Category: Termites

  • How to Get Rid of Drywood Termites: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

    How to Get Rid of Drywood Termites: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

    Even if you did not have this problem, you have probably heard about termites and what they can do to houses. That is why you and every reader here need to know how to get rid of drywood termites.

    They are not like other pests that harm only humans and cause some inconvenience pretty often. Termites are terminators of everything that contain cellulose.

    I prepared this article to provide you with all the required information to protect your home from these pests and prevent the infestation. It is better to know your potential enemy. But also, I collected the info about some effective approaches and solutions.

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    1. Locate the infested areas.
    2. If there are a lot of termites, seek professional advice.
    3. Prepare your home for dry wood termite treatment.
    4. Use barrier drywood termite treatment.
    5. Apply baits for termites.
    6. Choose the type of treatment for dry wood from termites.
    7. Prevent reinfection.

    What You Need to Know About Termites


    To choose the right treatment and know what to do in case of infestation, you need to learn some facts about these insects: what they are, what they do, and what they are afraid of. Let’s move forward to find the answers.

    What Are Drywood Termites: Full Profile

    Drywood termites are the type of termites, who destroy wooden floors, furniture, building skeleton, and other pieces of dry wood (so you can see the origin of their name). They live in colonies that consist of members with different roles: swarmers, workers, soldiers, and reproductives.

    Swarmers’ main duty is to create new colonies. They are about half-inch-long with two pairs of equal winds and reddish bodies. They are usually signals of house infestation. Workers are grey-colored, 3/8-inch-long insects without wings, they are the ones who destroy the building by eating wood.

    Drywood Termite

    They are the majority of the colonies. Soldiers are usually of a quarter-inch size, with grey bodies and orange heads. Their responsibility is to protect the colony. And finally, reproductives, which are known as the king and the queen.

    They are responsible for the reproduction cycle of the colony and can live for decades. The king is about half-inch-long, and the queen can grow up to the inch-long size.

    Also, there is another reason it is important to know the answer for: what are drywood termites? They are often confused with flying ants. But you have to know the difference, and here is how to tell it:

    • Termites have straight antennae, while ants have bent ones;
    • Termites’ wings are of the same size, while ants’ ones are different;
    • Termites have a straight waist, while ants’ waists are pinched.

    Both species live in colonies and can be found in houses. However, ants do not cause structural damage like termites. Also, they have different food habits. Ants eat seeds, nectar, or other insects, but the main nutrient for termites is cellulose.

    How Termites Get into Houses and Why They Are Dangerous?

    How Termites Get into House

    Termites are attracted to moisture and sources of cellulose. Their favorite habitat became human buildings made of wood, which led to tremendous drywood termite damage. The source of these pests can be wooden mulch, bad drainage, close firewood storage, and other wrong approaches to the building planning.

    It is obvious why they are dangerous. They can eat wooden house parts from the inside, making it weak and unstable, eventually leading to the collapse of the building. But they also can bring harm to human health. Soldiers can bite people and cause an allergic reaction.

    Touching frass can cause contact dermatitis. Mold spores, which can be resulted by the termite activity, cause various symptoms like headaches, cough, and sore throat, eyes burning feelings, and running nose, as well as general weakness.

    How to Detect Drywood Termite Infestation?

    One of the greatest difficulties of the drywood termite infestation is that it is hard to detect until you see serious damage. These insects work undercover, eating the wood from the inside so they cannot notice them. However, some signs can help you in detecting the infestation:

    • Flying insects around the wooden areas (not flying ants);
    • Shed wings, as termites usually leave them in piles;
    • Termite droppings in the form of hexagonal wooden-like pellets;
    • Hollow wood that is probably eaten from the inside;
    • Swollen floors and peeling paint signal about termites that brought moisture to their habitat. Make sure water leaks or other moisture sources do not cause this.

    How to Get Rid of Drywood Termites: Step-by-Step Guide

    As soon as the infestation is detected, you have to take measures against termites. Here’s what you need to do:

    1. Locate the infested areas. Define whether the entire house is infested or there are some zones that you can isolate from the building.
    2. Contact an infester. An average homeowner cannot properly define the level of infestation and choose the right treatment. I strongly recommend you seek professional consultation. If the infestation is small, some simple methods can be applied. In serious cases, you have to hire professional exterminators.
    3. Use barrier drywood termite treatment. This method helps isolate the infested area and protect your home from the inside pests.
    4. Apply baits for termites. Another preventative and protective method is applying baits. Just stick them in the ground, and it will attract termites, poison the colony and kill it eventually.
    5. Prevent re-infestation. These measures include removing wooden constructions that are contacting the ground, redirecting the rainwater from the foundation, using gravel instead of mulch.

    Termite ground bait

    How to Prepare the House for Drywood Termite Treatment

    When the infestation case is bad, there is no other option than fumigation, which is a drastic measure to kill pests. But it is also dangerous to humans, so you have to prepare you home before it:

    • Find a place to stay for 2-3 nights;
    • Leave the doors between rooms open;
    • Remove or seal any consumable products;
    • Take care of the plants near the house;
    • Provide access to your home for fumigators;
    • Follow the fumigator’s instructions considering returning home.

    What Are the Main Types of Drywood Termite Treatment?

    Now let’s talk about how to treat drywood termites. Five basic methods can be used in case of different levels of infestation:

    1. Liquid barrier. Usually, this is a treatment in the form of termite spray with Fipronil as an active ingredient. It is sprayed around the house to prevent the infestation.
    2. Poisoned baits. They attract termites, and they bring the poison to the colony. Termite baits consist of cellulose mixed with slow-acting insecticide.
    3. Direct chemical disinfestation. In case you detect termites inside your home and do not want to spray insecticides inside, you can treat this infestation with special foam. You can fill the cracks and crevices with it, and the chemicals in this foam will kill termites.
    4. Boric acid. It can be used separately or as a part of a combined treatment. Boric acid affects insects’ metabolism and digestion, which eventually leads to their death.
    5. Natural impact. It includes using nematodes (microscopic roundworms), which eat insects, but are safe for humans, or applying diatomaceous earth (fossilized remains of aquatic organisms), which ruins the termites’ skeletons.

    Top 4 Drywood Termite Treatments: Choose Your Best

    As usual, I’ve tested some popular treatments against pests. Now I’m ready to share some reviews with you to help find the most suitable option.

    1. Effective Termite Spray for Wood: Taurus SC Termiticide/Insecticide

    No products found.

    Taurus SC Termiticide/Insecticide is a concentrated termite spray for wood, so one bottle can be enough to treat the perimeter. It is allowed only for outside use. This spray is effective against the entire termite colony and has a long-lasting effect. Also, it kills other pests that can be a threat to your house.

    To me, this is the best insecticide against termites, as I’ve tested its effectiveness. Despite its toxic components, it is safe if you use it right. So follow the instructions considering diluting and applying.

    • concentrated;
    • works against various pests;
    • affects the entire colony.
    • toxic.

    2. Natural Solution for Termite Infested Wood: Bora-Care


    • Active Ingredients: Boron Sodium Oxide (B8Na2O13), Tetrahydrate (12280-03-4) 40%
    • Item Weight: 11 Pounds
    • Material: 
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 7.3 x 4.85 x 10.1 inches
    • Target Species: Wood Destroying Fungus, Termite and Wood-Destroying Insects Such As Termites, Carpenter Ants, Powderpost Beetles, etc.

    Nissus Bora Care

    Speaking of my natural pick, I would recommend Bora-Care by Nisus. Its main ingredient is borate salt that ensures long-lasting effect and repelling action against termites. As soon as you treat termite infested wood with this product, it reaches the termite area.

    Insects start eating the treated wood and get poisoned. Bora-Care also has a contagious effect and reaches the colony. Moreover, it is effective not only against drywood termites, but also, subterranean and Formosan termites, and some other insects.

    But according to some testimonials, this solution cannot be used on wooden objects that you want to paint as the paint will bubble.

    • natural;
    • penetrate deep, reaching the termite habitat;
    • works against various termite species.
    • it cannot be applied to the wood you want to paint.

    3. Preventing Drywood Termite Damage: Premise Foam


    • Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid 0.05%
    • Item Weight: 1.35 pounds
    • Item Form: Foam 
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 9.25 x 2.25 x 2.5 inches
    • Target Species: Subterranean and Drywood Termites, Ants, and other wood-destroying insects

    Premise Foam Termiticide

    You can use Premise Foam solution for filling up empty spaces that can serve as an entrance to the termites and other insects. The foam expands 30 times and reaches the deepest holes and crevices. As soon as it is dry, the product is safe for people and pets. The ready-to-apply formula makes it easy to use this solution.

    This product is used as a preventive measure, but it can also kill insects, releasing the poison inside the wooden structures. Termiticide acts for several days and kills all insects that contact the foam. Then they spread the poison throughout the colony. But this foam does not repel insects.

    • perfect for filling in holes and cracks;
    • ready-to-apply formula;
    • versatile against pests;
    • long-lasting.
    • do not have a repelling effect.

    4. Treat Drywood Termite Infestation: Termidor Foam


    • Active Ingredient: Fipronil (0.005%)
    • Item Weight: 1.52 pounds
    • Item Form: Foam
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 2.5 x 2.5 x 9.5 inches
    • Target Species: Ants, Termites, Wood Destroying Insects, Termites (including subterranean, drywood, dampwood and arboreal), Old House Borer Beetles, Powder Post Beetles, Wharf Borer Beetles, Ants (including: foraging Carpenter; excluding: Fire, Harvester, Leaf cutter and Pharaoh)

    Termidor Foam Termiticide Insecticide.jpg

    Termidor Foam is applied to the holes, cracks, and other voids on the termite infested wood. With Fipronil as an active ingredient, it kills termites and ants, spreading the insecticide and filling in their nests.

    This product is claimed to have an undetectable feature, so termites cannot realize that they contact and eat the poisoned material. Foam is often used in professional insect treatments.

    Termidor Foam is easy to apply inside the wooden structures. However, it will not have the required effect on the open wooden areas.

    • fast result;
    • used by professionals;
    • easy in use.
    • not effective in the open spaces.

    How to Eliminate Cases of Infestation in the Future?

    After getting rid of insects eventually, you need to learn how to prevent drywood termites in the future. You need to remember this set of actions:

    • Apply preventive pest control during swarming seasons;
    • Move wood debris and mulch at least 20 feet from the building;
    • Avoid raising humidity inside your house;
    • Seal holes and crevices to close access for insects;
    • Invite a professional infester to do regular checks.

    Frequently Asked Questions about Termites

    What Do Drywood Termites Look Like?


    Depending on their role in the colony, termites have different looks:

    • Swarmers – half-inch-long with two pair of equal winds and brown-red bodies;
    • Workers – grey-colored, 3/8-inch-long insects without wings;
    • Soldiers – a quarter-inch size, with grey bodies and orange heads;
    • Reproductives – grey, half-inch, or inch size.

    Does Tenting Kill Termite Eggs?

    No, the gas, used during fumigation, affects only insects. But as soon as eggs are left alone, they will die without the care of adults.

    Do Termites Eat Sheetrock?

    They eat wood and everything that contains cellulose. But they can make their way to the food source through sheetrock as well.

    Do Termites Ever Go Away on Their Own?

    No, as soon as termites find the food source (that is the actual building), they will never leave until the wood in the house is eaten completely.

    Bottom Line

    Termite control procedure

    I hope none of you will ever face the termite invasion into your home. As you see, this can be a real catastrophe, so preventing and protecting measures are crucial here. Also, the early infestation detection can help, so monitor your house regularly.

    Do not postpone the termite control procedures, as you never know for sure how deep those pests are in the building structural parts.

    Now, when you know how to kill drywood termites, you will be able to detect the danger before it is too late. Do you know the horror stories of the massive termite infestation? It sounds like a movie plot, right? Well, tell us about them in the comments!


    • Protecting your Home Against Termites (College of Agriculture, Food and Environment):
    • Structural Pest Control Section (North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services):
    • Termite Control: Answers for Homeowners (College of Agriculture, Food and Environment):
  • Best Termite Bait Stations in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Best Termite Bait Stations in [year]: Expert Reviews

    There are no other insects that can destroy a building so drastically than termites. They are even more dangerous due to their hidden impact on wooden constructions. As soon as you detect these creatures inside your house, it is important to take measures against them.

    Termite Bait Stations that Kill Termites Quickly and Effectively

    One of the options is to use the best termite bait stations. This method is helpful in the early stages of infestation or as a preventive treatment.

    So, what is a termite bait? This is a special piece of equipment that you should put in the soil on the building perimeter. They are used for monitoring and spreading termiticide to prevent infestation.

    Termite baits contain cellulose mixed with chemicals that are toxic to insects, so they prevent massive infestation and kill colonies via poisoned insects. Bait stations are placed around the building at equal intervals. You should check them and change baits regularly.

    In this article, I’ll tell you not only about how do termite stakes work but also about how to use them properly. Moreover, I will review my picks regarding this disinfestation method.

    Top 3 Best Termite Bait Stations for Effective Disinfestation

    Termite Bait System

    I tried to find out what is the best termite bait station? My top picks are ready to be reviewed. I hope my feedback will help to choose the solution that is suitable for your needs.

    1. Spectracide Terminate: Best Termite Bait System and Expert Choice


    • Active Ingredient: Hexaflumuron 0.50%
    • Complete kit: 15 stakes with locator shields, instruction booklet and digging tool
    • Item Weight: ‎2 pounds
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 4 x 12 x 16 inches
    • Target Pests: Termites

    Spectracide Terminate Termite Detection and Killing Stakes

    This Termite Detection from Spectracide is my top pick. It is a two-in-one product, which contains both detecting elements and killing chemicals. It is important to be able to detect termites, as they are hardly ever visible on the surface.

    Using these stakes as a preventive measure, you will know if there is any infestation appearing near your house and will take action against it.

    Spectracide Terminate is easy to install in your yard, and for full coverage, you will need about 15-20 stakes, depending on the area you plan to treat. However, keep in mind that this method cannot be used as the only protection against termites. So, as soon as termites are detected, apply another method with a stronger effect.

    • 2-in-1 product;
    • wider coverage due to pinpoints;
    • easy to install and use.
    • used only as a part of comprehensive treatment.

    2. Advance Termite Bait Stations: Professional Termite Baiting System


    • Contains: wood food source and inspection cartridge
    • Item Weight: 15.2 ounces
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 19 x 11.3 x 7.9 inches
    • Target Pests: Termites
    • USE: Install around the perimeter of homes and commercial buildings

    Advance Termite Bait System

    This termite control product includes in-ground termite bait stations that mostly detect, but can poison the insects as well. This method can be used only outside as you should place baits in the ground at least 9 inches deep.

    It is important to monitor the station regularly (at least once a month since the installation). As soon as the termite activity is detected, you should replace the defective cartridges with the ones with insecticide.

    By the way, here is a drawback regarding this product: you need to order the treatment cartridges separately. After applying insecticide, you have to change baits regularly, right until the termites are gone.

    To some people, this product might be a bit overpriced, mostly because of the need to buy extra cartridges for killing insects.

    • professional treatment;
    • simple installation according to instruction;
    • wide coverage thanks to the low design.
    • does not contain bait cartridges in the kit;
    • it might be expensive for some users.

    3. Termite Baiting System: Proven Termite Bait Traps


    • Complete kit: 10 bait stations, 10 lids, 10 wood monitors, and 1 Hex Key
    • Item Weight: ‎4.47 pounds
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 10.25 x 9 x 7.5 inches
    • Target Pests: Termites
    • USE: Install around the perimeter of homes and commercial buildings

    HexPro Termite Monitoring Baiting System

    This termite baiting system by HexPro is known for using effective active ingredient hexaflumuron for fighting pests. It affects insects’ maturing and leads to death eventually.

    This system can be used for two purposes: monitoring and killing. The package includes 10 stations and 10 wooden monitors. The product can be applied as a part of the outside pest control. But if termites appear in your yard, you can use the bait part of the system to kill insects.

    For monitoring, check stations every 1-3 months, and change baits every month during treatment. However, HexPro does not include interchangeable baits in the package, so you need to purchase them separately.

    • easy-to-apply construction;
    • small impact on the environment if you follow the instructions;
    • no need to apply the treatment at home.
    • baits are not included in the kit.

    How to Use Baits Properly?

    Termite Bait

    For effective pest control results, it is important to install and use termite bait traps properly. Novices can worry about it, but everything will be simple if you follow the instructions. There might be some specific requirements considering different products, but the basic algorithm is the following:

    1. Create a scheme of your yard to plan the location of termite baits. You have to place them around the building with even intervals to create a protective chain and ensure wise coverage. Every station has its recommendations, so just read guidelines before applying it. Usually, the suitable placement is 3-4 feet from the house walls with 10-12 feet intervals.
    2. Dig holes for placing baiting stations. Make sure the hole fits the size and have the right depth to place the system properly.
    3. Put baits into the ground and settle them. Fill in empty spaces between the station and the ground with soil and cover it as well. Make sure your dog or other pet will not dig it.
    4. Check indicators and baits regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. If there is no in-built signal system, just check them at least once a month. When baits attract the termites, change them. If there is no sight of infestation, you still need to change baits at least once a year.

    As you see, there is nothing complicated in dealing with bait systems. They just need maintenance and cartridge-changing from time to time.

    Related Post: How to Get Rid of Drywood Termites

    Termite Bait Traps vs Termite Pesticide: What Is Better?


    There is no straight answer on whether termite monitoring stations are better than liquid treatment and vice versa. Before selecting the method, you should define the following:

    • Do you want to drill floors, porches, and move furniture inside your house? Bait systems are part of outdoor treatment. So, using them, you will protect your house and what is inside from invasive treatment. But if the building is old, and is not meant for living, apply termite sprays.
    • Do you want to spread chemicals around your home? Liquid pesticides are spread around the buildings, and gallons of them get deep in the ground, polluting it. While baits keep the active ingredients, mixed with cellulose, inside, and not much of it goes to the soil.
    • Does your yard have any specific constructions that cannot be treated with liquid products? Some yards have ponds, wells, drainage systems, and other objects and facilities that can be polluted with liquid insecticides. In such cases, termite spikes are used due to their closed design.
    • Do you have time, or do you need a fast result? You need to know that the baiting system works slowly, gradually eliminating the number of insects in the area. The process can last for months. If there is a threat of damage or the infestation is massive already, it is better to apply the liquid treatment.
    • What budget for the treatment do you prefer? If you need to treat a wide area, you might spend a lot on a suitable number of baits. Also, you will have to change cartridges inside them at least once a month. Sometimes, homeowners combine two types of treatment for quick detection and effective disinfestation.

    As you can see, baits are good as regular monitoring and controlling tool, while liquid solutions are required when the infestation is getting serious, and you have to act quickly.


    Termite Bait Stations

    Do Termite Bait Stations Work?

    If you choose the best termite bait system, you receive guarantees of its effectiveness. The quality product provides long-term action thanks to its slow acting. It is more like a preventive method as it helps in the early stages of infestation and can kill all types of termites before they form a massive colony.

    The main aspect here is the right application of the baits and following the instructions considering maintenance.

    Related Post: How to Get Rid of Subterranean Termites

    Do Termite Bait Stations Kill Termites?

    Bait systems work in two directions. They can be used as termite detectors helping to prevent the infestation. Placed around the house, baits protect the walls from termites getting into them. As soon as insects are detected, the killing part starts acting, spreading poison on all insects, which eventually brings it to the colony.

    Are Termite Bait Stations Safe?

    In most cases, termite baits are used as the safest prevention method. You do not spread any insecticides, and do not bring any chemicals inside your house. Each station has a protected construction and is hidden under the ground. So, as soon as you follow all the instructions carefully, baits remain safe to your family, pets, and the environment.

    Final Words

    It is important to take all required pest control measures in areas where termites are active. They cause serious damages throughout the country. So, it is better to monitor the situation and prevent infestation rather than deal with massive termite invasion. That is why I hope you will use my termite bait station reviews to find the best option for pest control in your yard.

    What termite control methods do you use? Have you ever tried termite baiting systems? Share in comments about your experience and recommendations with our readers.


    • Post-Construction Subterranean Termite Control(North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services):
    • Termites – Baiting Systems (Michael Waldvogel,Patricia Alder ):
      NC State University
    • Termite Baits: A Guide for Homeowners (by Michael F. Potter, Extension Entomologist University of Kentucky College of Agriculture):
  • How to Get Rid of Subterranean Termites: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

    How to Get Rid of Subterranean Termites: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

    I often hear the question “How come that I have a termite infestation?” That is why I want to give you detailed information about these insects by answering all possible questions that these destroyers provoke.

    I suppose most people know that termites are 3-part (head, thorax, abdomen) 6-legged insects with two paired wings. Despite the similarity to ants, termites’ nearest relatives are cockroaches. The approximate length of common termite is 5-6 mm, its wings’ length is 8 mm. They live in a colony that is well-organized thanks to a caste system.

    Termites “society” casts are defined by the size and function. There is a king, a queen, secondary and tertiary queens, soldiers, and workers. Thanks to such a system, termites reproduce and spread very fast. Only 3 106 species have been studied and a few hundreds more are still waiting to be described.

    I want to focus on subterranean termites because this is the most destructive termite species in the world that is found almost in all states of America except Alaska.

    What are Subterranean Termites? (Buyer’s Guide and FAQ)


    Subterranean termites are called the most costly insect. Economic researches show that house owners all over the USA spend more than two billion dollars on subterranean termites control annually. If you want to save your money for more pleasant things, you should know what do subterranean termites look like and their behavior.

    There are three stages of development in a termite life: egg, nymph and adult stages.

    Eggs are white or light brown jelly ovoids. They look a bit like caviar but are way smaller.

    The nymph size is less than 1/10 of an inch. Nymphs are soft, colorless baby-termites that in two weeks will become workers, soldiers, or reproductives.

    Any adult termite belongs to a certain caste. 90 to 98 percent of the colony is formed by workers. They are usually around ¼ inch long. They have no pigmentation, so their color is pale cream. Workers’ functions are to find food, build tunnels, take care of the eggs and nymphs.

    Soldiers are of the same size as workers. The most prominent difference between them is a big head of a darker color. Their head is as long as the body with heavy black jaws. The soldiers are responsible for the defense from such invaders like ants.

    adult termites

    Reproductives are the core of any colony. Primary reproductives, the queen and king, leave the colony they were born in to form a new one. After pairing, they fall back to the ground, throw off their wings, and try to establish a new colony by laying eggs. The queen may produce thousands of eggs per day.

    The secondary and tertiary reproductives occur in well-developed colonies. Their main functions are to lay eggs and continue the colony if the queen dies. They also may form a new colony not far from their native one.

    The swarmers are the winged reproductives, potential queens and kings. They are the only members of the colony that have eyes. They can grow half an inch in size. Because of the black color and transparent wings, subterranean termite swarmers are often confused with flying ants.

    Subterranean Termites vs Flying Ants

    Head:Antennae are straight.Antennae are elbowed and segmented.
    Body:Don’t have the waist construction. their parts are united smoothly.Reminds an hourglass because of the construction between the thorax and the abdomen.
    Wings:Both pairs of wings are identical in size. They are milky-white or grayish with many fine, conspicuous veins. Wings are longer than the body.The forewings of ants are larger than the hindwings. They are transparent or brownish with few dark, conspicuous veins. The forewings are much larger than the rear wings and are not easily detached.

    How do Subterranean Termites Appear in Your Ground/Garden/House?

    Usually, subterranean termites appear in someone’s property as swarmers in April and May. They are flying from the nearest colonies, but neither you nor your neighbors may know about the parent colony before it gets large enough to produce swarmers.

    Termites live in the ground, so their colony may be under your garden or house. They may invade your through cracks in foundation or building material.

    Why are Subterranean Termites Dangerous?

    Termites literally eat wood from inside. Workers’ tunnels may be spread inside your wooden wall, resulting in multiple holes. They can ruin anything that contains cellulose, e.g. tree stumps, paper, books, frames, shelves, furniture, and any other wooden thing.

    Termites are keen on moist or decayed wood, therefore the most damage is usually found in areas around structural or plumbing leaks.

    How to Identify You Have Subterranean Termites in the Ground?

    If you have one of these signs of subterranean termite infestation, your property is in danger:

    • presence of swarmers;
    • 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide mud tubes on the foundation walls;
    • mud protruding from cracks in wooden objects;
    • hollows in walls, floor, furniture that can be located by tapping;
    • the softness of wooden surfaces identified with a knife;
    • small holes may be indicators of workers tunnels, or soldiers bites.

    How to Get Rid of Subterranean Termites?

    1. Identify the place of termites concentration.
    2. Choose the product of liquidation. It may be a termite station with bait, granules, insecticide, or fumigation.
    3. Protect yourself before applying the trait. Wear gloves, long-sleeved shirts and high gardening boots.
    4. Put the control product according to its instruction.
    5. Be careful with chemicals.
    6. Keep children away.

    How to Prepare your Property for Subterranean Termite Treatment?

    Subterranean Termites

    Follow this checklist to prepare your home for a termite treatment:

    • Empty all wooden cupboards, shelves, etc.
    • Take off pictures and photos from the walls.
    • Clean the attic and basement.
    • Trim plants that are too close to the house.

    The main rule in preparation for chemical treatment is clearness and safeness. Localize the place for chemical processing in a room with a good ventilation system or outside. This will help to prevent chemicals from spreading and save your nasopharynx from intoxication.

    How to Treat Subterranean Termites?

    Main termite treatments are:

    • Foam. Foam sprays are low in toxicity. They penetrate deep into the wood they’re sprayed on.
    • Liquid spray. Termite sprays are usually applied around and underneath the infected item, covering all areas where termites might enter.
    • Drill-and-treat application. An insecticide is injected into small holes drilled through the wood into termite tunnels to deliver the treatment directly to the colony.
    • Spikes and baits. Such constructions are called termite baits stations. They help via chemical spreading and insects trapping.

    The most productive active ingredients in subterranean termite insecticides are:

    • Fipronil. It disrupts the central nervous system of termites.
    • Imidacloprid. It binds nicotinic receptors in the nervous system, which is fatal for insects.
    • Hexaflumuron. It disrupts a termite ability to grow the exoskeleton.

    Chemical-based traps and sprays fatal ingredients might transfer around the colony up to the queen. But don’t forget that secondary reproductives may continue the colonies’ life. Continue treatment according to the manual.

    Top 5 Subterranean Termite Treatments

    1. How to Get Rid of Subterranean Termites With the Control Solutions 82003599 Taurus SC Termiticide/Insecticide?

    No products found.

    Taurus SC is a 9.1% Fipronil insecticide. It is the first pattern product of the Control Solutions company. For an effective result, use it for up to 4 times a year. The Taurus SC keeps almost all insects away from the house. All you need is to spray the perimeter of your house and yard.

    I advise you to spray it about 1.5 feet high on the outside wall and about 1.5 feet on the yard around.

    • the effect is seen in 1-3 days;
    • comfortable-to-use bottle;
    • measure divider on the spout.
    • can not be shipped to New York or Connecticut;
    • dangerous if swallowed, absorbed through the skin or inhaled.

    2. Treating Subterranean Termites With The Spectracide Terminate Termite Detection & Killing Stakes2


    • Active Ingredient: Hexaflumuron 0.50%
    • Material: Plastic
    • Number of Pieces: 15
    • Item Weight: 2 pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 4 x 12 x 16 inches
    • Target Species: Ants, Termites

    Spectracide Terminate Termite Detection & Killing Stakes2.jpg

    These umbrella-like stakes help to:

    • indicate whether you have termites;
    • check the stakes on the sights of termites’ presence, for example, tiny holes in it or mud tunnels. If the trap is full of insects, an orange indicator will pop up. It helps to monitor when it is time to change;
    • kill workers.

    The kit includes 3 packs of 5 stakes, a user manual and a digging tool. So, it has everything you need for immediate use.

    Dig it 2-3 feet away from the home and no more than 10 feet in between.

    • two products in one;
    • easy to use;
    • contains easy-to-find indicators;
    • does not contain any chemicals.
    • the paper bait dissolves in the water, such as rain, snow;
    • may trigger falsely.

    3. Learn How to Kill Subterranean Termites With The BioAdvanced 700350A Termite Killer Home Perimeter Treatment Ready-to-Spread Granules


    • Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid 0.37%
    • Item Form: Granules
    • Item Weight: 9 pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 6 x 9.9 x 12 inches
    • Target Species: Ants, Termites

    BioAdvanced Termite Killer Home Perimeter Treatment.jpg

    BioAdvanced Granules’ active ingredient is the imidacloprid. It kills the termites that come into contact with the insecticide. The 9 lbs bottle has a special applicator on the upper side. The built-in spout pours granules in a 6-inches wide band.

    The usage procedure is:

    1. Open the container;
    2. Springle the granules;
    3. Make a 6-inches wide band around the treated object;
    4. Water until moist.
    • kills termites fast;
    • easy-to-use container;
    • built-in shaker applicator;
    • one bottle is enough for almost 200 linear feet.
    • expensive;
    • dangerous for human health;
    • not for sale in new york;
    • restricted to use in connecticut, vermont and maryland.

    4. Control Solutions Inc 82004505 Permethrin SFR Termiticide/Insecticide for Subterranean Termites Control

    No products found.

    Permethrin SFR is an insecticide with permethrin 36.8% as an active ingredient. It can be used as pre- and post- termites treatment.

    Despite the chemical composition, the Permethrin SFR is safe to use around animal houses, including poultry houses. It comes in a 32 oz bottle with the instruction booklet. You will find the detailed fixture formula in the booklet.

    • quick result;
    • long-lasting result. more than 90 days residual;
    • works not only on subterranean termites, but also on other pest insects.
    • dangerous for children. may provoke allergic reaction.

    5. How to Treat Ground Termites Effectively With The Trelona Compressed Tehrmite Bait?


    • Active Ingredient: Novaluron 0.5%
    • Item Form: Bait
    • Item Weight: 2.25 pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 8.23 x 6.57 x 2.52 inches
    • Target Species: Subterranean Termites

    Trelona Compressed Termite Bait

    Trelona’s privilege is in its chemical composition. It attracts the workers to eat the bait — a novaluron. It diminished the ability of insects to grow an exoskeleton. Thus termites will die or lose the ability to molt.

    Whatever the eventual damage to the invaders is, it results in the decrease of the colony and, after continuous usage, in the total elimination of it.

    Trelona offers a compressed termite bait. It comes in a box with 6 bait cartridges for a termite bait station. Each cartridge is cylindrical (3 inches high, 2.5 inches in diameter). Apply the bait in your stations. It should be placed at least 3 feet from the house foundation. The distance between bait stations should be less than 20 feet.

    • easy to apply;
    • suitable for long term usage;
    • works within bait stations.
    • not available in arkansas, new york;
    • may cause moderate eye and skin irritation.

    How to Prevent Subterranean Termites in the Future?

    If you want to prevent termites’ destruction in the future, the best way is to focus on treatment implementation during the construction of your building. Plan a solid foundation with extra protection in corners and entrances.

    Pay attention to the water pipeline and roof to avoid any possibility of leaking and wood absorption of moisture.

    • Remove any cellulose-containing things near your property.
    • Provide adequate ventilation to prevent moisture.
    • Fix leaks immediately.
    • Prevent any wood to ground contact.
    • Don’t plant anything close to the structure’s foundation or siding.
    • Provide proper drainage.
    • Have a termite pre-treatment on the stage of building a house.



    Is It Hard to Get Rid of Termites?

    It is quite challenging to get rid of termites. Thus, it’s better to think about protection at the building stage. Follow termites and pest control advice in your state, country or city.

    Can Termites Be Transferred From House to House?

    Termites may be transferred from house to house with the infected wooden things . Also, if houses are very close to each other, the workers from one colony may invade them both.

    Related Post: How to Get Rid of Drywood Termites

    Do Termites Come Back After Treatment?

    Yes, they may come back. If they find even a small gap in your chemical barrier, they will continue to eat your house. That’s why some pest control firms give a one year warranty.

    How Deep Do Termites Go Into the Ground?

    The termites can go up to 20 feet into the ground.

    Make Getting Rid of Subterranean Termites Easier

    Let me remind you once again that the subterranean termite is one of the most destructive species in the world. It can be found in the USA, Japan, China, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Taiwan. If you do not forget to check your property on invasion signs (such as holes, shavings, mud, external tunnels on the foundation, etc) and pay attention to flying beasts in April and May, you may prevent spreading on the initial stages.

    I strongly recommend using termites treatment products from my top list. Perhaps you have tried some other things and could recommend them. Let’s make a rating of all known killing-termites devices in comments.


    • Termites: Biology, Prevention, and Control(By Arthur L. Antonelli, Ph.D., Extension Entomologist, WSU Puyallup):
    • Termite Biology (Mississippi State University):
    • Definition of Nasopharynx (National Cancer Institute):
    • Subterranean Termite Treatment Options(Virginia State University):
    • Termites and pest control (Government of Western Australia):
  • Best Termite Killer Sprays in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Best Termite Killer Sprays in [year]: Expert Reviews

    Everyone strives to make their homes the coziest and most comfortable places. However, a pest infestation can disrupt the peace and tranquility you have been enjoying.

    Termites are the pests that can easily invade your home. By the time you discover their presence, they may already damage your garden or wooden walls of your house. Therefore, you should be aware of the termite killer chemicals that you can use when faced with this situation.

    As an entomologist with over twenty years of experience in pest control, I decided to compose this guide to help you and other people suffering from termite infestation. Below, I will make it clear what chemical kills termites so that you can get one of the sprays mentioned here if these pests have invaded your home.

    Best Termite Killer Sprays Reviewed

    1. Taurus SC Termiticide – Top Pick
    2. BioAdvanced 700310A Carpenter Ant & Termite Insecticide
    3. BASF 805571 Termidor Foam Termiticide/Insecticide
    4. TERRO T1901-6 Carpenter Ant & Termite Killer
    5. Permethrin SFR – Termite Control Spray for Pre and Post Construction Use
    6. Bifenthrin – Best Termite Spray that Kills Seventy-Five Types of Pests
    7. I.G. Regulator Natural Termite Spray

    termites in the nest

    To know which spray you should get, you first need to know the specifics of such chemicals. Therefore, I will review each spray in detail, providing you with analyses of the features of the insecticide with its pros, and cons.

    1. Taurus SC Termite – Best Professional Termiticide (Currently Unavailable, Try Cyper TC Instead)


    • Active Ingredient: Cypermethrin (25.3%)
    • Item Weight: 8.28 pounds
    • Item Volume: 1 gallon
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 7.75 x 5 x 11.5 inches
    • Target Species: Cockroaches, Spiders, Wasps, Chinch Bugs, Mole Crickets, Fire Ants, Fleas and Ticks

    If you have a garden or your house is made of wood, and the area is infested by termites, Taurus SC is the best solution for your problem. It is most efficient when applied to areas, such as the foundation or basement of your house.

    These places usually provide good breeding grounds for termites, as they can move in the dark, lay eggs, and breed without being discovered. Since you know that your home is infested with the insects, you have to check all the areas that termites can crawl into. Thus, the insects don’t get you by surprise.

    The spray comes in three sizes of 2.5 gallons, 20fl.oz, and 78fl.oz. Therefore, you can select the quantity you need, depending on the size of the surface you are going to apply the pesticide on.

    The 78fl.oz bottle weighs only five pounds, being very easy to carry around your house or yard. Remember, you must keep the insecticide in a hidden place where children won’t reach it because the product can irritate their skin and eyes and is poisonous for humans.

    In addition to termites, Taurus SC is an effective insect killer for centipedes, cockroaches, and beetles. That means that it is a multipurpose insecticide, and you can get rid of many pests without having to buy different chemicals for each type of insects.

    To apply the pesticide, you must dig a trench and then bury the pesticide inside. The method ensures that the insecticide does not get in contact with food because it would contaminate it for both human beings and animals. Once applied correctly, the product can get rid of a termite colony within the first round of application.

    You can apply the insecticide at least four times a year. That means that it can keep away termites, ants, and other insects for a few months. In some cases, you might not see the pests in your compound after using the Taurus solution only once, but in other situations, the termites may return the next season. It depends on the size of the existing colony.

    Make sure you follow the directions of usage strictly. That way, you will protect yourself and the people around you.

    • Lightweight;
    • Retailed in a sealed can for avoiding spillage;
    • Can be used on many types of pests.
    • If it gets on vegetables of other food by mistake, you will have to throw them away, as they will be contaminated.

    2. Bayer 700310 – Great Termite Killer for Wooden Structures


    • Active Ingredient: β- Cyfluthrin (2.5%)
    • Item Weight: 2.5 pounds
    • Item Volume: 40 fl. oz.
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 5 x 2.65 x 10.25 inches
    • Target Species: Ants, Termites, Fleas, Ticks, Crickets, Spiders, Carpenter Bees, and more

    Do you have wooden structures that have been damaged by termites, carpenter ants, or any other type of pest? Then you may consider BioAdvanced 700310, as it is manufactured to protect the wood of various kinds of insects.

    BioAdvanced Carpenter Ant and Termite Killer

    The chemical must be mixed with water before being used. Once you dilute it, you should use a tank sprayer to apply the solution to the areas where you want to eradicate pests.

    Therefore, if you have enough time to make the solution and apply it, the BioAdvanced pesticide may work out for you. It is an extremely effective product that will help you to deal with termites for good.

    • You can buy a ready-to-use can or a bottle with the product that must be diluted before use;
    • You can use it on the house perimeter, foundation, and lawn, in addition to wooden structures;
    • Also efficient for getting rid of carpenter ants.
    • It may kill geckos, too.

    3. BASF 805571 Termidor Foam Termiticide/Insecticide – A Ready-to-Use Spray for Termites


    • Active Ingredient: Fipronil (0.005%)
    • Item Weight: 1.52 pounds
    • Item Form: Foam
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 2.5 x 2.5 x 9.5 inches
    • Target Species: Ants, Termites, Wood Destroying Insects, Termites (including subterranean, drywood, dampwood and arboreal), Old House Borer Beetles, Powder Post Beetles, Wharf Borer Beetles, Ants (including: foraging Carpenter; excluding: Fire, Harvester, Leaf cutter and Pharaoh)

    If you want a powerful ready-to-go product, this BASF option is the right insecticide for you. You can treat your area right from the bottle, using the hose attached. Therefore, you won’t need to get any additional equipment to dilute the solution. It is best for people with busy schedules and those who are dealing with termites for the first time, as it saves a lot of time and minimizes effort.

    BASF Termidor Foam Termiticide Insecticide.jpg

    You don’t need to strain when using the best termiticide by BASF. When you apply it to one area, it will spread around at a ratio of 30:1. Therefore, you don’t need to struggle to try to reach the voids, walls, and edges where the insects may hide. The foam spreads well, leaving termites with no chance to survive.

    The bottle weighs only 1.35 pounds, so it is very light and can be carried by anyone. Also, this termiticide can be used to get rid of ants, beetles, and carpenter bees.

    • A compact bottle
    • Lightweight
    • Ready-to-use
    • Spreads over all the corners
    • Efficient only for small areas.

    4. Terro Termiticide – Best Termite Killer Spray with no Odor and Stains after Use


    • Item Form: Spray
    • Item Weight: 1.2 pounds
    • Duration of action: up to 1 month
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 2.7 x 8 x 9.4 inches
    • Target Species: Ants, Termites

    Terro is another easy-to-use spray that will not give you a headache. If you don’t have much time and enthusiasm for dealing with termites, you can treat your wooden areas with this spray, as it will take only a few minutes of your time.

    Unlike it is with professional pesticides, you will not need to dilute this product to mix an effective solution. Once you buy this Terro product at the store, you can spray it on the areas where the termite colonies reside right away.

    TERRO spray

    What I especially like about this termiticide is that this spray does the job without leaving stains or unpleasant odors. You won’t smell it, unlike regular pesticides that have a strong odor.

    The bonus is that this spray will not stain your walls or any other part of your home. Therefore, you can still enjoy the beauty of your compound, even after applying this pesticide.

    • Affordable;
    • Odorless;
    • Very easy to apply;
    • Can be used both indoors and outdoors.
    • Not effective for large-scale areas, as you would get tired of spraying it using the narrow nozzle.

    5. Permethrin SFR – Termite Control Spray for Pre and Post Construction Use

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    If you are an owner of a wooden house and have dogs or other pets in your yard, and now you are experiencing termite infestation, it is worth considering this Permethrin SFR product. It can be used on any structure to eliminate termites and other pests, such as carpenter ants that are very common in houses. As the manufacturer indicates, the pesticide may be used before and after building structures to protect them from pests.

    It is a strong chemical that is made for professional use. Therefore, you have to be careful by following all the directions indicated on the label, and if you are not sure how to go about it, you should seek help from a professional with experience of using pesticides.

    One thing I love about this product is that it is, although efficient in eradicating termites, safe to animals and humans. You can use it around your poultry house or animal shed, and this product will not cause any harm to the animals. With this termite control spray, you will get rid of the pests that bother you and your pets shortly.
    A bottle weighs two pounds and is pretty portable. It will be enough for several applications to small to medium-size areas, so it is also economical.

    • Safe for use around animals;
    • A lightweight and portable package;
    • Also effective on spiders, fleas, ants, and mosquitoes.
    • You may require help when applying the pesticide to eradicate termites.

    6. Bifenthrin – Best Termite Spray that Kills Seventy-Five Types of Pests

    No products found.

    There are cases when you may be facing more than one type of pests in your home. You may have termites, ants, mosquitoes, and other insects invading your compound at the same time. When in this situation, you need a pesticide that will get rid of all the pests at once.

    So, if you are facing such a situation, Bifenthrin should be your go-to spray. It can kill more than seventy-five types of pests that invade homes and other premises. That is why professionals use this spray, and I want to advocate for it to everyone. Once you apply this product, there will be no more unwanted insects crawling your walls or digging holes in your wooden structures.

    It is also a user-friendly option, like Terro, because it does not have an odor. Therefore, you can use the product without being bothered by a bad smell.

    • Can help you to get rid of multiple pests simultaneously;
    • Retailed in a tightly sealed container for enhanced protection;
    • Easy to use.
    • Requires the use of additional equipment because you have to dilute the chemical.

    7. I.G. Regulator Natural Termite Spray – An Efficient Product on up to 1000 Sq Ft


    • Active Ingredients: Pyriproxyfen 1.3%
    • Yield: 1 oz. of mixed concentrate covers approx. 1,000 sq. ft. of carpet or flooring
    • Item Weight: 4 ounces
    • Product Dimensions LxWxH: 7 x 2 x 9 inches
    • Target Species: Fleas, Roaches, Ants and other insects

    If you are a busy person, you need a termite spray that you can apply and forget about the pests for the next few months or years. I.G. Regulator can keep termites away for at least seven months. Therefore, when you apply it in the middle of the year, you may not need to use it again until the following year.

    It is economical because you need to mix only one ounce of the product with a gallon of water. This amount will be enough to apply on at least 1000 sq.ft. Therefore, even a little bottle will work for the entire house and yard.

    The termite spray is also efficient in that it inhibits the growth of larvae. It kills the termite larvae, hence preventing it from hatching and becoming fully grown termites.

    • Kills termites, gnats, and mosquitoes, among other pests;
    • Economical;
    • Keeps termites away for at least seven months.
    • It is economical because you need to mix only one ounce of the product wit.

    What to Look for in a Spray for Termites

    termites on the wood

    Before you go shopping, you must determine the important features that you need in the spray. Not all products have similar characteristics, and they may differ in their usage. Therefore, you need to list your needs so that you know which spray to get. Below are some of the features to look for in a termiticide.

    Why Termite Sprays are the Best Treatment

    A termite spray is the best treatment for these pests, whether you select an indoor termite spray or an outdoor solution. One of the reasons is that a spray can penetrate the dark areas. If it is the foundation of your house that termites have infested, a sprayed solution can reach the farthest edges of the holes created by the insects.

    Therefore, a termite spray can kill even the insects that you don’t see when on the ground. Such a product is also good because you can dilute some solutions as advised by the manufacturer. With these guidelines in mind, it is possible to use the solution several times. Hence, such bottles are economical.

    A sprayed solution can last in the area for quite a while. Therefore, it prevents new infestation on your lawn or house walls. It can also keep away other pests, hence reducing the work that you have to do to deal with each type of insects in your home.

    How to Apply Termite Insecticide

    Now that you know what to spray for termites, it is time to understand how to apply the product. The process is very easy. First, you need to identify the area that the insects have invaded around your home. Be careful and check every possible place because these insects can live on the walls of your house, in the basement, and in the garden.

    Once you have identified every area, apply the spray, as explained by the manufacturer. All the solutions mentioned here are pretty easy to use, and I have provided information on how to apply these chemicals in the corresponding sections, so make sure to check my product reviews carefully.

    Safety Precautions

    You should be aware of the safety precautions to take when applying a commercial grade termite killer. Since it is a chemical, you need to observe the highest safety standards. The following are some of the things you should and shouldn’t do when using a pesticide for termites:

    1. Avoid eating when you are applying the spray.
    2. If the pest control is taking place indoors, cover all food items.
    3. Close windows and doors when spraying the pesticide.
    4. After three or four hours, open the windows and doors to aerate the house.
    5. Clean the house thoroughly after you finish termite control activities.

    Also, remember that some treatments may be dangerous for your skin. Therefore, it is important to wear protective gear when dealing with a termiticide if the manufacturer has recommended this measure. You should also avoid spraying around the areas with vegetables and other food products if you are doing the treatment outdoors.

    How to Detect Termites

    The easiest way to detect these pests is by looking around your compound. If you see one or two termites crawling around, or some damaged wooden parts of your place, it is a sign that these insects have invaded your house. The other way is to inspect your garden. If you see strange striations that you haven’t spotted previously on the wood surface, then these marks could have been made by termites.

    You should do further investigation so that you are sure it is termites you are dealing with and not other insects. A smart way will be to look for termite droppings around the damaged wooden surfaces to identify these pests in your area.

    Also, if you have termites in your house, you might notice that the windows and doors fail to open easily. If you spot it, you should inspect the areas around the windows and doors, as they could be infested with these species. If all these methods do not show any signs of these insects, yet you still feel like the termites could be around, call a professional and ask for assistance.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    termite soldier

    I have been asked several questions by people who have had termites in their homes. You, too, may have these questions in mind. Thus, I found it valuable to give answers here.

    How to Choose the Spray for Termites

    When buying pesticides, it’s important to read the instructions on the label or the manual provided with the product. With some products, you can spray the ready-to-use solution using a nozzle on the can. These sprays are complete mixtures. But with some other options, you must use a tank sprayer and dilute the chemical. In such cases, you need to dilute the solution with water in the ratios indicated on the label and then proceed to use an additional tank sprayer to apply the product on the damaged areas.

    How Much Does Termite Spray Cost?

    The cost of termite pesticides varies from one brand to the other. The price may also vary with the quantity of the product. Therefore, it is necessary to buy a pesticide that is within your budget. If the termites keep crawling back to your home even after you have eradicated them, you should go for a pesticide that can be used several times or the one with a more powerful effect.

    How Often to Spray for Termites?

    The number of times that you should use the spray also depends on the pesticide that you select. Since it is a chemical, manufacturers are required to provide all information about its usage on the label.

    Therefore, you will find recommendations saying that, for instance, you need to use the spray once in two weeks, or once in three months. Follow the advice on the package for your safety and efficiency of the selected product.

    When is the Best Time to Spray for Termites?

    You can spray such pesticides at any time of the year. But, if the insects keep infesting your home after a while, you need to spray chemicals even during winter when you don’t expect such species to be active. That is because you can predict their behavior in the cold season as opposed to the summer period. If you manage to prevent the infestation during winter, then you might solve your problem once and for all, and termites may not come back for a long time.

    Get Rid of Termites for Good

    Now you know about the best sprays to get when infested by the termites. You can go for the ready-to-use Bayer spray or the other brands that require diluting before use. Whichever product you select, the ultimate result is that termites will leave your compound.

    The pesticide to select depends on your budget, the number of termites you are dealing with, and for how long you want to use the chemical. As explained above, these factors are some of the points you should consider before selecting the final product.

    Remember, your safety and that of your family and pets is important when dealing with a termiticide. Take measures, such as using protective gear and covering foods when using the chemical. Also, ensure that you spray all the hidden areas so that you don’t leave out some termites because they could hatch and form new swarms that will damage your property further.

    Have you ever faced a termite infestation in the past? Did you use any of the sprays mentioned above to solve the problem? What were the results? Let me know in the comments!


    • Drywood Termites (Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California):
    • Termites: How to Identify and Control Them (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency):
    • Termite Management for Homeowners (The University of Arizona):
  • How to Get Rid of Termites: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

    How to Get Rid of Termites: Detailed Identification & Removal Guide

    What do you know about the termites? Perhaps you’ve heard that in Africa these insects build termite mounds, resembling entire cities. Have you ever thought that termites in the house could bring it down?

    To find out how to get rid of termites and select an appropriate home remedy for termites, you need to learn more about what termites prefer and how they live. 

    Best Termite Treatment

    What termites are: looks, lifespan, habitat and food preferences

    Often called ants, termites actually belong to the cockroach insects family. It is an ancient order of insects, whose fossils date to the Paleozoic era. It is difficult to call them pests because they cause no damage to the ecosystem. Sometimes you can find termites in house, but usually, you can see them outdoors. Mostly, termites are confused with flying ants.

    Wood termite does not harm living trees and only recycle rotten wood and dry foliage, as well as participate in soil formation. Besides, the termites in trees serve as food for many animals, birds, and in some African and South American countries – as a delicacy for humans.

    What Does Termite Larvae Look Lik

    What Does Termite Larvae Look Like?

    The appearance of termite larvae is similar to that of small white ants, ranging in size from 0.5 cm to 1.5 cm. Because termites live in the burrows all their life, their exoskeleton plates are soft and contain no pigments. The termite larvae appearance depends on which caste it belongs to: worker termites are completely blind, “soldiers” have highly developed powerful jaws they use to protect their colony.

    Once a year during the spring, termite larvae capable of reproduction (also referred to as alate) grow wings, so they could leave and create new colonies. In the tropics, swarming termites are an excellent food source for birds, animals, and amphibians. The termite swarms are so numerous that after they shed their wings, the earth is covered with a layer of these discarded elements.

    Do Termites Live in The Ground?

    As we already mentioned, termite larvae live in underground burrows all its life. These insects can be found on all continents except Antarctica. However, most of the species are found in tropics, subtropics, and sometimes in warm temperate regions.

    There are more than 2000 different termite species, some of them live only in certain places, are protected by the government and are on the IUCN Red List. There are only 10 species of termites in Europe, while Africa has more than 1,000. The northernmost areas where termites can be found are in the south of Canada, in central France, Korea, and Central Asia.

    Mediterranean termites, which do not cause any severe damage, live in temperate climates of the Mediterranean Sea region.

    Wood termites colonies live and develop similarly to colonies of ants and bees. There is a strict hierarchy among the insects: workers, soldiers, and the reproductive caste. At the heart of the colony is the termite queen, who is responsible for egg production. Termite larvae can lay over a thousand eggs in a single day.

    There are species of termites in Africa whose queen lays an egg every 2-3 seconds. This amounts to 30-35 thousand eggs a day. The queen’s size reaches 10 cm, which is several times the size of a regular termite. She can not move by herself, and if necessary she is moved to a new location by several dozens of worker termites.

    The mound itself has from several hundred up to several million members. It becomes clear that the arrival of these insects will soon lead to their catastrophically rapid reproduction.

    You can find termite mounds in yard that are like entire cities, with a height of about 2-3 meters. Termites build walls so strong they cannot be broken even with crowbars. And there are many passages and tunnels constructed underground, spanning dozens of meters.

    Termites Damage

    What’s on Termites Menu

    The main source of food for termites is cellulose contained in the wood. These insects are able to consume dry leaves, tree stumps, and paper.

    This is why in South American cities you can rarely find books over 50 years of age — they are all damaged by wood termites. However, these insects rarely touch living trees. Therefore, wood termites cause no damage to the ecosystem.

    Some species of termites can eat linen, wool, and cotton fabrics, as well as leather products, although they do so rarely and unenthusiastically.

    The most interesting part is that only the workers actually feed themselves. They dig tunnels in wood, partially digest the cellulose and feed termite soldiers and the queen with digested substance. As a result, termites have a system of waste-less food recycling.

    Termites inside house can be found in cellars with wooden beams, in wooden furniture, and in firewood. The worst part is that it is almost impossible to detect them immediately, so the process of getting rid of termites is postponed indeterminately. Wood termites can stay hidden and live in wooden structures without revealing their presence for several years.

    These structures may look undamaged, but inside they will be hollowed out by termite tunnels. And under any stress, the damaged structures may collapse, even before you have an intention of getting rid of termites.

    How Long Termites Live

    The lifespan of termites depends on their species and their caste. Worker termites live for 1-2 years. Meanwhile, under the right conditions, the queen can live for about 10 years. During this time, the colony’s numbers are increased hundred times over, and new colonies may emerge from it.

    This happens when colony members capable of reproduction develop wings and fly out of their mound. After starting a new colony and beginning to mate, the termites shed their wings, which never grow back.

    Termites Inside House

    Over a couple of years, termites can damage or completely destroy house’s wooden bearing structures. Getting rid of termites is a question of your house safety. DIY termite treatment is a necessary measure.

    termite damage

    By the time the house owner discovers the presence of termites, most of the wooden structures will be completely destroyed by house termites and DIY termite treatment will be unnecessary. That’s why it’s very important to discover the insects’ presence as soon as possible in order to start getting rid of termites immediately. What should you do to perform an appropriate DIY termite treatment?

    • Look for the signs of house termites infestation: Even if you haven’t found any signs of the insects the first time, it doesn’t mean they aren’t there. There may be indirect signs of their presence: sagging floors, small holes in wooden elements. These signs should make you think about getting rid of termites directly.
    • Inspect the basement: Take a flashlight and a screwdriver and check the integrity of the wooden supports and beams. Tap on the wood. If it sounds hollow and some dust (which is apparently termite dust) pours out of it, that means it’s already hollowed out by termite tunnels. Another telltale sign is if you can easily pierce the wood with a screwdriver. It’s the right signal to start getting rid of termites urgently.
    • Traces of Feces: House termites feces look like small granules colored slightly darker than wood. You can find them under wooden objects.
    • Find the house termites nest: Found in the ground or inside wooden structures a branching tunnel system will lead to the nest.
    • Determine the type: subterranean or drywood. Subterranean termites live underground, inside woodpiles, wood and manure heaps, while drywood termites live in wood exclusively. Subterranean and drywood termites treatment are performed in different ways, so it’s important to determine exactly what type has infested your home.

    piece of wood damaged by termites

    How To Get Rid of Termites In Your House

    If you discover signs of termite presence, you should start with termite treatment immediately. Most likely, they have moved in a long time ago and caused some serious damage.

    Do it yourself termite treatment gives no guarantee of complete termites extermination. It all depends on the severity of infestation, the skill of the person conducting the DIY termite treatment, and on the termite killer chemicals used.

    Choosing Best Termite Treatment

    Termites can cause serious damage to your property. Luckily, you can find many special termite treatments on the market that can help you to protect your home. However, there are so many products available that it may be difficult to choose the best one right away.

    The main idea is that you need to select the insecticides that have a lot of positive reviews and high ratings. If you want to save your time on research, you can choose one of the products described in this short review. Be sure that each of them will provide you with the best customer experience, and you’ll forget about importunate termites forever.

    1. BioAdvanced Termite Infestation Treatment– The Best Termite Insecticide Overall


    • Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid 0.37%
    • Item Form: Granules
    • Item Weight: 9 pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 6 x 9.9 x 12 inches
    • Target Species: Ants, Termites

    BioAdvanced 700350A Termite Killer

    If you are looking for a top-quality product that will help you to protect your home from termites, you certainly need to have a look at this termite killer.

    First of all, this solution is produced by a well-known brand that is popular with gardeners all over the world. The BioAdvanced company offers a wide variety of insect killers that will protect your property against the possible damage.

    This termite killer is an excellent combination of an affordable price and efficiency. Also, you’ll certainly like the easy-to-use container designed with a built-in shaker applicator. To use it, sprinkle the product on the necessary area and water the ground until it becomes moist. The treatment will get rid of termites once and for all time.

    Take into consideration that one bottle is enough to treat an average-size house. You can also use this BioAdvanced product to protect your garden, yard, garage, or woodpiles.

    • Kills all of the pests.
    • A pocket-friendly price.
    • Made by a well-known manufacturer.
    • May be dangerous for your pets.

    2. Spectracide Terminate for Termite Control – A Powerful Solution


    • Active Ingredient: Hexaflumuron 0.50%
    • Material: Plastic
    • Number of Pieces: 15
    • Item Weight: 2 pounds
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 4 x 12 x 16 inches
    • Target Species: Ants, Termites

    Spectracide Terminate Termite Detection and Killing Stakes

    Spectracide company knows how to get rid of termites. Its products help to determine the wood infested with termites and get rid of these annoying insects. Furthermore, the manufacturer constantly provides its customers with useful tips they need to follow to prevent the infestation in the future. And, of course, to cope with this task as soon as possible, you definitely should purchase this amazing pop-up termite indicator.

    First of all, you’ll need to install the stakes in the ground. Take into account that it’ll take up to ten minutes to do it. Also, it is important to ensure there are no more than ten feet between them.

    The indicators are designed with special locator shields that detect the termite activity. And the great fact is that this pack includes fifteen stakes to ensure that you’ll protect each corner of your yard.

    You’ll get a user manual containing the necessary instructions you need to follow so that you could get rid of termites. Also, you will receive a nice bonus of a money-back guarantee provided by the manufacturer.

    • Fast and easy installation.
    • Impressive effectiveness.
    • Comes with a money-back guarantee.
    •  A high price tag.

    3. TERRO Carpenter Ant & Termite Killer


    • Item Form: Spray
    • Item Weight: 1.2 pounds
    • Duration of action: up to 1 month
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 2.7 x 8 x 9.4 inches
    • Target Species: Ants, Termite

    It is a cheap but reliable way to protect your home from termites. Its formula makes this foam an ideal choice to get rid of the insects. It’ll start working after the first usage. The BASF Termidor foam will eliminate the termite population within the shortest possible time.

    The manufacturer uses revolutionary technologies in the production of this Termidor solution. The pests are unable to see, smell, taste, or avoid this foam. There is no doubt that this termiticide is a must-have item for any person who wants to get rid of these species without any difficulties.

    • A moderate price.
    • Made with the latest technologies.
    • This foam is highly efficient.
    • It may be challenging to spray the foam precisely.

    3. Taurus SC – Professional Termite Killer

    No products found.

    Control Solution is a US-based company that focuses on the production of top-quality products for pest management. Its experts constantly work on the development of cost-effective insecticides to provide their clients with a good chance to stop pests in their tracks.

    This Taurus SC professional termite treatment is great evidence of the company’s reliability. Containing 9.1% Fipronil, it’s effective against not only termites but cockroaches and other pests. What is more, you’ll see the desired results just within three days after the first usage.

    It is a non-repellent insecticide that can’t be detected by termites. That’s why they’ll ingest and spread this insecticide throughout the colony that will accelerate its destruction.

    Long story short, if you call a professional extermination team, they will probably use this insecticide.

    • Effective against all the species.
    • Widely used by professional exterminators.
    • Successful results just right after the first usage.
    • An affordable price.
    • Quite costly.

    Termite Treatment Chemicals

    The best way to get rid of termites is to use termite treatment chemicals. They are selected depending on how they act and which is more suitable for the situation.

    • Liquid insecticide fipronil: the most common of the termite treatment chemicals. This is a professional chemical. It is mixed with water according to the instructions and then used to treat wooden structures or fill the moat around the house foundation. Soaking in the ground, this kind of termite treatment chemicals repels house termites and creates a barrier against pests. Fipronil is the main ingredient of Taurus SC Termiticide.

    No products found.

    • Imidacloprid Granules is a popular and easy-to-use termite killer, efficient in the process of getting rid of termites. You can spread them around wooden structures or the foundation. 4 kg of chemicals is enough for a 60-meter strip around the property. This chemical termite treatment is two times cheaper than the liquid one. There are many imidacloprid-based products on the market that directly answers the question how to get rid of termites.
    • Termidor fipronil foam is a slow-acting of termite treatment chemicals. The foam is pumped into hard to reach places through a long nozzle of a pressurized can, sealing the entrances to the termite nest in house. This one of termite treatment chemicals causes a paralyzing effect on house termites after 8-10 hours. 80% of users prefer to use foam because of how convenient it is, as well as because of it’s long-lasting effect on pests. It gives a sure result in the getting rid of termites mission.
    • Spray can with a nozzle: a fast-acting termite killer agent based on permethrin and tetramethrin. This kind of termite treatment chemicals is effective for up to 4 weeks. It is the best termite killer spray nebulized on wooden surfaces. This is the cheapest chemical on this list.


    • Item Form: Spray
    • Item Weight: 1.2 pounds
    • Duration of action: up to 1 month
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 2.7 x 8 x 9.4 inches
    • Target Species: Ants, Termite

    Terro Carpenter Ant & Termite Killer has a special formula for eliminating wood-eating insects. Besides termites, it kills carpenter bees, wood wasps, and beetles. There’s a precision tube that allows you to spray it into any crack and crevice there is.

    It kills on contact and provides long-time control of your termite infestation for up to four months. Can be used indoors and outdoors. Terro active formula is based Deltamethrin, a harmful ingredient killing termites on the first touch.

    If you want to reach the further spots of the wood where the insects hide, drill small holes in every 10 inches of the structure and spray the product deep into the holes and tunnels with the nozzle tip. If you need to scatter Terro across a large area as a means for infestation prevention and control, use wide spraying instead.

    The spray doesn’t leave any stains or unpleasant odors, but it may be dangerous to your health and the health of your pets and children. Please leave the room after spraying it and don’t re-enter until the substance is dry. It is also recommended to keep Terro substance away from food.

    • kills termites on contact;
    • long-time effect;
    • no unpleasant odors;
    • suitable indoor and outdoor use;
    • 2-way spray nozzle.
    • contains toxic chemicals;
    • in case of severe infestation additional means may be needed.
    • Hexaflumuron and diflubenzuron termite baits sterilize the queen. This termite killer is very effective, but the result takes long. Over time, the queen stops laying eggs, and new house termites stop being born. It must be applied 2 times a year in conjunction with the other means of termites extermination.


    • Does not include termite bait
    • Material: Plastic
    • Item Weight: 15.2 ounces
    • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 19 x 11.3 x 7.9 inches
    • Target Species: Subterranean Termites

    Advance Termite Bait System

    Termite station is probably the most professional and efficient tool for reducing termite infestation in your house. BASF makes ammunition for professional pest controllers, and this termite bait station requires basic knowledge of what’s what in pest extermination. It works as a bait system, a piece of extermination equipment, and a monitoring tool.

    Install them close (2 to 4 feet) to your house structures or other places that attract termites. The first installation is made with attractive wooden bait only so that you could monitor the stations for termite infestation every three months.

    If one of the stations indicates an infestation, replace the monitor cartridge with the bait+poison cartridge. Among this system components you will find the station with minimalistic design; termite inspection cartridge that contains especially created Puri-Cell monitoring matrix; termite monitoring base of preferred food species that easily allow termite access, this is the point where termites enter the station; concrete bait station that may be used when you need to monitor and exterminate termites where soil is inaccessible; quick-lock cap that makes openings and lockings easy; the spider access tool which is a unique tool that opens the stations.

    You can mix and match the elements of the BASF system as you like to make up the very order you need. Handling the stations with so many details may seem confusing but the paper instruction provided and even more thorough instructions on the website you won’t get lost.

    • professional way of dealing with termites;
    • mix and match your system yourself;
    • monitoring termites;
    • can be used within soil or house structures.
    • high price;
    • installation may require some working skills.
    • Boric acid: an effective substance that is included in many termite treatment chemicals. It destroys termites’ nervous system, dehydrates the pests and leads to their death. Boric acid is a termite killer applied to wooden surfaces, spread across the garden, near the house, and around the basement.

    The use of termite pesticides is dangerous to other people and pets. During termites extermination process it’s mandatory for homeowners, their children and their pets to leave the house. All termite treatment chemicals must be used according to the instructions and adhering to all safety measures.

    How To Get Rid of Termites Without Chemicals

    For those who do not want to deal with toxic termite treatment chemicals, organic substances or repellent scents can be employed.

    • Diatomaceous earth (dust and powder). This natural termite killer cuts into the termites’ chitinous cover and penetrates it, causing their death. The termite dust is safe for humans, as long as you don’t inhale it. It is necessary to use protective mask and safety goggles while applying this termite treatment agent. The major disadvantage of diatomaceous earth is that it works only in dry wood. It stops being effective if there is even the slightest moisture.
    • Cardboard trap. To make a DIY termite killer wet the two cardboards, place them on top of one another, and put it next to the supposed house termites habitat. Since these insects feed on cellulose, they will be attracted to cardboard, and they will fill the space between the cardboard sheets. The cardboard must then be taken out and burned. This manipulation with a DIY termite killer can be repeated several times. However, it is not an effective way of getting rid of termites, because house termites reproduce very quickly and not all will fall into the trap. Complex actions must be taken, employing additional measures to kill termites.
    • Sunlight is a natural termite killer. So you can use heat in the process of getting rid of termites. If wooden furniture is infested, place it in the direct sunlight for 2-3 days and house termites will die. They also can not survive the heat of over 50°C for 30 minutes or 1-2 days of freezing. However, such conditions are difficult to achieve for basements or large wooden structures.
    • A mixture of naphthalene, creosote, tar, turpentine, and kerosene can ensure the termites extermination in a small area. But such termite killer mixtures can be used only in non-residential premises and structures. Otherwise, the smell of this termite killer will ruin all your household stuff.

    As practice shows, there’s only 4% chance of successful DIY termite extermination methods use. This means that time spent trying to find a useful termite killer will lead to their even greater multiplication and even more property damage.

    Professional Wood Treatment For Termites

    In case of severe infestation, getting rid of termites is better left to professionals. But in this case, some caution is also necessary. There are lots of unscrupulous or unskilled “professionals” on the termite extermination market.

    Before applying professional termite treatment services, you should familiarize yourself with the services offered by the company, check their qualification certificates, read the reviews.

    termite tenting

    You should pay special attention to quality warranty, free treatment result inspections scheduled after a specific time period, and free re-treatment in case of unsatisfactory results of the termite extermination.

    Want to skip all the research and hire a licensed exterminator for your termite problem?

    Well-established and trustworthy termite extermination companies issue a written warranty for 2 years. If you get no such warranties, this could mean the termite treatment company you’re dealing with may be somewhat shady. Pest control should be carried only out by certified pest control operators, who have the government permission for it.

    During home termite treatment process it’s mandatory for homeowners and their pets to leave the house for a week.

    DIY Termite Prevention

    The struggle against these pests is long, difficult and expensive. Therefore, it is much cheaper and easier to conduct do it yourself termite prevention, take all necessary precautions during house construction, follow a simple set of rules and inspect wooden structures regularly.

    The most effective measure for termite prevention is conducted during the construction of a wooden house or wooden structures. You need to treat all wooden parts with a 0.1% solution of permethrin.

    This way, you will perform a good termite prevention and ensure that pests will never approach the building. If this wasn’t done initially, you can treat all wooden structures in the basement, as well as outside and around the house after the construction is finished.

    To make a reliable termite prevention from invading your home, you should follow these rules:

    • Keep the house and basement dry.
    • Check for leaking pipes or a clogged gutter.
    • When painting or constructing, add a 0.1% solution of permethrin to the varnish or paint. This concentration is safe for humans but repels house termites.
    • Keep firewood away from the house.
    • Seal the cracks in wooden structures with cement mortar.
    • Seal all cracks and crevices in the house, install mosquito nets on basement ventilation.
    • Check all wooden supports and beams for the signs of house termites.

    Following these simple steps, you can prevent termites from getting inside your house, or detect them as early as possible.

    How Much Damage Can House Termites Do?

    Termite inspection

    The most dangerous thing about house termites is that they are almost impossible to detect at an early stage of infestation. Often called hidden invaders, they can eat away at your home for years, and you’ll never even know. Termites hollow out wooden structures and beams from inside out, leaving them with no visible damage on the outside. Their traces are not easy to spot, either. It takes house termites 2-3 years to completely devastate the house in which you were going to live for several decades. In different countries, these insects cause billions of dollars worth of property damage each year.

    If you don’t refer to home termite control, take no steps of termite prevention, do nothing to protect your home in time or use an effective termite killer once you detected pests then one day it may become not just uninhabitable, but also dangerous. The beams consumed by house termites will become weak and may collapse at any moment, causing irreparable damage.

    As the saying goes, a man’s home is his castle. And for this castle to remain impregnable for a long time, it is imperative to take immediate measures to combat the hidden enemy — house termites.


    It’s a no-brainer that termites can make a hell of your life. And if you want to protect not only your property but also your family members and pets, you should take action. Choose one of the products described above to overcome this problem. Also, you may consult with professionals to ensure you purchase the right product, and the insects won’t disturb you anymore.

    Have you used any of the termite treatments mentioned here? If yes, were you satisfied with the results? Let me know about your experience and tips on getting rid of these pests in the comments.