Category: Skunk Guides

  • Can Skunks Climb a Fence: Ways to Protect Your Yard From Skunks

    Can Skunks Climb a Fence: Ways to Protect Your Yard From Skunks

    You may think your home is a fortress and protected from unwanted guests. But one day, you see a skunk in your yard and wonder how it got into your property. In this article, I will tell you how skunks overcome barriers and what additional measures you should take to protect your yard from these persistent animals. Can skunks climb a fence? Keep reading to find out the truth!

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How Not to Let a Skunk Get Over Your Fence” style=””main””]

    Not all skunk species can climb over a fence, and knowing their abilities can help protect your garden. You can also cover all openings to prevent a skunk from settling under the house foundation. Adding some odor-preventing substances to your garden will also prevent skunks.


    Can Skunks Climb a Fence?

    Skunk Climbing on Fence

    In fact, skunks are not animals that are adept at climbing trees, fences, and so on. Nature has endowed them with massive claws, so their main occupation is digging. But this is more true of the skunk when it is at rest. If the animal gets into a stressful situation, its behavior changes dramatically. For example, when a skunk feels in danger, it can quickly climb a tree or overcome any obstacle that is in its way. He can climb wood fences, netting, etc.

    Also, if the skunk smells that there is something edible for him in your yard, he may try to dig a hole under the fence. If a skunk cannot do that for some reason, it will do everything to climb over the barrier and end up in your yard.

    Skunk Species That Can’t Climb Fence

    Of course, that does not apply to absolutely all skunks. Because its weight and size affect the ability of each skunk species, some of these animals are indeed able to climb trees. But some cannot do so because of their large size or powerful claws. Let’s look at the most pluvial skunk species encountered in the U.S. and learn about their abilities.

    skunk with a beautiful fluffy tail

    Striped skunk

    The striped skunk is the most common species in the United States. It is quite large, ranging from 18 to 32 inches. An adult skunk can weigh up to 13 pounds. It is easy to recognize by its characteristic color. The animal is black and has 2 white stripes on its back, forming the letter V. This species of skunk does not have the best ability to climb trees and fences, as the massive claws interfere with it. But if a skunk senses danger, it can climb high to protect itself. However, they do not like to do that because if, for example, they climb over the fence, it will be harder for them to get back out. When a skunk sees a mesh fence in front of him, he does not always try to climb over it. It is easier for him to chew or bend the wire with his claws than to climb over the fence.

    Spotted skunk

    The spotted skunks are the most prominent among the skunks that can climb high. These black animals with white spots on their back resemble a squirrel in its size. Skunks climb trees and fences thanks to their small size and weight, and tiny claws help the animal to climb quickly.

    Hog-nosed skunk

    This species is larger than the spotted one but slightly smaller than the striped skunk. Its coloration is also a distinctive feature. A wide white stripe runs all over the animal’s body, from the head to the tip of the tail. Since the skunk is large and has massive claws, he prefers to dig than climb over a fence.

    Hooded skunk

    It is rather easy to recognize hooded skunks among all the species. It is small and very fluffy, unlike other skunks. Even though it weighs no more than 5 pounds and its size does not exceed 10 inches, these skunks do not tend to climb on top. The thing is, their short legs don’t allow them to climb trees or fences. So, if this skunk wants to get into your yard, he is more likely to dig a hole.

    Many Skunks

    How to Keep Skunks Away?

    Unless a high metal fence surrounds your yard, you can’t prevent skunks from climbing over the fence. But you can make it so the animal does not have to come into your yard. You can make your territory unattractive to pests by using the following methods.

    • Use sounds that scare away skunks. A barking dog, for example, may threaten the pest into leaving the yard. If you don’t have a pet, be creative and find the necessary sound on the internet.
    • Clean up the area. Remove any objects that could operate as hiding places for skunks: stumps, logs, etc. If you have fruit trees in your garden, pick up their grounds regularly. Check that your trash cans are tightly covered so the skunk can’t sneak in.
    • Add more light. Skunks are active during the dark hours of the day. Adding flashlights in your yard or putting in a motion-sensing light will also deter skunks.
    • Check the foundation of your house for holes. Skunks may come there for the winter and then breed. Before skunks invade your yard, plug any holes they can get in. The same applies to your fence. If it has holes about 3 feet high through which skunks can get in, it’s best to put an impressive fortification along the fence.
    • Fill your yard with smells. If there are products around your property that smell like citrus, carnation, or something similar, it won’t cause a big inconvenience for you. A skunk will not appreciate pungent smells and will not want to come into your yard.

    Use one of these tips, and never catch a skunk climbing your fence.

    FAQ About Skunks

    So you’ve learned whether skunks climb over fences. Now you can read about other abilities of these animals.

    How small of an opening can a skunk get through?

    Imagine that a striped skunk is the size of an ordinary cat. So, to get into any hole, the skunk can shrink more than half its size. So it is better to fill all possible gaps, even if they seem tiny to you.

    Can a skunk jump?

    Because skunks have fairly powerful hind legs, they can jump. The height to which skunks jump is about 3 to 5 feet. That’s why all the holes in the fence at this height should be closed.

    Can skunks climb over walls?

    Yes, skunks climb walls. But it depends on the type of skunk and the abrasiveness of the wall. Spotted skunks are the smallest in size and with little claws.

    Keep Skunks Out of Your Yard

    Now you know about how skunks get into your yard. But knowing that they are not dangerous pests but simply lovers of delicious food, you can protect your yard from unwanted guests. Most importantly, act quickly before a whole family of skunks and unpleasant smells appear in your yard.

    Also read:

    Have you ever had a skunk climb over your fence? How do you protect your yard from striped visitors?

  • How to Get Rid of a Skunk in Your Yard: Proven Pest Control Measures

    How to Get Rid of a Skunk in Your Yard: Proven Pest Control Measures

    Skunks are not aggressive toward humans, but their presence in your yard can be a real problem. An animal can come into your yard one day by accident and disappear just like that. But what if the pest regularly comes to your property, ruins your lawn, and leaves behind an unpleasant smell? If you notice that a stinker is increasingly appearing in your garden, it’s time to learn how to get rid of a skunk in your yard.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Get Rid of a Skunk in Your Yard?” style=””main””]
      1. Make sure you are dealing with a skunk.
      2. Learn ways to deter skunks from the yard.
      3. DIY skunk repellent or buy one from a store.
      4. Make sure skunk repellent is safe for dogs or other animals.
      5. Spray your yard.
      6. Remove all potential hiding places for skunks from the yard.[/wpsm_titlebox]

    How Do You Know if You Have Skunks in Your Backyard?

    Skunk Hide In Grass

    Skunks are nocturnal, so there is very little chance that you will see a skunk in your yard during the day. But if you notice obvious signs of this pest in your garden, here are some tips to help identify the skunk.

        • Paw prints. A paw print with 5 toes on your garden’s ground might make you think it is a raccoon. After all, both a skunk and a raccoon have rather large paws with 5 toes, so you can easily confuse them. However, unlike a raccoon, a skunk leaves finger and claw marks. But, only 4 of the 5 toes will be visible, and there will be no heel mark.
        • Coat coloration. The most common skunk species in the United States is black with white stripes. This animal is about the size of a cat, with short legs, large feet, and long claws. There is another kind of skunk that is slightly smaller. It is a spotted skunk. But this kind of animal is much rarer.
        • Smell. The most obvious sign is that a skunk has been in your yard. The pest sprays its secret if it is startled by something and feels threatened. Although the skunk may have sprayed its repellent secret in one spot, its scent is so strong that it can spread several yards. If you walk out into the yard one morning and hear the smell of rotten eggs, it’s the work of none other than a skunk.
        • Burrows in the ground. Skunks can dig in the soil to find larvae or insects. Characteristic burrows 3 to 4 inches deep may also be the work of the skunk’s paws.

    As you can see, it is quite possible to find out on your own who is making a mess in your yard. You just need a little patience and observation.

    How to Get Rid of a Skunk in Your Yard?

    So, you have determined that a skunk is coming into your yard. Or maybe it has already settled somewhere near your house, but you don’t know how to chase it away yet. You want to banish the knave as soon as possible, so in an emergency, you start looking for the best way to get rid of a skunk. Do not despair early, and do not rush to panic. Yes, fighting a skunk is a long process. I will share with you a step-by-step guide that will help you to avoid skunks appearing on your property.

    Step 1. Limit access to food for the skunk

    Don’t leave the pest a chance to satisfy its hunger in your yard. One of the first reasons why a skunk comes to your territory is because it’s hungry. For example, you should have dinner in the yard and leave a dish with leftovers overnight, as the pest is there. If you have this habit, show the skunk that you have no food for it, and be sure to put the dishes and food away in the house. The same goes for garbage cans. If you throw food scraps in it, the bins should be securely closed so the animal can’t get into them.

    Step 2. Unpleasant smells for skunks

    If you notice a skunk burrowing in your garden, try scaring it away with pungent smells. The animal feeds on insects, so it is not surprising that it tries to find them in your flowers. Although the skunk emits a highly unpleasant odor, some smells can deter it.

    Curios Skunk

        • If you often eat lemons or other citrus fruits, don’t rush to throw away the peel. You can use it as a weapon. Harmless to us, the smell of citrus can displease the skunk. Just put the peels around your yard, especially near flowers or other plants.
        • If the previous method did not work or is not convenient for you, go to the garden store. There you can buy a special repellent for skunks. It is a pellet that smells like cloves, pepper, garlic, etc. In a word, the smell is acceptable for us, but the pest will not be satisfied. There are usually easy-to-follow instructions included with the product, but you will most likely need to sprinkle the product on potentially attractive areas for the skunk. If you have children or pets and are concerned that the repellent might harm them, ask your retailer for advice on what is best to buy. He can help you find pellets made from natural materials that won’t hurt your animals, children, or plants in the garden.
        • If you do not dare to buy a specific product in the store but still need something more effective than the smell of citrus fruits, you can make a homemade skunk repellent. You can use simple products that you probably have in your kitchen. Mix onions, hot peppers, and cayenne pepper and boil for a few minutes. Treat the yard with the decoction. But don’t rush to treat your entire yard. First, test the action of the decoction on a small area to certify that it will not harm your plants.
        • The smell of ammonia can scare the skunk away. It’s intense but not completely safe if you have children or animals. If you decide to use ammonia, soak rags in it and spread it around the yard.

    Skunk in the hay

    All of these remedies can only be effective if used regularly. You will need to re-treat every couple of weeks or once a month, which is the only way to get rid of skunks permanently.

    Step 3. Don’t leave any hiding places for skunks

    Pests can hide in tall bushes, piles of shrubbery, or various decorations in your garden. Try to minimize such hiding places for skunks. Clean up your yard to provide as much open space as possible. A skunk will not want to do its nasty things in front of you.

    Step 4. Add lighting to your yard

    Skunks come to your property when it’s dark outside so no one can see them. You can disrupt the pest’s plans with additional lighting. If you’re worried about energy consumption, you can install solar lights on your lawn or along your walkways. These will gather enough light during the day to illuminate your yard all night long. That will be atrocious for skunks but good for your property. An alternative would be a motion-sensing lantern. A light that suddenly comes on can scare the pest away.

    These methods will help you let the skunk know he is not welcome if he starts to visit your yard. You can also use the above methods to prevent pests from entering your yard. For example, if your neighbors have already encountered such a problem.

    But sometimes, the situation gets totally out of control. A skunk settles somewhere under the porch of your house, and it is difficult to get it out of there. Or even worse, it has brought its offspring. If the problem of skunks in your yard has begun to acquire global proportions, or you do not have time to fuss in your yard, you can turn to professionals. That is usually a last resort, but they can humanely catch the stinker and remove it from your yard.

    Big Skunk

    How Do You Get Rid of the Skunk Smell?

    The skunk spray has a slightly greasy consistency, so the smell lasts longer. If the pest squirted out in your yard and you don’t do anything about it, the odor can last about 3 weeks. Yes, the skunk jet odor is one of the hardest to get out of, but it is realistic to do on your own. I’ll tell you how to proceed in 3 typical situations.

    The smell of skunk in the yard

    Skunk spray is most often on porous surfaces such as wood, yard tiles, etc. In that case, treat these areas with a mixture of water and bleach. Prepare a solution of one gallon of water and one cup of bleach. Apply the resulting solution to the areas that the skunk has marked and immediately rinse the area with water. This solution has a deodorizing effect, so it will help get rid of the odor. Be sure to test the product in a small area to guarantee you don’t ruin the plants or items in your yard.

    Running Skunk

    A jet of skunk hit a pet

    It is good if you have a special shampoo for skunk odor removal. But if your animal has just fallen under the stream of skunk, and the proper shampoo was not at hand. You need to act quickly to prepare a solution from simple improvised means. Mix baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dishwashing liquid. Bathe the animal with the resulting solution, but do not leave it on the coat for too long. The bleaching properties of hydrogen peroxide can change the color of your pet’s fur. If the skunk’s secret got on the collar, you should wash it at the highest temperature if the collar material allows it. Otherwise, it is best to replace it.

    Do not leave the prepared remedy “for later” under any circumstances. It can explode if you leave it in a closed bottle. Use it immediately after preparation and pour the excess out.

    A jet of skunk got on you

    If the spray got on your clothes, you can wash them at high temperature with powder and a couple of spoonfuls of baking soda. If the skunk’s secret has ended up on your skin, shower with a degreasing agent. For example, dishwashing detergent or shampoo for oily hair. If you can, take a bath with a few spoonfuls of baking soda. Afterward, rinse your skin thoroughly with soap and water.

    Sometimes skunk jet odors can waft into your home. If this happens, try to let as much sunlight into the house as possible and ventilate the room. You can also treat hard surfaces with a solution of water and bleach. Linens, towels, and other items should be washed in a washing machine at a high temperature. Treat sofas, mattresses, and carpets with steam if they also have an unpleasant odor.

    Skunk Hided On The Yard

    FAQ About Skunks in Your Backyard

    In this section, you’ll learn a few more facts about skunks that should help you control these pests.

    Where do skunks live during the day?

    Skunks are more active at night and may sleep in burrows underground during the day. During the warm season, skunks may leave their holes during the day and sleep in thickets of grass, for example.

    What months are skunks most active?

    Skunks are more active in spring when they wake up from hibernation and begin to breed. Also, animals usually become more active by September, when their cubs are growing up. The adult animals are teaching the babies how to get food. Skunks are also more active at this time as they seek shelter for hibernation.

    What food is poisonous to skunks?

    Skunks are practically omnivores, but some foods are toxic to the animal. Foods that can poison a skunk are onions, avocado seeds and peels, cat food, and even chocolate.

    Don’t Let Skunks Ruin Your Lawn

    I hope this article has helped you understand this problem, which has several solutions. At least now you know where to start. It’s up to you to drive the pests out of your yard yourself or contact a professional. The main thing is to act quickly before the problem begins to worsen.

    Also read:

    Have you ever had to deal with skunks? How did you get rid of their smell?

  • How to Scare a Skunk Away: Complete Skunk Control & Prevention Guide

    How to Scare a Skunk Away: Complete Skunk Control & Prevention Guide

    When skunks appear on your territory, you need to take measures to get rid of them. In this guide, I will tell you how to scare a skunk away and which methods you can use to get rid of them before they start harming your property. Here I provide the actionable tips proven in practice. This information might interest those people who want to clarify “What are skunks afraid of?” and how to expel these pests humanely.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Scare off Skunks?” style=””main””]

    1. Install lights to deter predators.
    2. Use mothballs.
    3. Spray other predators’ urine.
    4. Apply citrus scent.
    5. Set atomizer responsive to motion.
    6. Use ammonia as it repels skunks.
    7. Set traps that will let you lead the skunk away.[/wpsm_titlebox]

    Guide on How to Scare a Skunk Away

    There are many ways to scare a skunk away without harming it and avoid being sprayed by the pest. Skunks are not dangerous unless forced. You will learn many ways for expelling them from your territory if you suddenly see their den or notice any skunk activity near your house. These methods will force these animals to leave the place where they have settled in the shortest time and help you prevent them from coming back.

    Three Skunks On The Ground

    Method 1: Close the passages through which skunks can get in

    Skunks are often looking for housing that is easy to get into, with a convenient entrance. If you see their burrow, the first thing to do is to close their access to their hiding place so that they can’t go back there. It’s easy to find this place because of the strong smell. You can even hear them scratching there.

    You can use a wired mesh fence or a wooden partition, or you can fill the hole through which they have entered your territory with mud and leaves. Next time, the skunks will have to look for another place to settle. Also, you can fence off your territory so that they can’t get to you looking for shelter or food. For living, skunks choose spots where food is available, such as gardens, trash, or even pet food. Therefore, always close your trash cans and do not leave pet food in the open air.

    Method 2: Set a scare light

    Skunks are nocturnal animals and don’t like bright lights, so you need to have good lighting in your yard. Although they can move not for long during the day, they will try to hide and wait in their burrows till night comes. Installing motion-sensing spotlights will scare a skunk away without it spraying you, and you won’t have to think about fighting the pest. Also, you can install nighttime solar lights: They work just as well. If a skunk heads into your yard, it will see that this place is not suitable for living. The light will drive it away from your house, shed, or porch.

    Skunks Walking

    Method 3: Use a skunk repellent

    Repellents such as citrus fruits, ammonia, mothballs, or predator urine can prevent a skunk from coming into your household. Skunks do not like strong smells, so if they smell one of them, they will leave this place as quickly as possible. You can scatter citrus peels both in their habitat and throughout the territory. It is extremely unpleasant for them.

    If you use ammonia, dampen a rag or a cotton swab and place it near the entrance where you suspect skunks have appeared. When the pests try to get in, the smell will repel them and prevent them from entering the hole. If the odor is too strong for you, you can put the rag in a plastic bag.

    Other liquids with a strong smell such as vinegar keep skunks away. You can sprinkle a little of this solution on the places where you think skunks live. You can apply it all over your garden, but be ready that the scent will linger for a couple of weeks. Be careful so as to keep vinegar away from children and pets.

    Method 4: Install motion-responsive nozzles

    This sprinkler is designed in such a way that it works and sprays the liquid when the system identifies moving within its radius of action. When the skunk gets close enough, the sprinkler will scare it, so the pest will be unlikely to come back again. Install the system in the place where a skunk often appears or where you think it wants to pass. The device is battery-operated, and its benefit is that it won’t harm you or your pets.

    Detailed Pic Of Skunk

    Method 5: Catch the skunk and release it somewhere else

    You can move the skunk using the trap cage. If you already know where it lives, you can set a trap in that place. If a skunk enters there, a single door will close, which will give you the opportunity to carry the pest away. You can lure a skunk in there with bait like sardines or dog food.

    You must check the trap every day. When you see a skunk inside, you have to take it out of the house. Ensure to take the pest away with the baby skunks, as there is a risk that you will separate the skunk from its offspring. The cage should not harm the skunk, so make sure that there are no nicks inside. I can recommend the raccoon trap as a great option.

    When Is the Right Time to Call a Professional?

    If all of the above doesn’t work for you or you’re afraid to approach a skunk because you don’t want to be bitten and sprayed by it, call a wildlife specialist. They know exactly how to handle these pests and do it quickly. Besides, if the skunk has offspring, they will take all pests to where they will be best without separating them.

    Many Skunks In A Box

    FAQ About How to Scare a Skunk Away

    In this section, I will answer the questions that most often arise on the topic of how to make a skunk leave. Read on to find out the details that interest you the most.

    What time do skunks come out at night?

    Skunks are nocturnal inhabitants, so the cases when they come out of their den during the day are rare. When the weather is warm, they can even spend the night outside and leave their lair only in the early evening.

    What are skunks attracted to?

    They are attracted to food that is easy to get such as fruit in your garden, trash, or pet food. They search for convenient places that can become a home for them such as holes in concrete slabs and porches.

    What months are skunks most active?

    Experts believe that skunks are most active from February to early March. However, even on warm days, they can be actively searching for a partner.

    Forget About the Skunks in Your Area

    In this post, I have described some useful ways to get rid of skunks without harming them. The most effective method is to force these pests to leave when they are just trying to settle. I hope these tips will be useful for you, and you will successfully use the information provided here and get rid of skunks in your territory.

    Also read:

    Share which of the methods worked best for you. Which part of this guide was the most helpful for you? Which methods would you like to recommend to get skunks to leave?

  • Do Mothballs Keep Skunks Away: How to Get Rid of Skunks With Home Remedies

    Do Mothballs Keep Skunks Away: How to Get Rid of Skunks With Home Remedies

    Once in your yard, skunks can spoil your mood and the appearance of your garden. They are animals that are worth fighting with, but with humane methods. After all, they don’t want to hurt you. They just came to you to get food. Or perhaps they have not looked for a cozy place where they can stay and breed. Before you go to the store and buy all the possible remedies, you can look for something at home. Consider what home remedies can be effective, and do mothballs keep skunks away?

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Guide on How to Get Rid of Skunks With Home Remedies” style=””main””]
    1. Check what strong-smelling products you have in your home.
    2. If you find mothballs or ammonia balls, find out how to use them correctly.
    3. Make sure they are not out of reach of children and animals.
    4. Learn alternative, non-safe ways to scare away skunks. [/wpsm_titlebox]

    Do Mothballs Keep Skunks Away?

    Fluffy Skunk

    Mothballs are a special product designed to fight insects. Although people often use them at home, mothballs have a strong odor and are toxic. When placing naphthalene balls in your house, you must be sure that neither your pets nor small children will find them to eat accidentally.

    But if you have a bigger problem in your yard than moths, will naphthalene balls help? I know skunks can’t tolerate harsh smells, so skunk control with mothballs might make sense. After all, the unpleasant smell is its main property. You can place mothballs in holes in your fence or around the perimeter of your yard. Again, keep in mind the safety of your children and pets.

    Smelling the mothballs, the skunk will not move on and leave the yard. The pungent smell of mothballs repels skunks by irritating their mucous membranes and causing breathing problems. It is hard to claim that this method will solve the problem once and for all. The smell of naphthalene wears off after a while. So balloons stop smelling after they are wet with rain. Therefore, you will have to repeat the procedure over and over again.

    Alternative Remedies for Skunk Control

    If you hesitate to place mothballs for skunks worrying about the health of other animals or small children, you can choose one of the alternative methods of controlling skunks at home.

    Skunks were scared

    Method 1. Special repellents.

    The first thing you can do is go to a garden store and buy a special skunk repellent. If you are worried that it might contain dangerous chemicals, I have good news for you. There’s a pretty large selection of such repellents these days. So, you can tell the retailer where you plan to use the product. Also, pay attention to the fact that you have pets and children (if any). That will help you find a repellent that will not harm the plants in your garden or household.

    Dog or coyote urine can also be a deterrent. Skunks are wary of these animals, so they won’t enter the yard if there is a predator scent.

    Method 2. Products from your table

    Skunks not only can’t stand the smell of certain animals. The pungent smells of the food we are used to can also scare away the pests. You can use the citrus peel, garlic, and pepper mixture.

    Method 3. Lots of light

    Perhaps your yard is too dark at night, so skunks chose it. At this time of the day, they are most active. You can add some bulbs to illuminate the yard or install a lantern with a motion sensor. Suddenly turning on a light can scare the skunk, and it will run away. That is a good way if you don’t want to treat your yard with repellents or ruin the courtyard aesthetics with citrus peels.

    Ammonia for skunk control

    Ammonia balls are used to repel rats, snakes, and so on. To answer whether ammonia repels skunks — in theory, yes. But here, the principle of action is the same as with mothballs. First of all, the smell quickly disappears in the open space. Secondly, you need quite a large number of balls for the scent to be strong. Not only the animal will hear the smell, but also you.

    FAQ About Skunk Odors

    In this section, you can find out what other smells besides mothballs or ammonia deter skunks.

    Do coffee grounds repel skunks?

    Yes, coffee beans have a pleasant smell to us. But the skunk will find it bitter and want to avoid the smell. You can use leftover ground coffee to repel skunks.

    Will vinegar keep skunks away?

    The vinegar smell is not toxic to skunks, yet they don’t like it. You can prepare a vinegar solution and spray it in places. Or soak a piece of cloth in pure vinegar and place it where the skunk is already active. Vinegar will irritate the pests, so they will want to escape.

    Do skunks return to where they sprayed?

    The skunk uses its fluid to scare away the enemy, not to mark its territory. The animal may return to your yard to eat or if it has found a cozy place where it is comfortable to live and breed.

    Use Humane Methods to Repel Skunks

    You have learned about the remedies available in almost every home and can use them to repel skunks. In pest control, remember that some products can harm skunks and you. Choose the safest way for you and your pet, but also the most effective.

    Also read:

    What methods have you used to repel skunks? Were they effective?

  • 8 Best Skunk Baits in 2022: Expert Skunk Bait Reviews

    8 Best Skunk Baits in 2022: Expert Skunk Bait Reviews

    If you haven’t had problems with pesky skunks, then you’re very lucky. But if life forces you to face these animals, you must know how to deal with them. Therefore, I will tell you about the best skunk bait. These methods will greatly help you in the fight against skunks. No need to put the reading of this guide on the shelf. Let’s go!

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”What Are the Best Skunk Baits?” style=””main””]

    So that you immediately understand what you can use to bait a skunk, I will give you a short answer. However, you’ll need to read on to know how to use these products. You can use:

    • Bread crusts;
    • Cat food;
    • Chicken or turkey;
    • Grubs;
    • Sardines;
    • Fresh eggs;
    • Crispy bacon;
    • Crackling.

    Best Skunk Bait Buyer’s Guide

    With the help of different skunk trap bait, you can catch skunks that can bug you. There are practical and not very effective lures, but I will only tell you about the best ones. You will easily catch a skunk if you use at least one of them. So read the information carefully, and you will find what will suit you the most. All options are regular food you can have at home, so you do not need to buy anything extra. Such options will help you save a lot on bait for skunk.

    Bread crusts

    It seems to me that everyone will have this product because it is essential. It is popular, and you do not need to buy something else. But it is worth noting you need not only bread crusts but also peanut butter on them. Unpleasant will be the fact that not only skunks love such bait, but also other animals (rats and squirrels). i.e., you have to kill more animals with this skunk trapping bait. Therefore, prepare mentally for this fact before using such a trick.

    Cat food

    It is not surprising that animals are attracted to cat food because its composition can be quite natural. Therefore, using such bait for skunk can be problematic as it will attract more than just skunks. Your neighbor’s cats will also want to eat so they can fall into such a simple trap. Raccoons can also come to the smell if you live in a region where these creatures may be found. Thus, you should carefully set this trap so that your pets or innocent animals do not suffer.

    Food For Cat

    Chicken or turkey

    Although you don’t need to buy a whole chicken to get the bait, you still need to give a portion. This is because skunks are good at smelling liver or stomach odors. Most often, no one eats such parts of the bird, so there will be no big loss. Most often, this is thrown away and called giblets, rarely eaten. However, dogs who love those chicken parts can also enjoy this skunk food bait. Therefore, it is worth carefully making a trap so your pet does not get hurt.


    Only skunks love this trap product, so you don’t have to worry about someone else getting hurt or someone else having to kill extra. It will be the best option if you can find white cockchafer larvae. It is best to soak the larvae before taking the bait, and that will help attract the most skunks, as the smell will attract almost everyone. So don’t forget to dunk out to get the best benefit!


    The smell of sardines from a can is pretty strong for humans, but this is the favorite smell for skunks. That’s why sardines are a great option. Although some cats can also fall into such a trap, the chance is meager. The best result will be when you leave the fish in the heat under the sun. So the smell will become stronger, and the skunks will come running. But it is worth noting that you may also not like this smell, so use it at your peril and risk.

    Sardines Dish

    Fresh (or not) eggs

    Eggs are a product that you can find anywhere. It is also not expensive, so almost everyone can afford it. You shouldn’t transfer fresh eggs to skunks, better cook something. But if you have expired eggs, you should not throw them away. Expired eggs you can use to bait a skunk. You should break an egg into some container and wait for the skunks to come. As in the previous method, the smell may not be the best, so consider breaking expired eggs.

    Crispy bacon

    I think this product will be used least often because you love it. Bacon is not the most budget option, but skunks also love it. It’s not the bacon that attracts them but the greasy smell. You can draw animals on it; it will not necessarily be bacon. It’s not just about cooking the bacon. Not only that, but it’s about doing it right. You have to fry the crust and make it crispy. Then, make a piece of bacon soaked in fat. Only in this case will the skunks come.


    This product does not need to be prepared to simplify the task. Skunks love pork or beef rinds, so if you have something left after cooking, it’s better not to throw it away but to use it in the right direction. Also, cracklings are most often intestines, so the smell may also not be pleasant. You can buy the intestines separately and use them, but the cheapest way is if the intestines are a by-product of cooking. Other animals also do not react to such bait for skunk, so you do not need to worry about getting a pet.

    Crackling Dish

    FAQ About Skunk Bait

    In this section, I will answer the most popular questions you might encounter when studying this topic.

    What food is poisonous to skunks?

    All the products I discussed earlier are not poisonous (or almost not poisonous) but only lure the skunk. Therefore, it would be reasonable if I talk about toxic products:

    • Onion;
    • Avocado peel and seeds;
    • Chocolate;
    • Grape;
    • Cat food;
    • Asparagus.

    Do skunks eat snakes?

    A skunk can eat a snake because a snake bite is not fatal to a skunk. But skunks eat not only snakes but also insects, fruits, dead animals, and worms.

    What time do skunks come out to eat?

    Skunks come out to hunt when it’s still light and go to the den at dawn. Therefore, you must set traps at night, so some products will smell, and you do not get up early to catch a skunk.

    Can You Get Rid of a Skunk?

    Summing up, you could notice that spending a lot of money is unnecessary to catch a skunk and kill him. Many foods we eat attract skunks, so you can get rid of them on a budget. Of course, you can buy special products that will help, but you can first try them.

    Also read:

    What methods do you use? What helped you? Share your opinion in the comments.

  • How to Stop Skunks From Digging up Lawn: Complete Skunks Control & Prevention Guide

    How to Stop Skunks From Digging up Lawn: Complete Skunks Control & Prevention Guide

    If you’ve seen burrows in your garden, they could be skunks. In this article, I will tell you how to stop skunks from digging up lawn to keep your gardens from nasty burrows. One of the most effective methods will be reducing the number of larvae that skunks love. I will answer why skunks drip on your lawn and what household methods can reduce the number of holes.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”How to Stop Skunks From Digging up Lawn:” style=””main””]
    1. Make household scents with simple ingredients.
    2. Using dog urine can ward off skunks from your yard.
    3. Treat your lawn regularly to prevent the animals from raiding in advance.
    4. Installing sensor lights may be an effective but expensive way to fight skunks

    Why Does the Skunk Tear up the Lawn?

    Little Skunk

    Skunk holes are made because skunks are hungry, and these burrows result from hunting for larvae or worms. Since skunks dig at night, it is challenging to notice holes appearing because this is their waking time. You will find new spots when you woke up.

    It is worth noting that not only skunks can dig holes. Squirrels and raccoons also do that.
    Raccoons act like skunks. They are looking for food. And squirrels, on the contrary, bury food for the winter. There are methods to help you get rid of all these animals.

    You can easily understand if you have holes or not. You should pay attention to the drying of the lawn. Brown spots may appear when skunks mark their territory. Spots can be 2 to 3 inches in diameter. This process occurs because skunks need larvae, which are rich in protein.

    Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem with the larvae to prevent the appearance of holes. You forget about burrows after you reduce the number of larvae in your garden.

    How Many Larvae Are Too Many?

    There are many larvae on an ordinary lawn, and you can’t get rid of them. The larvae make up the fauna of your yard and produce nutrients. If you remove them completely, it may happen that your property will cease to be the way it is. On average, your garden has 5 larvae per square meter. Then you can calculate how many approximately larvae you have on your lawn.

    It is impossible to kill all the larvae, even with chemicals. But you can reduce their number by certain methods. It is impossible to kill all the larvae, even with chemicals. But you can reduce their number by certain methods. The best way is to use organic means to control the larvae. Thus, you will reduce the number of larvae and lessen the skunk hole in yard.

    Clean Lawn

    How Do We Stop Skunks From Digging up Lawns?

    To eliminate the cause of skunks digging in yard, you need to understand why skunks dig your lawn. Since skunks hunt for food on your lawn, they can leave holes. The main goal will be to remove the larvae on the grass. If there is no food, the skunks will not dig your property. There are several tools to help you with this. I will tell you about them later. Also, do not leave pet food outside. This action can also attract a skunk. Especially, do not leave cat food. Skunks love it. If you don’t want to feed your pet at home, you can purchase a skunk-proof feeder.

    Make use of household scents

    Many tools can help you fight against skunks. These may be manufacturers of specialty organics, or they may be conventional products. I will tell you how to get rid of a skunk den on a budget with home methods. You can always buy special tools if such methods do not help you. But I promise you that the following ways are very effective.

    Use castor oil and dish soap

    This simple skunk recipe will help prevent skunk lawn damage. This simple skunk recipe will help prevent skunk lawn damage. Dilute such a mixture in water to reduce material consumption. Then, spray your lawn with this mixture at night because that is when the skunk goes hunting.

    Not Filtred castor oil

    Citrus fruits can help

    Many animals do not tolerate the smell of citrus fruits because it is quite sharp. Skunks are no exception. It is not necessary to put whole citrus slices. You can use the citrus peel. This way, you will eat the pulp, and the skin will go to stop the skunk tearing up lawn. You will need to spread the rind on your lawn to fight the skunks. Since you will be using natural materials, your yard will not suffer.

    Rags with ammonia

    This method is more like a chemical and not natural. You will need to spread ammonia rags on your lawn to keep the skunks away. Remember that ammonia evaporates easily, so you must update the rags frequently.

    Use bars of soap or room deodorant

    This method can help if you have a small lawn and skunks live on it. These remedies will help remove the possibility of skunks digging holes because they don’t like the smell.

    As you can see, there are quite a few different means to stop skunks dig up lawn. If all these methods do not help you, then you can turn to professionals who will help you. They will capture all the animals and transport them to zoos or nurseries. But before moving, read if you have it legal in the state because not all animals can survive the transportation.

    Dog urine can help

    It is worth noting that a dog’s urine or another similar predator can scare away skunks. The deal is that urine contains many chemical compounds that can produce a strong odor that skunks dislike. Therefore, using urine can scare away skunks, but at the same time, it can ruin your lawn. You can use your dog’s urine or buy a full product from the store. But when you buy, make sure that the urine is collected humanely.

    A Big Dog

    Treat the grass regularly

    Lawn care can get rid of skunks. Maintaining an average number of larvae in the grass and mowing the lawn will help keep your skunk free. If the situation is already running, it is better to take care of the lawn and use skunk remedies.

    Install sensor Lights

    Since small holes in the lawn overnight appear, you can fight the skunk with light. Their eyes are very sensitive and cannot tolerate light, so consider this option. You can buy spotlights or lamps with a motion sensor. This way, you can easily eliminate the skunks, and you won’t have to interact with the lawn. But the purchase can be expensive, so try other methods before making such a purchase.

    sensor Lights

    FAQ About Digging Lawn Skunks

    In this section, I will try to answer all the questions you might have after reading.

    What attracts skunks to your yard?

    The opportunity to eat attracts skunks to your yard. For example, it can be larvae that are on the grass. Or it could be the seeds you planted on your lawn. Also, your pet’s food attracts skunks. These animals are omnivores, so it’s worth fighting them comprehensively.

    What does a skunk poop look like?

    Skunk feces look like cat poop, so it will be difficult to distinguish whose feces it is. But if you know that your pet does not go to the toilet outside and there are no other cats nearby, then you can understand that this feces is a skunk.

    Do skunks carry diseases?

    Yes, skunks can carry several diseases. The most common is rabies. You should be careful with skunks because there can be unpleasant consequences. Therefore, if you see a skunk, you should not immediately approach it.

    Stop Skunks From Ruining Your Yard Is Easy

    As you can see, you can fight skunks in many ways, both with improvised and special devices. Remember that you need to be careful when it comes to wild animals. If you cannot remove the skunk yourself, it is best to turn to professionals.

    Also read:

    How did you fight skunks? Tell your story in the comments.


  • How to Get Rid of Skunk Under Deck: Complete Control & Prevention Guide

    How to Get Rid of Skunk Under Deck: Complete Control & Prevention Guide

    If you have skunks and are wondering how to get rid of a skunk under the deck, I will tell you which methods and ways to use to keep skunks away from your territory. I have compiled this comprehensive guide to explain how skunks choose where to live and how to tell for sure if a skunk or another pest has made its way to you. You will also learn if skunks are dangerous and which harm they can do to your property.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Skunk Infestation 101″ style=””main””]

    1. Cover your waste.
    2. Secure your property with a wire mesh fence.
    3. Sprinkle kitty litter nearby.
    4. Use cotton swabs soaked in ammonia.
    5. Make your area well-lit.
    6. Use mothballs and vinegar that have a sharp odor.


    How Do You Know If You Have a Skunk Den?

    Scared Skunk Under Deck

    Skunks are usually not aggressive, but they can harm you by making a hole or trying to have baby skunks. That’s why you have to get rid of them before they spray you. These pests build their homes in pre-existing burrows looking for a place with a clean entrance. Finding their shelter is not difficult. You will find it by a persistent smell of their excrement and fur, as well as traces of garbage.

    Skunks leave footprints that are just as easy to identify. They have 5 fingers and leave claw marks on their tracks. If you see a lot of holes in your area, this means that they have been looking for larvae and their den is not far from this place. Skunks are nocturnal animals, so you are unlikely to see them during the day.

    How to Get Rid of Skunk Under Deck: Step-by-Step Guide

    There are many ways to get rid of a skunk living under the deck. You can also prevent the pest from appearing on your territory. There are a lot of professionals you can call to help you catch a skunk, but I will tell you simple methods that you can use against it. These methods will not cause you any difficulties, and they are quite effective.

    You can force a skunk to leave its place of residence in the most humane way, without harming it or being sprayed. I’ll tell you about such methods as vinegar, naphthalene, and everything with a pungent smell. You can use these remedies to make skunks unwilling to stay in your place and leave it soon. The methods I provide here are effective at catching them and making sure the pests won’t come back. Hopingly, this brief guide will help you learn more about skunks.

    skunk hiding under the deck

    Step 1: Make skunks leave

    If you think that skunks have found a path to your yard, you need to react quickly before they move in. Install a wire mesh fence to keep skunks out of the property. You need to set up such nets in places that pests can consider a good place to live in. Try to cover up all the cracks and spaces that they can climb into.

    When they see no way to get to attractive places, pests are less likely to try to get there. This will prevent skunks from appearing or keep them working hard before they get to your property. Also, don’t forget to cover trash cans and take out the garbage, as they can identify your area as a food source. Pet food can also attract their attention, so try not to leave food or anything that might draw them to your territory. Skunks tend to settle in places where food is already available.

    You can hear skunks under the deck as they scurry around and make enough noise to be noticed. You can identify their burrow by the strong smell of skunk poop. They don’t poop in one place but leave their excrements everywhere they go. Since these are nocturnal animals, it might be challenging for you to see them. If you notice where they have made their way, try to install an underground wood panel or sheet metal fence as soon as possible. This way, skunks do not return there next time. This measure will force them to look for another place to live.

    Brown skunk

    Step 2: Ways to get rid of skunks

    If you have skunks under the porch or house and need to get rid of them, read these methods to get rid of them. The ways I provide here won’t cause them harm, and they also don’t require much effort from you. The following methods are effective for dealing with them:

    • Scatter the cat litter around the place where they have settled. Throwing cat litter within this area will cause skunks to leave their habitat, as it is a mild repellent. You only need to place the filler in a single place to allow the pests to get out and leave your household. Then you can seal their entering place to prevent skunks from coming back again.
    • Moisten cotton balls with ammonia and place them near the holes. Skunks are afraid of the smell of ammonia. As soon as they smell it, they are forced to leave this place. Wetting rags or cotton balls in ammonia and placing them near the entrance will scare them away in case they try to enter your territory again.
    • Install motion-sensitive nozzles. This sprinkler is great for dealing with skunks. When pests are within the range of its work, it automatically starts spraying liquid, thus scaring them away. All you have to do is put it in a place where you think skunks are. This item is easy to install and is harmless to both animals and humans.
    • You can use apple cider vinegar and place it in a plastic bag. Like ammonia, apple cider vinegar also has a strong odor that helps to repel skunks. Dampen the rags, put them in a plastic bag, and locate them near the entrance to the den so that skunks do not climb back into the hole.

    Skunk are hiding under deck

    • The urine of predators such as dogs and foxes also deters skunks. You can purchase urine and spray it on the spot where you saw a skunk, or you can just spray it all over the area.
    • Use mothballs in the neighborhoods where skunks live. This solution has a pungent and frightening smell to skunks. A few mothballs situated in the place where they have settled will make pests leave it as soon as possible. The odor of mothballs goes away in a couple of weeks. The same naphthalene remedy can be applied to places they frequent for food. However, naphthalene can harm children and pets, so you need to choose a spot to place it carefully.
    • Set up lights to scare predators away. Since skunks are nocturnal, they try to avoid bright lights. The lights react to movement, and when a skunk makes its way toward you, it will scare them away. Nightlights can also be a good alternative.
    • A spray repellent is ideal for dealing with pests such as skunks. The strong mint formula is suitable for both internal and external use. You can spray this product anywhere where skunks can be: in the basement, on the lawn, etc. You can also add piperine and capsaicin in black pepper oil granules. These granules protect your territory and repel pests for 30 days.
    • To get rid of them, you can use traps. By using them, you can catch skunks without causing them harm. However, you should consider traps as the last measure because there is a chance to separate pests from their offspring and thereby harm these skunks. You can install a small trap near the hole, luring skunks with cat food or peanut oil. You have to check the trap every day. When a skunk falls into the trap, it is necessary to take it away from the den at a distance of more than 10 miles. However, you have to be careful with the animal, as it can spray or bite you. Before spraying, a skunk warns you by raising its tail, hissing at you, and turning its back in your direction.

    skunk climbs out under deck

    Some skunks can even stand on their paws. If you see such a warning, slowly back away from the pest without scaring it. Dogs and cats might ignore the warning, so don’t let them get too close to a skunk as it can defend itself and spray your pet. When choosing a trap, give preference to models with a spring-loaded metal door, which closes when the animal enters the cage. The inside of the cell should have smooth edges so as not to injure a skunk.

    Skunks are notorious for giving off a stinky odor. If it splatters on you, it is unpleasant, especially if it gets into your eyes.

    Step 3: Time to call a professional

    If the problem is serious enough for you, and you cannot deal with it on your own, you can always call a professional. You shouldn’t hesitate to address a pro if you think a skunk is rabid. The specialist will safely fish the skunk out from its hiding place under your deck and release it elsewhere. Professionals know how to deal with newly born skunks, and how to get rid of offspring and a female skunk without separating them. Though their services can be somewhat costly, they can save you a lot of nerves and effort and help you forget about the skunks in your area as soon as possible.

    sleeping white skunk

    FAQ About Skunks

    In this guide, I have told you how to prevent skunks and how to deal with them. Now you know which methods are most effective against them. Let’s answer some common questions about these pests.

    Where do skunks go during the day?

    Many people are interested, “Are skunks nocturnal?” Although they spend most of their time in dens during the day, they can also be active at that time. However, they are careful so as not to attract your attention.

    Do skunks return to the same place?

    From the end of summer, these pests rarely stay in one place. They are likely to leave the place and migrate elsewhere. However, they can come back in early spring.

    Can skunks dig through concrete?

    Skunks have large, strong claws that allow them to dig into concrete slabs and porches or damage lawns. So the answer is “yes,” they can burrow into concrete slabs and cause damage to your property.

    Get Rid of Skunks in Your Yard

    I have mentioned numerous ways to get rid of skunks or prevent them in this guide, and all of them work. I have told you in detail how to deal with skunks and what harm they can do to you, your property, and your pets. Hopingly, now you will manage to determine if a skunk has wound up in your area.

    Also read:

    Have you found my guide helpful? Tell us which methods you used if you ever met a skunk in your yard. What can you recommend to deal with pests? Which methods did you use?

  • Home Remedies for Keeping Skunks Away: Guide on Skunk Repellents

    Home Remedies for Keeping Skunks Away: Guide on Skunk Repellents

    The smell of skunks can’t be confused with anything. Once you have experienced it, you know for sure that it should never happen in your life again. Even though these animals are considered to be peaceful, they can cause some damage to your yard. That’s why it is really important to know about home remedies for keeping skunks away. Except for their specific smell, skunks also enjoy digging holes that can threaten homes.
    This article explores some of the most useful methods that will help you to keep unpleasant animals away from your home.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Keeping Skunks Away Guide” style=””main””]
    1. Use home remedies for keeping skunks away.
    2. Consider strongly scented repellents such as essential oil skunk repellent, skunk deterrent peppermint, and others.
    3. Apply natural recipes and learn how to make peppermint skunk repellent, citrus mix, and onion skunk repellent.

    Home Remedies for Keeping Skunks Away

    No toxic repellents are needed to keep skunks away from your home. The best thing you can do is to move them away in a natural way. Without further ado, let’s delve into this topic.

    Four Skunks

    Strongly scented repellents

    As skunks have a strong sense of smell, you can benefit from it and use the scents they hate. Such odors include peppermint oil, ammonia, vinegar, citrus, lavender, black pepper, and coffee grounds. Here is the list of skunk deterrent home remedies:

    Castor oil

    You are likely to have castor oil somewhere at home. It can be used for cooking or other household activities and against skunks.
    Spread castor oil on your lawn. If a skunk walks there, its fur will be affected by oil and become oily, making them reluctant to return.

    Cat litter

    Your cat’s litter can be used as a skunk repellent and help you keep skunks away. Cat urine smells of ammonia, which is very similar to a fox. That will make skunks move away as they might think being here is dangerous.


    Mothballs are the world’s cure for almost every pet issue. And you can use them with skunks as well. You only need to scatter a handful under the deck, and skunks will leave. Even though mothballs can be effective, it’s not the most natural solution. So twice before applying it.

    Citrus peels

    Most animals detest the smell of citrus fruits, and skunks are no exception. The fact that they can’t stand citrus aroma can be used to your advantage. Just place orange or lemon peels around the yard, which will keep these animals away and can be a skunk deterrent home remedy.

    Baked Citrus peels

    Natural recipes to keep skunks away

    You can always go to the shop and buy a skunk repellent, but why not make it yourself? Let’s take a close look at these skunk deterrent home remedies, which you can be made just in a few minutes.

    Onion skunk repellent

    1. Chop one onion and one jalapeno.
    2. Then boil them, and while you do this, add one tablespoon of cayenne pepper.
    3. Pour the liquid into a bottle and spray plants in your garden. After 5 days, you can repeat this procedure.

    Peppermint skunk repellent

    1. Take a spray bottle and mix 15-20 drops of peppermint oil with 1 cup of water.
    2. Apply this cure in your garden, splashing it on your plants. If it rains, you should repeat this procedure.

    Citrus mix

    1. Peel one orange and one lime.
    2. Add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.
    3. Spread the fruit peel around your garden.

    Citrus mix recipe


    In this guide, I’ve covered all the questions that you may have regarding home remedies for keeping skunks away. If something remains unclear, you will find more information in these answers.

    Do skunks bite?

    Skunks rarely bite people even though their teeth are sharp enough. Their main defense is spraying strong smells like sulfur or rotten eggs.

    Why are skunks around my house?

    Usually, these unpleasant guests come to your house because they want to find some food in the yard. Skunks are about to eat anything edible they find. They might hunt for fruit, vegetables, seeds, and nuts in your garden. However, they are not picky eaters and can have garbage or worms for their lunch.

    What time do skunks come out at night?

    It’s common for skunks to spend their days sleeping in dense grass, then wake up and be active at night. There is no particular time for it. Typically it is after sunset. These creatures spend their nighttime exploring their territory, looking for food. After achieving it, they come back to their place.

    Pick Your Home Remedy Against Skunks

    Once you have read all the tips, applying them is high time. Now you can see that you can keep skunks away using things at your fingertips.

    Have you tried everything from peppermint skunk repellent to citrus peels and still have unpleasant animals in your yard? In this case, you should call the experts. It is the last option if you’ve applied all the tips listed above and see no considerable improvements.

    Also read:

    Do you have any extra remedies that you use for skunk spray? Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts below!

  • Do Skunks Live Underground, and What Are They Looking For in Your Garden?

    Do Skunks Live Underground, and What Are They Looking For in Your Garden?

    Skunks are famous for their ability to spray a liquid with an unpleasant odor. Being quite calm animals, they still can cause damage and are generally unwelcome. It is crucial to know where these small creatures prefer to dig their dens and why they choose specific places for living. Do skunks live underground? After reading this article, you will find out the answer to this question and how they choose their home.

    Understanding these things will help prevent skunks’ settlement somewhere in your house. Keep reading, and don’t let unpleasant guests come to your door!

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Guide on Skunks’ Habitat:
    ” style=””main””]
    1. Do skunks live underground?
    2. Are skunks nocturnal? Skunks’ night routine.
    3. Tips on what you should do if you see a skunk?
    4. Do skunks hibernate?
    5. What to do if you find a skunk den.
    6. Things in your garden that attract young predators.
    7. Unbearable scents for skunks.

    Do Skunks Live Underground?

    Skunk's scared face

    Typically, these animals are skilled diggers. Using their front claws, they make small holes and live there. As there are different types of skunks, you can find a variety of holes. Although striped skunks like digging small holes, spotted ones prefer living in deeper homes.

    They make holes everywhere: under the decks, sheds, and doors. Apart from damaging properties, they are also quite defensive. These unpleasant guests protect themselves and their kids by spraying foul-smelling, sticky liquid.

    You can find these little predators under porches, in sheds, or in other dark places. Sometimes they choose this habitation to have easier access to food and water.

    How Do I Find Out Where a Skunk Is Living?

    Skunks are nocturnal, meaning they usually spend their days sleeping in their homes or dense grass. After waking up at night, they start exploring their territory and looking for food. That’s why you can notice these creatures only after sunset.

    Nevertheless, you can spot the signs of these creatures during the day. It might be skunk tracks, specific smells, and holes.

    What should I do if I see a skunk?

    Although these animals are pretty calm, they can also be rather defensive. Follow this action plan if you don’t want to be sprayed with a horrible odor of rotten eggs:

    1. Stop moving for a few seconds. Stay quiet and assess the situation.
    2. Go back slowly and quietly. The thing is, skunks have poor eyesight. So if they don’t hear you, it’s unlikely that they will understand that something is wrong.
    3. Once you have moved to the distance of 7–8 meters from the skunk, you can turn your back and continue walking slowly.

    the skunk climbs out of the hole

    Where Do Skunks Live in Winter?

    When warm seasons are left, skunks start preparing for colder months that are less active for them. Even though these creatures are less energetic in winter, skunks don’t hibernate. To keep warm, they choose to spend cold time in groups. They are typically found in deep dens, rarely under decks and porches.

    What to do if a skunk has a den under your shed

    It is unlikely that these animals are welcome guests in any house; that’s why here are some tips on what to do if a skunk has a den under your shed:

    1. Use bright lightning as these creatures dislike the light; that’s why skunks live underground.
    2. Put a radio or a music speaker somewhere near the den. Human voices and loud music are unappealing to skunks.
    3. Consider home remedies that can help keep these pests away. Cat’s used litter can be a good option as cat urine smells of ammonia which is unpleasant for skunks. Place it near their dens, and they will move out.
    4. Take some ammonia-soaked cotton balls and place them near the skunk’s dens. They dislike this smell because it reminds them of the predators such as foxes or wolves. That’s why once they have sensed it, they are likely to leave as soon as possible.
    5. One more effective home remedy is a citrus mix. Just peel an orange, add a teaspoon of lemon and place this substance in the garden. It will be a helpful home remedy against skunks.

    skunk under shed


    Do you have some questions regarding skunks’ habitat and what you can do to prevent their settlement? Keep reading these frequently asked questions!

    What attracts skunks to my yard?

    Typically skunks come to your yard as they want to eat low-hanging fruit and drink some water. Their favorite fruit includes melons and peaches.

    If these animals find out that your garden is full of tasty food, they are likely to dig dens somewhere near and come back as soon as they are hungry.

    What do skunks hate?

    Some odors are just unbearable for them. Ammonia, citrus, and cat urine make these unpleasant animals leave your home immediately. In this guide, we have covered some home remedies, so you should take action to make skunks leave your house.

    Does dog poop attract skunks?

    These little creatures are not picky about their food and can it everything: from nuts and vegetables to garbage and rotten fruit.

    Take Action and Never Let Skunks Into Your Yard

    Forewarned is forearmed. Now you know about skunks’ favorite places for living. Considering this information, you can do everything to prevent skunks’ settlement somewhere in your house.

    Also read:

    Have you ever met a skunk in your garden? What was your meeting like? Share your experience in the comments!

  • What Sound Does a Skunk Make: How to Identify a Skunk by Its Sound

    What Sound Does a Skunk Make: How to Identify a Skunk by Its Sound

    Skunks usually come into your yard to eat. Since skunks are virtually omnivores, they may look for food in your garden, eat leftovers from the garbage can, and so on. Looking for insects can ruin your lawn or flowers. Usually, the recent arrival of a skunk on your property gives off a pungent smell. But other signs give a skunk away. What sounds does a skunk make? In this article, I’ll tell you the distinctive noises that will help you find out that no one else is trampling in your yard at night but this striped animal.

    [wpsm_titlebox title=”Guide to Recognizing Skunk Sounds” style=””main”]

    Skunks can make different sounds to communicate with other skunks and to protect themselves. For example, a skunk can chirp during the breeding season and scream or click when in danger. The characteristic clawing can let you know that it is the skunk that came to your yard looking for food. [/wpsm_titlebox]

    What Sound Does a Skunk Make?

    Skunk Crawls On Ground

    Skunks tend to be fairly quiet. Although the skunk is not the most communicative animal, it makes characteristic sounds to signal to other skunks. The skunk usually creates a lot of noise during the mating season and the birth of their offspring. The animals become more aggressive, and you can hear a skunk sound like a hiss or a squeal. Outside the mating season, skunks are quieter, but if a skunk appears nearby, they exchange a few words with sounds similar to snapping or chirping.

    What noise does a skunk make when scared?

    When a skunk is frightened, it can squeal, hiss, and click to scare away the enemy. In addition, when frightened, it can spray a liquid that smells unpleasant and can scare anyone away. If a skunk is trapped or cornered by someone, it may thrash scared and stomp hard on the ground. The loud stomping is also a sign for the enemy to leave the skunk alone.

    What sound do skunks make at night?

    If the skunk feels safe, it may run quietly around your yard looking for food. Because it often digs on the ground, it has rather massive claws. The scraping of nails on hard surfaces can give a skunk away.

    These animals also like to set up their dwellings under the porch, in the basement, and in other secluded places. One night you may hear rustling somewhere under the house. If the animal also makes hissing noises, it may have brought its young and is protecting them by making different sounds.

    Why Would a Skunk Scream?

    Skunks scream when they are aggressive. Males are most aggressive during the mating season, so they may make screeching sounds when fighting for a female. The female skunk is most aggressive while carrying cubs or has already brought her offspring. Her main goal is to protect herself and her cubs, so she will scream at anyone who gets too close. Skunk cubs are born very tiny and defenseless, like blind kittens. At about 3 weeks of age, their eyes begin to open, and by the first month of life, skunk cubs can already secrete an unpleasant-smelling fluid. During this period, skunks make noises that resemble a cry.

    What Sounds Deter Skunks?

    In addition to the sounds that skunks make, it is helpful to learn about the sounds that scare skunks. You can let the dog outside when you find a skunk in the yard, and the dog’s bark will scare the pest away. If you don’t have a dog, you can use simple objects that make a loud sound, for example, pots or pans. You can take a tin can and pour coins into it. You should go out into the yard and start shaking the can to see the skunk leave your yard. You can also make the pest leave the area with your loud voice.

    Big Skunk

    FAQ About Skunk Sounds

    You can learn a little more about the distinctive sounds of the skunk from answers to popular questions.

    Do skunks make a sound when they spray?

    If a skunk splashes liquid, it means it is frightened. Therefore, trying to scare away the enemy, the animal can hiss, click or shout. Besides, if other skunks are nearby, the animal can tell its congeners that it is in danger by such sounds.

    Do skunks make chirping noises?

    Chirp-like sounds are another way skunks communicate. They can communicate with each other with the help of the so-called chirp. But most often, they can make this sound during breeding when males actively attract females.

    Do skunks warn you before they spray?

    Before raising its tail and splashing a strong-smelling jet, the skunk may warn its prey with sounds. First, it will click or gnash its teeth. The animal may stomp its paws as a sign of its displeasure.

    Pay Attention to the Sounds

    If a skunk has settled in your yard, sooner or later, you’ll discover it. But the consequences can be different. If you hear one of the sounds I described in this article, you should be on your guard and prepare for pest control. If you detect the problem in time, you can evict the skunk before it ruins your property.

    Also read:

    Have you ever heard skunk sounds? Tell me about your experience in the comments.