Best Snake Traps in [year]: Expert Reviews

snake trap
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Snakes are incredibly dangerous neighbors. While they do not have legs, they can crawl inside your house without any noise. Venomous snakes kill at least 80 000 people around the world every year. In comparison, sharks, which many of us are afraid of so much, kill only 10 people per year, on average.

Some deaths from snakes’ venom are not even recorded, mainly because their victims live in rural and hard to reach areas. So, the numbers can be twice higher.

Best Humane Snake Trap
Frabill Minnow Trap, 8 x 8 x 18-Inch, Black (1268)
Its price is lower than for similar items.
My preview
Best Snake Glue Trap
Catchmaster Rat, Snake and Mouse Traps 12Pk, Large Bulk Glue Rat Traps for Home, Pre-Scented...
Does not contain chemicals.
My preview
Frabill 1271 Fishing Equipment Nets & Traps, Multi, One Size
Easy way to catch snakes.
My preview

There are 3 000 different species in the world, and 600 of them are venomous. And even though 200 of these reptiles can be used for medical purposes, people still die from them. It means, that whenever you see a snake nearby, you have to act.

The best snake trap is something you have to find yourself based on your preferences and situation with these dangerous reptiles. And I am here to help you with this. You will find a detailed guide on how to use a trap, where, and when, apart from my top 5 recommended list of products.

As a professional entomologist with decades of experience, I must say that snake infestation is not something that happens often, but you have to be prepared for it.

Garter snakes

Top 5 Best Snake Traps

  1. Frabill Minnow Trap
  2. Catchmaster Baited Rat, Mouse and Snake Glue Traps
  3. Cahaba Glue Catch Inserts 6 Pack
  4. Frabill 1271 Fishing Equipment Nets & Traps
  5. HARRIS Supersized Snake Glue Trap

Look through these snake trap reviews before you will order one of them. I have gathered the most reliable items here, in my opinion. All of them have unique features, which I am going to mention in this list. Read the pros and cons, and choose the one that you need.

1. Frabill Minnow Trap – Reliable Humane Snake Trap


  • Material: Blend
  • Number of Pieces: 1
  • Item Weight: ‎2 Pounds
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 18 x 8 x 8 inches
  • Target Species: Crawfish or Minnows

Minnow Trap by Frabill works great on venomous snakes without killing them. A snake crawls in, but can’t get out through the tiny holes in the cage. No matter whether you have copperhead, black, or other poisonous snakes, you can use this trap without a bait.

I recommend you to use snake tongs or hooks to press the head of this reptile while moving the cage, especially if you are not sure whether it is poisonous or not.

The trap was created by Frabill, the company that produces humane traps and nets for pests. It is made of high-quality vinyl. The black color, according to developers, has to provide extra benefit by camouflaging the trap. The size of the product is 8 x 8 x 18 inches.

It can be placed even in saltwater and work flawlessly there. Pay attention to the affordable price. I also must warn you not to release the snake you caught close to other houses.

  • humane trap;
  • reliable materials;
  • reusable;
  • its price is lower than for similar items;
  • salt-water resistant.
  • you will have to get rid of the snake by yourself.

2. Catchmaster Baited Rat, Mouse and Snake Traps – Affordable Non-Toxic Snake Glue Traps


  • Material: Plastic
  • Number of Pieces: 12
  • Item Weight: ‎8 ounces
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 3.85 x 0.5 x 0.43 inches
  • Target Species: Cockroach, Cricket, Mouse, Rat, Snake, Spider

Affordable Non-Toxic Snake Glue Traps

Baited Rat, Mouse, and Snake Glue Traps by Catchmaster include 12 trays in one pack, which is a savvy offer. If you have mice or rats, you will find these traps helpful as well. I have personally checked them on rats and snakes.

All you need is to put them in the place where you saw a snake the first time or close to it. Since there are 12 trays, I recommend putting several near the entrances and windows. They do not contain chemicals, and you don’t have to worry about using them inside the house, near children or pets.

These traps are disposable. You can fold each of them in the shape you need to put under a sink or dishwashing machine. Catchmaster is a top seller of various pests’ traps. You can also buy a smaller number of trays, but I recommend picking this offer and placing traps around the house.

The glue in trays already contains an attractant, so you don’t have to worry about extra baits. The glue is powerful enough to hold the reptile inside.

  • 12 trays in the pack;
  • disposable traps;
  • does not contain chemicals;
  • contains an attractant;
  • powerful glue.
  • these trays are not reusable. Once the snake is caught, you have to get rid of it.

3. Cahaba Glue Catch Inserts 6 Pack – the Best Offer Among Big Snake Traps That Work

No products found.

The Glue Catch Inserts 6 Pack Trap by Cahaba Snake Trap is a perfect way to catch 6 feet long big snakes. The developers of the trap also recommend to use it for Tegu lizard or Iguana that can be met in Florida.

However, I can’t say anything for sure, since I have not checked it on other reptiles, except snakes which turned out great. It is lightweight and can be easily folded and pushed under the sink or wardrobe.

Cahaba Snake Trap company, which produces different baits and traps for snakes, has high reviews from their clients. This time, they offer the trap with powerful sticky glue that can handle even the long reptile, with 180 sq inches area. This product is disposable and resistant to the water.

Warning! The glue is so strong, it can hold birds as well. You have to make sure that you put it somewhere far from other animals except snakes.

  • easily folded material;
  • strong glue to hold 6-feet snake;
  • works well on other pests;
  • disposable;
  • does not require additional baits.
  • it is not reusable.

4. Frabill 1271 Fishing Equipment Nets & Traps – Reliable Metal Live Snake Trap


  • Material: Blend
  • Size: One Size
  • Item Weight: 1.05 Pounds
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 10 x 9.75 x 9 inches
  • Target Species: Minnows

Fishing Equipment Nets & Traps

The 1271 Fishing Equipment Nets & Traps by Frabill is reusable and easy to use cage for reptiles. This trap is made of high-quality galvanized metal. The product can be used underwater.

It has a unique design, made in two parts, which guarantees easy removal of the catch and bait. You can use various baits inside, it is up to you. Many users say that this trap does not need any bait.

Frabill is a top seller of snake traps on the market. It creates humane traps that do not kill reptiles. Before you will release snake somewhere, you have to make sure that the territory is empty, and there are no houses close to the place. After that, you may reuse the trap again. It is extremely important to keep your hands out of the snake during the release moment.

  • humane trap;
  • unique design;
  • easy way to catch snakes;
  • affordable price;
  • reusable.
  • you have to release snake yourself.

5. HARRIS Supersized Snake Glue Trap – an Expert in Trapping Snakes of Big Sizes


  • Non Toxic: The trap does not use pesticides, poisons, or chemicals
  • Number of Pieces: 1
  • Item Weight: ‎7 ounces
  • Item Dimensions LxWxH: 11.81 x 11.02 x 8.66 inches
  • Target Species:Cockroach, Mouse, Rat, Snake, Silverfish

Harris Snake Glue Trap

Supersized Snake Glue Trap by HARRIS offers you an extra sticky trap that may hold long snakes for you. Unlike many other glue traps, it has a cap with additional glue to help you hold the snake inside while removing it from your house.

While the snake is stuck on one part, fold another and press it to its body, so this reptile would not be able even to move. The trap is 15 x 10 large. Besides, it can catch other pests like mice and rats as well.

HARRIS is popular for its traps and insecticides. It helps to get rid of different pests in your house. They created this non-toxic trap for inside use in private houses, as well as in schools, storages, hospitals, offices.

Don’t worry about children, it does not contain chemicals. However, I strongly recommend you not to touch the glue with your fingers. The item is not reusable.

  • affordable price;
  • advanced powerful glue;
  • catches numerous pests;
  • large area of action;
  • non-toxic.
  • not reusable.

A Detailed Manual and FAQ


Let’s talk about snake traps more. This is a common name for devices that were created to capture serpents. They vary by design, price, and materials. The long story short, there are three main types of these items:

Snake Box Trap or Cage Trap

These products are slamming shut after the snake is in. This type is considered to be one of the most humane options. You can put a bait inside and wait till the snake will get trapped. After that, you will have to let it go somewhere far from people;

Glue Traps

They can vary depending on your purpose. Some of them may contain poisonous chemicals and kill the snake that stuck, and others can be humane which hold the reptile until you release it. If you prefer the first option, this is possibly the best snake killing tool among the traps you may find.

However, if the snake does not pose any danger, you may use the humane type. To release the snake, you can use simple cooking oil. Don’t release it yourself if you don’t know the type of the snake. Never let it get close to your fingers.

glue snake trap

Minnow Traps

Such traps were not originally made for snakes, but they turned out to be one of the most effective ways to catch these reptiles. From a garter snake trap to copperheads, you will find it easy to use. It is also non-toxic and does not require additional efforts.

You may simply place the trap near the house, storage, or another facility. It is cheap and reusable. If you catch the poisonous snake, you may try to put the minnow trap with it in the fridge. The snake will fall into hibernation and die peacefully.

snake trap

How Does a Trap Work?

Different types of traps have their own specifics. Usually, snakes are attracted by some kind of baits. Some glue traps are already covered with a pleasant scent that lures reptiles. They can be placed close to the nests of snakes to make the whole procedure faster.

All of the rattlesnake traps are simple in use. You don’t have to catch a snake with bare hands. Moreover, I strongly advise you not to touch snakes with your hands or other parts of the body. Make sure there is no one in your family who can do this either.

To settle down the most effective trap, start with finding the nest. Snakes prefer to live on trees or in bushes. They can move to live in your basement during the cold seasons. Check out the areas close to your house and the inside, but don’t go near snakes on your own.

Tips for Trapping Snakes

Before you will set a trap, I recommend you to learn what kind of snakes of North America you are dealing with. It is extremely important. There are numerous ways to deal with snakes, and all of them work on specific snakes. I have mentioned traps for different types, so before you buy the item, learn your enemy. My tips for you are:

  • Always plan in advance. Think about what you will do after the trap is full. Depending on the type and your fear of snakes, you can either let them go or kill;
  • Clean the mess in your yard. Snakes are attracted to bushes, tree branches, and other places to hide;
  • Choose the best location for the trap. Find the nest, place it nearby, or secure your doors and windows. I recommend you do both;
  • Pick the best bait for the snake. Snakes love to eat eggs;
  • Read the local rules for snake relocations before you catch one;
  • Measures of safety.

snake near the stone

Pay attention to this paragraph as it may save your life! Do not come close to a snake with bare hands! Do not pock it! Snakes can bite. They can be deadly. Snakes do not hesitate before the attack. If you are standing near the snake, the best option is not to run but stay as still as possible.

If you have snakes in your yard, wear special protective boots and gloves. It is ok to ask for the help of a professional. There is definitely a pest control service in your area, don’t be ashamed to call them for help.


white thin snake

Can a Trap Catch-All Types of Snakes?

It depends on the trap you have bought. On average, the market offers traps for the medium size reptiles like copperheads and garden snakes. But if you are looking for the one that can catch a black rat snake, you have to consider its size.

I have mentioned several traps for long snakes on the list. Some of them are glue traps, other – box traps. I recommend reading the description of the product and client reviews before you buy it.

How to Catch Garden Snake?

A garden or garter snake is the widest spread reptile around the USA’s yards. Its venom may kill salamanders, snails, worms, and other small animals they feed on. They can’t kill humans; however, their bite may cause irritation and swelling of the skin.

To catch them, use glue traps or minnow traps with baits. Usually, they make nests close to the source of water. I don’t recommend to catch them with your hands. Even if these serpents are not poisonous for you, their bite can still be infected. See the doctor if you were bitten by this snake.

How to Trap a Snake in the House?

cobra sticks out tongue

Glue traps are the most effective when put inside the house. I recommend you to use them in the place where you have noticed the reptile. You have to act fast, so the snake wouldn’t have time to make a nest and bring more serpents into your home. Check out whether the glue contains chemicals or not before you put it in the house with children. Set up another trap to make sure that there are no snakes left.

What to Do with Trapped Snakes?

You can decide what to do with the trapped animal by yourself. Before you do it, read the official rules and laws in your state or county. If there is no possibility to release the snake somewhere in the area, you will need to kill it.

Sometimes, special research or medical institutions require specific species, so you can bring a snake there. Whenever you want to release the reptile from the glue trap, use the oil on its body.

How to Make a Snake Trap?

If you don’t have enough money to buy a professionally made trap, you can always use multiple tutorials and learn how to make it yourself. However, I strongly advise you not to do this. The main reason is that you can’t create a powerful trap by yourself, and you may easily mix wrong ingredients.

You may see the videos from people on YouTube who are sharing their secrets on how to catch the snake with an empty can from Coke. Snakes are dangerous and poisonous creatures. They will attack you whenever they will feel the threat.

I don’t recommend making snake traps at home. Each of the products on my list is pretty affordable, so don’t be greedy, it may save your life.

Do I Need to Call Professionals?

I strongly recommend you to call professional exterminators who can remove a snake from your house if you have noticed a snake that looks venomous. If it is crawling in your yard, and you have never dealt with these reptiles before, don’t go with DIY recipes. You have to call local pest control and describe the situation. Venomous snakes can be released after you caught them.

Which Trap to Choose?

You don’t have to decide which trap you want to use right away. Learn everything you need about the snake that you saw, and make sure you can deal with it on your own. You will find glue, box, and minnow traps on the list. Check their price, materials they are made of, company developers, and read the reviews of other customers.

If you have tried one of the traps from the list, share your opinion about it in the comments. Was it helpful? Did you like it? You can describe both positive and negative experiences here.


  • Who can remove a snake from my garden or house? (NSW Government):
  • Common Garter Snake (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service):
  • Snakebites kill at least 80,000 people per year and probably more (Deutsche Welle):
  • Snakes, facts and information (National Geographic):


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