How to Get Rid of House Centipedes: Detailed Centipede Removal Guide

Have you ever seen a house centipede? Maybe you’ve found a hideous insect with long legs on the wall of your house and were horrified? Then your initial reaction was to swat it and to throw it away. Of course, it is not hard to become a centipede killer, but much better is to figure out whether it was dangerous.

Perhaps, your attitude was hasty. Let’s find out more about the house centipede and the actions to take when you bump into this nocturnal creature crawling across your kitchen floor. Let’s also learn how to get rid of centipedes naturally without killing and causing harm to them. And as the last resort there is information on how to kill house centipede, if you don’t have another choice.

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  1. Catch a house centipede and take it outdoors.
  2. Check all rooms and secluded places for insects and destroy them if you find any.
  3. Check for water pipe leaks and bathroom/kitchen leaking taps.
  4. Prevent centipedes from entering the house.
  5. Clean up trash in the basement and garden.

Our #1 Pick Against House Centipedes

What are house centipedes?

House centipedes are not insects. They are arthropods. And even the bravest can fall from fear centipedes appearance causes.

Their size is from 3 to 6 cm. They are usually gray or brown and have three purple or bluish longitudinal strips and 15 pairs  of long striped legs. The last pair of legs may be twice the length of the body, so they are very often mistaken for the feelers. Outwardly it looks creepy.

Adult centipede has 30 legs. It is born with only 16 legs and their number increases with every molting. By the way, this can help you determine the age of the centipede and distinguish a juvenile from an adult specimen. House centipede can live from 3 to 7 years.

Interesting fact: it moves extremely quickly, lifting its body on long legs, and is capable of speeding up to 40 cm/sec!

What do centipedes eat?

Centipedes are predators. They prey on flies, termites, cockroaches, spiders, silverfish, moths, fleas and other insects. They usually hunt on the walls of the houses, sheds, and basements. They bide their time and then pursue the prey. House centipedes are active day and night, so you can meet them at any time.

How do centipedes get in my house?

These millipedes live under trees and hide under fallen leaves. House centipedes spend winter in secluded places – they crawl into a warm room with enough insects for food. They penetrate into the house through open windows, cracks, and take shelter in damp places (bath, toilet, and basement).

Where do centipedes live?

centipede on a ground

Living quarters are not the main habitat for house centipedes. This is a compulsory measure to escape cold snap in dwellings, basements, and garages. Centipedes live in warm and humid regions, hiding in the foliage. The Mediterranean was their home, and then they spread to Central and Southern Europe, North Africa, the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, and India. In the 19th century, centipedes were brought to Mexico and the Southern United States, and then they spread throughout the continent.

Are house centipedes harmless?

Apart from their hideous appearance, house centipedes doesn’t have other negative characteristics. They do no harm to furniture, food products, clothes, and animals. It is impossible to find the traces of house centipedes activities: they do not make your home look dirty, they do not make sounds, and there is no centipede smell.

Do house centipedes bite?

Do house centipedes bite

The insect is not aggressive and it tries to hide from people. House centipede stings only to protect itself, but its jaws are so weak that they cannot pierce the human skin anyway. Even if the house centipede bite happens, it feels like a bee sting. It can cause redness and swelling. But a cold compress can help you recover from a house centipede bite quickly.

Interesting superstitions and myths about house centipedes

According to the folk superstitions, the appearance of a centipede bug in house portends a good message or a letter. In fact, they are very timid and careful. House centipedes try not to get caught, so it’s not so easy to see them.

If you believe in superstitions, you will have to wait long for good news and letters 🙂 Another myth breeds fear. People are afraid of centipede crawling into the ear during sleep. There is not a single confirmed case.

The house centipede is afraid of people, and it would not fit into the ear because of its large size and long legs even if it wanted to. If this arthropod appears in the house – do not panic.

It will destroy all other pests that can cause real harm to both people and stuff. In tropical countries, where there are a lot of insects, people protect house centipedes and strongly encourage their presence.

Bugs that look like centipedes

But be careful! The house centipede looks much like other, more aggressive and dangerous millipedes. There is a risk of confusion between the unpleasant looking but harmless arthropod and life-threatening insects. To avoid this, you need to know what scolopendras, silverfish, and diplopods look like. They are also related to millipedes.

Scolopendra has a hard shell and it looks like a long brown or black worm. Its body consists of segments with pairs of short legs (from 30 to 342 legs depending on the species). Its length can reach up to 30 cm.


Why are they dangerous?

Scolopendras are venomous. Their bite can cause high temperature, edema, redness, and fever. It causes such pain that it can be compared with the sting of 20 bees at the same time. The bite can lead to fatal outcome only in case of an allergy.

In addition, the legs of the insect end with poisonous spines. Running on the human body, the scolopendra causes irritation and skin burns. They are also dangerous for animals. And birds can get poisoned if they accidentally pick up the insect.

Silverfish is an insect with a yellowish or greenish cone-shaped body 8-20 mm long. Unlike all other millipedes, they live in colonies and multiply rapidly.


How to get rid of silverfish?

To get rid of insects, you need to make a trap using a can or rolled-up newspaper, into which you should put bait: sugar or starch. A few days later, burn the newspaper with the silverfish that are inside.

Boric acid scattered near the cracks can also frighten them. The insecticide gel is an effective remedy to get rid of insects. And the centipede can also help you destroy silverfish.

Diplopods represent a large number of species depending on the habitat. Their length can reach from a few mm to 10-20 cm. They have 139 pairs of legs. And in California, there are specimens with up to 750 legs. But they move slowly because their legs are short.

All diplopods have a hard cover. They burrow into the top layer of the soil and feed on plant remains, leaves, and rotten wood. In case of danger, they fold into a ring or spiral protecting the vulnerable abdominal part of the body. 

Why are they dangerous?

Diplopods are venomous. Some of them contain hydrocyanic acid, and they use special scent glands to protect themselves against enemies. Poisoning the human  causes skin blackening and then flaking. If the poison gets into the eyes, this can lead to blindness.

In Mexico, the Indians used the poison of some diplopods to poison their arrows. And on the island of Haiti, there are diplopods that can spit out poisonous liquid over a distance of 75 cm.

All millipedes belong to the same class, but their lifestyle, habitat and appearance vary. In order not to confuse a harmless and even useful centipede with its dangerous venomous relatives, you must clearly remember the main distinctive features:

  • the centipede has a straight body, which is up to 6 cm long, with three longitudinal blue or violet strips;
  • long striped legs;
  • the back pair of legs is 2 times longer than the body;
  • high speed of movement.

Where do bugs that look like centipedes live?


Scolopendra are found in warm tropical areas. They do not tolerate the temperatures below 0°C and are killed by frost. In dry and hot weather, their body loses moisture very fast. That is why they live under the ground and in crevices, using already dug holes or constructing their own. There are more than 600 species in the wild, and each of them has its own characteristics and habitat.

In Australia and South America, there are very bright (red, purple or yellow) and large scolopendras. They are up to 15 cm long. Their mucus causes severe burns. Scolopendra polymorpha is dangerous because it secretes a substance that irritates the human skin.

The largest population of these insects lives in Australia. These millipedes reach a length of 30 cm and can attack lizards and chicks.


  • Active Ingredients: Bifenthrin – 0.05% Zeta-Cypermethrin – 0.0125%
  • Item Weight: 11.7 ounces
  • Liquid Volume: 1.1 Gallons
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 8.95 x 12 x 4.88 inches
  • Target Species: Ants, Cockroaches, Spiders, Fleas, Ticks, Scorpions, Beetles, Silverfish, Centipedes and Millipedes

Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer for Indoor & Perimeter

Ortho Home Defense Insect Killer is well-known for dealing with all kinds of large insects. It creates a defending barrier and keeps them from coming to your house with its killing effect. The formula acts pretty fast: in a couple of minutes, the barrier is here! Let it dry so that it could protect your house for the next twelve months. Just disperse it across the perimeter of your home and let it dry.

The spray contains pesticides, so you should be careful when applying it. It’s better to let your children and pets out of the house during the spraying procedure. Anyway, it’s entirely safe for humans and animals once it’s dry. Just wipe a paper towel over the area of application in a couple of minutes to check it for dryness. It’s completely stainless and odorless. You can use Ortho Killer both inside and outside your house.

Outside use can be as much effective, but you may need to repeat the spraying more often in case of rain and other weather conditions. It may not kill a centipede at once (that depends on its size), but it will surely scare it away.

  • kills and scares away even the large species;
  • creates an impenetrable bug barrier;
  • stainless and odorless;
  • pest control is kept for 12 months after a single application.
  • contains dangerous pesticide, requires careful treatment;
  • outdoors application needs to be repeated more often than indoors.


Silverfish are found in the South Temperate Zone and in the tropics. This insect is spread all over the world, preferring houses and apartments.


Diplopods number more than 7 thousand species. The majority of them is found in Asia, North Africa, and Australia. They differ not only in their habitat, but also in their appearance.

In California, there are diplopods with 750 legs. Very bright gray and yellow specimens live in the southeastern USA. They are 4-9 cm long. Desert species are the native inhabitants of the USA and Mexico. These soil-colored millipedes are 12-14 cm long. The longest diplopods live in the tropics. They are up to 38 cm long. And in Madagascar, there are bright red millipedes that grow 10-12 cm long.

How to get rid of centipedes

The appearance of a house centipede in your dwelling indicates high humidity and the presence of insects it usually eats. They live separately, and if you find one, this is most likely the only specimen in the house. There are some easy ways to get rid of centipedes.

  • Catch a house centipede and take it outdoors. Its body and limbs are fragile. The best way to get rid of a centipede is to catch it in the jar not to injure or crush it. The house centipede is useful, and it’s reasonable to keep it alive.
  • Check all rooms and secluded places for insects and destroy them if you find any. If there is no food, a house centipede will also leave.
  • Check for water pipe leaks and bathroom/kitchen leaking taps. Higher indoor humidity is the best habitat for house centipedes.
  • Prevent centipedes from entering the house: install mosquito nets on the windows and vents, repair all the cracks.
  • Remove paper, rotten wood, trash and debris from your basement. Insects that attract house centipedes usually live there.
  • Remove old dry leaves and twigs from your garden to prevent the emerging of house centipedes.

If there is still a need to kill centipedes, you should know that not all the methods are suitable for this.

  • You can use sticky tapes and tanglefoots for catching centipedes.


  • Active Ingredient: Hexane – 1.0%
  • Item Weight: 10.5 ounces
  • Number of Pieces: 12
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 4 x 3 x 3.25 inches
  • Target Species: Cockroach, Cricket, Ant, Spider

TERRO T3206SR Non-Toxic Indoor Spider

Catchmaster traps are the most effective and eco-friendly way of controlling large insects crawling around your premises. The secret of these traps is they’re small and designed to blend into the environment. The insects won’t notice the difference between the trap and landscape until they glue into it. The most effective way of use to set as many traps as you can.

One insect leg caught means a catch and the traps’ edges are sticky enough for that. Besides, small traps cost significantly less than the large ones. The traps are not harmful in any way. They contain only glue, so the catch depends on your strategical abilities to set them in places frequented by centipedes. Besides, these traps can be placed next to food storages and in other areas where pesticide appliance is extremely dangerous.

Recent research indicated that dead insects caught in the glue traps are attractive to their fellow species. Centipedes are carnivorous and happy to feed on other insects including centipedes, which means you don’t even need bait inside your traps.

  • best way of dealing with small infestations of large crawling insects;
  • completely safe;
  • designed to fit into the environment;
  • inexpensive.
  • may be ineffective for large infestations;
  • be careful to buy this product when it’s fresh.
  • Traps will not work: house centipedes eat only live insects and will not react to the bait.
  • Insecticides in the form of gels and powders are not as powerful against these creatures, because the house centipede leads a secluded way of life. And it is very hard to determine where it hides.

The most effective centipede killer is an aerosol insecticide. By the way, there a lot of species and you can use any of them, because house centipedes are rarely poisoned and they do not have immunity to toxic substances.


  • Active Ingredients: Deltamethrin – 0.05%
  • Item Weight: 1 Pounds
  • Formulation: Dust
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 4 x 4 x 10 inches
  • Target Species: Cockroach, Cricket, Ant, Spider, Silverfish, Wasp

TERRO T600 Ant Dust

Ant dust has proved to be one of the best means against centipedes. Its action principle is pretty similar to the Ortho Home Defense Spray. Apply it around windows, doors, porches, stairways, and any other places that may serve as centipede entrances to your house. Be very thorough when applying outside the house, spread the highest amount of dust around the foundation as it’s usually the spot where centipedes are active.

It takes three to four days to control the pests with ant dust. Terro ant dust contains Deltamethrin which is highly effective for fighting such large pests as centipedes. The formula is waterproof, so even if you use the dust outdoors, do not worry about the rain washing it away.

The killing effect lasts up to 8 months, so one 16 oz. can of the dust will be enough if your centipede infestation level is not critical. Apart from ants and centipedes, this Terro product is effective for pests of almost every kind and size there is. The formula is poisonous though, so please be sure your pets are kept away from the application area.

  • kills pests on contact;
  • active for up to eight months;
  • waterproof formula;
  • low price.
  • may cause harm to your pets;
  • dealing with a large-scaled infestation can be tricky.

It is worth considering that this arthropod benefits people. So, it is better to just scare it away instead of killing centipedes. Ultrasonic repellers and electronic repellents are used for this purpose.

Preventive measures against centipedes

In order to prevent the appearance of house centipedes, it would be reasonable not to allow them to enter the house. The main condition of not attracting a house centipede is to maintain the average humidity indoors.

For this, it is necessary to take a number of measures:

  • Clean the ventilation shaft and install forced ventilation in the bathroom, toilet, and kitchen.
  • Check your water supply pipes and plumbing. If there are leaks, eliminate them.
  • Install heated floors.
  • Make a window in the bathroom (in a private house).
  • Ventilate the rooms with high humidity regularly.
  • Install a heated towel rail – additional heating will remove condensate.
  • Do not dry your clothes in the bathroom.

If these measures do not reduce humidity, you should purchase special instruments and devices to prevent house centipedes appearance. They are divided into the following types:

Moisture absorbers

Moisture absorbers are devices, the aerodynamic shape of which allows air to circulate around the absorbent tablet.

Operating principle

The condensate is collected in a container, protected from spilling and overfilling. The tablets can be easily replaced after a set period of use. Granules and powders (silica gel), which are also easily replaced, can be used as an absorbent in the device. In rooms with an area of 30-40 m2, the absorbent will remain effective for 3-4 months. Some models have an indicator. It signals the need to replace the insert.

Where it is better to use them

It is convenient to use moisture absorbers in the kitchen, basement, garage, and dressing room. Some models represent an attractively-shaped absorbent tablet, inserted into a special container, where moisture is collected. This device can be placed on a table or nightstand and serve as a decoration.

What other absorbents exist

Granules (silica gel) are widely used. They are simply put in a fabric bag and placed in a room, pantry, dressing room or a bathroom. One side of the bag or its small window is made of a transparent material so that the degree of moisture absorption can be tracked. The silica gel beads change their color from blue to pink, which serves as a signal to replace the contents.

Advantages and disadvantages

Moisture absorbers are inexpensive. They do not consume electricity and are safe for humans and animals. The only drawback is that they are used for small rooms and take effect slowly.


Air dehumidifiers

Air dehumidifiers are devices capable to maintain the necessary humidity in any premises. They are divided into industrial (installed in large rooms with high humidity), and household (used in apartments, cottages, garages, basements, swimming pools, saunas, bathrooms, and kitchens). Dehumidifiers are selected according to the power required (from 12 to 300 l/day).

Operating principle

Condensation dehumidifiers suck the moist air in and draw it through a cooling coil with the help of a ventilator. Condensed moisture accumulates in a special container, and the air stream is hotted up by a heat exchanger. Thus, dry and warm air enters the room. Also, you can adjust the outlet air temperature.

Types of air dehumidifiers

Air dehumidifiers are divided into wall-mounted, floor standing, and built-in appliances. For your home, you can choose a compact, light and externally attractive floor standing dehumidifier. You can take it from one room to another as needed. More powerful devices are equipped with wheels for moving.

Wall-mounted dehumidifiers look stylish. You can select the one that best fits into the interior of your room, but their price is much higher.

Wall-mounted or stationary dehumidifiers are usually installed in swimming pool rooms located in houses or cottages. When installing stationary (built-in) dehumidifiers, the air duct is placed in an adjacent room for fresh outdoor air.

Advantages and disadvantages

Depending on the purpose and room size, you can choose models with small power consumption that work through the adapter. A higher power appliance is required for large damp rooms. The range of air dehumidifiers is huge enough to fit every need and budget. The only drawbacks are the price and electricity consumption.

Supply-air units

Supply-air units are new generation devices that cope with any level of humidity but require professional installation. You need to choose a place in the wall, where the device will be inserted, and make a hole. These appliances take the outdoor air, clean it, warm it in winter, disinfect it and bring it into the room.

Fighting excess humidity is a serious matter. It may be necessary to carry out structural refurbishment of the room and install additional systems of ventilation and heating. If the problem is not global, then ventilation regime, air dehumidifiers and moisture absorbers will be enough.


  • House Centipedes (PennState Extension):
  • Centipede Venom: Recent Discoveries and Current State of Knowledge (US Natioanl Library of Medicine):
  • Biology and Control of Spiders, Scorpions, Centipedes and Millipedes (University of Arkansas System):


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33 responses to “How to Get Rid of House Centipedes: Detailed Centipede Removal Guide”

  1. Mark from Chino Valley, 15 y.o. Avatar
    Mark from Chino Valley, 15 y.o.

    I always kill centipedes when see them creeping on the walls of my house. They are creepy and disgusting, so why shouldn’t I kill them? But once my grandmother saw me doing that and scolded me. She says that house centipedes are not dangerous but even beneficial for every house. Besides, it’s a bad sign to kill such harmless creatures. I am not superstitious, but what if she is right?

    1. Nicholas Martin Avatar
      Nicholas Martin

      Hey, Mark! Glad you’ve written to us to find out the correct answer. The first thing I need to say, don’t worry if you were a centipede killer before, because killing insects doesn’t mean that you urged the wreath of the gods, as your granny may think. But in the case of centipedes, this wise old woman is right: these insects are harmless and useful.
      House centipedes eat ants, bed bugs, cockroaches, and moths that can eat clothes. That is why centipede itself can save your house from pests. It doesn’t cause any harm to a human or his belongings. Centipedes appear in places of high humidity that is why they can inform you about pipe leaks in a bathroom or kitchen. In the article “HOW TO GET RID OF HOUSE CENTIPEDES AND DO YOU REALLY NEED TO DO IT?”, I’ve tried to tell as much about centipedes as household owners need. Saying briefly, listen to your grandma’s advice and do not kill centipedes.

    2. USG Avatar

      I used to kill centipedes, ants, wasps and other insects whenever i saw them since childhood. Then when i grew, i kept losing money in business. Every business kept failing. Though i was a scholar in school and university, i failed totally in life. Then i researched on internet and found that killing a living being even though its an insect attracts bad karma. So now i have stopped killing any insect, etc.

      But now i don’t know how to handle centipedes when they enter my room. Last night it entered my room so i used a stick to push it to the outer corner of my house. But what if it crawls back. Still researching on how to handle insects when they enter my house without harming them.

      Any ideas appreciated.

      1. Cory Toro Avatar
        Cory Toro

        That “bad luck” is pure superstition.

        Killing a bug doesn’t bring you “bad karma.”

  2. Louis Palmer Avatar
    Louis Palmer

    How do centipedes and millipedes breathe? Do they have lungs or something like this?
    Louis, pupil, 8 y.o.

    1. Nicholas Martin Avatar
      Nicholas Martin

      Hello, Louis! It’s so pleasant to find out that 8-years old boys and girls are interested in nature and entomology especially. It’s a nice question to start a discussion about the respiratory specialties of arthropods.
      Both millipedes and centipedes breathe through little holes on the sides of their bodies. These holes called spiracles open in an internal pouch leading to a tracheal system. Through this system, the exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide happens. Spiracles are the only external respiratory organs of centipedes and millipedes, but you won’t see them with the naked eye. They can be detected with a magnifying glass solely, so ask your biology teacher to show you the enlarged pictures of myriapods to see how do spiracles look like.
      Biologists also suggest that millipedes were the first animals to breathe air. This idea came from the fossil evidence. Their respiratory system is genuinely incredible, so there’s so much interesting to discover further, dear Louis.

  3. Mary, insectophobic from Minneapolis Avatar
    Mary, insectophobic from Minneapolis

    About a month ago I found out that except for house centipedes, the giant ones exist. I’ve read a story that in 2014 a little child died from a giant centipede bite, and now I am terrified of these creatures. I live in a country where giant centipedes do not inhabit though I’d like to discover more about them. Can you please tell me, how long do giant centipedes live?

    1. Nicholas Martin Avatar
      Nicholas Martin

      Dear Mary, I think you took this story too personally. This is the only known incident of death from giant centipede bite. However, good for you that you live far from places of Scolopendra Gigantea habitat.
      Scolopendra Gigantea, or simply saying, a giant centipede lives about ten years. The species can be found in tropical and subtropical rainforest or tropical dry forest. So avoid these climate zones, and you will never meet these long-livers.

  4. Sarah, 44 y.o., housewife Avatar
    Sarah, 44 y.o., housewife

    I discovered centipedes in my bathroom. Want to get rid of them ASAP!! Is there a spray to kill centipedes?

    1. Nicholas Martin Avatar
      Nicholas Martin

      Hello, Sarah. If you have free 15 minutes, you could read an article in my blog where you will find out that killing centipedes is not necessary at all. Whether you still prefer to kill centipedes, you can really use a spray. There are loads of sufficient means to get rid of house centipedes, and sprays are among them. You can pick one from well-known brands as Raid, Ortho, Tempo, Wondercide, and so on. It can also be a foam spray like Pur Black NF Foam or any other corresponding insecticide put in a hand pump sprayer.

    2. Cory Toro Avatar
      Cory Toro

      Hairspray does the trick for me.

      I live in NYC where the summers are hot and very humid, so summer in NYC is high centipede season.

      I know they’re harmless, but I can’t stand them around my place, so I use hairspray on them, which covers them with a stickiness that shows them down, then blot it with a tissue and flush it down the toilet.

      I do this only with the larger ones…the small, tiny ones don’t bother me, so I just leave those.

      I also have an A/C with a built-in dehumidifier that I keep on full-barrel all summer.

  5. M. J., retiree. Avatar
    M. J., retiree.

    I’ve tried to manage a problem of house centipedes for rather a long time, but still they appear. Is there a proven method to kill house centipedes for good?

    1. Nicholas Martin Avatar
      Nicholas Martin

      Hello, M.J. If you have tried many methods of killing centipedes, but they still return, maybe you do something wrong? As you know, centipedes appear in the places with high humidity, so the process of getting rid of centipedes starts with checking whether you have such places at your home.
      Try to follow simple recommendations, first. Check all pipes in your house, clean ventilation shafts, repair cracks, vent rooms with high humidity, install moisture absorbers, heated floors and a towel rail in your bathroom, and so on. You can also install mosquito nets to stop centipedes from entering your house. After this stage, you can proceed to use chemicals. There are lots of different means to choose from: sprays, aerosols, and dusts. Check the following titles in the web: LambdaStar UltraCap, Cyper WSP, Invader HPX aerosol, D-Fense Dust. They all proved themselves to be efficient in fighting centipedes. Hope, you will solve the issue soon.

  6. Alice Channing Avatar
    Alice Channing

    Do house centipedes eat ants?

    1. Nicholas Martin Avatar
      Nicholas Martin

      Hello, dear reader of PestControlHacks. The answer is yes, which means that house centipedes help getting rid of various pests including ants.

  7. Joanne Avatar

    Hy. I have a reaaaalllly bad phobia against centipedes. And tonight a saw one as big as my thumb. I freaked the f out, nearly had a panick attack. Problem is i want to get rid of them permanently but we have a 7 month old baby in the room. What can i use to not harm the baby or my dog??

  8. Aubrey Avatar

    Mouse Extermination: How to Get Rid of Mice. Prior to engaging in any extermination or control methods, it is necessary to properly identify your pest population.

  9. Yashraj Avatar

    Nice post and very helpful as well. I am glad that I stumbled upon your post as this is very helpful to me to get rid of centipedes that are in my house from the past few days. keep sharing such helpful tips with the readers.

  10. Linda Avatar

    I too have a centipede phobia. They have decided to show up in my bedroom so often this year that I literally have not slept there in 3 months. I sleep on couch with all lights on and fans blowing. This is now starting to affect my health because I cannot sleep! I am so afraid they will crawl on me while I sleep. One has already crawled across my pillow. I do not like to kill them because they are good bugs, plus they make a huge mess when squashed, so my husband has tried to catch & release them but they are way too fast so now he kills them. The last one I saw had to be at least 3+ inches long. I have cayenne pepper up and down my baseboards as well as peppermint essential oils sprayed everywhere. I have had in 3 months more than 20 sightings in my bedroom, garage, kitchen sink, dishwasher, shower, walls, ceiling, patio, and in the middle of my family room floor. It has been very wet spring. I have pets so I do not want pesticides. I cannot live like this, constantly looking at marks on walls to see what it is. Any additional suggestions? I also have huge wolf spiders and sometimes mice, but they dont scare me. Just the stupid centipedes.

    1. Nicholas Martin Avatar
      Nicholas Martin

      Hi, Linda. Thank you for sharing your experience.

      I’d advise you to call the closest Pest Control company to your house and let them examine your house. It’s not easy to give good advice remotely, because in some cases you can get rid of pests just by sealing cracks or crevices in the house with foam sealant, and other ones demand to work with special equipment. Hire an Exterminator, there are a lot of good offers on this market nowadays.

  11. Ashley J Avatar

    If you find a centipede in your house, stop immediately & then either play or perform Centipede by Rebbie Jackson! They love this song & will definitely not harm you when you have their favorite jam playing!

    1. Nicholas Martin Avatar
      Nicholas Martin

      Best comment ever 🙂

  12. Anji Avatar

    Thank you for spreading the good word. I’ve been friends with house centipedes for a few years now. They really do good work and if people are frightened of them it’s best to put them outside. I think they learn quite quickly too. At the begining of spring I was finding one most mornings in the kitchen sink. I left a tea towel as a ladder to help them out. Haven’t seen one now for a while. Thanks for the useful info on flies – if only house centipedes could fly!

  13. Hakeem Avatar

    Hello! My have has been very agitated lately because of these insects. I have killed a couple myself simply because the pincers at the end make them look dangerous. A couple of days ago she showed me a dried up one, greenish in colour, on the bed. She’s particularly worried because of the kids. Most of the ones I encountered were in the bathroom. Should I be worried?

    1. Nicholas Martin Avatar
      Nicholas Martin

      Hi, Hakeem, thank you for your question.

      Insects in bed are no good. Not sure from your comment which ones you have, so it’d be better for you to consult your local pest control services. Take care.

  14. Dawn Avatar

    I have a room In an unfinished basement it’s an old house with cracks and leaks in pipes especially at the laundry tub. I immediately cry and go into a panic attack when I see one. I hate to admit it..but if I see one..I kill it..or rather my husband does lol but if he’s not me the only thing worse than having it not know g where it went. I have seen MANY mostly on floor but some on walls. I bout a big jug of home defense max by ortho it comes with a wand and I spray all. Around doors sink drain some on walls under washer dryer and in corners and the base of the walls. But they keep coming. I must have to seel crevices I guess. I hate them. I realize they kill other bugs..but they are the only thing I hate more than spiders.

    1. Nicholas Martin Avatar
      Nicholas Martin

      Dawn, I’m so sorry that you have to deal with all of it.

      Pests are something that comes with big houses, I guess. If this gives you so much stress, maybe you should consult your local pest control services.
      Anyway, thank you for sharing your experience. I hope I was able to help you with my blog.
      Take care!

    2. Darrian Avatar

      I have them in my basement and they seem to be coming from the drain in the floor. Check the floor drains down there and. I’m going to try the vinegar and baking soda tomorrow. I. Cant seal off the drain because 2 hoses go down there.

  15. Crystal Avatar

    Oh my! I just looked this up after rinsing one down the drain. I didn’t know they were beneficial. I raise crickets for my daughter’s iguana. One or two are always getting out. I hope the cenipedes are enjoying them along with the other assortment of little bugs around here. I’ll leave them alone from now on. I always wanted an ugly friend that keeps their legs clean and keeps all my real enemies away.

    1. Nicholas Martin Avatar
      Nicholas Martin

      Thank you for your story, Crystal :)!
      It’s nice to read that somebody can have fun with centipedes 😀

  16. Saptu Avatar

    Very nice I just saw a centepede near my bedroom and can’t sleep :v I’m reading these comments and keeping my light room light on ! I’m from India it’s 5 am !

  17. Aish Avatar

    I am freaking out so badly right now. I moved to a new house with my two year old and in one day have seen TWO SCOLOPENDRAS. I sprayed everything with home defense but I am so scared, I don’t know what else to do. I will have a panic attack if i see one again.

  18. Melissa Avatar

    I just found a centipede in my third floor apartment. I caught him in a jar and brought him to the communal basement. I was worried he may not survive well outside. Is this true, or would it have been okay? I also hope he wasn’t eaten by another basement predator . But it happened to be the same color as the basement stairs, so I hope he is able to live his best life down there!

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