Category: Groundhogs

  • What Is the Difference Between a Gopher and a Groundhog: A Guide to Their Key Differences

    What Is the Difference Between a Gopher and a Groundhog: A Guide to Their Key Differences

    If you are wondering what is the difference between a gopher and a groundhog, this guide will tell you how to distinguish them, what lifestyle they lead, and what areas they inhabit. I will give you the information you need to differentiate them, which will help you determine who you see in front of you at a glance.

    Gophers vs. Groundhog: How to Differ Them?

    These rodents are easy to distinguish by their appearance. Gophers are much smaller than groundhogs, while marmots stand out for their height and mass. Besides, they have different types of tails. Gophers are native to North and Central America, while groundhogs are from the United States.

    How to Externally Distinguish Gophers From Woodchuck?

    Before practicing to differentiate a gopher and a marmot, here are a few of their key features to remember.

    Groundhog in the grass in the field

    What does a gopher look like?

    • Gophers can grow up to about 5-7 inches in length, making them small and light. They weigh only 0.5 pounds.
    • Gophers have brown coats and pink legs, hairless tails like rats, brown to yellow teeth, and large incisors protruding from their mouths that can be seen even when the mouth is closed.
    • The front paws allow them to dig holes and even hold some objects.
    • They have cheek pockets in which they store food.
    • Gophers can make a couple of litters a year.

    What does a groundhog look like?

    • Groundhogs look bigger and heavier; they can grow up to 16-20 inches in length and weigh 4—8 pounds.
    • Groundhogs have brown fur and a thick undercoat of a gray color. Unlike a ground squirrel, its tail is short and covered with fur. And the teeth are white and are not visible when the mouth is closed.
    • They climb trees well. Groundhogs have a stocky build and strong black or dark brown legs that allow them to move for long periods.
    • Woodchucks have only one litter per year.

    If you’re wondering, are woodchucks and groundhogs the same thing? Then, you should know that woodchucks are just one of their names.

    How Different Is Their Lifestyle?

    A gopher woodchuck lives differently. For example, gophers native to North and Central America belong to the Geomyidae family. There are approximately 35 species, such as pocket mice, kangaroo mice, and many other family members. Most of the time, they sit in their holes; their main feature is to store food in their cheek pouches. Although they are herbivores, their main food is the roots and tubers they store in their burrows. They have different holes for their needs — in some, they keep food; in others, they relieve needs; and there are also holes for food and nesting.

    Gophers and marmots often live in the same area but in different places. The preferred places for gophers to live are sandy soil, or rather those that allow them to dig holes and conduct tunnels. Their burrow system is quite complex, but other animals can use it. The entrance to their burrow is about 10 cm, so the groundhog would crawl there, but no more. Gophers try to close the access to their holes so that the temperature and the humidity level are suitable for living and prevent other animals from climbing into their homes.

    Marmots are native to North America. They belong to the Sciuridae family, that is, to such rodents as squirrels, chipmunks, and others. They love wooded areas with open ground, spend most of their time in open areas, sleep in burrows and tunnels that they build, but do not store food there like ground squirrels. The burrow entrances are about 20 cm, and they leave their homes open to moving freely along them. Marmots are omnivores; they are satiated, gain weight, and store enough fat to wait out before winter. But there are periods when they are active in winter, eating fish, snails, and insects.

    FAQ About Gophers and Groundhogs

    gopher eats straw

    In this guide, I told you the difference between a gopher and a groundhog, where they live, and where they spend most of their time. If you have some more questions, check the answers below.

    What’s the size difference between a gopher and a groundhog?

    Gophers are small in size. They are about 5-7 inches long and weigh only 0.5 pounds. While groundhogs look bigger, they can grow from 16-20 inches in length and weigh between 4—8 pounds.

    What’s the difference between a gopher and a marmot?

    Ground squirrels are part of a small rodent family, which includes small rats and mice, while marmots belong to the groundhog family. There are only 10-15 types of marmots. Different families show the difference between them.

    Know How to Differ Gophers From Groundhogs

    In this guide, I told you the difference between a ground squirrel and a marmot and gave you the necessary information to help you recognize them. Now, when you see a rodent, you will surely know whether you see a gopher or a groundhog.

    Have you ever had cases when you could not recognize these rodents? Let me know if this article helped you, and tell me exactly how you kicked them out.

    Also read:


    • Pocket Gophers (U.S. Department of the Interior)
    • Five Things You Didn’t Know about Groundhogs (Tufts University)
    • Can a groundhog’s shadow really predict if there will be six more weeks of winter? (Library of Congress)
  • Best Groundhog Bait in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Best Groundhog Bait in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Have you ever seen a groundhog? Maybe, you’ve heard of these chubby little critters because of their well-known Groundhog Day when they either get out of their dens or just stay put there predicting a long, cold winter? Anyway, these mammals are known to do little if no harm at all, and mostly considered to be sweet spring-mongers.

    Despite being nothing like rats or squirrels, groundhogs can still be pretty dangerous and cause a lot of trouble to people whose crops or household they’ve taken a liking to.

    As woodchucks invade your property, they start to settle there, by making themselves comfortable. In search of food and teeth-sharpeners, the critters like to gnaw on tree bark, thus damaging the trunks and leaving the trees without the necessary winter protection.

    Let alone this, it’s interesting to learn about woodchucks and that they normally reside in burrows and caverns. A regular size rodent can manage to dig an underground tunnel in your garden up to 9 yards in length and 2.5 yards in width.

    Regarding how stubborn and persistent these rodents can be, it becomes a real hardship for the owner to deal with them. But fear no more. Based on my experience, I’ve got myself the best bait for groundhogs, as well as a few honorable mentions.

    Top 5 Best Groundhog Baits for Your Yard and Property

    1. C & S Products Sweet Corn Squirrelog
    2. Pro-Pest Woodchuck/Groundhog Lure
    3. Henry’s Wild Bites – The Only Food for Squirrels
    4. Watkins All Natural Original Gourmet Baking Vanilla
    5. Dunlap’s Woodchuck ADC Lure

    Best Groundhog Bait

    These treatments are highly likely to rid you of the cute but dangerous pest for good.

    1. C & S Products Sweet Corn Squirrelog — Best Sweet Corn Groundhog Bait


    • One Squirrelog replaces 12 – 24 ears of corn
    • Package Dimension: 14.8″L x 5.0″W x 5.0″H
    • Includes six 2 packs of Squirrelogs, 12 total logs
    • Item Weight: 2 pounds
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 2.3 x 4.6 x 5.5 inches

    Sweet Corn Refill Squirrelog

    Since groundhogs are kind of squirrels, both these species have similar habits and, consequently, the same weak spots. The C&S Sweet Corn is a nice woodchuck bait that comes in handy for a peaceful and harmless treatment of critters.

    With the dimensions of 15 by 5.1 by 5.1 inches in length, width, and height, the bait makes a perfect fodder that can easily feed a grown groundhog. The product is placed underneath a tree or slightly higher the foot of the trunk to make it reachable for the critters.

    Thanks to the sweet, savory smell, woodchucks are drawn to it irresistibly, thus avoiding the bark, bird feeders, flowers, plant fruit, and other possible food. By placing the bait away from your yard or garden, somewhat 10 feet away, you ensure the security and integrity of your property after the first use. A single piece of the sweet bait counts for over 20 pieces of real corn. It means that with the set of six pieces, you’re going to be able to keep a critter away for about 10 months.

    • Environmentally-friendly;
    • Long-lasting;
    • No odor;
    • Reasonable price.
    • Other animals might find it attractive.

    2. Pro-Pest Woodchuck/Groundhog Lure — Top Pick Bait to Catch Groundhog

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    • 100% Food-Grade Materials
    • Formulation: Paste-like substance
    • Item Form: 4.2 ounces
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 2.72 x 2.17 x 2.09 inches
    • Target Pests: Woodchucks, Groundhogs

    Groundhog Bait

    I’ve used this product myself before, and I can claim that it’s truly the best groundhog bait that can be possibly found on the market today. The Pro-Pest Lure is a completely natural, chemical-free bait that consists of actual, ground components that woodchucks love so much. Since the container is very minute and comprises the product well, the size is no bigger than 4 by 3 inches. Thanks to this, it’s completely effortless to carry it or even hide it nearby the infested areas for later use.

    Although the dimensions are low, the volume of the bait is condensed. The single bucket which weighs only around a quarter of a pound is more than enough for an efficient and multiple-time treatment.

    To utilize the substance, simply put it around and in a trap or any other secured area. Spread it well and make sure there is dampness or moisture around.

    Since the bait consists of exclusively eco-friendly materials, it’s safe to use it around children and animals, both indoors and outdoors, or around your vegetable and fruit patches.

    • Harmless for children and pets;
    • Sufficient for regular use;
    • No additional baits required;
    • Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
    • Specifically for groundhogs.

    3. Henry’s Wild Bites — Baiting Groundhogs Professionally


    • Flavor: Peanut
    • Item Form: Chunks
    • Product Weight: 1 Pounds
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 8 x 4 x 10 inches
    • Target Pests: Squirrels

    Henry's Wild Bites

    Another effective way to keep woodchucks away from your property is to gear up with Henry’s Wild Bites.

    Created with proteins and vitamins, the product is not only tasty but also healthy for the critters. Woodchucks find the treatment very alluring due to the ingredients they lack in their natural surroundings. This makes Hendry’s treatments real groundhog bait food.

    The clusters are made by compressing highly nutritious components into small cubes that are hard but pleasant to gnaw. Using the bait, you can lure groundhogs out of your garden by placing it away from your property. Make sure to identify probable groundhog burrows and scatter the pieces as far away as possible from their nest. This will make the fellas do an extra distance to deter them from your household and improve your groundhog control.

    Besides working for woodchucks, the product is great for other rodents, like squirrels or even mice. Due to this, you’re likely to kill two birds with one stone.

    • Enough for treating large areas;
    • Can be used as fodder for birds or pets;
    • Water-resistant;
    • Extensive expiration period.
    • Might lure other rodents.

    4. Watkins All-Natural Original Gourmet Baking Vanilla — Match It With Food for Groundhog Trap Items


    • Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Corn Syrup Free, Kosher
    • No Artificial Colors or Flavors
    • Note: Contains Sulfites
    • Item Volume: 11 fl. oz.
    • Item Weight: 11 Ounces 
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 2.75 x 1.5 x 8.1 inches

    Watkins All Natural Original Gourmet Baking Vanilla

    If you think that acquiring a real, specialized product for baiting groundhogs is a bit too radical, then you might as well use traditional remedies, like vanilla.

    Yes, the smell of vanilla is known to be a real green flag for rodents. Unlike deer who despise the scent and would rather stay away from it, groundhogs and other critters would gladly feed on it.

    Since vanilla reminds woodchucks about sweets, it can be a great replacement for other, more expensive baiting products. I recommend Watkins Original Baking Vanilla because of its concentration and completely natural components. We don’t want the chubby guys to feed on any chemicals, right?

    Apply a little of the extract to an apple or corn used as a bait and place it in the trapping area. The scent will whiff rapidly and draw woodchucks out of their burrows, and right into the trap.

    • Always at hand for both cooking and baiting;
    • All-natural;
    • Pleasant smell;
    • Allergen-free.
    • Limited in its baiting radius.

    5. Dunlap’s Woodchuck ADC Lure — Simple and Efficient Woodchuck Bait


    • Type: Trapping Bait/Lure
    • Item Volume: 1 oz.
    • Target Pests: Groundhogs

    In case you’re allergic to or simply appalled by typical food for groundhog trap products, then you should consider Dunlap’s Woodchuck Lure.

    Among the many great features that make up this item, the ability to hide chemical and human scents, as well as turn them into effective baiting smells, is outstanding.

    You won’t need much of the product but a couple of drops to make your bait very attractive for critters. Also, the lure can be utilized both indoors and outdoors. Apply it to your backyard or front lawn to create a great groundhog bait for live trap.

    I like it the way you can combine the bait with other alluring substances to double your chances. Don’t worry, the product is 100% natural and doesn’t contain anything that a typical groundhog wouldn’t consume as a part of its ratio.

    • Perfect for people who are sensitive to strong smells;
    • Safe and pet-proof;
    • Indoor and outdoor use;
    • Sufficient.
    • Needs real groundhog favorite food for effective work.

    Identifying and Treating Woodchucks

    Before purchasing and applying a bait along with a trap, it’s essential to put your mind to two things. First, the type of bait you need depending on your case. And second, the specifications of your bait.

    Types of bait

    There is an array of products that pose as a lure for large critters, like woodchucks. However, all of them are easily divided into a few tiers based on their constituency and effect.

    Food baits

    Apples & Peanut Butter

    You can use food that woodchucks favor as an actual bait. Apples, corn, peanut butter, or other excessively savory natural products can do. Though they may be very attractive to groundhogs, simple food products are limited in their scent radius. Despite being effective, this makes them quite difficult to find when a rodent comes by your household.

    Professional baits

    The main and most versatile product you can find on the market is the fodder designed specifically for alluring groundhogs. Such baits are usually made of natural, nutritious components like sweet corn, cantaloupe, nuts, etc. They are meant to either drive the critters away by being placed at a distance from the property or simply guide the animals right into the trap.

    Aroma baits

    Used as a supplement to real food baits, amora droplets and extracts turn any bait into a highly effective, attention-drawing treatment. They are extracted from natural products that contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients, like vanilla, for instance. These essences tend to give off a strong smell that can spread tens of feet around the area.

    Watkins Baking Vanilla Bottles

    It’s well-known that the best bait to catch a groundhog is the one that contains lots of sugar. Therefore, such products are made by infusing sweet and sugary elements that are so attractive to critters and humans.


    Now, when you’ve determined the exact type of a lure to use, it’s time to see the difference between one and multiple-critter treatments.

    One-purpose bait

    Such baits are designed to work with only one kind of a rodent. In this case, when you buy a one-purpose lure, it’ll be effective for dealing specifically with groundhogs. Thanks to the narrow use, the product is great for leading a groundhog to the trap. It contains elements that woodchucks find especially attractive, whereas other rodents disregard it.

    The disadvantage of using a one-purpose bait is that it’s not really effective against other species that might as well reside in your household.

    Multi-purpose bait

    Unlike the one-purpose lure, multi-purpose products have a wider range of treatments. Designed with a whole array of natural components, such baits can attract mice, squirrels, or even deer. This makes them great for dealing with more than just one critter problem at the same time.

    However, due to its generalized capacity, multi-purpose baits can be less efficient with woodchucks. Other natural components in the formula can interfere with the smell of the ones that allure groundhogs.

    How to use groundhog bait?

    Depending on the type of your baits, there can be specifications. For this, always check the instructions that come along with the product. However, the general principle of applying bait is very simple.

    The product is placed inside a trap. If it’s food bait, then make sure to locate it in the most accessible spot of the trap so that a woodchuck can get to it effortlessly. This will ensure the comfort and safety that the animal feels, thus luring it easily.

    If you’re not using food but simple scent-infused bait, then it’s important to apply the product directly onto something that a critter will find attractive. Use apples or corn as the basis and base it with the aroma bait. It’s advised to apply the scent generously around the whole area to increase the chances of the animal smelling it from the far.

    On the other hand, if you’re not using a trap but you rather want to deter a groundhog from your property, do the same. Place the bait at least 10 feet away from the household. Apply the scent both around the site and on the food, and make sure that it’s reachable for the animals.

    How does groundhog bait work?


    As it’s already been mentioned, the bait gives off the scent of materials and groundhog favorite food supplements. Vanilla, nuts, corn, cantaloupe are the extracts that deceive the animals so well.

    Unlike other rodent treatments, groundhog remedies do not aim at harming them or deterring them away. They rather focus on directing the critters to a trap or far from the property. In the end, the woodchucks are safe and sound and don’t cause trouble anymore.


    To save you some time from reading endless Internet articles – here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about dealing with woodchucks.

    How to attract groundhogs?

    Use food and nutrients that they find so tasty. Place them far from places with the hustle and bustle as these animals try to avoid noisy places with people crowding around. To double your chances, resort to natural aroma baits to trick the critters.

    Do groundhogs eat apples?

    Do groundhogs eat apples

    Yes, in fact, it drives them crazy. This is all because of the high concentration of sugar in the fruit.

    How to trap a groundhog in a live trap?

    Use baits and food that the animals prefer. Avoid placing the trap in noisy areas since it can easily deter them. Advisably, utilize only baits designed specifically for woodchucks.

    What makes groundhog baits better than fruit?

    Concentration and versatility. Since baits are made of extracts and essences, they are more distinct than food. Thanks to this, the critters can smell them from a longer distance than a regular apple.

    Bottom Line

    Right. So groundhogs are pests. They don’t devastate your crops or spread disease all over the household. But they can be very annoying and cause a lot of trouble by gnawing on tree bark, chewing wooden constructions, and digging endless tunnels underneath the garden.

    Here, you’ve learned what bait to use for groundhogs that you want off your property. Apply the bait wisely, make sure the trap is harmless to the animals, and, more importantly, treat them well since these critters mean no harm.

    I’ve been using baits like these for a long time and I find them effective and useful. What about you? Have you already found the best bait for woodchucks? Or, maybe you’ve managed to deal with them in some other way? Share your experience and thoughts down below!


    • Learn about woodchucks (Commonwealth of Massachusetts):
    • Groundhog (Indiana Department of Natural Resources):
  • Best Groundhog Repellent in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Best Groundhog Repellent in [year]: Expert Reviews

    This time, I want to tell you about the popular way of fighting the groundhogs, or as we also call them – woodchucks. When you have tried all the methods, and nothing helped, the repellents will save you and your garden.

    There are three types of repellents that differ a little in usage and mode of action. They all are manufactured of natural products and are safe for your plants and environment. You can use them in any weather conditions and any time of the year.

    I will give some more details about how they work and how to choose the best item, so you can finally find a solution to the groundhog problem.

    Top 5 Best Groundhog Repellents

    1. I Must Garden Deer, Rabbit and Groundhog Repellent
    2. Ortho Animal B Gon All Purpose Animal Repellent Ready-to-Use Spray
    3. Repellex 20006 300-Count Systemic Animal Repellent
    4. Rabbit & Groundhog Repellent
    5. Thanos 8X Solar Sonic Mole Repellent Groundhog Repeller

    1. I Must Garden Deer, Rabbit and Groundhog Repellent – Best Groundhog Repellent in Granules


    • Safe For Pets, People, Environment
    • Scent: Mint
    • Item Form: Granules
    • Item Weight: 2.7 pounds
    • Item Dimensions: 5 x 4.5 x 7.5 inches

    I Must Garden is a company that had a long way to success. Its owner, Marilyn Cox, for years, has been trying to find a formula that would help her to get rid of pests but won’t hurt them. She did great, and now I Must Garden is a brand that produces high-quality natural repellents.

    Groundhog Repellent is a product in granules that you can use at any temperature and in any weather conditions. It won’t wash away easily during the rain and will protect your seeds, fast-growing plants from uninvited guests.

    It provides double security, affecting the fear and sense of smell to quickly break the feeding habits of groundhogs. For humans, these products have a pleasant scent and are completely safe.

    The repellent is made of natural materials and botanical oils that are safe for the environment and plants. It contains more active ingredients than other similar products. Moreover, It provides a long-lasting effect.

    • double protection formula;
    • natural materials;
    • more than one active ingredient;
    • safe for the environment.
    • slow-acting.

    2. Ortho Animal B Gon All Purpose Animal Repellent Ready-to-Use Spray – Natural Groundhog Repellent Spray


    • Safe For Pets, People, Environment
    • Coverage: 4,000 sq. ft.
    • Item Volume: 1 gallon
    • Item Weight: 9.3 pounds
    • Item Dimensions: 4.88 x 8.95 x 12 inches

    Groundhog on the grass

    The Repellent spray is simple in usage with a fast-acting effect. One bottle can cover about 4,000 sq ft and provide a long-lasting effect that protects your garden from the deers, rabbits, and woodchucks.

    It is harmless for people and pets, but only when used properly. The smell is pleasant for humans and is not attractive to animals. The active ingredients contain natural oils.

    • covers a big area;
    • long-lasting effect;
    • contains organic oils;
    • “no sting” formula.
    • it could be dangerous to you if not used as directed;
    • not field-specific.

    3. Repellex 20006 300-Count Systemic Animal Repellent – Best Groundhog Deterrent in Tablets


    • Rainproof
    • Active Ingredient: Capsaicin (Hot Pepper)
    • Size of Container: 300 tablets
    • Item Weight: 1.72 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions: 12 x 6 x 6 inches

    The team of Repellex group believes that it is possible to get rid of rodents without using a poison that could harm animals and your plants. They provide all-natural repellents that scary the groundhogs away but keep pollinators and other useful insects safe.

    Systemic Animal Repellent can be used against deers, rabbits, gophers, and, of course, groundhogs. An active ingredient is capsaicin, not the pepper as other repellents use. The plants absorb it, and the capsaicin protects them from been eaten.

    It is easy-to-use as you just need to place a tablet near the plants and wait for about a week to one month until the repellent absorbs. It will stay active for over a year. Due to the repellent formula, it won’t be washed by the rain during this time.

    • lasts for a long time;
    • waterproof;
    • easy-to-use.
    • not fast-acting.

    4. Rabbit & Groundhog Repellent – Fast-Acting Repellent to Deter Groundhogs


    • All Natural Ingredients
    • Scent: Minty Fresh
    • Item Volume: 40 fl. oz.
    • Item Weight: 2.86 pounds
    • Item Dimensions: 12.24 x 6.3 x 5.59 inches

    Rabbit & Groundhog Out is a manufacturer of the repellent sprays that helps gardeners all around the world for over a decade. They provide easy-to-use spray containers or economical concentration form. Their products have a strong scent that scares the pests away from your planted area.

    Groundhog Repellent features a lemon aroma unpleasant to woodchucks which easily scares them away. It uses both taste and smell to deter groundhogs and protect your garden. The formula contains two natural active ingredients – gum arabic and vegetable oil.

    Their combination provides high-quality action for a longer time. The product is weatherproof, so it won’t simply wash away. It carries no harm to your plants and the environment.

    • long-lasting effect;
    • two active ingredients;
    • weatherproof;
    • simply in using.
    • slow-acting.

    5. Thanos 8X Solar Sonic Mole Repellent Groundhog Repeller – Ultrasonic Groundhog Repellent

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    • Waterproof
    • Batteries: 1 AAA batteries required (included)
    • Item Weight: 1.63 pounds
    • Item Dimensions: 11.61 x 5.2 x 5.08 inches
    • Target Tests: Moles, Gophers, Voles, Ants, etc

    Thanos 8X Solar Sonic Mole Repellent Groundhog Repeller

    Thanos Repeller proposes a humane way to deter groundhogs. The mode of action of this product is to create an unpleasant sound to scare away the woodchucks. Their ears are more sensitive than ours, and they can hear the ultrasonic noise provided by the Thanos repeller.

    It does not contain chemicals or poison. It needs from two to four weeks to make the groundhogs go away, and the effect would last for about several weeks. The repellent is solar-powered. It takes about four hours to charge it, and after that, you could use the product for five days without the need to change batteries.

    • without chemicals;
    • solar-powered;
    • easy-to-use.
    • lasts for a short time.

    Repellent: What Is It?

    Repellent is a product that provides groundhog predators or other rodents protection control. Its action bases on creating an unattractive smell and taste for the animals. Some repellents use an annoying sound.

    When pests try to reach your garden, they will face a barrier because their noses or ears are more sensitive than ours. It will be hard for them to get close to the processed plants, and after some time, they will just go away.

    Repellents can be in a form of granules or spray. There are also ultrasonic repellents that do not contain any chemicals. All the types are easy-to-use and have a long-lasting effect. They are mostly slow-acting and need some time to repel groundhogs.

    A big plus is their wide range of action. If you apply a repellent, it usually acts on several species except the groundhogs such as rabbits, deers, gophers.

    Are They Effective?

    The focal point of the repellents is to protect the plants not to attract the pests. They are effective because it is easy for animals not to get to a trap but hard to eat untasty food that smells not so good.

    The system does work because animals have a thousand times more sensitive sense organs. This feature helps them to find something to eat, but in our case, we use it against them to secure the plants.

    How to Repel Woodchucks Using Repellents?

    How to Repel Woodchucks Using Repellents

    There are three types of repellents – granular, spray, and sonic repellers. I’m not sure you would find other products that are so ease in usage. If you choose granular repellent or spray, you need to spread it around the plants. There is no need to spray it exactly on the seeds or corns.

    You can just process the product in the soil near the food. If we are talking about the groundhogs, you may also use the repellent near the burrows. It won’t harm the animals. It would just scare them away. The solution also carries no damage to your plants, pets, and the environment.

    However, you need to be careful for not to overuse a repellent because some of them contain chemicals that can be dangerous for humans when used in big amounts. If you do not want to apply the chemicals, you can choose the sonic repeller.

    These products look like small nails with the solar panels on the top. You need to use about twelve items per acre. They protect for several weeks, and there is no need to change them because sonic repellers get the energy from the sun.

    You do not need to apply force using the repellents – it’s a plus. You just have to place them in the right way and wait. A minus is that the repellents are not fast-acting. You will see the effect only about two weeks later. But two weeks is nothing comparing to months of peace, right?

    They are also natural and safe for people, pets, plants, and the environment. Repellent action influences a wide range of pests, so your protection is on a high level. Most of the repellent products have a nice lemon or peppermint smell, so they are not only effective but also pleasant in using.


    How to Choose a Repellent?

    The mode of action of all repellents is similar. Your final choice should depend on your preferences and the type of area you want to protect. If you don’t want to use chemicals, your best groundhog repellent should be a sonic product. It also works great when you have a big area.

    In this case, it would take a lot of effort to proceed all the soil with a spray or granules, so the ultrasonic repellent is a solution. If you want to secure a small garden, you may choose spray. You should know that its action is faster than that of a sonic repellent. In case you want to get rid of woodchucks quickly, chemicals will provide this.

    Try to choose the repellent that has more than two active ingredients, or at least two. The effect would be longer without the need to cover the land with a repellent every month. All the ingredients should be natural, with no damage to the plants.

    Make sure that a repellent won’t wash with the water. If you are looking for ultrasonic repellents, they should act in about one or two weeks and last at least for two months. If you follow these recommendations, I’m sure your fighting with groundhogs will finish soon.



    What Do Groundhogs Eat?

    Their diet includes mostly grass and vegetables. Sometimes, they can eat small insects. They may look for lettuce, carrots, sweet corn, and flowers in your garden. They can also chew tree bark because their teeth grow quickly.

    How Long Do Groundhogs Live?

    The average lifetime of groundhogs is about six years. However, usually, they live longer.

    Do Groundhogs Come out at Night?

    They are active in the early morning or at the and of the afternoon. As for the night, you will see them on rare occasions.

    What Do Groundhogs Fear?

    What repels groundhogs is strong smells, especially garlic and pepper. They are also sensitive to ultrasonic noise.


    the grounghogs

    I’m glad that now you know more about the best woodchuck repellents, and your garden will be protected. I understand how important the plants are for gardeners, but they also don’t want to harm the environment. The repellents are ideal for natural woodchucks security control. They are so easy-to-use that everyone can apply them and rest while knowing that no one will eat their plants.

    Do you have other recommendations for the repellent using? Or, maybe, you know some better methods? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


    • Groundhogs (University of Maryland Extension):
    • Capsaicin General Fact Sheet (National Pesticide Information Center, Oregon State University Extension Services):
    • Terminology for Vegetable Oils and Animal Fats (Caroline Burgess Clifford, Senior Research Associate, Energy Institute, The Pennsylvania State University):
    • Woodchucks (Kansas State University):
  • Best Groundhog Traps in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Best Groundhog Traps in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Hi! It’s Nicholas Martin back here. This time, I will tell you how to find the best groundhog trap and stop the rodents from ruining your property.

    Using my comprehensive experience-based product reviews and buyers’ guide, choose the most effective solution for your particular infestation case. I also recommend you to get acquainted with my expert tips on trapping groundhogs and read the FAQ section to know the answers to the most common questions.

    Groundhogs or woodchucks are officially nuisance pests, as they can cause massive damage to your property. These rodents are known for digging extensive burrow systems, damaging foundations, eating crops and other plants.

    Similarly to rats, they are afraid of people and other animals and usually behave aggressively to protect themselves. Such encounters are dangerous for humans and pets as groundhogs carry rabies, parasites, and bite painfully. Read the article to the end, and the process of catching a groundhog will become much clearer to you.

    Best Groundhog Traps

    Top 5 Best Groundhog Traps

    1. Havahart 1045 Live Animal Two-Door Cage Trap
    2. HomGarden Live Animal Trap 32inch
    3. Smartxchoices 32-inch Live Animal Cage Trap
    4. OxGord Live Animal Trap
    5. Trapro XL Collapsible Humane Live Animal Cage

    First of all, take a look at the most effective woodchuck trap models that I’ve tested in heavily infested areas together with my colleagues and consultation orderers. I supplied each review with a recommendation so that it would be easier for you to make a choice.

    1. Havahart 1045 Live Animal Two-Door Cage Trap – Effective Humane Groundhog Trap


    • Material: Alloy Steel
    • Special Features: Maximum resistance to rust and corrosion
    • Item Weight: 12.8 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 36 x 10 x 12 inches
    • Target Species: Groundhog, Armadillo, Cat, Raccoon, Opossum

    Effective Humane Groundhog Trap Harvart 1045

    Havahart is the US leading manufacturer of anti-pest remedies. I used the brand’s traps for chipmunks, so I had to test the bigger option as well. Fortunately, the larger 10×12-inch cage has a high-quality assembly and spotless installation process as well.

    It has t powerful doors with hard springs and a very sensitive easy-handle mechanism that provides no-failure triggering.

    The entire construction is made of rust-resistant wire that lets you reuse the item hundreds of times, which is great for professional pest control service.

    The 2-door system makes it easier to catch rodents as it looks a bit friendlier than a dead-end cage and lets pests enter from any side that looks comfortable. When the target is caught, you can carry the cage safely due to the large protective handle guard.

    • effective 2-door system;
    • highly sensitive mechanism;
    • humane solution;
    • safe to carry;
    • a sturdy item for professional pest control.
    • small pets can get trapped.

    2. HomGarden Live Animal Trap 32inch – Classic Groundhog Cage


    • Material: Alloy Steel
    • Special Features: Maximum resistance to rust and corrosion
    • Item Weight: 9.3 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 31 x 12 x 12.5 inches
    • Target Species: Chipmunk, Groundhog, Armadillo, Gopher, Cat, Raccoon, Chicken, Opossum, Skunk, Mole

    HomGarden Live Animal Trap 32inch

    This cage trap by HomGarden provides excellent performance when trapping woodchucks. It features a sensitive trigger-activated mechanism that holds the door tight enough to prevent even the strongest pests from escaping.

    The trap is totally safe for the animal inside as it’s smooth and protects the animal with a sturdy wire mesh that’s impossible to chew through. There’s a special side door for the secure releasing of pests.

    You can open the lid with a stick and win enough time to step back. If you’re a professional, you will enjoy the foldable construction of the trap that makes it easy to transport multiple traps in your vehicle. Similarly to the previous item, this one is made of rust-resistant galvanized steel that can last for years.

    • secure for pests and pets that walk around;
    • compact foldable construction;
    • simple to set up;
    • side door for releasing the catch;
    • made of rust-resistant steel.
    • one-door system.

    3. Smartxchoices 32-inch Live Animal Cage Trap – Sturdy Groundhog Snare


    • Material: Metal
    • 1 Year Limited Warranty
    • Item Weight: 9 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 32 in x 12 in x 12.5 in w/iron door
    • Target Species: Groundhog, Rat, Rabbit, Chipmunk, Weasel, Porcupine, Gopher, Cat, Raccoon, Opossum, Squirrel, Mink, Skunk, Mole

    Smartxchoices 32-inch Live Animal Cage Trap

    This humane care snare offers a sensitive one-door trapping system that’s very easy to set up and carry. The sturdy portable construction is safe for both the animal inside and for the carrier. The sturdy small-gap mesh makes it impossible for pests to steal the bait avoiding the entrance.

    This feature is an excellent remedy against rodents that are cleverer than average ones. The collapsable mesh is perfect for the transportation of multiple empty cages, though it doesn’t require complicated assembly. Just hold the bottom and pull up the top to unfold it.

    Caged animals can move inside freely, and you can be sure that they won’t hurt themselves attempting to escape as all mesh joints are sealed and impossible to chunk through. It’s an excellent solution for professionals and household owners.

    • secure for pets and children;
    • impossible to escape;
    • small-gap mesh;
    • collapsible design;
    • simple installation.
    • small handheld protecting plate.

    4. OxGord Live Animal Trap – Patented Trap Door Construction


    • Material: Metal
    • Color: Silver
    • Item Weight: 8 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 12 x 12 x 32 inches
    • Target Species: Chipmunk, Gopher, Cat, Beaver, Raccoon, Chicken, Opossum, Skunk, Mole

    OxGord Live Animal Trap

    This live trap model has a custom triggering mechanism and a mech doot instead of a plate doot, which makes it less stressful for animals to stay inside. There’s a two-door system that lets the pest get inside from one side, while the secure releasing door is located on the opposite side.

    Even if your or neighbor’s pet gets inside, it won’t get hurt. The mesh on the releasing side has smaller gaps, preventing the rodent from scratching you.

    • secure, humane solution;
    • foldable pre-assembled construction;
    • simple set up;
    • separate lid for releasing;
    • spacious container.
    • not the most compact foldable trap.

    5. Trapro XL Collapsible Humane Live Animal Cage – Large 1-Door Solution


    • Material: Alloy Steel
    • Special Features: Maximum resistance to rust and corrosion
    • Item Weight: 18.01 pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 52 x 18 x 3 inches
    • Target Species: Groundhog, Armadillo, Cat, Rabbit, Raccoon, Opossum

    Trapro XL Collapsible Humane Live Animal Cage

    This cage trap model is significantly bigger than the rest of the items on my top list. This 43″ x 16″ x 18″ cage is a perfect option for catching large adult groundhogs without stressing them out too much. The properly installed trap looks welcoming for the rodent, even if it’s unusually cautious.

    The construction is made of galvanized steel, which is impossible for rodents to chew through or get injured, so be sure that you will transport and release the catch with no harm.

    Due to the simple door opening mechanism, you can let the animal escape safely. When the job is done, collapse your cages, and you will save up to 75% in the vehicle. It’s a worthy product for professional pest control practice as it’s universal for multiple types of nuisance animals.

    • safe for pets and children;
    • simple installation process;
    • made of sturdy galvanized steel;
    • no-fault trigger.
    • no separate release door.

    Buyer’s Guide

    There are 2 types of traps. Live traps for groundhogs are totally humane and let you transport the catch to the neutral territory without hurting it. However, it’s illegal to relocate groundhogs in some areas, so you have to study your local laws before choosing this type of snares.

    Lethal snares kill groundhogs with a powerful hit of sharp metal spikes. It’s not a humane method as there’s always a chance that the animal will suffer instead of dying quickly.

    This method is prohibited in many areas, so you have to contact local experts anyway. To my mind, the best way to trap a groundhog is to use live traps and transport animals to secure areas.

    Tips to Catch a Groundhog

    The entire process can be split into steps. You should be consistent with achieving the needed result. First of all, you have to choose the trap types that you want to use (I have told you more about types in the previous paragraph). Next, you have to find the active burrow entrances to determine the right places for future traps.

    You have to locate them 3-10 feet from burrows and make them easy to enter on the way to feedings. To understand which area is the most active, you have to value the amount of damage. Next, you have to install the trap as described under the next subheadline.


    To enhance the efficiency of a groundhog snare, I recommend you apply baits. The best option is the vegetable or fruit that groundhogs usually steal from your garden. If you are not sure, use such natural baits as lettuce, broccoli, peas, sweet corn, string beans, strawberries, peaches, cantaloupe, and even vanilla extract.

    However, the most popular magnet is cantaloupe. No matter what you choose, it must be placed in the trap properly to ensure a catch. You can make a trail of juice or small food pieces to lead the animal into the snare and spray some juice over around to lure pests out of their hideouts.

    Using Groundhog Traps

    Unfortunately, it’s not enough just to place the remedy on a busy pest runway. You should also handle it properly. The most important rule is to avoid touching the snare with bare hands. Rodents will be able to smell your scent and won’t come close.

    If you’re not sure if anyone touched the item before you, wash it with scentless soap to be sure. Next, you have to use something like a heavy rock to anchor the snare (if you are using a cage).

    Rodents don’t like new stuff on their way. That’s why you have to make the trap look as natural as possible. Take some mud to make it dirty and decorate it with leaves, grass, sticks, and other items that can be found nearby. The less it looks like a trap, the better, but make sure that nothing blocks the trigger plate.

    You can also leave the cage open for a few days so that pests can get used to it. After that, set the trigger, and you will catch a groundhog very soon for sure. They are cunning animals, but you’re much cleverer! When the job is done, cover the cage with a cloth to calm it down, and take the animal to the area where you can set it free legally.

    Call your local attorney in advance to clarify this problem. Setting rodents free, you must be very careful to avoid bites and scratches. Groundhogs are aggressive, so stay away until the pest goes away far enough.

    Related Post: Best Groundhog Repellents Reviewed


    How to Attract Groundhogs

    How to Attract Groundhogs?

    To attract groundhogs into the traps, you should place them properly. I recommend you to install a groundhog cage or other trap type on the usual path from an active burrow to your garden or the average feeding location of pests. Use grass or dirt to cover the bottom of the cage to make it look more naturally attractive. You can also use special groundhog baits to enhance the attractive effect.

    What Bait to Use to Catch a Groundhog?

    This one is simple. You can catch a groundhog using fresh vegetable bait. Corn, broccoli, peas, cabbage, carrot, etc. If you notice that they steal garden fruits, use them instead, but make sure that you place the trap in a more attractive location than where the fallen fruits are.

    However, in most cases, the determining factor is the placement of the trap rather than the bait, so don’t think long. Some trap models include a special bait plate, so use it properly to succeed.

    How to Set a Groundhog Trap?

    How to Set a Groundhog Trap

    It’s not enough just to place traps around the yard. First of all, you have to define the most active groundhog paths. After that, study the unique instruction attached to the trap you purchased. It’s important not to touch the trap without gloves.

    If the cage has your smell on the bars, pests will try to avoid it and find a new route to the feeding. When the trap is ready for installation, you have to place it on the active runway, but not closer than 3 feet to the burrow. Camouflage the trap with dirt, twigs, grass, leaves, brush, or something like that.

    When Is the Best Time to Trap a Groundhog?

    Groundhogs are most active in the morning and late afternoon. You have to set traps before that time and deactivate them in between to avoid trapping other animals. The best time of year to fight them is spring, as they’re most active during this time, yet have not given birth to younger ones.

    What Is the Best Size Body Trap for a Groundhog?

    There are 2-door and single-door traps. The first must be at least 10x10x30 inches and the second – at least 10x10x24 inches. It’s not bad if you have a bigger one.

    Be Meticulous

    Groundhogs are everything but not stupid rodents. That’s why you have to be patient and follow my instructions on how to live trap a groundhog on your land and dispose of them properly. I know how hard it is to stop an infestation and prevent a new one from happening, but you can do this.

    If there’s no time to do it alone, don’t hesitate to hire a trusted professional who will solve the problem, while you are busy at work. Even in this case, you can still choose the traps on your own to ensure successful results.

    If you still have any questions after reading the article, you are welcome to ask them in the comments! You can also add value to the article and tell others about your experience in trapping woodchucks and using traps from my reviews. Which trap is your favorite? Feel free to share below!


    • Woodchuck (by Chuck Fergus):
    • Eastern Chipmunk (Indiana Department of Natural Resources):
    • Groundhog (Indiana Department of Natural Resources):
  • How to Get Rid of Groundhogs: Effective Groundhog Removal Methods

    How to Get Rid of Groundhogs: Effective Groundhog Removal Methods

    All the gardeners face the problems of chewed plants and trees as well as stolen flowers. Even very small creatures can cause big damage.

    A woodchuck is the biggest member of the squirrel class. Like all rodents, a groundhog likes sweet corns and digging the burrows.

    It’s great that nowadays there are so many ways to fight them. You can use traps, repellents, poisons, etc. You can combine several types of products for groundhogs protection control. In this article, I would tell you more about how to get rid of woodchucks. I’m sure this information will be useful for you and your garden.

    Groundhogs: the Ultimate Guide

    Big squirrels or groundhogs look attractive and nice only on the first side. They creep into your property, and then damage your plants and soil. Woodchucks are a bit tricky animals, so you better know what they look like and what habits they have.

    Groundhogs spend their lifetime mostly in their holes underground, which is obvious considering their name. Woodchucks reach 24 inches in length, not including the tail. But usually, they are about 15-17 inches with the 7 inches queue.


    Their weight is not very big due to their sizes. The normal mass of the adult groundhog is from 5 to 10 pounds. The body structure of these animals allows them to dig out extremely long tunnels where they live. As they are not massive but quite long, it is easy for these animals to get through the hole and not stuck in it.

    Their limbs are short but powerful, and the curved claws make these pests well-adapted to the process of digging. They have four teeth that grow 1.5 mm per week. Groundhogs should use their teeth regularly to wear them down. That’s why the woodchuck’s diet includes solid food.

    Their lifestyle is similar to all rodents. In the summer, they used to build up the reserves of fat. Then, in the winter, they hibernate until spring. During the winter sleep, the animal’s temperature is the same as the temperature of the hole.

    Woodchucks are responsible when we talk about hibernation. They even create a special winter burrow. The place for sleep is chosen carefully – it is usually the wooded area. They dig the soil below the frost line, where the temperatures are stable and high enough to feel comfortable.

    Groundhogs lose about half of their weight during the winter sleep. They wake up when the farmers start to produce the food they could steal. Spring is the time when gardeners face the problem of removing groundhog.

    What Do Groundhogs Eat?

    What Do Groundhogs Eat

    Big squirrels are active early in the morning or in the late afternoon. Their ration includes vegetables, grass, and, sometimes, insects. They can eat a little bird if they find it by an accident. Groundhogs like birds, but what they like more – is the plants in your garden.

    Lettuce, cantaloupe, sweet corn red, and black raspberries are tasty for them. In the early spring, they eat a lot of dandelion and coltsfoot. A part of their diet includes buttercup, mulberries, buckwheat, sweetgrass, and fruits they can find.

    At the beginning of the summer, their metabolism slows, and groundhogs consume more food, as they are getting ready for the hibernation. They do not store food as many other rodents do. Instead, they make the fat deposition. Their diet is varied and includes a lot of agricultural plants.

    The groundhogs burrow usually has from two to five entries. This technology helps the woodchucks to escape when the predators attack. Animals use their tunnels for sleeping, safety, hibernating, etc. The nest, where these pests rest, can be more than twenty inches below the surface.

    The average length of the burrows is about fourteen feet. It often includes the side galleries. Groundhogs tunnels cause a lot of damage to the farm machinery and, sometimes, building foundations. So, as we see, woodchucks can harm not only the gardens but also the work of the farms and the safety of the buildings. This makes getting rid of woodchucks a serious problem.

    How Not to Mix Up Groundhogs with Rabbits, Gophers, Squirrels?

    It is simply because rabbits have long ears. But how not to mix up groundhogs with, for example, gophers? Both are brown rodents that tend to make tunnels. The gophers are smaller than woodchucks, and they belong to a different family group. The gopher’s teeth are protruding from its mouth when the groundhogs have their incisors hidden.


    Even if you were able to see woodchuck’s teeth, they would be atypically white, while other rodents have yellow. Also, a groundhog has dark brown feet, and gophers have pink ones. The groundhog’s tail is quite short due to its body structure. The gopher’s claws are more adapted to the digging, and the front feet – to holding the food. It is really hard to mix up groundhogs with gophers, cause the first critter is much bigger than the second one.

    To know if an animal you are looking at is a woodchuck, you just need to compare it to a squirrel. If it is bigger – be sure it is a groundhog, because other rodents are usually a squirrel size. If you had an opportunity to get closer, take a look at the feet.

    If they are dark brown or black, it seems like you have met a woodchuck. Additionally, they have atypical white teeth, but it is sometimes hard to notice this. The best variant to indicate a groundhog is still to estimate the size of the animal.

    What Do They Want from You and Your Garden?

    Groundhog on yard

    In most cases, groundhogs appear in early spring or at the beginning of the summer. At this time, they seek for the food and new home, and your garden looks like a good place for this purpose. Groundhogs are more active at the beginning of the spring because they have just woken up and need a lot of food to renovate their metabolism and mass.

    At the start of the summer season, they are already preparing for the next winter sleep. They eat vegetables, plants, flowers, and different types of grass. They also like the soil around your garden, because the soil is great for their burrows. These pests usually build a home not far away from your farm, or even at your territory, and use tunnels to steal your plants.

    Are They Dangerous?

    These rodents are one of the most dangerous pests. Not only they damage your planted area by eating everything they see but also cause the weakening of a building foundation because of their tunnels. They also chew irrigation systems or tubing.

    Besides this, woodchucks make deep holes in the ground, which destroy the corns and other agriculture products. They leave teeth marks on the trees and other plantings they could not eat or steal away. That’s why the issue of how to kill groundhog includes not only the control of the eaten plants but also the security of the machinery you use and your buildings.

    How to Fight Them Step-By-Step?

    The most popular methods to fight against groundhogs are traps, repellents, sound repellers, gassers, and poisons. Some of them kill the animals instantly, while others are safe for the pests. But all are made of the natural ingredients and cause no harm to your lawn or vegetables.

    There are some specific tips on how to use them properly. I will describe how to apply groundhogs control methods step-by-step.


    trapped groundhog

    This type of groundhog control seems to be the easiest one. All you need to catch a woodchuck is to set a trap and wait. Firstly, you need to open doors in the cage and get them ready for capturing. Then, you need to place some bait. For woodchucks, it is lettuce, sweet corn, or cantaloupe.

    In the beginning, you can leave the bait in the closed trap to entice the animal. You can make such a trick on the first day of use. The pest will see that it can have some tasty food. If a groundhog is not able to get it, on the next day the animal will not be very careful and can get into the trap easily.

    The cage should be located near the entrance to the hole, but not very close, cause it can scary the pest. You can hide it a little with the leaves or branches. Groundhog trap should be massive enough, so the animal won’t turn it over. The material does not allow groundhogs to chew the construction.

    Check a cage regularly, because the animal can harm itself if it stays in a cage for a long time. You should also replace the bait if the old one seems to go bad. Small animals, like rats and mice, can steal a lure, so you need to check twice or once a day if the food is still in the cage. But the trap won’t catch them, because it is directed on the size of the woodchuck.



    There are two types of repellents – spray and granules. But they have the same mode of action. They scary rodents away using the strong smell. Groundhogs hate the aroma of garlic and pepper. The repellents usually take advantage of this fact and also add some other smells like lemon.

    You need to set granules or spray near your plants or near the entrance to the burrow. There are usually two main holes in the tunnels, and it is better to find them and place the groundhog repellent there. This would force the woodchuck to dig out another way, far away from your garden. No need to spray exactly on the plants, the smell still spreads around your area.

    The action of the repellent lasts for about several weeks. After that, you need to repeat the procedure. You can use these products not only when your garden is already damaged by the woodchucks, but to prevent this.

    Sound Repellers


    A sound repeller is what gets rid of groundhog without using the chemicals. These products are great to use if you want to protect a big area of agricultural corns.

    They charge by solar energy, and their action lasts for a couple of days. It is comfortable because you don’t need to change the batteries. They will also work properly even if you have left the garden for a couple of days or weeks.

    You should place 12 repellers per acre. About two weeks later, the woodchucks should go away because of the terrible sound. Some time should pass because the action of the sound on the animals is slow but very effective. They won’t come back for about several months; during this time, there is no need to use the repellers.

    But you need to track when the first signs of the pests appear and replace the sound repellers when needed. They are weatherproof, so you should not be afraid that they would get damaged because of the rain.



    Chemicals that kill groundhogs and other pests are usually manufactured as a granular formula in a container. To use it, you should determine what burrow is active. To do this, you need to press down a small section near the burrow. If the soil raises again or is repaired in the next two days, it means you have found an active tunnel. Make a hole carefully with a cone tip.

    After that, open the container of the product and place the poison into the hole. Close the tunnel with the soil or stone. In a few days, check the burrow. If a groundhog did not eat a bait, repeat the procedure. Usually, the poison acts immediately as it has a nice smell and taste for the woodchucks.

    These products are fast-acting, but I think, you should use them only in case the groundhogs have occupied your garden. If they have appeared only a few days ago, try other variants that are safe for the animals.

    There are also old traditional methods of how to remove groundhog, but they are not as effective as the groundhog control method I have described above. Sometimes, people use garlic, pepper, or other organic products that have a strong smell.

    However, they are not effective because their smell is not so strong as the repellent with the combination of all these smells in a bug concentration. All these traditional methods are familiar to groundhogs, and they may just ignore them and continue to damage your garden.

    Top 6 Groundhogs Treatments

    1. Havahart 1045 Live Animal Cage Trap – A Trap to Keep Groundhogs Away


    • Material: Alloy Steel
    • Special Features: Maximum resistance to rust and corrosion
    • Item Weight: ‎12.8 Pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 36 x 10 x 12 inches
    • Target Species: Groundhog, Armadillo, Cat, Raccoon, Opossum

    Animal Trap for Groundhogs

    The Havahart manufacturer is convinced that the control products should never harm wildlife. They offer live animal traps, repellents, and safe electronic solutions. For over 75 years, they strive to create the newest technologies that provide high-level protection. Havahart products are safe for the environment and approved for use in organic gardening.

    Groundhog Cage Trap is great for the groundhog elimination. It is made of the rust-proof mesh with the steel carcass. Such a construction provides using a trap for a long time without corrosion and rust formation. It also won’t allow the animal to damage the cage by crutching it.

    A trap has two entrances that allow animals to get there from either direction. When the animal gets into the cage, both doors close as an answer to the movement. The doors are smaller than in other similar cages. If the door is too large a pest can just eat bait and run away.

    The construction prevents groundhogs from escaping and stealing the bait. The triggers are sensitive and swiftly capture a specific animal. If a smaller animal gets to the trap, the triggers won’t react. They close only when a groundhog touches the sides of the cage.

    As the door is the same size as the animal, it won’t catch a rat or a mouse, for example. But they can steal the bait, so it is better to check if the food is still there twice or once a day.

    The trap catch is not dangerous to the woodchucks. The door closes only after the animal gets inside. A large handle protects people during transit. Woodchucks can be very active and try to bite you. In this case, a big handle will prevent this. A cage has smooth inside edges that keep pets and you safe. The trap is the best variant if you know that the groundhogs live very close to your house and like to walk near your garden.

    • safe for you and animals;
    • rust-resistant material;
    • has two doors;
    • sensitive triggers.
    • the cage is heavy.

    2. I Must Garden Deer, Rabbit and Groundhog Repellent – Repellent to Deter Groundhog


    • Safe For Pets, People, Environment
    • Scent: Mint
    • Item Form: Granules
    • Item Weight: 2.7 pounds
    • Item Dimensions: 5 x 4.5 x 7.5 inches

    I Must Garden was founded by the professional gardener Marilyn Cox. For many years, she has been trying to find a formula for the product that does not cause damage to the animal, humans, and the environment. All the ingredients of the insecticides are natural. Marilyn Cox knows how to keep groundhogs out of the garden but not to kill or harm them.

    Repellents in granules are the products that deter groundhog. They have a dual-action formula that scares the pests with a smell. It means that the groundhogs will feel an unpleasant smell, and this will scare them away. Besides the fear, it will be hard for them to live near the garden that has a strong aroma.

    Animals understand instantly that your planted area is not for them. This repellent contains more active substances than the usual groundhog extermination repellent. They strengthen the work of each other and reinforce the smell. It provides long-lasting action with using less mass of the product.

    A small cupped hand of the product can protect your whole garden. All the ingredients are natural and contain additional botanical oils that have a nice smell for humans. Granules are safe for animals and people. They have no effect on the plant’s growth and appearance.

    It won’t discolor your flowers and grass. The specific formula allows using the product effectively during rain or even snow, and it is not affected by the freezing temperatures. It won’t wash away, and the efficiency won’t decrease. Repellent is ideal for guarding plants that need additional protection also from rabbits and deers.

    • dual-action formula;
    • many active ingredients;
    • safe for humans and the environment;
    • can be used during rain and snow.
    • not fast-acting.

    3. Rabbit & Groundhog Repellent – the Groundhog Removal Spray


    • Scent: Minty Fresh
    • Item Form: Spray
    • Item Volume: 40 fl. oz.
    • Item Weight: 2.86 pounds
    • Package Dimensions: 12.24 x 6.3 x 5.59 inches
    • Target pests: Rabbits, Groundhogs

    Rabbit & Groundhog Out company helps gardeners and farmers all around the world to keep groundhogs away from the planted area. Its products contain oils that have an unpleasant taste and smell. All the ingredients are natural and safe for pets, children, and the environment.

    Groundhog Repellent is perfect for rabbit and groundhog removal. The product includes two essential ingredients – gum arabic and vegetable oil. Gum arabic contains acacia flowers juice, which smell is strong because they entice the pollinators.

    Besides the gum arabic, there are other additional natural smells. Vegetable oil strengthens the action of the gum by increasing the aroma. Due to this, the repellent stays active for a longer time. You do not need to spray your plants every day, and to support the product`s action you should keep an eye and add some more chemicals when needed.

    The mode of action of the spray is to scare the pests away from your plants, using a strong lemon or peppermint essence. It is pleasant for humans but offensive for animals because their noses are a thousand times more sensitive. The groundhogs are even more sensitive to unpleasant smells than other animals.

    That’s why while fighting the woodchucks, people usually use the repellents in granules or sprays. The spray is simple in usage – you just need to spray it in your garden. It won’t leave a layer, spot, or discolor your plants.

    • two active ingredients;
    • long-lasting;
    • easy in using;
    • a strong deterrent smell.
    • field-specific in action.

    4. Thanos 8X Solar Sonic Mole Repellent Groundhog Repeller – Sound Repeller to Solve Groundhog Proble

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    This Repeller is unique in its action. It creates the sound that pulses every 30s. The noise penetrates the soil and forces the pests to get away from your garden. The product is weatherproof and charges from solar energy. Four hours charging would provide five working days without the need to change the battery.

    It is safe for humans and does not contain chemicals or poison. Repeller helps to get rid of moles, groundhogs, rabbits, and other burrowing rodents. It takes from two to four weeks to keep groundhogs away. After that, they won’t bother you for several weeks.

    The product does not hurt animals. It just does not allow them to get close and harm your planted area.

    • does not contain chemicals;
    • weatherproof;
    • solar charge;
    • long-lasting.
    • not fast-acting.

    5. The Giant Destroyer (GAS KILLER) – Gas Bombs Killing Groundhogs


    • Active Ingredients:Carbon 9%, Sodium Nitrate 50%, Sulfur 38%
    • Natural Organic Substances
    • Item Weight: 10.1 ounces
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 12.3 x 9.2 x 7 inches
    • Target Species: Moles, Gophers, Woodchucks, Norway Rats, Skunks, and Ground Squirrels

    The Giant Destroyer produces the super gasses, which help with getting rid of groundhogs. All the products are hand-packed and made of high-quality materials. The idea of the company is to provide simple products that will solve the customers` problems. The Giant Destroyer has been holding up well for over 50 years and will continue to provide innovations in the future.

    This item produces gas that is killing groundhogs instantly when it gets into the tunnels. The product is efficient in fighting against small pests like rats, squirrels as well as the larger ones like skunks and woodchucks. It is really a giant destroyer because it is one of the largest gassers on the market.

    The bombs are made of organic substances and are not harmful to the plants and another environment, excluding the insects. You can use the item only outdoors in such places as parks, re-forest areas, lawns, and others.

    • an immediate action;
    • natural ingredients;
    • kills a wide range of animals;
    • not dangerous to plants.
    • kills the pests.

    6. Victor M6006 Mole & Gopher Poison Peanuts – Easy-to-Use Poison to Provide Groundhog Elimination

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    Victor is a recognized and trusted brand in rodent control. A decade ago, the company has revolutionized the market by introducing the spring-based mousetrap. Nowadays, they manufacture traps for various types of rodents pose.

    Poison Peanuts work as a poison that you should place at the entering of the hole. It is both – a lure and an eliminator of the animals. The container is constructed to make it easy to pour the pellets into the dynamic burrows. The peanuts look attractive and tasty to the ground animals, and they start eating the poison.

    After a while, the active ingredient kills them. Be sure not to allow pets and children to get close to the chemicals.

    • asy-to-use;
    • fast-acting;
    • a unique formula that attracts groundhogs.
    • kills the animals;
    • dangerous to people and pets.

    Prevention Techniques

    It’s hard to say whether the groundhogs will attack your garden or not. It is better to protect your plants before the woodchucks will come. Two or four weeks before the spring starts and then three months later, you need to secure your garden.

    You can use the repellents that are great for the prevention techniques. If you do not want to apply the chemicals, you can set up the ultrasonic repellent that will scare away the rodents, deers, and rabbits before they try to steal your food and flowers. Traps and poison are not very effective in this case.



    Are Groundhogs Dangerous?

    Groundhogs do not hurt people, but they usually steal the plants from the garden like corn, flowers, etc. They also chew the tree barks. They can harm a big area of the agricultural corns. Woodchucks’ burrows can damage the farm machinery or the building foundation.

    Where Do Groundhogs Live?

    They dig out their tunnels in the area without trees. In most cases, they build their homes near the gardens because it is easier to get food.

    What Does a Groundhog Hole Look Like?

    It looks like a usual rodent’s hole, but their burrows are a little bigger than, for example, gophers build, because woodchucks are the largest species in the squirrel family. They often make more than two holes in one tunnel. And they do not leave the soil on the surface, so sometimes it is hard to find a groundhog burrow.

    What Noise Does a Groundhog Make?

    When they are eating, they make a noise that sounds like “chunk-chunk”. When they notice a danger, they whistle.

    Will a Groundhog Attack a Dog?

    Groundhogs are small animals that are used to hide from predators. They will run away to their burrows if they see a dog. But, in case a dog gets close to the groundhog, the rodent can bite the dog to protect itself.

    Do Groundhogs Eat Mice?

    They can eat smaller animals only in the following case. If they accidentally get the opportunity to catch mice, groundhogs will do it.

    Can a Repellent Kill a Groundhog?

    The repellents cause no harm to the animals. If you want to kill a groundhog, you need to use a poison which is fast-acting.

    When Are the Groundhogs More Active?

    They start to damage the gardens in the beginning of spring or summer. During the day, groundhogs are mostly active in the early morning.

    A Summary of the Results

    It seems like I have given you all the information I know about how to repel groundhog. You can open this article whenever you need to check if the one who is eating your plants is a groundhog or it is simply your neighbor’s dog.

    All the methods to deal with the groundhog problem are effective, and now it is your step to decide how to get rid of groundhogs. Be sure to choose wisely. Have you ever seen a groundhog chewing your flowers or plants? How did you cope with this? If you have a funny story or user experience, please, share it with us.


    • Woodchuck (Adirondack Ecological Center):
    • Professor studies groundhog hibernation to benefit mankind(Penn State News):
    • Groundhogs(University of Maryland Extension):
    • Managing Woodchuck Problems in Missouri(University of Missouri):
    • Dealing with Woodchuck Damage(The University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension):