Chipmunks are one of the most frustrating creatures to have in your yard. They’re always raiding your garden and eating your plants. But did you know a simple way to get rid of them? If you’re looking for a way to keep them away, you may have heard vinegar can help. But does vinegar repel chipmunks? We did the research to find out!
[wpsm_titlebox title=”How Can You Use Vinegar to Repel Chipmunks?” style=””main””]
Vinegar is a great way to repel chipmunks! It’s safe for the environment and animals, and it’s cheap. Using a solution of vinegar and water, you can prevent chipmunks from:
Rummaging in your garbage;
Eating the plants and vegetables in your garden;
Entering your property and getting into your car.
Why Is it Important to Get Rid of Chipmunks?
If you have ever dealt with a chipmunk infestation, then you know how destructive and annoying these little creatures can be. Chipmunks are not only a nuisance, but they can also cause severe damage to your home and property.
Here are just a few reasons why it is so important to get rid of them:
They dig unsightly holes in your yard.
They steal your plants and vegetables.
They gnaw on wires and cables, which can lead to fires.
They carry diseases that can be harmful to humans and pets.
Does Vinegar Scare Chipmunks?
If you’re looking for a natural way to keep chipmunks away from your home, you may want to try using vinegar. Vinegar is a sour-tasting liquid produced by the fermentation of ethanol. It can be found in many household products and is also a popular ingredient in cooking. Vinegar is not harmful to them, so you can feel good about using it as a repellent.
However, it is essential to note that vinegar does not repel all animals. You’ll need to find another solution if you have other pests like rabbits or deer.
How Can You Use Vinegar to Repel Chipmunks?
There are several ways to use vinegar to repel chipmunks. You can soak some rags in vinegar and place them around the perimeter of your property. You can also mix vinegar with water in a spray bottle and use it to mist areas where chipmunks are likely to congregate. If you have a serious chipmunk problem, you may even want to try flooding their burrows with vinegar.
What Other Natural Ways Can You Use to Repel Chipmunks?
There are few things more frustrating than dealing with pesky chipmunks. These little creatures can wreak havoc on your yard and garden, and they’re not easy to get rid of. But there are a few natural ways you can repel them.
Use mothballs. They are toxic to animals, so placing them around your property will help keep rodents away.
Use cayenne pepper. It irritates animals, so sprinkling it around your garden or yard will help keep chipmunks away.
Use garlic. It is a strong-smelling herb that many animals dislike, so placing it around your property may help keep them away. With these natural methods, you can get rid of chipmunks for good!
Do you want to get rid of chipmunks without resorting to dangerous chemicals? Here is a list of the most common questions regarding this subject.
Will coffee grounds keep chipmunks away?
Yes, coffee grounds will definitely keep them away! The strong smell of coffee is very off-putting to these little critters, so they’ll steer clear if they catch a whiff.
Will mothballs keep chipmunks away?
Yes. The strong smell of mothballs is offensive to chipmunks and other small rodents and will deter them from entering your home or garden. Place mothballs near entrances or air vents to keep chipmunks from entering your house.
What can I pour down a chipmunk hole?
If you wish to seal up a chipmunk’s borrow, you can use gravel, coarse sand, and cement. Don’t pour vinegar in chipmunk hole since it won’t have much effect on the rodents but may greatly damage the soil.
Vinegar as a Natural Method of Repelling Chipmunks
If your yard has many rodents, apple cider vinegar for chipmunks might be a great solution to this problem. It is one among many all-natural methods of keeping these cute little critters away from your yard. We hope our guide was helpful and that you’ll try vinegar as a safe and effective means of repelling chipmunks.
In what ways do you prefer to eliminate rodents? Don’t hesitate to leave your suggestions or questions in the comments below!
Do you love animals but hate it when they get into your vehicle and wreak havoc? There are few things worse than finding a chipmunk nest in your car. The little rodents can cause all sorts of damage, from chewing on wiring to leaving droppings everywhere. But there are some things you can do to keep them out. In this article, we’ll tell you all about how to keep chipmunks out of car.
[wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Keep Chipmunks Out of Your Car?” style=””main””]
Keep your car clean and free of food debris.
Make sure there are no holes or cracks in your garage that would allow chipmunks to enter.
Put up a fence or other barrier to prevent the chipmunk invasion.
If you have a chipmunk problem in your yard, they may get into your vehicle. Chipmunks are attracted to cars for a variety of reasons. They may be seeking shelter from the elements or looking for a safe place to store their food. Additionally, chipmunks are attracted to the warmth of engines, which can provide them with a cozy place to sleep.
How Can Chipmunks Get Into Your Car?
If you have a chipmunk problem, the first step is to figure out how they’re getting inside. Chipmunks can enter through small spaces, so check all potential entry points. Once you’ve located the opening they’re using, you can take steps to block it off. It may require some trial and error, but you’ll be able to keep the little critters out for good.
Where Can the Chipmunks Hide in Your Car?
There are a few places in your car where the chipmunks can hide, and we’ll go over them one by one.
Under the hood. Chipmunks love to nest in warm, dark places, so your engine compartment is a perfect spot for them. Check here before you start your car, or you could end up with a dead chipmunk (and a big repair bill).
In the engine bay. This is usually where they’ll build their nest, as there are plenty of nooks and crannies for them to hide in.
In the trunk. Trunks are usually dark and quiet, making them the perfect place for the chipmunks to sleep during the day.
Under the seats. If you look under your seats, you’ll likely see a few small holes that lead into the space between the seat and the floor. It is another popular spot for chipmunks to build their nests.
In the glove box. This is usually one of the warmer spots in the vehicle, making it ideal for the chipmunks to hibernate during the winter months.
What Damage Can They Do?
We all know that chipmunks are cute, but did you know that they can cause damage to your car? Here are a few ways that chipmunks can damage your car:
Chewing on wires
Chipmunks tend to chew on things, including the wires in your car. It can cause all sorts of problems, from short circuits to fires.
Getting into the engine
Chipmunks are curious creatures and often crawl into places they shouldn’t be. This includes the engine of your car. Once in there, they can cause all sorts of problems, from chewing on wires to fouling up the works. Thus, it’s vital to keep chipmunks out of car engine.
Damaging tires
Chipmunks love to burrow, and that includes burrowing into tires. This can cause flats or even blowouts.
Step-By-Step Guide on How to Keep Chipmunks Out of a Car
Here are some tips to keep chipmunks out of your car:
Keep your vehicle clean. They’ll move on if there’s no food or garbage for them to eat.
Store food in sealed containers. If you must keep food in your car, make sure it’s in a container that chipmunks can’t get into.
Don’t leave any openings unscreened. Chipmunks can squeeze through tiny spaces, so make sure all your doors and windows have screens.
Remove potential nesting sites. If there are any areas in or around your vehicle that could be appealing to chipmunks as a nesting site, remove them. This could include piles of leaves, stacks of wood, or anything else that might shelter them.
Use a repellent. There are several commercial repellents available, so getting a chipmunk repellent for cars will be fairly easy. Follow the directions on the package, and reapply as needed.
Here are some of the most common questions we get asked when people run into the problem of having a chipmunk nest in their car.
How do you lure a chipmunk out of hiding?
Try putting out some food that will attract the chipmunk. Once the chipmunk is out in the open, you can try to catch it. Use some cloth or gloves since chipmunk might bite you in retaliation.
How do you outsmart a chipmunk?
Avoid making sudden movements or loud noises, as these may startle the little creature. Instead, take your time and move slowly, giving the chipmunk plenty of time to adjust to your presence.
How do you get rid of chipmunks fast?
To set a live trap, baited with some food to attract chipmunks. Once the trap is sprung, the chipmunk will be safely contained inside, where you can then release it into the wild far away from your home.
You Don’t Want Chipmunks Living In Your Car
If you have chipmunks in your car, getting rid of them as soon as possible is important. Not only are they a nuisance, but they can also cause extensive damage. We hope that our guide was helpful to you.
Have you ever had chipmunks in your vehicle? How did you get rid of them? Share your opinion in the comments!
Chipmunks are one of the most adorable animals in North America. They are small, have stripes on their backs, and are known to be very playful. One of the most exciting facts about these creatures is that they can store food in their cheeks. It allows them to have a quick snack whenever they need it! So, what food do chipmunks like? Read on to find out!
[wpsm_titlebox title=”What Is the Best Food for Chipmunks?” style=””main””]
Try planting some of the chipmunks’ favorite food if you want to attract them to your yard. Here is what the diet of chipmunks should look like:
Seeds: sunflower and pumpkin seeds, peanuts, grains.
Nuts: acorns, hickory nuts, and beechnuts.
Berries: strawberries and blackberries.
Insects: worms, centipedes, and millipedes.
Fungi: truffles.
What Food Do Chipmunks Like?
The chipmunks’ diet varies greatly. If you want to pamper these cute creatures, don’t hesitate to discover more about their eating habits. So, what do chipmunks like to eat the most?
Chipmunks love seeds! In fact, they are one of the main food sources for them. Seeds are full of nutrients and energy that help keep them healthy and active. There are a variety of seeds that these critters enjoy, including sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame seeds. Select only a high-quality product free of chemicals and other harmful ingredients.
Chipmunks are fond of nuts and often hoard large quantities to help them survive the winter. A single chipmunk can collect and store up to 60 pounds of nuts over a year! While all types of nuts are technically fair game for these little critters, they seem to prefer acorns and hickory nuts.
Chipmunks are one of the cutest and most beloved animals in North America. They love all kinds of berries, from raspberries and blackberries to blueberries and strawberries. Planting some berry bushes is a great way to ensure that your yard is full of chipmunks. You will enjoy watching them frolic and play and have a bountiful crop of delicious berries to enjoy the harvest time.
Chipmunks are small yet mighty creatures. Though they’re only about 4-5 inches in length, these little rodents can pack away a lot of food. And while their diet consists mainly of plants and nuts, they’re also known to eat the occasional insect.
Fungi may not seem like the most delicious food to us, but chipmunks love it. They especially enjoy munching on mushrooms. Not only do they taste good, but fungi also contain many nutrients for their health.
What Food Do Chipmunks Hate?
Chipmunks are one of the most adorable creatures in the animal kingdom. They’re small, they’re playful, and they’re fascinating to watch. But there’s one thing about chipmunks that not everyone knows: they hate certain types of food.
Chipmunks are one of the most adorable creatures in the animal kingdom. They’re small, playful, and fascinating to watch. But there’s one thing about chipmunks that not everyone knows: they hate certain types of food.
If you’re considering keeping a chipmunk as a pet, it’s important to learn what vegetables chipmunks eat. You can avoid feeding them anything that might make them sick. Here are some of the most common foods that chipmunks hate:
Of course, every chipmunk is different; some may be more tolerant of certain foods than others. But in general, you should avoid feeding your chipmunk with this food.
How to Feed Chipmunks?
If you’re looking to feed some friendly neighborhood chipmunks, here are a few tips to ensure a successful feeding experience.
First, it’s important to find a good location. Look for an area with plenty of trees and bushes for the chipmunks to hide in.
Once you’ve found a spot, set out some food for them to eat. A mix of nuts, seeds, and fruits is chipmunk favorite food.
Finally, be patient and wait for them to come. They may be shy at first, but if you stay still, they will come out to get the food.
This way, you’ll be able to enjoy watching the chipmunks as they eat! They’re sure to provide you with some entertainment as they go about their business.
Do you love spending time outdoors, surrounded by nature? Then you’ve probably already had a close encounter with a chipmunk. But what do these little creatures actually eat?
What to feed wild chipmunks?
There are a variety of things you can feed wild chipmunks to help them survive. Some good options include sunflower seeds, acorns, hickory nuts, beechnuts, worms, centipedes, and millipedes.
Do chipmunks like peanut butter?
Yes, chipmunks like peanut butter. You can use this to your advantage by setting out a small dish of peanut butter near where you often see chipmunks. Once the chipmunk is used to eating peanut butter from a dish, you can get close and ob it.
What kind of nuts do chipmunks like?
Chipmunks like various nuts, but their favorites are typically acorns, hickory nuts, and beechnuts. If you wish to give a chipmunk some peanuts, make sure they are unsalted. Too much salt is bad for chipmunks.
Chipmunks Are Cute, Adorable, and Fun to Watch
Chipmunks are not only adorable, but they’re also one of the most fun animals to watch. They’re constantly on the move and always searching for something. And what do they like to eat? Well, just about anything! So if you’re looking for a fun and furry friend, a chipmunk is the way to go. And who knows, maybe you’ll even get to share your lunch with them!
Have you ever seen a chipmunk up close? What kind of food did you decide to give it, and did the chipmunk like it? Tell us in the comment section below.
Chipmunks are cute and non-aggressive wild animals. However, it’s best to keep them away from your home, so they don’t cause trouble, such as chewing through wiring or bringing dangerous diseases to your family. There are many simple remedies that homeowners use to keep rodents away.
However, the effectiveness of some of them is called into question. For example, many people wonder, do mothballs keep chipmunks away? In short, yes, they can serve as deterrents against pests, but it is not that simple. Let’s delve into this topic and take a closer look at all aspects of this issue.
[wpsm_titlebox title=”Do Mothballs Keep Chipmunks Away?” style=””main””] Like many other animals, chipmunks have a keen sense of smell and, therefore, cannot tolerate strong odors. That is why moth balls repel the chipmunks, causing them to avoid treated areas. At the same time, the naphthalene they contain is toxic. If rodents accidentally eat mothballs in plants, they’ll die. [/wpsm_titlebox]
Do Chipmunks Dislike Mothballs?
Chipmunks prefer to stay away from products with a strong and persistent smell. So, will mothballs deter chipmunks? Yes, mothballs have just such a deterrent scent. They contain chemicals such as naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene in their composition. Both have proven effective as insecticides as they are toxic to small pests.
However, the scope of products containing them is much more extensive. That’s why you can use mothballs to kick the chipmunks out of your house and garden.
Can You Put Mothballs in Chipmunk Holes?
One of the most effective ways to get rid of pesky chipmunks is to find all the entrances to the underground tunnels and throw a couple of mothballs in there. Their powerful smell will make pests look for other ways and avoid your territory. This method can be considered quite humane.
Although naphthalene can be toxic to small creatures, its smell will scare them away, making them less likely to eat items containing it. However, you need to be careful when scattering the balls if you have curious little kids or pets who might pick them up and accidentally eat them (mothballs look like mints).
I recommend covering treated entrances with soil to disguise them and protect loved ones from potential poisoning.
Can you put mothballs in your garden and not be afraid to kill the plants? In this case, you need to decide what is more important for you: to keep the flowers or to get rid of pests that are likely to gnaw them over time. Paradichlorobenzene, like naphthalene, is dangerous not because it kills flowers.
The fact is that this substance dissolves quite easily and is absorbed by the soil, which means it can get into water bodies and harm wildlife.
Besides, if you grow vegetables and fruits, they also absorb substances contained in mothballs along with water. It means ripe fruits will contain traces of toxic products that will enter your body with food. It is a highly undesirable scenario that leads to health problems.
I advise you to use naphthalene-containing repellents outdoors with caution and only if you do not have eatable plants. In any case, you can always opt for safer DIY remedies rather than put mothballs in plants.
How to Keep Chipmunks Away Using Mothballs?
Using mothballs as a pest control method is not difficult at all. Luckily, you don’t need to dilute them with water or mix them with other ingredients.
Step 1: Determine the chipmunks’ routes
Now you know that moth balls repel chipmunks, so here is how to use them to the fullest. You first need to find all the places where chipmunks can run or hide. They tend to live outdoors, so inspect the lawn for holes and entrances to underground tunnels. If your yard has piles of junk (such as piled wooden pallets) or overgrown bushes, rodents may live in their shade.
Also, check the patio, garage, and basement of the house for signs of pests: paw marks, feces, gnawed plants, nutshells, and so on.
Step 2: Lay out the mothballs
After finding all the chipmunks’ routes and paths, spread the pesticide wherever possible. Remember that these rodents avoid open spaces, so you should try to stuff the mothballs into the most secluded places. Avoid overdoing it, especially if you treat rooms and other premises.
Since naphthalene and paradichlorobenzene are toxic and pose a risk to your health, I strongly recommend you follow the general safety rules and use PPE for working with chemicals.
Step 3: Inspect the area regularly
It will take some time to notice the effect of mothballs. During this period, your property and premises should be inspected for new holes and damage from chipmunks. If you notice fresh footprints or tunnels, put more mothballs in them. Continue it until you no longer see signs of rodent activity.
My experience is that using mothballs is an effective pest control method. However, I am a supporter of an integrated approach because by using several tools, you minimize the disadvantages of each.
That’s why, along with mothballs, I recommend getting a DIY spray made of cayenne pepper or peppermint essential oil, bloodmeal, predator (feline, fox, or owl) urine, live traps to catch rodents, and many other remedies.
FAQ on Chipmunks and Mothballs
In this section, I have answered common questions my readers have about using mothballs against pests.
Will mothballs keep chipmunks away?
Yes, mothballs have a strong and persistent scent that repels rodents. The fact is that naphthalene irritates the mucous membranes of animals but also “interrupts” other odors, preventing pests from orienting in space. Because of it, chipmunks prefer to avoid strong-smelling rooms and areas.
What can you not mix with mothballs?
Mothballs should not be diluted or mixed with other chemicals as you may get unexpected results. Moreover, varieties of mothballs may contain either naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene. Never use two different types together, as it will increase the toxicity of the substances. Remember that these ingredients evaporate quickly, even at low (room) temperatures, so you may not immediately notice that you have been exposed to harmful effects.
Are mothballs illegal to use outside?
It depends on the specific type of product. Modern manufacturers produce environmentally friendly mothballs containing non-toxic active ingredients. Be sure to read label directions before first use. Imported products with naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene usually do not pass due diligence by the Environmental Protection Agency and, therefore, cannot be used outdoors.
Easy Way to Protect Your Garden and House
Mothballs are a simple tool to not only protect your belongings from moths but also to repel small rodents like chipmunks. This chemical releases a strong odor that can drive pests out of your garden, house, patio, and garage. Use it wisely so as not to harm the family, pets, and the environment. I also recommend combining mothballs applications with other safe pest control tools.
Have you ever fought chipmunks? Have you tried mothballs? And what other means do you find effective? Please share your story with readers and me in the comments!
Chipmunks seem like harmless creatures. In fact, if you do not find them and do not eliminate them on time, they can cause significant damage to your property. They’ll eat your plants, gnaw on your wiring, dig deep holes, and can also infect you with dangerous diseases (Tularemia, encephalitis, Toxoplasmosis, etc.).
If you try to catch them with your bare hands, you risk getting bitten, so it’s essential to know how to get rid of chipmunks in garage properly. In this article, I’ve detailed the basic steps to identify signs of rodent infestation and methods of cleaning up the area.
[wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Get Rid of Chipmunks in Garage?” style=””main””] When you find a chipmunk in your garage, determine what attracts these pests to your area. Make the room unattractive to keep chipmunks out of garage: use cat litter, DIY cayenne pepper spray, and naphthalene mothballs. Install live traps to catch animals without harming them. [/wpsm_titlebox]
What Attracts Chipmunks to the Garage?
Attracting the attention of these rodents is not at all difficult. Like any other living creature, they can come to you in search of food, water, and shelter. If all this is on one site within reach, with a high degree of probability, they will settle there for a long time. So let’s take a closer look at the things you can have indoors and outdoors that can trigger chipmunks:
Fruiting plants. If you grow shrubs, trees, and other vegetation that produces sweet fruits, seeds, and nuts, you can be sure they will attract wild animals.
Insects. Chipmunks are omnivorous creatures; therefore, they do not mind feasting on protein-rich insect larvae. If your garage has a bug problem, rodents can make it worse.
Garbage. Usually, these animals prefer fresh food. But with no other options, they can feast on human food leftovers, which you can leave or accidentally drop in the garage or throw in a loosely closed dumpster.
Water. All animals need regular access to water. Are your pipes leaking or rainwater collecting in your basement? Be prepared for pest infestation.
Shelter. Often garages are used by owners as a warehouse for unnecessary stuff. Piles of garbage are a favorable environment for the appearance of chipmunks. Although they generally prefer to live outdoors, they can occasionally be seen in chimneys, vents, near heaters, and other heating devices.
Basically, all you need to do to attract chipmunks is neglect your house a little. All of the above factors make your garage an ideal environment for a wide variety of pests.
Signs of a Chipmunk Infestation
Seeing one chipmunk in my garage is not enough to call the situation an infestation. However, it is a warning sign to take seriously and look for other signals:
Paw prints of rodents on the floor and other flat surfaces in the garage;
Gnawed wires, seals, furniture, and other soft objects;
Holes in the lawn in the area adjacent to the garage;
Bitten fruits, vegetables, scattered peel of nuts and seeds;
Rodents’ excrements;
Ruined bird feeders.
Chipmunks are, by nature, solitary creatures; they do not live in large families. However, if there are all favorable conditions for life in your garage or the local area, you will most likely find more rodents. They are active in the morning and evening, so at this time, you can see creatures running or hear their characteristic squeak (or whistle) they make.
Although experts usually rate chipmunks as a low threat with the minimum economic loss for large farms, they can cause significant damage to small farms and individuals. Do not let the situation take its course and hope the problem will be solved by itself. When you detect the first signs of rodents, you should take measures to scare them away and protect your home from their reappearance.
How to Get Rid of Chipmunks From Your Garage
You can use several methods to get rid of chipmunks living in your garage. I am a supporter of a humane approach to the eviction of unwanted neighbors. Therefore, I have described ways to get rid of chipmunks without killing or causing serious harm.
Step 1: Remove all things that attract rodents
Learn about the factors listed in the first section that can cause wild animals to appear in your garage and yard, and get rid of them:
It is important to block rodents’ access to food and water and collect all fallen vegetables, fruits, and nuts if fruit-bearing plants grow near the house.
If you have a bird feeder installed, remove it or regularly pick up falling seeds from the floor.
Check all storage containers in the garage for holes and cracks; make sure the lids fit snugly so that small pests cannot get inside.
If necessary, replace the old cracked waste bin with a new one with a secure lid.
Repair any leaking pipes and cracks in walls and foundations.
If there are piles of garbage in the garage (for example, a bunch of wooden pallets), you need to remove them.
All ventilation openings should be closed with a fine metal mesh to prevent rodents from re-entering.
Remember that chipmunks are quite shy creatures. They don’t feel comfortable in open spaces, so you need to do everything possible to ensure they have nowhere to hide in your garage.
Step 2: Use repellents
Making your garage and surrounding area unattractive to chipmunks is easy. To create the most repellents, you will probably find the necessary ingredients in your kitchen.
Cayenne pepper
The powerful smell and taste of cayenne pepper repel many pests, including chipmunks, as it strongly irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract. You can make an effective spray using it. Mix a tablespoon of spice with a glass of plain water and pour this mixture into a spray bottle.
Try to treat all the cracks and secluded places in your garage with this remedy. You can also sprinkle dry cayenne pepper around the room or use a dry sprayer if you have one. If you wish, you can buy fresh peppers, cut them into several pieces, and scatter them in secluded places in the garage. The stronger the smell, the faster the pests will run away from your area.
Cat litter
Chipmunks, like many wild animals, have a keen sense of smell. They are also terrified of pets, so to scare them away, you can either get a cat or a dog or use their waste, such as cat litter. If you don’t have a pet or don’t want one, borrow used cat litter from your friends or family and put it in your garage for a while.
Renew it periodically to keep the smell as strong as possible. When the last signs of rodents disappear, thoroughly clean the room.
Coffee grounds
It is another product with a strong smell. You probably drink coffee regularly, so don’t throw the grounds in the trash, but find more good uses. If you don’t fancy coffee, you can ask for grounds at any nearest coffee shop. Scatter coffee residue inside and outside your garage to keep pests away.
Keep in mind that the scent dissipates pretty quickly, so you will need to reapply regularly (I recommend doing it daily). It should not be a big deal for coffee fans.
Peppermint oil
Peppermint oil smells much nicer to most people than old coffee grounds. At the same time, it has an equally repulsive effect on rodents. If you have a bottle of this oil on hand, dilute a teaspoon of it with a glass of water and treat all the cracks, entrances, and exits to the garage. All essential oils fade fairly quickly, so you’ll need to reapply them regularly to keep your spray effective.
Be careful, as peppermint oil can be an allergen for people with high sensitivities.
The naphthalene found in mothballs has an extremely strong and repulsive odor. Rodents do not tolerate it and prefer to stay away. Use this method carefully because, in large quantities, this substance can be toxic to pets and even people. After getting rid of chipmunks, it is recommended to ventilate the room thoroughly.
Liquid repellents and ultrasonic devices
In stores, you can find professional pest control products. Among them are liquid concentrates that need to be diluted in water and sprayed on infected premises. Choose non-toxic repellents so you don’t harm the environment. Also, on the market, many ultrasonic devices are aimed at repelling rodents.
Experts still argue about their real effectiveness, so you can choose other proven methods for your tasks.
Step 3: Catch chipmunks
In addition to using a rodent deterrent, you can set up live traps in areas where chipmunks may run through during the day. It is humane to capture wild animals as they remain alive inside cages or boxes. After trapping the creature, take it to nature and release it. Combine this approach with the other methods described and clean up your garage to get rid of pests for good.
A few words about killing chipmunks
As I said, I favor humane methods of dealing with chipmunks since pests are an integral part of the ecosystem. However, I will briefly cover some lethal methods to make my guide as complete as possible. You can use poisonous liquid repellents, mousetraps, fruit gum (they get stuck in the digestive tract and kill rodents), and even small caliber guns to keep chipmunks out of garage.
Keep in mind that depending on your region, laws may prohibit lethal methods. In the United States, the killing of chipmunks is not banned at the state level; however, in some states, there are acts that completely or partially prevent it (for example, by prohibiting the use of guns).
FAQ on How to Get Rid of Chipmunks in Garage
This section will give you more information about pest control in your garage. If anything remains unclear, ask your question in the comments section.
What do chipmunks hate the most?
Like all wild animals, chipmunks cannot tolerate strong-smelling substances. These include cat urine (ammonia), peppermint, mothballs, coffee, cayenne pepper, and so on. Pests stay away from dogs, cats, owls, and other predators, so using their fur or urine is a good idea. Also, rodents do not like open spaces and empty rooms; they always look for somewhere to hide.
So keep your garage and garden in order. Besides, pests often move in search of food and water. So, if they don’t have access to them in your home, they will quickly move elsewhere.
What is a home remedy to get rid of chipmunks?
By and large, any remedy with a sharp, strong, and persistent smell can be used as a home remedy. If you have cayenne or chili peppers in your kitchen and mothballs just lie around in your closet, feel free to use them in the garage to repel rodents.
Even the neighbor’s cat can be a chipmunk helper if you ask your neighbor to share a cat litter with you. Also, you can plant marigolds, hyacinths, poisonous daffodils, and onions in flower beds or pots to deter pests.
What scent will keep chipmunks away?
There are many powerful scents that rodents prefer to avoid: peppermint, cayenne pepper, mothballs, citrus, eucalyptus, and so on. It is because they irritate the mucous membranes of their noses and eyes and prevent chipmunks from fully assessing the situation to avoid encounters with predators.
These two reasons will make pests leave your garage. Also, rodents run away when they smell cats, foxes, or coyotes. You can use their fur or urine pellets.
Get Rid of Unwanted Neighbors Permanently
Don’t be fooled by the chipmunks’ cuteness. These are real destroyers that can also bring serious diseases. Luckily, they are quite shy creatures, so you can repel them with natural remedies that you can make yourself or use ready-made chemical products. And, of course, the key to getting rid of rodents forever is order in the garage and surrounding area.
If you have had to deal with chipmunks, please tell me which methods were effective for you in the comments! Did you use DIY tools, or do you prefer ready-made products? How do you feel about lethal pest control methods?
When chipmunks appear in your area, and it’s time to get rid of them, you start wondering, are chipmunks dangerous? I will tell you how to deal with these pests, and you will find out if it is possible to be bit by a chipmunk. You’ll also learn about the places where they live and how to avoid their appearance in your home or garden.
[wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Get Rid of Chipmunks?” style=””main””]
Keep firewood and leaf and debris piles away from the home.
Shrubs and trees should not be connected to forests and house foundations.
Use traps or baits.
Close all holes in the foundation.
Don’t install a bird feeder near your home.
Guide on How to Prevent Сhipmunks
When it comes to chipmunks, you need to be patient, as chipmunks can be quite hardy, and it will take a lot of effort to get rid of them. To prevent chipmunks from appearing in your yard, try covering the flower beds with wire mesh – this will help protect you from pests. Set up chipmunk traps, which can be any rodent trap, or you can use baits around your property. Chipmunks are most afraid of foxes, owls, and hawks. You can also use naphthalene against chipmunks, but it is extremely poisonous and should only be used as a last resort.
Are Chipmunks Dangerous and Should You Get Rid of Them
Chipmunk bites! Chipmunks are harmless to humans and do not attack humans without coercion. When they are calm and not afraid, they are not dangerous. Most chipmunks prefer the wild and only come to human areas for food. And if you spot a chipmunk in your garden, don’t tease it, as it senses danger in your presence.
Also, do not try to pick them up, in a state of stress, they can be very aggressive, and therefore there is a threat of being bit by chipmunks.
Do chipmunks attack humans?
Chipmunks are cute, fluffy, and completely harmless. Or at least they are, as long as you don’t pose a threat to them. In this case, the chipmunk will bite you hard and run into its hole as fast as its small paws grab it. Read on to find out why chipmunks bite and how dangerous their act of aggression is for you.
Are Chipmunks Harmful?
Chipmunks are still those pests! The chipmunk damages the house at the first opportunity. They get into your property, damage your gardens, house foundations, and walls, and if they get into your basement, they can also damage your personal belongings, furniture, and more.
Chipmunks often try to get water from vegetables, so when you see chipmunks in the garden, you need to take measures to catch them. The burrows that chipmunks dig are thin, so if your lawn is not well maintained, you may not even see these burrows.
Although they are terrestrial creatures, they also climb trees and shrubs in search of something to profit from, they like to feast on flower bulbs and seeds. For the garden, they are not very pleasant, at the first opportunity, they will eat the entire crop.
Chipmunk damage can be different: hey dig tunnels and burrows under houses and foundations. They also can crawl out of someone’s house or building. Chipmunk damage to house can lead to huge spendings, so it’s better to prevent that damage.
Way to Get Rid of Chipmunks
To prevent damages from chipmunks, you can use a caulk or wire cloth to seal the holes. Chipmunks traps are the most practical way to catch them. It is not difficult to pick up the bait, the bait option is usually used – nut meat and seeds. But you need to use the bait by putting it in a trap for a couple of days so that the chipmunk finds a new food source.
Chipmunks are omnivorous, and they are not averse to feasting on seeds, nut meats, or cereals. This is the easiest way to catch a pest.
To keep chipmunks out of the garden, use 1/4″ woven fabric.
Shrubs and trees should not be connected to forests and house foundations.
Avoid garbage near the house.
Bird feeders are very attractive to chipmunks, so they should be 15-30 feet away from buildings.
Chipmunks can be repelled with flavor repellents, but they often must be reapplied several times. Do not use repellents on growths that are eaten by humans.
You can use bait traps, the composition of the bait includes peanut butter, various seeds, and raisins, you can also use regular breakfast cereal.
The trap must be placed on the path where the chipmunk is most often active.
Chipmunks live in forests, suburban areas, and gardens, they can cause a lot of inconveniences. And to control them, it is necessary to pay special attention to what was listed earlier.
What diseases do chipmunks carry?
They also carry diseases that are not letal for them, but your animals may be susceptible to infection. Chipmunk diseases are often associated with Lyme disease. They do not transmit Lyme disease directly to humans, but they can transmit rabies! That’s why you need to be careful.
Diseases from chipmunks, such as plague, and salmonella, which they can carry, are deadly for both humans and animals, so there is no need to disturb the chipmunk once again.
FAQ about Chipmunk Damage
Here I will try to answer questions which people usually ask about chipmunks.
How to avoid being bit by chipmunks?
When you see a chipmunk, do not try to catch or feed it. Even though they are small, they can protect themselves. And you risk being bitten. Therefore, when you see a chipmunk, try to avoid direct contact with him.
Do chipmunks eat mice or insects?
Yes, they can eat mice and also insects, just like birds, but only small ones. They do not look for eggs and young and often remove them as soon as they find them. They store the food they get in their burrows.
How small of a hole can a chipmunk fit through?
Chipmunks can fit in a hole as small as 2 inches. Their burrows that they dig are only 2-3 inches, they can be hardly noticeable.
Knowledge About the Chipmunk Damage
Now you know what measures to take if chipmunks appear on your site. Those chipmunks trying to find food can be a nuisance in your area. The point is, don’t be afraid of the chipmunks, as you already know they don’t pose any danger unless they are forced to.
Please share your experience of fighting chipmunks. And what methods do you use to fight them?
These tiny creatures are fun to watch, especially when they eat something. You might have seen them taking food in their little paws and stuffing their cheeks with a treat. It’s cute until a chipmunk starts pecking around in your garden. Agree it’s frustrating when you’ve spent a lot of time beautifying your yard. One fine morning you go outside and see that someone has tripled the chaos in your garden.
To effectively control rodents, you need to learn a lot about them, including their food preferences. What do chipmunks eat in the garden? You will know from this article.
[wpsm_titlebox title=”Guide on Keeping Chipmunks From Eating in Your Garden” style=””main””]
What do chipmunks eat in the garden? Get to know their eating habits.
Find out that chipmunks eat flowers.
Determine what plants chipmunks hate.
Learn about the properties of plants that chipmunks don’t like.
Plant them in your garden to let the rodents know they don’t belong here.
What Do Chipmunks Eat in the Garden?
You can’t stop chipmunks from living in your yard. You can try to prevent them in every way, but sometimes they can come back. Therefore, you should accept their existence and try to make your garden as unattractive to rodents as possible.
Before decorating your yard with plants, find out which ones are almost guaranteed to be damaged by pests.
Do chipmunks eat fruit?
Chipmunks love to eat berries and fruits. They like to eat anything that contains cellulose. For fruits, they prefer apples, pears, plums, and peaches. The chipmunks’ favorite diet includes melons. They do not mind eating oranges and bananas. As for berries, rodents will gladly eat strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and cranberries.
Do chipmunks eat vegetables?
Chipmunks prefer to eat probably all the vegetables we normally have in our diet. They won’t turn down potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, yams, cauliflower, and zucchini. If you want to plant a few bushes of lettuce, you can be sure that a chipmunk will come to eat them. Peas and green beans contain a lot of nutrients for the rodent, so it is unlikely to pass by if it sees them on your property. Corn and mushrooms are also on the list of these rodents’ gastronomic preferences.
Do chipmunks eat flowers?
Chipmunks eat plants, and garden flowers are no exception. Fortunately, there are flowers that rodents don’t like. But those that a rodent will gladly munch on make an impressive list. Chipmunks’ favorite flowers are:
Tulips. Especially, rodents love their bulbs. If a chipmunk sees this flower in your garden, chances are it will dig the bulb out of the ground and eat it. If it doesn’t, the pest might eat the bud before it even opens;
Any sprouts. Rodents can’t resist savoring tiny green sprouts. You either need to be resourceful to protect them or give it up;
Sunflower. This plant is not only beautiful and adds bright colors to any place. It is a plant that is much loved by rodents. If you plant a sunflower in hopes that you can eat the personally grown seeds, chances are a chipmunk will beat you to it;
Coreopsis. You might not be the only one who likes these flowers. Chipmunks also like to cleanly destroy these plants;
Pansies. These flowers might not keep you happy with their colorful buds for long. One day, you might find that only ruffled stems are left of the beautiful flowers;
Daisies. These charming plants are one of the rodents’ favorite treats.
Chipmunks’ eating habits include not only the flowers or bulbs themselves, but they also like to hunt for seeds. The best thing you can do for your garden if you have a lot of flowering plants is to cut back the buds that have already bloomed. Yes, it needs to be carefully monitored, but that way, you won’t give the buds a chance to escape to seed. You can keep them so that you can sow new flowers later.
What Plants Will Chipmunks Not Eat?
Chipmunks do not like plants with a pungent smell, so any excessively fragrant plant will scare them away:
French marigolds. These plants are a great decoration for any yard. They are planted in the garden, near the house, along the perimeter of the yard, or even in the vegetable garden. The flowers are said to be able to repel chipmunks because of their strong odor. These flowers are sometimes planted near species that are vulnerable to insects;
Daffodils. Although rodents love to eat bulbs, and daffodil is a bulbous plant, chipmunks stay away from them. Narcissus roots are very bitter and toxic to pests;
Grape hyacinths. The flowers resemble bunches of grapes in their appearance. They are also bulbous plants. Although they have a pleasant smell for humans, chipmunks find it too pungent and do not want to approach them;
Сommon сamas. Another perpetrator of strongly smelling plants. If you plant these bulbous flowers in your yard, you will enjoy their sight and smell. Rodents, in turn, will stay away from them;
Summer snowflakes. White chickens are similar to a bell and will be a gentle decoration of your yard. They smell nice; the odor is somewhat reminiscent of chocolate. However, these flowers contain a high concentration of lycorine, which is toxic to rodents;
Lavender. We love lavender for its beautiful purple flowers and distinctive smell. You can plant it in your garden to pick and dry later. It is best to pick fresh lavender early in the morning when it is the most concentrated. Its pungent scent deters insects and rodents, including chipmunks;
Sage. Its strong smell will scare away chipmunks. You can grow this plant and then use it in the preparation of various dishes or for brewing medicinal tea;
Peppermint. It has many useful properties, like sage. However, this plant is not useful for rodents. The strong smell of menthol irritates their respiratory tract.
Сhipmunks do not eat bushes such as Butterfly Bush. Petunia is one of the popular plants for the garden that you can safely plant. Rodents are not likely to respond to its scent.
FAQ About What Chipmunks Eat
Now you know which plants chipmunks hate and which ones they would love to eat in your garden. You will find answers to other popular questions in this section. This information can be useful for controlling chipmunks.
What is a natural deterrent for chipmunks?
To protect your flowers from chipmunks, you can carefully place animal fur between them. The rodents will think the predator is quite close and won’t want to come near. You can make a solution of water and cayenne pepper and treat the area around the beds.
Will rubber snakes keep chipmunks away?
All rodents, including chipmunks, are afraid of snakes. You can buy an inexpensive dummy and put it between flowers. The pest should smell the danger and avoid the place where the snake lies.
Can chipmunks damage furniture in the garden?
Chipmunks will not harm your garden furniture, even if it is made of wood. Rodents like to climb trees but not chew on them. They come to your garden for one purpose: to eat. Therefore, their attention will be attracted to flowers, herbs, nuts, and fruit.
You Own Your Garden
Chipmunks are common in almost all states in North America. Therefore, if you own a garden, the chances of seeing a rodent among your plants one day are very high. You won’t be able to 100% protect your area from rodents. However, you can start growing plants or protecting them with natural remedies to leave no room for chipmunks to snack in your garden.
What plants do chipmunks eat in your garden? How do you control these rodents?
Chipmunks are cute animals that look like squirrels but with stripes. They seem harmless until they settle in your yard. Striped squirrels are capable of digging fairly deep burrows. Once they have infiltrated your garden, chipmunks begin to destroy your plants. They are even capable of making holes in the foundation of your home.
Should I say that rodents are disease carriers? As soon as you see the first burrow in your garden, you know you have a problem that urgently needs to be dealt with. In this article, I will tell you how to seal a chipmunk hole.
[wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Seal a Chipmunk Hole?” style=””main””]
Check your yard for holes in the ground.
Ensure they are chipmunk tracks.
Learn techniques that help control them.
Take preventative measures to keep rodents away from your yard.
Get rid of their holes.
Make sure pests can’t get into your home.
Inspect the yard regularly to make sure a chipmunk has not dug new burrows.
What Do Chipmunk Holes Look Like?
The tiny size of the chipmunk makes you think that its burrow is also a small hole in the ground. In fact, it is a whole system of tunnels. The entrance to a chipmunk burrow is different from, for example, a mole hole or an ant one. This rodent digs the hole from top to bottom, so you won’t find a slide of the earth around the hole.
When the chipmunk starts digging a hole, it first makes a tunnel parallel to the surface of the ground, and at the end of the tunnel, it equips a burrow. These pests, like humans, eventually seek to make their dwellings more spacious. They build additional tunnels and burrows where they store their grain, breed, and hibernate for the winter.
A burrow can be up to three feet deep and thirty feet long. Externally, the chipmunk’s burrow can be recognized by its flat opening.
How many chipmunks live in a burrow?
If you see a burrow in your yard, you might think that at least a dozen rodents live there. But they don’t. Chipmunks never live together. There are no exceptions: One burrow is one chipmunk. Rodents can sometimes be near each other, but that does not mean they live together.
Only danger can make them fuse for a while. If a chipmunk realizes that it is in danger, it starts making distinctive sounds that other chipmunks should recognize.
Even after mating, these rodents never stay together. When a female chipmunk gives birth, the cubs stay with it for only a month and a half and then leave to dig their burrows.
How to Seal a Chipmunk Hole
If you have a chipmunk in your yard, you should use humane methods to get them to leave your property. Don’t wait for the rodent to start destroying your garden. You can be proactive and check your yard for burrows. Inspect your garden and make sure there are no holes 2-3 inches in the ground. Check more enclosed areas, such as under stairs, near decorative rocks, and other items. If you find signs of chipmunks, follow one of the methods I describe below.
Method 1: Fill in the hole
Because these rodents dig a hole from top to bottom and don’t leave soil at the entrance to the burrow, it is harder for them to find a hole in the ground afterward. One way to get rid of chipmunks is to backfill their burrows. You can pound the underground passages with earth. But since these pests easily dig the ground, it’s best to cover the former entrance with something heavy, like a rock.
To prevent the chipmunk from digging a hole in the same place again, you can fill the hole with gravel or cement the hole at all. But note that if it is a lawn or garden area, no more plants will grow in this place. To keep plants from growing, you can mix the soil with gravel and fill the hole with this mixture. Chipmunks will have a hard time digging in a place where there is rock, and plants will be able to get through.
Method 2: Close the entryways to the house
Chipmunks can try to get into your home, especially during the colder months. Check your house for possible cracks and holes. Even though rodents live in the ground, they can easily get into your home through the roof. You can close cracks with special sealants. If you find a large hole that a sealant can’t handle, try cementing it in.
Also, pay attention to all the ventilation grids. If they are in bad condition or absent at all, you should replace them. Be responsible for the choice of grids; be sure to consult a specialist. Improperly selected nets can disrupt the ventilation system.
Method 3: Protect your yard from chipmunks
If you have already noticed a chipmunk in your yard or have just moved into a new home and want to prevent them, these tips should help you:
Properly positioning your fence will prevent rodents from tunneling into your property. The fence should not have holes that are too large and go at least 8 inches deeper into the ground. If your fence has been in place for a long time and you don’t plan to change it, you can dig in some mesh as extra protection;
Use special chipmunk traps. Just be aware that some areas do not allow trapping of these rodents. Find out this information in advance. If there are no restrictions in your area, you can buy a special trap and set it in places where you have already encountered chipmunks. Be patient, and do not rush to catch the rodent. You can lull his vigilance and set the trap with baits so that it will not close. When you realize that the chipmunk regularly comes to the cage to eat, you can activate the trap;
Chipmunks are afraid of predators such as foxes and coyotes. You can buy products with the scent of these animals’ urine at a special garden store and treat any openings through which a chipmunk might leak. The procedure should be repeated every 2-3 weeks;
If you have cats or dogs, let them take more walks in the yard. This will also deter chipmunks;
If you have bird feeders on the trees in your yard, make sure they don’t hang too close to the house. Chipmunks love to eat the grain you pour for the birds, so they can climb into the feeders and enter your house from there. Don’t pour too much grain, so it won’t fall to the ground and attract rodents.
Methods That Don’t Help Get Rid of Chipmunks
If you search the forums on the Internet for methods of fighting chipmunks, you can find information that advises flooding burrows with water. Pouring water in the chipmunk hole does not help to fight rodents. Moreover, you should not pour gasoline or other aggressive substances into the burrows.
FAQ About Chipmunk Burrows in the Yard
So, you’ve learned some useful ways to help you get rid of the problem of pests in your yard. You have also found out which methods are ineffective, such as flooding chipmunk holes. Below, you will find answers to common questions that will help you control chipmunks.
What smells do chipmunks hate?
Chipmunks do not tolerate all pungent smells. In addition to the remedies we have mentioned above, you can use coffee, garlic, cayenne pepper, vinegar, ammonia, and naphthalene balls to repel rodents.
What time of day are chipmunks active?
Chipmunks like to climb trees, but despite that, they spend most of their time on the ground or underground. Their activity peaks in the early morning and late evening.
Can chipmunks damage the house foundation?
Chipmunks can do it, but it is unlikely. When their system of underground passages grows, they might end up under your house. This will lead to soil erosion at the foundation.
Chipmunks Have No Place in Your Yard
If you have chipmunk holes in the ground, don’t despair. There are many humane methods to help you protect your property from these pesky rodents. Be patient, be cunning, and don’t let chipmunks ruin the plants and soil in your garden.
Have you faced the problem of chipmunks in your yard? Share which methods you used to get rid of them.
Do chipmunks eat tomatoes? Small critters go crazy for them! As cute as these striped creatures are, you definitely don’t want to waste your time and money on feeding them. In addition to eating tomatoes, pests also carry certain diseases and uproot the bulbs of other plants, causing great damage to a garden.
They are not limited to the crop if there are many sources of food on your territory. To solve this problem, it is necessary to use natural methods that do not harm plants but repel rodents. To find out how to keep chipmunks away from tomato plants, read my step-by-step guide!
[wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Protect Your Garden From Rodents?” style=””main””]
Cover the tomato beds with bird netting.
Use cages for tomatoes. Bury them below the ground level. Throw a metal or bird net over the top.
Use repellent sprays. Chipmunks hate the smell of citrus, garlic, cinnamon, mint, and lavender.
Plant narcissus, asters, purple coneflower, lupine, and black-eyed Susans.
How to Detect the Presence of Chipmunks in Your Garden?
Spotting a chipmunk eating tomatoes is easy. You will notice traces of their presence everywhere. In the garden, bulbs of plants will be uprooted, and you will see signs of fruit and vegetable chewing. If you have bird feeders nearby, a chipmunk will feast on their contents. Chicken breeders will find that the eggs are also eaten. Take a close look at your yard: Chipmunks dig holes 2-3 inches in diameter, but there are no mounds of earth on the surface as these animals camouflage their tunnels from predators by moving the soil to another place.
How to Keep Chipmunks Away From Tomato Plants: Step-by-Step Guide
No need to use chemicals or traps to get rid of crop-eating pests: A set of measures to protect your garden, subject to all the rules, will give a positive result. Read below about how to stop chipmunks from eating tomatoes.
Bird netting
The first obstacle for rodents is setting the bird net around the garden.
You will need enough fine bird netting so that you can enclose your garden.
Hammer small wooden posts around the perimeter of your garden.
Bury the columns below the ground level.
Attach the mesh to them to make walls. The height should be convenient to allow you access to the plants (it is typically about 3 feet).
Also, secure the mesh on top of the tomatoes. This design will protect them not only from chipmunks but also from squirrels and birds.
You can fix the bird net with elastic cords or ropes.
For 100% protection, use several layers of mesh.
The application of this material allows you to protect both the entire territory of the garden and individual seedlings. You can throw a bird net over the tomato cages. Remember to check your protective sheet for the holes through which pests can climb.
Cage tomatoes
This method also allows you to limit the access of rodents to your tomatoes.
Buy metal cages for tomatoes.
Put such a cage around bushes with vegetables.
Ensure to sink the bottom edge of the cage into the ground as deep as possible. Such a measure will prevent chipmunks and other pests from undermining.
Wrap your cages with fine wire mesh.
To harvest, you can simply remove such a cage from a bush and then bury it back into the ground. You can purchase bird netting and tomato cages in the garden center.
Home remedies for keeping chipmunks away
You can use repellents, the ingredients for which you might find at home. Chipmunks hate these smells. You can soak old rags in vinegar and tie them up next to the tomato beds. Coffee grounds scattered around plants will not only repel pests with their aroma but will also act as an excellent fertilizer.
Here are a few more options for repelling rodents:
Essential oils of citrus;
Castor oil;
Cayenne pepper;
Chili pepper.
You can make an effective spray repellent at home:
Prepare a few cloves of garlic and a whole jalapeño (or cayenne pepper).
Peel the garlic.
Thoroughly mash the garlic cloves and chop the pepper.
Pour in water and leave in a bowl for at least half an hour.
Strain the mixture and fill a spray bottle with it.
For greater effectiveness, you can use a garlic oil concentrate.
It is important to add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil at the end. This will help the repellent stick to the plants and keep the smell longer.
Spray any repellent after watering your garden and rain.
FAQ About Chipmunk Repellents
Read answers to common questions about how to prevent chipmunks from eating tomatoes.
What smells keep chipmunks away?
A chipmunk avoids places where it feels threatened. Therefore, the most effective repellent is the smell of a predator. You can lay out the fur of cats and dogs around the territory. If you don’t have pets, ask your local groomers for fur.
Are there any plants that repel chipmunks?
You can plant many species of natural repellents throughout your yard, including near plantings of tomatoes. These plants will be keeping chipmunks out of the garden. These rodents hate the smell of narcissus, coreopsis, asters, purple coneflower, lupine, black-eyed Susans, salvia, cilantro, lavender, mint, garlic, and onion.
What do chipmunks hate the most?
Chipmunks don’t like a lot of smells. However, the top picks on the list that rodents hate the most are citrus, garlic, pepper, and mint.
Don’t Share Your Tomatoes With Rodents
The desire to rid your garden of pests is dictated not only by greed but also by the rules of hygiene. After all, these rodents carry diseases that are potentially dangerous to human health. Effectively protect plants with these methods by implementing them in combination. With a lot of barriers and unpleasant odors, your territory will become uninteresting for a rodent.
Have you already seen a chipmunk hole or are you reading this post as a preventive measure? Please share your experience of getting rid of chipmunks without chemicals in the comments!
These cute rodents get along well with people. However, some of their habits make you wonder how to catch a chipmunk. These animals are close relatives of squirrels but prefer to live in burrows instead of trees. Underground activity can weaken your home’s foundation structures. These cuties are frequent visitors for farm owners and those who live near forests.
Humane methods of catching chipmunks, subject to all the rules, give an excellent result. To find out how to capture a rodent correctly and secure your household, read my article.
[wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Capture a Chipmunk?” style=”main”]
Buy the one- or two-door cage.
Note the places of rodent’s activity.
Put bait (unpeeled peanuts, seeds) into a trap.
Set the traps in the places where you noticed chipmunks.
Check the cage twice a day.
After catching the animal, contact local authorities to release it. [/wpsm_titlebox]
Why Is It Necessary to Capture Chipmunks?
Chipmunks dig underground tunnels that can be up to 30 feet long. However, significant damage to the supporting structures of a house has not yet been recorded. There is such a possibility, but it is unlikely. Leaving chipmunks in your yard for a long time can weaken some elements a bit. However, this is not such huge damage as, for example, caused by termites.
Gardeners and farmers suffer from small rodents the most. They love to eat plant bulbs. The extent of damage in the garden depends on how “tasty” your plant varieties are to the rodent. They also love to eat chicken eggs.
Chipmunks are considered potential carriers of various dangerous infections. In the list of diseases, you can see Colorado tick fever, plague, rabies, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Frightening names, but the US has seen a low number of cases in recent years. It is difficult to catch an infection from this rodent. You surely don’t want to be on the list of sick people.
Moreover, droppings, contact with your food, and dirt from the paws have nothing to do with the observance of hygiene rules.
How to Catch Chipmunk: Step-By-Step Guide
It is believed that these animals are difficult to capture. Indeed, they have an excellent sense of smell, hide well, and avoid human contact. Proper observance of the rules for choosing a trap, bait, and their placement will make the process of catching rodents easy.
1. Selecting a chipmunk trap
You can catch a chipmunk without killing it. The most common option is to use a cage with bait. Such traps have one or two entrances. When your guest notices a treat, it enters the cage to feast, and the door slams shut.
Single-door cage:
Easy to use;
Efficient bait placement.
Double-door cage:
A rodent can see through both sides of the cage through the open doors and is unaware that this is a trap;
Higher chance to catch a chipmunk;
You can lift one door or both at once.
For a one-door model, place the bait at the end of the cage, and for a two-door one, in the center. These options allow you to take the rodent away from your home after catching it and set it free into the natural habitat. Please note that the size of the cage should be small (about 10-20 inches long).
There are also many transparent two-door models made of lightweight plastic on the market. They work on the same principle as a cage but are better for several reasons. Firstly, the chipmunk does not see the metal mesh since the design is almost completely transparent.
This increases the chance of capture. Secondly, you can put bait of any size inside such a box, and the rodent will not be able to drag it away because the walls do not have holes. The animal will need to go into the trap to eat.
If you want to catch a chipmunk without a trap, be aware that this is a dangerous and inefficient activity. These animals are very agile and hide if they see a human nearby. They are not aggressive, but a cornered chipmunk can bite you. All warm-blooded animals carry rabies, and small rodents are no exception.
2. Trap placement and bait selection to catch chipmunks
Although chipmunks, like rats, can eat garbage, they will prefer tastier food if you offer it to them. The best option is to use peanut butter: The rodent loves it and won’t be able to drag it out of the trap without visiting it.
You can also use the following options as a bait:
Bird seeds;
Pumpkin seeds;
Sunflower seeds;
Animal feed;
Unpeeled peanuts.
It is desirable that the size of the bait is larger than the holes in the cage. Replace baits with fresh ones every few days.
Poison baits typically are not used to kill chipmunks. These rodents have an excellent sense of smell and will not eat them, preferring natural food without chemicals. Difficult infestations are also rare, so humane traps with baits that keep the animal alive are more common.
Basic rules for placing traps:
Always use clean, thick gloves when handling traps for chipmunks and placing baits. The smell of a human can scare them away.
Hide all the food in the house. You also need to hide animal food at night. Ensure that the chipmunks do not have access to garbage and bird seed. If there are many food sources in the house, the rodents will not be interested in the bait.
Lay the bait next to the cage for several days so that the animals get used to it and later enter the trap without fear.
Pay attention to the places where you most often notice the activity of chipmunks. Place the cages next to them. Striped rodents are attracted to covered spaces such as an attic, garage, or shed. They also typically move along fences and walls and under trees.
Do not disturb the active trap, the options for catching small rodents are sensitive to movement and vibrations.
Ensure that the trap will not interest your pets and small children. Traps are safe, but they can accidentally turn the structure over and also scare away rodents with their presence.
You can also find burrows and make a bait trail out of them. Following this route will lead the chipmunk to the cage faster.
3. Check the trap more often
You are more likely to catch a chipmunk on sunny warm days as they are not as active in cool and rainy weather. Typically, these rodents come out to look for food at dawn. Check the trap at least twice a day, at noon and in the evening. It is impossible for the animal to remain in captivity for a long time; this will lead to starvation, dehydration, and stress.
Tip: Use security and portable Wi-Fi cameras to check your trap. Some models also have motion sensors and will notify you when someone is near the cage.
4. What to do with captured chipmunks?
Before setting traps, ensure to check your state’s laws about trapping chipmunks.
After you find a hostage in the cage, put on thick working gloves to avoid infection and bites.
Speak quietly so as not to startle the rodent.
Place a thick towel or piece of cloth over the cage. The animal will feel safe. Also, place some dark material under the trap and secure it so that the rodent does not see the ground during transportation.
If laws allow, take the chipmunk to a local park or forest. To ensure your guest does not return, the distance must be at least 5 miles. You can also contact local authorities. They will take the necessary actions.
FAQ on Chipmunks Trapping
Puffy-cheeked rodents are easy to catch when you know responses to key questions about trapping.
Can you catch chipmunks with mouse traps?
Snap and electric traps are suitable for chipmunks. However, if you live near a forest, rodents will come to your house from time to time, and you will have to exterminate them en masse. Correct placement of humane cages and a set of preventive measures will be the best solution.
How do you lure a chipmunk out of hiding?
These animals spend most of their time digging tunnels. They climb out to search for food. Offer them treats they can’t refuse. Near the hole, make a path of unpeeled peanuts that will lead to the cage.
What will attract chipmunks?
Chipmunks love natural foods like seeds, nuts, or fruits. In order to interest them in bait, it is necessary to limit access to all alternative food sources (human, dog, and bird food, garbage).
Release Chip and Dale Into the Woods
These cute critters can eat all your flower bulbs and bring fleas. Therefore, let them live in their natural habitat. Compliance with the rules of capture guarantees a positive result. After getting rid of them, consider preventing new guests from entering your home. You can put closed containers for garbage, close the cracks in the foundation with special materials that rodents cannot gnaw through.
Place bird feeders at least 15 feet from your home. I hope my tips will help you get rid of the invasion easily.
How effective do you think homemade traps are? Share your experience in the comments!