parents until puberty. Most species of geese are migratory birds. They nest in the north during the summer months and fly to the south for the winter.

    What attracts geese to your property?

    If geese appear in your garden, it means that they feel safe and have access to food and water there. Many species are accustomed to living next to people and are not afraid of them. If you don’t deter geese from your property in time, they can build a nest somewhere nearby. And then getting rid of them will be even more complicated.

    What problems do geese cause?

    At the moment, scientists know more than 60 diseases transmitted from birds to humans; some of them are even fatal. That is why it is better to avoid contact with geese and the remains of their vital activity. Apart from health problems, you can get damaged property.

    By trampling down the lawns, geese damage sports and golf fields. They can also leave up to 1 lb of droppings daily. It leaves stains and can even degrade building materials. It costs a lot of money to clean it up and cope with the consequences. A lot of geese feces in water bodies can also disrupt the local ecosystem.

    How to Get Rid of Geese: a Comprehensive Manual

    Homarden Floating Crocodile

    Since geese are quite intelligent creatures, it is not so easy to get rid of them. Therefore, you need a step-by-step plan to make your site unsightly for these birds.

    In preparation for dealing with them, explore your yard and surrounding area to find the paths the birds take to get into your area, and understand how to make geese go away most effectively. Based on this, develop a plan of action using several methods. Monitor their effectiveness, and adjust if needed.

    Remember that nature conservation acts and laws protect geese. In my guide, I have included the most humane techniques for which you don’t need to get a permit.

    Step 1: Eliminate the food source

    Your very first action should be a restriction of access to food. I mean not only food that remains after people, bird feeders and so on. Scattered grains of wheat or oats after harvest can surely attract the attention of flying geese. These birds can pluck freshly planted lawns or young sprouts of flowers and other plants. And do not feed geese. They can become aggressive and demanding if not fed in time.

    Step 2: Keep your grass long

    As I already wrote, geese prefer young grass and fresh plant sprouts. If possible, let the grass grow a little so that these birds stop coming back to you. Grass longer than 10-15 inches will make your site inconvenient for their habitat.

    Alternatively, you can sow grass that is not attractive to geese, such as fescue. Try to fertilize your lawn as little as possible to reduce its nutritional value.

    Step 3: Get rid of geese

    It is almost impossible to eliminate the appearance of geese on the site, so you need to make it unsuitable for regular use and nesting. The methods and means described below are humane, safe for people, and livestock. Remember that it is better to choose an integrated approach and apply several methods at once.

    For example, repellents will make geese stop eating the lawn, but will not prevent them from walking on it, so it is worth installing dummies.


    Physical obstacles such as fences, nets, and walls will not stop birds from flying into your area, but they will prevent geese from entering your territory. If there is a water source near you, surround it with a fence to stop waterfowl from coming ashore.

    Such obstacles do their job especially well during the molting season in summer when geese cannot fly and have to walk in search of food.

    Visual deterrents

    Such devices include scarecrows and dummies in the form of birds of prey and predators. I recommend choosing products with hinges or springs.

    If figures move in the wind, the geese will think they are alive. Also, look out for reflective tapes, balloons, and flags. Birds generally prefer not to be near waving objects. For night time, you can use lighting with a motion sensor.

    Sound deterrents

    Sonic deterrents and noisemakers reproduce the cries of birds of prey that geese fear and loud noises such as gunshots or explosions. These devices are useful but may be too loud to be used in residential environments. There are also ultrasonic bird repellents.

    Natural geese repellent for lawn

    The entire yard can be processed with such liquid remedies. They contain natural ingredients that act as irritants, causing digestive discomfort in geese stomachs. After eating something bad, birds will remember this place and try to avoid it. Look for methyl anthranilate or anthraquinone in such repellents.

    How to prevent geese in the future?

    Fighting geese is really difficult and time-consuming. Swap scarecrows and other visual deterrents from time to time to keep birds from getting used to their location. Treat your lawn with repellents regularly. If you don’t know how to keep geese away from the pond, use the same methods.

    Also, plant tall grass or thorny bushes on the bank, which will prevent geese from going ashore. If possible, get a border collie or other hunting dog. If you find a goose nest on your site, do not try to destroy it and call specialists immediately.

    Top 3 Geese Treatments

    Now that you already know everything about waterfowl’s behavior and how to stop geese from pooping in yard, I will tell you about three of the most effective products for controlling these pests.

    1. Bird Blinder Repellent PinWheels — Garden Pinwheels to Scare Geese off Lawn


    • Humanely
    • Material: Mylar
    • Number Of Pieces: 8
    • Item Weight: 13.7 ounces
    • Product Dimensions: 17.52 x 9.25 x 3.78 inches

    BIRD BLINDER Premium Repellent PinWheels

    Moving shiny objects reflect light and scare birds away with constant blinking. The Bird Blinder Repellent PinWheels package contains eight items (each 19 inches tall and 7 inches wide) made of mylar tape. This set is perfect for small yards. Arrange the pinwheels in an open area free from bushes and trees for direct sunlight. In the wind, they shine brightly and rustle slightly, irritating geese vision and hearing.

    • Easy to install;
    • Scare away all birds;
    • Durable.
    • Useful only in windy weather;
    • For a large site, you need more items.

    2. Flambeau Outdoors Coyote Decoy — The Best Way to Get Rid of Canadian Geese


    • Material: Ultra-Sturdy Hard Plastic
    • Item Weight: 0.45 Pounds
    • Fully Assembled Size: 30″ L x 9″ W x 25″ H
    • Package Dimensions: 30.5 x 12.25 x 9.5 inches
    • Includes: faux fur tail with a wire backbone, a scent pad spike on the rear leg, ears

    Coyote Decoy

    Realistic figures of predators can be an excellent measure to protect your site from geese. Flambeau Outdoors Coyote Decoy is made of durable plastic, has adjustable legs and ears, a scent pad spike, and a faux fur tail that mimics real animal fur. It is easy to assemble and set in a resting, standing, or sitting position. The figure is 25 inches high and weighs 7.2 ounces.

    • Has a fur tail and scent pad spike for more realism;
    • Highly effective in areas where coyotes live;
    • You can change the pose of the figure.
    • Too lightweight;
    • Need to be moved from time to time.

    3. Homarden Floating Crocodile Head Decoy — Scare Geese off Your Pond


    • Premium Material
    • Product Dimensions: ‎13 x 5.75 x 5.75 inches
    • Package Dimensions L x W x H: ‎13.74 x 8.66 x 8.15 inches
    • Target pests: Goose, Predator, Heron, Duck

    If you have a pond or lake on or near your property, geese can be a real problem. Scare them away with the Homarden Floating Crocodile Head Decoy. It is made of lightweight foam that does not sink and floats from the wind and water flows, creating the effect of a real animal’s movement. The figure measures 13x6x3 inches and is decorated like a real crocodile. The paint is resistant to direct sunlight and does not fade over time.

    • Has a very realistic look;
    • Does not fade;
    • Effective against all waterfowl.
    • Not very sturdy;
    • Can scare an unprepared person.

    FAQs on How to Get Rid of Geese on Lake and Yard

    Flambeau Outdoors 5985MS-1

    In this section, I will answer the most frequently asked questions about geese and how to control them. If, after reading it, something remains unclear to you, feel free to ask your questions in the comments section.

    What do Canadian geese eat?

    All types of geese are herbivores, although small fish and insects can be included in the diet of Canada geese. But they mainly eat grass, grains, beans, and algae. Due to their long-term living next to people, these birds have adapted to steal food from garbage cans or begging for it in parks. However, human food is extremely harmful to their bodies.

    Are Canadian geese protected?

    Yes. A special permit to capture or kill these birds and destroy their nests and eggs is required by law. Such permission is granted only if, in the opinion of the authorities, other methods have proved to be ineffective.

    So to get rid of Canadian geese on your property, you only have to use bird deterrent techniques. Any physical harm is considered illegal and punishable by law.

    Does a coyote statue scare geese?

    As with any predator props, coyote statues will be effective in regions where geese have encountered coyotes in the wild and know they are dangerous. If resident geese that do not fly to other countries for the winter live next to you, they are unlikely to be afraid of any plastic figure. In any case, this should be considered a temporary measure, as the birds quickly get used to them.

    How often do I need to scare geese?

    You have to do it frequently (several times a day) so that geese have a negative experience from staying on your site. Even if you have scared away one group, after a while, another may arrive. To stop birds from living on your property, you need to start using deterrent methods early, before a nesting season.

    Keeping Geese Out of Your Yard Effectively

    For some property owners, geese can become a real problem. I hope my guide and review will help you solve this problem. Remember, effective pest control requires an integrated approach. Besides, geese quickly adapt to their surroundings, which means that you will have to change tactics from time to time.

    I also recommend that those who have already encountered this problem start preparing in advance, before the birds` nesting (late winter-early spring). If your neighbors experience the same bird issues as you, join forces to fight them more effectively.

    Tell me, have you encountered the geese problem? What methods have been effective in your case?


    • Positive Benefits and Negative Impacts of Canada Geese (Rutgers Cooperative):
    • Geese feces health risks? (Go Ask Alice):
    • Controlling Conflicts with Resident Canada Geese in Maryland (Maryland Department of Natural Resources):
    • When Geese Become a Problem(New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
      Division of Fish):
  • How to Keep Hawks Away from Chickens: Top Tips to Keep Your Poultry Safe

    How to Keep Hawks Away from Chickens: Top Tips to Keep Your Poultry Safe

    Protecting your poultry from the many predators that feed on birds can be a real challenge. Things get even worse when the enemy doesn’t walk on land but flies high in the sky as hawks do.

    Hawks are probably the most common predatory birds in North America. They are dangerous, too, due to their keen eyesight. What makes it important to keep your chickens well-protected is that hawks are very likely to come for more after they’ve tasted poultry.

    In this article, I’m sharing my ideas about protecting chickens from hawks and some ready-made solutions that you might use.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Keep Hawks Away from Chickens” style=”main”]
    1. Add a male to the flock of chickens.
    2. Get a well-trained guard dog.
    3. Use a Scarecrow or Reflective Material.
    4. Use Poultry Netting. Fencing off the area where your chickens are kept is the most effective way of protecting them against predators as long as you choose the right material.

    Buyer’s Guide and FAQ

    Before we focus on what the hawk deterrent market has to offer, let’s find out what makes the bird so dangerous and what DIY solutions you can use to keep your poultry safe.

    What is a Hawk?

    The name is an umbrella term denoting a group of birds of prey, alternatively referred to as raptors. This means that their diet consists primarily of vertebrates, unlike other birds who might feed on seeds, berries, or smaller animals such as worms and larvae.

    The hawk family is very common, and the bird’s habit of hunting live prey is a great problem for people who keep poultry. In North America alone, there are as many as seventeen distinct species that are designated as hawks. Each species has its preferred climate and habitat.

    Some populate wooded areas, while others can glide over open areas looking for prey. The broad-winged hawk, Cooper’s hawk, the gray hawk, and the red-tailed hawk are especially common in the US, with considerable variation in size and plumage even within species.

    Hawks pose a threat to chickens and other birds that are kept as poultry. To these raptors, your feathered friends are nothing but fast food. They can spend a lot of time flying about and looking for an easy prey, then attack rapidly and carry the bird away. It’s not uncommon for the chick to die on impact since hawks have strong sharp talons. Even if it survives the first moments, it’s practically doomed the moment it gets into a hawk’s claws.

    brown hawk

    How Can I Keep a Hawk Away?

    It doesn’t matter what species you’re dealing with when it comes to keeping hawks away from chickens and other poultry. Since a number of hawk varieties are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act as of March 2020, killing the raptor or harming it would be illegal. Instead, the tips below are all safe in this respect and won’t get you into trouble with the law.

    • Get a Rooster

    One easy way in which you can stop hawks from killing chickens is to add a male bird to your flock. While hens and chickens are generally docile, males tend to be very aggressive, especially when defending their dependents. This is one of their functions as part of the flock.

    If you wonder if it will work for protecting free-range chickens from hawks, the answer is yes. What roosters do is make a high-pitched noise that tells the birds to seek cover, so chances are high that those roaming about will hurry to the coop.

    • Use a Guard Dog

    Another way to naturally deter hawks from chickens is by getting a well-trained dog that will act just like a rooster but to a greater effect. Dogs have long been used as livestock guardians due to their ability to aggressively protect the flock by barking and roaring, which will most probably scare the raptor away.

    They are stronger than roosters, too, and not easily deterred by birds of prey. It’s also likely that hawks will avoid the place if they know there’s a dog waiting for them.

    guard dog and a rooster

    • Use a Scarecrow or Reflective Material

    There are a number of visual deterrents that work well to scare hawks away from your chickens. A scarecrow is a viable budget-saving solution provided that you change its location every once in a while since hawks can get used to stationary objects that are meant to be scary.

    Alternatively, you can buy some flashy tape or other reflective material and hang it around. It’s not just the reflected light that scares hawks but the rustling sound, too.

    • Use Poultry Netting

    Fencing off the area where your chickens are kept is the most effective way of protecting them against predators as long as you choose the right material. While relatively cheap and common, chicken wire doesn’t do a good job of keeping raptors away. What it does is simply prevent the livestock from scattering across the yard and roaming there unprotected. Hardware mesh and, especially, chain link fencing are way safer.


    Here are the answers to some of the most popular questions that poultry owners ask talking about hawks.

    What does a chicken hawk sound like?

    Chicken hawk is a fuzzy term that’s mistakenly applied to some species that aren’t really interested in chickens. It also includes the red-tailed hawk, which is a real enemy to poultry keepers. This species is known to make long, hoarse, screeching calls when soaring.

    chicken hawk in the natural habitat

    Where do chicken hawks live?

    While there are several species that can go under this name (see above), we’ll concentrate on the red-tailed hawk as it’s the one that poses a threat to chickens. The raptor is common all across North America, mostly inhabiting areas where fields are combined with wooded areas that they can use to nest and perch looking for their prey.

    Can hawks get through chicken wire?

    Yes, they can. Hawks have long sharp talons that they will use to pull the bird, eventually killing it even though they might fail to get it out. Chicken wire is essentially a means of containment, which is also a good way to keep raptors away. See the section on poultry netting above for even safer alternatives.

    Best Chicken Wire Net

    Chicken coop hawk netting is effective in that it keeps your livestock from roaming about. Since it’s free range prey that the raptors prefer, you might be interested in some durable easy-to-use products of the kind.

    1. Feitore Deer Fence Netting: Reliable Chicken Coop Hawk Netting on a Budget


    • Color: Black
    • Material: Polypropylene
    • Item Weight: 1.79 pounds
    • Package Dimensions: ‎9.92 x 6.02 x 5.94 inches
    • Target Species: Birds, Deer and Other Animals

    Feitore Deer Fence Netting

    Made of light and durable polypropylene, this net has a mesh size of just ¾”, which adds to its security. The material is completely rust-proof and not prone to tangling, so you can reuse it.

    • Reliable but lightweight;
    • Affordable;
    • Small mesh size.
    • Only one size available.

    2. DQS 11 Bird Garden 1” Mesh: A Cost-Effective Means of Protecting Chickens from Hawks


    • Size: 50’x50′ overall size
    • Grid Diameter: 2.4″ Square Mesh
    • Color: Black
    • Material: Nylon Multifilament
    • Item Weight: 4.22 pounds
    • Package Dimensions: ‎11 x 7 x 7 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

    Garden Netting

    This is a recyclable 1” nylon net that’s made to minimize the risk of birds getting entangled while also keeping your chickens safe. Just like the first model on the list, it’s UV-resistant.

    • Reliable;
    • UV-protected;
    • Eco-friendly.
    • Small size only.

    3. Excursions Aviary Netting: A Super Sturdy Hawk Deterrent


    • Color: Black
    • Material: Polyethylene
    • Item Weight: 12.72 pounds
    • Package Dimensions: 39 x 15 x 6.7 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

    Excursions Aviary Netting

    This 2” nylon mesh is made for maximum sturdiness and reliability and can be used to protect poultry from a wide range of predators. It can withstand a wide range of temperature conditions from -10 F to + 150 F. It uses deep UV protection rather than protective surface coating to make sure it will last in sunny climate.

    • Sturdy material;
    • Enhanced UV protection;
    • Many sizes available.
    • not much.


    Any poultry owner should be asking themselves how to protect chickens from hawks, as the raptors are truly ubiquitous. Solutions vary from watchdogs and simply adding a rooster to the flock to hawk deterrent nets and other containment materials. Finally, you can try to scare the birds away by using a scarecrow in your backyard or hanging strips of reflective material near the coop.

    These are the most trusted ways of keeping your livestock safe and sound. I know that many people have been experimenting though, so feel free to share your experience. Do you have other ideas of what will keep chicken hawks away? Tell us!


    • Birds of Prey (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service):
    • Red-tailed Hawk Identification (All About Birds):
    • Migratory Bird Treaty Act Protected Species (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service):
  • How to Get Rid of Birds: Complete Bird Control & Prevention Guide

    How to Get Rid of Birds: Complete Bird Control & Prevention Guide

    Although we all admire the beauty of various bird species, and many people cannot even imagine the need to make these amazing creatures disappear from your yard and garden, they can be a real menace. Here, I am going to tell you how to get rid of unwanted birds near your house.

    As a professional entomologist, I have witnessed numerous troubles caused by lovely tiny birds. This is why it is important to talk about the measures you have to implement to save your crops or simply have a rest from the pests. Let’s start by learning everything about the noisy hindrance.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Get Rid of Birds” style=”main”]
    1. Plug all the holes in the walls.
    2. Remove all bird feeders.
    3. Remove the most obvious spots for their nests.
    4. Cut off all resources of their food.
    5. Cut the access to the water.
    6. Install the spikes on the surface.
    7. Use organic and chemical repellents.
    8. Use ultrasonic repellents, baits, physical barriers.

    A Detailed Guide and FAQ on Bird Control

    Flock of birds

    Birds are an equally important part of nature as well as other animals. I am not talking here about killing birds, the aim is just to scare them away. These feathery creatures are more ancient than human beings, and take their origin from dinosaurs.

    Birds live on all the continents, and there are millions of bird species that are already recognized by scientists. I will discuss only the most common spread birds in the US, which can become a danger to your yard and plants.

    The Most Common Bird Species

    Most of the birds that we see around the country are registered and protected by the officials, including the Endangered Species Act. However, there are three types of birds that were officially identified as pests and do not have federal protection.

    None of them are American natives and are not hunted by predators, which means that their population is constantly growing. While the numbers are rising, these birds may transmit various illnesses and ruin the harvest.

    So, if you are looking for how to get rid of birds in the yard, you may have in mind these particular species:

    Pigeons or Rock Doves


    They are the largest of so-called “flying pests”. Feral pigeons can live peacefully in both urban and rural areas. On farms, they feed on plants and grain mills. Pigeons in cities survive on human food. Usually, they are dependent on humans and do not go far from them. These pests can carry various disease, as wells as ticks, lice, and fleas, so it is better to avoid touching them.

    House Sparrows

    house sparrow

    They are small and look incredibly cute. Sparrows are active during the year. They eat grains and can become a real problem for farmers. Sparrows are incredibly quick, and their tiny dimensions allow them to get into various barns being unnoticed. You may recognize them by their loud chirping.

    Their population grows extremely fast. Sparrows’ nests are usually hard to get, mainly because they build them on electric wires or under roofs. These lovely birds can spread over 20 various illnesses, including West Nile among them.

    European Starlings

    european starling

    Well, they are gorgeous creatures, we all have to admit. They have incredible colorful feathers and a beautiful voice. They prefer to live in numerous flocks and attack fields altogether.

    If they pick a target, you may say goodbye to the crops at once. These birds live in rural and urban areas. They may transmit encephalitis, as well as histoplasmosis.



    I put them on the list as they can mess around your field as well. They are not considered as pests, but they are still pesky. Robins prefer fruit gardens to crops. They can eat warms as well as various fruits.

    Robins have a great voice and sing lovely. It is up to you whether you want to scare them away. They are used to people and stay near them just like pigeons.

    The Dangers Brought by Birds

    starling with cherry

    It is ok to be fascinated by birds, to feed them during cold seasons of the year, and to have one or few as pets. I am not talking about these cases.

    Birds are amazing, and even for me, it is hard to admit that sometimes you have to get rid of birds around your house. They are a way different from other pests. I doubt there is a person organizing cockroach or lice watching, while we have dedicated birdwatchers across the world.

    If you don’t know why you have to make birds go away, let’s enumerate the reasons:

    • Completely destroyed gardens and fields. You may lose the harvest.
    • Lice, fleas, and ticks may live inside birds’ feathers.
    • They can poison the food you are planning to eat.
    • Birds carry and transmit salmonella, toxoplasmosis, encephalitis, cryptococcosis, West Nile virus, histoplasmosis, encephalitis.

    birds in nest

    The Signs that Your Household Is Infested by Birds

    Birds are not ticks, and they are actually easy to notice. Besides, you may always check out for traces they left on your window sills or different other surfaces. The clues are obvious enough. Your main actions are:

    • Start with your own house. Check out the attic as birds will definitely prefer it over your yard during the cold season of the year.
    • Pigeons can make their nests in dry places rarely visited by people. Anyway, you will probably hear weird noises from the attic, like the sound of wings, and so on.
    • Take a good look at whether the house or the barn have holes in the walls.
    • Examine the crops on the field. There may definitely be signs if they were eaten by birds.
    • Check out fruits and veggies. You will see bites on fruits.

    Proper Ways to Get Rid of Birds

    Birds Control

    There are numerous ways to remove birds from house and yard without killing or poisoning them. I don’t recommend you to harm them. Here are my best suggestions for you:

    • Plug all the holes in the walls. You need to start with this. If you skip this step, birds will continue to fly and nestle around the house. Sparrows are tiny and can get inside through the ¾ inch gap.
    • Remove all bird feeders. It sounds the only obvious thing to do, but weirdly, many people still keep them, wondering where all the birds are coming from. If you want to get rid of birds in the garden or the house, you have to stop feeding them.
    • If it is possible, remove the ledges and pipes where the birds nestle. If it is not possible, try to use various devices to make their dwelling on those pipes really inconvenient. Sticky glue and spikes are the most widespread and helpful tools for this case.
    • Cut off all resources of their food. Birds are really not picky when it comes to the food and the place where they receive it. After you remove the bird feeders, don’t forget to clean all your garbage, and make sure birds do not have access to it.
    • Cut the access to the water. Birds need to drink, and if you have stale water somewhere, they will drink it;
    • If you can, remove the most obvious spots for their nests. I don’t suggest you cut all branches, but you may at least take care of the dead one. If there are tree branches attached to your house, I recommend you to get rid of them immediately. Don’t let them make nests if you are wondering how to deter birds.
    • Shut down all entryways for them. If your doors are rarely closed or contain small spaces in-between, you may expect small birds to nestle there.

    Here are the most popular measures on how to get rid of pesky birds:


    They can be made of metal or plastic. Their main purpose is to prevent birds from sitting on the specific surfaces or nestling there. They can be listed among the things to scare birds away. You can put them anywhere, including gutters and ledges, or the roof.

    Birds away

    Organic and Chemical Repellents

    There are two ways of how to repel birds: the liquid and gel forms of a product. They emit the odor unpleasant for birds. You can apply these repellents on the same surfaces as spikes.

    Organic repellents are safe to use even on plants. Check out whether these products are natural or chemical. Use mothballs and birds will probably get poisoned so be careful with that.


    You will find a set of small mirrors among the products I describe below. You may check out for bright dream catchers or even lights. The birds will be extremely confused seeing the vivid colors or shiny things. They will be afraid to come closer. This is one of the most effective ways on how to scare birds.

    Ultrasonic Deterrents

    You can use these deterrents together with decoys for the best results. Deterrents are tiny boxes that are broadcasting various sounds of predators that birds are afraid of. You can either buy them or make them by yourself. Before you use this tool, make sure you know the exact species of birds you want to scare away, so you can use noises of specific predators.


    Make no mistake, decoys are not the permanent solution to your problem, and you may need to change them. However, they are eco-friendly, safe for kids, and don’t do any harm to birds.

    Flying pests are incredibly smart, and they know how their enemies look like, yet birds don’t have enough courage to fly closer and check whether a scarecrow is real or not. Below, I recommend the owl that is spinning her head, which is way more effective.

    Physical Barriers

    If you are able to cover your plants with some type of nets, it would be a perfect way to protect your harvest. You don’t have to build a glasshouse to protect your veggies. Use nets from plastic or fabric. This way the sun rays will still reach the plants, and they will be hidden from birds.

    Getting Rid of Birds in the Yard

    scarecrow from disks

    If you don’t want to adopt a dog who will scare away backyard birding for you, you can still protect your yard. It is harder than applying safety measures to your home, as you can’t always stay outside to check out the results. However, it is possible. Follow my tips:

    • Scare them away. Birds can easily be scared. This is why the classic good old scarecrow is always a good idea for the fields of crop. You can place shiny objects on the scarecrow to make it even scarier.
    • Decoys. Plastic or wooden dolls may be helpful in your yard. However, I recommend using more advanced technologies, which I will mention on the list of my favorite products. Change their accommodations to show birds that they are watched.
    • Water deterrents. While birds love water, they don’t love to be sprayed with it right in the head. Have you ever noticed how birds prefer to stay away from sprinklers? You can buy a motion-activated system for your yard;
    • Turn on ultrasonic deterrents. You can do it from the house, just make sure that they can be heard from the street. Don’t use wild noises if your neighbors have certain complaints.
    • Hang shiny distractions on the roof and trees. Birds will not come close to them.

    Best-5 Bird Control Remedies

    I have gathered this list of my favorite products that will help you with your birds’ problem. All of them can be used separately, as well as together. Check out detailed descriptions and recommendations.

    1. Bird-X Stainless Steel Bird Spikes Kit – an Affordable Tool for Scaring Off Birds


    • Material: AStainless/Poly
    • Number of Pieces: 100
    • Thread Size: 1-1/2″-12
    • Item Weight: 1.28 pounds
    • Product Dimensions: 10 x 5 x 5 inches


    Stainless Steel Bird Spikes Kit by Bird-X is a working device that will help you to get rid of birds and forget about the problem. This product covers the 10-feet area, and I suggest you use it on eaves and window sills if you need it. These spikes can be attached to private houses and public institutions. They are safe, don’t contain any chemicals, and can be used permanently.

    Bird-X offers you numerous human pest and bird control measures. It has been a leader on the market for 50 years. This American company has developed a flexible and convenient way to get rid of birds. There is a plastic base, which allows you to change the directory of spikes if you need it. The stainless steel of a high-quality will not be damaged by weather conditions.

    • safe for your family;
    • high-quality materials;
    • covers 10-feet area;
    • easy to attach to the surface;
    • flexible plastic.
    • it is less cheap than similar products on the market.

    2. Chephon Upgraded Bird Repellent Discs Set – Best Destruction to Keep Birds Away from House


    • Contents: 24 Mirrored Discs, 24 Easy Rings, 8 Rotating Swivels, 8 Hooks, Instructions
    • Work Clevetly: Scare birds away without anyhharm to them
    • Item Weight: 4.8 ounces
    • Product Dimensions: 3.8 x 3.8 x 1.5 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

    Upgraded Bird Repellent Discs Set by Chephon includes 3 double-sided mirrored disks. Hang them close to the roof or near your crops to prevent birds from getting close. You can even hang them inside the house, in the attic. This repellent is completely safe for humans and animals. The product scares away birds like pigeons, geese, sparrows, and woodpeckers.

    Chephon is a top-seller on the market. This time, it offers an eco-friendly solution for birds’ problems. These mirrors look lovely and can be a great decoration for your house and yard. Both sides of each disk are shiny and reflective. Even if the wind will twist these disks, birds still will not dare to come closer.

    • three disks inside the pack;;
    • two-sided mirrors;
    • can be used inside and outside the house;
    • easy to attach to the surface;
    • great design.
    • you have to decide where and how to attach them on your own.

    3. Gardener 784672887786 Dalen RHO4 Rotating Head Owl – One of the Natural Ways to Get Rid of Birds


    • Material: Plastic
    • Color: Brown/White
    • Work Clevetly: Scare birds away without anyhharm to them
    • Item Weight: 14.4 ounces
    • Product Dimensions: 8 x 7.2 x 18 inches

    Rotating Head Owl

    The 784672887786 Dalen RHO4 Rotating Head Owl by Gardener is one of the most unique decoys I have ever seen. It has an automatically rotating head, which creates the feeling that the owl is alive. The product is extremely realistic, and you may put it close to the territory that you want to protect from birds.

    Since an owl is a natural predator, multiple species of birds will not dare to come closer to it. Gardener produces numerous tools and helpful devices for gardens. This owl is an exquisite item among them. It is totally safe for children, and you can place it even at home or use the item as the yard’s decoration.

    • effective against birds;
    • scares away different types of birds;
    • looks stylish;
    • does not contain chemicals;
    • affordable price.
    • it is better to use this owl with other remedies for better effect.

    4. Bird-X BirdXPeller Pro Electronic Bird Repeller Version – the Best Way to Get Rid of Birds Outside


    • Color: Green
    • Is Electric: Yes
    • Item Weight: 3 Pounds 
    • Item Dimensions: 6 x 4 x 8.5 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

     BirdXPeller Pro Electronic Bird Repeller Version

    BirdXPeller Pro Electronic Bird Repeller Version from Bird-X is a powerful device that emits sounds of predators to scare away all the birds around. This tool requires the power of 110v. You may control the volume of the sounds. The sound wave covers 1 acre of the land.

    There are customizable settings inside, which you can change as much as you want. The recorded noises in the repeller scare away sparrows, pigeons, gulls, and starlings. Bird-X is a well-known American producer of bird and pests humane traps and repellents. You can easily install this deterrent by yourself.

      • a powerful tool against birds;
      • scares away seagulls, except other bird species;
    • family-friendly;
    • covers 1 acre of land;
    • customizable settings.
    • the item requires 110v power.

    5. Bird-X Bird-Proof Gel Bird Repellent – a Working Tool to Prevent Birds from Building Nests


    • Active Ingredient: Polybutylene
    • Application Type: Gel
    • Item Weight: 9.6 ounces
    • Product Dimensions: 2 x 2 x 10 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

    Bird-Proof Gel Bird Repellent by Bird-X is an easy-to-apply gel that will scare away birds from your eaves and crops. There are non-toxic compounds in the repellent, which do not cause any harm to people and animals. One pack includes 3 tubes. To take into account, 12 tubes of this gel cover 125 linear feet distance.

    Bird-X offers this product as a preventive measure as well. Birds will not nestle near the area covered with this gel. Due to the comfortable pack, it is simple to apply it, while putting it even in almost unreachable places.

    • an affordable price;
    • a savvy pack;
    • non-toxic ingredients;
    • easy to apply.
    • you have to climb close to the eaves to apply the gel.

    How to Get Birds Out of Your Attic

    The first thing you need to do is to clean your attic, and get rid of nests if there are some. You have to plug the holes in the walls or in the roof if you have some. Also, you need to ensure that windows on the attic are closed, and no birds can fly through.

    Birds Prevention Tips

    Here is my top advice for you if you want to prevent the problems with pigeons or other beautiful birds:

    • Keep your house and yard clean.
    • Cut old branches down. If there are trees that are no longer alive, you have to chop them down as well.
    • Surround your field with decoys, scarecrows, or bird deterrents.
    • Plug all the holes inside the walls.
    • Don’t let the doors and windows open while you are away.

    How to Get Rid of a Bird’s Nest?

    How to Get Rid of a Bird’s Nest

    After you found the nest, don’t rush to touch it. The first thing you need to do is to check out whether there are any eggs or baby birds. If the nest is empty, you can toss it into the trash.

    Don’t forget to remove all the materials for another nest, or this animal pest will be able to recreate one more place to live, right after you threw away the previous one. After that, clean this area with the water and bleach or your favorite cleaning tools.

    How to Stop Birds Nesting in Eaves?

    I recommend you to use the same devices I have already described. Hang the shiny destructions across the roof or put spikes and glue on the eaves. I also advise you to make sure that there is no food or water for the pigeons in a close reach.

    They have chosen this place because of some reason, so find this attraction and get rid of it. Apply the repellent on the surface of the eaves. If there is a nest, get rid of it immediately.

    How to Get Rid of Pigeons Without Hurting Them?

    I have mentioned numerous ways on how to get rid of birds without killing them. If you don’t want to cause them pain, you can simply try to scare them away, using visuals, like scarecrows, decoys, shiny objects, odors, like repellents and glues with the strong unpleasant smell for birds, or sounds, like ultrasonic deterrents.

    What Are Smells That Repel Birds?

    mint in the yard

    Besides the smell of predators, many birds don’t like the smell of:

    • Garlic;
    • Cayenne and chili pepper;
    • Peppermint oil.

    You may find oils of these plants in every shop or drug store. You can also order them online. If you have these plants in your yard, I suggest you plant them close to the place where you have noticed birds.

    Which Product to Choose

    I am a little bit biased when it comes to birds, to be honest. I don’t want to kill them or make them hurt. This is why I have gathered only the humane repellents, deterrents, and decoys here. I believe they can all be used at the same time, especially if you have your garden or field to look after. This is why I suggest you check out all the pros and cons of each product before you decide which one you need.

    After you try it, don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments below. I am also eager to know your personal story of struggle with birds.

    Which kind of birds was bothering you? How have you dealt with this problem?


    • Endangered Species Act (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service):
    • Effectiveness of Gel Repellents on Feral Pigeons (US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health):
    • Backyard Birding(U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service):
    • Pigeon Nuisance Problems (Departament of Energy and Environmental Protection):
    • Animal pests – birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians – policy and management(Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development):
  • Best Bird Deterrent in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Best Bird Deterrent in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Though people tend to like birds and sometimes keep them as home pets. On the other hand, birds can become a real problem, especially if one has a garden. There is a very fine line between the moment when you are a lover of birds and the moment when they become a real nightmare.

    Likely for us, there are a lot of different technologies that can help to get rid of them very quickly. As you might have guessed, today I will talk about how to choose the best bird deterrent, what types of them exist on the market, and how long your garden will be safe from birds.

    Best Bird Spikes
    Aspectek Stainless Steel Pre-Assembled Bird Spikes 10 Feet (3 Meters), Bird Deterrent Kit with...
    It is made from quality and long-lasting material — stainless steel.
    My preview
    Best Fake Owl to Keep Birds Away
    Dalen Fake Owl Decoy to Scare Birds Away from Gardens, Rooftops, and Patios - Scarecrow Provides...
    An affordable price.
    My preview
    Best Reflective Tape to Scare Birds
    De-Bird Scare Tape, 125 ft Reflective Bird Deterrent, Dual Sided for Outdoor, Pigeon Control, Easy...
    Simple but very efficient in use.
    My preview

    Fowls can damage your crops and eat the seeds. And I’m not even mentioning that your garden will be full of bird droppings. It is very easy to fright them, but the difficulty is that the birds learn very quickly and understand when they are being deceived.

    But do not worry, modern science does not stand in one place but is always moving and improving. In this article, you will know how to protect your garden against the damages caused by birds.

    Top 5 Best Bird Deterrents: Comprehensive Reviews

    1. Chephon Upgraded Bird Repellent Discs Set
    2. Bird-X Extra Wide 8-inch Stainless Steel Bird Spikes
    3. Bird-X 54-1 Proof Bird Repellent Gel
    4. Dalen Natural Enemy Scarecrow Great Horned Owl
    5. De-bird Scare Tape – Reflective Tape Outdoor to Keep Away Woodpecker

    In this section, I want to describe TOP-5 the most effective bird distractors in detail. We will look at the advantages and disadvantages of each repellent, talk about the manufacturer, and discuss the situations the product suits the most.

    1. Chephon Upgraded Bird Repellent Discs Set — One of the Best Bird Deterrent Products


    • Contents: 24 Mirrored Discs, 24 Easy Rings, 8 Rotating Swivels, 8 Hooks, Instructions
    • Work Clevetly: Scare birds away without anyhharm to them
    • Item Weight: 4.8 ounces
    • Product Dimensions: 3.8 x 3.8 x 1.5 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

    According to the Urban Dictionary, “chephon” is “the person with a beautiful heart”. In our case, Chephon is the brand that produces effective things to scare birds away. They are one of the most well-known companies operating on the American market.

    Personally, I have tried several of their products and was delighted. Therefore, you can be sure that all their anti-bird devices are high-qualitative and safe for use.

    This upgraded bird repellent discs set can help you to prevent the crops and garden from the damages caused by birds. In addition, they can become a great accessory for the garden. Each pack consists of three double-sided mirrored discs that are very easy to install. You can hang them on tree branches, a terrace, or other buildings that you will find in the garden.

    • beautiful design;
    • eco-friendly;
    • affordable price.
    • should be moved very often;
    • it does not scare away big birds.

    2. Bird-X Stainless Steel Bird Spikes — Best Bird Spikes That Are Keeping Birds Away for a Long Time


    • Material: Aluminum
    • Exterior Finish: Stainless Steel
    • Thread Size: 1-1/2″-12
    • Item Weight: 1.73 Pounds
    • Product Dimensions: 10 x 7.5 x 5 inches

    Bird-X Extra Wide 8-inch Stainless Steel Bird Spikes

    Bird-X is a large American-based company that manufactures various things for home use, including the rodent and bird control remedies. I have tried the company’s products to get rid of both pests and birds. In both cases, they worked perfectly: pests disappeared quickly and for a long time.

    Today, I decided to look closer at these spikes. They are made from stainless steel. Unlike the anti-bird discs described above, Bird-X’s bird deterrent can scare even the large birds. But you need to know that they can wound pests as the spikes are long and sharp.

    In addition, if you have pets, then watch them so that they do not go into the garden because this bird deterrent can injure your pets too. The spikes can be installed everywhere: on the roof, grass, or trees.

    • it is made from quality and long-lasting material — stainless steel;
    • you do not need to move it;
    • the spikes scare even the large birds.
    • can wound the animals;
    • one pack can cover only 10-feet area.

    3. Bird-X Bird-Proof Gel Bird Repellent — Best Bird Proof Gel


    • Active Ingredient: Polybutylene
    • Application Type: Gel
    • Item Weight: 9.6 ounces
    • Product Dimensions: 2 x 2 x 10 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

    Bird-X 54-1 Proof Bird Repellent Gel-10 oz

    If you want to find a more humane way to get rid of birds from your garden, then I advise you to look closer at this gel from Bird-X.

    This company specializes in the manufacturing of various pest control remedies. Also, it is worth saying that all their products are completely harmless to animals, including this gel.

    The principle of gel working is the following. Firstly, you need to apply it on any surface. The gel has a unique formula that does not damage the buildings, so do not worry about it. Then, when the birds land on the surface with gel, they will notice that it is sticky and uncomfortable.

    After several landings, they will learn it and will not come again. One tube covers around 10 linear feet. Also, it is very easy to remove the gel in the future regardless of the type of surface you apply it.

    • the gel provides a humane way to get rid of birds;
    • it is easy to apply and clean;
    • the gel prevents the spreading of various diseases, including Salmonella and West Nile.
    • you need to reapply the gel very often;
    • it is badly resistant to rain.

    4. Dalen Gardeneer by Natural Enemy Scarecrow Horned Owl — the Best Fake Owl to Keep Birds Away


    • Material: Plastic
    • Color: Brown
    • Work Clevetly: Scare birds away without anyhharm to them
    • Item Weight: 11.2 ounces
    • Product Dimensions: 7 x 7 x 16 inches

    Dalen Fake Owl Scarecrow Decoy

    Dalen is an American company that operates on the market for more than 40 years. It produces innovative products for gardeners as well as the pest control remedies.

    Do you know that the vast majority of birds are scared of owls? Therefore, gardeners are used to purchase fake owls to protect their crops and buildings. In addition, these items can become a great accessory for your garden.

    • harmless for animals and people;
    • a beautiful design;
    • an affordable price.
    • do not scare large birds;
    • you should move it from time to time.

    5. De-Bird Scare Tape — the Best Reflective Tape to Scare Birds


    • Material: PET
    • Work Clevetly: Scare birds away without anyhharm to them
    • Item Weight: 0.035 ounces
    • Product Dimensions: 96.46 x 92.52 x 107.87 inches
    • Target Species: Birds, Pigeon

    De-Bird Scare Tape

    De-Bird company specializes in manufacturing of the various bird control devices. In their product assortment, you can find the repellent discs, trellis netting, defender spikes, and so on.

    These scare tapes act like the discs. Due to the fact that they have a mirror structure, birds are afraid of the light and do not sit on the fence. De-Bird offers the scare tape with the 12-month money-back guarantee if you do not notice the result.

    • afordable price;
    • harmless for animals;
    • simple but very efficient in use.
    • it does not work during the night;
    • the tape can fade over time, so you will need to purchase a new one.

    Buyer’s Guide and FAQ

    In this section, I want to tell you more about bird scaring devices, what types exist, and what their advantages and disadvantages are. If you read the previous section, then, you already know some of the effective ways to keep the birds away from your home and garden. Otherwise, there is a time to learn more about the best deterrents.

    How to Keep Birds Away Using Bird Deterrents

    One of the main questions you need to ask yourself after you face the bird problem is what attracts the pests? Once you find the answer, you can remove this factor or find an effective way to protect your household. Some of the possible attractors are:

    • Pets food;
    • Fish (for example, if you live near a lake or river);
    • Fruits that are grown in your garden;
    • Seeds;
    • Water. If you like the water sounds, then, you need to understand that they are also attracting the birds. Pests tend to use home water sources as a bath or a place where they can drink.

    Another factor you need to take into account is the bird size: whether the intruders are large or small. The larger the bird, the harder it will be for you to get rid of it.

    Remember, there is no universal and effective way to get rid of birds forever. Each approach works well only with certain bird types. Therefore, my first recommendation is to purchase several bird repellents. The success formula is very simple: the more repellents and deterrents you buy, the fewer birds you will see in your garden in the future.

    To get rid of birds, you can use various methods of bird control. The most popular are deterrents or habitat modification. The last method is much harder as you need to know the birds’ habits, all their potential attractors, and, of course, the behavior. For example, you have a small fountain in the garden, you know that it attracts the birds but you do not want to remove it.

    The fountain helps you to relax and enjoy nature. On the other hand, you know that birds like fresh and clean water only, so the exit of the situation can be to add salt to the water. The birds can smell the salt not even reaching the fountain.

    Another situation: you have the pets outside, so you need to feed them. As I have mentioned above, pet food is one of the most powerful birds attractors. But you also know that birds are scared of animals. Therefore, you always need to keep an eye on the pets during their dinner. Once they finish, remove the leftovers.

    Frankly speaking, deterrents are a much easier way to keep birds away. You can do the mechanical defense. For example, use the wood or metal frameworks around fruit trees, flowers, and so on. As for me, it is not an aesthetic way.

    Related Post: How to Get Rid of Crows

    The next possible way out is to purchase ultrasonic repellents that will scare birds away from the garden by broadcasting the dangerous signals at a certain frequency range. By the way, most of them use solar energy, not electricity. The disadvantage is that the birds are good learners and can quickly realize that sounds are just sounds.

    Finally, you can buy the visual repellents that can drive away birds. By the way, I strongly advise you to read the article about how people working in airports solve bird problems.

    Bird-X Bird-Proof Gel Bird

    There are several types of bird repellents:

    • Spikes (they can be steel or plastic);
    • Predators: fake owls, cats;
    • Various shiny objects (for example, disks);
    • Sprays;
    • Gels;
    • Tapes.

    In the next paragraphs, we will discuss how to choose the best bird repellent. But, now, I want to explain quickly how the deterrents work. There are three possible ways the deterrents can influence the birds:

    • Fright them: in such cases, you need to buy fake owls, cats, foxes, or other things or animals the birds are scared of;
    • Force them to fly away: it can be anything that the birds can feel before they reach the place. For example, ultrasonic signals, the smell of salt, glues, and so on. The main condition is to add something that they do not like;
    • Physical prevention: these deterrents prevent the birds from reaching the desired place physically. Such deterrents include spikes, nets, windows, and so on.

    Bird-X Stainless Steel Bird

    How to Choose the Best Bird Deterrent

    There are several things I always advise people to look at while choosing their preferable item:

    • The material;
    • The manufacturer;
    • The ease of use;
    • The durability;
    • The way the product works.

    The Material

    First of all, you need to understand where you want to use the bird prevention devices: on the roof, on the car, in the garden, etc. This factor influences the components a bird repellent can consist of. For example, if you are going to use the bird prevention remedies on the roof, you should buy bird deterrents for buildings.

    If you are going to apply them in the garden, then, make sure that repellents do not contain toxic components as it can be harmful to trees and flowers.

    The Manufacturer

    I always recommend selecting companies that are specialized in manufacturing and selling pest control remedies. If you are not sure, you can always read the bird repellent reviews and evaluate the product’s quality based on them.

    The Ease of Use

    Nobody likes the products that should be installed for a long time. Therefore, before the purchase, find the instructions on how to use the repellent on the Internet, and how to remove it afterwards. It becomes even more important when we are talking about various gels.

    The Durability

    By the durability, I mean the period of time during which a repellent works. Each garden bird deterrent device or remedy has the concrete expiration date. For example, if we are talking about the ultrasonic devices, then, birds can realize that it is just a fake after a certain period of time. Your task is to understand when. In the case of shiny objects, they usually turn pale.

    The Way They Scare Birds Away

    I prefer to use humane repellents; therefore, I usually do not buy the steel bird deterrent strips. However, sometimes, it is a necessary measure.

    Before purchasing the anti-bird repellent, I advise you to identify the bird type you want to get rid of. Sometimes, it can be a rare wild bird that is forbidden to kill in your country. Therefore, you should read attentively the “General licences for bird control” or something like that issued by the governments.


    In this short section, I put four of the most popular questions people often ask me and provide the answers to them.

    Does Reflective Tape Scare Birds?

    Yes, the reflective tapes are an effective way to scare birds. They use a combination of sounds and flashing lights. The first one is generated by the tape vibrations in the wind.

    You can place the reflective tapes everywhere but, as for me, the most effective way is to stretch them over the garden beds. By the way, the tapes are completely harmless for people, pets, and provide a humane way to get rid of birds.

    Do Fake Owls Keep Birds Away?

    Dalen Gardeneer by Natural Enemy

    Birds are afraid of many objects and animals, including owls. That is why the use of such stuffed animals can scare them. However, you should understand that the effect of decoys is short.

    The birds will soon realize that this is just a scarecrow and will stop responding to it. To prolong the effect, you should move the owl regularly around the yard, thereby creating the effect that it is alive.

    How to Keep Birds out of Garage?

    People are used to thinking that wild birds can only damage your land, farm, fishery or business, but the truth is that they can also damage the buildings like a garage. This is one of the favorite places for birds to build nests. That is why adhere to the following recommendations:

    • Always check the door: it should be shut;
    • Use the reflective tape to scare birds;
    • Put several decoys;
    • Take away all food or the materials that they can use for building nests;
    • Cover the windows.

    Related Post:

    Where to Place Bird Deterrent?

    The good news is that anti-bird devices can be placed everywhere. Most of them are not toxic and harmless to people and pets. But to make them the most effective, identify the places where the bird used to stay and put these items there.

    Have You Already Faced Bird Damages?

    I hope that after reading this review, you can choose the best bird deterrent by balancing various factors. All of them are organic, eco-friendly, and not toxic.

    Have you already faced a bird problem? Where was it? Was it your garage, garden, or car? How did you find out the decision? Write your answers in the comments below. It will be very interesting to read. Also, if you have questions about the article, you can write them in the comments too. I will answer them as soon as possible.


    • Methods Of Bird Control: Advantages And Disadvantages (U.S. General Services Administration):
    • General licenses for bird control: major changes to licensing requirements (GOV.UK):
    • Wild birds: prevent damage to your land, farm, fishery or business (GOV.UK):
  • How to Get Rid of Crows: Simple & Effective Methods

    How to Get Rid of Crows: Simple & Effective Methods

    Crows. They’re one of the most intelligent species amongst all the birds. They can easily adapt to changes and learn how to survive within one location no matter what.

    However, sometimes they need to look for new feedings, which makes them travel and, who knows, settle on your territory. Crows are usually attracted to crops, gardens, and other easy-to-reach foods.

    In this article, I describe these cunning birds in detail to provide you with a clear understanding of your enemy. You will learn how and why they behave and what to do to keep them away. In the end, you will be able to decide what remedy is the best for your case and how to avoid reinfestations in the future.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Get Rid of Crows” style=”main”]
    1. Install a mechanical scarecrow.
    2. Arrange the dummies of dead crows around the site.
    3. Purchase a special sprinkler.
    4. Install sonic repellents.
    5. Maintain a Clean Backyard.
    6. Install nets and bird spikes.
    7. When the infestation is finally over, you should leave bird deterrent.

    Know Your Enemy

    Crows are medium or large black birds that are widely spread all over the world due to their high adaptability and exceptional natural intellect. There are over 40 species of crows, while the most common one in the US is the American crow. These birds are active year-round, and they always want to eat, which makes them look for feedings near human dwellings.

    Crows at yard

    The American crow migrates around the US and Canada throughout the year. Crows are social, and In most cases, they travel along with thousands of birds of the same kind, and they look for food at each and every stop. Crows eat virtually everything that has nutrition value.

    They usually eat insects and vegetables, but they don’t neglect carrion, garbage, rubber, and even live animals, including snakes, frogs, and other crows that seem to be weaker.

    To understand how smart they are, you have to believe that they’re smarter than some people. For example, when crows encounter hostile animals and people, they memorize appearance and share this information with their flock mates. It’s just a single example of Corvidae intelligence.

    They can also get together to figure out where the danger comes from and to mob predators if they’re trying to catch one of the flock mates.

    The average bird can grow up to 20,8 inches high, has powerful, sharp claws, and a long beak attached to a strong skull and neck muscles. Some say that crows live up to 100 years, but it’s a myth.

    The average lifespan of a crow is 10-15 years, while American crows usually die when they reach 7-8-year age. The most long-lived specie is the Australian crow. It can live up to 22 years, but not more.

    What Attracts Crows to My Yard


    To answer this question, you have to understand the motives of crows. Isn’t it easier for them to invade rural areas where the number of humans per square isn’t so high? Unfortunately for your yard, it isn’t. In fact, suburban backyards and gardens are much more attractive for crows as they’re not inhabited with dangerous rural predators.

    Your garden is a secure feeding with plenty of insects and other easy-access treats. They are not likely to attack your garden if they’re not hungry or just in the middle of a day-long flight. This happens when the flock meets your yard occasionally. If there’s a store food cache nearby, they will try to rob it first.

    Are Crows Dangerous?

    Some people value crows on their land as a small flock can help them to reduce the population of other pests. However, they can be extremely dangerous too. The first reason to start getting rid of crows is their promiscuous appetite. They can destroy your crops, vegetables, and fruit trees if there’s nothing more attractive to eat around.

    The second threat is the urge of crows to protect themselves and their children. Crows can travel with young birds, and if they consider you or your pet as a threat, they can attack desperately. Your cats and dogs can get interested in small crows and try to catch them, and the aftermath can be awful.

    Crows usually team up and mob attackers together. If an offender doesn’t have a way to escape, these birds can peck it to death. If you see crows in your yard, always keep pets inside the house.

    The third threat is their memory. Crows remember faces of attackers and usually become aggressive to everyone they see if one of them showed hostility. Next, they can teach their flock members about the threat.

    As a result, the entire flock (can be over 10 hundred species) will remember that humans are bad guys for the rest of their lives! Crows react to threats like humans and never forget their offenders.

    How to Get Rid of Crows With Scarecrows and Dummies

    Traditional humane-like scarecrows used to be effective centuries ago. Unfortunately, ravens have become much smarter since then. While young birds can get scared, the adult species can get used to the presence of a scarecrow quite fast.

    Dalen Natural Enemy Scarecrow Horned Owl

    There are effective scarecrows, too, though. I’ve conducted multiple experiments with different creative models and figured out that ravens fear realistic mechanical owls. Such scarecrows are easy to install and keep working 24/7, repelling all critters and nuisance birds.

    The second option will make your yard look a bit like a witch’s house, but it can help too. I’m talking about dead crow dummies. They attract the attention of live birds and make them feel extremely nervous and look for predators. If they see something shiny nearby, they will withdraw and tell the flock to keep away.

    How to Repel Crows

    There are various ways to keep crows out of the garden, but it’s hard to call the best one. I recommend you to combine deterrents for the best effect or alternate methods as these birds can learn from their mistakes. The first remedy is shiny objects.

    You can hang something like used CDs, party strings, or a small disco ball in the middle of the yard. The shining will scare the birds effectively. For some reason, Corvus thinks that shiny objects are deadly, so they get nervous when they notice shining.

    tangerine tree trap

    There are more advanced devices too. For example, motion-activated sprinklers can detect crows and other moving objects and shoot water right into them. This method is very irritating for ravens, and it’s very hard for them to detect where the water comes from, so they won’t try to mob and destroy the sprinkler.

    Crow Deterrent Sounds

    Sonic crow repellent can also help you a lot, but it can also easily irritate you and your neighbors. Crows don’t like rattling and clanging sounds, fireworks, and distressed voices of other crows. Loud deterrents show the same efficiency as shining objects, so I prefer the noiseless solution.

    On the other hand, you can get an ultrasonic repellent that won’t irritate your household but will make the birds feel nervous and look for a safer place away from your garden. Ultrasonic devices also cover larger areas than traditional noisemakers.

    Maintain a Clean Backyard

    This method is one of the most effective. Make sure that there’s no open garbage around your area. Purchase Metal or plastic rubbish containers with heavy lids to make the rubbish inaccessible for ravens. This way, you will also protect your yard from other easy food seekers, such as stray dogs, raccoons, etc.

    Next, you should avoid leaving food outside. If you had a BBQ picnic, make sure that you don’t leave pieces of meat or grilled vegetables inside the grill. Use the lid to close it when the party is over.

    Even is the garden looks clean, the crows may get attracted by those bird feeders. If you don’t want to remove them completely, you should look for models that include a protective mesh or large bird detectors.

    The first option makes it too difficult for a raven to get the food, while the second closes the feeder if the detector registers a heavy body. I like the second option more because some crows can learn how to topple meshed feeders.

    Netting and Bird Spikes

    Bird spikes and nets are the least humane ways to repel ravens, but they’re very effective. Crows fear small mesh nets as they understand that it can be difficult to get out. A four-inch netting will work well.

    Bird Spikes

    You can also try to install bird spikes. These items are safe for smaller birds, but crows and other large birds won’t be able to land on them. As a result, they will fly somewhere else to avoid your yard the next time.

    Top 7 Crow Treatments

    Now take a look at the remedies that have proved to be the most effective against crows during years of my work as a pest control expert. For this piece, I’ve selected the most effective remedies in all categories, including scarecrows, deterrents and repellents, and other tools.


    1. Dalen Natural Enemy Scarecrow Horned Owl – Realistic Owl Scarecrow


    • Material: Plastic
    • Color: Brown
    • Work Clevetly: Scare birds away without anyhharm to them
    • Item Weight: 11.2 ounces
    • Product Dimensions: 7 x 7 x 16 inches

    Dalen Natural Enemy Scarecrow Horned Owl

    This 16-inch handpainted owl is not only a beautiful piece of garden decor but also an excellent repellent. Pests will see it from afar and stay away from your land to avoid encounters with a large predator.

    You can easily install the owl figure on walls, poles, and rooftops. I recommend you to choose a position that’s visible from all around the neighborhood to keep pests as far away as possible.

    • nice piece of garden decor;
    • effective scarecrow;
    • realistic handpainted model;
    • easy to install;
    • effective against rodents too.
    • no head rotation mechanism.

    2. Realistic Hanging Dead Crows Decoy – The Scariest Decoy


    • Material: Feathers, Plastic
    • Color: Black
    • Size: Extra Large – 16″-17″ L x 5″ W
    • Item Weight: 8 Ounces
    • Product Dimensions: 14 x 4 x 4 inches

    Etistta 17 inch Realistic Hanging Dead Crows Decoy

    This dead crow decoy is s realistic that your neighbors may decide that you’re a witch(er) or something. However, they will thank you when they see that the pests won’t try to eat their vegetables anymore.

    Hang it on a tree to show that your garden is deadly and put a shiny object nearby to let the vermins catch the simple logic link between their flock mate’s death and the dangerous shiny thing.

    • super scary decoy;
    • always works great;
    • easy to hang;
    • natural size;
    • it’s a counterfeit that doesn’t rot.
    • not the most aesthetic item for your garden.

    Deterrents and Repellents

    3. Chephon Upgraded Bird Repellent Discs Set – That Shiny Thing You Need


    • Contents: 24 Mirrored Discs, 24 Easy Rings, 8 Rotating Swivels, 8 Hooks, Instructions
    • Work Clevetly: Scare birds away without anyhharm to them
    • Item Weight: 4.8 ounces
    • Product Dimensions: 3.8 x 3.8 x 1.5 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

    This set of 24 shiny disc straps is an excellent pest deterrent as it shines the whole day through, independently from the sun position. Each strap includes 3 large disks so that you can easily hang them around the garden and make the entire area super uncomfortable for ravens.

    It’s a cheap and fancy way to repel pests the whole year through. Don’t forget to change the positions from time to time to make them look alive.

    • 24 pieces per package;
    • easy to hang;
    • mirror-sided disks;
    • shiny material;
    • don’t make noise.
    • regular relocating required.

    4. Orbit Enforcer Motion Activated Pest Deterrent Sprinkler – Superior Water Crow Deterrent


    • Color: Black
    • Power Source: Battery Powered
    • Item Weight: 2.1 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions: 10.5 x 10.56 x 4 inches
    • Target Species: Animals, Pests

    Enforcer Motion-Activated Sprinkler

    This item is the most technologically advanced water-sprinkling deterrent. It has a 120-degree motion sensor that detects movement on a 1600-square-feet area.

    You can install it anywhere you want to achieve the best coverage and let the sprinkler reach every spot exposed to raven attacks. Once installed, the device will repel all kinds of pests 24/7 without spending too much water.

    • easy to install;
    • flexible settings;
    • up to 7,500 activation cycles from 2 AA batteries;
    • low water consumption;
    • covers over 3,500 square feet.
    • one-direction sensor.

    5. CLEANRTH Advanced Sonic/Ultrasonic Bird Repeller – Large Area Sonic/Light Solution


    • Color: Green
    • Coverage: 1200 sq.ft.
    • Batteries: ‎ 4 D batteries required
    • Item Weight: 12.1 Ounces
    • Item Dimensions: 4.25 x 6 x 6.5 inches
    • Target Species: Bird

    Getting rid of crows on large fields, you may need extra repelling power. That’s where this 6000-square-feet device can help you out. It combines 2 types of repellers, including an ultrasonic speaker that covers over 7000 square feet, and a powerful strobe light adds up to the effect.

    You can adjust the device to be on 24/7 or set it to turn on only when the pests are detected by the scanner. I recommend the first option to ensure better coverage during an infestation. Use the automatic mode when it’s over.

    • combines strobelight and ultrasonic waves;
    • easy to adjust;
    • works from batteries and adapter;
    • water-resistant;
    • three modes.
    • scares any birds.

    Useful Tools

    6. Boknight 25′ X 50′ Net Netting for Bird – Sturdy 1-inch Mesh


    • Color: Black
    • Material: Nylon
    • Item Weight: 3.54 pounds
    • Item Dimensions: 13.23 x 9.72 x 4.45 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

    boknight Bird Netting for Garden

    Sometimes the anti-crow net is the necessary solution. I don’t recommend you to apply improvised solutions as you need only a special tight and flexible mesh. That’s what Boknight offers.

    You can select the net of the needed size and cut it into pieces to cover particular objects around the garden. This mesh won’t kill the birds, but will scare them away and prevent them from attempting to find a hatch.

    • safe for birds;
    • 1-inch mesh;
    • convertible solution;
    • easy to trim;
    • available in different sizes.
    • only black color available.

    7. Bird Blinder Stainless Steel Bird Spikes – Excellent Spike Package

    No products found.


    • Material: Stainless Steel
    • Number of Pieces: 15
    • Item Weight: 4.65 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions: 16.77 x 9.68 x 21.18 inches
    • Target Species: Birds, Pigeon

    Bird Blinder Steel Bird Spikes

    This set of spikes offer you almost 400 inches of 4-inch-spike stripes. Unlike 2.25-inch solutions, it doesn’t let the ravens adjust and keeps working forever. You can cut and curve the stripes to adjust them to average nesting and landing locations easily.

    The spikes aren’t sharp, so the chances they hurt anything are very low. However, I recommend you to choose locations where your cats cannot walk or keep them away while using this treatment method. The ravens will try to land several times, but they’ll get tired quite soon and leave the area for a long time.

    • non-lethal deterrent;
    • 15 strips of 26 inches;
    • universal solution against birds;
    • simple installation;
    • remains effective forever.
    • can harm cats, choose safe places.

    Keeping Crows Away in The Future

    When the infestation is finally over, you should leave bird deterrent (or several items) to keep ravens away even if they decide to come back the next year. As my practices prove, these birds remember hostile places and don’t return.

    However, there are millions of other ravens that will travel around, so being ready the whole year through is the best solution. Stick to my recommendations above and use some of the products from the reviews below to avoid reinfestations.


    Why Are There Crows in My Yard

    Why Are There Crows in My Yard?

    The most common reasons are:

    • Absence of deterring objects in the yard;
    • Easy-access feedings (open trash cans, vegetables, lawn, etc.);
    • Convenient nesting places.

    Why Do Crows Make Noise in the Morning?

    Crows are strictly diurnal birds, which means that they start hunting with the first rays of light. If your area is infested, you will hear murders of crows every morning. These noises mean that the birds salute each other before taking off for food.

    What Are Crows Afraid Of?

    You can scare crows away using such repellents as:

    • Scarecrows and dummies;
    • Shiny objects;
    • Ultrasonic, rattling, and clanging sounds.

    Do Crows Scare Away Other Birds?

    Well, not always, but sometimes. Ravens can scare away smaller birds, eat their eggs, and even mob and kill other adult birds. However, they also fear larger predator birds, such as owls.

    Related Post: Best Pigeon Deterrents That Work

    Do Wind Chimes Scare Away Crows?

    Placing wind chimes in your yard is a temporary solution. Birds can get used to sounds, so chimes may stop working after a few weeks or months. You can use them as part of treatment anyway. Shiny chimes will keep working longer.

    Crows Will Fear

    Crows are incredibly smart birds with powerful natural logic. However, now you know everything about them and the best tips on how to keep crows away to start protecting your land methodically. As a result, the birds will understand who’s the real boss and won’t try to take what’s yours anymore. Stay consistent, and you will win.

    Have you ever had a crow infestation before? Did you try to do something different from what I offer above? You’re welcome to share your experience with other readers and me. If you have any questions left after reading, you could ask me in the comments. I read and reply asap! For more tips and reviews, keep clicking on


    • American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos):
    • Crows react to threats in human-like way (University of Washington):
  • Best Ultrasonic Bird Repellers in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Best Ultrasonic Bird Repellers in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Birds individually can be considered pretty cute creatures, but when their number grows and exceeds units, this can pose a serious threat to your property. Crowned sparrows, robins, and fitch will most likely damage your vegetable crops by eating them fresh or nibbling tiny sprouts before they start to fruit.

    But the main threat of your property is not the birds themselves but the products of their life – bird droppings. Especially pigeon droppings are very acidic in nature and can eat away almost every surface. So your solar panels, car’s paint, and house roof may get damaged easily.

    When you try to clean bird droppings out, you are even at greater risk; since they carry a lot of serious diseases, and can cause you to have Histoplasmosis, Psittacosis, or Cryptococcosis. Considering the risks, it’s much better to prevent the problem, which is possible only by repelling the birds away from your property, and here I will tell you how to do that in the most effective way.

    Top 5 Best Ultrasonic Bird Repellers

    1. Bird-X – BXP-PRO2 BirdXPeller Pro Electronic Bird Repeller – Top Pick
    2. Bird-X Balcony Gard Bird Repeller
    3. Garden Secrets Animal Repellent
    4. Bird-X Yard Gard Animal Repeller
    5. Wikomo Ultrasonic Animal Repeller, Solar Powered Waterproof Outdoor

    To help you with the right choice, I decided to give here a small review on the best bird repellent devices.

    1. BirdXPeller Pro – Best Electronic Bird Repeller


    • Color: Green
    • Is Electric: Yes
    • Item Weight: 3 Pounds 
    • Item Dimensions: 6 x 4 x 8.5 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

    This effective audible bird deterrent is able to protect equipment and buildings from corroding bird droppings and prevent bird infestation on the territory of up to 1 acre. BirdXPeller Pro is a completely programmable product where you can tune and control sound, volume and timing options. For your convenience, it can work both from solar energy and batteries.

    Bird-X - BXP-PRO2 BirdXPeller Pro Electronic Bird Repeller Version 2

    How it works: This sonic bird repellent device emits different sounds that distress, frighten and completely disorient pest birds. It works with the help of recorded natural voices of birds and predator’s calls. This electronic deterrent warns birds of emergency in a natural way, so sparrows, pigeons, starlings and gulls will stay far away from your property.

    Huge action radius and complete water resistance make this product a perfect solution for public parks, farms, warehouses, corporate grounds, manufacturing plants, parking garages, loading docks and others.

    Bird-X has been the leader in manufacturing high-quality bird and pest control products for more than 50 years, this way electronic repeller provides mountain hardware and consultation, which will make even the installation an easy process.

    • effective in repelling birds in a humane way;
    • fully programmable;
    • works both from batteries and solar panels;
    • covers up to 1 acre of territory.
    • deterrents birds only, doesn’t affect other pests or animals.

    2. Wikomo Ultrasonic Bird Scarer (Currently Unavailable, Try Bird-X Balcony Gard instead)


    • Sound Pressure: 90 dB at 1 meter
    • Coverage: up to 900 sq.ft.
    • Item Weight: 1 pounds
    • Item Dimensions: 6.6 x 3.25 x 5.4 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

    The effectiveness of this product is based on the triple influence that this small device can produce to deterrent birds. It creates ultrasonic waves, gives the audible sound like an alarm from the two speakers and deterrents birds with flashing LED light.

    So, if for some reason, the first option of ultrasound is not enough to give the desired result – the second and the third functions will definitely scare pests away.

    Bird-X Balcony Gard Ultrasonic Bird Repeller

    Wikomo created the device not only as a bird scarer, this product perfectly fights animals that invade your territory, so it has a deterrent effect on rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, skunks and deer. Works most effectively on the distance of 32 feet. But thanks to the wide-angle of influence (180 degrees), this pest repellent covers up to 5000 square feet territory.

    This product can be charged by USB-cable, but for convenience, Wikomo added solar panels on the top of the device, so you can easily charge it on sunny days with no need to connect to the power supply.

    In 2019 the company created the new unique design for their animal repeller. So now this bird scarer will also become a perfect decoration for your garden in its owl shape look.

    • effective to repel animals and birds;
    • can be charged by solar energy;
    • waterproof;
    • environmentally friendly;
    • nice design.
    • the audible sound might be noisy.

    3. Garden Secrets Animal Repellent – Best Ultrasonic Bird Repeller


    • Color: Green
    • Coverage: about 550 sq.ft.
    • Batteries: 3 AA batteries required. (included)
    • Item Weight: 1.05 pounds
    • Item Dimensions: 4.1 x 3.1 x 5.5 inches
    • Target Species: Armadillo, Mouse, Bat, Rat, Cat, Birds, Raccoon, Coyote, Skunk

    If you are tired of using different traps or hazardous chemicals to keep your backyard or garden free from birds – this compact ultrasonic device will leave all those troubles in the past.

    You don’t need special talents to install it since all you need to do is just to hang it on the wall or stick into the ground – and simply enjoy your territory as now it is free from any unwanted animal-guests!

    How it works: This little device creates an ultrasound on frequencies completely unpleasant for animals, so they will just leave the territory, and new pests will be repelled. People can detect sound waves on frequencies up to 19 kHz, while this system creates waves at 24kHz, so Garden Secrets Animal repellent will stay completely quiet and undetected for your ears.

    GARDEN SECRETS Compact Solar Ultrasonic Animal Repellent

    But powerful ultrasound will make all pests leave your territory in a period from 2 to 3 weeks. You will see the changes immediately after the installation.

    So less than in a month after this ultrasonic device will settle in your area, it will make it free not only from birds but from other unwanted animals like mice, rats, bats, raccoons, rodents, armadillos, skunks, deers and bears.

    In this device Garden Secrets created three ways of deterrence:

    1. Ultrasound (with several modes)
    2. LED
    3. Alarm

    So you can choose any option that you find suitable in your situation.

    Besides that, Garden Secrets deterrent has several other advantages that make it indispensable in your favorite territory:

    • it has a powerful solar panel, so you don’t have to charge the batteries all the time or look for a source of power;
    • covers a wide area (up to 60 square meters);
    • can stay in the open air even under light rain;
    • absolutely safe for your family, plants and even animals.
    • powerful deterrent;
    • 100% toxins free;
    • solar charging;
    • low maintenance;
    • 1-year full warranty.
    • in heavy rains, you need to hide it inside.

    4. Best Solar Powered Bird Repeller by Zovenchi (Currently Unavailable, try Bird-X Yard Gard instead)


    • Color: Green
    • Is Electric: Yes
    • Item Weight: 2 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions: 6.6 x 3.25 x 5.4 inches
    • Target Species: Armadillo, Mouse, Bat, Rat, Cat, Rabbit, Birds, Raccoon, Squirrel, Skunk

    You can install this small device at any place in your garden and not worry about the connection to the power outlet. There are solar panels built on the top of Zovenchi animal deterrent, so the device will be fully charged just by standing outside on a sunny day.

    Actually, even in rainy weather, you don’t have to worry about this little garden device because the construction of it is water-resistant, rustless and windproof.

    Bird-X Yard Gard Electronic Animal Repeller

    How it works: Pest repeller is activated by a motion sensor. It means that when a bird or any other animal will appear in the protection range of this device, the PIR sensor fixates that and the unit starts to emit ultrasound waves at frequencies not audible to people, but unpleasant to animals. Together with that, the flashing red light will be turned on, thus, it perfectly deterrent pests away.

    This portable, easy-to-install, eco-friendly and cost-effective device by Zovenchi might become the best solution to keep your garden or backyard free from birds or other unwanted animal guests.

    • deterrents birds and animals;
    • can be charged by solar energy;
    • easy to install;
    • rustles and waterproof.
    • if pests don’t move – it won’t be activated.

    5. Ultrasonic Bird Deterrent from Cleanrth TSBR620 Super Advanced


    • Color: Green
    • Coverage: 1200 sq.ft.
    • Batteries: ‎ 4 D batteries required
    • Item Weight: 12.1 Ounces
    • Item Dimensions: 4.25 x 6 x 6.5 inches
    • Target Species: Bird

    This bird repeller emits adjustable sonic and ultrasonic waves that can cover up to 12 000 square feet of territory. This product is equipped with powerful LED strobe lights and high intensity sonic & ultrasonic speakers. Such combination helps to repel birds even before they get to your territory. It’s possible due to the triple scan technology sensor detecting birds 115 feet away.

    Cleanrth TSBR620 Super Advanced Sonic Ultrasonic Bird Repeller

    For easy use there are three adjustable modes of the device:

    • always on ( the repeller working non-stop creating bird repulsing sounds);
    • detection mode (starts deterring only when a bird intrudes the problem area);
    • always off (in case you don’t need the repelling function for some period).

    An additional convenient feature of this ultrasonic pigeon repeller is that you can control the sensitivity of the infrared sensor. If you regulate the slide to the low setting, the infrared signal won’t be transmitted to its maximum range but will use less battery of the device.

    You can charge this bird repeller by plugging in, for this purpose, Cleanrth provides a 38-foot long power cord coming with this device.

    • repels with audible sound and ultrasonic waves;
    • detects birds at long range;
    • 1 year money-back guarantee.
    • needs a source or power of rechargeable batteries.

    What You Might Need to Know About Ultrasonic Bird Repellers

    What You Might Need to Know About Ultrasonic Bird Repellers

    When you are planning to buy a bird repellent, it’s not enough only to know if it’s effective or not in scaring birds away. There are several features to which you have to pay attention when choosing the best repellent for your goal, specifically:

    • deterrent technology (if the device creates a repelling function with ultrasonic or sonic waves, flashing lights);
    • pests covered (check if the repeller works on birds only, or it can be used for getting rid of other pests as well);
    • construction (since it’s mostly an outdoor device, you need to understand if it’s protected enough);
    • power (solar-powered bird repellers are more economical and convenient in use);
    • price and warranty.


    Do Ultrasonic Bird Repellers Work

    Do Ultrasonic Bird Repellers Work?

    Yes, they work, and it’s the most eco-friendly and quiet helper in terms of getting rid of the pests on your territory. It doesn’t kill birds, but just deterrent them with the help of the sound. Birds are afraid of the noisy sound, so bird repellers create special powerful sounds at the frequency that human ears can’t detect.

    This way such devices will stay quiet for you, but scaring for the birds and other pest animals. Anti bird devices are usually also equipped with the LED flashing strobe lights; this provides additional deterrent function discouraging birds even from landing on your property.

    Are Ultrasonic Bird Repellers Dangerous for Pets?

    No, ultrasonic devices for pigeons and other birds are not harmful or dangerous for pets, although dogs and cats can hear the ultrasonic waves. Our pets have very sensitive hearing, so they can hear noises that are not audible for you.

    The main difference between wild animals and our beloved pets is that our four-legged friends have learned how to live in an environment full of ultrasonic waves. A lot of our home objects and devices can produce ultrasonic sound. Maybe you even noticed some differences in your dog’s behavior when you turn on your ultrasonic hair humidifier?

    Ultrasonic waves might be annoying for your pets and make them keep their distance from that object. But the more often animals hear the ultrasonic sound – the faster they learn how to adjust to its frequency, so our pets learn how to “cooperate” with ultrasound. That is why ultrasonic waves are not so annoying and irritating for our furry companions as they are for wild animals and birds.

    But not to put your pet’s comfort under a risk, I recommend placing ultrasonic bird repellers far from the area frequently visited by your dog.

    Related Post:


    Where Should I Place Ultrasonic Bird Repeller to Scare Birds?

    The most annoying sounds for birds are undulating types of noises like European police sirens. If you want to create the most effective protection from pesky birds, you can get 2 bird repellers and place each of them against a wall or big tree trunk.

    It will help to bounce waves back into the open area, so when birds fly into the territory – they will be hit with different noises and light flashes from two different directions. That will create undulating noise and won’t allow birds to even stop for a moment on your territory.

    Where Should I Place Ultrasonic Bird Repeller to Scare Birds

    Most ultrasonic repellers are easy to install, some manufacturers say that you can simply stick the device into the ground. And it’s a really good idea if you want to deter small animal pests, but if your goal is to deter birds only – that might be a count-productive decision. Therefore, the choice of device’s location depends on your original goals.

    Your Experience Reinforces Knowledge

    There are many ultrasonic bird repeller reviews that describe these devices as the most eco-friendly and humane bird control products, and it’s really so. Many homeowners still use gel or paste deterrents to prevent birds from nesting in their properties.

    But these chemicals are extremely harmful, apart from ruining the yard, they can also lead to bird’s death. While the ultrasonic devices just create bird deterrent sound that prevents birds from nesting on your property without any harm for them.

    In this article, I tried to give you some ideas and help you to choose the best device for your needs. If you still have any questions – I will be glad to answer them or simply hear your thoughts regarding bird repellers.

    Have you faced the problem of bird infestation? Did you try other ways to keep pests out of your territory? Your experience will be helpful, share some in the comments section!


    • A doctor ponders the dangers of bird poop, and more (Texas Medical Center):
  • Best Pigeon Deterrent in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Best Pigeon Deterrent in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Perhaps, feeding pigeons with bread in the park is a fun thing to do on the weekend. However, the pigeons which are persistently trying to become your neighbors are an entirely different matter. One of the dangers that pigeons carry, besides being noisy at dawn, is litter.

    Best Pigeon Deterrent Spikes
    Bird-X Stainless Steel Bird Spikes, 8-inch Extra-Wide Spikes, Bird Spikes for Pigeons and Other...
    Best repellers for high roofs.
    My preview
    Best Pigeon Repellent Disks
    Chephon Upgraded Bird Scare Discs Set - Large 24 Discs - Highly Reflective Double-Sided Bird...
    The product effectively drives pigeons away from home or garden.
    My preview
    Best Pigeon Repellent Gel
    Bird-X Bird Proof Gel, Sticky and Transparent Clear Gel, Long-Lasting and Easy to Use, Covers 10...
    It doesn’t contain chemicals.
    My preview

    Not only litter has an unpleasant odor and spoils the appearance of the facade, balcony, or concrete, it is also dangerous to health. Pigeons carry various bacteria that can have hazardous effects on human health. Pigeons can interfere with the owners of shops, warehouses, and offices, starting to nest under their roofs.

    As a result, you can incur losses not only from cleaning for pigeons but also from the damage these birds cause to property and products, which may result in the loss of customers. Vendors refuse to take products contaminated with droppings as there is a risk of contamination of products.

    That is why it is worth choosing effective anti pigeon devices to drive these birds away from your territory.

    Top 5 Best Pigeon Deterrent

    1. Bird-X Extra Wide 8-inch Stainless Steel Bird Spikes
    2. Chephon Upgraded Bird Repellent Discs Set
    3. Aspectek Plastic Polycarbonate Bird Spikes Kit with Adhesive Glue
    4. Bird-X 54-1 Proof Bird Repellent Gel-10 oz
    5. Cleanrth TSBR620 Super Advanced Sonic/Ultrasonic Bird Repeller

    Pigeons love large and high buildings; consequently, they are not only waking you in the morning, but also harming materials, spreading germs, and diseases. If you are the owner of the premises, you know how expensive it is to perform cleaning from the dirt these birds cause every year.

    That is why it’s so vital to make sure the pests have not taken root in your house. Getting rid of pigeons is hard, and it’s smarter to be proactive and protect your home from being targeted by birds using pigeon repellents beforehand.

    Best Pigeon Deterrent

    Over the years of bird control, dozens of diverse ways of scaring or getting rid of them have been developed. The most common and affordable methods are a pigeon scarer, usually in a form of a scarecrow, and spikes. Bird spikes should be spread out in the places of their possible landing, reducing the possibility for them to find a place for landing and nesting in this zone.

    However, these pigeon control products are not always the most effective ones. Therefore, we will consider several options that will help you not to worry about pigeons and the harm they may cause.

    1. Bird-X Extra Wide 8-Inch Stainless Steel Bird Spikes – the Best Pigeon Deterrent


    • Material: Aluminum
    • Exterior Finish: Stainless Steel
    • Thread Size: 1-1/2″-12
    • Item Weight: 7.25 Pounds
    • Product Dimensions: 50 x 7.5 x 5 inches

    Bird-X Extra Wide 8-inch Stainless Steel Bird Spikes

    It is the best pigeon repellent that will help you drive pigeons and other birds from your balcony and roofs are spikes.

    These are powerful steel spikes that you can place on a roof or fence. Thus, no bird will find a place to land and will be forced to look for another area. The spikes are quite broad and sharp, the birds can get damaged, but they certainly will not come back.

    This pigeon stopper is suitable if you need to install repellers in places where your pets or children will not get. Usually, these are areas on the roof. They will not deteriorate from rain or cold and will remain sharp in any weather. Simultaneously, the spikes are located on strips that are easy to mount on any surface.

    However, I would not recommend buying such spikes for your home. On the other hand, if you need to install them in a workshop, a chicken coop fence, or on the roof of a building without allowing children to access them, this is an excellent option to avoid using poisons or harmful tapes.

    • very sharp and broad spikes;
    • best repellers for high roofs;
    • water-resistant.
    • can be used only in the places unreachable by pets and children.

    2. Chephon Upgraded Bird Repellent Discs Set – Best Pigeon Repellent Disks


    • Contents: 24 Mirrored Discs, 24 Easy Rings, 8 Rotating Swivels, 8 Hooks, Instructions
    • Work Clevetly: Scare birds away without anyhharm to them
    • Item Weight: 4.8 ounces
    • Product Dimensions: 3.8 x 3.8 x 1.5 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

    It is an aesthetic and harmless bird repeller that you can use anywhere. You can hang the discs on the windows, near the garden, car, or pool. You can scare the birds away without harming them and, at the same time, without spoiling your exterior.

    Mirror discs are a long-proven tool that can reduce the number of birds flying into your territory. They work in a way to reflect the sun and blind pigeons.

    At the same time, they look lovely and will fit into any household style. Just hang these items on the trees or at the windowsills, and you will forget about the birds for a long time. This balcony pigeon deterrent is the most harmless one for both you and the birds. The set includes reflectors with three discs.

    They are easy to assemble, just follow the instructions and adjust the size you need. When the birds see mirrors, they will perceive your house as a lousy option for nesting and will stop bothering you. Moreover, with this item, you do not have to use harmful poisonous repellents or spikes.

    • can be placed anywhere;
    • aesthetically pleasing design;
    • environmentally friendly and safe for you and the birds;
    • the product effectively drives pigeons away from home or garden;
    • protective coverage so as not to damage the mirror.
    • can be damaged or winded away.

    3. Aspectek Stainless Steel Bird Spikes – the Best Roof Dove Repellent


    • Color: Clear
    • Material: Plastic Polycarbonate
    • Size: Covers 10 feet
    • Item Weight: 2.82 ounces
    • Product Dimensions: 12 x 4.3 x 4.7 inches

    If ordinary scarecrows or reflectors are not sufficient in your attempts to protect your building from pigeons, you should choose upright spikes. This is one of the most harmless and effective pigeon repellent methods. These spikes are made with very durable polycarbonate material.

    They are flexible but sharp and, therefore, will not need special care or frequent replacement. They are relatively easy to install with glue in a high, elevated place where you need them to be located. At the same time, you can adjust the spike`s angle if you need to install it on an uneven surface.

    These items scare away not only pigeons but also many other types of harmful birds. It is better to install this pigeon prevention device near towers, on roofs, poles, or arbors. So you may be sure that pigeons will not nest on your roof, as they will not be able to land on spikes.

    • durable & flexible material;
    • easy-to-install structure;
    • the best option for high places and uneven surfaces.
    • can harm birds.

    4. Bird-X Bird-Proof Gel Bird Repellent: the Best Pigeon Repellent Gel


    • Active Ingredient: Polybutylene
    • Application Type: Gel
    • Item Weight: 9.6 ounces
    • Product Dimensions: 2 x 2 x 10 inches
    • Target Species: Birds

    Best Pigeon Repellent Gel

    If you don’t want to use spikes, you can buy gels that are easier to apply to the surface. They will likewise discourage the birds from attending your home. This gel does not contain poison or toxins, which can be harmful to the building or birds. But at the same time, it will carefully scare the birds away, and they will fly away to look for another place for nesting.

    As birds do not like the sticky surface, they are unlikely to return to your building. The gel is invisible, so it will not spoil the appearance of your building. With this product, you will protect your building from droppings, birds, and possible damages.

    You will also reduce the risk of infections, as the birds will not be able to carry diseases like E. coli. The gel is a little hard to apply to the surface because it is quite dense and can dry out if stored improperly. Nevertheless, it drives the birds away effectively.

    • this invisible gel don’t affect the exterior looks;
    • it doesn’t contain chemicals;
    • effectively keeps the birds away.
    • can be hard to apply to the surface.

    5. CLEANRTH TSBR620: the Best Ultrasonic Pigeon Repeller


    • Color: Green
    • Coverage: 1200 sq.ft.
    • Batteries: ‎ 4 D batteries required
    • Item Weight: 12.1 Ounces
    • Item Dimensions: 4.25 x 6 x 6.5 inches
    • Target Species: Bird


    Other effective deterrents for birds are sound and ultrasound systems. It is an optimal and effective option if you are looking to drive pigeons away without using anything harmful. Triple Scan technology recognizes birds at a distance and repels them with sound waves. The device itself has a set of modes that you can configure depending on the season.

    This repeller is waterproof, so you can easily install it outside the building without worrying that it will deteriorate. It is easy to fix the device directly to the wall.

    You can use batteries or electricity to recharge the product. Unlike some methods that can’t cope with scaring birds, this one has proven useful, and many people recommend it for its efficiency.

    • 3 modes of work to switch between;
    • durable units that work effectively;
    • easy to install on walls.
    • Must be recharged often if you don’t use electricity.

    What Should I Know About Pigeon Deterrent Devices?

    As I have already mentioned, pigeons can become a source of problems for your home or property, especially if you have a small food business. Problems with pigeons are not limited to spoiling and polluting the territory; they destroy the materials and carry bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, which are harmful to health. So you can catch a dangerous disease by breathing in the pathogens that birds carry.

    Pigeon Deterrent Devices

    At the same time, pigeons can build their nests everywhere, starting from the playground and ending with your balcony. That is why it is worth taking care not to let the pigeon think that your territory is a comfortable habitat for its family. Moreover, dealing with the nuisance birds may be real trouble: having a homing instinct, a dove can always return to your house. So it’s worth trying to get rid of pigeons in the early stages and not let them grow an entire army under your roof.

    How to Keep Pigeons Away from the House?

    There are many varieties of pigeon control devices, all of which differ in the level of harm they cause to animals, humanity, or chemical composition. One of the simplest and most primitive methods is to set up a model of a bird of prey such as a hawk or kite, the appearance of which will scare the pigeon.

    The downside is that when the birds notice that the predator is not moving, it will stop scaring them. You can also use barrier installations like spikes, tapes, and sticky gels that prevent birds from landing. All of the methods have their pros and cons to be considered before buying.

    As for the gel repellents, you need to keep in mind that although it’s an effective way to repel birds, the effect may worsen with time, as the gel can be dried or foul with dust.

    How to Keep Pigeons Away from the House

    Unfortunately, such pigeon elimination methods are useful but can harm the birds. You can also use ultrasound bird repellers that are easy to install in the attic or warehouse. Such methods are more expensive, so they justify themselves if you use them in storage facilities.

    You can also fight pigeons with light scarers. They do not tolerate sun glare, so they will avoid the area where you have installed reflective garlands or ribbons.


    What Structures Are the Pigeons Roosting On?

    Birds can live anywhere, attacking private and apartment buildings, so getting to them is not so easy. Children and good old ladies often leave food for birds on balconies, and flocks of pigeons attack the house, bringing harm.

    It is essential to protect the windows, balconies of high-rise buildings, as these are the areas where doves may live, coo loudly, leaving feathers and excrements around. In the worst scenario, pigeons move into the warehouse, increasing the risk of spoiling your goods and revenue.

    How to Prevent Pigeons from Nesting?

    Bird-X Extra Wide 8-Inch Stainless

    Pigeons are very unpretentious and can nest almost anywhere. To prevent their nesting in the house, you need to take care that all openings such as attic windows, ventilation hatches, and eaves are closed. It is especially recommended for the residents of the upper floors.

    You can use barriers of any kind, as it is the most effective remedy for pigeons. Proponents of this method believe that expensive speakers, stuffed ravens, and other things do not scare the bird too much as the pigeons living in the city are used to many irritants.

    What to Do if a Pigeon Flew into a House?

    Frequently, a bird flies through a window wide open directly to your room in spring or summer. In this case, you need to act calmly and try not to scare the bird even more.

    It is a terrible stress not only for you but also for the pigeon. First of all, you need to calm down and try to isolate your pets from the bird as they may only prevent you from catching the bird and create an extra chaos.

    After that, you need to close the passages to all other rooms except the one which the bird flew into. So it will have only one option where to fly, and you will not need to search for it around the house.

    If it is evening, try to turn off all light sources so that it does not distract or disorient the bird, and the window becomes the most obvious choice of the flight direction. If this does not help, you can try to direct the bird with a cloth or sheet.

    What Pigeon Repellent Works the Best?

    Pigeons are common pests both in cities and rural areas. They quickly populate the roofs of your home, store, or office, providing a lot of problems. Pigeons carry dangerous diseases, so you should take care to keep them away from home. It depends on you which method of scaring the birds you choose.

    The choice of a repeller is influenced by many factors, starting from their price, location, and ending with humanity and potential harm to birds. Nesting pigeons can damage your air conditioning and the building as well.

    Probably, you have experienced all these issues firsthand. If yes, please, let me know where you have pigeons. What harm did they cause to you? What methods do you find more effective in dealing with pigeons?


    • Pigeon Nuisance Problems (Department of Energy and Environmental Protection):
    • Dealing with nuisance birds (Nidirect):
    • Effectiveness of Gel Repellents on Feral Pigeons (US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health):