Best Raccoon Trap in [year]: Expert Reviews

raccoon trapped
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I think raccoons are adorable. But if you live in your own house, especially somewhere near the woodlands, they can quickly become an issue. A cunning, stealing, property-damaging issue.

If you’re still deceived by how innocent these fuzzballs look, here are some reasons why you may need a live raccoon trap:

  • Rabies. According to CDC, some wild animals like raccoons are the top distributors of rabies in the US. The danger only increases if you have pets at home. If your doggo/kitty has interacted with an infected specimen — the whole family is at grave risk.
  • Property damage. Raccoons are notorious vandals. The house insulation, electric wiring, internet cable — nothing is saved from their teeth and paws.
  • Thefts. These little burglars can nick a doormat, cat food, or something shiny like a teaspoon. And even your fancy gadget isn’t safe.
  • Sanitary issues. They drop effluence in your attic, which can cause salmonella or leptospirosis. Let alone the awful smell.

Catching raccoons can prevent all this mess. And my top 5 picks will help you deal with the little bandits, without hurting neither them nor your budget.

Catching raccoons

Top 5 Best Raccoon Trap

  1. OxGord Live Animal Trap
  2. Havahart 1045 Live Animal Two-Door Trap
  3. Duke Traps Heavy Duty X-Large Cage Trap
  4. Zeny Live Animal Cage Trap
  5. Amagabeli Humane Live Animal Trap

1. OxGord Live Animal Trap: The Best Live Trap for Raccoons


  • Material: Metal
  • Item Weight: ‎8 Pounds
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 12 x 12 x 32 inches
  • Target Species: Chipmunk, Gopher, Cat, Beaver, Raccoon, Chicken, Opossum, Skunk, Mole

OxGord Live Animal Trap

OxGord offers a solid raccoon snare. We have a sturdy construction crafted from a heavy-duty steel alloy. Plus, as I have noticed, it’s rust-resistant. So laying the trap in the after-rain grass or freshly watered lawn is safe.

It’s a no-kill device. Besides, it doesn’t hurt a caught animal at all. So, you won’t have to worry about breaking the trapping law — some areas, like Washington, forbid using snares that can severely harm/kill a wild animal. (Check your local legislation first).

What I also like about this trap is that it’s really compact. Once delivered, it’ll be in a collapsed state. When it’s time to lay an ambush, just pull the thing over. When the hunt is finished, collapse it back and store it in your garage, attic, etc. This little fellow requires very little space.

OxGord is also spacey inside. With its 32 x 12 x 12 inches you can easily catch any trash-fattened critter. Even if it’s a Goliath among its furry brethren.

Other wild animals — stray cats, marmots, skunks, shrews, armadillos — are also an option. And sometimes, people use this trap to catch their own pets if they go AWOL. So, this is the best live trap for raccoons, in my opinion. Simple, reliable, affordable.

  • won’t kill yours or neighbor’s pets;
  • immune to rust;
  • easy to set;
  • needs little space.
  • a bit rickety secure rod.

2. Havahart 1045 Live Animal Two-Door Trap: The Best Two-Door Large Raccoon Trap


  • Material: Alloy Steel
  • Special Features: Maximum resistance to rust and corrosion
  • Item Weight: ‎12.8 Pounds
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 36 x 10 x 12 inches
  • Target Species: Groundhog, Armadillo, Cat, Raccoon, Opossum

Havahart 1045 Live Animal Two-Door Trap

Coming from America, Havahart is a clever two-door trap. Here’s what I sincerely like about it. First, it has almost an ideal opening size. It doesn’t let the raccoon just enter the snare, grab the bait and say adios. No, escaping is virtually impossible with its tight mesh.

Second, thanks to the two-door concept, your arch-nemesis can enter from either side. Once the fluffy hooligan is in, the sensitive triggers go off instantly. You can catch the little trespassers within the first hour after setting Havahart up. If not within minutes!

Thanks to the roominess of the cage, you can also ensnare other animals. Havahart is vast and sturdy enough to handle an armadillo, porcupine, ferret, opossum, groundhog, etc. Even a panicking stray cat won’t bustle its way out of the trap — it’s that much solid.

The only nuance I had to deal with was the trap’s trigger. After a few catches you might have to reassemble it anew. As for the rest, Havahart’s large raccoon trap delivers full satisfaction for its money.

  • roomy interior;
  • impossible escape;
  • sturdy steel mesh;
  • easily transportable;
  • sensitive triggers.
  • trigger mechanism requires maintenance.

3. Duke Traps Heavy Duty X-Large Cage Trap: The Best Heavy Duty Raccoon Trap


  • Material: Alloy Steel
  • Item Weight: ‎0.05 Pounds
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 36 x 14 x 15 inches
  • Target Species: Raccoons, Foxes and Cats

Duke Traps Heavy Duty X-Large Cage Trap

X-Large is the #1 heavy-duty raccoon trap on my personal list. At least so far. The thing is, it’s not just a snare — it’s a whole ‘prison cell’ that a naughty critter won’t be able to escape.

The narrow mesh is presumably made from stainless steel. At least it’s not soft and bendable like aluminum — a grown and muscly raccoon has all chances to stretch aluminum wires and skedaddle. X-Large isn’t that case, though.

X-Large may be costly, yes. But it’s the best contraption for detaining large animals. And by large I mean really large — wild, adult coons can be as heavy as 35-40 lbs. Hence, the trigger mechanism mostly reacts to grown animals. If there’s a baby raccoon exploring your manor, there is an 85% chance that the trap may fail.

As for the rest, I’m really satisfied with Heavy Duty X-Large. It’s reliable, big, and there’s no chance for an animal to perform a prison break. Just watch out for the small bait door on top of the cage. Make sure it’s safely locked before the operation ‘Raccoon” begins.

  • reliable construction;
  • cannot be escaped from;
  • heavy-duty alloy;
  • additional bait door;
  • fits for large animals.
  • trigger doesn’t react to smaller critters.

4. Zeny Live Animal Cage Trap: Trigger-Happy


  • Material: Alloy Steel
  • Special Features: Maximum resistance to rust and corrosion
  • Item Weight: ‎9 Pounds
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: ‎37 x 13 x 3 inches
  • Target Species: Groundhog, Armadillo, Rat, Rabbit, Chipmunk, Weasel, Porcupine, Cat, Raccoon, Opossum, Squirrel, Mink, Skunk, Mole

ZENY Live Animal Cage Trap

Zeny Live Animal Cage is an anti-harm and no-kill snare. It’s a universal tool that can disarm various critters: from rogue squirrels to feral cats. Raccoons are no exception. Thanks to the sensitive triggers, an animal will be snared instantly.

It’s easy to set up — it takes just about 2 minutes. Two more minutes to lay the bait. And when you’re done with banishing trash pandas from your garden or home, you can fold it flat and put away for later.

The trigger pedal is located nearly in the middle of the cage. So, an experienced raccoon won’t snatch the bait and leave like nothing’s happened. Driven by the appetite, the animal can’t avoid imprisonment.

A nifty bonus: there’s a metal plate that protects handlers of the trap. This way, you’ll be protected from vengeful claws of the displeased and scared creature. Even stray cats with their long paws can do you no harm.

All in all, Zeny Live Animal Cage is a reliable workhorse. It is affordable, easy-to-use and quite stout. Plus, there’s no way for a fluffy bandit to avoid detention.

  • protection plate;
  • clever construction;
  • sensitive snare trigger;
  • universal;
  • compactness.
  • some raccoons can lift the trap’s lock pin.

5. Amagabeli Humane Live Animal Trap: Professional Choice


  • Material: Rust-resistant steel
  • Color: Black
  • Item Weight: ‎9.83 Pounds
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 28 x 12 x 12 inches
  • Target Species: Groundhog, Armadillo, Rat, Rabbit, Pigeon, Mouse, Weasel, Gopher, Cat, Raccoon, Coyote, Vole, Opossum, Squirrel, Skunk, Mole

Amagabeli Humane Live Animal Trap

Among other raccoon cage traps, Amagabeli is a pro’s tool. First of all, its longevity will suffice you for years. The trap doesn’t lose its shape after a few dozens of animals caught thanks to the durable steel alloy. Plus, it’s immune to corrosion — an important nuance if you live in a highly humid area.

It gets no internal damage from a scared creature’s bustle. Besides, it has smooth insides, so a panicking raccoon won’t hurt himself by accident. There’s a baited hook attached to the ceiling. It reacts to being pulled. But no cases of an animal getting hurt have been reported so far. So, I guess it’s safe.

The trigger itself can be regulated. So, you should set it cautiously. Otherwise, it may be too hard/too easy for a raccoon to set it off.

The Amagabeli’s construction is my favorite part, hands down. Meanwhile, many box traps for raccoons get crippled upon the first encounter, this one seems invincible. Even grown-up animals can’t damage it. So, this trap may save you a few bucks. And a tall handler, unreachable for an imprisoned raccoon, protects you from scratches.

  • virtually unbreakable;
  • immune to corrosion;
  • will last for a long time;
  • safe handler;
  • raccoons can’t escape.
  • pricier than other models.

Buyer’s Guide and FAQ

Now you know which raccoon traps can handle the job. My selection includes only humane snares. In other words, non-lethal contraptions that do not hurt a caught critter. In fact, such traps are used by activists who help homeless animals get medical treatment and shelter.

Raccoon traps

So, by using one of them, you will achieve multiple goals:

  • A cocky raccoon will finally be caught.
  • You will improve your karma by not hurting the fluffy guy.
  • You can use it to catch other animals: weasels, feral cats, lawn dogs. (Even your own pets).

Plus, these traps are sturdy enough to last for a long time. So, should the raccoon invasion happen once again — simply take it out of your storage room and begin the merciful hunt.



What to Do If Raccoon Keeps Stealing Bait From Trap?

Regularly this issue occurs if your humane raccoon trap isn’t big or roomy enough. Switch to a bigger snare, like Havahart or Amagabeli. The thing is that in a small trap it’s easier for a raccoon to snatch the food and run away — blame it on their long paws.

But what if you have a trap the size of the Winter Palace, but still no result? Then the trigger mechanism must be investigated. Make sure it’s not defunct, broken or set improperly.

Related Post: Best Raccoon Repellents & Deterrents

What to Put in a Raccoon Trap?

What to Put in a Raccoon Trap

Raccoons are attracted by anything that smells like food. One of the best raccoon baits is marshmallows — raccoons are hypnotized by them. Other bait choices may include chicken bones, cat food, raw meat, pig lard, meat scraps — anything edible that has a distinct odor. Chicken eggs also attract them.

Note: Don’t forget to put a bowl of water inside the cage.

How to Catch a Raccoon Without a Trap?

Well, you could hammer together a makeshift trap. But I strongly recommend you don’t. Raccoons only look cute and friendly. In reality, they are opportunistic food scavengers armed with sharp teeth and claws.

How to Catch a Raccoon Without a Trap

Plus, many of them transfer infections and parasites. So, trying to save a few dollars may take a negative toll on your health. But if you want to try your luck anyway, see below.

How to Make a Raccoon Trap?

To improvise a trap, you will need:

  • Bait;
  • A few bricks;
  • A garbage can;
  • One wood plank;
  • Something similar to a picnic table.


  1. Base. Put the can to the end of the picnic table. Secure it with a couple of bricks so it won’t tip over.
  2. Water. Fill 1/3 of the can with water from a garden hose.
  3. Trigger. Put the plank on the table, so one of its ends hangs over the can. But make sure it stays on the table (find the plank’s gravity center).
  4. Final touch. Put the trap on the overhanging end. Do it after the sunset only. Otherwise, birds and other little animals can raid your contraption.

And voilà: the makeshift trap is ready. Check it in the morning to see if the raccoon has been caught. If the operation is a success, transport the can a few miles away and release the wet trespasser.

Best Raccoon Trap

However, it’s not the best way to trap a raccoon. First, the closest park or forest may be 10 miles away from your house. Do you really fancy transporting a whole garbage can with water and a grown raccoon inside? Sounds too painstaking if you ask me!

Second, it’s not the safest method. There’s no guarantee it’ll go the way you’ve planned it. And even if it does, a scared raccoon may turn into a ferocious little devil trying to protect himself. In turn, this may cause some serious injuries and health damage.

So, if you’re still determined to catch a raccoon this way — do it at your own risk.

Simming Up

If you have used any of the traps from my top 5 picks, don’t be shy and share your story. Your unique knowledge and insight can many people solve their raccoon problem. Plus, it’s always cool to learn from first-hand experience.

I regularly review and test home and gardening appliances, including traps and other pest control equipment. Do you have any questions? Would you like to share some tips or get a piece of advice? Leave a comment in the section below!


  • Raccoon (Indiana Department of Natural Resources):
  • Wild Animals (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services):
  • Raccoon Nuisance Problems (Connecticut’s Official State Website):


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