Do Skunks Live Underground, and What Are They Looking For in Your Garden?

Skunks are famous for their ability to spray a liquid with an unpleasant odor. Being quite calm animals, they still can cause damage and are generally unwelcome. It is crucial to know where these small creatures prefer to dig their dens and why they choose specific places for living. Do skunks live underground? After reading this article, you will find out the answer to this question and how they choose their home.

Understanding these things will help prevent skunks’ settlement somewhere in your house. Keep reading, and don’t let unpleasant guests come to your door!

Guide on Skunks’ Habitat:
  1. Do skunks live underground?
  2. Are skunks nocturnal? Skunks’ night routine.
  3. Tips on what you should do if you see a skunk?
  4. Do skunks hibernate?
  5. What to do if you find a skunk den.
  6. Things in your garden that attract young predators.
  7. Unbearable scents for skunks.

Do Skunks Live Underground?

Skunk's scared face

Typically, these animals are skilled diggers. Using their front claws, they make small holes and live there. As there are different types of skunks, you can find a variety of holes. Although striped skunks like digging small holes, spotted ones prefer living in deeper homes.

They make holes everywhere: under the decks, sheds, and doors. Apart from damaging properties, they are also quite defensive. These unpleasant guests protect themselves and their kids by spraying foul-smelling, sticky liquid.

You can find these little predators under porches, in sheds, or in other dark places. Sometimes they choose this habitation to have easier access to food and water.

How Do I Find Out Where a Skunk Is Living?

Skunks are nocturnal, meaning they usually spend their days sleeping in their homes or dense grass. After waking up at night, they start exploring their territory and looking for food. That’s why you can notice these creatures only after sunset.

Nevertheless, you can spot the signs of these creatures during the day. It might be skunk tracks, specific smells, and holes.

What should I do if I see a skunk?

Although these animals are pretty calm, they can also be rather defensive. Follow this action plan if you don’t want to be sprayed with a horrible odor of rotten eggs:

  1. Stop moving for a few seconds. Stay quiet and assess the situation.
  2. Go back slowly and quietly. The thing is, skunks have poor eyesight. So if they don’t hear you, it’s unlikely that they will understand that something is wrong.
  3. Once you have moved to the distance of 7–8 meters from the skunk, you can turn your back and continue walking slowly.

the skunk climbs out of the hole

Where Do Skunks Live in Winter?

When warm seasons are left, skunks start preparing for colder months that are less active for them. Even though these creatures are less energetic in winter, skunks don’t hibernate. To keep warm, they choose to spend cold time in groups. They are typically found in deep dens, rarely under decks and porches.

What to do if a skunk has a den under your shed

It is unlikely that these animals are welcome guests in any house; that’s why here are some tips on what to do if a skunk has a den under your shed:

  1. Use bright lightning as these creatures dislike the light; that’s why skunks live underground.
  2. Put a radio or a music speaker somewhere near the den. Human voices and loud music are unappealing to skunks.
  3. Consider home remedies that can help keep these pests away. Cat’s used litter can be a good option as cat urine smells of ammonia which is unpleasant for skunks. Place it near their dens, and they will move out.
  4. Take some ammonia-soaked cotton balls and place them near the skunk’s dens. They dislike this smell because it reminds them of the predators such as foxes or wolves. That’s why once they have sensed it, they are likely to leave as soon as possible.
  5. One more effective home remedy is a citrus mix. Just peel an orange, add a teaspoon of lemon and place this substance in the garden. It will be a helpful home remedy against skunks.

skunk under shed


Do you have some questions regarding skunks’ habitat and what you can do to prevent their settlement? Keep reading these frequently asked questions!

What attracts skunks to my yard?

Typically skunks come to your yard as they want to eat low-hanging fruit and drink some water. Their favorite fruit includes melons and peaches.

If these animals find out that your garden is full of tasty food, they are likely to dig dens somewhere near and come back as soon as they are hungry.

What do skunks hate?

Some odors are just unbearable for them. Ammonia, citrus, and cat urine make these unpleasant animals leave your home immediately. In this guide, we have covered some home remedies, so you should take action to make skunks leave your house.

Does dog poop attract skunks?

These little creatures are not picky about their food and can it everything: from nuts and vegetables to garbage and rotten fruit.

Take Action and Never Let Skunks Into Your Yard

Forewarned is forearmed. Now you know about skunks’ favorite places for living. Considering this information, you can do everything to prevent skunks’ settlement somewhere in your house.

Also read:

Have you ever met a skunk in your garden? What was your meeting like? Share your experience in the comments!


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Nicholas Martin

Nicholas Martin

I am Nicholas Martin, and I am an entomologist. I combine the insect survey work with the consultation for private pest control agencies. My narrow specializations are both urban pests and agricultural pests. I studied their control over the previous 25 years. More about Nick

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